Fenderson & Goar - Ammonia & BTX Destruction in Today's Sulphur Recovery Units

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AMMONIA & BTX DESTRUCTION IN TODAY'S SULFUR RECOVERY UNITS by Steve Fenderson & B. Gene Goar Goar, Allison & Associates, Inc. Tyler, Texas Preprint of Paper to be given at ‘The LD Duiker “Combustion Systems Seminar for Sulfur Recovery Units” in Los Angeles, California USA, October 23, 1997 AMMONIA & BTX DESTRUCTION IN | TODAY'S SULFUR RECOVERY UNIT! by Steve Fenderson & B. Gene Goar Goar, Allison & Associates, Inc. Tyler, Texas Increasing Need to Process Ammonia The need to destruct greater quantities of ammonia (NHs) in Claus 4 Sulfur Recovery Units (SRU's) has increased significantly in the past 8-10 years. The SRU operation and maintenance problems { associated with processing NH; have steadily increased as the amount of NHs processed ha: creased. Previously, a refinery ( SRU might receive a mixed acid gas feed containing 3-5 Mol% NHs, Today, it is not unusual to require a SRU to process mixed acid gas containing 15-20 Mol% NHs. The increase in NH has resulted from additional hydrotreating and hydrocracking ‘ processing steps with more severe conditions as: (a) refinery crude oll feeds tend to get heavier and (b) to meet current environmental Page 2 Ammonia & BTX destuconntday's Suphur Recovery Units || Fiona BX destucton in todays Suphur Resovery Uns Pages regulations that require lower sulfur and nitrogen content of motor fuels. More severe hydroprocessing steps result in production of more NHs and HS from denitrification and desulfurization of the hydrocarbon products. Negative Effects of Ammonia Processing NHs in a SRU has several negative effects: (1) processing NH; reduces the SRU sulfur processing capacity because the process flow rate is increased from both the NHs_ and combustion air required to burn NHs, (2) equipment plugging may result from the ammonium salts that can form between NHs, H2S, SO2, SOs, ete., and (3) corrosion can result from ammonium compounds and/or SO; that might be formed by misoperation or inadequate NH; destruction. Alternate Schemes for Handling Ammonia The SRU operate better if NH, was never fed to the SRU. However, NH; is fed to SRU's because it is associated with H:S from the sour water stripper overhead (SWS gas), and there is not another widely accepted method for disposal. CHEVRON deve- loped the "WWT" Process which separates NH and H2S contained in the refinery sour water stream using a two-stage stripper. The WT process has not received wide acceptance outside the (2) itis Chevron organization because: (1) it is expensive to instal Page’ Aronia & BTX destudton in fodays Suphur Rezovery Unis difficult to operate, and (3) the NHs product is difficult to market because it may contain impurities. Also there may not be a local market for NHs, US Steel developed their "PHOSAM" process, which also has not been widely accepted. Other ways of disposing of NHs have been , these alternate studied, proposed, tried and evaluated. Typic: schemes have been abandoned in favor of processing NHs in the SRU. Goar, Allison & Associates, Inc. is always looking for new altematives for processing NHs contained in the refinery sour water. Effect of Ammonia on SRU Capacity The fact is, other than burning it in a Claus SRU, no reliable or elegant way of disposing of or destructing NHs in a refinery has been developed. Even though this is undesirable from a SRU ‘operating standpoint, it appears SRU's will have to process significant quantities of NHs for years to come. One major drawback to feeding NH to a SRU is the additional hydraulic load it creates. When firing the main SRU burner with air, each STPD of NHy feed backs out about 2.5 LTPD of sulfur. As more NHs is processed, the effective SRU capacity for processing H:S is reduced. If 25 STPD of NHs is processed, the SRU sulfur processing capacity is reduced by over 60 LTPD. “anevora & BT destucfonin todays Sulphur Recovery Unis Pages Methods/Technologies Used to Process Ammonia in SRU's A. Front/Side Split System (Figure 1) the system used in North America for the destruction of NHs in a Claus SRU feeds all the SWS gas to the burner on the front of the Reaction Furnace, with a controlled split of the amine acid gas feed (with no NH ) between the bumer and the side of the furnace. The total ‘combustion air flow enters the bumer. Ammonia destruction in system is based on maintaining a zone in the front of the furnace that is at or near stoichiometric oxygen conditions for complete combustion of HS, Hydrocarbons, and NHs, Achieving this condition may require that more than two-thirds ‘of the amine acid gas be routed to a side port in the Reaction Furnace. The three major problems with this system are: (1) Control of the “front/side” split of the amine acid gas stream, (2) inadequate destruction of hydrocarbons (and any ammonia) present in the amine acid gas stream, the majority of which bypasses the burner combustion zone; and (3) reduced effective residence time in the Reaction Furnace and inadequate mixing for the Claus reaction take place (a larger, more complex furnace design may be used to improve Claus conversion). Page Ammonia & BTX destucion today’s Suphur Recovery Unis Many plants have been built utilizing the front/side spli scheme, and many have a history of chronic problems, especially if the NH concentration in the mixed acid gas is it is not correct, more than a few percent. If the “frontiside” s then adequate NHs destruction may not be achieved (O2 deficient) or corrosive conditions are created (O2 excess with SOs formation). Solids deposition, with resultant equipment and sulfur rundown line plugging, will ikely occur. Equipment corrosion and catalyst degradation usually also occur. Maintaining the near-stoichiometric combustion condition in the “front-end” of a split-flow furnace requires an accurate knowledge of the various feed compositions at all times, which is difficult to achieve. A secondary, but important , factor is that the burner assemblies historically employed for the “front-end” have been only moderately efficient, at best. The end result has commonly been failure to consistently achieve the theoretical result desired The frontiside split system is designed to consume Opin the front zone of the Reaction Furnace, leaving no Oz in the area of the side bypass port. If significant hydrocarbons are present in the bypassed acid gas stream, thermal hydrocarbon cracking, with carbon formation can occur, resulting in catalyst fouling and/or dark sulfur production. If NH is present in the bypassed amine acid gas, as it often is, ammonium salt deposition may occur in cool areas of the “mora & BTX destin in todays Suphur Recovery Unis Page? SRU. Many refiners who are faced with the above problems frequently find themselves faced with the need to flare SWS gas or store sour water much too often. please refer to Attachment A for a detailed discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of the Front/Side Split System. Comprimo (now owned by Stork) Ammonia Destruction Process (Figure 2) Many companies are looking for a better and more reliable method of destructing NHs, as greater and greater quantities of NHs must be processed. This has resulted in increasing worldwide acceptance and usage of the "Comprimo Ammonia Destruction Process’. Ammonia destruction with the Comprimo Ammonia Destruction Process is based on a different design concept. The design solves the main problem with the front/side split system, the need to bypass a major portion of the amine acid gas stream around the burner to the side of the furnace. In the Comprimo Process, the Reaction Furnace is provided with special high intensity burner (supplied by LD Duiker) which handles both acid gas streams in one step. ‘The amine acid gas and the SWS gas streams are mixed and to the LD Duiker fed, along with the required combustion Pages “Ammonia & BTX destrocon in todays Sulphur Recovery Units burner located on the front of the Reaction Fumace. The amine acid gas stream must be preheated prior to mixing to Prevent quenching the SWS gas stream and resultant water condensation and/or solids formation. It is known that HS and NHb will co-exist in a gaseous phase at temperatures above 175°F. Below this temperature, the HS and NHs combine to form solids, typically NH.HS. Since CO, is normally present, other solids can also form. The Duiker burner is custom designed for each application. The bumer achieves very efficient mixing of the air with the acid gas streams. The Duiker burner has a relatively high pressure drop (about 0.5 psi greater than most other acid gas bumers). This additional pressure drop (through the swirl vanes and bumer nozzles) enhances mixing and promotes complete oxidation through formation of highly turbulent, multiple vortices. Ammonia burns significantly faster than HzS at the temperatures (2250-2300°F or higher) normally encountered in the furnace. With adequate temperature and with The proper amount of oxygen present, the NHs is destructed almost completely, while only one-third (‘/:) of the H,S is converted to SO2, as required for the Claus reaction. The four key elements of the Comprimo System are: (1) the use of a LD Duiker bumer which achieves very efficient and thorough mixing of air with the mixed acid gas stream, (2) ‘Anmeria &BTX destruction in todays Suphur Recovery Unts Page 8 maintaining a minimum temperature in the Reaction Furnace known to achieve complete NHs destruction, (3) providing adequate retention time in the furnace, and (4) maintaining the correct amount of air to the burner. It is essential to use a reliable tail gas analyzer to maintain proper “air/acid gas" control the flame zone of the bumer to ensure adequate NHs destruction ‘The Comprimo Ammonia Destruction Process is capable of processing NH; concentrations up to 20-25 Mol% NHs in the mixed acid gas feed to the SRU, The residual NH5 concentration in the process gas stream is typically 30 ppmv or less. The typical guaranteed value for residual NH; is 300 Ppmy maximum at the outlet of the Waste Heat Boiler. With these low values of residual NH solids deposition can be avoided. The hydrocarbons present in the acid gas feed also typical burn faster than HzS. Therefore, the same design provisions for ammonia destruction also assure that hydrocarbons are destroyed in the hot, oxygen containing combustion zone of the bumer. Refer to Attachment B for a detailed discussion of the advant- ages and disadvantages of the Comprimo Ammonia Destruction Process. Page 10 Armonia & BTX dest uton in todays Suphur Resovety Unis Commercial Experience with the Comprimo System _Usin Duiker Bumers The first Comprimo Ammonia Destruction Process was installed in 1969. The Comprimo Ammonia Destruction Process has been installed on over 160 SRU Trains worldwide. The levels of NH3 processed range from less than 5Mol% to over 20 Mol%. Comprimo has tested their process using as high as 28 Mol% NHs in the mixed acid gas feed to a SRU and found essentially total NHs destruction. Most of the earlier units were installed in Europe and Japan. However, there are now 25 SRU's licensed to use the Comprimo Technology in North America with 23 in operation. The North American units range in design sulfur capacity from less than 20 MTPD to 565 MTPD. The Comprimo Process Technology is available in the USA and Canada (case-by-case) under license from GAA Engineered Systems, Inc., an affiliated company of Goar, Allison & Associates, Inc. which was formed to ense sulfur technology. A listing of worldwide units Process is attached as Exhibit 1. The North American units utilizing ensed for the Comprimo Ammonia Destruction the Comprimo technology are listed in Exhibit 2. BTX Destruction in SRU's The same basic principles and discussion given above for NH; in, Some destruction in SRU's generally applies to BTX destruc General guidelines for proper BTX destruction in a Claus SRU are: 1. Use an LD Duiker high-intensity, swir-vane type burner. 2. Achieve about the same temperatures in the Reaction Furnace equivalent to the temperature required for NHs destruction. 3. Provide a Reaction Furnace retention time of at least 1 second. 4. Use special internals in the Reaction Fumace to enhance mixing of hot gases and heat reflection back into the main portion of the furnace. 5. Never use a Front/Side Split furnace scheme if the amine acid gas contains BTX (and/or other hydrocarbons) that would likely crack and form soot and/or other compounds that could cause plugging and catalyst deactivation, 6. _ Split-Flow Claus SRU flow schemes should be avoided if at all possible if BTX and other hydrocarbons are Page 12 Ammonia & BTX desnucton in odays Suiphur Recovery Unis present in the amine acid gas feed that bypasses the bumer and Reaction Fumace. For very lean (low concentration HzS amine acid gas feed streams), altemate processing schemes such as oxygen enriched SRU operation or BTX removal using a gel should be considered, Use a reliable tail gas analyzer to maintain proper “airlacid gas" control in the flame zone of the burner. If 2/1 HpS:SO; ratio is maintained in the effluent from the final sulfur condenser, proper air control will be maintained for BTX and NHs destruction LD Duiker Burner Performance The major features of LD Duiker SRU bumers are: 1. ‘The air box is provided with one air inlet nozzle, which permits easy control of combustion air to the burner. The air passes through special fixed vanes, which gives it a strong rotating motion. The sour gas gun is provided with a cone-shaped diffuser and is located in a central position; the sour gas injected into the rotating air stream at the entrance of the combustion chamber. ‘Armonia &BTX destucton in todays Suphur Recovery Unis Page 13 Intimate mixing of the sour gas and combustion air occurs in an “air nose" section which has a reduced diameter throat, giving an increase in velocity. ‘The mixture is released onto a steeply angled wé front of the combustion chamber, where multiple vortices are formed. The vortices stabilize the flame to give a high heat concentration in the front of the chamber. The flame burns on this wall and into the chamber, where a high degree of mixing and turbulence is achieved. In this chamber, the oxidation reactions occur at the maximum temperature level. This is where most of the NHs and BTX components are destroyed All of the above features enhance NH3 and BTX destruction, ‘The major advantages of LD Duiker SRU burners are: Page 14 Extended catalyst life, due to reduced oxygen break- through and reduced fouling from residual ammonium salts and carbon/soot from hydrocarbon cracking. Less corrosion in Waste Heat Boilers, Sulfur Condenser, Catalytic Converters, and other downstream equipment. ‘Amon & BTX destruction in todays Sulphur Recovery Uris 3. _ Increased overall sulfur recovery rates because of better mixing and more efficient burning with higher Claus conversion in the Reaction Furnace. 4. Higher turn-down lly Duiker bumers can achieve 6:1. tum-down igher if required) 5. Reduced maintenance costs due to longer operational periods. 6. Greater operating flexi y to accept widely varying sour gas compositions, including Sour Water Stripper off- gases containing ammonia. 7. Excellent destruction of NH; and BTX if the temperature in the Reaction Fumace is properly designed with adequate residence time. All of the above advantages enhance sulfur recovery and SRU operations. Ammonia & BTX Destruction with Oxygen Enrichment Several technologies are available for 02-enrichment in a SRU to increase its effective capacity. The COPE Process is the most ‘Rnmoria & BTX destucton in tdays Suphur Recovery Units Page 16 widely util ‘ed oxygen enrichment technology in North America with 16 units in operation. The COPE Process has two versions: (1) the COPE Phase | Process can utilize oxygen enrichment at increasing levels until the Reaction Furnace refractory temperature limit is reached; and (2) the COPE Phase II Process, which utilizes a recycle stream to cool the flame, can be used with oxygen enrichment levels up to 100% oxygen if additional SRU capacity is needed. Both versions of the COPE Process use the special LD Duiker COPE Burner. Pure oxygen is injected directly into the center of the turbulent combustion zone of the burner. The burner can operate at any level of O2-enrichment from 21 Mol% 02 (air) to 100 Mol% 02 The COPE Bumer exhibits the same efficient combustion zone mixing efficiency as the LD Ouiker air-based burner. A.COPE Burner is always used with the COPE Process. With this special bummer installed and when using significant 02-enrichment (35-40 Mol% 02 and higher), the temperature in the furnace is typically 2600-2700°F or higher for most refinery acid gas feeds With the excellent mixing efficiency of the COPE Burner and the elevated temperature in the furnace, NH and BTX destruction is assured. When NHs destruction is required, the COPE Process always incorporates the Comprimo NHs Destruction Process (the front/side split is never used with COPE) Page 18 Armonia & TX destucion in todays Sdphur Recovery Uns REFERENCES 1, Lagas, JA, "Ammonia Destruction System for Sulphur Recovery Units", Proceedings of the BOVAR Westem Research Sulphur Recovery Seminar, November, 1991, Budapest, Hungary. 2. Herfkens, A.H., "Impurities in Claus Feed Gas", Proceedings of the Comprimo/Western Research Gas Sweetening and Sulphur Recovery Seminar, November, 1985, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 3. Borsboom, J., Claus Plants", Proceedings of Comprimo/Western Research Gas Sweetening and Sulphur Recovery Seminar, November, 1982, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. suming of Sour Gas Containing Ammonia in 4. Chute, AE, "Tailor Sulphur Plants to Unusual Conditions’, Hydrocarbon Processing, April 1977, pp. 119-124. 5. Goar, B. Gene, "Impure Feeds Cause Claus Plant Problems Hydrocarbon Processing, July 1974, pp. 129-132. Page 17 Ammonia & BTX destuctonin today's Suphur Recovery Un Advantages and disadvantages for the Front/Side S| ATTACHMENT A Front/Side Split System for Ammonia Destruction in Claus SRU's it System (Refer to Figure 1) are discussed below: 1. Advantages: a b, The initial capital cost is somewhat lower. Historically, most widely used process in North America, 2. Disadvantages Complicated to properly control the front/side split, if acid gas and SWS off-gas compositions are especi variable - and they usually are. Any hydrocarbons and/or NH; that are contained in the fraction of the amine acid gas stream split to the side of the furace are not exposed to the hot, oxidizing ll not be fully atmosphere in the front zone and destructed. This can cause plugging in the SRU converters, condensers, seals, and rundown lines by carbon (coke) and/or ammonium salts Normally, the front zone is operated in a slightly oxidizing mode. Improper control of the front/side split may result in a front zone that is significantly above or below stoichiometric oxygen conditions. This can result in significant SO. formation if there is excess oxygen or \complete NH. destruction if oxygen deficient. This can cause corrosion of SRU equipment and catalyst deactivation from SQs, and corrosion and plugging from ammonium salts. Typical control strumentation has not performed well in a tumdown mode of operation. Instrumentation must be provided to insure that the split of acid gas is maintained over all potential operating ranges and I potential feed gas compositions. The Front/Side Split designs have traditionally used relatively inefficient main burners. The use of inefficient mixing burners that do not achieve complete combustion in the front zone greatly increases the chance of oxygen breakthrough from the furnace. Page i8 "The use of burners in Suphur Recovery Unis ‘The use of barnes in Suphur Recovery Unis Page 19 Any oxygen that leaves the furnace will cause catalyst deactivation. The furnace design must be relatively complex if efficient mixing of the front zone combustion gases (S02) with the bypassed amine acid gas (H2S) is to be achieved. GAA suggests a minimum of three refractory- ined elbows just downstream of a choke ring for side entry points of the amine acid gas. A checker wall can also be used to aid in mixing. When complete mixing is not achieved and/or adequate residence time is not provided, the thermal Claus conversion will be severely imited. This is typically seen in fronUside split type units. Frequently, as much or more sulfur is produced from the second condenser as from the first, even though about \ 60-70% of the total conversion theoretically takes place in the furnace. With the inefficient mixing bumers traditionally used, the front-side split system will probably have limited ability to utilize any significant low-level oxygen enrichment (if desired) because of flame stability problems. Inefficient mixing can also result in localized overheating of the furace refractory, bumer damage, WHB tubesheet damage and localized higher oxygen concentrations with greater potential for SOs formation. In the front/side split configuration, it also not possible to utilize significant oxygen enrichment for SRU capacity increase even with bumers that have very stable flames. When the front furnace zone is operating at near stoichiometric air. The resultant front zone temperature is typically 2500-2600°F. The maximum practical oper- ating limit of good quality firebrick (80% alumina) in the furnace is 2700-2750°F. Therefore, very little 0, can be added to the front zone before the temperature limit is reached. If the portion of the acid gas stream split to the side of the Furnace is reduced in an effort to lower the front Zone temperature, then the front zone "burn" strategy moves from slightly oxidizing conditions to reducing con- ditions. With the burners typically employed, this usually results in incomplete NH; destruction, and possibly carbon (soot) formation The reaction furnace for the frontiside split system normally requires a total residence time of about 1.0 second if close to equilibrium thermal conversion is to be achieved, with about 0.3 second in the front zone and 0.7 second in the second zone. Thi requires a relatively large and expensive fumace. Page m0 “The use of bumers in Sulphur Recovery Units ‘The use of bumers in Suphur Recovery Unks Page 21 k. About 12-15 Mol% NHs in the mixed acid gas feed, is ATTACHMENT 8 generally accepted by the Petroleum Industry to be the ractical upper limit NH concentration for the front/side Comprimo Ammonia Destruction System pr pp split configuration, even if all of the problems discussed : = above could be overcome. Ammonia Destruction in Claus SRU's Advantages and disadvantages for the Comprimo System (Refer to Figure 2) are discussed below: 1. Advantages: a. Feeds all of the acid gas to the main bumer (does not require a split of the amine acid gas between the bumer and side of the furnace), which greatly simplifies the control system. b. Utilizes an extremely efficient mixing burner (LD Duiker), and the fact that NH, burns much faster than HzS to achieve a selective combustion of NHs while burning only '/s of the Hz to SOz . c. All of the acid gases with all of the NH; and hydrocarbons are fed to the bumer and are exposed to oxygen from the combustion air and/or oxygen stream With an efficient burner, the NH3 and hydrocarbons are The use of burners in Sulphur Recovery Unis ‘The use of bumers in Suiphur Recovery Units Page 23 Page 2 completely destroyed in the hot turbulent flame zone of handle the bumer. The system can successful upstream process upsets which may cause a significant quantity of relatively heavy hydrocarbons [including olefins and aromatics(BTX)] to be fed to the SRU. The Duiker bumer has been tested with up to 5 Mol% Benzene in the acid gas feed without coke or carbon formation or dark sulfur production. The Comprimo system has been proven to provide essentially complete NHs destruction at levels up to 25 ‘Mol% NH in the mixed acid gas feed. The process has been successfully tested at up to 28 Mol% NHs. | combustion takes place in a very oxygen deficient environment; so all oxygen is consumed and no SOs is formed, This reduces SRU corrosion and increases catalyst life. Also, virtually no NOs formed. Much cooler reaction furnace temperatures are adequate to achieve excellent ammonia destruction. This is possible due to the greatly improved combustion zoné mixing efficiency of the Duiker burner. Better overall SRU on-stream factor is normally achieved since plugging from ammonium salts and coke ts reduced and catalyst life is improved. If the longer catalyst life is utilized, the catalyst cost is reduced. The. complete furnace volume is red for the Claus reaction; therefore, the fumace can be smaller, For the Comprimo system, a furnace residence time of 0.8 second is adequate. Therefore, the reaction furnace can. be smaller and less expensive Since all acid gas feeds are fed to the burner, there is no special requirement for mixing the bypassed gas with combustion gases in the furnace. This simplifies the furnace design, and makes it less expensive. Higher Claus thermal conversion is typical this improves _ overal achieved; SRU _ conversion/recovery. Improved recovery reduces tail gas unit utility costs and tall gas recycle flow to the SRU. This can result in slightly reduced emissions and increased net SRU capacity, The furnace temperature with all of the acid gases being fed to the main bumer is lower than the typical front zone 2500-2600°F in the frontiside spl system. This lower temperature allows significant oxygen enrichment to be utilized without overheating the refractory. The LD in Supe Recovery Unis The use of bur The use ofburersin Suiphur Recovery Unis Page a Page 2 age 25 m Page 26 Duiker bumer can utilize simple low-level oxygen enrich- ment as high as 28% equivalent oxygen in air, or with COPE Phase | operation, oxygen enrichment up to the maximum furnace refractory temperature limit (typically 2700-2750°F) is pos: An existing LD Duiker bumer can normally be converted to a COPE® Burner (for use with high levels of 02 internal bolted-in enrichment) by changing only components. During start-up, shutdown, and hot stand-by operation while firing natural gas, the Duiker burner can operate with less than 85% of stoichiometric air without forming soot or coke. This allows for potential operational variances without forming coke or having oxygen chance of breakthrough, and reduces the fouling/deactivating the catalyst. The Duiker burner maintains its mixing efficiency over a very wide turdown range, typically 6 to 1 turndown (if ty can be designed needed, greater turndown capat into'the burner). The Comprimo Process can be offered as an integral part of a COPE Phase | or Phase II Process SRU “The wae of bumers in Sulphur Rezover Unis 2 Project. The higher temperatures experienced in the medium to high level O2-enrichment operation enhance NHs destruction dramatical Disadvantages: a b, ‘The use of bumers in Suphur Recovery URS Rage The initial capital cost is somewhat higher. The Comprimo Process is a licensed technology and requires payment of a license fee NORTH AMERICAN CLAUS SRU’s USING COMPRIMO NH, DESTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY PROCESS DESIGN DONE BY GOAR, ALLISON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Sees ee ee | Srricrgsenes [ Sow ont To | Se] eae a et —— 2 Beeetence [een dactear | tage [rams Pte ee ee “een, [men fs | a oo comer | caasmccome ae Pf cress [momen | ef ape ean se Taneent | neaomes te = Gren me | orate ae PF Semper aps = AMINE ACID. CAS 80% (1P.) io 7 =" ~ aoe WASTE HEAT | ox 0 ant (ome ] | coususTon a . sur cite FIGURE 1 CONVENTIONAL "FRONT/SIDE SPLIT” SYSTEM FOR AMMONIA DESTRUCTION IN CLAUS PLANTS M AMINE ACID GAS. « ( COND. SWS ACID GAS COMBUSTION AIR COMPRIMO AMMONIA DESTRUCTION PI _-— NOID GAS. PREHEATER 7-10 OUKER BURNER REACTION FURNACE FIGURE 2 t WASTE HEAT BOWLER - 10 SULFUR, CONDENSER 'SS_FOR CLAUS PLANT:

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