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Name: Jonalyn R.

Nonatura Module 3
Course/Year/Section: BEED-3A
Date received:
Date submitted: October 19,2020

Role Playing. Select a partner and conduct a survey or interview. Draft a
dialogue/conversation on how you will convince your respondent to voluntary
participation in the research that you will be conducting. (30 pts.)

Hi! Good

Hi! Good Morning


How are
you today

Well, I’m always

By the way
Ma’am, My
name is Jonalyn
Nonatura a 3rd
year student of
Bachelor of
Education and
I’m conducting a
survey of about Yeah! Sure we can
“The Effect of do it right now.
Pandemic in the
Performance of
Students of
Campus. The
purpose of the
survey is
(Purpose of the
study) So I’d like
to ask you some
questions. This
will take 10
minutes and all
your answers will
be kept strictly
confidential, So
can I barrow your
time for the
interview? Or we
can set an
appointment for
another day?
Thank you
Ma’am You
will help me
a lot for my

You’re Welcome!
Construct a sample letter of consent to your participant/respondent stating the
confidentiality and anonymity of their involvement in the research process. (30 pts.)

The Effect of COVID-19 Pandemic in Academic Performance of BEED 3A Students of

PRMSU IBA Campus 2020-2021

Dear Participants,

I would invite you to participate in our research study entitled The Effect of COVID-19
Pandemic in Academic Performance of BEED S tudents of PRMSU IBA Campus 2020-2021. I
am currently enrolled in Batchelor of Elementary Education at President Ramon Magsaysay
State University in IBA Zambales, and I’m in the process of writing my research.

The purpose of the research is to determine what are the effect of COVID-19 Pandemic in
Academic performance of BEED students. The enclosed questionnaire has been designed to
collect information on the effect of COVID-19 Pandemic in Academic Performance of BEED

Your participation in this research project is completely voluntary. You may decline
altogether or leave blank in any question you don’t wish to answer. There are no known risk
to participation beyond those encountered in everyday life. Your responses will remained
confidential and anonymous. Data from this research will be kept under lock and key
reported only as a collection combined total. No one other than the researchers will know
your individual answer to this questionnaire.

If you agree to participate in this project, please answer the questions or the questionnaires
as best as you can. It should take approximately 10-20 minutes to complete you answer. If
you have any question feel free to contact Jonalyn Nonatura at 09121768096 or just email

Thank you for your assistance in this important endeavour.

Sincerely yours,

Jonalyn R. Nonatura
Suggest ways on how to lessen researcher’ bias. (20 pts.)

Select respondents randomly.

Read reliable references on how to prepare questionnaires objectively.

Make sure that the respondent are ready and willing to be interview.

Ensure that the questions are clear enough.

Evaluate the capability of the respondents in answering the questions.

Make changes when appropriate.

Be patient in administering questionnaires.

You answered the questionnaire for your respondent because of your

impatience in waiting for the response..

Do your research and provide enough options.

Make sure you target the right audience.

Provide three (3) sample titles of conducted research. Cite author and year of
publication. Categorize each research according to approach and methodology used. (30

Title Approach Methodology

Effectiveness of Differentiated
Instruction in Teaching English
for Grade four Classes
Mary Joy V. Olicia Quantitative Approach Experimental

Level of awareness and

Acceptance on Human
Papilloma Vaccine Among
Female Call Center Agents Qualitative Approach Survey
Ima G.
February 2011

Violence against women and

girls Qualitative Approach Case Study
Phumzile Mlambo
April 6, 2020
Draft possible research topic of your interest for the following: (20 pts.)


“The Effect of COVID – 19 Pandemic in Academic Performance

of Bachelor of Elementary Education Students in President
Ramon Magsaysay State University IBA Campus 2019-2020”


“My Experience of Being Online Learner”

Enumerate possible advantages and disadvantages of utilizing positivistic and
phenolomogical approaches in research. (30 pts.)


 Wide coverage of the range of situations

 Can be fast and economical
 May be relevant to policy decisions when statistics are exaggerated in
large samples

 Methods tends to be flexible and artificial

 Not very effective in understanding processes or the significance people
attach to actions
 Not very helpful in generating theories


 Can look at change processes over time

 Help to understand people’s meaning
 Help to adjust to new issues and ideas as they emerge
 Data gathering can take up a great deal of time and resources
 The analysis and interpretation of data may be difficult
 May be harder than positivist approach to control pace, progress, and end

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