Exercises 4 and 5

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Exercise 5


I love counting the rain, Mother.
As they patter and as I see
Do not all the great men like Rizal
Count rain, too, when still young like me?
See the numerous dropping rains
How hard it is for little brains.
And I recall the children’s riddle
About the old man’s countless canes
How I love the fast falling rain
Like a thousand pounding pestles
And the little rushing water
Down the stream to see it nestles.

Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. The child is talking to his
a. Father b. Mother c. Sister
2. The child loves to (a. count b. drink c. catch ) the rain.
3. The child wants to know if counting the rain has also been a part time activity of
a. great men b. old men c. sickly men
4. The rain nestles in the
a. dream b. stream c. street
5. The old man’s countless canes is a
a. riddle b. fiddle c. peddler
6. The water rushes to the team
a. brook b. stream c. street
7. In the riddle, the countless canes refer to the
a. little brain b. dropping rains c. stream
8. The rain a. withers b. patters c. gathers
9. The child loves the (a. fast b. slow c. tumbling) rain.
10. The fast falling rain is also like
a. rushing water b. big waves c. pounding pestles
Exercise 4


Once there were two warring tribes whose kingdoms were divided only by a
wide river. The king on the land north of the river had a beautiful daughter named
Mayumi; while the king on the land south of the river had a brave handsome son
named Bayani.
Both kings hated each other so much thet they even wanted their children to
hate each other, too.
But fate played a trick on them. Mayumi and Bayani felt so madly in love with
each other that they defied their parents wish. They often met secretly in the
nearby forest.
One early morning, Mayumi went to meet Bayani in the forest. She had some
enchanted power so she changed herself into a deer. She did not want anybody to
see her.
Bayani waited for her. When he saw the deer, he was attracted to it. He
quickly shot an arrow not knowing it was Mayumi.
The deer fell bleeding. Bayani ran to see his prize, but he saw Mayumi instead.
He wept and in his grief, he stabbed himself to death.

Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. The two kingdoms were divided by
a. mountains b. seas c. a river
2. Mayumi was the daughter of the king of the
a. South b. North c. East
3. Bayani was the son of the king of the
a. South b. North c. East
4. The kings were
a. good friends b. enemies c. very old
5. Mayumi and Bayani a. hated each other
b. love each other c. envied each other
6.. Mayumi and Bayani met in the forest
a. openly b. secretly c. very often
7. Mayumi a. possessed some enchanted power b. was a witch c. was a
8. She could change herself into a
a. dog b. horse c. deer
9. Bayani (a. shot b. did not see c. ignored) the deer.
10. The story ended a. happily b. sadly c. foolish

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