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Assessment of Professional Competency Level, Behavioral and Ethical Changes through

National Academy for Planning and Development Training Program and its Implication in
Service Delivery


National Academy for Planning and Development (NAPD)

(NAPD), Dhaka
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh

April 2015
This study was carried out with the support of the National Academy for Planning and
Development (NAPD), Bangladesh

Professor Md. Nazrul Islam, Principal Investigator

Mohammad Masud Alam, Co- Investigator

Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh.


We are happy with this final report on the research project titled “Assessment of professional
competency level, behavioral and ethical changes through NAPD training program and its
implication in service delivery”, as it is finally on the verge of culmination. It is our great
pleasure to extend our sincere thanks to the National Academy for Planning and Development,
Bangladesh for granting us the opportunity to undertake this challenge. We owe sincere thanks to
all concerned officials from NAPD, technical assistance team of this research program for their
critique and valuable suggestions, which forced us to review/reanalyze our work over and over
again leading to scientific one. Mr. Abdul Awal Mazumder, former Director General of NAPD
deserves special thanks for his constant help and suggestions in carrying out the work in its
entity. We would like to extend our thanks to reviewers, panel discussant, research and training
officials of NAPD and the students of economics of Shahjalal University of Science and
Technology (SUST), who performed the most responsible and formidable task of guiding and re-
shaping research methodology and collecting data in the field. We feel obligated to mention the
names of few students who worked for weeks in connection with editing and post-coding the
data with utmost sincerity and devotion. They are Mushfika Smrity of MS student and Wahid
Sreezon and Abdullah Noman respectively. Contribution and inclusion of various research
reports on training program published by NAPD, IMED, BPATC, BIDS and daily newspapers
are sincerely acknowledged in preparing this report.

Finally, we would like to thank our family for enduring with us during the busiest period of
project implementation. At the end of the day, we must bear the responsibility of all failures and
shortcomings. All usual disclaimers apply.

Professor Md. Nazrul Islam

Principal Investigator
Professor of Business Administration,
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh.
Table of Contents

Section Contents page

1.1 Background of the study 2
1.2 Relevancy and scope of the study 3
1.3 Study objectives 4
1.4 Research question 5
2.1 Process of training and its importance 7
2.2 Methods of measuring training effectiveness 7
2.3 Ethics in training 9
2.4 Importance of training 9
3.1 Study area 13
3.2 Study population 13
3.3 Sampling and sample size 13
3.4 Sources of data 14
3.5 Interview Technique 14
3.6 Focus group discussion 14
4.1 Sample composition 17
4.2 Training areas and curriculum components 18
4.3 Assessment of competency 21
4.3 Measuring the level of behavioral and ethical change 26
4.4 Econometric analysis-OLS 31
4.5 Order Probit Model (OPM) 34
4.6 Measuring the impact and feedback of program 40
4.7 Findings from FGDs 42
5.1 Discussion 47
5.2 Key findings 48
5.3 Conclusion 50
5.4 Policy suggestions 51
Reference 54
Appendix 57

The National Academy for Planning and Development (NAPD) is a government body under the
ministry of planning. The academy was established with the aim of enhancing the competence of
government official on planning and development and is mandated to (i) developing socially
responsible human resources to enhance organizational performance for the sustainable
development of the country; (ii) creating a group of return as trainers with an environment
conducive to development of skills and professionalism;(iii) nurturing a culture of continuous
learning among the professionals to foster a knowledge based society; (iii) developing
competent, innovative, pro-active and morally strong professionals to bring reforms for good
governance and accountability. At present the academy offers training on 27 day and evening
program/course. The major trainings and courses are: (i) extensive ICT courses; (ii) extensive
project management courses; (iii) extensive HRM courses; (iv) extensive office management
courses; (v) extensive economic and development oriented courses; (vi) departmental training
courses of B.C.S (economic) cadre officers; and also organizes foundation courses of BCS
(health) cadre officers on request almost regularly as per request by the ministry of health and
family welfare. The NAPD imparts training regularly as it is mandated to the government and
non government officials to make them ready to perform their jobs in practice. The main goal of
training program is to increase the competency of the trainee and to change their behavior and
ethical level so that they perform their jobs in right time with right methods and techniques. This
project is confined to the assessment of the impact training of NAPD on three aspects viz.
professional competency, behavioral and ethical development to the trainee. To this aim, project
will measure the impacts of training provided by NAPD on randomly selected training programs
and trainees of the Sylhet region of Bangladesh. In order to doing so, we have set research
question in the following manner:

► What proportion of NAPD training programs and their curriculum includes and supports the
competency, ethical and behavioral components

► What are the determinants of trainee’s competency accomplishments and what factors
actually influence trainee’s ethical and behavioral change
►How should NAPD change or redesign their training modules based on the feedback and
evaluation of a trainee by trainee, peers, service receivers’ and subordinates.

The population of the project is the current trainee of NAPD working in the study area as well
as past trainee who have already transferred to other area but were in working in the study area
during the training. In conducting the study, the researchers have classified the respondents into
six (Trainee, Supervisor, Subordinate, Peer, Client and Spouse) to examine the impact of training
on trainee’s competence level. The researchers have used random sampling in selecting
respondents and the sample size is 129. Also four focus group discussions have been conducted
with selected respondents of the study. Of the 129 respondent’s, 45% were trainees who
accomplished any training program at NAPD, 47% were from same office who either receive
services from that office or doing work in the same office and 8% were from trainees’ family.
Except trainee, data from all other categories were used to evaluate trainees’ competence, ethical
and behavioral concern. Due to the strict budget limitation, only 59 trainees from 10 programs
were included in the study. In analyzing the responses obtained from the respondents on the impact
of training methods on their professional skills and competence, the findings showed that the
majority of the respondents, 96 %, believed that the training methods used during training had an
impact on their skills and overall competence. However, a small percentage (4%) believed otherwise.
This result indicates that the training methods used during training in the case officials clearly focus
on particular skills and, thus, skill development and competence is emphasized.

Key findings

►Of the 59 trainee’s, 79% claims that program has increased their overall competence and
efficiency level in their job sector. This pattern is also true for all sample (129) categories where
73 % claims that training has created a significant positive impact on overall competence level.

►Regarding course contents, ten programs contain average 64% competence components and
about 36% behavioral and ethical issues. Both transparency accountability and good governance
and e-governance programs do contain below average level of competence components but
contain maximum (56%) contents of behavioral and ethical components.
►Concerning the impact on competence parameter when value is measured at 5 point Likert scale,
67 % trainee affirm their competence achievement on excellent level, 27 % on very good and only 9 % of
trainee claim that a good or fair level of competence they gained from NAPD training program.

► An evaluation of competence achievement, most of the service receivers (57%) and subordinates
(63%) claim that trainee’s competence level has increased by the NAPD training program while 67%
peers and 68% supervisors opined competence level has not increased after completing training program.

► With reference to the evaluation of competence level, there is a competence gap exists
between potential and actual competence level and it is found significant. Lack of need
assessment, little scope to apply achieved knowledge in the workplace and selection bias of trainee is
the main reason of competence gap in the job place.

►Of the 59 trainee’s, 83% claims that program has changed their ethical and behavioral concern
positively in their job sector, 56 % trainee affirm their change on excellent level, 36 % on very good
and only 8 % of trainee claim that a good or fair level of change they achieved from NAPD training

► In relation to the determinants of competence level, OLS results show that ratio of employee (Ratio
between number of employee participated in the NAPD training program to total number of
employee within section or department), whether training is job related and previous training variables
are most significant determinants to influence trainee’s competence and efficiency level.

► OPM results also show that ratio of employee (Ratio between number of employee participated in
the NAPD training program to total number of employee within section or department), whether
training is job related, scope of application, curriculum , duration and previous training variables are most
significant determinants to influence trainee’s competence level.

► FGD findings also substantiate the regression results and show that little scope of application of
training knowledge, selectivity bias, lack of need assessment, short duration of training program,
accommodation facility are the main determinants of competence and ethical and behavioral concern.

►Of the ten programs of our study, the best programs confirming excellent level of Office Management,
leadership and strategic planning, SPPM and Project Formulation, Appraisal and EIA.
►Of the ten programs of our study, the best programs confirming a positive change in the trainee’s
ethical and behavioral concern are office management, management skills for executive, financial
management leadership and strategic planning, transparency accountability and good governance and E-
Governance and E-Commerce

Policy suggestions

►NAPD should provide specific but flexible guidelines to the participating organization for a

fair and suitable selection of trainee; even it may verify the selection procedure. Selection bias
with irrelevant matching selection procedure is a reason of inefficient outcome to NAPD and to
the participating organization.

►The sending authority should assess the needs of training for their employee and then it should
nominate trainee for specific training program at NAPD to meet the needs.

►The authority of NAPD should extend training module as well as training period to get more
encouraging impact of training provided by it.

►NAPD may introduce examination system at the end of the training program which may
motivate to the trainee for learning.

►A feedback should send to the NAPD by a participating organization mentioning how a trainee
applying knowledge’s and techniques in their working place and to what extent it is effective.

1.1 Background of the study

The National Academy for Planning and Development (NAPD) is a government body under the
ministry of planning. The academy was established with the aim of enhancing the competence of
government official on planning and development as a development project in 1980. Considering
the importance of the goal the then Government of Bangladesh (GoB) confirmed it as a “ body
corporate” in 1985 and since then it has been playing an important role in human resource
development through imparting training to government and non government officials in different
areas. Academy is mandated to (i) developing socially responsible human resources to enhance
organizational performance for the sustainable development of the country; (ii) creating a group of
return as trainers with an environment conducive to development of skills and
professionalism;(iii) nurturing a culture of continuous learning among the professionals to foster a
knowledge based society; (iii) developing competent, innovative, pro-active and morally strong
professionals to bring reforms for good governance and accountability. At present the academy
offers training on 27 day and evening program/course. The major trainings and courses are: (i)
extensive ICT courses; (ii) extensive project management courses; (iii) extensive HRM courses;
(iv) extensive office management courses; (v) extensive economic and development oriented
courses; (vi) departmental training courses of B.C.S (economic) cadre officers; and also organizes
foundation courses of BCS (health) cadre officers on request almost regularly as per request by the
ministry of health and family welfare. Besides, the academy organizes customized request courses
of different organizations. The academy offered 44 courses in 1986 and instructed 1084 officials
and 2669 officials trained up through 66 courses in 2013-14. Thus it has imparted different
trainings and diploma degrees to 15307 government and non government officials since 1986 to
2014 and average 1500 per year. Therefore NAPD has been playing a mounting important role in
the development of skilled human resource in the country.

Training can be defined as the skills, knowledge, or experience gained through a structured
process of delivering information (Merriam-Webster 2009). An effective training must accelerate
the learning of the participants and make ready them to do duty and responsibility proficiently in
practice. In order to do this, a well structured with efficient method of training must be developed

with the necessary information and curriculum. Measuring effectiveness is the process of
determining whether or not the desired results have been produced. In order for measuring
effectiveness is the process of determining whether or not the desired results have been produced.
This to occur, there must be a detailed list of objectives stated prior to the training. Some form of
evaluation must then be developed to find out if these objectives have been satisfied.

The NAPD imparts training regularly as it is mandated to the government and non government
officials to make them ready to perform their jobs in practice. The main goal of training program
is to increase the competency of the trainee and to change their behavior and ethical level so that
they perform their jobs in right time with right methods and techniques. The world is changing
and the nature of duties and responsibilities of the officials is also changing. Further the span of
job is also increasing day by day of the officials on whom the development of a country mostly
depends on. To make the trainee efficiently to contest the changing world the training program
should also be matched with the needs of the trainee. Otherwise the goal of training will not be
achieve and it would be unable to add value to the mind of the trainee. Self assessment is a
continuous process which have no end goal. Because today’s goal may be superseded in
tomorrow and tomorrow’s goal may be outdated in the next day and so on. Thus self assessment is
mandatory for the development of the programs. Till to date NAPD has yet not completed such an
in-depth assessment of its training programs though it has passed 15 years as an academy. The
present proposal will make an assessment of its training programs from the view point of
competency level, behavioral level and ethical change of the trainee and thus would help to
develop the training programs with the desired goal of the changing world.

1.2 Relevancy and scope of the project

NAPD is an important government institution of developing human resource through providing

different training programs and short courses on different areas. About 1500 officials are trained
per year from NAPD who are the officer of different BCS cadre, government and non government
efficacies. The success of the economy and the development of the country largely depend on the
quality of human resources and especially who are positioned in the important official posts of
the management of the government as well as non government organizations. The training
programs of NAPD are the modes of developing and increasing the skills of the trainees to
perform their jobs successfully and efficiently. But the question is how far the training programs
gratifying the needs of the trainee? If it is rightly fulfilled then it is our appreciation. But to get
this answer we have to measure the effectiveness of training programs rightly otherwise the cost of
the trainings will go loss and the development of the country will not reach at the target and the
vision of NAPD will not must achieved. The needs and wants of human resources are shifting
with the globalization. To meet the increasing demand of human resources the training programs
should also be changed in line of the globalization. The improvement has no certain end. It is a
continuous process. So the impact assessment of training programs will help the NAPD to straight
the training programs in right way.

Scope of the project

The project is confined to the assessment of the impact training of NAPD on three aspects viz.
professional competency, behavioral and ethical development to the trainee. To this aim, project
will measure the impacts of training provided by NAPD on randomly selected training programs
and trainees of the Sylhet region of Bangladesh.

1.3 Objectives of the Project

The general and specific objectives of the project are as follows:

General Objectives:

►Review of training areas and curriculum, logistic supports and methods of imparting training of

►Assessment of competency level of the trainee through trainings in NAPD;

►Measuring the behavioral and ethical changes of the trainee after training in NAPD; and

►Evaluation of NAPD training program by peers, service receivers, subordinates and supervisor
and investigating impact on others parameters

Specific Objectives

► Review of training areas and curriculum of training programs of NAPD.

►Visit NAPD and collection of data about the training areas and curriculum of each type of
training program;

►Review the areas and curriculum of trainings in terms of needs of the trainee;

►Assessment of gaps in areas and curriculum of trainings.

► Measuring the logistic supports and methods of imparting training of NAPD

► Measurement of increase in competency level of the trainee in each type of training program
of NAPD;

►Identify the competency level of the trainee at the entry of each type of training program;

►Assessment of competency level at the end of each type of training program

►Assessment of the change in the level of behavioral and ethical concern of the trainee through
training in NAPD

1.4 Research question

► What proportion of NAPD training programs and their curriculum includes and supports the
competency, ethical and behavioral components

► What are the determinants of trainee’s competency accomplishments and what factors actually
influence trainee’s ethical and behavioral change

►How should NAPD change or redesign their training modules based on the feedback and
evaluation of a trainee by trainee, peers, service receivers’ and subordinates.


2.1. Training and process of training

Training means giving new or current employees the skills they need to perform their jobs
(Dessler, 2012). Training program consist of four steps:- In the first the assessment of needs-
identification the specific knowledge and skills the job requires and compare these with the
prospective trainee’s knowledge and skills. In the second the instructional deign- formulation of
specific, measureable knowledge and performance training objectives, review possible training
program content and estimate the budget for the training program. Thirdly implementation-
actually training the targeted employee group using methods and lastly an evaluation -
assessment the success and drawbacks of the training program.

Importance of Training-Training is vital to the success of the officials and managers in their job.
Both specialization in some specific areas and a general knowledge of a variety of different areas
are needed in order to survive in the competitive world. In addition, the current global nature f the
industry or country further complicates the execution of successful projects. Business
management, human relations, and organizational development skills are all necessities for
managers looking to advance in their careers. One method of providing officials with this
knowledge is through training (Kuprenas, Haraga, DeChanbeau, & Smith, 2000). According to
Farr and Sullivan (1996), “Learning is a lifetime endeavor ….” Training has thus become a major
cost of doing business. By providing adequate resources, however, training allows officials to
develop management skills at a much faster rate.

2.2 Methods of Training

According to Farr and Sullivan (1996), the majority of professional training programs are still
delivered in a classroom-oriented environment. For this type of training, an instructor prepares
and controls the learning experience. When properly prepared and delivered, this is a highly
effective means of training (Farr & Sullivan, 1996).

Alternatively, the recent advances in communication and multimedia technology have created
other options for in- house skills development. Now the continuous advancement of multimedia
technology, networking abilities, and video teleconferencing, the communication between experts

and employees has been made much easier. In-house, technology-based training provides a
readily accessible, less formal, less costly and contextualized means of educating employees.
When the need arises, employees can reach across organizational boundaries in a much more
convenient manner (Farr & Sullivan, 1996).

Methods of Measuring Training Effectiveness: In Mitchell’s (1998) trainer’s handbook, he

provides an excellent definition of training evaluation:

Training is the business of bringing about change. To know whether you have achieved
change, you must be able to evaluate the effects of your instruction. You have defined
objectives and determined what the change should be. You have assessed the present
status and have a program for changing it to meet those objectives. Now you need a
means of measuring the success you have achieved. This last step is evaluation. (p. 129)

Evaluation is a crucial aspect of the training process. Without it, there is no way to know if the
information being delivered was effectively communicated and received.

According to Mitchell (1998), there are three levels of change in performance that must be
evaluated in order to measure the success of a training program. Level One refers to how well
the participants have received the information that has been communicated to them. All
participants should understand the key concepts and be able to perform the skills leaned
throughout the program. This evaluation is to take place during and upon completion of the skills
development process. Level Two is the evaluation of the participant’s performance as they return

to their everyday work environment. For the training program to be truly considered effective, the
program participants must be able to transfer what they have learned to the workplace. This can
be referred to as the level of implementation that has occurred since the conclusion of the
training. In order to evaluate this level of effectiveness, employee performance must be observed
over a period of time. Finally, Level Three is the measurement of how the department or
company has been impacted by the course. This is typically evaluated by calculating the dollar
return on the money investment by management in training. Continuous evaluation can benefit
both the facilitator and the participants. It allows the instructor to receive feedback on whether or

not he or she was successful in delivering the material in a desired manner. On the other hand,
evaluation also allows the trainees to see where they are in the training process (Mitchell 1998).
Because the training program on which this research was based is a recent development, Level
One and Two evaluations have been the primary focus.

2.3 Ethics in training

An ethical training in business represents an earnest attempt on the part of organizations to train
employees to engage in morally proper behavior in a business setting (Stephen et al, 1997). The
goal of ethics training is not to teach morality, but rather to help employees make the right
decision from a position which is morally comfortable to both the company and the employee
(Stephen et al, 1997). There are six components of ethics in training(Stephen et al, 1997- (i)
provide trainees with an understanding of ethical judgment philosophies and heuristics; (ii)
provide industry/profession –specific areas of ethical concern; (iii) provide trainees with
organizational ethical expectations and rules; (iv) provide trainees with an understanding of their
own ethical tendencies; (v) take a realistic view-elaborate on the monkey wrenches in ethical
decisions and (vi) get the trainees to practice and return.

2.4 Importance of training in organizational setting

The success of an organization mostly depends on the human resources. Careful selection does not
guarantee they will perform effectively even high potential employee cannot do their job if they do
not know what to do and how to do. Making sure what to do and how to do training is essential.
Training help the employee in doing their job efficiently and effectively and thus increase his/her
performance and it is the fundamental goal of training. Further training helps in socialization of
the employee with the culture, value and norms of the organization so that he/she can perform his
job in a friendly environment and his all activities are aimed with the success of the organization.
Further, training increases the morality of the employee. Because training clarified what is right or
wrong and make capable him to distinguish between ethical and unethical activities in general and
particularly in his/her working environment. Considering these every organization has a provision
of different types of training on the job or off the job for all levels of employee and the

organization is incurring a huge amount of budget for this purpose. The benefits of training are:
Increased job satisfaction and morale among employees

Increased employee motivation

Increased efficiencies in processes, resulting in financial gain
Increased capacity to adopt new technologies and methods
Increased innovation in strategies and products
Reduced employee turnover
Enhanced company image, e.g., conducting ethics training (not a good reason for ethics
Risk management, e.g., training about sexual harassment, diversity training.

Training and Competitive Performance: Training and development professionals are committed
to promoting the development of human services practitioners by facilitating knowledge
acquisition, skill demonstration and practice; exploring values and attitudes; increasing self
awareness and meta cognitive abilities; utilizing strategies to promote transfer of learning; and
advocating for the development of learning organizations/communities. Training and development
professionals also value the importance of ensuring their own learning, development, self-
awareness, and self actualization .Training and development professionals should utilize resources
efficiently to effectively meet training and development needs. Planned training / workshop has a
positive impact on outcome of the employee (NSDTA, 2004).

Training and ethical aspects: An examination of organizational literature in the context of ethics
inevitable reveals the complex nature of interrelationship among bottom line profits, business
ethics and welfare of society at large(Mitroff, 1983). Making decisions and shaping policies in an
organization often requires choosing among competitive values…and general rules of doing good
(for the least harm) to society (Mayer, 1988). Training is the way to improve moral of employees.
it helps employees to get job security and increase job performance through enhancing
employee’s ability to perform more works.(Onyango and Wanyoike,2014 ). Training and
development professionals promote a climate of trust and mutual respect. Working relationships
are clarified with others regarding the areas of competence of the training and development
professional, program goals, methods, content/curricula, confidentiality, fees, and assessment/
evaluation strategies. Agreed-upon commitments are adhered to by the training and development
professionals (NSDTA, 2004).The best way to ensure ethical practice is to hire ethical
practitioners to work in ethically supported organizations. However, there is much diversity in the
educational backgrounds and professional orientations of human service personnel. For example,
only 35% of the public child protective services social workers in Ohio have social work
undergraduate degrees (Ohio Child Welfare Training Program, 2003). Even though there are many
similar values and ethical standards within the human service disciplines, there is much
inconsistency regarding ethics education within the respective educational programs. According to
Reamer (1991), a major challenge in the evolution of social work ethics is educating students and
practitioners about ethical issues and standards and ways to address them. Similar findings are
reported in other social work-related education programs such as psychology and counseling
(Downs, 2003; Hill, 1999). In addition, individual agency culture may influence ethical practice.
The need for ongoing ethical training that plans for application within human service practice
environments is essential

Training and behavior: Learning that changes behavior to produce results is a process –not a
single event. The process takes place in an environment replete with competing priorities and time
pressures. Learning requires more than simply taking a class. When attending a class, retention
and application of the new knowledge and skills will vary from 10 to 30% based on the type of
class and content. Two factors heavily influence the extent to which the training is applied –
retention and management support. When retention strategies and management support beyond the
classroom experience are included in the learning initiative, the application of new knowledge and
skills will be much higher, often 90% or better. Training and development professionals recognize
the importance of providing leadership in human services incidents involving through training and
development activities. Training and development professionals also recognize their potential
influence and take responsibility for their activities in promoting service to others (NSDTA, 2004).


3.1 Study area

The goal of NAPD is to develop socially responsible human resources to enhance organizational
performance for the sustainable development of the country and as a result the trainee is spread all
over the country. But considering the budget and time the project purposively selected Sylhet
region as the study area and only the trainees working in this area have been considered for the

3.2 Study population

The population of the project is the current trainee of NAPD working in the study area as well as
past trainee who have already transferred to other area but were in working in the study area
during the training.

3.3 Sampling and sample size

In conducting the study, the researchers have classified the respondents into six to examine the
impact of training on trainee’s competence level. The researchers have used random sampling in
selecting respondents. The available sample size is given in the following table below:

No. Type of respondents Sample size

1 Trainee 59

2 Supervisor 9

3 Subordinate 9

4 Peer 11

5 Client 31

6 Spouse 10

7 Total 129

Source: Field survey

3.4 Sources of data and their collection

The study has considered both primary and secondary data. The secondary data has been collected
from related books, articles through online, library of SUST, office of NAPD and its website. The
sources of primary data are the respondent viz. trainee, supervisor, subordinate, peer, spouse of the
trainee and service receiver from the trainee. Primary data has been collected through the
following methods:

3.5 Interview

Under this method separate structured questionnaires were prepared for each kind of
respondents to collect data from them and there were six separate questionnaires. After preparing
the questionnaires the data collectors have collected data through face to face interview with the
respondents. In some cases they have used telephone interview where the respondents have left the
Sylhet region.

3.6 Focus Group Discussion

Focus –group is described as focused or semi-structured group interviews (Jennings,2001;

Minichiello et al,1995). Jennings (2001) argued that rather than interviewing participants
individually, study participants are interviewed jointly. In effect four focus group discussions for
the study have been conducted with the respondents of the study. In this case the researchers
talked to the respondents in four organizations. They were invited to the FGD and attended in
their convenience. At the very early stage of the discussion they were a given brief about the
purpose of the discussion by the moderator (one among researchers). Then the moderator asked
some questions generally and specifically from his structured questionnaires and their views and
opinions were written down by the moderator and also by the co moderator (one among
researchers). In one FGD the data collectors played role as moderator and also co moderator. Their
business cards and contact number were collected and preserved for further inquiry if needed
during editing their opinions .The duration of each FGD was 2-2.5 hour. The four FGD were as

FGD Participants Place Date Duration

FGD-1 Trainee, Supervisor, Jalalabad Gas Field Ltd. February ,25 2- hour
Subordinate , Peer Sylhet

FGD-2 Trainee, peer Place Sylhet Gas Field Ltd) March 1, 2.30-hour

FGD-3 Spouse , trainee Residential of a Trainee March-7 2-hour

FGD-4 Client or service Sylhet Osmani Medical March-10 2 hour

receiver College


4.1 Sample composition

This section presents the analysis and discussion of the findings to the study. The data is presented
in the form of tables, figures and charts followed by two regressions analysis. Where data could
not be quantified (ex. FGD), it is explained. Presentation of findings has been organized in
accordance with the study objectives. It is crucial to understand the kind of impact the training
have made in the workplace so to enable NAPD to adopt right training strategies and appropriate
training courses. In this context, this study collected participants’ responses on how the training
courses have benefited and impacted in their job performance. Estimated result and analysis will
help us to understand the kind of impacts the training courses have made in the work place to
enable to adopt appropriate strategies for further strengthening the professional development
activities and services and to understand which aspect of training has been most useful and how
NAPD may improve it. The sample characteristics are summarized as following in the tables

Table 4.1. Respondents as per category.

Type Frequency Percentage
Trainee 59 45.73
Service Receiver 31 24.03
Peers 11 9.09
Subordinate 9 7.43
Supervisor 9 7.43
Spouse 10 8.26
Total 129 100.00

Table 4.1.1 Program specific respondents

Type Frequency
Leadership & Strategic Planning 09
Management skill for executives 06
Financial management 06
PFA and EIA 06
Office Management 05
E-governance & Ecommerce 06
Transparency Accountability and 05
Good Governance
Procure Management 05
Total Trainee 59
Of the 129 respondent’s, 45% were trainees who accomplished any training program at NAPD,

47% were from same office who either receive services from that office or doing work in the same

office and 8% were from trainees’ family (as shown in Table 4.1). Except trainee, data from all

other categories were used to evaluate trainees’ competence, ethical and behavioral concern. Due

to the strict budget limitation, only 59 trainees from 10 programs were included in the study. This

sample size is small but quite enough to estimate two regression models.

As shown in Table 4.1, a total of 129 respondents complete the questionnaire in this study. The

majority of the respondents (76 %) were male, indicating that more males have participated and

accomplished NAPD training program as compared to females (24%).

Table 4.2. Gender composition of respondents

. Gender Frequency Percentage (%)

Male 98 76
Female 31 24
Total 129 100

4.2 Training areas and curriculum, components of competency, ethical and behavioral


Qualitative survey techniques, such as review and analysis of NAPD documents on training,

prospectus, course outline and module and feedback of trainee have been used on the three

thematic area viz. competencies, behavioral and ethical change under which there are specific

number of traits are as follows. In making comparison the concept of the dimension and the contents of

the training curriculum have been used.

Thematic area –Competence level: Competence level has been measured on the basis of following ten

►Knowledge/skills related to the job

►Confidence: solving problems, making decisions and service delivery

►Time management & priorities

►Develop subordinate capacity, capability, managerial relations among peers and supervisor

►Team work and team spirit


►Communication and interpersonal skill

►Scope of application of training knowledge

►Taking risk and eliminate fear in attempting new task

►Global competitive outlook

The above areas are used to investigate a specific program to see what portion of any training
curriculum includes above competency components. Counting word components were used to find
what percentage of competency components covered during the training time period.

Thematic area – Behavioral: Behavioral aspects has been measured using the following ten dimensions

in this area:
►Judgment on right or wrong behavior

►People first

►Openness to information

►Attitude to promote and support leadership

►Personal accountability

►Attitude towards time management

►Attitudes towards clients, colleagues and to the public property

Thematic area- Ethical: The ethical issues are also measured using the following ten dimensions:

►provide an understanding of ethical judgment

►provide profession –specific ethical concern

►organizational ethical expectations and rules

►understanding of their own ethical tendencies

►issue of good governance

►anti-corruption & good governance

► a realistic view-elaborate in ethical decisions

►financial prudence

►management of public funding


Table 4.3: Components of competence, behavioral and ethical concern

Competence Behavioral and

and ethical issues
Program Name efficiency (%) (%)
Office Management 61 39
SPPM 62 38
Management skills for executive 73 27
Financial Management 62 38
MEDP 72 28
Leadership and Strategic Planning 78 28
Procurement Management 64 36
Project Formulation, Appraisal and EIA 69 31
Transparency Accountability and Good Governance 46 56
E-Governance And E-Commerce 54 46
Note: estimation based on thematic indicators

4.3 Assessment of competency, productivity and efficiency level of the trainee through

trainings in NAPD

Competence encompasses knowledge, skills, abilities, innovation and implementation.

Competence can be defined as the ability of individuals, organizations and societies to perform

functions solve problems and set and achieve objectives. This definition can be applied to both

individuals and organizations. Training and other forms of capacity building are usually designed

to enhance the capacity of individuals. While one of the main focuses of this study is on

competence level of individuals the outcome depends critically on both the institutional framework

in which they work and the skills they achieved through training and learning process.

Competencies are graded in levels, either on the basis of a numerical scale or of a verbal schema.

In order to develop a classification scale, both approaches will be combined: In addition to a

numerical value marking each level, a verbal description will be given. The classification scale is

based on an ordinal scale, i.e. the levels of competence are ranked. The following level definitions

are being applied to the particular competencies, referring to observable behavior and skills. Level

1 indicates poor level of competence where the competencies do not meet the standard. They come

up to the basic minimum requirements. Second level is fair (value is 2) when the competencies

come up to the basic requirements. The standard is not completely met. Next level is good (value

is 3) where the competencies exceed the basic standard. They are well distinctive and meet with

the basic requirements over a longer period. Level forth is very good (value is 4) when

competencies are above average. The requirements specification is completely met. Final level is

excellent (value is 5) when the employee has special distinctive competencies exceeding the job


An official is said to have achieved a specific competency level when it has been documented that

they are currently demonstrating on a regular basis and performs two types of competence:

functional and behavioral. To gauge these aspects the key variable comprises knowledge(including

ITC knowledge and applications), empathy, organizational reform, organizational performance,

risk management, planning for new services, efficacy of training interventions in closing

knowledge and skill gaps and to assess and improve training, selection of new staff, individual

performance improvement, supervision, developing their resources and utilizing, develop subordinate

capacity and capability, team work and team spirit.

In analyzing the responses obtained from the respondents on the impact of training methods on their

professional skills and competence, the findings showed that the majority of the respondents, 96 %,

believed that the training methods used during training had an impact on their skills and overall

competence. However, a small percentage (4%) believed otherwise. This result indicates that the

training methods used during training in the case officials clearly focus on particular skills and, thus,

skill development and competence is emphasized.

Chart: Impact on trainee’s competence level(n=59)

Table4.4: Training program impact on overall competence and efficiency

Response Frequency Percent

Poor 0 0.00
Fair 0 0.00
Good 12 21.00
Very good 24 40.00
Excellent 23 39.00
Total 59 100.00
Note: sample of trainee

Table 4.4 above presents the responses given by the respondents of trainee regarding the impact of the

training programs on their overall competence level for which they participated. The findings indicate

that the majority of the respondents (47 respondents representing a 79 %) were contented with the

achievement of either very good or excellent level of competency of the training programs for which

they participated. This result indicates clear deliverance of training content and/or substance to the

trainees during the training program. On the other hand, the 12 respondents representing a 21 %

indicated a good level of skill they achieved after completion of the training program.

Table 4.5: Training program impact on overall competence and efficiency

Response Frequency Percent

Poor 0 0.00
Fair 2 0.15
Good 32 24.80
Very good 61 47.28
Excellent 34 26.35
Total 129 100.00
Note: sample of all categories of respondents

Unlike previous result, the overall sample findings shows majority (47%) of the respondents felt that NAPD

training has very good impact on the participants’ competency and 26 % respondents exhibit excellent level

of efficiency in their working place after completion of the NAPD training and development program.

Similarly 25% of the respondents felt good, and very small percentage (0.15%) of the respondents felt fair

level of competence being achieved by the trainee. Table 4.6 shows program specific competence level.

Mean of value of competence is calculated by using values of all competence indicators such as,

knowledge/skills related to the job, confidence on solving problems, making decisions and service delivery,

time management & priorities, develop subordinate capacity, capability, managerial relations among peers

and supervisor, team work and team spirit, innovation, communication and interpersonal skill, scope of

application of training knowledge, taking risk and eliminate fear in attempting new task and global

competitive outlook.

Table 4.6: Impact on competence parameter of trainee
Program Name Very Fair Poor Mean
Excellent Good Good (%)
(%) (%) (%)
Office Management 83 17 - - - 4.85
SPPM 87 9 4 - - 4.65
Management skills for executive 68 27 5 - - 4.02
Financial Management 56 32 11 1 - 3.65
MEDP 79 18 3 - - 4.05
Leadership and Strategic Planning 85 12 - 3 - 4.78
Procurement Management 57 42 1 - - 3.95
Project Formulation, Appraisal and EIA 82 14 4 - - 4.82
Transparency Accountability and Good 32 23 40 4 1 3.01
E-Governance And E-Commerce 41 28 30 1 - 3.12
-: no value given by trainee

Table 4.7: Evaluation of competence level of trainee

Evaluated by Competence level Value measured at 5 point Likert scale

Increased (%) Not increased (%) Mean value Max value Minimum
Service Receiver 57 43 3.87 (1.24) 5 1
Peers 36 67 3.94(1.34) 5 1
Supervisor 32 68 3.62(1.32) 5 1
Spouse 93 7 4.96(0.32) 5 4
Subordinate 63 37 4.12(0.66) 5 3

Competence and productivity outcome gap

In terms of competence and productivity, outcome gap is the difference between a trainee’s standard or
potential competence value and his or her actual performing competence value in the working place. Both
values measured in Likert scale and pair wise t- test applied to check whether mean difference is
statistically significant or not. A visual inspection is also supporting and depicting the outcome gap.

Table 4.8: Competence outcome gap

Variable Mean Minimum Maximum
(std dev)
Potential competence 4.25(0.77) 3 5
Competence in application 2.47(1.22) 1 5
Mean difference 1.78(1.15)**
N= 59 ; significant at 5% level of significance

Reasons given for outcome gap

► Most of participants are not informed about the broader needs of their sponsoring organizations

► The deficiency is caused by a lack of institutional motivation and scopes rather than a lack of skills to

► Very little scope to apply achieved knowledge in the workplace

► Lack of needs assessment in both organizational level and individual level

► Most of the supervisors and peers are not supportive to the desired applications of their training
program. They are not even welcome any change if trainee wants to commence any new ideas

► Selectivity bias exists in the process of selection for a training program

4.4 Measuring the level of behavioral and ethical changes of the trainee after training


Training in ethics is measured by ensuring that officials act confidently, knowing they have

organizational support, rendering efficient, and effective, ethical, and accountable public service.

Ethics deals with the character, conduct, and morals of human beings. It deals with good or bad

and right or wrong behavior, evaluates conduct using absolute criteria, and puts negative or

positive values on it. A number of proxy variables are being used to gauge the official’s attitude

towards a set of principles: people first , care to service recipients, recipient satisfaction, financial

prudence, management of public funding, attitudes towards clients, colleagues and to the public

property, personal accountability , integrity , professional objectivity , openness to information and

promote and support leadership .

Table 4.9 : Impact of training on the ethical concern
Change in Ethical Concern Frequency Percent
Yes 48 81
No 11 19
Total N=59 100.00

Table 4.10: Impact of training on the behavioral concern

Change in Behavioral Concern Frequency Percent
Yes 50 85
No 9 15
Total N=59 100.00

The response in table 4.9 and 4.10 above shows the impact of training on the performance of the

respondents on their ethical and behavioral concern. The results clearly indicate that majority of the

respondents (over 80 % respondents) claims a link of their training program to their improved

performance and change in ethical and behavioral concern. Ethical measurement is also a mean value

of several indicators, such as understanding of ethical judgment, profession –specific ethical concern,

organizational ethical expectations and rules, understanding of their own ethical tendencies, issue of

good governance, anti-corruption & good governance, a realistic view-elaborate in ethical decisions,

financial prudence, management of public fund, people first, and integrity.

Table 4.11 : Impact on ethical concern (Likert scale value)

Program Name Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Mean

(%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
Office Management 73 27 - - - 4.76
SPPM 63 37 - - - 4.59
Management skills for executive 53 42 5 - - 4.08
Financial Management 72 28 - - - 4.87
MEDP 58 39 3 - - 4.24
Leadership and Strategic Planning 61 39 - - - 4.73
Procurement Management 53 43 4 - - 4.34
Project Formulation, Appraisal and EIA 48 41 1 - - 4.02
Transparency Accountability and Good 62 32 6 - - 4.59
E-Governance And E-Commerce 23 32 41 4 - 3.52
-: no value given by trainee
Table 4.11 envisages the findings of program specific ethical achievements. The mean value on 5

point Likert scale is used to get the level of change in ethical concerns among the participants. It is

observed from table4.11 that the mean value is highest for financial management (4.87) followed

by office management (4.76) and leadership and strategic planning (4.73). It is noticeable that, of

the ten programs the mean value for nine programs is above 4 which is a clear indication of

significant impact of NAPD program’s on trainee’s ethical change. Regarding the program’s

evaluation, 73% trainee claims excellent impact on ethical concern from office management

program where only 23 % trainee from e-governance and e-commerce says excellent achievement

of their training program. Therefore we can conclude that most of the training programs (here 9

out of 10) of NAPD has an excellent positive role to influence the ethical issues of the trainee in

their duties and job responsibilities. Finally we examine impact of training program on trainee’s

behavioral concern. Here, once again, values are calculated on the basis of several behavioral

indicators such as, judgment on right or wrong behavior, people first, openness to information,

attitude to promote and support leadership, attitudes towards clients, colleagues and to the public

property, personal accountability, attitude towards time management

Table 4.12: Impact on behavioral concern of trainee (Likert scale value)

Program Name Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Mean
(%) (%) (%)
Office Management 75 25 - - - 4.81
SPPM 68 32 - - - 4.72
Management skills for executive 78 22 - - - 4.85
Financial Management 51 41 8 - - 3.83
MEDP 31 36 11 22 - 2.96
Leadership and Strategic Planning 85 15 - - - 4.92
Procurement Management 57 28 15 - - 4.06
Project Formulation, Appraisal and EIA 52 36 12 - - 4.01
Transparency Accountability and Good 87 13 - - - 4.88
E-Governance And E-Commerce 85 15 - - - 4.91
-: no value given by trainee
Table 4.12 depicts program specific behavioral changes of the trainee after completion their

training program. The mean value of 5 point Likert scale is also used to get the level of change in

behavioral aspects. Colum6 for mean value shows that the mean value is highest for both the

leadership and strategic planning and e-governance and e-commerce program with mean value of

4.92 and 4.91 respectively. Except financial management and MEDP program, all other programs

shows above 4 mean value, a clear indication of a significant change in trainee’s behavioral

aspects. Regarding program specific evaluation, maximum 87 % trainee from transparency

accountability and good governance program said that program has excellent impact to influence

their behavioral concern which is related with their daily job responsibilities. For both e-

governance and leadership and strategic planning, 85 % trainee said they have achieved excellent

knowledge that significantly changed their behavioral concern. Unlike 9 programs, MEDP shows

poor impact on the trainee’s behavioral change as only 31% trainee argues excellent impact on

behavioral concern. Therefore we can conclude that the training of NAPD has a good positive role

to improve the affirmative behavior of the trainee in their duties and job responsibilities as well as

to their families.

Regarding behavioral components of all programs, 97% respondents from financial management

and strategic planning claim that knowledge of NAPD helped them to consider the interest of

public or service recovers with highest priority and considered as topmost job responsibility in

their working place. While, 95% respondents from both transparency accountability and good

governance and E-Governance And E-Commerce report that the training has greatly changed

their attitude towards time management, followed by 93% reports that training has excellent

impact on public fund management and attitude towards “people first”. A very small portion of

respondents from all 10 programs (only 17 %) claim any chnage in favor of openness to

information. An evaluation of their claim also been examined using information from their peers,

spouse, subordinates and service receivers and results are shown in the following table

Table 4.13: Evaluation of ethical and behavioral concern level of trainee

Evaluated By level Value measured at 5 point Likert Scale

Increased Not increased Mean value Max value Minimum

Service Receiver 66 34 3.16 (1.25) 5 1
Peers 82 18 4.09(0.70) 5 3
Supervisor 80 20 4(0.66) 5 3
Spouse 100 0 4.86(0.51) 5 4
Subordinate 99 1 4.38(0.52) 5 4

The spouse ( 100%) of the trainee, 99% of subordinate, 82 % of peers, 80% of supervisor and

66% of service receiver advocated that the ethical and behavioral aspects of the trainee has been

increased through NAPD training as can be seen in figure . The mean value on 5 point Llikert

scale is highest in case of spouse (4.86) followed by subordinate (4.38), peer (4.09) supervisor

(4.0) and service receiver (3.16) respectively. Therefore the trainee’s claim about their ethical and

behavioral concern is firmly supported by the evaluation of peers, supervisors and service

receivers. Surprisingly, all spouses claim 100% change in terms of the respondent’s ethical and

behavioral concern. We included spouse data as per terms and condition of our research with

NAPD but we found a gap of their solid knowledge on the working environment of their spouse

and we are not importing this finding to draw any conclusion here.

4.4 Econometric Analysis: OLS

Ordinary Least Square model

While the issue of change in ethical and behavioral concern we shall simply define the relevant

product of service delivery as service recipients’ achievement/satisfaction/or any quantitative

value measured by standardized scale. Consequently, we view a trainee’s productivity as his/her

contribution to service receiver’s achievement, holding other inputs constant. To empirically

measure the impact of training on trainee’s productivity and efficiency it is therefore necessary to

first develop a model of receiver’s achievement. Various measurement scales are developed and

standard econometric technique is then applied to investigate whether the quantitative relationship

is significant or not. Therefore it is assumed that competence, ethical and behavioral concern level

is a function of several variables. A simple model is the following one:

Yi = β 0 + βif ( xi , Di ) + ε i ....(1)

β 0 = Intercept coefficient

β i = Slope coefficient

Di= Dummy variable

Yi = β 0 + β 1 dystri + β 2 tripfevi + β 3 exp i + β 4 ratioi + β 5 genderi + β 6 loivalu i + β 7 yredu

+ β 8 reljob + β 9 prevtrai + β 10 dystr 2 i + β11 appli + β12 curriclm + β 13 satisfactε i ....(2)

Yi = Dependent variable (i=1,2, 3,4)

Y1 = Overall competence (weighted average) (model 1 and 2)

Y2= Potential competence (model 3 and 4)

Overall competence value is calculated by weighted average of 10 competence and performance

differences variables as measured by Likert scale. Numerical weights for each number value were

calculated by the order of trainee’s preferences.

Yi = Trainee competence level = level of knowledge/skills related to the job * 0.20+ Solving

problems, making decisions & service delivery *0.15+ time management & priorities*0.10+

develop subordinate capacity, capability, managerial relations among peers and supervisor * 0.10 + team

work and team spirit*0.10 number of innovation in the unit/division/department*0.05+

Communication and interpersonal skill *0.10+ Scope of application of training knowledge *0.10 +

global competitive outlook*0.05+ Helps eliminate fear in attempting new task*0.05

dystr= Duration of training program

tripfev= Training instructors’ performance (as measured by Likert scale value ranges 1-5)

exp= Job experience of participants (in years)

ratio= Ratio between number of employee participated in the NAPD training program to total

number of employee within section or department

gender= A dummy variable(1 if male)

loivalu = Trainee satisfaction with NAPD logistic support. It is also a weighted variable calculated

by using following formula. Numerical weights for each number value were calculated by the

order of trainee’s preferences.

loivalu= class room environment*0.40+ activities/manner of NAPD officials*0.30+ stay

(comfortable) at training time*0.10+ transport*0.10+food *0.05+rest room*0.03 + recreation and

smoking * 0.02.

yredu= Trainee years of education

curriclm= how much curriculum is related with job

appli= application to the job

satisfact= whether trainee is satisfied with NAPD logistic support(dummy)

reljob= Training relationship with definite purpose of job (dummy variable, 1 if training has

definite job related purpose)

prevtrai= if trainee has previous training at NAPD or others (dummy variable, 1 if yes)

Table 4.14: Regression result
(1) (2) (3) (4)
VARIABLES Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 3
with control with control

gender(dummy) 0.0975 0.0690

(0.0754) (0.126)
experience -0.00533 -0.00436 -0.0127 -0.0144
(0.00575) (0.00567) (0.00960) (0.00919)
ratio 0.451 0.579 2.092** 2.434***
(0.548) (0.531) (0.915) (0.870)
logistic support index -0.00239 0.0509
(0.0417) (0.0697)
year of education -0.0772 -0.0700 -0.140 -0.144
(0.0529) (0.0525) (0.0883) (0.0856)
job related (dummy) 0.344*** 0.272** 0.825*** 0.731***
(0.110) (0.101) (0.184) (0.165)
previous training(dummy) 0.448*** 0.416*** 0.528*** 0.474***
(0.103) (0.0961) (0.172) (0.158)
application -0.0312 -0.0464
(0.0283) (0.0472)
job link index 0.00859 -0.00413 0.0359 0.0305
(0.0278) (0.0253) (0.0464) (0.0420)
curriculum -0.0590 -0.0784 0.0268 0.00388
(0.0647) (0.0630) (0.108) (0.103)
logistic support(dummy) -0.0466 -0.143
(0.0762) (0.127)
duration(dummy) 0.00462 -0.0423 0.190 0.133
(0.0886) (0.0878) (0.148) (0.138)
duration(days) 0.0202 0.0711 0.0148 0.0204
(0.0122) (0.0679) (0.0204) (0.0194)
duration_sq (days) -0.00237 -.0018776
(0.00319) (.005342)
Constant 4.986*** 4.711*** 5.150*** 5.333***
(0.845) (0.934) (1.411) (1.382)

Observations 51 51 51 51
R-squared 0.836 0.824 0.872 0.861
Standard errors in parentheses, *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1; Dependent variable is overall
competence (for model 1 and 2) and potential competence (for model 3 and 4)

We drop the observation for age, instructor evaluation index because of their high correlation with
other explanatory variables. The regression equation is estimated and presented in four different
ways; for model1 and 2, we regressed weighted value of competence index as a dependent
variable. Model 2 presents result when we control few variables such as gender, logistic support

index, application of training knowledge and the quality of NAPD logistic support to the trainee.
For model 3 we regressed model taking potential competence as a dependent variable on the same
set of variables and for model 4 we also run the model with taking control the same variables to
see what impact of training program on the level of potential competence.

Now we will focus on the three predictors, ratio of trainee to total number of employee in his/her
office, job relationship with training and whether any training program participated before. These
three variables are statistically significant and showing relationship between NAPD training and
improvement in the competence level. Training duration, curriculum and application, is not
statistically significant at the 0.05 level (p=0.055), but showing theoretically correct relationship.
We also added duration square as an additional variable assuming that participant will agree to a
maximum number of training days to participate spontaneously then their level of satisfaction will
fall down. The sign of this variable showing our justification but it is not statistically significant as
well. For age and years of education, the coefficient is negative which would indicate that aged or
trainee with more schooling is not related to higher level of efficiency or productive performance,
this result was somewhat unexpected. All other variables included in the models show
insignificant relationship.

4.5 Order Probit Model (OPM)

Model specification

In addition to our previous OLS model, here we employed an ordered probit estimation technique
to examine individuals’ responses on competence level as the respondent’s choice of concern in
the survey measured on an ordinal ranking (i.e. 1, 2, . . . , j) that reflects categories of arbitrary
width. Because of the discrete nature of the dependent variable in this study, ordinary least squares
regression may not an appropriate model. A multinomial model for discrete choice of ordered data
is more applicable for our competence and efficiency level data. Therefore, we opt for the ordered
probit model (OPM) (as in Jackman 2000, Kok & Koolman 2008) in which competence level
envisages as ‘poor’, ‘fair’ ‘good’, ‘very good’, and ‘excellent’ correspond to censoring values 1, 2,

3, 4, and 5, respectively. Through the ordered probit model, we are able to not only identify which
factor determines individual competence level, but also discern which factor plays the most
important role through predicting each factor’s marginal effect on the probability being the most
and/or least achievement of individual competence level (Shena and Saijo, 2007). We can describe
the degrees of competence level as a discrete variable yi . The probability that a respondent will
fall into one of the five categories of competence level can be decomposed into a deterministic
component and an additive stochastic component (Greene, 2003). According to our categorization,
this variable can take one of the following five values

yi = 1, if the degree of competence level is ‘poor'

yi = 2, if the degree of competence level is ‘fair’

yi = 3, if the degree of competence level is ‘ good ’

yi = 4, if the degree of competence level is ‘very good’

yi = 5, if the degree of competence level is ‘excellent’

Then, we assume that individual competence level is based on a continuous and latent variable y*i.
This latent variable is assumed to be a linear function of all the relevant variables and the standard
ordered probit model is widely used to analyze discrete data of this variety and is built around a
latent regression of the following form:

y i* = β ′X i + ε i for i = 1,2,……………,N (i)

Where y*i is the unobserved measure of competence level, Xi is a vector of independent variables,
N is the number of respondents, and ε i is the error term. The relationship between y*i and the
ordinal likelihood ranking (observed category) y is a function of the cut-off points or thresholds,
k1 s, which are unknown but can be estimated along with βs .

Let k1 p k 2 p k 3 p k 4 be unknown cut points or threshold parameters and with zero as a

normalization assumption, the censored variable can be define as:

yi = 1 , if y i* ≤ k1 (ii)

yi = 2, if k1 p y i* ≤ k 2 (iii)

yi = 3, if k 2 p y i* ≤ k 3 (iv)

yi = 4, if k 3 p y i* ≤ k 4 (v)

yi = 5, if y i* f k 4 (vi)

Note that the four cut points are estimated along with the coefficients of the independent variables
of vector Xi .Consequently, the probabilities of yi being classified as ‘poor’, ‘fair’ ‘good’, ‘very
good’, and ‘excellent’ are given by

Pr( y i = 0) = Pr( β ′X i + ε i ≤ k1 ) (vii)

Pr( yi = 1) = Pr(k1 p β ′X i + ε i ≤ k 2 ) (viii)

Pr( yi = 2) = Pr(k 2 p β ′X i + ε i ≤ k 3 ) (ix)

Pr( yi = 3) = Pr( k 3 p β ′X i + ε i ≤ k 4 ) (x)

Pr( y i = 4) = Pr( β ′X i + ε i f k 4 ) (xi)

With a normal distribution of the error term ε in equation (vii) - (xi), the cut points κ and
coefficients β can be estimated as an ordered probit model (OPM). The estimation of OPM is
based on the maximization of the likelihood function (Greene, 2003; Imbens & Wooldridge,
2008), which is expressed as:

log L = ∑ log Pr( y = j x)

In terms of available data for this study, the model considered as the latent regression can be
formulated as:

y i = β 0 + β 1 gender + β 2 age + β 3 education + β 4 jobrelatio n +

β 5 ratio + β 6 curriculum + β 7 duration + β 8 exp erience 37

+ β 9 previoustr aining + β 10 applicatio n + ε io .......... .......... ........( xii )

Result of OPM is presented in the next along with an explanation. From the slope parameter and
threshold estimates, it is relatively straightforward to calculate probabilities of individuals’ five
choices of competence level with their marginal effects. Given the cumulative normal function, φ
(β/x) and the probabilities we can estimate the associated marginal effects and examine in what
direction those effects are exerted.

An examination of Table 4.14.1 indicates that ratio, training relationship with job and previous
training is the dominant explanatory variables with the t statistic and probability values. Ratio is
most significant variable with t value of 6.899 (probability value of 0.00) indicating that a higher
ratio leads to greater probability of performing a better degree of competence in the job level, i.e.,
a greater value in y. Note that the estimated coefficient has no direct interpretation but can be used
to calculate probabilities of getting different letter grades and their corresponding marginal

Table 4.14.1: Estimate of the Ordered Probit Model

Variable Estimated Coefficient Standard Error t statistics P value

Constant -4.027 0.541 -7.448 0.00
gender 0.028 0.117 0.242 0.809
age -0.12 0.254 1.002 0.754
Year of education 0.358 0.854 0.468 0.965
training relationship 0.429** 0.115 3.734 0.00
ratio 1.889** 0.274 6.899 0.00
previous training 1.589** 0.012 5.269 0.001
experience 0.254 0.321 1.054 0.754
curriculum 0.698** 0.135 3.727 0.000
duration -0.156 0.187 -0.836 0.403
Application 3.542** 0.254 8.254 0.001
µ1 1.293 0.108 11.997 0.00
µ2 2.541 0.129 19.632 0.00
Number of Observations = 59; Likelihood Ratio (zero slope) = 190.124 [p value: 0.000]; Log
likelihood value = 218.002, Scaled R-squared = 0.397

Another important explanatory variable is the dummy variable training relationship with job.
When relationship = 0, training has no relationship with trainee’s job responsibility; when it is
equals 1, the training is perfectly compatible with trainee’s job responsibility. Given the large t
statistic (3.734) and small probability value (0.0), it implies that the probability for a trainee with
perfect relationship of training with job responsibility, all other factors held constant, to receive an
excellent level competence is greater. Similarly curriculum and application of training knowledge
also found a positive function of trainee’s competence level. The estimated coefficient of duration,
age, years of education, experience and gender (dummy variable with value of 0 for female and 1
for male) is insignificant with a t statistic and p values. Furthermore, prior training program in the
same or any areas has strong significant impact on trainee’s competence accomplishment.
Although we are now able to estimate marginal impact of all significant variables here we are
presenting our marginal analysis of ratio only.

Table 4.14.2 Impact of ratio on competence levels

∂ Pr obability of competence level

Competence level ∂ ratio
excellent 0.698
Very good 0.0425
good -0.507
fair -0.133
poor -0.989
Sum of the ≈0
Marginal Probabilities

The estimated threshold variables ( µ1 and µ1 ) are very significant indicating the ordered probit
model with 5 different competence levels are highly appropriate. Scaled R-squared, a nonlinear
transformation of the constrained and unconstrained maximum likelihood values, is a good
measure of fit. A value of a 0.397 is considered satisfactory for a large cross-section data set of 59
trainees. The probability value of 0.000 for the likelihood ratio indicates that the explanatory
variables used in the probit model are appropriate.

Table 4.14.2 reports the marginal effects that an increase of one unit of the continuous explanatory
variable ratio has on competence level of trainee. Notice that the sum of the marginal effect equals
zero. Marginal effects indicate that if ratio increases by one unit , the probability of performing
one of the better level of competence (excellent or very good) in the course goes up by 69.8% and
4.25% respectively, while the chances of performing one of the poorer levels (fair or poor) goes
down by 13.3% and 98.8 % respectively. This shows the training’s strength on the relationship
between ratio (ratio between number of employee participated in the NAPD training program to
total number of employee within section or department) and the accomplishing excellent
competence level in the job place, illustrating clearly that organization with greater number of
employee’s with NAPD’s training have a superior chance of obtaining an excellent level of
competence and efficiency in terms of service delivery or planning new tasks when compared to
organization with smaller number employee’s with NAPD training.

4.6 Measuring the impact and feedback of the trainee on other parameters

Employee training is a specialized function and is one of the fundamental operative functions for
enhancing productivity and competence. After an employee is selected, placed and introduced he
or she must be provided with training facilities. Most of the training of this study is a short-term
educational or professional process and utilized a systematic and organized procedure by which
employees learnt technical knowledge and skills for a definite purpose.

Table 4.15 : Impact on other parameters

Type Impact Value measured at 5 point Likert scale

Yes No Mean Max value Minimum

(%) (%) value(sd) value
Training is related with job responsibilities 88 12 3.95 5 1
Curriculum is related with job 69 31 3.95 5 1
Organization selection bias 51 49 3.84 5 2
Logistic support of NAPD 79 21 4.28 5 3
Training period is sufficient or not 46 54 3.58 5 1
Training has global focus 28 72 2.58 5 1
Opportunity to apply training skill 67 33 3.98 5 1
- -
Need another training 100 0 -
When should take another training n.a. n.a. 6.5* 12 *
*= measured in month, sd- standard deviation; N=59

Table 4.15 presents other parameters of measuring impact of NAPD training. As can be observed

from the table, 88% respondents claimed that the training is job related while 69% answered that

curriculum is related with job and 79% noticed in favor of logistic support of NAPD. The

maximum mean value on 5 point scale for logistic support of NAPD is 4.28 and minimum is 2.97.

It was relevant to find out whether the respondents felt the need for further training. Based on the

responses above, all respondents representing 100% of entire sample revealed a need for further

training. Based on the demand of jobs and profession specific ICT skills, most of the trainee’s

emphasizes training on technology which presents ever changing customer and public demands for

which they have to cope with. This in their opinion calls for frequent training so as to keep up-to-date

in all situations.

Table 4.16. Relevance of training to respondents’ actual work/job responsibility

Response No. of Trainee Percent

Not relevant at all 8 13.55
Not relevant 4 6.77
Not sure 3 5.08
Effective 20 33.89
Very effective 24 39.52
Total 59 100.00

The figure 4.16 reports results from the relevance of the trainings received by the respondents to
their work. Majority of the respondents reported clear relationship of these trainings on their work
responsibility. This result is in line with the result earlier reported on the selection of respondents
for training which revealed that most of these respondents were selected on joining the institutes
they work for and compulsory training for all employees. This indicates that HRM division puts a
lot of emphasis on training that will add value to and thus relevant to the current work for those
selected for training.

4.7 FGD Findings

A total of four Focus Group Discussion (FGD) was conducted. The first two FGDs were conducted with the
trainee, supervisor subordinate and peer. The third FGD was conducted with trainee and spouse
and the fourth FGD was made with the clients or service receiver. The findings of the first and
second FGDs are similar, so the findings of these two are presented collectively. The findings of
the third and fourth FGDs are presented separately.

The participants were asked questions on the thematic area of the study viz. how much training of
NAPD has increased the professional competency, behavioral change and ethical issues of the
trainee. Further the participants were motivated to highlight some strengths and weakness of
training program(s) of NAPD and finally we seek some suggestions for the betterment of training
program of NAPD. The findings of FGD 1 and 2 are given below:

Professional Competency: When the moderator asked whether the training of NAPD has
increased their professional competency or not they all answered that directly and indirectly the
training has increased the competency to some extent. Either directly or indirectly, again when the
trainee’s were asked whether the training is directly related to their job responsibilities they
claimed that there is no technical relationship but there is general relationship with the job and the

Behavioral Change: The trainees were asked how much of their behavior has been changed
through the training of NAPD. They responded that their behavior had been changed dramatically
after receiving training from NAPD, especially on time management and the changed behavior
was sustained till to some months. To retain that behavior they need training at least once in a
year. The supervisor, subordinate and peer also agreed to the trainee.

Ethical issues: The third question was on ethical issues. The trainees were asked to what extent
they realize a change in their ethical concern after completion their training program. All trainees
opined that public service and accountability aspects have been raised in their mind through the
training. The supervisor, subordinate and peer’s explicit evaluation also substantiate the claim of

The major strengths of training program(s) of NAPD uttered by the participants are:

►Time management
►Punctuality of the trainer
►Clean and beautiful training environment
►Efficient event management

The most weakness aspects of training program(s) of NAPD uttered by the participants are:

►Less duration of training

►Unrelated of training with the job
►Course contents are limited
►Insufficient accommodation

The suggestions given by the participants are:

►Incentive should be given after completion of training
►Training duration should be extended
►Training curriculum should be enlarged
►Selection of training should be based on the nature of training and the job of the trainee.

The findings of FGD 3 are given below:

Professional Competency: The moderator first asked to spouses whether they know about the
training of their husband from NAPD or not. The two spouses answered same and informed that
they know about the training. Secondly they asked do they think that the training of NAPD has
increased the competence of their husbands in their job or not. The two spouses agreed that
competence of their husband has been increased by training of NAPD. The moderator seek the
opinion of the two trainee about the answers of their respective spouse. They all two agreed with
the answers of their spouse.

Behavioral change:

The spouses opined that the behavior of their respective husband has been changed positively after
receiving training from NAPD specially their patience and humanity have been increased. Further
they expressed that the trainee rightly maintain their office duties and their thoughts have been
broadened. Most trainees thought that training has excellent positive role of changing behavior

Ethical issues: The moderator asked the spouses whether they think that the ethical aspects viz
(office time maintain, honesty) of their respective husband has been increased after training from
NAPD or not. They two opined that ethical aspects of their respective husband was strong before
training but after training it has become more strong specially time management and transparency
and accountability. The trainee also thanks them for giving true answer.

Suggestions: They suggest frequently training at least once in a year for fifteen days duration to
change the competency, behavior and ethical aspects positively of the employee. Further the
financial incentive positional opportunity should be extended with training.

The findings of FGD 4 are given below:

Professional competency: The moderator first asked whether they know about the recent
training program of NAPD where a service delivery officer is participated or not. Among the eight
participants six answered yes and two answered no. Secondly they were asked to answer if the
training of NAPD has increased the competence of their service delivery officer. Five of them
answered that competence has increased to some extent but unable to provide any quantitative
measurement in favor of increased degree of competency.

Behavioral Change: The clients opined that after training the behavior of their service delivery
officer has changed and widen in terms of “people first” and becomes more punctual in service

Ethical issues: The moderator asked the clients whether they think that the ethical aspects viz
(integrity, honesty) of their respective service delivery officer has been increased after receiving
training from NAPD or not. They all opined that ethical aspects of their officer have improved in
terms of transparency and accountability on the utilization of public funds .

Suggestions: They suggest more training on service related aspects for increasing the competency
of their service delivery officer.


5.1 Discussion

In the real world, organizational growth and development is affected by a number of factors. In light

with the present research during the development of organizations, employee training plays a vital role

in improving performance as well as increasing productivity. This in turn leads to placing

organizations in the better positions to face competition and stay at the top. This therefore implies an

existence of a significant difference between the organizations that train their employees and

organizations that do not. Most of the benefits derived from training are easily attained when training

is planned. Therefore, planned and need based training is the deliberate intervention aimed at achieving

the learning necessary for improved job performance (Kenney & Reid, 1986). Before making our

policy suggestion here we need to envisage the reasons of NAPD training success and key findings of

our study. Based on our questionnaire survey and FGD, the major reasons behind the success of NAPD

training program is documented in the next section followed by key findings which is a key outcome

of our quantitative analysis.

Reasons given for increasing professional competency level

1. Enhance the knowledge on strategic planning to implement the short run and long run tasks
2. Enhance the role of leadership skills and application of leadership quality in the working
3. Excellent and impressive instructors who delivered lessons efficiently and has strong
communication skill
4. Most of the programs include much conceptual knowledge’s and skills for professional
5. More emphasize on management capacity and managerial efficiency
6. Excellent time management attitude and its application during the training period
7. Favorable to build and implement culture of team work
8. Governance issues also focused for professional competence
Reasons given for changing behavioral attitude positively by NAPD training:
1. More focus to maintain the office time and rules of business
2. Enhance positive thinking towards completion of task in the workplace
3. Improving excellent communication skill
4. Adaptation towards the comply with the professional norms, rules and regulations
5. Issues of value and sincerity also focused
6. Proactive, hard working and attitude towards reaching to the target of “people and country

Reasons given for changing ethical concern by NAPD training:

1. Sense of accountability and honesty in the practical level has broadly enhanced
2. Focus and importance on “people and country first”
3. Prioritize proper utilization of public fund and patriotism
4. Particular emphasize on the issues of transparency and anticorruption
5. Lesson on how to perform responsibilities with confidence and without fear
6. Ethical dimension of time management skills and how it influences the ethics
responsibilities of an official and service delivery.

5.2 Key findings

►Of the 59 trainee’s, 79% claims that program has increased their overall competence and
efficiency level in their job sector. This pattern is also true for all sample (129) categories where
73 % claims that training has created a significant positive impact on overall competence level.

►Regarding course contents, ten programs contain average 64% competence components and
about 36% behavioral and ethical issues. Both transparency accountability and good governance
and e-governance programs do contain below average level of competence components but
contain maximum (56%) contents of behavioral and ethical components.

►Concerning the impact on competence parameter when value is measured at 5 point Likert
scale, 67 % trainee affirm their competence achievement on excellent level, 27 % on very good
and only 9 % of trainee claim that a good or fair level of competence they gained from NAPD
training program.

► An evaluation of competence achievement, most of the service receivers (57%) and

subordinates (63%) claim that trainee’s competence level has increased by the NAPD training
program while 67% peers and 68% supervisors opined competence level has not increased after
completing training program.

► With reference to the evaluation of competence level, there is a competence gap exists between
potential and actual competence level and it is found significant. Lack of need assessment, little
scope to apply achieved knowledge in the workplace and selection bias of trainee is the main
reason of competence gap in the job place.

►Of the 59 trainee’s, 83% claims that program has changed their ethical and behavioral concern
positively in their job sector, 56 % trainee affirm their change on excellent level, 36 % on very
good and only 8 % of trainee claim that a good or fair level of change they achieved from NAPD
training program.

► In relation to the determinants of competence level, OLS results show that ratio of employee
(Ratio between number of employee participated in the NAPD training program to total number of
employee within section or department), whether training is job related and previous training
variables are most significant determinants to influence trainee’s competence and efficiency level.

► OPM results also show that ratio of employee (Ratio between number of employee participated
in the NAPD training program to total number of employee within section or department), whether
training is job related, scope of application, curriculum , duration and previous training variables
are most significant determinants to influence trainee’s competence level.

► FGD findings also substantiate the regression results and show that little scope of application of
training knowledge, selectivity bias, lack of need assessment, short duration of training program,

accommodation facility are the main determinants of competence and ethical and behavioral

►Of the ten programs of our study, the best programs confirming excellent level of Office
Management, leadership and strategic planning, SPPM and Project Formulation, Appraisal and

►Of the ten programs of our study, the best programs confirming a positive change in the
trainee’s ethical and behavioral concern are office management, management skills for executive,
financial management leadership and strategic planning, transparency accountability and good
governance and E-Governance and E-Commerce

5.3 Conclusion
The importance of training on employee’s efficiency in the market based competitive world has
been highlighted in the existing literatures and emphasizes how training can be linked with
competence, ethics and behavioral concern. Thus, it is essential to examine any issues related to
training and development in any business sector. As we set objectives, the purpose of this study is
to examine the effects of NAPD training program on employee performance with emphasize on
competence, ethical and behavioral concern. Moreover, sub goals are developed to facilitate a
clear achievement of the purpose of the study. These include (1) review of training areas and
curriculum, logistic supports and methods of imparting training, (2) assessment of competency
level of the trainee through questionnaire and in depth interview, (3) Measuring the level of
behavioral and ethical changes of the trainee, and finally (4) examine the overall effects of training
on employee performance.

The review of training course curriculum of NAPD revealed that there is a limitation of course
contents in terms of getting desired level of competency, behavioral change and the ethical
development of the trainee at the end of training programs. The analysis of collected data reported
in this study suggests that trainings provided by NAPD have a positive impact on the
competency, behavioral change and also ethical change of employees with regards to their jobs
responsibility. This result is broadly consistent with prior management literature on training and

development. In order to gain more specific knowledge of training and development from the
sample trainee different questions were presented to the respondents and thus examined. These
questions are focusing on employee participation in training, selection for training, methods of
training and relevance of training to the work of the respondents. The above questions have been
of particular interest because they facilitate an understanding of the training practice in their
working station.

The results from the questions on employee participation in training and selection for training
indicate that the sending authority mostly do not consider the need based assessment of the trainee
and as a result in most cases the learning from training has less opportunity for application in
their job. Further the respondents clarified that the duration of training program in most cases is
very short and that is why there is less impact on changing behavioral and ethical aspects of the
trainee. The findings of the FGD are in line with the findings of quantitative analysis. Considering
the analysis and findings the study recommended some policies for the superior impact of training
programs of NAPD on the participants.

5.4 Policy suggestions

1. NAPD should provide specific but flexible guidelines to the participating organization for a fair
and suitable selection of trainee; even it may verify the selection procedure. Selection bias with
irrelevant matching selection procedure is a reason of inefficient outcome to NAPD and to the
participating organization.

2. The sending authority should assess the needs of training for their employee and then it should
nominate trainee for specific training program at NAPD to meet the needs.

3. The authority of NAPD should extend training module as well as training period to get more
encouraging impact of training provided by it.

4. NAPD may introduce examination system at the end of the training program which may
motivate to the trainee for learning.

5. A feedback should send to the NAPD by a participating organization mentioning how a trainee
applying knowledge’s and techniques in their working place and to what extent it is effective.
Specific policy suggestion to NAPD:

1. Training duration should be extended in between 15 to 20 days.

2. NAPD should arrange/provide accommodation and most of trainees are interested for staying
together during training period
3. Training should be classified (Ex. Project management program for engineer only or leadership
training program for top level executives only)
4. There should be examination system and participants should receive a grade such as excellent,
very good, good and successfully completed.
5. Training program should include or should have more field level application session
6. A participants should submit a working/feedback paper after completion his/her training
program with a clear demonstration where skills/knowledge been applied
7. NAPD should provide a guideline to organization on how to select a trainee and a cover letter
where they are able to apply the training knowledge’s.
8. Trainee should be selected on the basis of their position or level (preferred equal scale or
9. Course contents should be extended and include contents on global competitive outlook.
10. Training program on corporate culture, branding public organization, economic and financial
governance should arrange separately.
11. Profession specific ICT skills such as MATLAB, STATA, R programming should include in

the NAPD training program.

Specific policy suggestion to participating organization

1. Identify and define training needs and perhaps prepare a need based assessment for training

2. Define the learning requirement in terms of what skills and knowledge have to be learnt and
what attitudes need to be changed.

3. Need to set the objectives of the training and how it is directly related with organization’s
development along with trainee’s efficiency.
4. An evaluation of a trainee should complete within own organizational setting and should send a
feedback report to the NAPD within six months of a training program.

5. Participating organization should arrange a post-training workshop so that other employee’s do

know what their peers accomplished.

6. Organization should emphasize on the management – subordinate relationship.

7. Organization may think a reward system, if possible where a trainee should get small financial
or promotional incentive for participating in a training program.

8. Culture of team work and innovative practices should start steadily

9. Should make specific selection policy on how the respondents will be selected for training


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1. Questionnaire
2. Review chart of NAPD course contents on competence, ethical and behavioral concern



Assessment of Professional Competency level, Behavioral and Ethical

Changes through NAPD and its Implication
mplication in Service Delivery

Name Date
Interviewer Interviewer ID Location
Details Questionnaire Interview
ID Duration

Profession Age
Respondent Name of Training Contact Mobile:
Details Program Email:
Training Period Sample

` National Academy for Planning and Development, Bangladesh

Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh
Sample Unit: Trainee

1. Do you think that the training of NAPD has increased your professional competency?
(Put tick mark √)

Yes No
1 0

2. If yes how much impact on professional competency do you think? (Put tick mark √)
Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Poor

5 4 3 2 1

3. If response ranges between 1-3, Please mention two causes which you think:



Please rate your competence level after the training course

Please assign ratings under the following assessment columns on a scale of 1 to 5

Parameter 5 4 3 2 1

Level of knowledge/skills related to the job Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Poor

Confidence in solving problems and making decisions Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Poor

Management of time & priorities Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Poor

Overall productivity & effectiveness in your Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Poor

Change in financial incentives Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Poor

Please rate ethical concern of the training course

Please assign ratings under the following assessment columns on a scale of 1 to 5

Parameter 5 4 3 2 1

provide trainees with an understanding of ethical Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Poor

provide industry/profession –specific areas of ethical Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Poor

provide trainees with organizational ethical Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Poor
expectations and rules

provide trainees with an understanding of their own Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Poor
ethical tendencies

Provides issue of good governance Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Poor

Your concern of anti-corruption & good governance Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Poor

take a realistic view-elaborate in ethical decisions Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Poor

4. Do you think that the training of NAPD has changed your behavior positively?

(Put tick mark √)

Yes No
1 0

5 If yes how much change your behavior positively?

Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Poor

5 4 3 2 1

6 If response ranges between 1-3 , Please mention two causes which you think :


7. Do you think that the training of NAPD has changed your professional ethicality? (Put tick
mark √)

Yes No
1 0

8. If yes, how much impact on professional ethicality do you think?

Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Poor

5 4 3 2 1

9.If response ranges between 1-3 , Please mention two causes which you think :



10. Does the NAPD training linked with your job responsibilities? (Put tick mark √)

Yes No
1 0

12. If yes, please mention in what way it is linked

Very Strongly Moderate Indirectly No

strongly Relationship

5 4 3 2 1

13. If response ranges between 1-3 , Please mention two causes which you think :



14. The curriculum of training was directly connected to the professional competency
behavioral and ethical changes of trainee. (Put tick mark √)

Yes No
1 0
14 If yes , please mention in what way it is linked?

Very Strongly Moderate Indirectly No

strongly Relationship

5 4 3 2 1

15 If response ranges between 1-3 , Please mention two causes which you think :



16. The training methods and techniques are helping in increasing the professional competency,
behavioral and ethical changes of trainee. (Put tick mark √)

Yes No
1 0

17 If yes, what way you can rate the time frequency

Almost Mostly Sometimes Rarely Not at all


5 4 3 2 1

18 If response ranges between 1-3 , Please mention two causes which you think :



19 The behaviors of trainer are helping in increasing the professional competency,

behavioral and ethical changes of trainee (Put tick mark √)

Yes No
1 0

20 If yes, what is the frequency you are following that behavior?

Almost Mostly Sometimes Rarely Not at all

5 4 3 2 1

21 If response ranges between 1-3, Please mention two causes which you think:



22. The logistic supports are sufficient in increasing the professional competency, behavioral
and ethical changes of trainee. (Put tick mark √)

Yes No
1 0

23. If yes how much supporting?

Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Poor

5 4 3 2 1

24. If response ranges between 1-3 , Please mention two causes which you think :



25. Do you think that training period/duration is sufficient to increase the professional
competency, behavioral and ethical changes of a trainee? (Put tick mark √)

Yes No
1 0

26. If yes, then please rate the degree of sufficiency of training period?
Strongly Good Sufficient Sufficient Short Very Short

5 4 3 2 1

27. If response ranges between 1-3, Please mention two causes which you think :



28. Do you feel the need of another training of NAPD after a certain period for increasing and
sustaining your professional Competency level, Behavioral and Ethical Changes?

(Put tick mark √)

Yes No
1 0

29. If yes, please mention when a trainee should join for next training program?


4 years 3 years 2 years 1 year 6 months

30. If not further why, please mention at least two shortcomings of NAPD training




Assessment of Professional Competency level, Behavioral and Ethical

Changes through NAPD and its Implication
Implication in Service Delivery

Name Date
Interviewer Interviewer ID Location
Details Questionnaire Interview
ID Duration

Profession Age
Respondent Name of Training Contact Mobile:
Details Program Email:
Training Period Sample

` National Academy for Planning and Development, Bangladesh

Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh
Sample unit: Supervisor
Please answer the following questions related to your employee’s competency, behavioral
change and ethical aspects after he/she had attended the in-house training programs at NAPD

1. The competency of the employee has been increased from training of NAPD.
(Please put √ tick mark the appropriate column below):
Yes No
1 0

2. If yes, then please mention the level of improvement

Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Poor

5 4 3 2 1

3 If response ranges between 1-3, please indicate as to what in your opinion are the reasons for
the same.



4. Please assign ratings under the two assessment columns on a scale of 1 to 5, the numbers
indicate the following.

Rate your employee’s competence level after the training course

Parameter 5 4 3 2 1

Level of knowledge/skills related to the job Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Poor

Confidence in solving problems and making Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Poor

Management of time & priorities Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Poor

Overall productivity & effectiveness in your Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Poor

Financial incentives to your employee Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Poor
Please rate ethical concern of the training course

Please assign ratings under the following assessment columns on a scale of 1 to 5

Parameter 5 4 3 2 1

provide trainees with an understanding of ethical Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Poor

provide industry/profession –specific areas of ethical Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Poor

provide trainees with organizational ethical Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Poor
expectations and rules

provide trainees with an understanding of their own Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Poor
ethical tendencies

take a realistic view-elaborate in ethical decisions Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Poor

4. How would you rate the effectiveness of the training or course in providing the employee with
new knowledge or skills?

Highly effective Somewhat Somewhat Highly Don’t know

effective ineffective ineffective

5 4 3 2 1

5. How would you rate the effectiveness of the training or course in updating or refining the
knowledge or skills of the employee?

Highly effective Somewhat Somewhat Highly Don’t know

effective ineffective ineffective

5 4 3 2 1
6. How would you rate the effectiveness of the training or course in providing the employee with
strategic approaches to address issues that he/she faced in work place?

Highly effective Somewhat Somewhat Highly Don’t know

effective ineffective ineffective

5 4 3 2 1

7. Whether the trainee is able to put learning into practice, in his/her work place. (Please tick
mark the appropriate column below)

Outstanding Very good Good Fair Poor

5 4 3 2 1

8. After attending the training course: The behavioral aspect and quality of the work done by
employee has improved.

Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree

5 4 3 2 1

9. Employee makes fewer mistakes at work

Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree

5 4 3 2 1

10. Employees make better decision at work place

Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree

5 4 3 2 1

11. Employee’s skills related to work had improved

Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree

5 4 3 2 1
12. What are the post training ethical improvements observed in the trainee?




13. What kind of training does the employee need to be given other than the one listed by
him/her in this questionnaire? Please mention two



14. Any other matter relevant in your opinion that has been not covered in this questionnaire?





Assessment of Professional Competency level, Behavioral and Ethical

Changes through NAPD and its Implication
Implication in Service Delivery

Name Date
Interviewer Interviewer ID Location
Details Questionnaire Interview
ID Duration

Profession Age
Respondent Name of Training Contact Mobile:
Details Program Email:
Training Period Sample

` National Academy for Planning and Development, Bangladesh

Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh
Sample Unit: Peer

1. Do you know whether your colleague has participated in any training program or not?

Yes No
1 0

If yes
Name of the program
When he/she has participated
Under which organization

2. Competency level of your colleague increases due to NAPD Training

Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree

5 4 3 2 1

Please rate ethical concern of the training course

Please assign ratings under the following assessment columns on a scale of 1 to 5

Parameter 5 4 3 2 1

provide trainees with an understanding of ethical Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Poor

provide industry/profession –specific areas of ethical Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Poor

provide trainees with organizational ethical Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Poor
expectations and rules

provide trainees with an understanding of their own Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Poor
ethical tendencies

take a realistic view-elaborate in ethical decisions Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Poor
3. Training and development boost up the morale of the employees

Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree

5 4 3 2 1

4. Training and development reduce the stress of the employees

Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree

5 4 3 2 1

5. Skilled employees performance and productivity is more than the unskilled employees

Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree

5 4 3 2 1

6. Performance and productivity increase due to the ability of the employees

Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree

5 4 3 2 1

7. Performance and productivity increase due to the enhanced competency of the employees

Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree

5 4 3 2 1

8. High morale employees give better performance

Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree

5 4 3 2 1

9. Performance and productivity increase due to the job knowledge

Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree

5 4 3 2 1

10. Performance and productivity increase due to the technique of job

Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree

5 4 3 2 1

11. Performance and productivity increase due to the positive attitude of employees

Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree

5 4 3 2 1

12. Do you think any financial incentive of your colleague has received or receiving after
completion of the training?
Yes No
1 0

13. If yes, are you able to provide any quantitative measurement (approximately what %

% Change Gross Change



Assessment of Professional Competency level, Behavioral and Ethical

Changes through NAPD and its Implication
Implication in Service Delivery

Name Date
Interviewer Interviewer ID Location
Details Questionnaire Interview
ID Duration

Profession Age
Respondent Name of Training Contact Mobile:
Details Program Email:
Training Period Sample

` National Academy for Planning and Development, Bangladesh

Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh
Sample Unit: Client (Service Receiver)

Assessing /Evaluating Parameter: Competency

1. Do you know that your service delivery officer have recently participated in a training
program of NAPD?

Certainly Know Somewhat know Guess Not sure Don’t know

5 4 3 2 1

2. Have you seen any application on your service delivery officer that s/he learnt from the
training from of NAPD?

Yes No
1 0

3. How would you rate the effectiveness of the training in providing you existing service with
new knowledge or skills?

Highly effective Somewhat Highly ineffective Somewhat Don’t know

effective ineffective

5 4 3 2 1

4. How would you rate the effectiveness of the training or course in updating or refining the
service delivery knowledge or skills that you already had faced?

Highly effective Somewhat Highly ineffective Somewhat Don’t know

effective ineffective

5 4 3 2 1
5. How would you rate the effectiveness of the training or course in providing you service with
strategic approaches to address issues that you faced in service delivery place?

Highly effective Somewhat Highly ineffective Somewhat Don’t know

effective ineffective

5 4 3 2 1

6. Level of knowledge/skills related job performance

Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Poor

5 4 3 2 1

7. Confidence in solving problems and making decisions

Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Poor

5 4 3 2 1

8. Management of time & priorities

Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Poor

5 4 3 2 1

9. Overall productivity & effectiveness in providing service to you

Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Poor

5 4 3 2 1

Please rate ethical concern of your service delivery officer

Please assign ratings under the following assessment columns on a scale of 1 to 5

Parameter 5 4 3 2 1

provide services with an understanding of ethical Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Poor

His/her concern about industry/profession –specific Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Poor
areas of ethical concern

His/her service performance satisfying organizational Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Poor
ethical expectations and rules

Has an understanding of his/her own ethical Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Poor

take a realistic view-elaborate in ethical decisions Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Poor

10. Please assign ratings to the following statements on a scale of 1 to 5.

The quality of the work has improved.

Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree

5 4 3 2 1

Service delivery officer makes fewer mistakes at work

Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree

5 4 3 2 1

Self-confidence has increased.

Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree

5 4 3 2 1

Motivation for working has improved.

Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree

5 4 3 2 1

Suggest more frequent changes in work routine.

Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree

5 4 3 2 1

Take advantage of opportunities to practice my newly acquired skills.

Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree

5 4 3 2 1

Workmates/peers can learn from him/her

Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree

5 4 3 2 1

11. Do you recommend other service delivery officer to participate in the same training program

Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree

5 4 3 2 1

12. Do you recommend your service delivery officer to participate in the different training

Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree

5 4 3 2 1

13. Do you feel that if any other topic/subject, if included in the NAPD program would have
helped your service delivery officer in his/her work environment?

Yes No
1 0

14. If yes what kind of topic/subject?



Assessment of Professional Competency level, Behavioral and Ethical

Changes through NAPD and its Implication
Implication in Service Delivery

Name Date
Interviewer Interviewer ID Location
Details Questionnaire Interview
ID Duration

Profession Age
Respondent Name of Training Contact Mobile:
Details Program Email:
Training Period Sample

` National Academy for Planning and Development, Bangladesh

Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh
Sample Unit: Subordinates

1. Was the overall training course beneficial to your officer’s work?

Yes No
1 0

2. If “yes,” please explain why it was beneficial. If “no” or “don’t know,” please try to explain why


3. Is there any specific knowledge he has used on your work after the training course?

Yes No
1 0

4. If “yes,” please provide at least one concrete example. If “no” or “don’t know,” please try to
explain why not.


Rate your officer’s competence level after the training course

Parameter 5 4 3 2 1

Level of knowledge/skills related to the job Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Poor

Confidence in solving problems and making Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Poor

Management of time & priorities Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Poor

Overall productivity & effectiveness in your Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Poor

Financial incentives to your officer Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Poor
Please rate ethical concern of your officer

Please assign ratings under the following assessment columns on a scale of 1 to 5

Parameter 5 4 3 2 1

provide services with an understanding of ethical Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Poor

His/her concern about industry/profession –specific Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Poor
areas of ethical concern

His/her service performance satisfying organizational Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Poor
ethical expectations and rules

Has an understanding of his/her own ethical Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Poor

take a realistic view-elaborate in ethical decisions Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Poor

5. Has he used the materials since he participated in the training course/seminar?

Yes No
1 0

6. If yes, please explain what materials he has used for what purpose. If “no” or “don’t know,”
please try to explain why not.


7. Did he incorporate anything else he learned in the training course into your work?

Yes No
1 0

8. If “yes,” please provide at least one concrete example.


If “no” or “don’t know,” please try to explain why not.

9. Is there anything which has changed your perception, attitude or behavior as a result of the
training course?

Yes No
1 0

10. If “yes,” please provide at least one concrete example.


11. What kind of follow up support would you think help him to help you do your work better?


12. Do you have any recommendation or other comments on the training course?



Assessment of Professional Competency level, Behavioral and Ethical

Changes through NAPD and its Implication
Implication in Service Delivery

Name Date
Interviewer Interviewer ID Location
Details Questionnaire Interview
ID Duration

Profession Age
Respondent Name of Training Contact Mobile:
Details Program Email:
Training Period Sample

` National Academy for Planning and Development, Bangladesh

Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh
Sample Unit: Spouse

1. Do you know that your spouse have recently participated in a training program of NAPD?

Certainly Know Somewhat know Guess Not sure Don’t know

5 4 3 2 1

2. Have you seen any application on your spouse that s/he learnt from the training from of

Yes No
1 0

Rate your employee’s competence level after the training course

Parameter 5 4 3 2 1

Level of knowledge/skills related to the job Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Poor

Confidence in solving problems and making Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Poor

Management of time & priorities Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Poor

Overall productivity & effectiveness in your Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Poor

Financial incentives to your spouse Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Poor

Please rate ethical concern of your spouse

Please assign ratings under the following assessment columns on a scale of 1 to 5

Parameter 5 4 3 2 1

provide services with an understanding of ethical Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Poor
His/her concern about industry/profession –specific Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Poor
areas of ethical concern

His/her service performance satisfying organizational Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Poor
ethical expectations and rules

Has an understanding of his/her own ethical Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Poor

Share/talk about a realistic view of ethical decisions in Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Poor

3. How would you rate the effectiveness of the training program with new knowledge or skills?

Highly effective Somewhat Somewhat Highly Don’t know

effective ineffective ineffective

5 4 3 2 1

4. How would you rate the effectiveness of the training or course in providing you strategic
approaches to address issues that you faced in family level?

Highly effective Somewhat Somewhat Highly Don’t know

effective ineffective ineffective

5 4 3 2 1

5. Level of knowledge/skills related job performance

Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Poor

5 4 3 2 1

6. Confidence in solving problems and making decisions

Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Poor

5 4 3 2 1

7. Management of time & priorities

Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Poor

5 4 3 2 1

8. Overall productivity & effectiveness in providing family service to you

Outstanding Very Good Good Fair Poor

5 4 3 2 1

9. Please assign ratings to the following statements on a scale of 1 to 5, the numbers indicate the

The quality of your spouse in the work place has improved.

Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree

5 4 3 2 1

Your spouse makes fewer mistakes at work

Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
5 4 3 2 1

Self-confidence has increased.

Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
5 4 3 2 1

Motivation for working has improved.

Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
5 4 3 2 1

Suggest more frequent changes in work routine.

Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
5 4 3 2 1

Take advantage of opportunities to practice newly acquired skills.

Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree
5 4 3 2 1

Workmates/peers can learn from him/her

Strongly Agree Agree Indifferent Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree

5 4 3 2 1

10. What specific individual gain (if not mentioned above) you would mention from the training
program for your spouse?



11. Does training always make employees (your spouse) show the positive attitude towards

Yes No
1 0
12. Do you think your spouse’s financial incentives increase after participation in the training

Yes No
1 0

FGD Location: No. of Participants:

Coordinator: Duration:

FGD Agenda

Does Training helps to increase the motivation level of employees?

Does Training enable employees more productive?

Training program helped to increase the productivity of both quality and quantity?

Does the Training course include the special challenges faced by managers and or officers?

Does the Training program enable the employees to be accountable and authoritative in making

Does the Training method focus on developing team work and leadership skills?

Provide services with an understanding of ethical judgment

His/her concern about industry/profession –specific areas of ethical concern

His/her service performance satisfying organizational ethical expectations and rules

Has an understanding of his/her own ethical tendencies

Take a realistic view-elaborate in ethical decisions

Does the developmental activity helps the management in identifying, analyzing, forecasting and
planning changes needed in organization’s other areas?

Do you agree that the training program helped you to pick up new technical skills?

Do you agree that the training program helped you to develop leadership skills?
Do you agree that the training program helped you to develop soft skills like communications
skills, team work skills etc.?

Do you agree that after attending the training program, you can perform better at your job?

Do you agree that the training program helped you to develop customer service skills?

Do you agree that attending the training program has improved your chances of getting

Were the topics covered in the program relevant, interesting and pertinent to your work?
Competence, efficiency and aptitudes dimension of training program and course outline and training module relevant with twenty-first century
global competitive environment

■ Quality awareness, Clarity, Simplicity, Speed, Inquisitiveness, Adaptability, Listening ability, Communication skills, Leadership and Involvement,
Taking risk, Involvement with social media and ITC based service delivery, Effectiveness, Social skills, Independence, Ability to use experience,
Ability to further education and training, Analytical capability, organizational reform, organizational performance, risk management,
planning for new services, efficacy of training interventions in closing knowledge and skill gaps and to assess and improve training,
selection of new staff, individual performance improvement, supervision, time management

Attitude and behavioral aspects of training program

■ Sense of renewal, esteem, empathy, sense of time, people first, care to service recipients, efficient public service delivery, recipient
satisfaction, financial prudence, management of public funding, attitudes of the public manager in relation to colleagues and the
public, as well as in relation to self (proxy variable will be used, personal accountability, integrity, professional objectivity, openness
to information, promote and support leadership, support

Value and ethical dimension of training program and training contents

■Integrity, Accountability, Transparency, Equity, Nondiscrimination, Good governance, Anti corruption issues, Commitment, Professionalism,
Reliability, General interest, liability and ethics share,
Program Name Human Office Strategic Planning Management Project Feasibility Financial Monitoring and
Resource Management and Project skills Evaluation of
And Appraisal Management Development
Management Management
For Executive Project


Values & Good Transparency Accountability Profession Accountability Accountability Accountability

Ethical governance
alism Transparency,

Attitudes and Team Personal Personal Team No Financial Sense of

Behavior building accountability building prudence, time
leadership Leadership Management
Time of public
managem funding

Competence Conceptual Communication Technical Personal Technical Conceptual Conceptual

and efficiency skill skill Technical Skill
Conceptual Conceptual
Competency Self
Program Name Transparency E-Governance
Accountability Project Formulation And
IMED Monitoring Management ,Appraisal and EIA
Leadership and Strategic and Reporting And Good Research E-Commerce
Planning Procedure Governance Methodology


Transparency Accountability

Good governance Accountability Good

Integrity Governance
Anticorruption Accountability Governance Accountability Integrity
Values & Ethical
dimension Transparency Anticorruption Anticorruption

leadership Openness to
Efficient public information
Team building
Time financial service delivery
Esteem Management prudence Financial
prudence, Attitude
Attitudes and Management of Sense of developme
Behavior public funding awareness nt

Leadership Conceptual Technical
Competence Analytical
and efficiency Innovative Conceptual Technical Conceptual And conceptual ability Conceptual

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