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pane SPECIAL EDITION II The Official Bulletin of Leo Club of Nawala Metro INTE Ede Decevors Ly Ey O DAY tS isa E ES 0 NEWSLETTER N OF *SRIMEANK A’ S G LEO COMMUNITY LEO CLUB OF NAWALA METRO Decree faecty COMM ote @ COIS e acinar ciate Cr eae eon eae HEE Oration International Leo Day Leo Club Program Social Welfare of Leos The Story Of Melvin Jones Develop Yourself Through Leoism Editorial Note MANE | SPECIAL EDITION II Multiple District President PT Me em LL) EC A “i With the commencement of the first Leo club in 1957 by Jim Graver, an active member of the Glenside Lions Club with the help of his fellow Lion William Ernst, the Leo movement soon became the of- ficial youth program of the Lions Interna- tional. The purpose, as we know of Leoism is to provide an opportunity for youngsters to address the physical and social needs of their communities, en- hance the knowledge and skills in them that will assist them in personal develop- ment and to promote better relations worldwide through a framework of friendship and service. It offers some- thing of singular and enduring valve: the chance to be part of a global network of youngsters who have the talent and the drive to change the world. We, Leos believe in the power of com- munity action to make a global impact — and together, we have the capacity and the resources to achieve almost anything. As we celebrate the legacy of 63 years of Leoism, our Leos have conducted monumental services to the community while being catalysts of change. This year, however, they have gone an extra mile in innovation, with the global pan- demic; they have discovered new ways of serving the needy. Certainly, not even the pandemic could stop our Leos from serving the community! They have adapted beautifully and have urged others to do the same. Hence, this year, our anniversary cele- bration is exceptionally special! With that, let me wish all the Leos of Sri Lanka and the world, a Happy International Leo Day and let us continue to strive as youth changemakers! 02 MANE | SPECIAL EDITION II ran The International Leo Day is annually celebrated on 5" of December. The leo program which was started in 1957 has come a long way by serving community, improving Leo members and inspiring youth generation through remarkable & excellent jour- ney. As we celebrate the 63rd anni- versary of the Leo Clubs, we should re- spect and salute to every Leos around the world. Let's take this International Leo Day as an opportunity to recognize the im- mense sacrifices & contributions of our Leos. The development, quality & growth of Leo clubs have increasingly been built up with strongest founda- tion by former Leos. EE oT) Thousands of Leo members have been developed themselves by improving their skills, talents & personality and every community in the world have been served and facilitated so far by the actions of former Leos since 1957. The Leo program which was started 63 years ago has been upgraded time to time with the changes of generations and technology. Within 63 years, the Leo program was globally expanded with the increase of the number of Leo members providing professional vol- unteers to community. Today, the Leo program has become the most innitia- tive & outstanding social volunteering organization in the world. aw HEGEL GROW or LED FOOGHAW us Wie ESULyr THATGRADUALLY/CAMEJALONG} THROUGH THEGU ON TRIBUTION SIELLO RT SORLUN MERUEOS) 03 INN aR en a ete ANNIVERSARY, International Leo Day is about recog- nizing the contributions, sacrifices & efforts of former Leos and giving honor to all Leos around the world. Every Leo should be respected because of will- ing commitment of them on social volunteering is one of greatest contri- bution every in the world. As Leos and as community, we should encourage the commitment of every Leos. Becoming a Leo is not easy. The crucial & hardest battle of Leos is that they've to succeed the tasks in Leo program while succeeding thelr per- sonal tasks such as familly, education & profession. Personal tasks are the priorities of every person but Leos have prioritized their personal tasks & tasks in Leo program at once thus Leos are performing well on both by bal- ancing with wise & efficient actions. The Leo program is single platform where Leos can develop themselves and serve community at once. The Leo program gives benefits & facilita- tions to community, specially those who in need. The more Leos perform well at Leo program, the more Leos can develop themselves. Leo pro- gram provides responsible citizens & humanitarians to every nation as pro- fessional volunteers, experienced leaders & inspired personalities. As current Leos in the world, it's our re- sponsibility to proceed our Leoism to proceed Leo program. Let's support every Leos to reach success together. keep unity & empathy, get improve- ments, achieve targets & dreams, re- spect each other, secure the tradition of Leo program and specially to give excellent service to community. caw GV GLU PATA AS YU CULLULLY WE WE OPIS CUES 2 LS VOUS 04 MANE | SPECIAL EDITION II The Leo Clubs are a youth organiza- tion of Lions Clubs International found- ed in 1957. The no. of memberships are more than 200,000 in 140 coun- tries. The motto of Leo clubs is “Lead- ership, Experience, Opportunity”. The purpose is to promote service ac- tivities among the youth of the com- munities. The objective Is to provide the youth of the world with an oppor- tunity for development & contribution, individually & collectively, as respon- le members of the local, national & international community. The Leo pro- gram has wide range of project cate- gories to cover every areas in the community fo serve and facilitate in the best of efforts & contributions. Orns ei || WIDY, 7 Whe (J WUE YOUTW Wo WEES OF SOCWAL SIELWUCIES SS There'te two tracks of the Leo Club Program as Alpha Leo clubs & Omega Leo clubs. Alpha Leo clubs are for members between 12 and 18 years of age. Omega Leo clubs are for mem- bers between 18 and 30 years of age. There'te no major differences in the management & operations of Alpha & Omega Leo Clubs and Even though the age differences, the competition & the quality of services are excellent. The maximum age of membership in the Leo Club Program is 30 years of age. After 30 years of age, the Omega Leos can transfer themselves to an ex- isting Lions Club or even can establish a new Lions Club by them. (e}s) MANE | SPECIAL EDITION II Atistony & Milestones The first Leo club was founded in 1957 by Jim Graver with the help of William Ernst, another Lion. Jim Graver was an active member of the Glenside Lions Club in Pennsylvania, America and the coach of the Abington High School, Pennsylva- nia baseball team. The club adopted the high school's colors of maroon & gold. The club also created the acronym Leadership, Equality, Opportunity for the word Leo and the word equality was later changed to experience. 1964 - The Leo Club Program became a sponsored program of the Lions Clubs In- ternational and started to grow beyond Pennsylvania and the USA. 1967 - The program had grown to over 200 clubs in 18 countries and become an official youth program of Lions Clubs International. 1968 - The Leo Club Program spread rapidly, resulting in 918 clubs in 48 countries. 1974 - 2000" club was established. 1984 - 4000" club was established. 1996 - 5000" club was established. 2006 - Leo Club rogram renewal project initiated. 2007 - 50th anniversary of Leo club program. yey MANE | SPECIAL EDITION II Social welfare of Leo program is a wide range of activities & services by leo clubs providing help to needy people who are unable to care for themselves, activities & resources de- signed to enhance and promote the development individuals, families & the society and efforts to eliminate or teduce the social problems. Leo program's social welfare is con- ducted by various projects in the fields of health care, elders, children, dis- abled people, environment, literacy & education, disaster management & prevention, infrastructure develop- ment, consumption & waste manage- ment, research & development, clean water & energy conservation, self-de- velopment and etc. PUTS SS All these various project categories in various fields could serve and facili- tate every area in the community. Be- cause the project categories are de- signed focusing on community & envi- ronment. Social welfare Is a dynamic concept depending entirely on evolving ideas of the responsibility. As the sense of community responsibility develops, the concept of social welfare must in- evitably change. Leo program's social welfare is not only done by facilitating but also by making smile on people's face. Be- cause the happiness Is a spiritual heal- ing of the life. Therefore, Leo members are willing to give time & contributions. EDT ROGRAMISTHESOCIRUSERVICEMOVEMEN WHICH, GUUS UL GIP es USP wis OW Coys MANE | SPECIAL EDITION II os MANE | SPECIAL EDITION II aNalabiiy Sous Founder Lions Club International SE ty Melvin Jones was born on 13" of Janu- ary 1879, at Fort Thomas, Arizona. His father was a captain in the U.S Army. In 1886 or 1887, at Melvin's age 7, Jones’ family moved east and settled in Illinois when his father was trans- ferred. Then, Melvin Jones settled in Chicago, where he studied at the Union Business and Chaddock col- leges of Quincy, Illinois. By 1913, at age 33, he had formed his ‘own insurance agency in Chicago and became a member of the local business circle, and was elected sec- retary shortly thereafter. But the club's business-only focus didn't square with Jones’ different, larger vision. After two years, prompted by his per- sonal code - "You can't get very far until you start doing something for somebody else" -Jones proposed that the talents of the circle's members could be better utilized in other areas of community life. Jones, with help from his wife—the championship golfer Rose Amanda Freeman—wrote scores of letters to clubs nationwide in- viting them to take up his idea for a service-centered organization. Busi- nessman interested in membership convened in Chicago, Illinois, and on June 7, 1917, Lions Clubs International was born. In 1926, He gave up his in- surance agency to work full-ime at Lions International Headquarters. aw OU SGT DOING sun ua SOUEBODY BSG = Melvin Jones - MANE | SPECIAL EDITION II PTT Leo Club Is a youth organization of Lions Club International. The objective of Leo club Is to encourage youth to develop leadership qualities by par- ticipating in social service activities. Most of people & new Leos know that serving community through Leoism Is the general purpose but they're in common doubt about what are the benefits Leos can gain or how to de- velop themselves through Leoism. There's a common opinion bearing by world such as the actions of Leo clubs are really easy & normal, Leos just plan projects and initiate them. But There're so many efforts, ideas, dedi- cations, interpersonal skills, abilities, talents & capabilities behind every actions & success of every Leo clubs which can't be focused & be seen from outside. Leos can develop them- selves by each step in Leoism and the value of that development would be useful for the future of Leos. ORD LAL Uo LU i WUE OU a) EOP yout CLOW es A LL ny OY 10 MANE | SPECIAL EDITION II Leadership S- VTeamwork Not everyone's a Leader in Leo move- ment but the final output will be lead- ers for community. Leos become Leaders not only by experiences but also by performing teamwork. It's wide network when it comes to the club & Leo districts. Leos have to work with every person in their own club and also with Leos from other clubs & dis- fricts when organizing joint projects, ceremonies & so on. This is a crucial place for Leos to improve their team- work & leadership Skills. Because it's impossible for single Leo to initiate projects and to proceed Leoism with- out team. Leos are always surrounding with team, and that nature will be fa- miliar for every Leos to experience the teamwork. Leadership & teamwork are always about working together by engaging with every movements such as, ui creation of goals, collaboration, prob- lem solving, celebration of success, building strong relationships, respect- ing each other & decision making. leo program improves leadership skills & teamwork of every Leo. So, Leos can perform their experienced teamwork & leadership skills in any field they're engaging with. This pro- cess makes Leos as ideal persons for their life, education, social activities & profession and provides visionary & honest leaders to community. aay WORKSTROTENTIALLYWITHTLEAM) LULAULLLAS SUBS @ LAL SS il MANE | SPECIAL EDITION II Time Wanagement, Planning S- Wultitasking Planning is process of designing activ- ities required to achieve a desired goal. Leos have to make long-term & short-term plans to organize projects in every Leostic year and for that con- duction, time management is crucial- ly important. Project & activity plan- ning in Leo movement involves cre- ation, maintenance & flexibility. Di- recting, evaluation & making changes of plan are significant process in Leo movement. In Leo movement, time management is the process of organizing & planning how to divide time between projects & activities. Time management & plan- ning should be activated together. Sometimes, in order to manage time optimum, multitasking should be done by Leos and they suddenly have to or- ganize activities & projects quickly due to challenges or prevailing situa- tions which may can happen at any- time and because multitasking should be performed to balance & control tough & compacted situations. This process of Leo program makes Leos fo become ideal persons who are specialized in time management, planning & multitasking and they also can use these skills for their personal & professional tasks. aw WP LAUUP UWL UL GAMA Ly i MANE | SPECIAL EDITION II Self Commitment There’s no growth without commit- ment. Commitment is most important attitude for Leoism as like other fields in country. There'te tasks that come continuously thus, Leos have fo assign every task to initiate. Because of this continuous matter, commitment cru- cially impacts on Leoism. Because without full commitment, it’s impossible to succeed every task which come continuously. With half commitment, tasks can be done in half way without completing it. With continuous commitment, Leos can be experts in this field. Once Leos become specialists in commitment, they can use this experi- enced attitude much more superiorly rather than others for every matters of their life to achieve goals & dreams also to succeed tasks. Experience S- Opportunities In Leo movement, time management is the process of organizing & planning how to divide time between projects & activities. Time management & plan- ning should be activated together. Sometimes, in order to manage time optimum, multitasking should be done by Leos and they suddenly have to or- ganize activities & projects quickly due fo challenges or prevailing situa- tions which may can happen at any- time and because multitasking should be performed to balance & control tough & compacted situations. The process of Leo movement would make Leos fo become ideal persons who are specialized in time manage- ment, planning & multitasking and they also can use these skills for their personal tasks. 13 MANE | SPECIAL EDITION II Strong Communication For there to be efficient actions, com- munication should be at its best. A team is able to work well together through strong communication. In Leo movement, Leos have to work with team to succeed every task. Most of new Leos don't have strong communication at the beginning but by working with their team continu- ously, they would be able to build their communication much strongest. The experience & practice in strong com- munication which is built in Leoism would be aid for every Leo to perform it efficiently in their workplace, busi- ness & any other fields they would be engaging with. Good Relationships Leos can meet new people from every area In country & also foreigners and can build strong relationships to Leo movement and also to their life. In Leoism, the connections & ftlendships are one of most important & value- able assests. Connections & friend- ships are most important for every next step of Leo movement and also to beyond boundaries. Leos can use relationships which are built in Leoism not only for Leo move- ment but also for the tasks of their life to get some supports. Relationships in Leoism are superior & sensitive to un- derstand each other well. 14 PN a eeertm tren | Ls —— se: i ay ot AUT Ee Lee CPT a aa Follow these steps to help an the spread of Covid-19 Wear a face mask when you ) Ly leave home me * Disinfect a everything Wash your hands offen Keep 2m oa distance NS? + e* / yh : Stay home Cover your cough Avoid hugging & shaking hands & Avoid crowded places MANE | SPECIAL EDITION II JMANE PRO Mens Reka CLES ere Cary EDITIONS els dele a 16 MANE | SPECIAL EDITION II EDITORIAL NOTE As we're celebrating the 63” International Leo Day, | we, Leos of Nawala Metro are most humbly present- ing you the “MANE” Special Edition II, the Official Newsletter of Leo Club of Nawala Metro. elem VN ete eo a Col Cel B Cre We're presenting this special edition to celebrate the International Leo Day recognizing the immense dedications & contributions of every Leo around the world and giving the vote of thanks & honor. Leos are playing a massive role to serve, facilitate the community and also to make a true smile on peo- ple’s face. The actions of Leos are promoting the empathy in community for a better world and this example Is inspiring the youth around the world. Let's make Leo Program great again by striving with determination together. Stay in touch with “MANE” next edition. Best of luck! Stay safe! We're most happily issuing the Special Edition II of “MANE”, the Official Newsletter of Leo Club of Nawla Metro to celebrate the International Leo Day. We're celebrating this special day to remember the outstanding & excellent service of every Leo around the world. Leos are enthusiast to extend their hands for the people who are in need and always trying maximumly to serve community with humanity. hd eTre PNT Leo program is an excellent movement for the youngsters be an exemplary person to the world and to improve the leadership skills & qualities while upgrading themselves. ere a ire m i ciey Stay in touch with "MANE" to witness a novel experi- ence of our next edition! A MANE | SPECIAL EDITION II Leos of SriLanka gp, »INSPIRINGLIV ES: A oor Decewors Ly ODay AYN pumoviteriee rita LEGACY CONTINUES To SERVE COMMUNITY peace Cad LEO CLUB OF NAWALA LEOSTIC YEAR 2020 - 2021

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