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Background of the Study

Technology is a body of knowledge devoted to creating tools, processing actions

and the extracting of materials. The term ‘Technology” is wide, and everyone has their

way of understanding its meaning. We use technology to accomplish various tasks in

our daily lives, in brief; we can describe technology as products and processes used to

simplify our daily lives (Ramey, 2013).

Modern technology had a rapid growth and industrialization and is growing

tremendously; such progressions may affect students nowadays due to the abuse

and misapplication of the conveniences of these progressions and because of too

much reliance on modern technology. Appropriate use of technology can serve the

regular education classroom by motivating students in all disciplines, such as math,

social studies, and literacy (Heafner, 2004; Housand & Housand, 2012). Students

who have identified learning disabilities can be served by the appropriate integration

of technology through assistive technology devices, allowing students to access the

information and maintain pace with a regular education classroom (Floyd and Judge,


In our generation today, there’s no denying that technology such as phones,

laptop and computers has become a significant part of people especially in students’

everyday lives. But many of us are still wondering on how these technologies affect the

student’s learning and what are good and bad effects of it.

Technology lets modern people communicate with one another more quickly and

efficiently. In the past, when you could not use the telephone, you have to write letters.

It often took days or even weeks for your friends or family to receive a letter, depending

on the distance. Nowadays, however, you can save all the trouble by sending an e-mail.

The onset of modern technology paved the way for people to communicate easier and

more convenient.

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