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MTES Ref No.


26 November 2019


Regional Executive Director
Department of Agriculture- Regional Field Office I
2500 City of San Fernando, La Union

THRU : Regional Technical Committee on Land- Use Matter (RTECLUM)

Dear Director Alviar:

This is to follow-up our letter dated September 11, 2019 and requesting your good
Office a copy of the report/ findings of the ground validation conducted on June 4-7,
2019 over the area applied for Exploration Permit of Ms. Clemencia A. Padre.

Moreover, we appreciate very much if a Certification on the status of the subject area be
provided to this Office for our guidance to facilitate its processing.

We have attached a copy of the said letter for your guidance and reference.

Thank you and best regards.

Very truly yours,

OIC, Regional Director

Encl: as stated

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