5CPE Module 9 Test

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1 For questions 1–10, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each

After five hours, we realised that we had reached (1) __________ in the meeting. Everyone was
(2) __________ , indicating that they were bored and restless. Would we never come to a solution? We had
been (3) __________ moved by the statement from the Chairman of the charity, who had to resign, but
none of us could agree who should take over his job. I was (4) __________ aware that the job was not an
easy one and I certainly didn’t want to undertake the role. Although I was (5) __________ capable of doing
the job, I didn’t think I could have the same commitment that he had had. He had been an (6) __________
appointment at the beginning with his unlikely background and experience in banking. At first we had
walked on (7) __________ for fear of upsetting him and triggering off his legendary temper, but he had
proved to be an excellent leader as well as a sensitive human being. And, with remarkable (8)
__________ , he managed to encourage a lot of large companies to support the charity. In fact we were (9)
__________ by their generosity – but now that he was stepping down there was no one to fill his shoes.
None of us has his (10) __________ or determination and drive and he would be a hard act to follow.
1 A standstill B gridlock C standoff D stalemate
2 A fidgeting B jostling C staggering D negotiating
3 A perfectly B highly C entirely D deeply
4 A widely B painfully C deeply D heavily
5 A perfectly B bitterly C widely D highly
6 A unbearable B unremarkable C incongruous D inconsolable
7 A seashells B nutshells C bombshells D eggshells
8 A endurance B persistence C hardship D ordeal
9 A overwhelmed B immersed C petrified D overwrought
10 A purpose B challenge C stamina D estimation

2. For questions 1–8, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the
lines to form a word that fits in the space in the same line.
In sport, not only is it important to develop skills, but also the sense of (1) __________ , SPORT
learning to be humble in victory and (2) __________ in defeat. Today, top-level sports GRACE
people are celebrities and are role models for younger people, so their (3) __________ BEHAVE
is closely watched by the world’s media. While their successes and defeats are diligently
(4) __________ , the press seems to give even more column inches to misconduct, thus PUBLIC
(5) __________ the successes. On the one hand, this can makes the celebrity wary of SHADOW
dealing with the press and they can become almost (6) __________ . Alternatively, the APPROACH
publicity they receive, whether good or bad, can lead some to (7) __________ their ESTIMATE
own importance. As a result, their adoring fans will soon turn against them if they start
receiving these (8) __________ messages. CONTRADICT

3. For questions 1–12, read the text below and think of the word that best fits each space. Use
only one word in each space.
Everyone knows that they should eat what is good (1) _____________ them, but often they are not mindful
(2) _________________ what goes into the processed food offered by supermarkets. For many people this
starts when they decide to go on a diet and want to know exactly what is in the products they buy. Food
labelling plays a vital role (3) _______________ the fight (4) _______________ obesity and poor health,

but it’s very easy to pick up the wrong type of food by (5) ___________________ as labelling has, to
a (6) ________________ extent, been rather confusing due to a lack of standardisation in the industry.
Over the years, in (7) _____________________ to public pressure, laws have been passed to ensure that all
food is labelled in a similar way. A system is now being used in the UK known as Traffic-light food
labelling where the labels used are red, amber and green to show consumers the level of fats, sugars and
salt, thus providing consumers (8) ____________________ an easy-to-see system. However, if you want to
see what vitamins and minerals the product is rich (9) ___________________ , you would still have to read
the small print on the packaging. For example when you choose ‘low-fat’ food, believing that it will be
better for you, the reality is often that in comparison (10) _______________ the ordinary product, the low-
fat one could have substitute chemicals or products which could be just as harmful. Unfortunately dieting
often gets people down, especially when they stop losing weight, but that’s precisely the point when they
should (11) _________________ at it and remember that they will benefit just as much or more
(12) _____________ taking regular exercise.

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