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Project Plan – Saturday at the Arboretum Talia Rossi


Saturday at the Arboretum

Project Plan


The major milestones as outlined in the plan include completion of the project proposal,
completion of the project plan, completion of the analysis and design, and submitting the
finished product to the clients.

1. Meet with clients
2. Defining the Elements
3. Project Proposal
4. Project Plan
5. WBS
6. Marketing Plan
7. Design Flyers
8. Advertisement Plan
9. Put together event
10. Event Date
11. Evaluation
12. Status Report

Work Breakdown
1. Contact client: Margo Hansen 1/21/16
a. Research what client wants
b. Agree on project ideas
2. Prepare Project Proposal 1//21/16
a. Prepare event date
b. Determine what project community will accomplish
c. Prepare Definition
i. Purpose
ii. Objectives
iii. Scope Statement
iv. Evaluation
3. Prepare Project Plan 2/1/16
a. Marketing phase
i. Date, time, activity, funds, research, materials
ii. Evaluation
b. Flyer/poster Design
i. Create 2 different designs for advertisements for the event
ii. Create sign in sheet for event
iii. Show to client for approval
iv. Evaluation

Project Plan – Saturday at the Arboretum Talia Rossi
c. Advertisement Phase
i. Distribute posters, flyers, website updates, and emails to the
ii. Evaluation
4. Set up Event 4/15/16
a. Buy all materials needed
i. Plants, soil, pots, hand shovels
b. Put together event
i. Set up tables
ii. Gather materials
iii. Print off instruction sheets
5. Event Date 4/16/16
a. Check off sign in sheet
b. Pass out instruction sheets
c. Assist with questions
d. Celebrate a job well done
6. Final Evaluation 4/18/16
a. Request a breakdown on how I did throughout the planning, design, and
creation parts of this project

Communication Plan

Communication during this project will primarily be over the phone or face to face. My
client is not a fan of emailing, therefore any email that is to take place will be done over
minimal topics and printed out for recording purposes. My client is always readily
available to answer any questions or concerns that arise, while create meeting times
throughout their day to fit my needs. A focus group will take place throughout the
planning stages in order to ensure maximum success for this event.

Quality Assurance

The quality of the project will be assured through the review and steps leading up to the
event. This will be done by evaluating the responses we get from the various surveys
(polls and feedback cards) as well as running all ideas by the head of directors, Margo
Hansen. The director is aware of the level of professionalism that is needed to run any
program represented through the organizations’ name. For this, all activities and plans
will never be less than extraordinary. All activities following Saturday at the Arboretum
are ensured to represent all the organization stands for and wishes the community to
participate in.

Resource Planning

All information and items gathered prior to this event will be done through scholarly
websites and local stores or recyclable materials from participants own homes. Because
this is a hands- learning experience, all information lectured will be as accurate as
possible and can be found on the reference page of all handouts. Materials will be paid

Project Plan – Saturday at the Arboretum Talia Rossi
for by the organization and are safe to use for people of all ages as participants will be
creating a project.

Risk Planning

 Not finishing the project in time

 Weather conditions
 Budget restraints
 Communication
 Flyer/poster design not approved by client
 Insignificant advertising methods (ex: introduce event too late)

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Signature: _______________

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