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Sanjay opened a small clinic in his village to help ___________ the basic healthcare of his
community which still needed much support.
A. maintain
B. improve
C. serve
D. acquire

The whale ___________ suddenly from the depths of the sea, shocking the sailors who had never
seen such a huge creature before.

Select one:

A. emerged

B. turned

C. arrived

D. disappeared

The driver of the car had to swerve suddenly to ___________ hitting a child who ran into the street
after a ball.

Select one:

A. resist

B. escape

C. avoid

D. prevent
The hikers were reminded to bring clothes that provided ___________ protection against the wind
and rain.

Select one:

A. competent

B. superior

C. adequate

D. capable

Ans: A or C not sure

I would not have been able to ___________ my academic goals without the support and
guidance of my teachers.

Select one:

A. observe

B. gain

C. attain

D. perform

Certain things which are not ___________ to the naked eye can be observed by using a
microscope or a telescope.

A. visible

B. concealed

C. understandable

D. significant
The organisers had ___________ about 300 people for the charity concert, but the actual number of
those who attended the event was much higher and beyond their expectations.

Select one:

A. decided

B. identified

C. excluded

D. estimated

We must learn to think critically about what we read in the media and make our own ___________
as to what the truth is.

Select one:

A. judgement

B. realisation

C. point

D. instinct

Many bitcoin fans believe that this new form of currency will ___________ the way financial
transactions occur, and thus, change our financial systems for the better.

Select one:

A. upset

B. transfer

C. renew

D. transform
The media has often been blamed for creating sensational news that tends to stretch the truth and
exclude ___________ or necessary facts from the public.

Select one:

A. certain

B. consistent

C. suitable

D. relevant

The student spent many LABORIOUS hours on the project. He had to do all the background
research on the topic and transcribe many interviews with the participants on his own, without any
help from his team.

Select one:

A. forced

B. heavy

C. troublesome

D. exhausting

Johan was ANXIOUS about his final presentation. He could feel his palms sweating and his hands
A. affected
B. alarmed
C. nervous
D. doubtful

It was a STRUGGLE for the actor to overcome his alcohol addiction despite trying different methods
on his own for years. Tired of his inability to achieve any positive results, he finally checked himself
into a rehabilitation centre.

Select one:
A. surrender
B. worry
C. success
D. battle
The social workers were shocked to find a family living in the DILAPIDATED house. The roof tiles
were broken, there was no ceiling and the walls had huge holes in them.

Select one:

A. falling apart

B. old fashioned

C. poorly-made

D. worn-out

Many parents are so busy with their careers that they hardly spend time with their children. To avoid
feeling guilty, some resort to buying expensive gadgets for their children to COMPENSATE for the
lack of time spent with them.

Select one:
A. excuse from
B. make up for
C. contribute to
D. replace with

Children who are abused live a TORMENTED life. It is estimated that a majority of them will carry
mental scars for most, if not all, of their lives.

Select one:

A. mortified

B. oppressed

C. injured

D. troubled
After losing the semi-final match, the coach called all the players together to discuss why they had
been BEATEN by a team made up of mainly injured players.

Select one:
A. upset
B. hit
C. destroyed
D. defeated

If people learn of the politician’s SORDID past, they will not vote for him. Not only was he suspected
of corruption, but he was also implicated in funding illegal activities.

Select one:

A. worthless

B. shameful

C. miserable

D. hateful

Video games can be effective tools that support educational development. They help students to
improve their communication skills and ease the ASSIMILATION of new concepts in their learning

Select one:
A. understanding
B. approach
C. relation
D. appreciation
Distance learning offers FLEXIBLE class schedules that allow students to choose to study at their
own pace and time. This is particularly beneficial to those who are working full time.

Select one:

A. manageable

B. adjustable

C. updated

D. exchangeable


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