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i ry Pi Jpnineronny ary Heeb ewe get simpuies For rave PROOF OF +5 RELATIVE-TO THE ASSERTIONS: 7 ‘The ample thoes grove th piper se pea the theses which con't Pte in ws with ele senso pepe! ‘Soon Seth ave ted ngs rete Ecce progam npiavenang 5 onisatn agwthm Gasunng t Strats have ee une he gee an ere tien Ca IG) Sede reine ngean fr singe lave 3 nay Se HE'S eae atm eta ning aguned othe Mecariy-Pue cone fr arete expen Okcarhy t Pane Sha wheal vce tay spe of da ae manger 2) Ehanng wor wnat sat ful pa uci so ha we cn trove tncoreanen os ple oper 12) Enrging ne sno hee he amp cn uote prov, hou ipovning tne ears awa os rail Evenly we tape sented PYPED LISP cle au pre fetus ‘Sch agnene to make #3 praca ngage for phen. eal prerame ACKNOWLEDGMENTS woul the thank mp adv Dail Lab for pen putance an (mrouragamene td in. eengut Dera Oporn NideasLiflsane. and iar veynuch rho heel ead a REFERENCES. Boye, RS. an) S Mate (18) Proving Theens about LISP Fun. "i Comp Nek 1 Ccarteigh Ror) 4 Praca! Forel Senet on Ynaton Syston Nor TYPED LISP tethcaing h | Move, Compu Soar Depa Sonora Uneay Hone €.h. RUSH) Resnve Bate Sracur. A. 1. Meno 28, Compute coe Ouparier, Sard Unies cary, fe Ene Camper fr Aabce Expres Prt yi ah fre BH Moot} 81979 Copa! Lope: Sai Shing ond Prof Progr | “Pople: CSL 982 Xerox Po Ato Rech Cae! Pao Ao, Calor CONS sHouLD NOT EVALUATE 173 anouMaxs Tonsusges ts redefined’ to bea non-senie® (Wilt Bin’ 19/4) cloneneary operation, "instead of evaiee tions of LIsP's evatuator can de alniaized by re- the ipeexprecery anf az a strong conJectarey that son sohane.. this sew insight ines the’ velo of which" dee eteler'(ihat ie, nequtse at argunes Crsleted fora); {fhe boen Geurte oft project on sompiletion sf puve facuraive [ish 1.2 Ghctarehy at als 1062) source cole tate Ecerative object cole, we have uncovered 2 crltioa2 0 ems should Wot Evaluate Sts Argun (Necarcny ee ats isez; Sureeally Coliines and foppicerage 1494) natch gogudre chat the” ateunense SEtEAE ERE atcpetied avstussicn ofthe respective Sthunent, instead of the value of tha argument, 3 fal ce che course of the computation (neccesary to SEE FLAS oF the asin Pusceton)s then the sesutts progranniag teres the scheue atiovs exponential tn ouee (1372) hee aiscugned toe rote, of cons fp those stractures is aeicone Decaure out zeotelotion Suskcaptiot ree Langeage: ia eres of 1ts"orn She suier results of this papery in affects have Seco" daplencated on hia syseen wien aranstic Udndin approached che ava-etrict Ieplenentation of cont tn bio discussion of streams (Landin 1865). pettern iz peculiarly Linear and uhen venaneic” Inprovenenc evaliable fran these attuctures The penainten of sis paper is divided inte five and cosreibie by tuo of the other four strict ele Proofs chat HeCarihy't interpreter bulit with these tire nae the tew Lovetpreter, ia fact, giv pension. This ia accomplished by storing the ulti- Levpreted with the new cons. Streaming is chown to tended to an analogy between suspensions end randon scours (oversappiae tres structure) files whlch Eiggects that fle henaling mey be Cepiicst to pro: Sia bpechied teak, 100) "Heonty seas an, Satan of its argunents,” In both cases the five are sin Ply called can, ida, coms, egy and aton, Our fleet Tecuits in Section 11 and even Section TV, but are Seuivalene pover, Duteare nore sffletent and’ theee Seeinitlane’ see aed sn both Section Iv and Section The gotation yeed ehroughout the paper for forw Snvesetion (Z 2° a)'asts ase che fonction, fy "be dhe gueeptions, if 7 ene a gpactal form (uctarthy (cars) fo the frac elenant oa the diets 21 the sesthadge the 2lce “SU iatluea of (dat a) Ee (isde's); Coane @ 2) gives the Lise whieh is the Sf tuo fields: the A: fleld and the D-fleed, ew {wo argunents in the A-(letd and D-féeld, respec- Elvedye "he: functions font aed sede extract. the Structure, The predicate tafom tests If ite seo" STE Ronkes Beaiehe*padlebecTteg teeth" PES asttere are constants; that fey they evalunte to Gheaseivess “Lid? provides the function quote for of soplivional enpreseions weise needs fq\be Cond, Poduines ite tail to be Structured az a serics sctuze?ehs soanencing kaywonds 26) thene etieldy Gipa eloe co group and ro eanance eeibiitty, tp Ge Eltecprefer be define cond to take Lea’ predl- Ggtes and selections unpaired ap obe Long alters fing Liet. “The render she sishes ts invecpret aa Invocution of cond Iiteraily shoals ignore the som unten tf defined oaly ig cerns of fey ang 1€¢9q, weelbedte GE the othe PasteMtagaentoy Functions Coane aaxp ata) = (cond “Gf Caton coxp) then (eg sexy atm chee 'any tie function ie a conventent way of avatdia Epplications of eq'to aonvatons’ inthe intefprecer: itbnaay doptetencatighe” eq tts Petarsce ceapaca- applied to (potential) non-atone In a manner which ith Definitions 8 fugorton te seniet in its ih penem- eter if divergence of tte °° argunent {npli Fonceton diverges ith ther greupene’ Selinttlons "A Ration fe, sdhlet(iustieis 1910) acthof its angunenes before ite definition ie Enterpésteds 1# ie Ls sepiot favonly fv ALL Sronentary (nackine Level) functions, excep: 1a caus should Hot Bveluate Le Argun the soneituctar Function, here ealied cons” (Hocgrchy {Beas Eusctall, collios dnd Pappieatene 1971), a2 aeleatenc’statenencs separate these two" operations Undefined while othe: operations intervene, ia, sorh Deginielons A form 13 an ynevaiuaced expression, BELIRIELGR! fe Sntcvamment bya fonerdon whieh ope Deflniclone™"A beapenddon tne date eeruceneny 2c SSR suspension provides enough Lntonmatton to erat "Ele bectues ae savinoeneat ia aot subject to alde~ GHiects which could lnvarisace delayed evaluation Several anguages Like ier and s1Wvia (Sabi aod Wyesieg 196)" ion the envisgnwmnt fo be sccegetbte fe avold'cuch a siturtions fhe function, suspend, [celter eveuspenaion ston then. “The euxtilfany Etlector' eoneeions;"fonm and eavy are defined ovr Nispensions to setien the reopective fleide. There LIEMG'Siype presicarey suapended®, . SPuR Settuda ‘value of ine suspertions our Wison hese deftntetons, suspend, form, and en act very much Like eons, Zeek andiedas tae 43" Eonence {2 that the nodes creates by sudpend and Seba ave eiejoine and cisariy distiagsfobed bY SGipended hobs domain is the act of Peferences structure described for trees by Xauen (Las), tals (oa ae) # Gag ae) (aton @) = Gaton ons te 9 spected form (Hocarehy 1962) which taker (ocgne are anv) (iene (Stepead Gear aege) ene) Gispeed Gear GSde Sega) envd) The seiectors, cet and dy alvaye acsune thely argu (oar 9) £ (ovat (torn (sear a))(eov (seer @)00s (ets 9) = Cleat Com Cede Dittar Cede B33 sions, those other suspenaions are only oncountered Gitbts can aad edi “go avaluctian contianess dyer ferninates wien an eton or an application of cons” Observation I: the structure Dutt vith scont Save the preperey thatthe sedee sitocsted by seams Pend, and thot the nodes allocated ty auapend con aitference: ot in when evatustion occurs, but Gehan" Hak evetunclon ploceedss then contenycoune tlons are strict, at least, in one parancter. In ‘orcad qvaisation of, giwbioy-garanccer crlfed-by~ (oar (cone (eons (F(Z) (29) doce not cnuse evaluation of afzher (£14 (e394 0° Gara eetarns a reference to (oon (£9) 9) afeer performing two storage ellocations with ‘e088 Sea constructing four suspensions with sugpend.— In (ear (cone (Fx) Coane (9) (8 39) (cone (ye 2) de converted tore 9 eurpenston Lostead of being Soonseds “TL"Eite the suspension for (hz) to the Weep jostulate 4 LISP evaluator for the sta egsgerZfewe ionguase taowa ao Ligh 1,0" (Mcardhy tarpreter’ patterned after Aecarenytar The, cose Spply Eetetpcateefe"ehe"eupe fntornoorer veins Stonpis. in infer Groots aout the guad/appey List Ritnet time oo the properties of grttimetie. "We Boose te wlolate the devs type of LISE 1-0 ip order ae an seanpis of 2 function woich generates, Fubetions are atvict. sen be expressed by (terme 1) where (cerns n) = (cono(zeciproca2 (square 2) (esint(aiai a) Tyle sequence hes partiol sume whieh converge to Svaluatlen of (terme p) doco got dnediately diverges iC'resette fn ¢ sede Feferenciag tue sucpenatene Graverses jine seeuctunee using strict’ elenentssy Mento. Other uses of (cerne 2) do aot reflect Ite (car (cae (ede (corms 10009. Tee vaiue 1/2 recuits fron the constuction of oix Sha tetptocel and Squete are invoked only once” The fret reauits estabiion shat MeCarchy's LISP 176 Iaterpreser, hove celtea. eval] apptyy te Gelled Goal/eppiyy wnten Interprets oat, ety aad Grauneat under two intergietations:” reval/sapoty Ukobtaloes by subotitucing eet, edu, ana sheons foe gil instances of cat, edty and Se0Rd in the esaefappty interpreters "Me shall refer to's paca Scr Prog the forace iacarprecer S2 1p £0 fae the ‘hare are several cocurences of teat, reét, and pis" through the lntersseter at thir tines cornectnese spguncate™ (Hanna. and fugit 1970}. re Bptevior of the tee interpreters for the thee" kins Dedinttions The relation 4) If Caton a) then a gas 4) IF (aot (atom yD) and x «yy then bot (ear) 4, Gote y) and Cede a) ey Geode 9) Definition? The relation "4," , read "coerces 0 MTL eg mL Uae pce an ney then feseer eee cease Definitions The felation DML «WIL 11) 16 (atom a) ye ejay and x egy then (eons (eons 2 2)" 4, Geen Urcone 4 9) 7) That the predicates, a¢ow tnd etm, ae well or 6@ SM rps iinet thesien says thes whenever tne sevat/ sapply Lntenpestercouvergos shen the euek/appeg fave Theorem 1? Tf fore in}, Eivice siassntary funceion edt Hosen (1375) hav astabiiened least fixed-point secuite for a nonistermialatio version of Lia and USeE Udars) fas cetabiianed reasted secuie for Hoppolate, (G9}5)"coyde.intarpeeceesy ete Sloan Serong conjecture: The superintenpreter yieide the intee*eieedspotat aenaoetee ear Necarsaye Faved! ppty Lise 1.0 evelastor hone (iefenoss substitution oze) and chat ell el Tory fuhctlons one "eequentioi" (Vulitenin 1924) a ‘She torn (ean (cons.+-) oe" fedeleons acheegth of “penderscn and Mopris (1976) have indopendeaty Stra'becaise they sige provide a'nontstrier eons Sythe strong conjecture, then, thelz scbene fs Eutofar intarplates becaune’ a euapension 2 sosread BES" Rinction. by Obstevstion 22 traversal of a seated Hat to get She rane secudt (because Eudpended environsance go aot change) oer ‘perspective, however, tee deBakker {lite sto predicate, suspended, deftned over ait Et and edt fo preyene ony Fepeated coenetons of the Salue wnien is referenced in tae sine ways but Tt Nas'ebe G#fect 3!" changing sal user feneSlane teen the atoring versions of can and Cai into the tater, fohene into a call-by-delayed-value (Vatilenio 1974) Obsexvation t+ There iz at most one seference to ‘Sldpend' sg the sysean are argomente, (le cnphastee ther the Zonetlona.fotmy, envy suspeid, suspendeds ean, redhy and ‘eons age oot averinale eerenetabers the eienentary functions eaty dy and conde) Agresver, the only tine this reference fs acceased SHESTIE, eteatlel LMtleg the'evaitation of eat bet aptacdlba be'a function of vo, argunents defined sintiariy to apéaca of LIsP°1:5 (ascanthy Isea}:. the first segunent tsa noe allocsted 09 Rptactiba perforns four steps! <-otes the reference in the Anfield of the node, Hy whic is the Firct arguments eee) obs BueteCaee 2S LE IESLe ancenens ta srusheratos.(retarne to evatiable apace) the Rptackitd so defined cintieriy for the 9: field Eptactibe aca tpeactibd are cat aveilanie to te ters, Ia our appilestions the Liberated node WLit "elMoce escrelons aniy occur within eet and edhy it ts those Functions whieh we change in order to avold (ear ode) = (cond “ig'(euspendes (sear sode)) then (opiaeliba gode (oval. (form Czoar noae)) (enw Cosas node) 3) else Caer node): (ete node) = (cond “ig (Suspendes (sede node)? then (SpERCTiS3 Sede" (aval (fore Czode aoze)) (env Cisde node) 3)) else Cede node) ) « ‘the dafinieion of cat and edt of this section, curlined Lnfornsiiy above: W Theonen 51 Using the new functions cat ond ede Sieloed eee, the suber of calle covevae wlthie the Ghder HeCareny'e seval)tappey seberes Ptoo§: since the function teens is strict under Tone 'ublch ane suspented in our schene afe precisa iy those seculting. Fon appiicat fons of contr. The (gesentLaiiy) without changes the relation between gutclday cat and edt ip ranaruabiy efficisne. A Song slocates thse new aosee iottead ef Just oot self renad/tapply, bar avoids the (psehaps tpeiciee) Bechieedy secesstny snd savironneat.consuruction, fron within ett or edt the soe caerylne the suspen Evie havey thevefSrey aodificd the system tyre Hereasing linearly the tine sequined for tree of Stve ting by reducing potentially exponcretst Sonputation tiney and even posenslarly aivergent Tern tstdpancneiee ty fmtietten of satln seg eee ee fouetnieceeg tes, Ia seeta SSVE Sass oe aoe, one Mougee oe at.’ levy bugs, Ta) oe ° Retintestatgceieneeteet, fee celeltin spite spamten bcos mes cee A 2 ea Sa ee Gsthe Bris emer nie, Gut FALSE otherwise. 7 (une) Theorem 1 Mocermny's LISP 1.0 with our ot Tnctions ‘con nadel Landa" steeana. eet, for (ts 5) substitute (cdr 2); for (prefixe: Teine SHELSSEn SopPaenetee selog EgGiata vane SISAESEGS) FingUfont“est'sat"edn conrce-suapenstons Ga"tppiy the function, sy co set the next pair Theonen é:_ Necerthy's LISE 19 wish oon eLanerteny aod: The vesut obtains because (pretlaa x) | Wim thats definitions wa neve choven the nano: fron Burge (1975) rather tan Landin (1305). ‘tow tandiata observation (1aes) that (equat (ear (cdr (terme 1))) (as Gar (Car Cesems 109) Aft, ad we doflsed Zetm with iandin's function peageat ne (corms a} = (pretixe(restpnocal(equare 2) (seme (sadn 2) Dy For the renaining discussion on streans the func Hop’ pnefixs te Ceested an cond eeepe that ft is the fonction Aead ‘Se defined ay on many LIS? aye tena: "head 1a"s function of sare paranevere whiee Gaput) 2 (pretixe (282d) Capt)? gfdery one couis then nefen te (ear Cinpued)s che Hire eSen Going and ode" fats Cinpue))30she tdtpad whose value La'pasaed to'the prineer sen (output =) Gprefixe (aval (car 2) #2) (output Gear a). Bhs nentsor lovocosion of (outpus (Laput)) rene the fon preflss and + predicate’ endegiicer Clapat') © (cond Wf Cenasetie) chen uch eee Cesas (aad) Cinpat)) >. If we Invoke the form (roverse (input")) our expecs taclon would be thot tM8 levecstion would reveese Sulatue"tead fs auspeniea bei the eeneien Se serene tr test taal eoteed 2alty gn@e We eines atta seen tes CHEE MeabefotEttontentffet S33 and ouspbe Mitte taser RELATED, SOE Taos! aeet™ oe SEqicEtiaihPLat2”™ tote the Apntnie UA2°S? FORE ESTE Sato ag fpehecete ta) dears Elsie to sccets the renainder of the sequence without Shesse" thc ceee oy Shlgh deven slaiout Solos songs {oFES'ECUHopS"thefacclon oF sathese"Rlneeton SUSI TRACED gyre a eatbaens EIBSISTHLLHZASUEUSSEY* a,c" SOUEEMES CEs Ghteabuatton Serbechle pelendatd/wBElh they ane seeaee The use oF cho non-oteice eons within the Interpreter fala speciaa”forns UcCarssy” 2902) tobe iste epsotad forma "we Saloy contain class of, sugctly one formal paraneter clesetiy folaerige A WHEGh Mali" ne Gouna’ eo the List af Couspeadea) ever bated, rguncnte, for example, the function Lest cas Be derined as the Funetion (L'x'a) so that LF forced AE preuagees’b'the tlat’on tee Uavslerary neaber a8) pocoraions op THats of tegunonto we sce 'netation Sotation catis for en appilcstion oF the funee Hons fp to the dice of evaausted arguments untick Fyrenonous with of Gist a cj, ant in anaes (Mccarthy 1362, Appendix 8), meang oT? (apply Ulanetioa F's wit). Tas togleal comezsiveos and ond ob, are defined feot which evatutes FALSE (sespectively, 205) tor Piel epectan form and’ (a8 }"Cenninater ovaigetion Coarse’). “the explicit Sedur of evelustlon requtres gate in a ayston Inplenensed with strict eleneatary ses co\FALGE'( TRUE" ):"“kosovgry in the Syston Er Stronacscalay suapenund’ so shat and ( da") bucones and. =O x (eon 66 Caahe Hg) hen au eksed {fear 3) then cand Code x)» cess fase)" or Sk x Coond Efilsine’S nay then, reuse sctg*teae ay then (eat nd ese fon Coat a) 9) see eoirieaisce ets tinatid fel eeiey ieee ee ree eat Rtslontettecitt cransendtiees aria PBL TENT shee (ifcthoaselze p 9 2) = (cond ipo then a eh 2 ty generaLising f-then-etse we can write condittonal = (1 x (cond foams x NE) then ar AP fadne (ars My then (ear 0 etsedj (ear x) dhew (oar Cede ¥)) cbc Legadiclanal (ese tear 01? 9) This conditional doos not ace the condspelat of conditional as a function if it did. Tastead, forms Sn"oddtmanberea”argusene positions (oxeepe the 1800) fare created 45 predicatesy and the forms in the Rupsctively Solloving. (even -sumbered) positions ave Seackettugs 208 the svaiuston prepares for conaisfon- ai eesluatiog’ (high Jz suspended) by g sonnel. invo" SeelSa on evbil’ Gui che Zidcaumoeted seguneats Souting which eaversea 1t diepisying the e2e EGiEaing function (constructor) te Ton-atrict 0 that {he Tinst Gvaiuation of suspended arguments might be” petat routine, “Ifthe nly titinate woe of a pecult BONES GMipiay ces then he” oniy computations fesetores Interoeqene highest) tlapy"ay fel? Siagpinragtes Saterinat, SG ttcrtse SoBe a, Hest obdseTACapeselese. Tate'tee’alhtudls cepted Baines cqeleeloe foe We Wpababls 2 Seber Sad. cditls suspend. cone’fuction of she mattiptes ” SSD EISUS Sum TghaD) Hany elamytary zksseee Se°ELs Toviot eleatetany fuse fooss "as acteeesy s fair fats Ingeroe}iecse siete che Asset fsed!” Sivinoonente;’"see ores (1070) ond Sangeet (ia72) pinging schenes invoiving the role of (ateion io pourston (MeConety's) bulide che result bossomcups Svallabie fron our understanding sf the role of Minelot the ettone’confscvare ave hla ‘Ue se0 rive Pe reeaeeh herein waa supporzed (in part) weber (2975) Reewuve Programming Teskedgues. nat Gurstally JrS_ Colina, € RJ. Popplestone nSTE) Phagaummdag® tn POF. Gioboren’ Eetnburgh 1, BREST ieant sineznoine reetateedy ta Teeseelead” Compader selenee’ (20 abFo2e) ons Ha TUSKE Syeband (ha06) Griouk~ven auGot-nared steulacion aupeuete, om, AO 9, 671-008, Dar SEH2GAa® [BEST bee Ulirh) ontinding scectuned aetises ineg ieergrtn. Techs Rapes iay Som pup Teieduan’t DeSe Wiae (i876) Wuitipie-valued SeCSHOER posigigane teens opens thy Sons eh. 3r rie teat Sand Gecursive provesurea™ End S76 p. Mteaedeg ed" ucesisy a PE Bec le acer tte Bea, iT natdony ffs hdue’ (9%) Sdhadsora sumo ties seen aps Samo Epeiogersvorisg! Beriiny 305" ARR Hoan (1975) egupete data, structures, Tale pier eke iste) fasdamenest Abgonceins (2nd ed. 1, (ao78) 4 tasy evatuator 5 a Pod, Wandin, (1968) A consespondence between ALGO 60 j Siasehss Hashes Soratiea™ease 2°sen. dea! SORES ovis" (uae) LISP 1° vheghamadal lenaad, ‘eanag” bio) ESI it's wernengetca snsoey Gf copocation, in Canputer Pragsenntng and Fonnal’Syseens "(ats Pe braftore tbs Misschberg), 2, tana’ "he Fossil’ {iav6) farealisaston of proper- Eles'of finetfonay progeanc. J. AGW Ti, a28-900" fosce” (aazey the function of fineTion fo Lise TAPS QMP RATES TEESE? arcu toynoite (0972) baetnitLonat toreepreteng gor liaks Congey aaemoe en TS bons taien dis) aceshanipstating aystens and Gnareh-aossan. theorems, Je AGH £0" aeacieT. £, Etndeuall: bri St proposed eaantlon to" tno Filune”probuens AOMPSTEEG eadee TT, 35-08 J. Welllonin: Gotan Correct and apcined lapteaentacion airrecuratog in a slapis progranmieg iangesee. Sonpe Sys. Sect 9, 358 aee: w. Hond' C185) Eféuelent attone for agente sonenttes. the appendix ie in tvs sections, The first ts 3 [eneafy of the definitions of 4ise!g elementary FindeLfes ‘at set! foreh fa seccions f1"and Tits Functions preceded by a colon (:) refer, to Siseeigis’ rise auentataey.foneilotsss the second ELewentery fanetions fox Section IT proods Fon the seved/sappty interpreter: Gacone sab sone) = (Sone (revel Gear CNL Gear (sear ax) Sear Se (cde 83 f Gede aoe Gastar tyy Gea be ans CMon a2 (haton hot Fon the eval/apply intengreser: (eens sb GO) Ey way Tibons Creams (oar 28) ony: CSSEE (Sanceae $89) ev 9s (oar x0) = (aval (least sear 0) CeCe 3) os (cas x) = (evan (ieert tear (grciege 2D) 0 fog x 9) Gea tye (Shon 2) = Caton 3) ELemencany funetions fox Sectéon IT's practical ineenprecen’ Cecone a> env) Citoae (luapend (car a8) env) (Stapind (ear(eds 2)) eo) 95 (oop 9) 2 Cone Ta acapeniee Gear 0) thee = CRT) oy ets Gear 0s coe Sond Ta Coterendea Caan 29) then, (ronsenibe = Cova (oeeticat 30) 2) ease coy) Cha 8 Prototype interpreter ettowing MeCarthy's (1962) piper. fhe pracés in Section Ii sefer te the Sabracneted Lines wish eppropriaze sybaticut ions Tunccfone. "the arackeved Lines, provide for formal Fonetionat conbination (Triednan aad Vise lo¥ea, ibe ‘me function same, defined by (eane cexp ate) = (oood ‘Uf Coton sexe) Skew (aq cexp sem) che hy vanes of e8 tn appey The prototype interpreter (Brackezed tinea are Sgnored seebeetete (evan form ony) # (cond, “Uf (etae" Form) Shen (assoc fore ene) ebseli Caton” (ear form) ) then (eond {cag (oar fora} dvdr) then (ear (ede fore)? eksedg (Sq (ene Form) CONS) Chen Geone Cede fare) ene) etself Cag fate form END) then (eycoa (ede form) ene) else (appiy (ear form) (erate (ede form) tov) Ea) 5 cbse (Gaphy (oar formy(orlis (ode form) anv) aa) (appay fo args aor) = (cond Te (atom tay thew (oont fey fe GRe) Shen. (car seer ange)? 2] (2q' fn cba) shen Coastcare ates)? eesedy (oa fa 0) thew Coq Citar ange) Cieaeseae angs))) exsedf (o4"ta" Aton) hen (avon (roar args)? eeeeg Ca te fu) chen wa Ethe Capply level te ene) sage eae) ) eussd Tose’ Fay Eawanty “thee (stat feseteae ode £239) (iteiis (eaelade en) args anv) eLseds (gate (ean fa) EAREL) thee (Gopply.(car(ads(ede #09) are Thane (iene (eri2de 205) [seelean(ese #099) ane)? 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