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Service Marketing Report on E-Business

Submitted By:
Badhon Biswas Id: 2017-2-10-178
Syed Nakib Abdullah Antor Id: 2017-2-10-204
Iftyear Rahman Id: 2018-1-10-294
SK Rishadur Rahman Id: 2016-1-10-065
Ishrat Kamal Trisha Id: 2014-3-10-030

Submitted To:
Dr. S. S. M. Sadrul Huda
Assistant Professor
[Department of Business Administration, East West University]
Welcome to ASAP. We are countries first 24/7 online ambulance service provider. We start our
journey in 2020 when the global pandemic corona spread it's infections thorough the country.
Getting primary medical treatment and support was beyond possible. From this ASAP start
journey. Our primary focus is to ensure primary health support for every individual. We are
providing variety of ambulance support with highly skilled drivers and service boy. Our highly
equipped ambulances can make our hospital journey comfortable and give you a feel of saftiness.
Right now we are serving across the Dhaka metropolitan.

Business Profile:
ASAP is countries first online 24/7 ambulance service. Our model is As Soon As Possible sevice
providing to our customers. Our fast service providing can save our customers life. We provide
high flow oxygen, ICU ambulance, Freezer Van, and every facility for our patients. Open our
App or The website; we are ready to serve you ASAP.
Our office is suited at Jaharul Islam City, Aftabnagar, Dhaka – 1212. Our hotline number is
01790134389. We are always ready to provide service 24/7.
Our Email Address:
Facebook page:

We are ready 24/7 with our logistics support team for messaging replies to our customers. Our
business model is providing online ambulance service. Customers can take our service by online.
Some of customers are asked to know information’s about our service in post comment option.
We have to answer by comment replies. So we have to always active online.

We are providing the best effort to grab our customers:

*24/7 service

*Highly equipped ambulances

*ICU support

*Inter Dhaka service

*Safe and quick service

Product Description of ASAP:
By product description we are trying to say that what kind of products or medical equipments
will be there in our ambulances. To gain the customer’s satisfaction and to get their attention, it
is very important to have all the necessary medical emergency equipments by which we can give
instant primary treatment to the patients. This strategy of having all necessary equipments will
attract the people more to use our service.

Our ambulances will be highly equipped with air conditioner, high oxygen support, special seats
for autistic patients, and all other emergency supplies that a patient would need in emergency

Our ambulance will contain-ECG monitor and a Defibrillator machine, Spinal board, Transport
Ventilators, Suction Unit, Infusion Syringe Pumps, Cot, Patient Shifting Rolls, Ambulance
Chair, Nebulizer, Oxygen Supply Units, Sphygmomanometer, rescue splints and bandages,

And other essentials like sterile gauze dressings, plasters, crepe bandages, adhesive dressings,
disposable gloves, scissors and tweezers, and disinfectant sterile solutions will also be available
in our ambulance for emergency cases.
And apart from the equipment’s, our drivers will be also be highly skilled and nurses will be
there to help the patient’s in the ambulance. And if there will be any extreme emergency case,
we will also provide an emergency doctor in the ambulance because sometime it is very
important to start the primary treatment instantly, to save the patient’s life.

Marketing Plan and Process:

First of all we had established an official Facebook page then we worked for it. How to develop
the page, how to reach the page to people and for growing up we boost up the page to engage the
page and people are known about it. What is the real things, what are the activities of this
Facebook page?

This is our official Facebook Page

After connecting the people we had started to create post on our page. Every week we created
our post to engage people about our service. How to grab our service easily and how we serve
our efforts to our customers. Customers are very easily find out us and we are always active to
response our customer. Customers enquire about our services by messages and comment section,
we are always responsible to give the information's.

Already we are receiving our service feedback. Some of our customers are reviewed on our
official Facebook page. Some are gladden with our service, some of are neutral with our service.
We replies the feedback and we are very inspired to see these types of feedback.
At last we share our business page and our activities from our personal Facebook ID and create
awareness to friends and family person about our business profile and our services, how to
process and give our full service and how work our platform.
Distribution Delivery Process:
ASAP offers ambulance services 24/7. Consumers must open our website or our application and
fill in all the inquiries, then our ambulance will be there ASAP at the location of some more
ambulances. For, example, in Mohammadpur housing society, we have one ambulance at Asad
gate, one ambulance and another is in the Beribad area. So, we can give the customer. It's
that simple and we are even working on a method that will assist customers in a time-consuming
manner, like we are going to add a specific number, so consumers won't even need internet
connectivity to get our services. ASAP has ambulances of its own. We have at least 2 vehicles in
41 Thanas of Dhaka, totaling 112. We spread out ambulances based on overcrowding, we have
picked places based on its capita, and just as in crowded areas we have the people our full
service. We have got garages to pay for our cars. So, there are no issues about our availability.
We have got our drivers for each vehicle and they have got their app as well. For instance, if
there is a customer close to that specific driver, the app will alert him immediately.

Financial Plan:
Pricing of our service:
Pricing is a vital part in any business or service. Demand of the service depends a lot on the
pricing. It is one of the first considerations for many customers and it determines the profit
margin of products or services.

To fix the price rate of your service we had to think a lot. Because as we are providing huge
range of emergency equipment’s in our ambulances, the service charge will obviously be higher
than the other ambulances. But beside our benefit, we also need to think about the customers.
That’s why we divided our ambulance service and charges into different categories.
In the first category, our rent and service cost will be a bit higher. In some of your ambulances
highly advanced emergency equipment’s like- ECG monitor and a Defibrillator machine, Spinal
board, Transport Ventilators, Suction Unit, Infusion Syringe Pumps, Cot, Patient Shifting Rolls,
Ambulance Chair, Nebulizer, Oxygen Supply Units and Sphygmomanometer will be available.
Because in some extreme cases, these equipment’s are highly needed. For the first category we
have decided to fix our rent from 5000 to 8000 taka.

In the second category we have decided to set the charge from 1500 to 3000 taka. In this
category, oxygen and other small emergency equipment’s will be available.
And in the third category, rent will be fixed after the confirmation. In this category we will
provide our service outside Dhaka. So it can cost from 4000 taka to 10000 taka according to the

We have thought very carefully about all the customers for which we have divided our rent in
three segments, so that customers can easily afford our service.

And in some special cases, price rate can be reduced upon the request of the customers. Because
providing service to the customers will always come first than our profit.


We borrowed loans from the banks to generate our capital. We also have some ASAP private
equity investments. We have some private investors, including Mechanic Koi, our ambulance
service partner. They spent 5 lakh in total. We went down the road to pick up a ton of rental cars
that they gave us their cars besides taking money from us. We initially got 1 lakh from SONALI
bank, then they sent us another 1 lakh. As a business partner, we are 5 and initially we have spent
50 individual shortcomings.

Financing ways Amount

From banks External 2 lakh
From investors External 5 lakh
Personal capital Internal 2.5 lakh
We have 9.5 lakh in total as our capital.

Margin is a measure of how well a company controls its costs. It is calculated by dividing a company's
profit by its revenue and expressing the result as a percentage. The higher the margin is, the better the
company is thought to control costs. We ASAP use the margin to compare our progress.

We initially invested 9.5 lakhs and our revenue at the end time was 11 lakh so we made (11-9.5) lakh that
means 1.5 lakh Taka profit.
Investment Revenue Profit Gross Margin
9.5 lakh 11 lakh 11-9.5lakh 1.5 lakh 13.63%

ASAP is a new concept in the market. As our target customers are high sensitive so the first
major challenge we faced is assurance. Our customers are sometimes call us on the final
moment. So delivery ambulance on time is the major challenge so far we faced. As a new market
starter reliability is another root issue we faced. Though our services are tangible still customers
are in confusion to rather they call us. Financial management of our venture was the biggest
issue so far. We go through different financial institution for our primary investment. And finally
we managed our financial management from banks and some good investors who are really
looking forward good start up. Monitoring service is another area of our concern. As we
continuously receive texts and reviews from our clients so our performance team always monitor
the overall service and any assistance needed they respond instantly. Customer service team
maintenance is very difficult and our service highly dependent on our customer care team.
Providing 24/7 services across the city is very hard job to do. Service on time is another key
challenge of our service. As a dwellers of Dhaka we all know how busy traffic system we faced.
So providing the ambulances on time is our most important duty and concern.

So managing this busy city schedule often become the major challenge. Many established
hospital has their own ambulance service. So venturing with them was challenging. We also
communicate with all hospitals that for any emergency ASAP can assist with them. Recruiting &
training of the drivers was another prime challenge. We hired skilled and experienced driver who
can serve the best to our clients. Training program and educating them on customer oriented
behavior towards customer was challenging.
Managing Busy Dhaka Traffic

Future Plan:
We are already receiving huge response our customers. And this inspires us a lot. Our first target
is we will start serving the other metro cities such Chittagong, Sylhet. And in between 2025 will
serve through the whole country. For customer satisfaction and more comfortable journey. We
are going to purchase some super ambulances for the first in the country. This ambulances are
highly equipped with ICU support, high oxygen flow, freezer and a new addition autism comfort
kit which will comfort the journey.
Super Ambulance Service

For the rural area people ASAP want to provide new service “ASAP Search”. In this service
customer can call the ASAP team and ASAP team will navigate the location automatically. So
many life can be saved. For pregnant women we will launch Emergency pregnancy call services.
We are planning to launch some highly equipped freezer van so customers can get the best
support for caring the dead bodies properly. Our one of the major future plan is launching
children friendly ambulances. As the children are afraid of medical assistance and ambulances.
So we are planning to launch Children friendly ambulances. The ambulance will be decorated
with colorful posters and wallpaper so that children will feel more comfortable in his health care

 We are able give service about 300 emergency patient in such a short period of time.
 Over 2000 people have downloaded the ASAP app from Google play store.
 We have featured in couple of newspapers already for successfully doing our job.
 We could recruit over 100 health employees and able to train them successfully.
 We have successfully won ICT-Student to start up award.
 Till now we could able to operate in only Dhaka city.
 We could not able to gather large investment in our project.
 We couldn’t update our technology in to the next step.
 We could not still able to solve the traffic disturbance.

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