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Daniel and revelation

My initial knowledge about Daniel and Revelation is the firm faith and fight of Daniel and his friends to
our God.Daniel's faithfulness and prayerful man help and teach the generation to stay strong in fighting
their God and what they believe in.Daniel was dragged into Babylon made to feel like his God had either
forsaken him or just did not exist. He along with his friends Shadrach,Mechach and Abednego were
made to feel that their God was irrelevant in this new world where Babylon ruled the world.In spite of
the heavy handed actions done to Daniel and his friends, they realized that God was with them and they
specifically chose to serve God with all their strengtht that they have.It is easy to see that Daniel's heart
really ached for his own people. His devotion to God and His people were uppermost in his heart and he
looked forward to a time when the Jews would be a united people under God.So God gave Daniel a gift
to understood the true meaning of the visions he received from God. He however understand from the
visions that his people would be hurting and in big trouble but that one day would be a united people
under God.Today we can look at the whole history of Israel and Judah and realize that the Jews have
never been good followers of God.And that is being seen in our generation know a day.

However the Book of Revelation (often called the Revelation to John, Apocalypse of John, the Revelation
from Jesus Christ from its opening words, the Apocalypse, the Revelation, or simply Revelation) is the
final book of the New Testament, and consequently is also the final book of the Christian Bible. Its title is
derived from the first word of the Koine Greek text: apokalypsis, meaning "unveiling" or "revelation". In
revelation it talks about God's judgments on religious apostasy. Mystery Babylon the great is described
with its fall. It is similar to the development of papal Rome at its future zenith of apostasy spread
throughout the world. The future imperial Rome will support the future papal Rome, which, as we shall
see, will be finally destroyed by imperial Rome. It ends with the Lord coming forth as "King of kings, and
Lord of lords"in judgments on the armies of men at Armageddon, and upon the beast and the anti-Christ
or false prophet. This all I know about Daniel and Revelation.Being faithful until the end and trusting
God until the second coming of God, by then we will be judge by God for what we did.

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