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Direct Instruction Plan

Brenda N. Angeles

Principles of Educational Psychology

College of Southern Nevada


Direct Instruction Plan

This lesson plan is ideally a two-day lesson. The first day should focus on the elements of

the plot diagram. The second day of the lesson is focused on the reading of ​New Shoes​ by Susan

Lynn Meyer and the student creation of a plot diagram about the book.

Describing the Class

The class is a third grade class with 25 students. There are 2 English language learners

and two students who have reading dyslexia. The students are seated at big tables with 4 to 5

students sitting at each table. All students are seated where they do not face the opposite way of

the front of the class.


This lesson plan is subject is under reading and writing. Students will learn about the

elements of a plot which include: exposition, conflict, rising action, climax, falling action, and

resolution by reading ​New Shoes​ by Susan Lynn Meyer.


The lesson plan is for students to learn about the elements of a plot and being able to

recognize a plot diagram. Below are the main objectives for this lesson plan:

1. Students will be able to list and define the elements of a plot with 80% accuracy.

2. After reading ​New shoes, s​ tudents will be able to construct a plotline from the events that

occurred in the story.


The teacher will first introduce what a plot diagram is. The teacher should explain what

the purpose of a plot diagram is and how it will relate to almost every book that the student will

read. The teacher should explain the plot diagram (and elements) by creating a PowerPoint. Each

element should have individual PowerPoint slides that describe the definition of each plot


After the PowerPoint presentation, the teacher will pass out a physical copy of the plot

diagram with definitions of each element. This paper will only be used as a reference for the

project that the students will create about ​New Shoes.​ This part of the lesson is in relationship to

the first objective.

On the second day of this lesson, the teacher should then introduce the book New Shoes

by Susan Lynn Meyer at the front of the class. The teacher should give a brief synopsis of the

book by saying:

“ The book that we are about to read is called New Shoes. It is a book that is based around the

1950s about a little girl named Ella Mae. In this story, Ella Mae will experience a problem when

she tries to buy a pair of shoes but finds a new solution to that problem with the help of her

friend, Charlotte.”

The teacher will read the book aloud at the front of the class. Students will all have copies

of the book by accessing their Google Classroom application through their Chromebooks. Each

student will have a Chromebook in order to access an online copy of the book. This online copy

should be used while working on the project. The teacher should simultaneously show the online

book copy on a projector for students to see.

Once the reading is over, the teacher will then pass out a copy of a fill-in-the-blank

plotline. The teacher will then explain to the students that a copy of the book is available in their

Google Classroom and that they will be able to use the plot elements reference paper that was

handed out at the beginning of this lesson. The teacher will then give instructions to write in the

empty plot diagram by using the events from ​New Shoes​ and that it is an individual assignment.

Students should write in the events in the diagram as well as the page number that their

answer is from. The teacher should go around the classroom to assure that the students are on

task and that the Chromebooks should be used for their intended purposes. This assignment

should take the remaining of the second day.

The last part of the lesson part should be a comprehensive class diagram. An empty plot

diagram will be drawn on the whiteboard. The teacher will go over the plot diagram with the

class by asking questions such as, “What is an exposition? Is there an exposition in the story? If

so, what is it? Who do we meet?” the questions should be able to fill the whiteboards diagram.

The diagrams that the students created on the handout will then be turned in.


Each student should have a Chromebook with access to the internet. The Chromebook

should have access to copies of the presentations that the teacher will present in this lesson.

Additionally, the student should have a physical handout of a plot diagram with definitions and a

handout of an empty plot diagram that needs to be filled out with a pencil.

The teacher will need to have a computer to be able to present the plot diagram

PowerPoint and a projector to show the slideshow. Finally, the teacher is responsible to put

copies of the presentation and a PDF of ​New Shoes​ on Google Classrooms.


The teacher should check in with the ELL and the students who have reading-dyslexia

because they could be struggling with the lesson. The teacher should be able to help them with

an audio file of the reading or a group reading of these students to help them fill out their

assignments. The audio reading is available on youtube if a student has difficulty reading the

book. Gifted learners are able to support their claims by explaining why they chose their answer

on their handout or be able to identify characteristics of characters.


The teacher should be walking and supervising the class so that students stay focused on

the project but also ask questions to students on what they need help with or checking if they

understand a part of the story. Asking questions toward the end of this lesson, the teacher will

have an understanding of how much the students have learned in this lesson. Additionally, their

New Shoes worksheet will show how much a student has learned. Students must have at least 5

of the 6 plot elements correct on their New Shoes worksheet in their correct order.


Objectives should be met during this lesson by consistently reviewing the plot element

concepts and definitions after any future book that a teacher reads to the students. For example,

teachers should ask: “What is the climax of this book?” A teacher could also provide extra credit

for a written plot diagram for other books. Teachers should then proceed to teach the figurative

language that is featured in ​More Parts​ by Tedd Arnold. Teachers should be able to to still fit the

objectives of this method to the next method. For homework, a teacher could assign an empty

plot diagram for their homework reading that is done each week.

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