Code of Practice and Specification For Road Openings in The PDF

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Ministry of Industry and Public Works Civil Engineering Department Highway Maintenance Section January 1992 Ministry of Industry and Public Works Civil Engineering Department Highway Maintenance Section of Practice and Specification ni ghway January 1992 CONTENTS SECTION 1 - PROCEDURE 1d DEFINITIONS .. 1.2... eee 1.2 APPLICATION PROCEDURE. |) ) ) ] ] | 1.3 ROAD CLOSURES . ©. 1... ee 1.4 PROGRAMME OF WORK . 1... 1 Le 1.5 UNDERGROUND CHAMBERS . . . 1.6 BRIDGES AND OTHER HIGHWAY STRUCTURES 1.7 ROAD MARKINGS . . . rr 1.8 REINSTATEMENT . . 2... 2 De 1.9 UNSATISFACTORY WORK . 2... LL 1.10 TRAFFIC SIGNALS . 2.2... ee 1.11 NEW ROAD SURFACES . 2.1... 1. 2.1 CONTROL OF TRAFFIC... 2... . 2.2 TEMPORARY ROAD SIGNS... .... 2.3 FENCING TO TRENCHES .. 1... . . 2.4 METHOD OF WORKING .. 2... 2... 2.5 SERVICES... . 5 Pare 2.6 DAMAGE TO EXISTING ROAD SURFACES | | 2.7 BACKFILLING TRENCHES... 1... 2.8 DEBRIS... ee ee 2.9 SUB-CONTRACTORS... 2... +e 2.10 MAINTENANCE PERIOD... . 1. +s 2.41 DEFINITIONS ..-.. eee ee SECTION 3 - EARTHWORKS 3.1 REMOVAL OF BITUMINOUS MATERIAL . . . 3.2 PROTECTION OF EXCAVATIONS ... ~~ 3.3 EXCAVATION. 2... ee ee eee 3.4 MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY .. 2... 2: 3.5 BEDDING AND SURROUND... .. .. 3.6 BACKFILLING .- 2... 0. ee ee 3.7 SUB-GRADE . 1... 2. ee eee 3.8 SUB-BASE - MINOR ROADS... 1... 3.9 SUB-BASE - MAJOR ROADS... .. . 3.10 RECTIFICATION OF SUB-BASE ... . . 3.11 UNSATISFACTORY COMPACTION... . - SECTION 4 - BITUMINOUS TREATMENT 4.1 CLEAN SURFACES... 2... 2. ae 4.2 PRIME COAT. 7. 2... eee 4.3 TACK COAT 2. ee 44 INCLEMENT WEATHER... 2. 1 1. 4.5 BITUMINOUS MATERIALS... 2... 4.6 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION. . 2.2... 4.7 TRANSPORTATION. . 2 2. De 4.8 SPREADING AND LAYING . 1111... 4.9 COMPACTION. ©. 2... ee ee 4.10 DENSITY CONTROL . 2.2... 1 BR RUOUUUN REE Ce rerrerere) SECTION 5 - KERES, PAVED AREAS AND UNPAVED AREAS 22 5.1 MATERIALS FOR PAVING... .. +--+ ++ 22 5.2 REMOVAL 26 1 ee ee ee ee ee BD 5.3 ERS ee 2 5.4 TEMPORARY REINSTATEMENT . ..- 2+ ++ + 9 23 5.5 PERMANENT REINSTATEMENT . . 1... - + 23 5.6 CONCRETE FOUNDATION... 2... 2+ ees) 23 5.7 UNPAVED AREAS... 2 ee ee ee OM SECTION 6 - COMPLIANCE TESTING 25 6.1 TOLERANCES . 2. ee ee ee ee ee ee 88 6.2 TESTING OF MATERIALS. . 1... ee eee 26 6.3 MATERIALS SOURCE APPROVAL ....-....- 26 SECTION 7 - REINSTATEMENT 27 Te. PHASED REINSTATEMENT . . . ee 27) 7.2 CED REQUIREMENTS FOR REINSTATEMENT | 111 27 7.3 MAINTENANCE PERIOD... .~. +--+ +--+ 27 7.4 RECTIFICATION. . .. 2. + ce eT | 7.5 FINAL INSPECTION AND ADOPTION. | 1111) 28 APPENDIX 1 ~ ROAD OPENING PROCEDURES AND FORMS ....-.- 30 FORM RO1 - ROAD OPENING APPLICATION ...-.-..-. 32 FORM R02 - ROAD OPENING APPROVAL... ..- +... 33 FORM RO3 - COMMENCING WORKS IN THE HIGHWAY. . 1... 34 FORM RO4 - EMERGENCY ROAD OPENING .... +--+ - + 35 FORM ROS - ROAD OPENING CERTIFICATION ....... 36 FORM RO9 - IMPROVE A ROAD OPENING ....-...+- 37 APPENDIX 2 - STANDARDS AND TABLES 38 TABLE 1 - STANDARDS .. . eee eS) TABLE 2 - SPECIFICATION FOR LABORATORY TESTS | 11) 41 TABLE 3 - COMBINED AGGREGATE AND BINDER CONTENT . . 42 TABLE 4 - LIMITS OF PLANT MIXTURE TOLERANCES... . 44 TABLE 5 - MINIMUM FREQUENCY OF TESTING OTHER THAN BITUMINOUS COATED MATERIAL... ... +. 45 TABLE 6 - MINIMUM FREQUENCY OF TESTING : BITUMINOUS MATERIALS . . . Pee eS) TABLE 7 - TOLERANCES IN SURFACE LEVELS |... 2+. 47 TABLE 8 - MAXIMUM PERMITTED NUMBER OF SURFACING IRREGULARITIES . 2... 1 ee ee ee ee 48 APPENDIX 3 - ADDRESSES OF STATE DEPARTMENTS... .... 49 APPENDIX 4 - DRAWINGS REINSTATEMENT OF ROAD OPENINGS PHASE 1 MAJOR ROADS - ROAD CROSSINGS PHASE 2 MAJOR ROADS - ROAD CROSSINGS PHASE 1 MAJOR ROADS - TRENCH RUNS ALONG CARRIAGEWAY PHASE 2 MAJOR ROADS - TRENCH RUNS ALONG CARRIAGEWAY MINOR ROADS - ROAD CROSSINGS PHASES 1 & 2 MINOR ROADS - TRENCH RUNS ALONG CARRIAGEWAY PERMANENT REINSTATEMENT OF PAVED AREAS MAJOR ROADS - REQUIREMENTS FOR SITING ROADWORKS SIGNS MINOR ROADS - REQUIREMENTS FOR SITING ROADWORKS SIGNS SECTION 1 — PROCEDURE 1 DEFINITIONS For the purposes of this document the following terms shall apply : ° ‘C.E.D.' shall mean the Civil Engineering Department of the Ministry of Industry and Public Works or its successors and assigns. © "The Road Engineer‘ shall mean the C.E.D. Highway Maintenance Engineer, or his accredited representative. © "The Authority! shall mean the service department or organisation promoting the works. © ‘fhe Contractor’ shall mean the company or organisation employed by the Authority to execute the works and includes the Contractor's personal representatives, successors and assigns. © ‘fhe Highway' shall include all roadways, footways, verges, etc. over which the public has right of passage. © "Major Works’ will be defined as trenchworks that involve opening the road surfaces over a distance in excess of 100 lin. metres in a continuous trench, or in any single street. © ‘Major Roads* shall mean primary, secondary and district distributor roads and any dual carriageways. © ‘Minor Roads' shall mean main local distributors and access roads except where they are dual carriageways. © Emergency Works' are those works that the Authority must undertake without delay because of an interruption of service. When the service has been resumed backfilling must be undertaken in accordance with this specification. The provision of new services at short notice does not constitute an emergency. © ‘Approved’, "To the Approval of', ‘As directed’ and the like refer always to approval or directions given by the Road Engineer in writing. ont ean) 1.3.1 L4.d ‘CATION PROCEDURE Application to undertake any works within the Highway shall be made in accordance with the current administrative procedure, and the requisite period of notice must be given. Applications shall be submitted by the Authority to the Road Engineer on the official Form Rol (sample copy in Appendix 1 and accompanied by a 1:10,000 location plan. In general the minimum period of notice shall be 14 days. The Application Form Rol shall be used to notify all other Authorities that may be affected by the works. No further action shall be taken until formal approval has been granted by the Road Engineer using Form Ro2. (Sample copy in Appendix 1). A copy of the approved Form Ro2 must be submitted to the Traffic Police when permission to execute the works is requested, and the commencement Notice Ro3 must be submitted to the Road Engineer. In the case of Emergency Works an application Form Rol must be forwarded to the Road Engineer as soon as possible; but in any case within 48 hours. ROAD CLOSURES Where road closures will be unavoidable, proposals must be received at least 30 days prior to commencement of the works. The Authority shall liaise with the Traffic Police and CED Traffic Section regarding the requirements for diversionary routes and the Road Engineer shall be advised of the requirements. The Contractor shall be responsible for providing and maintaining the necessary signing of the diversionary route, to the satisfaction of the Traffic Police and CED Traffic Section. Roads and accesses shall not be closed without the prior approval of the Traffic Police and until the signage is ready. PROGRAMME OF WORK There may be occasions where it is advantageous for the Authority and the Road Engineer to agree on site the actual line of the proposed trench, details of reinstatement or siting of temporary structures within the highway. The Authority shall, if xequired by the Road Engineer, submit a revised plan and section of such work. 1.7 1.8 1.8.1 1.8.3 Authorities must ensure that opening in carriageways are no wider or longer than they reasonably need to be in order to execute the works with the minimum effect on traffic flows. No trench shall be left open for a period exceeding one week, unless prior written agreement has been received from the Road Engineer and the Traffic Police. The Contractor shall submit his programme of work to achieve this seven day or other approved reinstatement cycle. UNDERGROUND CHAMBERS The attention of the Road Engineer shall be specifically drawn to any proposal for an underground chamber in the highway with any interior plan dimension exceeding 2 metres. The overall dimension shall be stated and detail drawings of the siting and construction shall be submitted to the Road Engineer, if requested, for approval prior to commencement of any work on site. BRIDGES AND OTHER HIGHWAY STRUCTURES Where the Authority's work and apparatus are to be laid over or in close proximity to bridge and other highway structures, detailed proposals for the siting, depth and accommodation, together with the method of executing the works must be agreed with the Road Engineer and no work shall be undertaken without prior approval. ROAD MARKINGS Where trenchwork removes surface road markings such as white lines and catseyes they shall be replaced with similar materials by the Contractor as soon as possible after completion of the reinstatement. REINSTATEMENT The Highway Maintenance Section shall be notified in advance of any works in the carriageway and they will inform the Contractor of the full extent of the remedial works required. The reinstatement of road openings shall be in accordance with QNBS and the Code of Practice and Specification for Road Openings in the Highway, unless otherwise notified by the Highway Maintenance Section. Copies of all material compliance testing results must be made available to the Highway Maintenance Section before reinstatement approval will be given. 1.8. 1.10 1a. The Specification shall be implemented to ensure satisfactory reinstatement of the highway. Highway Maintenance Inspectors will visit trenchworks and initiate sampling and testing of materials and workmanship where necessary. In the case of Major Works the Certification Form RoS will be required by the Road Engineer. UNSATISFACTORY WORK Should any materials or workmanship fail to meet the requirements of this Specification the Road Engineer will issue a Notice for Improvement Ro9 (Sample in Appendix 1). In the event of the Contractor failing to meet the requirements of the Notice, the Road Engineer shall arrange the necessary remedial works and will recover the cost from the Contractor concerned and may impose an additional fine of QR.10,000.00 on the Contractor TRAFFIC SIGNALS Where the works are within 50 metres of a junction controlled by traffic signals the CED Traffic Section shall be consulted at least 14 days before the works are commenced in order to protect the signal detector loops and modify the signal timings if necessary. NEW ROAD SURFACES No trenchworks shall be permitted that involve excavations in any road surfaces that have been laid for a period of less than two years from the end of the Maintenance period of the relevant contract SECTION 2 — GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 2.2 2.2.1 CONTROL OF TRAFFIC Prior to the commencement of any works within the Highway, the Authority shall notify the Road Engineer and the Contractor shall obtain permission from the Traffic Police. ‘TEMPORARY ROAD SIGNS All temporary signing shall be in accordance with TRAFFIC CONTROL AT ROADWORKS issued by C.£.D. and the TEMPORARY TRAFFIC SIGNS MANUAL issued by the Traffic Police. For guidance, the minimum requirements for siting roadworks signs are shown in Appendix 4, however it is emphasised that the Road Engineer and the Traffic Police will add to these requirements as necessary to suit the location of the works. All temporary signs shall be mounted on bases which are designed to accept sand bags or a similar approved purpose-made weighting device which creates a stable base for the sign. FENCING TO TRENCHES Trenches in housing areas or in pedestrian areas shall be provided with fencing and with purpose made Pedestrian crossings to the approval of the Road Engineer and Traffic Police. METHOD OF WORKING The work shall be carried out to the satisfaction of the Road Engineer. The Contractor shall submit his Proposed method of working to the Road Engineer and the Traffic Police for approval before commencing the works. SERVICES The Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring continuity of supply of electricity, water, gas, drainage and telephone services. He shall arrange to excavate trial holes to determine the depths and Positions of services, and phase his works to accommodate any necessary alterations to services apparatus. No extra payment shall be made for this work. 2.7.3 Should damage occur to any existing services during the works, the respective Service Authority, the Road Engineer, and if necessary, the Traffic Police, shall be notified immediately by the Contractor. All work to services included in the Contract shall be carried out under the supervision and to the absolute satisfaction of the Authority concerned. DAMAGE TO EXISTING ROAD SURFACES Only pneumatic typed plant shall be used for excavation on finished bituminous surfaces. Adequate protection shall be provided at all times to prevent damage by hydraulic leg supports and any spillage of fuel, oil, etc. onto existing or newly laid bituminous surfaces. Steel rollers etc. must be transported between sites by low loader. The hand mixing of concrete directly onto bituminous surfaces ig prohibited. Protective boards shali be supplied for this purpose subject to the approval of the Road Engineer. Where excavations are carried out by hand boards or metal sheets approved by the Road Engineer shall be provided as protection for the adjacent bituminous surfacing, and as a temporary base for excavated material, Except with the specific approval of the Road Engineer, all excavated material shall be removed immediately from site to prevent damage to the existing bituminous surfacing and to enable working areas and traffic lanes to be clean and free from obstacles for the duration of the works. Should any damage occur, the area shall be removed to the limits designated by the Road Engineer and reinstatement carried out according to the requirements of this Specification at the Contractor's expense. BACKFILLING TRENCHES The backfilling of trenches shall, wherever practicable, be undertaken immediately the specified operations preceding it have been completed satisfactorily. For Major Works, the Contractor may be required to conform with the Certification Form Ro5 which will be completed by the Road Engineer. No layer shall be covered by the next layer of Construction until it has been inspected, tested and approved by the Road Engineer. 2.10.2 2.10.3 BACKFILLING TRENCHES (Cont'd) If any approved layer is subsequently damaged or disturbed by any means or cause whatsoever, then it shall be reinstated to the Specification requirements and to the satisfaction of the Road Engineer prior to placing the next layer of construction, all at the Contractor's expense. Note that this Clause also applies to Bituminous Materials. DEBRIS On completion of the works all debris arising from the excavations and any other operations shall be removed from the site to an authorised tip. The Contractor shall be responsible for the removal of all debris on the site, and should debris be present prior to commencement of the work it shall be the Contractor's responsibility to notify the relevant Municipality regarding its removal and to comply with any regulations issued by that Authority. The Contractor shall obtain a certificate from the Municipality to confirm that the site has been left in a neat and tidy condition. Retention monies shall not be released until such certification has been obtained. SUB-CONTRACTORS The Contractor shall, prior to commencement of the works, nominate any Sub-Contractor he intends to employ during the execution of the works. The approval of Sub-Contractors shall be at the discretion of the Road Engineer and in no circumstance will any other contractor be employed on the works without the approval of the Road Engineer. MAINTENANCE PERIOD The Contractor shall be required to maintain the works at all times to the specified tolerances for a Period of twelve months. Should subsidence or damage occur, the affected jayer or layers of construction shall be immediately Femoved and replace to the limits determined by the Road Engineer. The excavation and reinstatement shall be carried out to the tolerances and requirements of this Specification. No additional payment shall be made to the Contractor for remedial work. 2.10.4 MAINTENANCE PERIOD (Cont'd) The CED shall inspect the works on completion of the maintenance period and shall arrange the permanent reinstatement where necessary. The Contractor's retention monies shall be retained by the authority to meet the cost of this operation. DEFINITIONS © "Subgrade' - The compacted fill beneath the Pavement and shoulders but not including the sub-base. © 'Formation of the Sub-base' - The surface of the compacted subgrade shaped and compacted to the specified profile to receive the sub-base. ° ‘Formation of Hard Shoulders‘ - The surface of the sub-base shaped and compacted to the specified profile to receive the hard shoulder surfacing. ° ‘Sub-base' - The compacted selected fill material as required by the contract to depths as specified or as directed, forming the layer between the sub-grade and bituminous surfacing. © ‘Base Formation' - The surface of the completed sub-base shaped and compacted to the specified profile to receive the bituminous base. ° "The Site’ - The site shall be taken to include all working areas and any additional areas, within or outside the highway, that are used for storage of equipment and materials or any purpose associated with the works. SECTION 3 ~ EARTHWORKS REMOVAL OF BITUMINOUS MATERIAL Revolving wheel cutters attached to mechanical Plant, or similar approved methods, shall be used to initially cut the line of the proposed excavation in bituminous surfaces. Pneumatic compressors and spade type chisels shall be used to cut and break the bituminous material prior to work being carried out by mechanical excavators. Initial excavation shall be to the dimensions shown on the drawings for earthworks and conforming with Appendix 4. PROTECTION OF EXCAVATIONS Provision shall be made by the Contractor for the protection of excavations and exposed works from damage caused by water ingress, inclement weather conditions and loss of moisture from adjacent unexcavated materials. Should damage occur to adjacent unexcavated materials due to water ingress, flooding, loss of moisture, excavation wall collapse etc., trimming of the excavation shall be carried out until unaffected material is exposed, and the sides of the excavation have been made vertical throughout the total depth. The sides of all excavations are to be maintained in a safe condition at all times by the Contractor to the satisfaction of the Road EXCAVATION The base of the excavation shall be transversely level and the sides vertical to the dimensions shown on the drawings. "Blasting" will not be permitted without approval of the Road Engineer. MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY Optimum moisture content and maximum dry density of bedding and surround material, backfilling, sub- grade and sub-base materials shall be as determined in the laboratory in accordance with BS 1377: Test 13. BEDDING AND SURROUND The type and method of spreading and placing bedding and surround materials shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Authority. The bedding and surround material shall be compacted to a density of at least 95% of the maximum dry density of the material. Layer thickness shall not exceed 150 mm and hand ramming or approved compaction plant shall be used to ensure compaction and that the material is free from any cavities. BACKFILLING Any pockets of soft soil or loose rock in the bottom of pits and trenches shall be removed and the resulting cavities and any large fissures filled with suitable material compacted in accordance with Clause 3.5. Selected excavated material shall be the most suitable portions of excavated material free from matter harmful to other materials in the Works, which is capable of being compacted in the manner specified to form stable fill. All fill shall be placed in loose layers within the effective range of compaction of the approved plant, however, the maximum permissible loose layer thickness shall be limited to 200 mm irrespective of plant type. The fill material shall be watered and mixed as necessary to ensure that prior to compaction the moisture content of the whole layer is ¢ 3% of the optimum moisture content. Compaction of each layer shall continue until a density of at least 95% of the maximum dry density has been achieved. Potable water shall be used for compaction of all fill material within the area of the excavation. SUB-GRADE All materials used as sub-grade shall pass a 75 mm sieve and the material passing the 0.075 mm sieve shall be less than 35% of the material passing the 2.36 mm sieve. The material passing the 0.425 mm sieve shall have the following characteristics when tested in accordance with BS 1377 - Liquid limit to be less than 35%. - Plasticity index to be not more than 10. 10 3.8.2 The soaked value of the California Bearing Ratio of specimens compacted statically at the optimum moisture content and 95% of the maximum dry density in accordance with BS 1377 shall be greater than 25% at penetrations of 2.5 mm and 5 mm on both top and bottom of the specimen. The test surcharge to be used for the equivalent pavement thickness shall be designated by the Road Engineer. Unless otherwise directed by the Road Engineer, the sub-grade shall be watered and compacted to ensure that the requirements of Clause 3.6 are complied with. SUB-BASE - MINOR ROADS All material used as sub-base shall pass a 75 mm BS sieve and the material passing the 0.075 mm BS sieve shall be less than 35% of the material passing the 2.36 mm sieve. The coarse aggregate shall have a percentage of wear, by the Los Angeles test (AASHTO T96) of not more than 50. The material passing the 0.425 mm BS sieve shall have the following characteristics when tested in accordance with BS 1377 : uid Limit to be less than 35%. - Plasticity Index to be not more than 10. All material shall be free from vegetable matter and lumps and balls of clay. The soaked value of the California Bearing Ratio of specimens compacted statically at the optimum moisture content and 100 $ of the maximum dry density, shall be greater than 30 % at penetrations of 2.5 mm and 5 mm on both top and bottom of the specimen. The test surcharge to be used for the equivalent pavement thickness shall be designated by the Road Engineer. The material shall be compacted in accordance with Clause 3.6 except that compaction shall continue until a density of at least 100% of the maximum dry density has been achieved. The material shall be spread so that after compaction the total thickness is as specified. LL J 3.10 3.10.1 3.10.2 3.10.3 SUB-BASE - MAJOR ROADS The material to be used shall be Marshall Design Mix Type “D1, which shall conform to all the requirements stipulated in Clause 4.5 and shal compacted to at least 953 of the "Job Standard Mixture Density" as defined in Clause 4.10. be Prime coat in accordance with Clause 4.2 shall be applied to the sub-grade prior to laying Marshall Design Mix Type MD1. RECTIFICATION OF SUB-BASE Where the sub-base conforms to Clause 3.8 any soft spots, irregularities or depressions that develop in the surface of any layer of the sub-base shall either be corrected by loosening the surfaces of such areas and adding further material, or by removing the material in such areas and replacing with further approved material, as the Road Engineer or the Authority may decide, and re-compacting in accordance with Clause 3.8 so that the surface is smooth and follows the profile of the finished formation. Where the sub-base conforms to Clause 3.8 levels shall be checked and rectification carried out the tolerances given in Table 7 are exceeded. The regulation of low areas with the same type of material with the coarse aggregate omitted shall only be permitted with the approval of the Road Engineer. UNSATISFACTORY COMPACTION In the event that any area of trench backfill fails to meet the requirements for compaction specified then that area shall be rectified to the Satisfaction of the Road Engineer and the Authority. 12 SECTION 4 — BITUMINOUS TREATMENT CLEAN SURFACES Immediately prior to the application of a prime or tack coat all loose and objectionable material shall be removed from the surface to be treated by brushes or compressed air. Adjacent surfaces and kerbing shall be protected during spraying operations. PRIME COAT The material to be used for prime coat shall consist of penetration grade 60/70 bitumen, cut back to the following proportions by volume, with kerosene solvent to provide a homogeneous liquid:- 60/70 Bitumen 603 Kerosene 408 Under no circumstance is this material to be used as a tack coat between bituminous layers, or are other solvents to be substituted for kerosene. Prior to the laying of bituminous courses, the surface of the sub-base or sub-grade shall be primed. The prime coat shall be applied within the following limits at a rate designated by the Road Engineer : 0.65 - 1.75 litres/sq.m Should the surface of the area to be primed be excessively dry, it shall be lightly and uniformly sprinkled with water in advance of the priming operation. The prime coat shall not be applied until all free surface moisture has disappeared. The prime coat shall be applied by approved mechanical spraying tankers in an even spray. Should ponding occur, the excess material shall be removed immediately. Hand sprays shall only be approved for priming areas inaccessible to the normal operation of tankers. The rates of application for priming shall be confirmed if necessary by the Road Engineer from field trials conducted on materials being used on the project. The Contractor shali, prior to the commencement of the priming operation, prepare a test section of an approved length for the trial to be carried out at no extra cost. 13 R neer may order at no extra cost, itional trial sections to be prepared, confirming satisfactory spraying techniques and rate of application. After the application of the prime coat, a minimum curing period of 48 hours shall be allowed, or longer if required dependent on site conditions, to facilitate a minimum penetration of 10 mm into the sub-base or road base layers. This curing period is required to allow the volatiles to evaporate, thus ensuring that the material has dried sufficiently to Prevent surface damage by plant and delivery vehicles, or contamination of the bituminous materials during the laying and compaction procedures. The application of prime coat shall not be permitted when the temperature is below 15°C, unless otherwise directed by the Road Engineer. The spraying of both prime and tack coat materials shall not be permitted during rainy or turbulent weather. TACK COAT The material to be used for tack coat shall be cationic bitumen emulsion complying with BS 434, Part 1, Class KI-40 diluted in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendation and applied at a rate of 0.33 to 0.45 litres per square metre by a mechanical spraying tank or pressure hand spraying equipment onto the bituminous surfaces. The tack coat shall be evenly sprayed so as to avoid Ponding in hollows and in the event that ponding does occur the excess material must be removed immediately. Sufficient time shall be allowed after application to ensure that the emulsion breaks completely before placing the next course. During this period traffic shall not be allowed on the surface. The Contractor shall be responsible for the application of a further tack coat should the existing surface become contaminated before the subsequent course is laid. Before any bituminous course is laid on another bituminous course or surfacing, the surface shall be swept clean of loose material and a tack coat shall be applied. INCLEMENT WEATHER The spraying of prime coat or tack coat and the laying of bituminous materials shall not be carried out when the road surface to which the application is to be made is wet or when air turbulence is sufficiently strong to blow sand or dust onto the exposed treated surfaces. 14 BITUMINOUS MATERIALS The manufacture of Marshall Asphalt mixes for use in the highway shall only be carried out by batching Plants approved by CED Materials Testing Laboratory, Ministry of Industry and Public Works. The Contractor shall nominate the supplier and obtain approval of such nominee by the Road Engineer prior to execution of the Works. der The binder shall be bitumen Grade 60/70 pen complying with the requirements of BS 3690 Aggregates Aggregate for use in the manufacture of bituminous materials shall consist of crushed, hard, clean, durable rock obtained from approved sources and complying with paragraphs a. to g. of this Sub- Clause and Sub-Clauses 4.5.4 and 4.5.5. Unless otherwise specified aggregate for wearing course on roads shall be Gabbro designated in Group 4, BS 812 Part 1 which shall comply with Sub-Clauses 4.5.4, 4.5.5 and 4.5.6 and the following paragraphs: Coarse aggregate (the material retained on the 2.36 mm BS sieve) shall have the following properties: a. The flakiness index when determined in accordance with BS 812, Part 1 shall not exceed 30% and the elongation index shall not exceed 308. b. The maximum loss using the magnesium sulphate soundness test on any fraction of coarse aggregate shall not exceed 10%. ‘The loss shall be determined after five complete cycles using the test procedure specified in ASTM Designation c8@ with a freshly prepared saturated solution of magnesium sulphate for each complete test, and a maximum oven drying temperature of 80°C. ¢. The reduction in strengths between the soaked and unsoaked 10% fines value shall not exceed 50 KN. The unsoaked test shall be carried out in accordance with BS 812, Part 3, and the soaked test after immersing the aggregate specimen in distilled water for 24 hours. 15 tl qd. The total loss factor using the 10 minute immersed rotational test shall not exceed 10% for wearing, single or friction course layers and all other running surfaces, and 20% for base course layers. The test shall be carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the CED Materials Testing Laboratory. The Aggregate Crushing Value when tested in accordance with BS 812, Part 3, shall not exceed 25%. f. The average water absorption of the aggregates Shall not exceed 2.2% when tested in accordance with BS 812. 3: The abrasion loss (Los Angeles Abrasion) when fested in accordance with ASTM Designation C131 Fine aggregate (the material passing the 2.36 mm BS sieve) shall have the following properties: a. The material shall be non-plastic b. The material shall consist of sound durable and chemically stable particles. Wadi, beach or dune sand and silts wili not be accepted as fine aggregate. Filler (the material passing the 0/075 mm BS shall have the following properties: a. The material shall be non-plastic, thoroughly dry and free flowing. b. The material shall contain at least 23 cement by weight of total aggregate used in the mix The cement content shall be increased to at jeast 3% where limestone aggregates are used Gabbro as designated in Group 4, BS 812: Part 1 @- The course aggregate fraction shall have no Founded particles present, and at least 75% of the material retained on the 5 mm sieve shall have aggregate particles with at least two fractured faces. b. The fine aggregate fraction shall consist of either crushed Gabbro rock or crushed limestone Fock as approved by the Road Engineer, and conforming to the requirements of Clause 4.5.4 16 ° ection of Job Mix - Marshall Design Mixes. Before surfacing begins the Contractor shall submit for approval by the Road Engineer his Proposed grading of the combined aggregate for each type of asphalt to be used in the works. The grading curve of the aggregates shall not vary from the low limit on the one size of sieve to the high limit on adjacent sieves or vice versa; the particle-size distribution of the aggregates shall give a smooth curve throughout the whole range of sieve sizes. The "Laboratory Design Mixture" for the wearing course and the base course shall comply with the requirements given in Table 3 and precise values for each requirement for each mixture shall be determined in accordance with the Procedures given in BS 598:Part3:1985 The Contractor shall report the mean optimum binder content and the individual test values at mean optimum binder content and shall submit a copy of the plotted curves resulting from tests in an approved form to the Road Engineer for his approval. The Contractors batching plant shall be so arranged such that the aggregates are proportioned in the hot-bins so as to produce the aggregate grading of the approved "Laboratory Design Mixture" and a mean optimum binder content conforming to the approved "Laboratory Design Mixture”. The Road Engineer may decide to adopt the “Laboratory Design Mixture" as the "Job Standard Mixture" or may instruct the Contractor to carry out a trial in accordance with sub-paragraphs i., and iii. of this Paragraph in order to ascertain the "Job Standard Mixture". i, The Contractor shall make up trial batches in the batching plant the Contractor Proposes to use, with the aggregates Proportional in the various hot-bins to reproduce the aggregate grading of the approved "Laboratory Design Mixture” and the binder at mean optimum content ii. These batches shall be laid as preliminary trials on an area selected by the Road Engineer with the spreading and compacting equipment the Contractor proposes to use and the mixing and laying of trial batches shall continue until the Road Engineer is satisfied that the material complies with the requirements of Clause 4.8 and Section 5. 17 S a result of the preliminary trials the Contractor and the Road Engineer shall agree a provisional "Job Standard Mixture” for each mixture required. If the preliminary trials indicate that the “Laboratory Design Mixture" is unsatisfactory for mechanical spreading and compaction and is a mixture which fails to produce the surface accuracy required by Section 5 or result in surface blemishes which are unacceptable, the proportion of binder shall be increased, and the grading of the combined aggregates and filler may be slightly modified to ensure that at the increased binder content the values of the modified mixture as determined by a further group of tests remain within the requirement stipulated in paragraphs a, b, c, d and e of this Clause. iv) As a result of the approved trials the "Job Standard Mix" shall be confirmed and the Contractor shall report to the Road Engineer in writing a precise grading curve for the combined aggregate-filler and the hot-bin quantities by weight require to meet the grading, the precise binder content, and unit values on the basis of the mean value of not less than four or more than six specimens for stability, flow, voids total mixture and voids filled with binder for his approved and as a basis for all future plant mixing. g- Until approval of the "Job standard Mixture” has been given by the Road Engineer the general laying of bituminous surfacing by the Contractor will not be permitted to start. h. The approved "Job Standard Mix" shall not be changed without the specific approval of the Road Engineer. The manufacture of materials shall be in accordance with QNBS. Variations In Plant Mixtures (Marshall Design Mixes) The series of mixtures which are turned out by the mixing plant during normal routine production shall be designated the "Plant Mixtures" and the limit of permissible variations between the "Plant Mixtures" and the "Job Standard Mixture" approved in accordance with Sub-Clause 4.5.7 shall at all times be within the limits of tolerance given in Table 4. 18 a nt 4 4. 4 sripety “8 al 8.2 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION ne Construction shall conform to the cross-sections Shown in Appendix 3 relating to Minne and Major roads as apcropriate. he Road Engineer may in certain circumstances Specify alternative mixes and layer thickness. TRANSPORTATION The bituminous materials shall be transported from the mixer to the site as rapidly as possible in The Use Of dust, coated dust, ofl or water on the qnterior surfaces of the vehicles co facilitate discharge of the mixed materials is permissible but ghall be removed by tipping or brushing. Gasoline, Kerosene, diesel or other solvent shall not be used Material which has fallen below the minimum laying temperature of 135°C before discharge shall be giJected and immediately removed feos site. fimilarly the delivery temperature shall not exceed SPREADING AND LAYING cpted flat metal sneets alongside che area to be zpitgtated. Tt shall be spread ton uni form Ehickness and finished with hand cagee to the Shape eG level to give a smooth finish seq correct. Shape, profile and level aft. COMPACTION The laid material shall be compacted as soon as rolling can be effected witnour causing undue displacement and whilst the temperature is in the ane OF, 120°C to 150°C. Matertale still EnCOmpacted and outside thig temperature*range shall be rejected, 19 4.10.2 4.10.3 4.10.4 4.10.5 The Contractor shall supply accurate surface thermometers and shall check the temperature of the surface immediately before it is rolled and at 30 minute intervals during forward progress. Temperatures shall be available for inspection by the Road Engineer. The roller shall travel slowly enough to avoid displacement of the hot mixture and successive passes shall overlap. Care shall be taken to avoid damage to adjacent overlaying wearing course by the roller during basecourse compaction. The full width of the compaction plant shall fit inside the excavated area, with sufficient space to ensure adequate compaction as specified over the full width of the road surface. In areas inaccessible to rollers compaction shall be achieved by laying with approved mechanical or hand tampers of sufficient weight and size to enable the specified compaction to be obtained and to conform with the surface regulating requirements specified. DENSITY CONTROL The density of the compacted courses throughout the work shall be related to the "Job Standard Mixture Density" when not more than 10 per cent weight of the total aggregate - filler mix is retained on a 29 mm BS sieve, or to the absolute density when more than 10 per cent is retained The "Job Standard Mixture Density" shall be obtained by making six standard Marshall specimens from samples of the approved "Job Standard Mixture", determining the apparent specific gravity of each and comparing them with the mean value of the six. Any individual result which differs from the mean by moze than 0.015 shall be rejected and provided not more than two results are so rejected the mean of the remaining results shall be designated the "Job Standard Mixture Relative Density” The absolute density shall be obtained as the theoretical specific gravity calculated in accordance with the BS 598. The field density of the mixture shall be determined by taking twin samples using an approved coring machine from every 1,000 sq.m at least of each course of surfacing and the mean value of their densities shall be taken as the field density of the compacted course for that area Additional twin samples shall be taken across the longitudinal lane joints at not more than 160 m intervals in positions selected by the Road Engineer and when directed across any transverse joints, for similar determinations. 20 Ay The field density shall be such that of six consecutive mean values not more than three results shall be below 98% of the "Job Standard Mixture Density” or 94% of the absolute density when eppropriate, as specified in paragraphs A and B of this Clause. Material which does not meet this requirement shall be cut out and replaced. The Samples shall also be used to determine the course thickness for comparison with the specified course thickness for the course. 21 SECTION 5 — KERBS, PAVED AREAS AND UNPAVED AREAS 5.1.6 MATERIALS FOR PAVING Kerbs shall be hydraulically pressed and manufactured to the standards of BS 340 using sulphate resisting cement. Slabs shall be hydraulically pressed and manufactured to the standards of BS 368 using sulphate resisting cement. Insitu Concrete shall have a minimum strength of 20 N/mm2 at 28 days and manufactured using sulphate resisting cement. Additional water shall not be added to readymix concrete after initial batching Mortar shall be mixed in the proportions of one part sulphate resisting cement to four parts sand by weight, and only sufficient water added to obtain work-ability. Cement for producing mortar and concrete shall be sulphate resisting complying with the requirements of BS 4027. Sand for mortar shall be clean sand with a maximum sulphate content of 0.40% and a maximum chloride content of 0.06%. Sand for bedding slabs shall be clean sand subject to the approval of the Road Engineer. Water for producing mortar and concrete shall not contain more than 2,000 parts per million total dissolved salts. Precast concrete Paving Blocks shall comply with BS 6717 : Part 1. REMOVAL Where kerbs, channels, paving slabs or edgings are to be disturbed, the Contractor will be required to reinstate them to their original condition. [t is the Contractor's responsibility to establish the condition of existing paved areas before starting his work, and if necessary to agree in advance with the Road Engineer where existing paving is substandard. No later claim will be accepted regarding the presence of damaged slabs. All materials suitable for re-use shall be carefully lifted and set aside in a safe place, and damaged materials removed from the site to an approved tip 22 KERBS mpeninits shall be laid on a concrete bed and backed with concrete to match with existing units or it necessary shall be replaced by units of similar size, texture, colour and type which conform ao ggazty 28 possible to those adjacent. Sroxen or damaged units shall not be re-used. Kerbs shall not deviate from line or level by more than 3 mm in one metre. TEMPORARY REINSTATEMENT Paving slabs previously set aside shall be relaid on aoe mm firm bed of sand approved by the Road Engineer. ‘The existing pattern and bond, sad Shall ne evels Shall be retained, and ali joints shall be clean and properly grouted with ulphate rene Bg cement mortar. ‘The mortar shall be mixed in the proportion of 1 part cement to 4 parte sPeroved clean sand. where necessary replacement slabs shall conform in size, colour snd type as nearly as possible to those adjacent. CONCRETE FOUNDATION here the disturbed slabs were laid on a concrete foundation the permanent reinstatement shall be ¢2rzied out by the removal of 200 mm of the temporary restoration, and the formation levelled 23 UNPAVED AREAS The reinstatement of unpaved areas shall be in accordance with Section 3 of the Specification and the material to be used shall satisfy the requirements of Clause 3.7. On completion of the reinstatement the areas shall be properly graded to conform with the level of the adjoining area, All excess material shall be removed from the site in compliance with Clause 2.7. 24 SECTION 6 — COMPLIANCE TESTING TOLERANCES Surface levels of pavement courses a. The design levels of pavement courses shall conform to that shown on the drawings and the course thicknesses given on the drawings. ‘The level of any point on the constructed surface of the pavement courses shall be the design level subject to the appropriate tolerances given in Table 7. b. The combination of permitted tolerances in the levels of different pavement courses shall not result in a reduction in thickness of the Pavement, excluding the sub-base, by more than 15 mm from the specified thickness nor a reduction in the thickness of the bituminous Wearing course by more than 5 mm from that specified. ¢. For checking compliance with sub-clause 6.1.l.a, measurements of the surface levels of all courses will be taken on a grid of points selected by the Road Engineer. In any length of pavement compliance shall be deemed to be met for all surfaces, other than the final road surface, when not more than one of ten consecutive measurements taken longitudinally or one in any transverse line, exceeds the tolerances permitted in Table 7, provided that this one measurement shall not exceed by more than 5 mm the tolerances for the course Goncerned. For the final road surface the tolerances given in Table 7 shall apply to any point on that surface. Surface Regularity The longitudinal regularity of the surface of the wearing course shall be within the relevant limits stated in Table 8. Any irregularity is a variation of not less than 4 mm or 7 mm of the profile of the road surface as measured by rolling straight edge. No irregularity exceeding 10 mm shall be permitted. Compliance with Table 8 will be tested by a rolling straight edge complying with the type used by the Materials Testing Laboratory of CED, along any line or lines parallel to the edge of pavement on Sections of 300 m selected by the Road Engineer, whether or not it is constructed in shorter lengths. Sections shorter than 300 m forming part of a longer Pavement shall be assessed using the number of irregularities for a 300 m length pro-rata to the nearest whole number. where the total length of 25 6.3.2 5 7 for irregularities at points decided by the Road aaceeecees At angles to the centre line of th maximum allowable difference between surface and the straight edge shall b Rectification If any tolerances or limits of this Clause are exceeded the full extent of the area which does not comply with the Specification shall be made good and the surface of the pavement course shall be rectified in a manner to be approved by the Road Engineer. TESTING OF MATERIALS The Contractor shall be respons for carrying out all the various test procedures indicated in Table 2 or as required by the Authority and the Roa Engineer, to ensure that the minimum spec. requirements are ac! at the frequency indicated in Table 5 shall be undertaken at the contractor's own expense at a laboratory approved by the Central Construction Materials Testing Laboratory of CED. Copies of test results shall be made available to the Authority and the Road Engineer within 24 hou taking a sample or carrying out an insitu test unless agreed otherwise with the Authority and the Road Engineer. eation eved and maintained. Testing Where deemed necessary the Contractor may be instructed to obtain and deliver samples of materials to the Central Construction Material Testing Laboratory of CED for examination and testing. MATERIALS SOURCE APPROVAL The Contractor shall submit for approval to the Road Engineer at least 30 days prior to the requirement on site of materials details of : his materials, relevant laboratory test results to show Specification compliance and full details of the Proposed Marshall Asphalt Mix design. Mat. s shall not be brought to site or incorporated in the works until approval has been obtained from the Road Engineer. Bituminous coated material shall only be supplied from batching plants contained on the CED Approved List of Asphalt Production Plants 26 SECTION 7 — REINSTATEMENT eae eae] 7.2.3 7.2.4 re specified the reinstatement of the road opening shall take place in two separate phases as Follows Phase to be carried out immediately the service authority works are completed (either partially or wholly) and in accordance with all the requirements of this specification and to the details shown in Appendix 4. 2™ Phase to be undertaken 28 days before the expiry of the maintenance period and to the requirements given in Clause 7.2 and the details shown in Appendix 4. CED REQUIREMENTS FOR REINSTATEMENT For all reinstatement works to major roads above sub-grade level the works shall be carried out by a CED approved Grade ‘A’ roadworks contractor 2™ phase reinstatement works to all roads shall be carried out by a CED approved Grads 'A' roadworks contractor. The reinstatement of the wearing course shall be carried out using the aporopriate machinery and a method approved by the Road Engineer. Reinstatement of all road openings in major roads shall be carried out in two phases. For minor roads, crossings shall be reinstated in a single Phase using the appropriate detail in Appendix #, or as otherwise directed by the Road Engi runs along the carriageway on minor road reinstated in two phases in accordance with the details given in Appendix 4. Tne dimensions given in Appendix 4 for width of reinstatement are minimum figures and may be varied for each individual location if required and as directed by the Road Engineer. MAINTENANCE PERIOD The Contractor shall be responsible for maintenance of the road reinstatement for a period of 12 months. During this period the Contractor must ensure that the surface of the reinstatement meets the requirements of this specification with particular attention being paid to finished surface level. 27 CATION materials which do not comply with the Specification shall be removed and relaid. ade and Sub-base formation Rectification of sub-grade and sub-base formation Shall be in accordance with Clauses 3.10, 3-11 ard fhe following except where the sub-base consists of arshall Mix Design MD} High spots shall be graded off, low spots shall be Scorified and filled with selected fill material, and the whole area re-watered and recompacted to Specification. Sections containing unsuitable fill material or failing to meet compaction requirements shall be removed and replaced by suitable material in accordance with the Specification. Bituminous Layers eegsuzement of level and tolerance shall be made by the Contractor while the material is still warm ant where necessary rectification carried out jumediately. Regulation after compaction will not be permitted and the whole area may require to be Femoved to the full depth of the layer and reconstructed with fresh material. Should any construction layer suffer damage on removal of defective bituminous material, then the sted layer shall either be removed or the limits designated by the Road reconstructed to th Engine acement materials shall comply with the ents of this Specification. tonal payment shall be made for any rectification. ‘TION AND ADOPTION On completion inesr wil £ the maintenance pericd, the Road Aspect the finished reinstatement. fhere the reinstatement is satisfactory for adoption by the Highway Maintenance Section, the Contractors ation monies shell be released and ERsponsibility for future maintenance of the surface shall pass to C.E.D. 28 rm 5. 4 Where the reinstatement is unsuitable for adopt by the Highway Maintenance Section, the Road Engineer will instruct the Contractor of his requirements for satisfactory completion. The Contractor will be responsible for arranging such works for which no additional payments shall be ade. In the event of the Contractor failing to meet his responsibilities, the Road Engineer shall arrange any necessary remedial works and recover the cost from the Authority. This cost shall then be recovered from the Con! ion monies by the Authority. 29 APPENDIX 1 ROAD OPENING PROCEDURES AND FORMS Appendix ROAD 0 NG PROCEDURE: Application form Rol shall be submitted to CED Highway Maintenance Section accompanied by a 1:19,000 locoey plan and detailed working drawings. Simipae applications using form Rol should be submitted at the same time to all other service authorities whose ERESEAtUS Could be affected by the works, accompanied by threes copies of the drawings to assist processing by the various departments of each authority. NOTE The accompanying drawings should have at least one set of gzid co-ordinates clearly marked on them to assist in the jocation of the appropriate record drawings. Approval form Ro2 shall be completed by CED Highway Ose eenance Section, after consultation with Road besiga cichoestnen Mecessary, and returned to the promoting authority. Similarly form Ro2 should be returned by the other service authorities approached, NOTE a. The approval form Ro2 is only valid from the date of reply and it is th: promoting authority's supervisor to ches! validity of the R02. a Where work is expected to exceed 4 months dura and provided no changes have been made to the original drawings then 11 days prior to the date of expiry, @ new Rol application must be made to all concerned authorities. This re-application need gnly be accompanied by the location plan, and the section of form Rol regarding the previous application should be completed quoting the reference of the original application. When works are about to commence, form Ro} shall be gubmitced to the Traffic Police with a copy of approval form Ro2 from CED, having first been checxed for salt by the promoting authority's supervisor. be pee yoSSe, Of emergency works, a copy of form Ro4 shall be hand delivered by the site foreman to the Trettic Police. 30 5. Appendix 1 Whenever it is considered necessary the Highway » Rance Section will implement inspection of the works in progress. In some instances inspection form RoS may be implemented to ensure compliance with the Specification. Where works are considered to be substandard or sReeesoration has occurred during the maintenance period, medial form Ro9 will be issued to the service eugherity concerned. In general this action will only be taken where 2 serious hazard exists or informal approaches for improvement have failed. On completion of the maintenance period, the reinstatement shall be inspected and any remedial works undertaken as necessary. 31 Somos] Bay in. ae oe STATE OF QATAR be py Lt Road Opening Application REPLY REF a eset tw ooxes [| overs pata nor aPpuicaate 70 | cy seats |) ee | wie | ae hn ea So aD FROM Oste of Notice agin Telephone No. ee) ts 1 Wisineadedouaderate [87 wots a oom 1 winon | Mason r = Sos kay pz | | Workin Canagenay | | a i maT] | = | | ve | | oa gage | | Tae Seo 2S Quel ye pa) ot et desoon spose ater | 14 Sap towing stove dae Fait ety win ti that your Auto ot fee Tr aep tei apt th tnt inectesonactsbove Enya 2 tocn of Works 17000 Ceaton Plans scope i 2. Desi of pour apparten are egeed 7 4 tere + pews apfetion No [ve Sob ey et Previous Initial Reference NO, 2 uns SAN ALS GL Dated - red (gis Aol ba yh Fy gy ee EL bat N.B. + For eapplicuton 18 d5ys aotice i cyuieed before expiry date of previous RO? 32 oH 3: State of Qatar Sbhyis ela! fe ily Repay Ral Road Opening Approval eee, Saad Frat ee eee Te z (= = ne oo — a ae as NBL: This approval is enty valid for 4 Moning Irom the date of reply. ss | ote 8. We [50 NOT intend to execute | MACR | MINOR Notice Reference Anached |... Bye Lat Lt Dated: feos Se! i pat [T] - Comments. reer] 6. Your stenced wens will NOT Jee aur soparaua ea ae 7. Delais of cur apparatus are [NOT] enclosed 10, An eatty meeting will 11, Muripalty prececures regarding debris must be ‘clowed eal Joba ob aul 12, Trafic Police approval must be obtained before works commence, 33 inal yes Lys State of Qatar Sesh obygha eel 5p ge et Notice of commencing works in the highway From In toxes [J delete data not appicable in Fat Service Autnonty Superasor Signature lis te cuty of ine Service Autnonty Superiser to check the vaicty of the ZO 2 Ferm pricr to seeking Tratie Paice aparova, SLE Ghat gt SI a] "is imended to undertake | MINOR_| MAIOR | works a5 Soilows Service connectin she ky | Work in vege aes Wot in cariagemay zeal Werk a tootway ee) | Location of Works: Contacter: Encinesr: Teletone: (ott) (5) ie (Pes) (oy oad Sign and barriers will be erected to ‘ralfe Police Deparment requiremanis, A copy of HMS approval Form Ro is atacned, ‘aleng with plans dataiing works Tratc Poiee Apgroval: * One cosy of Approved Form to be relumed to Highway Maintenance 34 Start Date Section before commencing work phi Lys State of Qatar Form Ros Shois shel ge BL Emergency No. Notice of Emergency Road Opening From =| [Te ut Location: ee aul Operation: ast Time and date of Notification to Paice. Foreman il Engineer: ecu! Telephone: SU ad, Ths notice is inform that these excavations gy all ins pl 40 5 Cl G2 1a nya Sac are being carried out to execute emergency En ae ; og Yall Lay d SLdLe! eye eel ll LE Syl repairs to faulty equioment in order to restore | & * oe a service to consumers Slee Lesh Gel Baked Oo SSAC» S342 81 Le Road signs and bartiers will be erected to atl LL LGW Seleally SLL ot Le Trafic Police Department requirements aol bl ole Or (he necessary application forms wil be pro- gak JI beauty LSM! SLL aga gyi ye US cessed with both the Highway Maintenance Sec. PN a (MNS 9 8) atl Say ot SL tion and the Tratfic Police Department (Planning Be. fA US and Safety Branch) within 48 hours, oa Autherising Signature Teath Police Aporoval all Bye wil. 35 Ministry of Industry & Public Works Civil Engineering Department State of Qatar Highway Maintenance Section Road Opening Certification In order that the completed work can be accepted by CED itis the responsibility ct the Contractor to cotain initialied certification trom the Engineer's Representa- tive for each completed operation. Service Authority Contractor sa. Initiatory Ref. No. Reply Rel. No. Co Traffic Police Approval Date Form Ros: Approval for Trench Reinstatement Initial Date 1. Service and surround materials satistactory Subgrade Compaction . Sub Base Compaction . Prime Coat and Joints. Basecourse Tack Coat and Joints. fe] or . Wearing Course and Suriece Fi ish Surround free from damage and spillage In-situ Laboratory Testing Date of Test Date of Approval 1. Subgrade Compaction . 2. Sub-base Campaction . Mater Source 3. 150 mm dia. Cores Base Course 4. 180 mm dia. Cores Wearing Course Remarks: Final Approval 36 Ministry of Industry & Public Works Civil Engineering Department State of Qatar Highway Maintenance Section Form Fog Notice to Improve a Road Opening To: Regarding the following coad openings -— Initiatory Ref. No. Reply Ref. No. tt has been brought to my attention that works in connection withthe above road opening ae in breach of specication. The folowing works are necessary to bring the road opening to a salistactory standard In this instance | hereby instruct you to stop all site works until remedial works have been completed and the specification is adhered to ——— Please arrange for remedial works to be undertaken within | Days Signed: Date 37 APPENDIX 2 STANDARDS AND TABLES The following standards are either relate to the work which may be ca. considered as STANDARDS to in this document or It is not to be exhaustive. Bs 340 Precast concre! 3, channels, edgings and quadrants Bs 368 Precast concrete flags BS 434 Bitumen road emulsions (anionic and cationic) Part 1 Requirem: BS 497 Manhole covers, road gully gra: anes for drainage purposes Part 1 cast iron and steel Bs 598 on of bi for as Part 2 Tasting Part 3 Metheds of design and paysical testing Part 100 Methods of sampling ods of preparating treatment BS 729 Hot dip galvanised articles BS 812 Methods for ng and testing of mines aggregates, iS and fillers Part 1 ing, size, shape and classification Part 2 ical properties Part 3 Mechanical properties Jas a73 BS 1247 Manhole step irons BS 1377 Methods of testing soils for civil engineering Purposes 38 235 and heat rea. sheer anc strip Ag stee? pla BS 1470 ‘cought aluminium and aluminium alloys for general engineering purposes - plate, sheet and strip ss 1471 alloys for genezal ineering purposes - dzaun tube Bs 1474 nium alleys for general ; extruded round tubes and BS 1775 Steel tubes for mechani ‘tural and general engineering purposes Bs 1851 Tisanium dioxide pigments Bs 3136 Cold emulsion spraying machines for roads BS 3262 Hot-applied thermoplastic road marking materials BS 3506 Unplasticised PVC pipe for industrial puryoses BS 3636 Asbestos-ceme: and fittings for Bs 3690 and civil engineering BS 4027 Sulghate Resisting Portland Cene: Bs 4360 Weldable structural steels Bs 4429 % rolled steel bars for the reinforcement of Bs 4660 Unplasticised Pvc underground drain pipe and fice BS 4848 Hot-rolled structural steel sections Part 2 Hollow sections BS 5911 Precast concrete pip: fittings for drainage sewerage Part 1 Concrete cylindrical pipes, bends, junctions and manholes Pai Inspection chanbers and street gullies 8s 6088 Solid glass beads for use with road marking compounds and for other industrial uses BS 6717 Precast Concrete Paving Blocks 39 ASTM C ag of sodium sulphate or ASTM C 131 on of small size coarse aggregate ngelas Machine Resistance to Abra by use ef the es Resistance to Abrasion of large size coarse aggregate by use of the Los Angeles Machine ASTM D 21722 Quantitative extraction of bitumen from bituminous Paving mixtures AASHTO 796 Resistance to Abrasion of small Size Coarse Aggregate by use of the Les Angeles Machine 40 2- ICATION FOR TESTS TO BE CARRIED OUT BY AN APPROVED LABORATORY NDARD DESCRIPTION “| BS 1377 paration of disturbed scil samples for testing 20ec). ation of Liguid limit. plastic Li plasticity index. pazticle size distribution by: iG method ~ Standard method. G - Subsidiary method. Determination of the total sulphate content of soil. Determination of the total sulphate content of ground water. the dry density/moisture content relations| iG heavy compaction test (4.3 Xg ramner methed) Determination insitu of the dry dens using sand replacement method as a12 £ 10% fines value. Determination of aggregate crushing value. ASTM cag Magnesium sulphate scundness. CED Chemical tests sed rot: = scaked 103 £ BS 598 Binder contenz Sieve analysis Marshall design Theoretical specific gravity ASTM C131 | Los Angeles abrasion value ASTM C535, AASHTO T96 3 - COMBINED AGGREGATE AND BINDER CONTENT FOR MATERIALS - MARSHALL DESIGN MIXES "UMINOUS | PERCENTAGE PASSING BY WEIGHT OF AGGREGATE MARSHALL DEszcN 37.5 mm 20 am 20 am 14 an 65% stone 554 sTowe 50% stonz | 0% stone ROADBASS / | BAszcOURSE ‘WEARING 3 BASScoURSE course MIX DESTGNATION a we: 123 vo 1 37.5 93-100 - - - | 2.0 oso | soico | osaco | 10.0 wee0 ross | tee | zs : : > | 5.0 as-43 | 60-72 - aa - 2 Ls 18-30 28-40 34-45 - 0.8 - - - 0.3 10-20 18-26 10-20 0.15 6-15 : = - | | 0.075 9 6-10 6-12 sz | aiNozR (4) Conn: 5.4-6.6 24 24 ae 24 STABILITY (MIM) 8 xx 2 ww 4 ex aa | 42 LOW (MAK) 6 am 6 me 5S am AIR vorps Btosa 3054 O84 67-77 67-77 73-32 INDICATIVE LAYER 75-150 am 40 am THICKNESS (Engine will insteucs) cement conti to be increased to 34 with limestone aggregate. 43 TABLE 4 - LIMITS OF PLANT MIXTURE TOLERANCES T BASE WEARING COURSE COURSE dey aggregate / tiller grading + Tetained 5.00 an sieve or Laz asa fan Massing 2.36 mm, 1.18 me, 60 micron, 30 micton, 1s moron stoves fas san | 78 micron steve suse fis 1 | soa | soas iy Voids total mixture sao. | sis Voids filled with binges asa 54 than aw sia 6 om 5 an 44 “ CY OF TESTING : THER THAN BITUMINOUS COATED MATERIAL SUB-GRA, SUB-2aS. a S 3 6 sus-zase_| roa aasz_| SUB-GRADE mt a | 1000 600 300 (4:5 kg tanner wethed) 300 750 730 dey densi 400 300 300 BS 812 Particle size and shaze - - soo Flakiae: - - 300 ef supply changes. be carried o1 45 be carried cut on each layer. TYPE OF TEST MIXED MATERIAL COMPACTED Determination of bitumen es: and Aggregate / filler grading 1oco Ty Cores to assess t density taken from finisned javenent Level Twin samples ev: 1,060 (=: clause 4.10) Marshal Test Twice per day Laying and roll be cazri: sd ut on each layer. 46 sur: Sue-base Road base gece pete. The straightedge si of the car: 47 IRREGULARI WEARING COURSE ROAD SURFA cE ULARITY 7 mm 300 5 300 40 38 4 20 Ss 2 48 APPENDIX 3 PODRESSES OF STATE DEPARTMENTS HIGHWAYS MAINT! - Box 38, Doha 420687 ENCY (POLICE CONTROL) 330000 DOHA MUNICIPALITY Box 820, Doha x 41, Doha QATAR PUBLIC TELECOMMUNICATIONS Co: 7.0. Box 217, Doha 400e00 C.£.D. SEWER AND DRA: 0. Box 38, Doha 1: 339444 AGE SECTION QATAR GENERAL PETROLEUM CORPORATION 0. Box 70, Doha Tel: 343227 C.£.D. ROADS DIVISION P.O. Box 38, Doha Tel: 321580 49 APPENDIX 4 DRAWINGS REINSTATEMENT OF ROAD OPENINGS Phase 1 Major Roads — Road Crossings F CARRLAGEWAY j E CENTRAL RESERVATION EDGE CF caRREGENAY PLAN OF TYPICAL ROAD CROSSINGS 90 mm ot Seseccurse Sebvgrede sutece to be armed in MC Note: AD ticknesses refar REINSTATEMENT OF CROSSINGS TYPICAL SECTION 1 f Appendix 4 — Drawings | 4/1 REINSTATEMENT OF ROAD OPENINGS Phase 2 Major Roads — Road Crossings RESERVATION CAE eT EDGE OF cap: EDGE OF CARRACEWAY PLAN AREA OF CARRIAGEWAY TO BE REINSTATED Kimm NOS Mecrng Cours KLEE Zz TTA, REINSTATEMENT OF CROSSINGS TYPICAL SECTION Appendix 4 — Drawings l/ 4/2 ‘STATEMENT OF ROAD OPENINGS Phase i Major Roads — Trench runs along carriageway CeMRAL RESERVATION ist PLAN OF TYPICAL TRENCH RUNS fo | | | “ne conpsind dopa REINSTATEMENT OF TRENCH 1 | Appendix 4 — Drawings || 4/3 ENT OF ROAD OPENINGS Pnase 2 Major Roads — Trench runs along carriageway LIL 7 7 LL LILA LLL LIL EGE OF CARRIAGENAY PLAN AREA OF WEARING COURSE REINSTATEMENT PLAN OF TYPICAL TRENCH RUNS oan At ving Cure ] Evinting hove + reinsttement REINSTATEMENT OF TRENCH RUNS. Appendix 4 — Drawings 2 EINSTATEMENT OF ROAD OPENINGS Minor Roads — Road Crossings | Becing sursune | actors ouirmeste C) TYPICAL REINSTATEMENT LT j DETAIL TYPE 1 i Himm WO Wecring Course il ] 7 Tee] 80 mm uct Sesecourse 10mm | 200 mm ext beck ins Zz [Situminous surtaces te oreo | tabs reo ca i ‘go. a: i Susmgrode surface to be primed ty NG \ ony | \ “fo | | eT an | | } Setting & suroune | | twin to srice ashore crane for to compacted depths Note 2 Where the exiting reed construction consints oho ain | TYPICAL, REINSTATEMENT @ Set Sedan DETAIL TYPE 2 is Appendix 4 — Drawings | 4/5 REINSTATEMENT OF ROAD OPENINGS Phases 1 & 2 Minor Roads — Trench runs along carriageway EDGE OF CARRIAGEWAY EDGE OF CARRIAGEWAY PLAN OF TYPICAL TRENCH RUNS | I 1 | { ‘Sr Gs Mer Cou | i TT rji— | Tamm 02 Sila Coure | 90 rm Cl Sonecourse 1 | 7 a — | te be primed wits wet | nd point Stuminous surfaces te be sprayed itn 7 teckeoeat amolion 4 Subrsrode Suscgrode sure t ee to be aries. wt 1 layers net sxczecing Som | Bedding & surround Bedding & sumoune | mateciis to service motericis to service | | Authoring requirements acthorias regiments | _ Note: al thicknesses refer I te compacted dept, | PHASE 1 REINSTATEMENT TYPE 1 PHASE 1 REINSTATEMENT TYPE 2 mm MO4 Weering Course —— Barove ting anane 1 org | fessamen ro must sors | esanetes by the Read Erin | PHASE 2 REINSTATEMENT Note I: ery wining road construction consis f @ single course of sopnat lad on sub-grace then cintctemant ‘ype 1 shall apy ‘At etter typen of construction shol be rsinateted in accordance wih Type 2 deta unos cviae specifad by the Rood Engineer. % Ihe sah of the phose 2 waorng course rsrstatement wll be. delerminted by the Rood Easier on an indicia sia gesenaant gan fr iecaton of te tr in the rood. However the minimum width of reinstatement wil be one lane wicth and in many cove wil be | ful conageway iat Appendix 4 — Drawings REINSTATEMENT OF ROAD OPENINGS Permanent Reinstatement Of Paved Areas | | oo ing me Beading & surcund Note: Al thicknasses cofor to compacted depths Appendix 4 — Drawings || 4/7 | MENT OF ROAD OPENINGS Major Rocds—Minimum Requirements for Siting Roadworks Signs o Ss + 0 D & = Oo i Qa I —__ NOUVASSSS WING] | + & ‘3 apo 2 SET ican oe oar 5 a =— a ¢ Vy Z) < Lit AYIBOYRRVD 40 3903 num Requirements for Siting Roadworks Signs NSTATEMENT OF ROAD OPENINGS REI Roads—Min Minor Oo ~ + a & & 2 g J 33 a | | “A ___saommre 40 2003 + eS oo ms Es e ae > Pe ee ee Se ee o — Qa . a e ote 4 <= ~ le i bey b=] avmaoveaivo 40 aoaa fe | > ® i v — a

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