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Transpn. Res.-A, Vol. 27A, No. 3, pp. 237-253, 1993 0965-8564/93 $6.00 + .

Printed in Great Britain. © 1993 Pergamon Press Ltd.


IN C A L I F O R N I A : A D I S C R E T E - C H O I C E S T A T E D

Graduate School of Management, University of California, Davis, Davis, CA 95616-8609, U.S.A.

Hague Consulting Group, Surinamestraat 4, 2585 GJ Den Haag, The Netherlands

Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Irvine, lrvine, CA 92717-3600, U.S.A.

Department of Civil Engineering, University of California, Davis, Davis, CA 95616, U.S.A.


Demand Forecasting Office, Mail Station 22, California Energy Commission,
1516 9th Street, Sacramento, CA 95814-5512, U~S.A.

Abstract--A study was conducted to determine how demand for clean-fuel vehicles and their fuels is
likely to vary as a function of attributes that distinguish these vehicles from conventional gasoline
vehicles. For the purposes of the study, clean-fuel vehicles are defined to encompass both electric vehicles
and unspecified (methanol, ethanol, compressed natural gas or propane) liquid and gaseous fuel vehicles,
in both dedicated or multiple-fuel versions. The attributes include vehicle purchase price, fuel operating
cost, vehicle range between refueling, availability of fuel, dedicated versus multiple-fuel capability and
the level of reduction in emissions (compared to current vehicles). In a mail-back stated preference
survey, approximately 700 respondents in the California South Coast Air Basin gave their choices among
sets of hypothetical future vehicles, as well as their choices between alternative fuel versus gasoline for
hypothetical multiple-fuel vehicles. Estimates of attribute importance and segment differences are made
using discrete-choice nested multinomial logit models for vehicle choice and binomial logit models for
fuel choice. These estimates can be used to modify present vehicle-type choice and utilization models to
accommodate clean-fuel vehicles; they can also be used to evaluate scenarios for alternative clean-fuel
vehicle and fuel supply configurations. Results indicate that range between refueling is an important
attribute, particularly if range for an alternative fuel is substantially less than that for gasoline. For fuel
choice, the most important attributes are range and fuel cost, but the predicted probability of choosing
alternative fuel is also affected by emissions levels, which can compensate for differences in fuel prices.

I. INTRODUCTION B o a r d require t h a t vehicle emissions be reduced sub-

1.1. Research setting The C a l i f o r n i a regulations treat a vehicle a n d its
A i r quality is a n i m p o r t a n t c o n c e r n in California, fuel as a system subject to emissions standards.
a n d particularly in the S o u t h C o a s t Air Basin o f Cal- C o m p l i a n c e with these regulations, scheduled to be-
ifornia, which includes the densely p o p u l a t e d parts gin in 1994, can be achieved by using a d v a n c e d emis-
o f the Los Angeles, Riverside, San B e r n a r d i n o a n d sion control technology, c l e a n - b u r n i n g fuels (includ-
Anaheim-Santa Ana (Orange County) metropolitan ing r e f o r m u l a t e d gasoline) or a c o m b i n a t i o n o f b o t h .
areas. Cars, trucks a n d buses are estimated to con- F o u r new categories o f cars a n d light-duty trucks are
t r i b u t e 88070 o f c a r b o n m o n o x i d e emissions a n d created by the regulations, where each category is
a b o u t 50070 o f the ozone precursors (oxides o f nitro- defined by its level o f tailpipe emissions. S t a n d a r d s
gen a n d reactive organic gases) in the Air Basin. The for the average emissions o f new car fleets for the
1990 a m e n d m e n t s to the Federal C l e a n Air A c t a n d years 1994 to 2003 are established, along with guide-
the 1990 Regulations by the C a l i f o r n i a A i r Resources lines for achieving these s t a n d a r d s t h r o u g h introduc-
tion o f clean vehicles. By 1996, 10070 to 2007o o f the
new-car fleet s h o u l d be " t r a n s i t i o n a l low-emission"
tThis research was sponsored by the California Energy vehicles. By 2003, 25070 to 750/o o f the fleet should
Commission. However, the views presented here are solely
those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the be "low-emission," a n d 2°70 to 15°70 should be " u l t r a -
views of the California Energy Commission. The authors low emission." A full 10070 o f the fleet is required to
are also solely responsible for all errors. be "zero emission" ( p r e s u m a b l y electric) by the year

238 D. S. BUNCHet al.

2003. Details are provided in Air Resources Board mine those factors that critically affect consumers'
(1991). preferences for clean vehicles and fuels. Focus group
Clean-fuel vehicles are likely to differ from con- interviews were held, expert opinions sought and a
ventional-fuel vehicles in terms of fuel costs and ve- presurvey conducted with several hundred house-
hicle prices, but more importantly in nonmonetary holds (Golob, et al., 1991). It was found that con-
attributes: availability of the fuel, range between re- sumers are likely to distinguish clean-fuel vehicles
fueling or recharging, vehicle performance, refueling from present conventional (gasoline and diesel) vehi-
time and convenience and interior space in the vehi- cles on the basis of many generic attributes, but that
cle, for example. Estimating consumer preferences seven attributes were the most important to consum-
regarding such attributes is critical to the evaluation ers: (a) vehicle purchase price, (b) fuel operating
of policy options, design of the vehicle and fuel sub- cost, (c) vehicle range between refueling, (d) avail-
systems, and their marketing and promotion. How- ability of fuel, (e) vehicle performance (potentially
ever, it is not possible to estimate such preferences in the case of electric vehicles), (f) dedicated versus
by "revealed preference" (RP) methods of observing multiple-fuel capability and (g) the level of reduction
the acts of buying and not buying clean-fuel vehicles, in emissions compared to (current) gasoline vehicles.
or by eliciting reactions to currently available cars
and trucks, as can be accomplished in the case of 1.3. Background
conventional-fuel vehicles. Clean-fuel vehicles are The stated preference (SP) models developed in
currently in limited, even isolated supply, often as the current study complement previous work on re-
parts of demonstration projects or in the hands of vealed preference (RP) models for ownership and
inventors, promoters and enthusiasts. There is no usage of conventional-fuel vehicles. For a review of
realistic hope of monitoring revealed preferences for RP vehicle choice models, see Mannering and Train
representative future clean-fuel vehicles and fuels. (1985). A specific example is the disaggregate model
Preferences for clean-fuel vehicles are also com- system described in Train (1986) for vehicle demand
plicated because a major benefit from use of such and utilization at the household level. It consists of
vehicles, improved air quality, is a "social good." a hierarchy of submodels that include number of
An individual consumer cannot directly receive this vehicles owned by the household, vehicle holdings
benefit by purchasing a clean-fuel vehicle, nor is pur- by class/vintage and vehicle miles traveled (VMT).
chase of a clean-fuel vehicle required for a person to Discrete choices are modeled as functions of both
receive the benefit. The benefit of improved air qual- household characteristics and vehicle attributes, e.g.
ity only accrues when a substantial number of clean household income, vehicle operating cost, purchase
vehicles are in use. However, there is increasing evi- price, internal space, etc. Relationships between dis-
dence of "green" segments of consumers who place crete and continuous choices are accounted for using
personal value on the environmental characteristics a method due to Dubin and McFadden (1984).
of the products they buy. These monetary, nonmon- This model system is used by the California En-
etary and environmental attributes combine to dis- ergy Commission to conduct scenario simulations
tinguish the problem of modeling demand for clean- for assessing the impact of policies and programs
fuel vehicles from previous modeling of the demand directed toward reducing gasoline consumption by
for car ownership and use. personal-use vehicles. These concerns arose primar-
ily in response to oil supply disruptions in the late
1.2. Objectives and scope 1970s, but are now also considered important for
The present research results are extracted from a environmental reasons. The new SP models devel-
study that addresses the potential large-scale intro- oped here can be used to modify this and other sys-
duction of clean-fuel vehicles. The absence of market tems to better incorporate preferences for clean vehi-
data has led to the use of a stated preference ap- cles and fuels, the attributes of which are beyond
proach in model development. In such an approach the range of current conventional vehicles. Ways of
respondents are asked to express preferences for hy- accomplishing this are discussed in Section 6.
pothetical products described in terms of their attri- Multiyear simulations involving the introduction
butes. Statistical models are then applied to estimate of new classes of alternatively-fueled vehicles have
the relative values of the attributes to consumers. been conducted by Train (1980) using the previously
The immediate goals of the study are firstly to dem- available RP models. Scenarios are defined by pro-
onstrate the feasibility of using stated preference jecting the likely attributes for these new classes of
(SP) methods to identify the characteristics of de- vehicles, as well as existing classes of vehicles. How-
mand for clean vehicles and fuels, and secondly to ever, the RP model system omits the potentially im-
construct quantitative choice models for clean vehi- portant attributes that are likely to differ between
cles and fuels. clean-fuel and conventional-fuel classes, as pre-
For the purposes of the study, clean-fuels are as- viously discussed. Moreover, for practical reasons
sumed to encompass electricity and liquid and gas- the required alternative-specific constants for the
eous fuels such as methanol, ethanol, compressed new classes were approximated by matching them
natural gas (CNG) and propane. Extensive efforts with those vehicle classes deemed to be most similar
were made in the early stages of this study to deter- in any missing variables. Unfortunately, these fac-
Demand for clean-fuel vehicles in California 239

tors are likely to be extremely important, and their Fourth, in addition to vehicle choices, respondents
effects on the "forecasts" are impossible to fathom. are also asked about the choice of fuel they might
The present SP approach is intended to provide both make when using multiple-fuel vehicles. Finally, a
an alternative scenario simulation capability and a much larger sample size is used than in previous
source of data for modifying and extending RP studies.
1.4. Organization o f the paper
In Section 2 there is a brief review of SP method- 3.1. Overview o f the three-phase survey
ology. The survey is described in Section 3. Section The first stage of survey development involved
4 presents modeling results based on SP choices for identifying the attributes and fuel-types to be used
vehicles; these include a simple model based on fuel- for defining hypothetical vehicles. Information was
related attributes only, as well as more detailed collected through focus group interviews and a pre-
models that include relevant market segmentation survey (Golob, et al., 1991), as well as through a
variables based on, for example, household charac- literature review and solicitation of expert opinions
teristics. Section 5 presents fuel-choice modeling re- from the staff of the California Energy Commission.
suits for multiple-fuel vehicles that can be powered A wide range of potential attributes related to vehicle
by either gasoline or an alternative fuel such as meth- choice was considered, and many could be regarded
anol or CNG. Section 6 outlines possible approaches as important. For example, potential issues of safety,
for using the present results in analyzing clean-fuel reliability, maintenance costs, repair costs, etc., are
vehicle demand. Finally, conclusions are drawn in clearly important concerns in vehicle choice. How-
Section 7. ever, to make the stated-preference approach as ef-
fective as possible, it was necessary to minimize the
number of attributes in order to mitigate the cogni-
tive requirements of a choice task that would already
The advantage of using RP data is that models be unavoidably complex: only the most important
are based on observation of actual behavior, not on attributes could be included. For those attributes not
consumers' responses to questions regarding their in- specifically mentioned in the study, respondents were
tentions. Unfortunately, as with many issues involv- instructed to regard all vehicles as being comparable.
ing introduction of radically new products, models The final set of fuel-related vehicle attributes can
estimated for existing products and their attributes be divided into two types: generic and those specific
are generally not adequate. There is little alternative to fuel type. The generic attributes and their mea-
in these cases but to solicit preferences directly from surement units are: (a) vehicle purchase price (dol-
consumers, as is often done in many marketing re- lars), (b) fuel operating cost (cents per mile), (c)
search contexts. range between refueling or recharging (miles), (d)
Stated preference approaches involve asking re- emissions levels (as a fraction of 1991 gasoline cars)
spondents to express preferences for hypothetical and (e) fuel availability (fraction of stations having
products that have been characterized in terms of fuel). Vehicle and fuel costs for clean-fuel vehicles
their attributes. Responses can be elicited through might be higher or lower than for comparable gaso-
judgmental rating or ranking tasks, or through line vehicles, depending on potential subsidies, in-
choices made from hypothetical choice sets (Bates, centives and unknown production and distribution
1988; Louviere, 1988). There have been a few SP COSTS.
studies of the demand for electric vehicles (Beggs and Pollutant emissions by clean-fuel vehicles are ex-
Cardell, 1980; Beggs, Cardell and Hausman, 1981; pected to be below the levels for current gasoline
Hensher, 1982; Calfee, 1985). The first two studies vehicles, and future conventional-fuel vehicles could
elicited rank orderings, whereas the latter two studies have lower emissions levels due to reformulated gas-
used discrete choice approaches. SP discrete choice oline. More importantly, focus group interviews and
data sets may be analyzed in a manner similar to RP presurvey results from the target population in the
data, but the range of models that may be estimated California South Coast Air Basin indicate that many
depends on the experimental design used to generate potential buyers perceive vehicle cleanliness to be an
the hypothetical alternatives and the choice sets important factor affecting their future vehicle pur-
(Louviere and Hensher, 1983; Bunch, Louviere, and chase behavior. Thus, the emissions level attribute
Anderson, 1991). provides important personal utility for these con-
The present study extends previous research in sumers and is included in the survey. However, this
several ways. First, there is a much wider range of attribute is unique in that it can be associated with
clean-fuel vehicles. Second, RP data are collected in the "social good" of improved air quality, and special
conjunction with the SP data to facilitate merging care should be taken in interpreting the numerical
results with existing RP models. Third, the discrete- results for the emissions level attribute.
choice experimental design used assumes that the Three basic fuel types were defined in the survey:
correct discrete-choice model form might be more gasoline, alternative and electric. The term "alterna-
complex than the standard multinomial logit model. tive" was chosen to represent any of the possible
240 D.S. BuNCH etal.

gaseous or liquid fuels now being considered (e.g. respondent fatigue, it was important to separate the
methanol, ethanol, CNG, etc.). For alternative-fuel vehicle choice SP and fuel choice SP for multiple-
vehicles, an additional attribute indicated whether fuel vehicles. These considerations led to the three-
the vehicle was dedicated (i.e. could run on alterna- phase survey design described in the next three sec-
tive fuel only) or had multiple-fuel capability (i.e. tions.
could run on gasoline and/or the alternative fuel).
Multiple-fuel vehicles allow the use of gasoline, but 3.2. Survey Phase 1: Background information
emission reductions are compromised when gasoline The first phase of the survey involved a recruit-
is used. Multiple-fuel methanol- and ethanol-pow- ment letter, an incentive prize announcement and the
ered vehicles are typically known as "flexible-fuel" business-reply postcard questionnaire. It was mailed
vehicles; gasoline and the alternative fuel can be to a random sample of households in the California
mixed in any proportion in a single tank, and emis- South Coast Air Basin. The attempt was to introduce
sions levels are nonlinearly related to the proportion respondents to the multiphase survey with a compel-
of gasoline in the mixture. Multiple-fuel CNG- and ling, short recruitment letter and simple initial survey
propane-powered vehicles are typically referred to as task.
"dual-fuel" vehicles. They have separate tanks for The postcard questionnaire elicited information
gasoline and the (pressurized) alternative fuel, and on household size, home ownership status, number
the engine is readily switched to run on either fuel. of drivers, number of vehicles owned or leased and
LPG (propane) dual-fuel vehicles are common in Eu- four characteristics of the respondent's anticipated
rope, particularly the Netherlands, and CNG dual- next vehicle purchase: (a) whether the vehicle would
fuel vehicles can be found in Canada and New likely be new or used, (b) vehicle type (in eight cate-
Zealand (Sperling, 1988). gories), (c) vehicle price range (in six categories) and
For historical reasons, many consumers have de- (d) fuel economy range (in four categories). The
veloped a perception of electric cars as small vehicles household information can be used to develop sam-
with very slow acceleration and limited range. How- piing weights (income was not asked because of its
ever, technological breakthroughs could result in effect on response) and to perform some limited test-
electric cars that have performance characteristics ing on nonresponse bias. The particulars concerning
comparable to gasoline vehicles. The issue of how the respondent's anticipated next vehicle purchase
electric cars might be refueled is also uncertain. Ac- were used to customize the subsequent vehicle choice
cordingly, to reflect this uncertainty in levels of per- phase of the survey.
formance and recharging, electric vehicles were as-
signed two performance levels and two recharging 3.3. Survey phase 2: Vehicle choice
scenarios. The performance levels were: high perfor- The second phase of the survey was divided into
mance (i.e. "acceleration like today's gasoline cars" three parts: (a) household socioeconomic informa-
and low performance (i.e. "acceleration slower than tion, (b) detailed questions about the vehicles pres-
today's cars"); and the recharging scenarios were re- ently owned or leased by the household and (c) the
charge at home (presumably overnight) and recharge SP vehicle-choice tasks on customized choice sets.
at both home and the work location. Different con- The household information included such standard
figurations of electric vehicles were also included. variables as income, household size and composition
Electric vehicles were characterized as either dedi- and number of workers; these may be used as market
cated or "hybrid" (i.e. able to run on electricity and/ segmentation criteria or as choice model explanatory
or gasoline). Choice sets were used that included variables. They can also be used to develop weights
three vehicles per choice set. This is described in for expanding model results to the sample universe
more detail in Section 3.3. of South Coast Air Basin households.
The complexity of considering vehicles defined Five SP choice sets such as the one shown in Fig.
using these attributes made a telephone survey im- 1 are contained in each Phase 2 questionnaire. Each
practical for meeting the objectives of this study. choice set consists of three vehicles: one gasoline ve-
The other alternatives were face-to-face interviews hicle and two clean-fuel vehicles, the vehicles being
and mail surveys. Face-to-face interviews, either at described on the basis of the attributes outlined
homes or central locations, were judged to be too above. Respondents indicate which one of the three
costly given the resource constraints, yielding unac- hypothetical vehicles they prefer, and then answer
ceptably small sample sizes. The vast land area of additional questions concerning whether or not they
the South Coast Air Basin was a major impediment, would actually replace an existing vehicle if their first
since the desired spatial distribution of the sample choice were available.
would require extensive interviewer travel. Survey The respondents were randomly divided into two
pretesting revealed that an SP mail survey was feasi- groups. Members of the first group received an "elec-
ble, especially if the SP choice tasks could be custom- tric version" of the survey, in which each choice set
ized to approximate the choice sets that might actu- always contained one gasoline vehicle, one alterna-
ally be considered by each respondent. Pretesting tive fuel vehicle and one electric vehicle. Members of
also indicated that, in order to avoid confusion and the second group received a "nonelectric version" in
Demand for clean-fuel vehicles in California 241

On this end the following four pages, we are asking you to

choose from among three hypothetical new vehicles

Suppose that you were considering purchasing a

new four-door sedan and the following three vehicles were available:

Vehicle =A" Vehicle =S" Vehicle =C"

Fuel type Gasoline only Alternative fuel only Electdc only

Fuel availability Gasoline available at 1 out of 3 stations Recharge at home

all stations have alternative fuel

Range in miles 300 miles 150 miles 75 miles

between refueling

Purchase price $13,000 $12,000 $15,000

Fuel cost 8 cents/mile 10 cents/mile 6 cents/mile

Level of pollution 85% of today's 25% of today's 10% of today's levels

relative to 1991 cars levels levels

Performance Like today's cars Like today's cars Like today's cam

1. Given these choices, which vehicle would you choose?

I"l Vehicle =A" ~--Ia Vehicle =B" ["1a Vehicle "C"

Fig. 1. Example of a vehicle-choicequestion.

which the choice sets always contained one gasoline duced a reasonable compromise on all these objec-
vehicle, one dedicated alternative fuel vehicle and tives. This format required that levels be chosen for
one multiple-fuel alternative fuel vehicle. Since attri- 6 or 7 attributes per vehicle per choice set (6 for
butes of electric vehicles exhibit a greater deviation nonelectric, 7 for electric), for a maximum design
from existing vehicles than do fossil fuel-based alter- requirement of 21 attributes per choice set.
natives, the different choice contexts could poten- For most attributes, four levels were used to cover
tially affect the nature of the responses. This feature the range of interest and to provide for estimation
of the survey design allows testing for such effects. of nonlinear effects. The basic design used to pro-
The procedure for creating the choice sets was duce the variation in attribute levels was an orthogo-
developed as a compromise among various compet- nal main effects plan for a 42' factorial in 64 runs.
ing objectives, including the following: (a) maximize This approach retained the possibility of estimating
the number and types of choice models that can be models more complex than the multinomial logit
estimated from the final data set, (b) maximize po- model, e.g. nested logit and multinomial probit. At
tential forecasting flexibility, (c) maximize statistical the same time, the orthogonality of the design as-
efficiency, (d) maximize the "believability" of the sured that attributes were essentially uncorrelated,
choice alternatives and (e) minimize the level of cog- as is common in stated-preference studies. Although
nitive difficulty for the respondents. The framework . fuel-related attributes in the real world might be cor-
of three vehicles per choice set (in combination with related due to technological trade-offs, replicating
the final experimental design discussed below) pro- this type of correlation in a stated-preference study

TRA 27:3-F
242 D. S. BUNCHet at.

would serve to artificially create the type of multicol- cause some fuels are less dense. The alternative fuels
linearity that often occurs in revealed-preference might not be available at all service stations."
data sets, reducing statistical efficiency and eliminat- For each of four hypothetical situations, respon-
ing one of the valuable advantages of stated prefer- dents are then asked to choose which fuel they would
ence. Correlated attributes might be more "believ- most likely choose on a regular basis. In each of
able" to respondents, but recent studies in the the four situations, the alternative fuel and gasoline
conjoint analysis literature conclude that enhancing choices are each described in terms of four attributes
the "realism" of preference tasks by using correlated manipulated according to an experimental design
attributes has little or no effect on the judgments of similar to that used in the vehicle choice SP. The
participants (Moore and Holbrook, 1990). four attributes are: price per (equivalent) gallon,
Establishing the range of interest for each attri- availability, range on a tankful and emissions. The
bute, as well as the actual attribute levels, also re- attribute ranges and levels were similar to those used
quired balancing important competing concerns. in the vehicle choice survey.
Ranges were chosen to be wide enough to ensure There are 64 experimental design treatments; four
potential forecasting flexibility, but narrow enough SP task replications per survey resulted in 16 survey
to ensure statistical efficiency and believability by versions (prior to customizing the survey). The order
the respondents. Final ranges and attributes were se- of the attributes is once again randomized for each
lected in close consultation with California Energy respondent, and the vehicle type and fuel economy
Commission staff. of each respondent's anticipated next purchase (from
The attribute ranges covered by the survey are: (a) the Phase 1 data) are reproduced on this Phase 3
fuel cost (2 to 10 cents per mile), (b) range between survey to keep the choices in perspective.
refueling or recharging (75 to 300 miles), (c) emissions
levels (10070 to 100o70 of levels for 1991 cars) and (d) 3.5. Survey implementation
fuel availability (10°70 to 100070 of stations have fuel). The survey was administered during the months
The overall range of vehicle purchase prices covered of May through August 1991. The target was 2750
by the study was quite broad, but for any given indi- households. Phase 2 postcard responses were ob-
vidual the range of levels was customized. tained from 1096 of these households. Phase 2 (vehi-
Phase 2 questionnaires were customized: Each re- cle choice) surveys were sent to these 1096 Phase 1
spondent received 5 of the 64 different experimental households, and 717 Phase 2 responses were re-
design treatments. The design levels for the vehicle turned. Each Phase 2 household was sent a Phase 3
purchase price and fuel cost attributes were centered survey, and 562 Phase 3 (fuel choice) surveys were
about the midpoints of the category values reported returned. The effective response rates were: 40°70 for
by the respondents in Phase 1, and all hypothetical Phase 1, 26°70 for Phase 2 and 20°70 for Phase 3. The
vehicles were described to be the type that the re- attrition rate of only 35°7o between phases 1 and 2 (a
spondent indicated he or she would next purchase. drop-off from 1096 to 717) indicates that the SP
The order of the attributes in the questionnaire was vehicle-choice tasks were comprehended by the ma-
randomized across individuals to eliminate possible jority of persons who responded to the simple Phase
bias, but the order was kept the same for each indi- 1 postcard questionnaire.
vidual to minimize survey difficulty.
3.4. Survey phase 3: Fuel choice Only a handful of respondents supplied incom-
The third and last phase of the survey had two plete choice information, indicating that the vast ma-
main parts: detailed descriptions of usage for each jority of respondents experienced no difficulty in an-
of (up to three of) the household's present vehicles, swering the survey questions. A data set was
and the fuel-choice SP task. The questions about the assembled using all five SP responses from 692 re-
present vehicles can be used to estimate inferred spondents with no missing choice data, yielding 5
shifts in usage between household vehicles, if a lim- x 692 -- 3460 observations. All results reported
ited range vehicle (such as today's electrically pow- here were obtained from this pooled data set; exami-
ered vehicle) is forecasted as replacing an existing nation of issues related to ordering of questions, re-
vehicle. The underlying relationships between vehicle sponse fatigue, pooling and/or other repeated mea-
characteristics and usage patterns are yet to be de- sures effects, etc., are outside the scope of this paper.
veloped. Analyses were performed using a variety of dis-
In the fuel choice SP task, shown in Fig. 2, re- crete choice models, including the standard multi-
spondents are told: "Some future vehicles might be nomial logit (MNL) model, the nested multinomial
able to run on both gasoline and an alternative fuel, logit (NMNL) model and the multinomial probit
such as methanol, ethanol, propane, or compressed (MNP) model. The NMNL and MNP models are
natural gas. Owners of these vehicles could decide more general than the MNL model in that they do
which fuel to use each time they refueled. Fuels might not rely on the independence of irrelevant alterna-
differ in price and in their emissions levels. They might tives (IIA) assumption, as does the MNL model. For
also differ in how far you can drive on a tankful be- example, consider two choice alternatives: a gasoline
Demand for clean-fuel vehicles in California 243

10. Some future vehicles might be able to run on both gasoline and an atiemative fuel,
such as methanol, ethanol, propane, or compressed natural gas. Owners of these
vehicles could decide which fuel to use each time they refueled. Fuels might differ
in price and in their emissions levels. They might also differ in how far you can
drive on a tankful because some fuels are less dense. The alternative fuels might
not be available at all service stations.

Suppose you owned a multiple-fuel minivan that ran on both gasoline and an
alternative fuel. For each of the four hypothetical situations below, please indicate
which fuel you would most likely choose on a regular basis. Assume that you get
27 miles per gallon with both fuels.

The alternative fuel: Gasoline:
Price per gallon $1.75 $1.25
Range on a full tank 75 miles 375 miles
Pollution relative to 1991 cars 40% of today's levels 85% of today's levels
Availability 2 out of every 3 stations have All stations have gasoline
the alternative fuel

I would regularly refuel with: [] The alternative fuel [] Gasoline

The alternative fuel: Gasoline:
Price per gallon $1.25 $1.75
Range on a full tank 150 miles 375 miles
Pollution relative to 1991 cars $25% of today's levels 40% of today's levels
Availability 1 out of every 10 stations has All stations have gasoline
the alternative fuel

i would regularly refuel with: [] The altemative fuel [] Gasoline

Fig. 2. Example of a fuel-choice question for multiple-fuel vehicles.

vehicle and an electric vehicle. IIA implies that the cussion of these topics, see McFadden (1981) or Ben-
relative odds of choosing these alternatives remain Akiva and Lerman (1985).
unaffected by the addition or deletion of other alter- The results reported here were obtained using the
natives (an alternative-fuel vehicle?) from the choice NMNL model, although similar results were ob-
set. However, if important vehicle and/or household tained using the MNP model. The theoretical proper-
attributes have been omitted from the vehicle choice ties of the NMNL model are outlined in McFadden
model, then the sample population's perceptions or (1981). Full-information maximum likelihood esti-
preferences for various fuel-types might be corre- mates for all models were obtained using the pro-
lated. For instance, methanol vehicles might be more gram ALOGIT developed by Daly (1987). Nominal
similar to gasoline vehicles than to electric vehicles standard errors and t-statistics are reported in all
on many unmeasured characteristics, and the addi- tables. However, the pooled data set includes a small
tion of a methanol vehicle might disproportionately number of repeated observations from each individ-
reduce the gasoline vehicle's likelihood of being cho- ual, so that the strict independence among choices as-
sen relative to the electric vehicle. In this case, multi- sumed in proving the standard asymptotic properties
nomial logit would be an unacceptable model, and of the Fisher information matrix may be violated, and
parameter estimates would be biased. NMNL and the asymptotic standard errors might be understated.
MNP models are promising alternatives but have re- The properties of the parameter estimates themselves
ceived limited application, due primarily to their in- do not rely on the strict independence assumption, and
creased computational requirements relative to the the benefits of using the much larger pooled data set
more simple MNL model. For a more complete dis- more than outweigh this concern.
244 D. S. BUNCHet al.

The primary focus in this paper is on interpreting different from one with p < 0.01. This indicates
the estimated attribute coefficients, together with a that independence from irrelevant alternatives (IIA)
general discussion of the sample population's prefer- is rejected for this preference function.
ences for clean vehicles and fuels. NMNL model co- NMNL Model 1 is consistent with a parsimonious
efficients for "log-sum" quantities (or "inclusive val- covariance structure in which random utilities for
ues") are also reported. Log-sum coefficients are vehicles in the nonelectric group are correlated with
related to the correlation of unobserved utilities each other but are uncorrelated with utilities for elec-
among various choice alternatives, and are useful for tric vehicles. The extent of the correlation is given
capturing specific types of choice behavior not possi- by one minus the log-sum coefficient, and choices
ble with the standard multinomial logit model. Spe- involving both nonelectric and electric vehicles do
cifically, the correlation of unobserved utilities is not satisfy the assumption of independence from ir-
given by one minus the log-sum coefficient. Hence, relevant alternatives (IIA). However, a choice from
a NMNL model with all log-sum coefficients equal a restricted set that includes only nonelectric vehicles
to unity is equivalent to the standard MNL model, would satisfy IIA for this model. Finally, if the esti-
which assumes uncorrelated random utilities. mated log-sum coefficient is not statistically differ-
Three vehicle-choice models are presented in Ta- ent from unity, then the NMNL model is equivalent
ble 1. These models are cumulative, and their com- to the MNL model, and IIA is satisfied for choices
parison demonstrates both the predictive effects of among all vehicle types. The source of the correla-
additional segmentation variables and the stability tion in NMNL models is usually attributed to explan-
of the coefficients of the SP design variables. In atory variables that have been omitted from the
Model 1, only the fuel-specific SP design variables model or that are otherwise not observable. Of
are used as explanatory variables. In Model 2, per- course, many correlation structures could be hypoth-
son- and household-specific segmentation variables esized for this problem; a more complete discussion
are added as explanatory variables. Finally, in Model of NMNL model structures and selection of func-
3, variables are added that segment the sample on tional forms is beyond the scope of this paper.
the basis of the reported type of vehicle expected to The asymptotic t-statistics for the linear main ef-
be next purchased. fects in NMNL Model 1 are highly significant for all
In Table 1 and subsequent tables, log-likelihood five generic variables, and the signs are theoretically
statistics are denoted as follows: "Log-likelihood ini- supportable. For example, the linear main effects for
tial(O)" for the naive model (i.e. all parameters con- purchase price, fuel cost and pollution are all nega-
strained to zero, giving equally likely choices); "Log- tive, indicating that these factors have a significant
likelihood constant terms only" for the MNL model negative effect on vehicle demand. The effects for
using only alternative-specific constants; and "Log- range and fuel availability, on the other hand, have
likelihood model" for the model using all variables the theoretically anticipated positive effects on de-
shown in the table. mand. With respect to the nonlinear terms, the t-
The models in Table 1 are NMNL models with statistic for the quadratic component of vehicle
log-sum coefficients for nonelectric vehicles. These range is highly significant, followed by those for fuel
models are hierarchical (or nested) with respect to availability and pollution level.
the sequential addition of parameters: the relative The t-statistics might be biased because no correc-
explanatory power of any pair of models can there- tion is made for repeated measurements. However,
fore be compared using a likelihood ratio test. (The analyses using subsets of the data with no repetition
likelihood ratio statistic, computed as - 2 times the (one choice observation per respondent) revealed
difference in log-likelihood values for two models, is similar conclusions regarding significance of the
Chi-square distributed with degrees-of-freedom fuel-specific coefficients.
equal to the difference in the number of parameters With regard to fuel-specific attribute coefficients,
for the two models.) Based on this test, the three neither the (dedicated) alternative fuel constant nor
models in Table 1 all represent improvements over the electric vehicle constant is significantly different
constants-only MNL models that are significant at from zero. Hence, when effects from all other model
p < .01. variables are taken into account, no important dif-
ferences in vehicle preferences can be explained
4.1. SP choice model using vehicle fuel-specific based on the "nominal" fuel type. This indicates that
attributes exclusively it is unlikely that any critical fuel-related variables
The log-likelihood statistic for a simpler MNL were omitted from the survey design.
Model 1 that uses the same variables as the NMNL There were no detectable systematic biases for or
Model 1 in Table 1, with the exception of the log-sum against particular types of new vehicle fuel technol-
coefficient, is -3102.8. Comparing this to the log- ogies, all other things being equal. On the other
likelihood of -3097.9 for NMNL Model 1, the hand, fuel flexibility adds to the attractiveness of
NMNL model represents an improvement over the vehicles. The multiple fuel constant is positive with a
basic MNL model that is also significant at p < .01 t-statistic of 6.7. But the coefficient for hybrid elec-
(X2 -- 4.9 with 1 degree of freedom). Moreover, the tric vehicles is not significantly different from zero
t-statistic for the log-sum coefficient is significantly at the p = .05 level. The low performance ("slow
Demand for clean-fuel vehicles in California 245

Table 1. Three vehicle-choice nested multinomial logit models (Model 1 = fuel-specific attributes only; Model 2 = added
person/household segmentation variables; Model 3 = added segmentation variables based on anticipated next vehicle type)

Model 1 Model 2 Model 3

Variable coeff, t-stat, coeff, t-stat, coeff, t-stat.

Purchase price ($1000) -.134 -10.1 -.139 -10.4 -.142 -10.4

Fuel cost (cents/mile) -.190 16.4 -.177 -11.7 -.174 -11.3
Range (100 miles) 2.52 11.4 2.49 ll.1 2.63 11.5
Range2 (I00 miles) 2 -.408 -7.4 -.418 - 7.5 -.435 -7.8
Emissions level (fraction of current) - 2.45 - 7.0 - 2.50 - 7.0 - 2.49 - 7 °0
Emissions level2 (fraction of current) 2 0.855 2.7 0.864 2.7 0.849 2.7
Fuel availability (fraction of stations) 2.96 5.7 3.06 5.8 3.01 5.7
Fuel availability2 (fraction of
stations)2 - 1.63 -3.5 - 1.71 -3.7 - 1.67 -3.6

Alternative fuel (constant relative to

gasoline veh.) 0.098 0.9 0.381 3.0 0.222 1.7
Multiple fuel (constant relative to
gasoline veh.) 0.693 6.7 0.974 7.9 0.818 6.2
Electric vehicle (constant relative to
gasoline veh.) -.024 - 0.1 - 0.96 - 0.4 0.208 0.1
Hybrid electric (constant relative to
gasoline veh.) -.257 - 1.5 -.354 - 1.5 -.285 - 1.3
Electric: charge at work as well as
home (dummy) -.126 -1.1 -.143 - 1.2 -.138 - 1.1
Electric: low performance (dummy) - 1.04 -6.2 - 1.06 -6.2 - 1.08 -6.3
Electric: low performance with hybrid
(dummy) 0.544 2.3 0.574 2.4 0.612 2.5
Fuel cost (cents/mile)* Commuting
distance (100 miles) -.131 - 1.4 -.178 -1.9
Range (100 miles)* Female gender
(dummy variable) -.314 -3.6 -.327 -3.8
Range (100 miles)* Household
workers per vehicle 0.212 2.7 0.221 2.8
Gasoline vehicle (constant)* Income
($100,000/year) 0.324 4.3 0.267 3.5
Electric vehicle (constant)* College
education (dummy) 0.620 4.3 0.549 3.8
Electric vehicle (constant)* Age 55 +
(dummy) -.353 - 2.9 -.390 - 3.2
Electric vehicle (constant)* 1-vehicle
household (dummy) -.234 - 1.3 -.220 - 1.2
Range (100 miles)* Full-size pickup or
Van (dummy) 0.833 4.1
Range (100 miles)* Compact pickup
(dummy) -.518 -3.9
Range (100 miles)* Sports car
(dummy) -.337 -3.1
Range (100 miles)* Not intending to
buy (dummy) -.293 -3.6
Electric vehicle (constant)* Sport
utility vehicle (dummy) -.767 -2.5
Gasoline vehicle (const)* Fuel
economy 25 + mpg (dummy) -.285 -3.5
Nonelectric vehicles (log-sum
coefficient) 0.805 3.2 0.786 3.6 0.884 2.1
[t-statistic versus unity]
3460 (692 3460(692 3460 (692
Sample size respondents) respondents) respondents)

Log-likelihood initial (0) -3801.2 -3801.2 -3801.2

Log-likelihood constant terms only -3739.2 -3739.2 -3739.2
Log-likelihood model -3097.9 -3064.9 -3024.9

acceleration") coefficient for electric vehicles is nega- two different recharging scenarios, because the
tive and significant, as expected. The "low perfor- "charge at work as well as h o m e " coefficient is insig-
m a n c e with h y b r i d " coefficient is positive and signifi- nificantly different f r o m zero (with a t-statistic o f
cant, indicating that fuel flexibility mitigates the low only 1.1).
p e r f o r m a n c e concern. There were no detectable dif- Preferences are linear in purchase price and fuel
ferences in preferences for electric vehicles under the price. H o w e v e r , it is w o r t h recalling that surveys
246 D. S. BUNCHet al.

were customized based on the stated purchase price range; this can be regarded to be a statistical arti-
range and mpg range for the next vehicle the respon- fact.) Approximate purchase price equivalents for
dent intends to buy, as well as the class (body type) equal-interval increases in fuel availability are: $1700
of vehicle. Hence, these coefficients relate primarily for an increase of 10o7o to 20o70, $1500 for 20°/o to
to trade-offs among fuel-related attributes once the 30o7o, $1300 for 30°7o to 40%, $1000 for 40°/o to 50%
general class of vehicle has already been taken into and so forth, down to $300 for an increase of 70°/o
account. to 80°70.
Examining trade-offs for the remaining generic The model-implied trade-off between emissions
attributes (range, pollution, fuel availability) is more level and purchase price is shown in Fig. 5. In con-
complex because preferences for these are nonlinear. trast to the nonlinear relationships for range and
The trade-off between vehicle range and purchase availability, the trade-off for pollution is concave to
price implied by the Model 1 coefficients is graphed the origin, indicating an increasing marginal utility
in Fig. 3. for emissions reductions as vehicles depart from cur-
A reference point from which to measure changes rent emissions levels. This is consistent with attitudes
in purchase price was arbitrarily set to zero for a expressed by consumers in the focus groups: partici-
range of 300 miles, a typical value for gasoline cars. pants indicated that they would seriously consider
A decrease in range from 300 to 225 miles must be paying extra for a cleaner vehicle, but only if they
compensated for by a decrease in vehicle purchase were convinced that the vehicle was substantially
price of $2000 for the choice probability to remain cleaner than today's conventional vehicles.
unchanged. Fig. 3 shows that range displays dimin- Interpretation and use of emissions coefficients
ishing marginal utility, which is a theoretically satis- should be undertaken with caution, as previously dis-
fying result. An increase of 50 miles in range from cussed. This attribute is unique in being identified
100 to 150 miles is equivalent to a change in purchase with a social good, and it is difficult to know if
price of more than $5000, whereas a 50-mile increase respondents' stated preferences will actually translate
from 250 to 300 is equivalent to a change of $1000. into real market behavior. Unfortunately, there is
The curve becomes fiat at approximately 310 miles. little corresponding evidence from revealed prefer-
The implied trade-off between fuel availability ence models on this issue for two reasons. First, there
and purchase price is graphed in Fig. 4. As in the is little variation in emissions levels across existing
case of range, there is diminishing marginal utility new gasoline vehicles due to federal and state regula-
as fuel availability approaches that of gasoline (the tions; hence, detection of a statistically significant
fraction of stations having gasoline equals one). The emissions effect is problematic for revealed prefer-
slope of the curve becomes very flat if the fraction ence models. Second, the emergence of "green" mar-
of stations having the fuel exceeds 0.75. (Theoreti- ket segments that place significant personal value on
cally, the slope of the nonlinear curve might be ex- socially responsible environmentally related product
pected to approach zero as availability approaches attributes is a relatively recent phenomenon. Investi-
one. The function in Fig. 4 actually peaks earlier gation of the SP responses showed that the emissions
than this, and the computed slope, although very attribute did n o t receive attention in the survey that
fiat, is actually slightly negative in the 90°70 to 100o70 could be attributed to excessive respondent concerns


-2- iiiiiiiiiiiilliiiiiiilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill
iiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilliiiilii iiiiiiii
" 4-

s,~ -6-


-1 O-

oz. -12-



0 5o ~5 1= 1~ 150 175 2o0 z ~ ~0 z~5 ~o
Range (rnles between refueti"~s)

Fig. 3. Iso-probability tradeoffs; range versus purchase price.

Demand for clean-fuel vehicles in California 247


........... i ............ i ............ i ........... i ............ i ............ i............ i ......
i i i i i ............
i i i i i ii............
~ i i i ';-i...........
i i i i ,~.........
i i i i i !' ..........
i i i i i; ............
i i i i i [ ...........
i ~ i ÷ ........... ,i............


o,, -8-

-10 ............ :................................................................................................................

-12 ...........................................................................................................................

-14 ............. , ............ , ............................................................................ " .......................

-16 ............ ~ ............ t ............ .• ........... ¢ ............ <. . . . . . . . . . . . ~ ............ ~ ............ ~ ........... ~,. . . . . . . . . . . .

00 01 02 03 Q4 0.5 0.6 07 0.8 09 1.0
Avaialoi~ (fraction of stations)

Fig. 4. [so-probability tradeoffs; fuel availability versus purchase price.

to provide a socially acceptable response: only 4.6070 and recent extensive media coverage of emissions-
of the respondents always chose the vehicle in the reduction efforts. O f course, it would be necessary
five choice sets with the lowest emissions level, while to repeat the survey in another area to test this hy-
10.2070 always chose the vehicle with the cheapest pothesis o f heightened sensitivity to vehicle emissions
fuel and 4.8070 always chose the vehicle with the low- in the South Coast Air Basin.
est purchase price. Finally, the implied linear iso-probability trade-
These stated-preference results provide the first o f f between fuel cost and vehicle cost is graphed in
indication that vehicle emissions levels are likely to Fig. 6. This relationship indicates that a reduction in
have a real effect on future market behavior. If fu- fuel cost by one cent per mile is equivalent to a reduc-
ture vehicles can be differentiated on the emissions tion in vehicle purchase price o f approximately
attribute, then manufacturers must advertise these $1400, where the term "equivalent" means that either
features for the attribute to have its full impact. The reduction would have the same effect on the pre-
present results can be considered an upper bound for dicted SP choice probability. Assuming no discount
the effect o f emissions levels on vehicle choice. This rate, this could be interpreted to mean that an "aver-
is especially true since the survey sample is from Cali- age" respondent estimates the lifetime use of a vehi-
fornia's South Coast Air Basin, where vehicle cleanli- cle to be 140,000 miles (for the original purchaser
ness is probably valued more highly than in other and all subsequent owners), which is judged to be a
locales due to the Basin's chronic air quality problem reasonable value for a new vehicle.


iiili iiiiiiiilliiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiill
.. -4-


a. -8-

-10- iiiiiiiiiiii
-12 ............................................................................ "........................ ":......................

-14 ............................................................................. - ....................... - ........................

on 0.1 0.2 03 a4 0.5 0.a 0.7 o.a 0.a 1.0
Errissk3rm (fraction of o.zrert)
Fig. 5. Iso-probability tradeoffs; emissions level versus purchase price.
248 D.S. BUNCHet al.




I -lO- ........i.................. ! .........

ca. -12" .................................................................... ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i ...................

-18 i i i i
1 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 g 10 11 12
F~ Cost (certs per rnle)
Fig. 6. Iso-probability tradeoffs; fuel cost versus purchase price.

4.2. SP choice model with socioeconomic As in Model 1, the log-sum coefficient for Model
segmentation variables 2 is significantly different from unity, and the log-
It is quite possible that some differences in prefer- likelihood ratio statistic comparing the exhibited
ences across respondents can be described by differ- NMNL model (log-likelihood = - 3 0 6 4 . 9 ) to a
ences in respondents' personal and household char- MNL model with the same variables minus the log-
acteristics, such as gender, age, number of workers sum term (log-likelihood = -3070.9) is 12.0 with 1
in the household, or income. Disaggregate prediction degree of freedom. This indicates that statistically
tables (Ben-Akiva and Lerman, 1985, pp. 208-215) important explanatory variables that might explain
were used to identify potential market segmentation differences in preferences for electric versus non-
variables that might be related to the under- or over- electric vehicles are still likely to be omitted.
prediction of choice probabilities in the data set. The
parameter estimates and log-likelihood statistics for 4.3. SP choice model with vehicle-type and
Model 2, in which person- and household-specific socioeconomic segmentation variables
segmentation variables are added to Model 1, are In addition to differences among socioeconomic
shown in Table 1. segments, preferences are likely to vary according to
The likelihood ratio statistic for Model 2 versus the type of vehicle that the respondent has in mind
Model 1 is 31.9 with 7 degrees of freedom, indicating when choosing among the hypothetical future vehi-
a highly significant improvement in goodness-of-fit. cles. In the Phase 1 survey, respondents were asked
The t-statistics are also significant, and the coeffi- to indicate which of eight vehicle types would best
cients provide information about differences in pref- categorize the household's next purchase: (a) four-
erences among persons and households. For exam- door sedan, (b) two-door coupe, (c) sports car, (d) sta-
ple, households with higher incomes have a stronger tion wagon, (e) compact pickup, (f) minivan, (g) full-
preference for gasoline cars and respondents with size pickup or van or (h) sport utility vehicle. In
a college education have a stronger preference for addition, the expected fuel economy of the house-
electric cars. Households where the respondent was hold's next purchase was elicited in four categories: (a)
at least 55 years of age have lower preference for less than 20 mpg, (b) 20-24 mpg, (c) 25-30 mpg and (d)
electric cars. Persons with longer commuting dis- over 30 mpg. It was determined through exploratory
tances exhibit a greater sensitivity to fuel cost, as prediction-table analyses that preferences were re-
measured by the negative coefficient on the interac- lated to segmentation involving combinations of sev-
tion term between commuting distance and the ge- eral of these vehicle type and fuel economy variables.
neric fuel cost attribute, although this interaction Six vehicle-type segmentation variables were
term is significant only at the p = .08 level for one- added to Model 2, yielding Model 3 (Table 1). The
tailed tests. Other significant interaction terms reveal log-likelihood ratio statistic for Model 3 versus
that females are less sensitive to limited range, but Model 2 is 78.2 with 6 degrees of freedom, once
respondents from households with greater numbers again indicating that the added variables have signifi-
of workers per vehicle are more sensitive to range. cant power in explaining sample differences in pref-
These results provide potentially useful market re- erence; the t-statistics for the segmentation variables
search information. are also significant.
Demand for clean-fuel vehicles in California 249

Respondents intending to purchase compact pick- sample size for these models is 2208, representing
ups or sports cars, and respondents who do not in- 552 respondents, each with four replicated choices.
tend to buy soon, are less sensitive to range restric- The first fuel-type choice model uses fuel-specific
tions than the general sample population. In (SP design) attributes only, and the coefficient esti-
contrast, purchasers of full-size vans/pickups have mates and log-likelihood statistics for this model are
greater sensitivity to range. Purchasers of sport util- listed in Table 2. Fuel-choice Model 1 exhibits
ity vehicles have a lower preference for electric cars. strongly significant likelihood ratio statistics and
This might be due to the electric car's current reputa- asymptotic t-statistics. These goodness-of-fit indica-
tion for poor performance; or, perhaps users of tors are greater than those for the comparable vehi-
sport utility vehicles require greater refueling flexibil- cle-choice Model 1, indicating that vehicle choice is
ity than electricity would allow (camping trips, etc). an inherently more complex decision than is fuel
Respondents who seek fuel economies of at least 25 choice for multiple-fuel vehicles.
mpg in their next vehicle have relatively lower prefer- Fuel-choice Model 1 captures significant nonlin-
ences for gasoline cars, all else held equal. This might ear (quadratic) effects for all the fuel attributes ex-
be an indication of a "green" segment of consumers cept fuel availability. For each of fuel cost, range
who might become innovators in demand for clean- and pollution, the quadratic term tends to offset the
fuel vehicles. linear term at high levels, which indicates a decreas-
The t-statistic for the log-sum coefficient in ing marginal effect on preference for these three at-
Model 3 is approximately 2.1, compared to 3.2 and tributes.
3.6 in Models 1 and 2 respectively. And the likeli- Figure 7 illustrates the effect of the fuel cost attri-
hood ratio statistic for Model 3 versus the corre- bute on the SP choice probability for alternative fuel
sponding MNL model is 4.4, with one degree of free- versus gasoline. In Fig. 7 both fuels are assumed to
dom (p = .036). Both of these statistics indicate that be available at all stations, the vehicle is assumed to
the NMNL model is only a marginal improvement have the same range for either fuel and the fuel cost
over a simpler MNL model. Inclusion of segmenta- for gasoline is set at an intermediate value of 6 cents
tion variables related to the type of vehicle the house- per mile. The predicted probability of choosing the
hold intends to purchase next substantially reduces alternative fuel is graphed as a function of alterna-
the correlation of unobserved errors among nonelec- tive fuel cost, over the range of (decreasing cost)
tric vehicles. from 10 to 2 cents per mile. Because the major ad-
Because Models 1 and 2 are statistically different vantage of using alternative fuel is reduced emission
from Model 3, they clearly omit statistically signifi- levels, curves are plotted for three levels of emis-
cant market segmentation variables, and thus their sions, where the level is measured as the percentage
coefficient estimates cannot be econometrically con- of emissions relative to 1991 cars (levels: 10°70, 40o70,
sistent. However, from a practical perspective the 70°70). The 10°70 level is much cleaner than current
coefficients and t-statistics for the original fuel- vehicles, and seems readily attainable with the new
related variables are quite stable across all three technologies currently being developed. The 70°/0
models. Thus, models that rely on a smaller set of level could correspond to a short-term version of
variables may still prove useful for many types of reformulated gasoline.
market penetration analyses that cannot support the It is also shown in Fig. 7 that, when alternative
high level of detail included in Models 2 and 3. In fuel and gasoline cost the same (i.e. 6 cents per mile)
particular, forecasting using Model 3 requires inde- in addition to having the same range and availability,
pendent projections concerning the types of vehicles the probability of choosing alternative fuel is 0.94,
a target population will likely be purchasing; this 0.87 and 0.79 for 10070, 40°70 and 70°70 emissions,
information might not always be available, in which respectively. As fuel cost decreases below 6 cents per
case the analyst can use Model 2. Likewise, if infor- mile, the choice probability rapidly approaches unity
mation on population characteristics is unavailable, for all three emission levels. As fuel cost increases
the analyst will be forced to rely on Model 1. above 6 cents per mile, the choice probabilities begin
dropping quickly, and they diverge for the three
emissions levels. However, even at a cost of 10 cents
per mile, the choice probability is 0.39 for 10°70emis-
sions. The corresponding probability for 70°70 emis-
For each of four hypothetical fuel choice situa- sions is 0.14, giving an indication of how choice of
tions, respondents were asked to assume they own a fuel might be affected by its cleanliness.
multiple-fuel vehicle, and indicate which fuel they A choice probability plot for vehicle range be-
would choose (gasoline or alternative). Because these tween refueling is given in Fig. 8. Conventional-fuel
choices are binary, there are no potentially compli- cars are assumed to have a range of 300 miles, and
cating issues of non-IIA as with vehicle choice, and fuel costs and availabilities are assumed to be the
the logit model is appropriate. A sequence of logit same for the two fuels. Under these conditions, vehi-
models, similar to that described for vehicle choice, cle range with alternative fuel has a marked effect
has been developed for assessing the roles of various on fuel choice over the range of attribute levels in-
attributes in explaining SP fuel-choice behavior. The cluded in the SP survey (75 to 300 miles). When the
250 D.S. BUNCH et al.

Table 2. Fuel-choice binomial logit model (Model 1 = fuel-specific attributes only; Model 2 = added person/household
segmentation variables and segmentation variables based on anticipated next vehicle type)

Model 1 Model 2
Variable coeff, t-star, coeff, t-stat.

Fuel cost (cents/mile) - 1.010 - 10.0 -.992 -9.3

Fuel cost 2 (cents/mile)2 0.0309 4.4 .0330 4.5
Range (100 miles) 2.27 8.5 2.54 8.6
Range 2 (100 miles)2 -2.59 -4.4 - .270 -4.5
Emisions level (fraction of current) -3.15 -4.9 -3.31 -5.0
Emissions level2 (fraction of current) z 1.16 2.2 1.24 2.2
Fuel availabity (fraction of stations) 1.55 7.3 1.43 6.7
Alternative fuel (constant) 0.975 6.6 1.03 6.7
Fuel availability (frac. of sta.)* Age 55 + (dummy) 0.546 2.4
Gasoline (constant)* No college educ. (dummy) 0.592 2.2
Fuel cost (cents/mile)* Commute dist. (100 miles) - .779 - 2.9
Range (100 mi.)* Commute dist. < 15 mi. (dummy) - .272 -2.4
Range (100 mi.)* Full-size pickup or Van (dummy) 0.884 3.1
Range (100 miles)* Compact pickup (dummy) - .944 -4.2
Range (100 mi.)* Refuel on shopping trip (dummy) - .450 - 3.4
Range (100 mi.)* Refuel > 1 per week (dummy) 0.308 3.1

2208 (552 2208 (552

Sample size respondents respondents
Log-likelihood initial - 1530.5 - 1530.5
Log-likelihood constant terms only - 1519.1 - 1519.1
Log-likelihood model - 905.0 - 867.8

r a n g e is the same for b o t h fuels, the alternative fuel clean (10070 emissions) a n d o t h e r attributes (range
choice probabilities are (as previously shown) 0.94, a n d fuel cost) are c o m p a r a b l e for b o t h fuels.
0.87 a n d 0.79 for the three emission levels. F o r 10°70 A variety o f s e g m e n t a t i o n variables were f o u n d
emission levels the choice p r o b a b i l i t y exceeds 0.84 to have statistically significant interactions with the
until r a n g e falls below 200 miles; however, below fuel attributes, yielding a second m o d e l with im-
200 miles the choice probabilities d i m i n i s h quickly p r o v e d prediction o f fuel choice. The log-likelihood
for all emissions levels. statistics, coefficient estimates a n d their t-statistics
T h e effects o f fuel availability are g r a p h e d in Fig. for fuel-type choice M o d e l 2 are listed in T a b l e 2. As
9. These effects a p p e a r to be less p r o n o u n c e d over in the case o f vehicle choice, these results provide
the r a n g e o f values in the survey. Choice probabili- potentially useful m a r k e t research i n f o r m a t i o n . Re-
ties r e m a i n relatively high for the full r a n g e o f fuel s p o n d e n t s greater t h a n 55 years o f age are m o r e sen-
availabilities, a s s u m i n g t h a t the fuel is relatively sitive to limited fuel availability, a n d r e s p o n d e n t s

~. ........... : ............ i . . ~. . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . i. . . . ' " "" ....... ~. . . . . . . . . . . . : ........... - ........... " ...........
t i . . .
0.0 ........... ~............ ~..........~.~-.--~...ii...i ............ ~ ........... ,:.............

0~71........... ~ ............ ~ ...........

............ ':"........... """ : .......... r ............ .~........... " .............

'~ 0.4 ............ i ............ i ........... ~ ............ '; . . . . . . . . . . . ~. . . . . . . . . . . . ~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~. . . . . . . . . . . . .


" .......... t ............

t ..........


Fue~Cost Rekattveto Gas~ne (crt/n3)

fuel coel


ee~ el 6 cerle/rnie
......... , ~ - - ~

3 4

Fig. 7. Alt fuel choice probabilities by difference in alt and gas fuel costs
(for three emission levels by alternative fuel relative to current fuel).
Demand for clean-fuel vehicles in California 251

0.91 t ........ ~......... : ........ -. ......... , ......... : ........ ~i.........

- ~.........
~ !......... i ii...... . ..... i ........ -i..........

o.3 ........ i ......... i ........ " ....... .: ....... i ........ i ......... ~ ......... i ......... ~ ......... i ......... i ........ 4 ..........

0 25 50 75 00 1 25 1 50 1 75 200 225 ~ 275 300 325
Range in roles (Gasoline set at 30O)

Fig. 8. Alternative fuel choice probabilities by alternative fuel range between refuelings
(for three emission levels of alternative fuel relative to current fuel).

with no college education are m o r e likely to choose indicates that either model can be used to evaluate
gasoline. The coefficient for the interaction between fuel-choice scenarios for multiple-fuel vehicles. Use
c o m m u t i n g distance and fuel cost has the theoreti- o f Model 2 requires forecasts o f p o p u l a t i o n seg-
cally anticipated sign (negative); r e s p o n d e n t s with ments, while Model 1 requires only forecasts o f vehi-
c o m m u t i n g distance o f less than 15 miles are less cle and fuel supply attributes.
sensitive to limited range. R e s p o n d e n t s who intend
to purchase a full-size p i c k u p / v a n are m o r e sensitive 6. E S T I M A T I N G M A R K E T P E N E T R A T I O N
to limited range, whereas those intending to purchase
a c o m p a c t pickup or t w o - d o o r car are less sensitive 6.1. Sample enumeration using SP choice models
to limited range. R e s p o n d e n t s who typically refuel SP choice models can be used in c o n j u n c t i o n with
while o n a s h o p p i n g trip are less sensitive to limited the survey database to provide a useful f o r m o f sce-
range, but those who refuel m o r e t h a n one time per nario testing. In this a p p r o a c h , a market scenario is
week are m o r e sensitive to limited range. developed by defining hypothetical vehicles based on
As in the case o f vehicle choice, the estimated the four generic fuel-technology types (gasoline, ded-
coefficients for the fuel-specific attributes remain icated alternative, multiple and electric). The exis-
stable across fuel-type Models 1 and 2 (Table 1). This tence o f particular vehicles, as well as their attributes

1 i i !

°9 ............. ~............ ~............ ~ ........... i ............ ~....................... . : - . . . . . . . . . ~. . . . . . . . . . . .

o., ............. i i i : i,0~ i [ ! !

............ i ............ i ............ r ........... ~ o4;i ............ i ............ i ..... :: ........... ! .............
0.6- ............ ' ..... ~............ ';........... :....... ' ........... i............ :............ : ........... : ..........

0.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . .

0.4 ............. ~ ............ : ............ r ............ " ............ ~ ............ : ............ : ............ r .........................

0.3 ............. i ............ i ............ i ........... !............ i ............ i ............ i ........... -.' ........... i .............

°!t ........... i ............ i ............ ~ ........... ~ ........... ~............ ~............ i ........... T ::

0.. .......... i ............ i ............ i ........... i ............ ! ............ i ............ i ............ ~ ........... ~.............

0.0 0.t 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 09 1.0
Fraction of Stations Having Air_ Fuel

Fig. 9. Alternative fuel choice probabilities by alternative fuel availability

(for three emission levels of alternative fuel relative to current fuel).
252 D. S. BUNCHet al.

levels, could be specified separately for each vehicle 1. This simple approach is valid as long as the trade-
class (four-door sedan, minivan, etc.). Using the sur- off between purchase price and fuel cost in the two
vey sample of households to represent a vehicle- models is similar. This seems to be the case: the coef-
buying market, SP choice models could be directly ficient ratio for fuel cost to purchase price from
applied by using a sample enumeration approach. Model 1 was 1420, and the corresponding ratio in
Choice sets are established and choice probabilities Train (1986) for the one-vehicle submodel (for
are computed for each household. Changes in spe- households earning more than $12K in 1978 dollars)
cific household-level choice probabilities and/or av- is 1134, a difference of approximately 25%.
erage probabilities for the entire sample could be It is also necessary for the preference function
examined under various policy scenarios (e.g. subsi- specifications to be similar. SP models have been
dies for clean fuels or vehicles, increased taxes on reestimated using income categories that match those
gasoline, etc.). In addition, the sample could be re- in the vehicle holdings model of Train (1986), so
weighted with respect to such variables as vehicle that their coefficient estimates can be consistently
class, household income, age, sex, etc., to reflect introduced. Extension of the two-vehicle holdings
different types of markets. submodel would follow a similar approach, but
The disadvantage of this approach is that it is would require SP modeling results different from
based solely on the stated intentions of survey re- those of section 3.
spondents and has not been adjusted to incorporate The advantage of this approach is that much of
available information on actual market-based behav- the data and programming needed to produce de-
ior. In addition, the approach only examines how mand simulations is already in place. The only re-
choice probabilities might shift as fuel-related attri- quirement would be that the models be modified to
butes are changed. The level and distribution of pur- include the additional attribute coefficients and the
chases by vehicle class is assumed to remain fixed new attributes appended to all vehicle types defined
(unless the sample is reweighted). Furthermore, the in the relevant files. A disadvantage of this approach
choice sets available for use in sample enumeration, is that it relies on a model system that contains vehi-
consisting of just a few vehicles with different fuel cle type choice models formulated for one- and two-
types, do not represent choice sets that are actually vehicle households only. Although this may have
considered by buyers. Thus, although this approach been acceptable at the time the model was developed,
provides a useful tool for policy analysis, it is not a substantial number of households in California
capable of simulating shifts in actual demand. The now hold three or more vehicles. This deficiency will
extent of these potential difficulties has yet to be be addressed in future research. Although a direct
evaluated and could be overcome by approaches that extension of vehicle holdings models to include more
combine SP and RP information. This is a clear di- vehicles is possible, more promising approaches in-
rection for further research. volve models based on household vehicle transac-
tions rather than vehicle holdings. In addition, new
6.2. Extensions o f existing R P vehicle holdings and models should incorporate both SP and RP data to
utilization models take full advantage of all available information.
A different approach to forecasting demand for
clean-fuel vehicles would be to extend the current
RP models by adding fuel-related variables to their
submodels. Coefficients would be obtained by esti- The statistical significance, ease of interpretation
mating appropriate SP models and rescaling the co- and stability of the SP choice modeling results are
efficients for use in the RP models. Linkage can be very encouraging. Thus, the results provide a useful
achieved through the vehicle attributes common to database for estimating preferences for clean-fuel ve-
both models, namely, vehicle purchase price and fuel hicles in the California South Coast Air Basin.
(operating) cost. For example, vehicle-type choice al- Estimates of attribute importance and segment
ternatives in the Train (1986) model system are de- differences are made using discrete-choice nested
scribed in terms of vehicle holdings defined at the multinomial logit models for vehicle choice and bi-
class/vintage level. Class/vintage choices for the nomial logit models for fuel choice. These estimates
one-vehicle holdings submodel are characterized by can be used to modify present vehicle-type choice
such explanatory variables as luggage space and and utilization models to accommodate clean-fuel
horsepower in addition to purchase price and fuel vehicles; but they can also be used to evaluate scenar-
cost. For the two-vehicle submodel, each choice al- ios for alternative clean-fuel vehicle and fuel supply
ternative is defined by summing the attributes from configurations. Results indicate that range between
a pair of classes/vintages. Class/vintage definitions refueling is a particularly important attribute in cases
would be expanded to include fuel-related attributes where a clean-fuel vehicle has a range that is consid-
such as range, fuel availability, etc. erably less than that of existing gasoline vehicles.
The simplest application of this approach would Vehicle preferences are relatively less sensitive to fuel
be to rescale each parameter from Model 1 by a fac- availability when range and fuel costs are compara-
tor equal to the purchase price coefficient from the ble to gasoline, although sensitivity increases nonlin-
one-vehicle submodel in the Train (1986) system, di- early as fuel availability approaches lower levels. For
vided by the purchase price coefficient from Model fuel choice, the most important attributes are range
Demand for clean-fuel vehicles in California 253

a n d fuel cost. H o w e v e r , the predicted p r o b a b i l i t y o f comparison of experimental design strategies for multi-
choosing alternative fuel is also affected by emissions nomial logit models: The case of generic attributes. Un-
published paper, Graduate School of Management,
levels, which can c o m p e n s a t e for differences in fuel University of California, Davis, March 30, 1991.
prices. Calfee J. E. (1985) Estimating the demand for electric auto-
T h e differences in preferences c a p t u r e d by the mobiles using fully disaggregated probabilistic choice
p e r s o n a n d h o u s e h o l d s e g m e n t a t i o n variables are analysis. Transpn. Res., 19B, 287-302.
Daly A. (1987) Estimating "tree" logit models. Transpn.
readily interpretable a n d provide a strong f o u n d a - Res., 21B, 251-267.
tion for future studies o f the d e m a n d for alternative- Dubin J. and McFadden D. (1984) An econometric analysis
fuel vehicles. The coefficient estimates for the fuel- of residential electric appliance holdings and consump-
specific attributes are stable across all choice models, tion. Econometrica, 52, 345-362.
a n indication t h a t the p o p u l a t i o n has a m e a s u r a b l e Golob T. F., Kitamura R., and Occhuizzo G. (1991) An
attitude-behavioral intention model of the market po-
preference structure. tential for alternative-fuel vehicles. Presented at Annual
Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Wash-
Acknowledgements-The authors wish to thank their col- ington, DC, January 13-17.
leagues who participated in various stages of the project: Hensher D. A. (1982) Functional measurement, individual
Imran Currim of the University of California, Irvine; preference and discrete-choice modeling: Theory and
Jackie Golob of Jacqueline Golob Associates; Douglas application. Journal o f Economic Psychology, 2, 323-
Levine of the University of California, Irvine; and Arthur 335.
Saltzman of California State University, San Bernardino. Louviere J. (1988) Conjoint analysis modeling of stated
The authors also wish to thank those involved with the preferences: A review of theory, methods, recent devel-
project at the California Energy Commission for their tire- opments and external validity. Journal o f Transport
less support and encouragement: Sy Goldstone, Leigh Sta- Economics and Policy, 12, 93-120.
mets, Chuck Mizutani, Tom MacDonald, Ken Koyama, Louviere J. and Hensher D. A. (1983) Using discrete choice
Cece Martin, Jim Page, Brandt Stevens, B. B. Blevins and models with experimental design data to forecast con-
Kent Smith. The authors also wish to thank David Greene sumer demand for a unique cultural event. Journal o f
and two anonymous referees for their helpful comments. Consumer Research, 10, 348-361.
Of course, the authors are solely responsible for any re- Mannering F. L. and Train K. (1985) Recent directions in
maining errors. automobile demand modeling. Transpn. Res., 19B,
265 -274.
McFadden D. (1981) Econometric models of probabilistic
choice. In D. McFadden and C. F. Manski (Eds.),
Structural Analysis o f Discrete Data with Econometric
Air Resources Board (1991) Low-Emission Vehicles~Clean Applications. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
Fuels Regulation and Federal Clean Air Act Amend- Moore W. L. and Holbrook M. B. (1990) Conjoint analysis
ments o f 1 9 9 0 - A n Overview. Alternative Fuels Sec- on objects with environmentally correlated attributes:
tion, Mobile Sources Division, California Air Resources The questionable importance of representative design.
Board, Sacramento, January 1991. Journal o f Consumer Research, 16, 490-497.
Bates J. (1988) Econometric issues in SP analysis. Journal Sperling D. 0988) New Transportation Fuels: A Strategic
o f Transport Economics and Policy, 12, 59-70. Approach to Technological Change. University of Cali-
Beggs S. and Cardell S. (1980) Choice of smallest car by fornia Press, Berkeley, CA.
multivehicle households and the demand for electric ve- Train K. (1980) The potential market for nongasoline-
hicles. Transpn. Res., 14A, 389-404. powered vehicles. Transpn. Res., 14A, 405-414.
Beggs S., Cardell S., and Hausman J. (1981) Assessing the Train K. (1986) Qualitative Choice Analysis. MIT Press,
potential demand for electric cars. Journal o f Econo- Cambridge, MA.
metrics, 16, 1-19. Turrentine T. and Sperling D. (1991) The development of
Ben-Akiva M. and Lerman S. R. (1985) Discrete Choice the alternative-fueled vehicles market: Its impact on
Analysis: Theory and Application to Travel Demand. consumer decision processes. Presented at 6th Interna-
M1T Press, Cambridge, MA. tional Conference on Travel Behavior, Quebec City,
Bunch D. S., Louviere J. J., and Anderson D. (1991) A Canada, May 22-24.

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