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1. Distinguish between linguistic competence and communicative competence.

materials and activities must you provide learners to equip them with linguistic
competence and communicative competence? (5 pts)

Communicative competence refers to the grammatical knowledge of the language user on

syntax, morphology, phonology as well as how and when to use them appropriately. In
teaching communicative competence, we can equip the learners with different activities
such as role plays where they would portray a particular role of a character and
simulation activities where they would take part in simulated situations as themselves.
Linguistic competence is the system of linguistic knowledge that the native language
speakers has. We can teach linguistic competence through providing activities such as
listening to or discussing news stories or lectures and drawing inferences from pictures or

2. Discuss standard strategy for developing and enhancing:

a. speaking skills, b. listening skills, c. reading skills, d. writing skills

Enumerate materials and activities to execute the strategy for each macro skill.

a. speaking skills

-We can enhance our students’ skills by giving them different speech drills and activities. We
should start by helping them to release their thoughts and ideas regarding on a particular topic.
There is an activity called the “free talk” wherein you would ask the student to pick a topic from
a fish bowl. The student will stand in front and will be given two to five minutes to say anything
he wanted to say regarding the topic. Through this activity, we can help them to express their
ideas and basically be our stepping stone in giving them more complex speech activities.

b. listening skills

-We can adopt the idea of podcast in developing the listening skills of our students. In teaching
literature, turning the story into audiobooks will make the learning process more enjoyable as the
students will greatly appreciate the story with the added sounds and animations we can add
through podcast.

c. reading skills
-In order to become a critical reader, we should teach our students the different strategies they
can do in reading such as annotating what they read, giving comments, highlighting the
important details of the text and summarizing the text by grasping important keynotes.

d. writing skills

-We can start by teaching them the basics. In my three years of teaching, I was shocked to know
that students do not really know the proper way of constructing a paragraph considering that my
students are senior high school. From then, I realized that we should always start with the basic.
By teaching them the basic paragraph structures, giving them some examples and the frequent
practice of writing it helps them to master the art of writing paragraphs. This also applies on the
other type of texts.

3. Name the four protocols in writing. Discuss at length what each protocol means. Explain why
these protocols are of equal importance in writing a good composition. (15 pts)

4. You are teaching outlining preparatory to essay writing. As an example, prepare an outline for
a descriptive essay on the topic “The Cabinet Member I Admire.”

Follow this guide: (10 pts)

a. Introduction

b. What will you say in the 2nd paragraph?

c. What will you say in the 3rd paragraph?

d. What will you say in the 4th paragraph?

Introduction/Thesis Statement: The late Department of Environment and Natural Resources

secretary, Gina Lopez has admirable qualities that should emulate.

2nd paragraph: I would state her credentials starting from her education, her affiliations, her
recognition and awards.

3rd paragraph: I would tell how she spend her life to become an environment activist and how she
used her position to bravely slam the mining companies in the Philippines that violated some
environmental laws.

4th paragraph: I would state how she died at the age of 65 gaining respect and love from a lot of
people for doing the right thing and standing up for the nature.

5. Conclusion
A teacher publicly questioned the readiness for school opening on August 24, saying that
modules from DepEd have not been delivered to school. With your learnings in ELE 905, how
can you remedy the situation if delivery is delayed for some reason? Discuss fully. (10 pts)

-I would make use of the tools and resources I have such as the internet and other educational
medium. I would do some activities or drills that can activate the student’s prior knowledge on
some learning areas. Through this, I can assess their skills and needs will help me to know on
how I can help them.

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