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Republic of the Phiernes Department of the interior and Local Government. LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACADEMY at 84h Fors Agustin Bung F Oras. Rod, Ortigas Cate, 1605 Pasig Cy PHLIPPNES Telia No: 624-6416 64-6576 6945873: 634-1863 ‘mal: execdrelgagovph igamalelgagovph aera caren) ‘Website tnpranlgagouph Tae LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACADEMY RECORD SECTION MEMORANDUM TO : ALL DILG REGIONAL DIRECTORS SUBJECT MONITORING AND EVALUATION (M&E) GUIDELINES FOR THE PROGRAM FOR NEWLY-ELECTED OFFICIALS (PROGRAM FOR NEOs) DATE 08 October 2019 1.0 Rationale 1.1As the mandated institution responsible for human resource development and training of local government officials and functionaries (EO 262, Sec. 14 dated August 1988), the Local Government Academy (LGA) of the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) has, for the past 12 years, implemented the NEO program in partnership with the DILG field offices, leagues of local governments, and partner NGAs. 1.2 Designed to help mold newly-elected officials become development and economic leaders and managers capable of steering their respective Local Government Units (LGUs) towards inclusive, resilient, and sustainable development, the Program for NEOs is a term-based program aimed at providing capacity-building interventions to NEOs throughout their 3-year term of office. Moreover, the Program for NEOs likewise aims to strengthen the institutional competencies of LGUs to effectively and efficiently perform their mandated function of basic service delivery by helping capacitate local government officials and functionaries. 1.3 With a view towards continuous improvement of program planning and implementation, these M&E Guidelines aim to provide the basic parameters for assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of the 2019 Program for NEOs. 1.4 Annex to these guidelines are the M&E Framework for the Program for NEOs as well as the prescribed formats for data collection, aggregation and reporting of program accomplishments and milestones. be 2.0 Objectives 2.1 Monitoring and Evaluation are project management functions aimed at collecting, analyzing, and using information to support informed decision-making, leaming and accountability. Towards this end, this M&E framework seeks to provide the guidelines for a results-based approach to implementation and management of the Program for NEOs. 2.2 Apart from informing the stakeholders about the progress being made towards achievement of program objectives, this M&E framework aims to provide a concrete basis for steering program implementation and formulating policies and strategies that will ensure continued program enhancement. 2.3 Specifically, these M&E guidelines aims to: Provide a framework for tracking the progress of the program towards achieving its intended results; 2.3.2 Provide a mechanism for program managers and other key stakeholders to promptly address implementation issues; 2.3.3. Establish mechanism to ensure quality, reliability, and accuracy of reported data; 2.3.4 Establish a system for aggregation, validation and reporting of program data gathered from the field to include status of accomplishment of program deliverables and fund usage; 2.3.5 Define approach and framework for program review and evaluation; and 2.3.6 Provide reliable and accurate data for evidence-based decision making and policy decisions pertaining to NEO program implementation. 3.0 Operational Definition of Terms 34 3.2 33 Course Monitors — refers to individuals or groups of individuals, association, or organization who in partnership with the LGA act as independent data quality reviewer of submitted accomplishment and progress reports. These include members of the Academe and the Local Research Institute (LRis), among others, Evaluation — refers to the systematic and objective assessment of an ongoing ‘or completed project, program, or policy, and of its design, implementation, and results, to determine the relevance and fulfillment of objectives, development efficiency, effectiveness, impact, and sustainability. Implementing Partners — refers to the various leagues such the League of Province, Cities, and Municipalities (LPP, LCP, and LMP) that partners with the LGA in the conduct of learning activities under the Program for NEOs. 34 35 36 37 38 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 Institutional Partners — refers to partner organizations like the LRIs and Academe. Monitoring — refers to the continuous process of collecting and analyzing information on key indicators, and comparing actual results to expected results. it also includes the act of reporting progress to program managers and to alert them of problems in program implementation Local Government Academy Monitoring and Evaluation System (LGAMES) ~ refers to an online system that gathers and stores monitoring and evaluation data on LGA Capacity Development programs. it is a web-based system that automates the process of submitting monitoring reports through the effective and efficient use of technology. Performance Indicator — refers to a variable that allows verification of changes in development intervention or shows results relative to what was planned. Program implementers — refer to those tasked to managed and implement program components of the Program for NEOs like the BLGS and BLGD. Also Included are the DILG field offices like the Regional and Provincial offices ible for implementing the Program for NEOs in their respective areas of Results-Based Approach — refers to an M&E principle where program performance and accomplishments are measured based on results rather than just monitoring accomplishment of activities and delivery of outputs. It is a systematic method for managing program implementation focused in the attainment of the program’s expected results. Results-Based Management (RBM) Approach — refers to a management strategy that focuses on performance and the achievement of results (outputs, outcomes, and impacts). It is a method aimed at achieving important changes in the way an organization operates, with improving performance in terms of results as the central orientation. it provides the management frameworks and tools for strategic planning, risk management, performance monitoring, and evaluation. Results Framework — refers to the program logic that explains how the development objectives are to be achieved, including causal relationships and underlying assumptions (OECD, 2002). Other terms used for results framework include: Results Matrix (UN), Logical Framework (EU), Design and Monitoring Framework (ADB). Stakeholder — refers to an individual or group of individuals with a direct or indirect role or interest in the objectives and implementation of an intervention (projectiprogram). Secondary Data ~ refer to data that are not directly collected by and for the program, but which can nevertheless meet program informational needs. (In contrast, primary data are those collected directly by the organization concerned). 4.0 Guiding Principles 4.1 In pursuit of the above objectives, the following principles served as guideposts in the formulation of this M&E framework: 444 The design of the Program for NEOs’ M&E system takes into consideration the ‘Managing for Development Results (MfDR)* framework. This is a results-based management approach adopted by the government that gives particular attention to collecting and using information at the level of outputs, outcomes, and impacts. 4.1.2 Considering that complex M&E systems are less likely to be understood and used by program stakeholders, data collection mechanism are made simple and practical with performance measured by few yet robust set of indicators. 4.4.3. For purposes of consistency, the project performance measures are aligned with the organizational outcome/output indicators of the LGA and DILG. §.0 Program for NEOs Results Framework 5:1 An effective M&E system can only exist on the basis of an accurate and realistic results framework that describes the intended results (outputs, outcome, and impact) and corresponding performance indicators of the program intervention 5.2 Attached as Annex 1 is the results framework upon which the M&E system of the Program for the NEOs is anchored. 6.0 Overall Program Monitoring and Evaluation Plan 6-1 Program Monitoring. 6.1.1 The implementation of the Program for NEOs will be monitored systematically and its progress regularly reported following the program M&E plan. 6.1.2 Anchored on the program's results framework, the M&E plan enumerates five monitoring levels, to wit: impact (goal), outcome (purpose), outputs, activity (process), and inputs. 6.1.3 The M&E plan likewise defines the indicators to be monitored and outlines the manner in which these indicators are to be collected, aggregated, validated, analyzed, and reported to key program stakeholders (see Annex 2). 6.2 Performance Indicators. 6.241 6.2.2 ‘The M&E plan for the Program for NEOs enumerates a total of 28 indicators distributed as follows: three (3) impact indicators; three (3) outcome indicators; eleven (11) output indicators; eight (8) activity indicators; and three (3) input indicators. To ensure consistency and uniformity of understanding among the various program stakeholders, each identified program indicator has been operationally defined according to stakeholders’ inputs, official program documents (ie. NEO Program design and BLGS Memorandum Circular), and other existing LGA literatures (i.e. LGA ISO Manual). 6.3 Data Sources. 6.3.1 6.3.2 Data sources have been identified for all program indicators enumerated in the M&E Plan. As specified, accomplishment and other progress reports will be obtained from these identified data sources and from various surveys conducted for the purpose (see Annex 2: Program for NEOs M8E Plan). On account of the collaborative approach to program implementation, several program components and/or learning activities are managed and implemented by organizations other than the LGA. In such cases, these program implementers or implementing partners shall be the data sources of the accomplishment and progress reports of said program components and/or leaning activities. 6.4 Data collection and Aggregation. 6.4.1 64.2 Data on the status of program implementation will be collected using data collection forms designed to track program milestones at the level of impact, outcome, output and activities. Two types of data collection forms will be used to collect program updates: Data Capture Forms (LGU Monthly Progress Report [NEO2019-DCFO1-LMPR] and the LGU Quarterly Accomplishment Report [NEO2019-DCF02-LQAR]) designed to monitor the progress of the NEOs/LGUs with respect to their target deliverables (see Annexes 586); and 64.2.2The Data Aggregation form (Provincial Progress Report [NEO2019-DAFO1-PPR] and the Regional Progress Report [NE02019-DAFO2-RPR}) to be used in aggregating program monitoring data at the cluster/provincial and regional level (see Annexes 788). of 6.43 6.44 With regards to the conduct of leaming activities, the program implementer or implementing partner conducting the leaming activity shall submit to the LGA for consolidation, analysis, and reporting a Terminal Report of the just concluded learning activity using the prescribed Terminal Report template of their respective Regions. Data on impact indicators and level of leadership and management competencies of NEOs will be collected through surveys conducted either by course monitors or external groups engaged for the purpose. 6.5 Frequency of Data Collection. 6.5.1 6.5.2 6.5.3 Depending on the indicator, data collection will be on a monthly, quarterly, or on an annual basis. Performance indicators tracking compliance on the requirements for LGU leadership transition (Output 1 of Component 1) and the status of accomplishments of the NEOs 1* 100 Days Agenda (Output 2 of Component 2) will be monitored on a monthly basis until their completion as confirmed by the C/MLGOO or upon the lapse of reasonable time allotted for the accomplishment of these deliverables. ‘Thereafter, submission of monthly progress reports shall cease. For impact and outcome indicators, data collection will be on an annual basis while updates for the remaining indicators will be submitted quarterly (see Annex 3). 6.6 Data Review and Validation. 6.6.1 6.6.2 66.3 ‘While it is assumed that all reports submitted to the LGA are verified true and correct, good M&E practice requires the review and validation of these submitted data that quantify program milestones. Data review and validation intend to assess the accuracy, reliability, timeliness, and integrity of reported data will be conducted primarily by the LGA M&E team with the assistance of “Course Monitors”. Acting as “force muttipie” that will augment the limited LGA M&E personnel, these course monitors will serve as independent data quality reviewer acting under the guidance of the LGA M&E team. In collaboration with relevant program stakeholders such as the BLGD, BLGS, and the DILG Regional Offices, on-site monitoring and validation will be conducted on randomly selected LGUs to review and check the veracity of the data generated by the M&E system. 6.7 Data Analysis and Reporting. 67.41 Data analysis will be performed at the national level by the LGA-M&E team. 67.2 673 674 675 67.6 Data analysis aims to assess the extent by which a program is meeting its intended objectives or desired results. Aside from providing program implementers clues as to the issues and challenges affecting program implementation, data analysis likewise enables the identification of appropriate solutions that best address these problems thereby improving program performance. ‘Some of these solutions can be provided by the program implementers themselves — since they are at the forefront of program implementation, hence best situated to understand the different factors involved. Along this line, analysis of program data is highly encouraged at the regional, provincial, city, or municipal level. Results of data analysis will be reported by the LGA to the Planning Service, DILG-Central Office, tasked to report program accomplishment tothe SILG. The LGA will also provide quarterly program updates and feedback to other stakeholders through the various learning activities (Le. LGRRC Quarterly Conference, M&E Forum, etc). In the same manner, the DILG Regional and/or Provincial Offices should provide feedback to the field offices to help facilitate smooth program implementation. 6.8 Program Evaluation. 6.8.1 6.8.2 6.8.3 The Program for NEOs will be evaluated in a systematic and objective manner. Assessment on the achievement of program objectives, relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability will be done using cost effective approaches. Progress of impact and outcome indicators will be collected and analyzed through periodic program assessment and evaluation studies. The LGA will manage the conduct of program evaluation and will engage the services of external evaluators. To ensure a smooth and successful conduct of these assessments, the assistance of DILG field offices particularly in the field of data collection will be pursued by the LGA. Output data indicators generated in the course of regular program monitoring and impactfoutcome indicators collected through periodic program evaluations will serve as bases in assessing overall program progress and inputs for evidenced-based policy decisions. 6.9 Online M&E System. 6.9.1 To facilitate monitoring of program updates and accomplishments, data will be collected and aggregated using the Data Capture and Aggregation Forms (NEO2019-DCF/ NEO2019-DAF) mentioned above. These aggregated data will then be submitted to the LGA by encoding these online using 69.2 Datasets stored in the LGAMES will include activity, output, and outcome data. This will enable program implementers to track the progress and impact of interventions provided to the NEOs. 7.0 Implementation and Management of M&E 7. M&E Structure and Responsibilities. 7.1.1. The organizational set-up for implementing and managing the M&E of the Program for NEOs will adopt the existing structure wherein M&E responsibilities are shared among the M&E units at the national and field levels. (see Annex 4). 7.1.2 As the program's lead implementer, the LGA will be primarily responsible in leading and coordinating all M&E related activities. To ensure a robust M&E system that accurately tracks and captures the progress and results of the Program for NEOs, a collaborative effort to ‘monitor and evaluate program milestones is crucial. 7.1.3 Enumerated below are the roles and responsibilities of key program stakeholders with regards the M&E system of the Program for NEOs: DILG LGOO (City and Municipal): Ensure the completeness and accuracy of the data collected at the LGU level; Gather and prepare LGU monthly progress and quarterly accomplishment reports for submission to the Cluster/Provincial Office; Ensure the timely submission of LGU monthly progress and quarterly accomplishment reports to the Cluster/Provincial Office; and Assist the Course Monitors during the conduct of onsite monitoring/validation activities in their areas of responsibilty. DILG Cluster/Provincial Office: 7.13.21 Verify the completeness and accuracy of the data submitted by the LGUs; Collect and analyze M&E data on NEO implementation at the provincial level; ve 713.23 TAB24 7AB.25 713.26 TAB32 713.33 7AB34 7A335 Consolidate the LGU monthly progress and quarterly accomplishment reports into Cluster/Provincial monthly/quarterly reports; Ensure the timely submission of provincial monthly progress and quarterly accomplishment reports to the Regional Office; Paricipate in M&E-related activities such as capacity building, periodic program reviews, etc.; and Provide feedbacks on M&E findings to LGUs and other relevant program stakeholders. 3 DILG Regional Office: Consolidate provincial monthly progress and quarterly accomplishment reports into Regional monthly progress and quarterly accomplishment reports; Review and approve regional monthly progress and quarterly accomplishment reports; Ensure timely submission of regional monthly progress and quarterly accomplishment reports to the LGA; Participate in M&E-related activities like capacity building, periodic program reviews, etc.; and Provide feedbacks on M&E findings to provincial offices and other relevant program stakeholders. Local Government Academy: TABAA 7ABA2 TABS TABLA Consolidate regional monthly progress and quarterly accomplishment reports into national monthly/quarterly reports; Prepare an analysis of the national monthly/quarterly reports to be submitted to the SILG; Ensure the timely submission of reports as per Memorandum Circular dated 09 March 2017 re: Reporting Guidelines for LGA Programs, Projects, and Activities; Conduct M&E-related activities such as capacity building, periodic program reviews, etc.; and Provide program updates and feedback to institutional partners and relevant — program stakeholders through the various leaming activities (ie. L@RRC Quarterly Conference, M&E Forum, etc.). .5 Program implementers and Implementing Partners (BLGS, BLGD, Leagues): Share with the LGA program updates on the status of implementation of assigned NEO program component; Based on M&E findings submit recommendations to LGA and to other program stakeholders; and Participate in M&E-related activities like capacity building, periodic program reviews; etc. Course Monitors: In partnership and under the guidance of the LGA- M&E team, act as independent data quality reviewer to verify the accuracy and veracity of data collected at the LGU level; In collaboration with relevant program stakeholders, conduct onsite monitoring and validation activities on randomly selected LGUs; Participate in M&E related activities such as capacity building, periodic program reviews, etc.; and Submit M&E findings and recommendations to LGA and other program stakeholders. 8.0 Annexes 8.1 Annex 1: Program for NEOs Results Indicators 8.2 Annex 2: Program for NEOs M&E Plan 8.3 Annex 3: Program for NEOs Reporting Matrix 84 Annex 4: ME Structure of the Program for NEOs 8.5 Annex 5: NEO2019-DCFO1-LMPR (LGU Monthly Progress Report) 8.6 Annex 6: NEO2019-DCF02-LQAR (LGU Quarterly Accomplishment Report) 87 Annex 7: NEO2019-DAFO1-PPR (Provincial Progress Repor!) 8.8 Annex 8: NEO2019-DAFO2-RPR (Regional Progress Report) 9.0 Effectivity This Memorandum Circular shall take effect immediately. 10 10.0 Approving Authority vuln T. VECINA, CESO IV Executive Director 11.0 Feedback For related queries, kindly contact the Department of the Interior and Local Government — Local Goverment Academy at Tel Nos. (02) 636-0388 or email 1 Annex 4 Program for NE Indicators Results Chain Indicators Impact All constituent of LGUs, particularly the poor and vulnerable, have equal rights to resources and access to basic services towards the achievement of a strongly- rooted, comfortable and secure life. 1. Percent of LGU constituents satisfied with the performance of their LGU officials based on citizens’ satisfaction survey. 2. Percent of LGU constituents satisfied with access. to services that meet their needs. 3. Percent increase in LGU constituents access to and utilization of key infrastructure and services. ‘Outcome Enhanced capacities of LGUs, Particularly of newly-elected officials as both development and economic managers who are able to operationalize their vision and agenda, and improved service delivery towards inclusive, resilient and sustainable growth 4. Percent change in the level of leadership and management competencies of NEOs to perform their mandated functions. 2. Number of LGUs conferred with the Seal of Good Local Governance (SGLG) 3. Number of LGUs with recognition, awards, or incentives applicable to LGUs ‘Outputs 1. Process to ensure smooth transition in LGU leadership is improved. 2. Leadership and management competencies of newly- elected officials to take on their roles and reinvigorate local governance are enhanced. 3. Systems of local governance are improved through strengthening LGU organizational structure and capacitating functionaries. 4. Partnership and alliances to support the development of LGUs are strengthened. 4.4 Number of LGUs with Local Govemance Transition Team organized 1.2 Number of LGUs that conducted Turnover Ceremony 1.3 Number of LGUs that submitted Elective Local Official Personnel Data Sheet (ELOPDS) 2.1 Number of NEOs who formulated their First 100 Days Agenda 2.2 Number of LGUs with ELA 3.1 Number of LGUs with updated CDP 3.2 Number of LGUs with CapDev Agenda 3.3 Percent of LGUs that uploaded CapDev Agenda to the OCDMS 4.1 Number of LGUs with Coherence Plan/Strategy §.1 Percent of NEOs with completed MOLD journal B 5. A capacity development program for local governments to fully implement good governance initiatives is provided. 5.2 Percent of LGUs with reflection paper per ‘Specialized Local Governance Module Activities 1. Number of Leaming Activity conducted ‘Component O: Preparatory Learning Activities 2, Number of participants trained by type of learning ‘Component 1: Ensuring Smooth Transition ‘Component 2: Jumpstarting Local Governance Component 3: Creating the Roadmap for LGU Development Component 4: Sharpening the Competencies of LGU Officials Component 5: LGU Performance Management activity 3. Number of female/male participants by type of learning activity 4, Percent of participants who rated the learning activity as "satisfactory" or better 5. Level of Knowledge and skills acquisition by participants in learning activities 6, Number of LGUs that participated in the NEO Program learning activities 7. Percent of allocated budget utilization 8, Percent of liquidation rate for total budget allocation Inputs Funding/Financial Support + From the LGA. +DILG-CO + From the LGU and other sources Human and other Resources * Technical Experts + Resource Persons *LRis Material Resources *Policy Guidelines + learning Materials + Alliances/Partnerships + Software o M&E 1. Amount of approved budget for the program obligated at the Central and Regional levels, 2. Number of DILG resource persons that participated inthe program 3. Number of Leaming Materials developed Annex 2 Program for NEOs M&E Plan Data Responsibility Center Performance Data Frequen i Operational Definition Collection 5 Indicators, Source | Cal ©y | cotection | Aggregation | Review! | Analyatar ‘Validation _| Reporting Tinpact (Goal Allconstituent of LGUs, particularly the poor and vulnerable, have equal righis to resources and acooss fo basic services. towards the achievement of a strongly-rooted, comfortable and secure life. 1. Percont ofLGU | Refers to the percentage | LGU ‘Survey ‘anally | Course Tom 16K TR constituents OfLGU constituents that | constituent Monitors satlfied with the | are satisied with tho | s ‘Course performance of | | performance oftheir External Monitors ‘their LGU officials | LGU officials based on survey based on citizens’ | ctizer's satisfaction Team satisfaction survey conducted. survey. 2. Pereant ofLGU_| Retere to the percentage | LGU SuNey ‘Fanually | Course Toe TSR TOR constituents OfLGU constituents that | constituent Monitors salleied with are satisfied wih thelr | 8 Course access to services | access tothe basic External Monitors that meet their | services provided by the Survey needs LGU that meet their Team needs. “Parcentinerease | Refers to the paroant | LGU ‘suney ‘nnually | Course | T6R Tek Ter inueu Inorease in LGU constituent Montore constituents constituents accessto | 6 Course ‘access to and | and tization of LGU. External Montore tuilizton of key | key infrastructure and Survey infrastructure and | basio services as Team servioes compared to baseline. ‘Outcome (Purpose): Enhanced capacities of LGUs, particulary of newiy-clected officials as both development and economic managers who are able to operationalize their visfon and agenda, and Improved service delivery towards inclusive, resilient and sustainable growth. 7. Percent change | Refersto the percent] LGU ‘Suey ‘Annualy | Course | DILG-FO TA Tor Inthe level of | change nthe level of | Officials Monitors leadership and | leadership and LA Course management | management External Monitors ‘competencies of | competencies of NEOs Survey NEOs to perform | to perform their Team their mandated | mandated functions as functions ‘compared to baseline 7%. Number of Refers to the number of | TGU Data captured | Annual | LGU BLEFO Tex Tea LGUs centered | LGUs that passed the ‘rough vith the Seal of | requirements and have regular Lea ‘Course Good Local ‘been conferred withthe ‘Accomplishme Monitors Governance Seal of Good Local ntreporis (cis) Governance (SGLG). 3. Number of —— | Refers tothe number of | TG Data captured | Annually | LOU DIGFO TR Tek Leus with LGUs that received through recognition, recognition, awards, or regular Lea Course aveards, oF incentives applicable to ‘Accomplishme Monters incentives LGUs trom duly ntreports applicable to recognized award giving Usus) bodies. ‘Gutput 7: Process to enaure smooth transition in LGU leadership Is improved. Tri Namber of | Refers to the number of | BLGS—T Local Worthy] BCBS Bes Te Tea LGUswith Local | LGUs that organized Government Governance Local Governance ‘Transtton pusro | pie-Fo Course ‘Transtion Team | Transition Teams as Monitoring Monitors organized dofined under DILG Report Memorandum Circular etme) No, 2019-39 to faite ‘smooth lal Duero | RPR ‘governance transition to ‘he newiy-elected or re- elected local offials 15 Responsibility Genter Performance Data Frequen Operational Definition Collection Indicators ‘Source Review! ‘Method %Y | cottection | Aggregation | yaeve™, TZ Namber of | Refers the number of | BLGS | Lacal Worthy | BLES BLS TR Tek LGUs that LGUs that organized @ Government conducted turnover ceremony. This ‘Transition pucro | oue-Fo Course Tumover Includes briefing on the Monitering Monitors Ceremony ‘Governance Report ‘Assessment Report and (UGTHR) key challenges tothe incoming setofecils | DLG-FO | PR leadership and ‘management transitions. TS Number of | Refers to the number of | BLGS Worthy | BLES Les TeR TSA LGUs that {LGUs that accomplished ‘submited Elective | and submited to the puso | onc-Fo Course Local Official Human Resource Monitors Personnel Data | Management Office, Report ‘Sheet (ELOPDS) | Ofce ofthe (ucTHR) ‘Sanggunian, and DILG Field Office the incoming | DLG-FO | RPR officials’ Elective Local Official Personnel Data ‘Sheet (ELOPDS). ‘Output 2: Leadership and management competencies of newly-lectod officals to take on thelr roles and rolavigorats local governance are enhanced. 2.1 Number of | Refersto the number of | LGU TSU onthiy | Monthy] CEU BILEFO TR iter NEOs who [NEOs who formulated Progress (Report formulated ter | ther Fret 100 Days. Report gis Lea Course First 100 Days | Agenda reflecting thelr (LPR) ays Monitors ‘Agenda plan for thor frst 100 after the Days in office. end of every 25" day, ofthe 1 400 Days: Agende) ‘Zz Number of | Refers the number of | LU TU Giareny | Guarted | LeU DLG-FO Tek Tom LGuswih ELA — | LGUs that produced and Accomptshime | y ‘agreed on their DILG-FO. | ntReport Loa Course Executive and (LoAR) Monitore Legislative Agendas for ‘he nexttvee years Data captured ‘through regular Accomplishme ntreports ‘Gutput 3: Systems of focal governance are improved through strengthening LGU organizational structure and capacitating functionaries “i Number of | Refere tothe number of ] LGU Data captured Guarted | TOU DIGFO Tex Tek Lous with LoUs that have through y updated COP | reviewed andupdated | BLGD | regular Lea Course their Comprehensive ‘Accomplishme Monitors Development Plan ntreports (CDP) through CDRA- based cohesive LGU planning. ‘3ZNumber of | Refers to the number of | LGU Daia captared | Guatet | T6U BIEGFO Tor Ter LGUs with LGUs that formulated through y CapDev Agenda | their CapDev Agenda regular Lea Course ‘Accomplishme Monitors ntreports ‘TS Parcentof | Refereto the percent of | DILG-FO | Data captured | Guariet | DLG-FO | BILG-FO Te ie LGUs that {LGUs the uploaded their through y uploaded CapDev | formuisted CapDev | LGA regular Loa Course ‘Agenda to the OCDMS. Monitors 16 Data Responsibility Genter Performance on) oe Frequen Operational Dtton cation tiem sours a Rave] Boat into Caton | Aearanton | Reveal | RET aoe — apse ang a Sine wae paea screed toe cern ag PT a aR Tar ie vA TTS a TTS Zinamberat | Rates oemunbeaT | BLGFO [oa apred | as | DUSFO—[OLGFO [aR —[ 138 fdiewm | tee emt amines Ras [9 Conewtee | coheuteepnattey | ca | rat toa couse Sera, | eaten tlehme fs scr ceaee mens ihe Ry aa OT TET Ei Pucesta —) Retasiotepaconage [ISU] Das cavtred-] Gow? TUGU ——] OUGFO [1G ——] TSR Reena, | eihOvwnohowe treat |p ewe uow | nmcearion | icq | eel ton ay on some a teme ‘i np Sapaceta —| Haas oe pacenage PISA Das eae | ara TGA TT ish] fauna | saosin damnes morals aac aout | theta oe Loa cause wasondelas | feet Seis tes Personae | Seestr! Sa ioe wee oe Ft SR Aon aera Wai eR CRN WTF a HOTTER To POS Hp TRaear | Rare bueno | DLGROS | Toma! | Gaeta] een UR TSR Leng actay | Coun tay Revert | oaosmay | agemy ts conaised | Sonaceueete | BLS BER, | ASSL | come proven fu data Data pred GSR | Bisson | Sms wermntecemete, | co | Seas Led. .0m C. ele Gus perth Lox | RSertohme a nt reports. 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BLGD | through BLGD, LGA) Regional regu tea —_| Astompichme nirepots SAT aTBILS | ROS To he berat | BILE ROS | Temsnal ——| Gare | tapanenia | wrploantng | TER Ter Teens persons | DILO eccuce persone Repotre) fy | gAgeray | Agenoy DLG- ‘hatpariopatedin | thatparepatedinthe | LCS GiERo, | RO.BLss, the progam iret cesta Data captured Bics, BLED, LGA) Sdhtecunsre | 8.00. | frou 8160, LGA) = regular Proor LGA Accomplishme tropa Somber oT Raasto he nanberat | BLE ROS | Tominal—] Gua taper” Taplomening | USK eK eaming Mates | fomingmaterale RepetcTe) |y | gAgenoy "| Agenoy OILG- eveoped Geveopedtorse inthe | BLCS Bites, | Rebs, program. Learning Data captured BLcs, BLGD, LGA) materials are defined BLED ta BLGD, LGA) under the LGA. reguiar tea | Aetomptstme iso0001 2018 ams Aecompl Operating Procedure ‘Manual for Learning ‘Acivly development Include course bookmedules, manual, ‘or other related presentation materials 18 Program for NEOs Reporting Matrix Annex 3 Person/Group Responsible Reports/Forms to be Submitted Schedule NEO2019-DCFO1-LMPR Every 26" day of the First 100 { City or LGU Monthly Progress Report Days Agenda Municipal —— a | LGoo NEO2019-DCF02-LQAR 4" day of the _[ LGU Quarterly Accomplishment Report ensuing quarter Every 28" day of the First 700 | Days Agenda Provincial NEO2019-DAFO1-PPR “Updates for Components 182 M&E Team —_| Provincial Progress Report based on DCFO1-LMPR___| | 7™ day of the | ensuing quarter ] Every 30" day of the First 700 | | Days Agenda Regional M&E | NEO2019-DAFO2-RPR | ee ee Team Regional Progress Report a | 10” day of the | ensuing quarter [LcaMse | coral p + | 48 day ofth National Progress Report | layiot the ensuing quarter Team 19 Annex 4 cc f fou) fone Dike eae Dies cele) byte) {Dat othe] ye provincial NEO Regional fs Planning Te eee MEE TEE es Team mmm, SEIVICE, [Reporting] ~~ [Reporting] ~~" [Reporting] #'~ 1 [Reporting] 20 Annex 5 LGU Data Collection Form - 01 5 Program for Newly-clected Officials (NEO) NEO2015-0CFOLIMPR LGU Monthly Progress Report As of Or for 1" 100 Days: (every 30” Day) Province: Regen: Dae sesomelines oma Pat Ensuring Smooth Transition Physical Accomplishments eee Organisation of Local Governance Transition Testi 2 Conduct of Tumover Ceremony Ti 2 Governance Aazezsment REpOA (GAR) CY 2OTE © _ Comprehensive Gevelepment Flan (SDT Local Development investment Fin (LDIF) Annual investrent lan WP}CY 2079 Comprehensive Lara Use of Physical Fram=wor Flan 1 Capabiity Daveloarant Pas @_Leeal Climate Change Actin Fian LOCAF T_Local Disaster Risk Reduction Management CORRE) Flan 1 Seecutive Legisatve Agenos _Sibession af isctive Local Oficial Parsannel Gaia Shast ELOPOS! Pan Fist 100 Days Aaenas Name cf LCE’ Strategic Actions: t 2 3 5 Status of Implementation: a Oss = Strategic Acbora net yet rplervented or 155 GBH - Stretegie Achons ot early slages OT implamarIaTCn o 2% - 50% - Aimost 50% of Suategie Actons have been impleranied fal 3i%s -75W- Wore ten half of Strategic Actions have been completed ct TO - OO - Ful miplarvantation of al Statage Actions : acilitating Factors — - Hindering Factors 2 2 5 3 [0s = rislerantation of Svategie Acton completed as plonned issues Encountered ‘Actions Taken 2 2 3 21 Annex 6 LGU Data Collection Form - 02 Program for Newly-elected Officials (NEO) (NEO2019-DCFO2-LOAR LGU Quarterly Accomplishment Report As of “Poston? 24 Annex 8 ional Data Aggregat Program for Newly-eleted Offeias (NEO) Regional Quarterly Consolidated Report ‘svof

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