Expanded Marking Scale For Figures: FINA Artistic Swimming Manual For Judges, Coaches & Referees

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FINA Artistic Swimming Manual

For Judges, Coaches & Referees


10 9.5 to 9.9 9.0 to 9.4 8.0 to 8.9 7.0 to 7.9 6.0 to 6.9
Perfect Near Perfect Excellent Very Good Good Competent
General Impression

Flawless Minute deviations Minor errors but A few minor errors. Above average. Average.
from perfection. none are Comfortable.

Accuracy of Positions / Stability / Ease of performance

Total accuracy. Very precise. Stable. Accurate but some Most positions are May lack some Several minor
Stable, controlled. Minute deviations, may lack complete clear & accurate. A accuracy but no inaccuracies. Not
Correct body difficult to detect. clarity. Stable. few very minor major errors. consistent. Lack of
alignment maintained inaccuracies in Stability not stability and control
throughout. Complete stability and/or maintained in difficult parts.
ease of performance. control. throughout.

Accuracy of Transitions and Movements / Ease of performance

Efficient and accurate Direct course of Very minor but Minor deviations in Obvious Inconsistent.
course of action. action. Positions ‘lock noticeable accuracy, efficiency irregularities but Problems with
Complete ease of into place'. Minute inaccuracies in line &/or fluidity. Not none are major. more difficult
performance. wavering from line of of transition or effortless in all Unsure and transitions.
transition. breaks in fluidity. sections. strained in parts. Effort evident
Effort evident in throughout.
difficult parts.

Extension / Clarity / Definition

Precise distinction Sharp. 'Show & Go'. Deviations are few Accurate and clear Clear distinction, Some obvious
between positions and Clear distinction and minor. Well with a few minor but not always slurring between
transitions, with between. extended. deviations from precise. Full positions &
maximum extension precision. Minor extension not transitions.
throughout. inconsistencies in maintained Incomplete
extension. throughout. extension.

Height – Refer to Height Chart.

Maximum height at all Almost maximum Close to maximum High, but may lose Above average Average height.
times, with level height with no level height with minimal height on most height on easy Inconsistent &
maintained as changes except as level changes. difficult transition parts with some changing
required throughout. required. and positions. minor level especially in more
changes. Loses difficult positions
height on difficult and transitions.

Timing / Uniform Motion / Stationary

Smooth, uniform Minute variations in Very minor Timing a little bit Timing changes Timing may be
tempo at a timing or position variations in timing faster or slower that are not hurried and/or
comfortable speed except where or position. No than as described. required in the uneven during
except where required. No travel travel unless Not always uniform. description. uniform motion
required. No travel unless otherwise otherwise specified. Little if any travel. Strained at times. parts. Obvious
unless otherwise specified. Minimal travel. travel in one or
specified. more parts.

Fédération Internationale de Natation

FINA Artistic Swimming Manual
For Judges, Coaches & Referees


5.0 to 5.9 4.0 to 4.9 3.0 to 3.9 2.0 to 2.9 0.1 to 1.9 0
Hardly Completely
Satisfactory Deficient Weak Very Weak
Recognizable Failed
General Impression

Mediocre. Significant Problems frequent Struggling in all Difficult to Performance bears See AS 10.1.1
deviations. and major. aspects. recognize. almost no
resemblance to

Accuracy of Positions / Stability / Ease of performance

Many minor problems. Most positions Identifiable but very General outline Complete lack of See AS 10.1.1
Major errors at lower inaccurate with some inaccurate present, but definition and
end of range. Minimal major problems in throughout. Little positions unclear. control.
control. achieving positions. control evident. No control evident.

Accuracy of Transitions and Movements / Ease of performance

Accuracy inconsistent. Evident effort to meet Little attention to No attention to Merely moves from See AS 10.1.1
Some major requirements. Major transition specifics. transition specifics. one position to
deviations. Minimal errors throughout. Many major another.
control. Effort evident Loses control in problems in all
throughout. many parts. transitions.

Extension / Clarity / Definition

Some attempt to define Clarity is imprecise. Unclear and poor Difficult to identify a No clarity, See AS 10.1.1
positions, but often not Poor extension. extension position or a extension or
clear. Minimal throughout. transition. No definition
extension. extension evident. throughout.

Height – Refer to Height Chart.

Some height may be Low and Low. Extreme Very low. Natural No effort. See AS 10.1.1
evident in easier inconsistent. Level difficulty to achieve buoyancy only.
sections. changes throughout. any height.

Timing / Uniform Motion / Stationary

Often rushed & seldom Rushed and uneven Fast and/or uneven No apparent Completely lacking See AS 10.1.1
stationary. Segmented. timing. Significant timing. Significant consideration for in correct timing.
Obvious travel evident. travel in one or more travel throughout. timing or travel Significant travel
parts. requirements. throughout.

Fédération Internationale de Natation


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