Moral Philosophical Approach - Lamboloto PDF

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Stopping by woods on a snowy evening

The poem’s theme focuses on the nature and what makes the speaker stops him
from stopping and enjoying the beauty of nature. “whose woods these are I think
I know his house is in the village though”He envies the owner of the wood because
it has a beautiful land yet he lives in town. So there’s a hint that the owner
does not appreciate what he has. One of the moral principles that most people
agree on is keeping promises. As I read the poem, the moral philosophical approach
is the speaker gets overwhelmed in the beauty of the nature and the quiet nothing
but the very gentle wind you can hear it makes him wants to stay for long. The
horse portrays as the people who he left behind that gives him a reminder that
he has duties and responsibilities to the people.
The road not taken

The poem a road not taken is all about the trip of life. It is an ambigous piece
of poetry that might allow critics to ponder about various choices in life deeply.
It is all about whether you will choose your free will against determination.
Whether the narrator of the poem chooses to take the straight or a curve route
“ two roads diverged in a yellow wood and sorry I could not travel both and
be one traveler”.Moral concerned with the principles of right and wrong behavior.
In here the traveler was faced into two different way. The speaker is regretting
that he is just one person. Many people faced this kind of situation where in
he or she needs to make a decision even though we are still not sure of what
its leading up to.The speaker took the other part he thinks its a good choice
it looks more okay than the other part. As the speaker walks more into the path
he realize that the two paths at some point have more or less equal to each other.
In reality we are taking the choices we make regrets questions comes like the
“the flash” in our minds and ask ourselves “what if?”. As we continue to
read the third verse the speaker also taught that he is just saving the other
road later but then again he figure out that in life one road tends to lead onward
to another. If we already decided what choices we made then it will lead us to
another choices. So it may be impossible to really go back and take new decision.
The road not taken doesn’t always mean you are choosing from something that
us right and wrong. Sometimes the two paths can be both good for you but have
different situations and outcomes or it can be also both be bad. In life whatever
challenges, choices or decision we made. We will always have regret, we will
always ask ourselves what if I took it? What if I choose it? Will I have a
different outcome? Would my life be better?.
Richard Cory
Richard Cory was a refined upperclassmen from head to toe. He always looked well
kept and thin. The narrator portray Richard Cory as a man who you may see or
think that have it all like money,good look, gentility and connection to others.
The people on the community looked up on him and work hard just to be like him.
At the end of the poem there is a line that when I read it makes me think and
ask myself. If Richard Cory has this perfect seeming life why did he shot himself?
Do you think it is an moral act to end your own life? As I read the poem I realized
that looks can be deceiving. In the case of Richard Cory maybe he really does
not have the perfect life maybe he was just trying to cover himself with all
of that things. Another reason can be even though he has all the money and all
things but he has no intimate relationship he has so many connection but a true
friend who he can talk to about the problems he have or A family who he can visit
when he is stress out. Sometimes these are the reason why some people end up
killing themselves. The incident of Richard Cory should be a lesson to all of
us. Do more of the thinks that makes us happy, be contented of all the things
we have, take a rest if we are tired. Have fun, don’t pressure yourself. The
lines “so on we worked, and waited for the light and went without the meat and
cursed the bread”. The people gave up their fancy as much as they want be how
simple is Richard Cory even though they are not happy about it anymore and if
they do things that are not making them happy there is a huge possibility that
they may end up like him.
The Parable of the Good Samaritan
In the parable of the good Samaritan there was a man who is going down to jerusalem
but he was attacked by the robbers. They stripped him, beat him and went away
leaving him half dead. A priest happened to be going down the same road but when
he saw the mean he passed by on the other side. A levite came, also saw him but
just did the same thing the priest does. A Samaritan came a soon as he saw the
man he took pity on him and put some bandages to his wounds. He out the man on
his donkey went ton an in and took care of him. The next day he paid two denarii
to the inn keeper and said “look after him and when I return I will reimburse
you for any extra expenses you may have”. As we reflect on the parable, we learned
that having an intention to help is good but doing something to that intention
is a whole much better. The priest and Levite may had an intention in helping
that man but they ignored him and just passed by. The reason can be because they
are in a hurry or they do not know the man what if he may hurt them.The samaritans
intention did not save the man but his actions whatever the reason can be. He
end up doing something. In our time, the half dead man’s photos would end up
in the social media then they will put a caption “please help this man” “a
man was attacked by the robbers”then a whole lot of people will comment on the
photos asking what happened? Where is it?. Only a few would actually dare to
help call an ambulance, call a police. They feel sorry for what happened to the
man but not enough to get involved.

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