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How to pass the interview

Part 1:

Initial Interview - For this assessment they will let you pick a random number and each number
has a corresponding question. Questions are random and out of the box for example:

What is the difference between empathy and sympathy?

What is your favorite fruit and why?
If you were trapped in a deserted island what would you bring and why?

These are just some of the questions you might encounter. Don’t be nervous during the
interviews 60% of applicants fail due to mental block or stuttering during these processes. They
will just check your english here if it’s trainable. Practice tongue twisters, enhance your
vocabulary and lastly relax and calm down the key here is that during the initial interview you
need to speak! You can’t be conservative about your words since they are gauging your english.

Part 2:

HR Interview - The purpose of this assessment is to check if you will be an asset to the
company or just a liability. The interviewer will check your employment records and ask
questions why the sudden jump to Alorica. I’ll give you some sample questions:

1) I see here that you were working with MCdonalds before so why did you suddenly
decide to apply in Alorica?
2) After 3 months and you were not performing you realized you were a liability to the team
what will you do?

They want to check if you're serious in applying. Some applicants tend to go AWOL after the
training because they couldn’t handle it which is why they will check if you would easily give up
if you’re having a hard time. Of course you don’t want to give them that impression, provide
positive statements on how you never give up on a challenge or you can cite examples from
your past that will highlight your commitment to the job.

Additional tip Alorica does not allow applicants which have pending applications to other
companies, other Non-Bpo opportunities and currently enrolled applicants or applicants who
have plans in going to school. If you’re wondering why then think of it this way, if by any chance
you were to be enrolled in school then it would greatly affect your work or you might quit
altogether. They will never accept anybody that has uncontrollable factors that might affect
productivity of the employees in the future.

Online Test:
Nothing to advise you on this since they let you take this 2 - 3 times. It’s easy you don’t have to

Final Interview:

To be honest topics here are random and there are times it would just be funny.

Alorica has many types of interview and different qualities depending on the account so let me
give you an overview on how things work

Telco - This refers to accounts for teleservices in America a great example would be companies
like Globe, Smart and SUN. Normally for Telco accounts they do Roleplaying wherein the
interviewer will pretend that he/she is the customer and you will try to answer the call. The flow
would be something like this:

(Ring Ring)
Agent: Thank you for calling ______ my name is _______ how can I help you today?
Customer: I was charged for _________

Of course they will give you a printout for the situation for you to study before the mock call.

Other final interviews can also be providing instructions like

1) Can you describe how to get from your place to Alorica Makati
2) How do you cook sinigang?

But as I said final interviews are random so just be ready.

Hope that helps kindly inform the front desk that you were scheduled by me Bryann Perron
Esguerra / 3780701.

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