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MALAYSIAN Ms 1480:2019 STANDARD Food safety according and Critical Control Po (Second revision)’ Ics: 67.020 Descriptors: fod, safety, definition, corrective actions, critical contro! pons, cca im, document ‘conta. vesfeaton, HACCP study, planning, operation © Copyright 2019 DEPARTMENT OF STANDARDS MALAYSIA DEVELOPMENT OF MALAYSIAN STANDARDS. The Department of Standards Malaysia (Standards Malaysia) is the national starlgards and accreditation body of Malaysia sana, 4 and accreditation as a means of advancing the national economy, promgting industrial etceney and development, benefiing the heath ard safety ofthe pub, otectng the consumers, fetta domestic and terol wade ard futher etematonal cooperation in relation to standards and standardisation <4 y Cat Malaysian Standards (MS) are developed through consensus, by eomyrittees which comprise balanced representation of producers, users, consumers and otherg with relevant interests, as may be appropriate to the subject at hand. To the giéalést“extent possible, Malaysian Standards are aligned to or are adoption of intemationa sidhdards. Approval ofa standard as 8 Melaysian Standard is governed by the Standard Malaysia Act 1098 Act 640], Malaysian Standards are reviewed periodically, The use of — ‘Standards is voluntary except in so far as they are made mandatory by regulaory“authosties by means of regulations, local by- laws or any other similar way > y ys. Zé i* “ For further information on Malaysian Sandip, Developed by: please contact: stn . Department of Standards Malayéia SIRIM Berhad Level 1 & 2, Block 2300, Centyry'Squre (Company No. 387474 - V) Jalan Usahawan . 4, Persiaran Dato’ Menteri 63000 Cyberjaya a4 Section 2, P. 0. Box 7035 Selangor Darul Ehsan %_%, 40700 Shah Alam MALAYSIA que Selangor Darul Ensan yr MALAYSIA Tet. 6038318 0092, “C Fax: 60.3 8319 311 yw hit iwun sm gov E-mai: central@jgm. govmy Licensed to SIRIM STS Sdn. Bhd. use only; Date: 24/3/2019; Single user license only;copying and networking prohibited. MS 1480:2019 Contents Committee representation... Foreword. Introduction 1 Scope 2 Normative references...... 3 Terms and definitions, 4 General requirement 5 Pre-requisite programmes... 6 HACCP system requirements 7 Operation, maintenance and impr of the HACCP system pact? 8 Application of the HACCP system... nnn 4 BIDHOGTEBEY evn ennvnigs Ninninnrnmnni sen BA (© STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2019- Allrights reserved i Licensed to SIRIM STS Sdn. Bhd, use only; Date: 24/3/2019; Single user license only;copying and networking prohibited MS 1480:2019 Committee representation samt {he nay Snr Conmes on Fut, Foal Pet a Fo Safety (SCL duce i nr Sre ens St ees fon SS ue ease tment of Agriculture Malaysia iment of Chemistry, Malaysia apartment of Standards Malaysia nt of Veterinary Services Agricultural Marketing Authority Federation of Malaysian Manufactures © Jabatan Kemajvan Islam Malaysia. f laysian Agicultural Research and Development institute Ly Malaysian Association of Standards Users Malaysian Iestlute of Food Teemology oY Malaysian Palm Ol Boars inate Heats yea a Misty of international Trade and industry cy SIRI Bemad (Secreta) See careers) r Sieceeteate ayi Q Universi Pura Malaysia Depart ere Masa ~ Oumar Puan ver soee Q reson ftir enforce C4 My eatin Sar ere Malaysian institute of Food Teanay/ a Urivort Kebangeaan Ml Univer Pura Maligny < AY oe 3} o 4 nd ii © STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2019 Allrights reserved Licensed to SIRIM STS Sdn. Bhd. use only; Date: 24/3/2019; Single user license only;copying and networking prohibited Foreword A ‘This Malaysian Standard was developed by the Techical Committee on Food Safty os under the authority of the Industry Standards Committee on Food, Food Produc Safely = = Major modifications in this revision are as follows: { Xe 2) reposition of clauses for better reading flow, ? Lf p b)_ amendments on clauses in order to improve the indertancigs A f ¢) inclusion of new terms and definitions and amendments ‘of! Hcgine of the tems and definitions; ry d) amendments on the Hazard Analysis Worksheet ‘a palates material; and ad ©) Annex A has been deleted. as This Malaysian Standard cancels and replaces fren 2007, Food safety according to hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) (First revision) e, Compliance with a Malaysian Standard pop ett itself confer immunity from legal obligations. é {© STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2019 - Alrights reserved a Licensed to SIRIM STS Sdn. Bhd, use only; Date: 24/3/2019 Single user license only;copying and networking prohibited MS 1480:2019 Introduction ‘The Food Hygiene Regulations 2009 requires food premises to have a food safet jurance programme. This standard can be used as one of the programs required by the tions. Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) system is not a stand-al sm. For HACCP to be effective, it requires management commitment and a solid, foundation of prerequisite programmes such as Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), Good Hygiene Practices (GHP) and other relevant codes of practice. sail SS This Malaysian Standard describes the requirements for food safety acconiijto'the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) system to ensure the safety of food during preparation, processing, manufacturing, packaging, storage, transportation, distribution, handling or offering for sale or supply in any sector of the food chain. 2 Normative references 5 ll, ‘The folowing normative references are indispensable for the’ appligation of ths standard. For Gated reterance, ony the edtion ted apples. For undated Feference, the latest edition ofthe normative references (including ary amendments) appligé. > MS 1514, Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) for fap, “ te 3. Terms and definitions = on For the purposes of this Malaysian Standard t following terms and defnitons appy. %, 3.4 control Pn fr 3.4.4. Control as a noun, means,the.staté wherein correct procedures are being followed ‘and criteria are being met. Se ee eos 3.1.2 Control as a verb, means%to take all necessary actions to ensure and maintain Compliance with criteria established'in the HACCP Plan. 3.2 control measure «.°s, Any action andlor actly joker to prevent a significant food safety hazard or reduce it to an acceptable level. on, & Je 3 é 33 correction” ‘Action taken fo elninate a detected nonconformity, Any getion token to eliminate the ry 1use of nonconformity and to prevent recurrence. ia “.¢ritical Control Point (CCP) - Plat, operational step or stage inthe process at which control can be applied and is essential to prévent a significant food safety hazard or reduce it to an acceptable level. (© STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2019 Allrighls reserved 1 Licensed to SIRIM STS Sdn. Bhd, use only; Date: 24/3/2019 Single user license only; copying and networking prohibited MS 1480:2019 3.6 critica limit Measurable value which separates acceptabilty from unacceptably 3.7 deviation Feallure to meet a critical imit 3.8 establishment ‘Any premises comprising groups of people and facilities that ¥ Involved in the food Preparation, processing, manufacturing, packaging, storage, ti ion, distribution, handling or offering for sale. fy 39 food satey wo i Conditions and practices that preserve the safety of food'against chemical, biological or Physical hazards when its prepared andlor consumed aécofding to is intended use. . 3.10 food safety objective Z ps Specific realistic targets that can be measured slid, achieved within specified time frame by the establishment to support the food safety policy. > pyr 3.11 food safety policy Overt itntons and drecion of ga. ogriston related to food safety as fomaly expressed by top management is 342 HACCP plan ae aunts Document prepared in accordainge with the HACCP principles to ensure control of hazards significant for food safety in thé prétuct under consideration and its intended use, 3.43 hazard ate ay Biological, chemical of Bfiysical agent in, or condition of, food with the potential to cause an adverse health effect andor hypersensitivity, asa noncoptnaiy Non-fuifilment of aivequirement. 3.15 _pfotess flow diagram Syst fepresentation of the sequence of steps or operations used in the production or manifactfe ofa parteular product pens Lig” “sensitive materials %. Mateials forming pat of a product, e.9. primary produce, additives, processing aids as wel {5 packaging and similar materials that could result in an unacceptable food safety risk to consumers and need to be controlled, 2 (© STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2019- All rights reserved Licensed to SIRIM STS Sdn. Bhd. use only; Date: 24/3/2019, Single user license anly;copying and networking prohibited MS 1480:2019 3.47 significant hazards Hazards that could result in an unacceptable food safety risk to consumers and need to Be controlled. 3.18 traceability xg {Ability to follow the history, application, movement and location of the matériais'gnd products and through specified stage(s) of production, processing and distribution. 3.19 validation é Obtaining evidence that an element of the HACCP plan is effective”... 3.20 verification eae Application of methods, procedures, tests and other evaluations adtion to monitoring, to determine compliance with the HACCP pian. os 4 General requirement a) management responsibility; a7 ) product description; ye 1) the intended use(s) ofthe product and,otental consumers’ abuse; and _, ~ hy, 4.1 Management responsibil d) process flow diagram. 4.1.4 Food safety polfey, and food safety objectives 4AAA The organisaligi's: management with executive responsibility shall define and document its pol iment and resources to ensure products or services provided by the organisation afe safer the consumer, comply with relevant regulatory requirements and supported by meatutable objectives. x 4442 The SBope of the HACCP system shall specify the products/product talegorieggervices and production sites and all activties which are covered by the system from thesboginning tothe end 4.1:4:8°The organisation shall ensure its policy and objectives are relevant to and in Comilianeg withthe business goals ofthe orgarisation and the food safely requirements of cistorhers, authorities and the organisation itself. $4.4 The food safety policy and food safety cbjectves shall be implemented, maintained and communicated within the organisetion and relevant external parties. (© STANOARDS MALAYSIA 2019 Allrighls reserved 3 Licensed to SIRIM STS Sdn. Bhd. use only: Date; 24/3/2019 Single user license only;copying and networking prohibited MS 1480:2019 41.2. Responsibility and authority \ 41.2.1 The management shall: “Se ) appoint a HACCP team and HACCP coordinatoriteam leader baggie, responsiblties and authority shall be defined, documented and communigated:t ensue the effective operation of the HACCP system; Pan ec b) ensure the HACCP coordinator and/or a member of the HACCP team ce fonaty trained in HACCP principles and its appication, ° = 6) rove adequate resources ard traning for the implomentatgh gd cont! ofthe PinceP system ene le a 4) ensure organisation chart including the HACCP team reporting Structure are available; and a 4 garraud €)_ ensure the system to remain effective in futiling fog say requirements, 41.22 The HACOP team shall have e cleat cei esbonsbity and authriy to ) identify and record any problems with regardé:to ‘products, processes and the HACCP system; and S ad ») initiate correction, corrective actions aid Sontrol of nonconforming products until the vy < 6 HACCP syétefnrequirements Z % 61 G Xe jeneraf* Sey The organisation shall establish, document and maintain a HACCP system to ensure that al known jalthazards within the field of application of the HACCP system are identified and that all Significant hazards are controlled in such a manner that the products of the an corgafisalign fo rot harm the user/oonsumer, Jhe,stgatistion shal establish and maintain documentation to the effect thatthe HACCP mis establiched in complance wih the fequiements alld down in hs Malaysian ‘Stafidard. Were the organisation Incorporates the HACCP system into an existing management system, theicrlalonship shell be deserved 6 (© STANDARDS MALAYSUA 2019. All ghts reserved Licensed to SIRIM STS Sdn, Bhd. use only, Date: 24/3/2019 Single user license only:copying and networking prohibited MS 1480:2019 6.2 Procedures of the HACCP system ‘ ‘The organisation shall establish documented procedures and a HACCP plan to ensue consistency and compliance with the requirements of this Malaysian Standafd, and; the Organisation's stated food safety policy and food safety objectives. The organisation’ shall fensure that the documented procedures take into account current issues anddevelopments relating to food safety, including regulatory requirements. 8 6.3 HACCP plan ‘The establishment shall develop @ HACCP plan according to the/seyen principles of the HACCP system. The HACCP plan shall be specific to a praduct/produt catégory/process and location eb 631 Vi The objective of validation is to ensure that the significant hazards identified are complete and correct and that they will be effectively controlled under the proposed HACCP pln. ~ Validation shall be carried out on the following, but nell: arp a) HACCP pan ports inplonetain: —“~ ) control measures: c) critical limits; 4 ) corrective actions; and CA 2) when there are changes to théepéfation (e.g. processes, raw materials, ingredients, packaging, equipment, etc.) that adversely affect food safety. Ry ey 6.3.2 Identification of hazairds"and determination of control measures (Principle 1) Allpotentil hazayds likely to occur within the scope of the HACCP system shall be identified, recorded and assessed according to their severity and likelihood of occurrence. The assessment shall bédaeumiented, ”,% 6.3.22 On theybatis,of the assessment, the significant hazards which require control ‘measures are identified with regard to the stated food safety objectives. The identfication and assessment shal be Based on the requirements described in 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4 Control measutes shall be established for each significant hazard, The control measures’shall prevent the hazard or reduce it to an acceptable level. The control measures shall be mahaged either under PRP(s) or the HACCP plan. 6.3.24 "¥fno suitable method is available for preventing the hazard, or for reducing it to an acceptable level, the process or product shall be modified. S 6. Exdimples of the Hazard Analysis Worksheet formats are given in Figures 1a and 1b, (© STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2019 Allright reserved 7 Licensed to SIRIM STS Sdn. Bhd. use only; Date: 24/3/2013; Single user license only:copying and networking prohibited MS 1480:2019 6.3.3 Determination of Critical Control Points (CCPs) (Principle 2) 4 veoh The determination of a CCP can be facilitated by the application of adecision trée (See Figures 28 and 2), which indicates logic reasoning aporoach It shall be sed as. 2 guidance when determining CCPs. Other approaches may be used. Documentation shill be 2valable to show the determination of te CePs. <> _ There may be more than one COP to address the same signtigant Higzird, or one GCP to address more than one significant hazard, All significant hazards ghall,be controlled by the contro! measures established at one or more CCPs. > /, 6.4 Determination of ertical tim foreach CCP (Principe Sf 6.3.41 Critical limits shall be specified for each CCP. In gomié gases, more than one critical limit will be elaborated at a particular step. Criteria pen finclude measurements: GF temperalue, time, moisture level pH, Aw, avalabl chore ate soneory rameters hich canbe observed, such 8 visual appearance an texte.” é 634.2 Critical limits shall be measurable, HoweVetéif the critical mit is based on subjective data such as visual or non-visual inspection of product, process, handling, ec, it shall be supported by instructions, specifications or validation andor training : me 6.3.43 Critical mits shall be scientifically validated to obtain evidence that hazard control measures ae capable of preventing o reducing Fazafisto an acceptable level ri 6.3.44 _ Establishment may conduct studio valde control measures by themselves or based on existing Iterature (including-regualory and statutory requirements, standards, established guidelines and codes of prauives) or carried out by a third party e.g, cleaning products validated for effective use bythe manufacturer. 6.3.8 Determination of monitoring System for yy A monitoring systeftushiallbe established for each COP relative to its critical limits. ‘The monitoring system shall-eonsist of a sequence of planned measurements or observations ledamonsrte that craig ae met and trends ovords loss of onl ae detected at a cep. \ch CCP (Principle 4) 9p The monitoring! system with the necessary monitoring instructions shall include the following f ban? poe gre 8) what is belag motitored; » thd, including devices used ) monies method, including devices use 6) mofitedg frequency, and . 3), (ec) entrmovsn anvaatg een et 453°” the locaton ofthe monting shall be recorded, where relevent. The montoring nods and frequency shall be capable of identifying any nonconformity in time for the product to be controlled and isolated before it is used or consumed. 8 [© STANOARDS MALAYSIA 2019-- Alright Licensed to SIRIM STS Sdn, Bhd. use only; Date: 24/3/2019: Single user license only;copying and networking prohibited. MS 1480:2019 Monitoring results shall be recorded (see 7.1). Where necessary, process adjustments shall be made when monitoring results indicate trend towards noncontormity at each COP. * 6.3.6 Determination of corrective actions for each CCP (Principle 5) s., 6.36.1 For each COP, spectc, documented corrective actions shall be,establghed to be appied when the monitoring resuit shows that a etical conto pint deviates om the cial its a Corrective actions shall be taken to ensure that the og js brought back into control, and that products manufactured while the CCP was out-of oghtrol are handled according to the procedures established for controling nonconfortiing preducts (see 7.2) Corrective actions taken shall be documented, sa 6.3.7 Determination of verification procedures (Principe a The establishment shall establish and mainfain documented procedures for Verification. The procedures shall include verficationf the onitorig results at each CCP as well as planning and performing periodical verifications fo determine whether the HACCP system is implemented in accordance with the HAGGP plan : 5.172 Votcion cites hin aited " 4) revew ol be HACE so andi cer er ) analysis of (ner) recals and prod dgpositons; Ce ©) assessment ofa contol meas” ) compliance of the actual with thésdocumented process flow diagrams; ¢) analysis o customer and coidumers complains related to food safety: 1 revowand eval ayia aca tan samping ane nas of rods 0) vow of rsuts. imal and ecemal aust ndrgs 09. cusomers, equator bois iy wages patna estos i) review of’ gapsibetween current and desired level of knowledge, awareness and training of staf yith respect to food safety; and ? fh) evaluation of tod 1) conisgrigyot the current documentation 63. ts “Vertiation shall be carried out by the following means: & feview of monitoring activities: b) ‘ternal audit and ©) management review. (© STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2018 - Al ights reserved 9 Licensed to SIRIM STS Sdn. Bhd. use only; Date: 24/3/2019 Single user license only,copying and networking prohibited MS 1480:2019 Internal audit \ The organisation shall conduct intemal audits at planned intervals to determine whether the HACCP system: OMS “ 2) gavoas 1 opened arangeinis oth HACCP aya renuronege Saeed by the organisation, and to the requirements of this standard: and aa. ) is effectively implemented and updated, Qs 63744 An audi programme shall be planed, taking into congdeyation the importance of the processes and areas to be audited, as well as any updating. actins resulting from Previous audits. The aucits criteria, scope, frequency and methodé shall We defined. Selection of aucitors and the conduct of audits shall ensure the cbjctivy.ahd mpartalty of the aud process. Audtors shal not audit their oun work pai } _ The responsibilies and requirements for planniiaand conducting audits, and for reporting resus and maintaining records, sha be defingd iy documented procedure ‘ Where internal auditors are not availabl hin ye organisation, assistance from qualified external sources can be obtained. wd The management responsible forthe ‘prea being audited shall ensure that actions are taken without undue delay to eliminalé’detécted nonconformities and their causes. Follow-up activities shall include the verficatiog’ of the actions taken and the reporting of the verfication results, Management review f The organisation's nse with executive responsibility’ shall review the continuing suitability, adequacy iveness of the HACCP system at defined intervals, ‘of not more than 12 months, to,fulfthe requirements of customers and authorities and to Satisfy the organisation's statédlfoot safety policy and food safety objectives. NOTE." In a situation whate, with exacutve responsibilty is also @ HACCP team coordinator or leader, managethantfovew st needs to be conducted. Managementvéview ‘shall include, but not limited to: a) follow-up actiong rom previous management reviews, é ore ee b) analysis ts of verification activities including intemal audit, external audits and inspections: fe ) charg ifaumstances that can affect food safety; os @)_ merge stuations, accidents and recall & solange of semper ates f) “Féview of communication activities, including authorities, customer feed-back and complaints; and 9) review of PRP activities. 10 (© STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2019-Alrighs reserved Licensed to SIRIM STS Sdn. Bhd. use only; Date: 24/3/2019; Single user license only copying and networking prohibited MS 1480:2019 The data shall be presented in a manner that enables top management to elate the information to stated objectives of the food safety management system, pan ‘ ‘The outcome from the management review shall include decisions and actions related to: ae ‘2)_ assurance of food safety; b) effectiveness of the HACCP system; ¢)._ resource and training needs; and / d) revisions of the organisation's food safety policy and related foodhegfetyobjectves. Records of such reviews shall be maintained, Documentation ‘The organisation shall establish a documented HAWCPYaystem and shall maintain the HACCP system and corresponding documenta OPE to ensure conformity with the requirements ofthis standard and applicable legisatign and regulations. eS Documentation shall be appropriate to the nature and’ size of operation d 6382 Records St Efficient and accurate record-keeping ean othe application ofa HACCP system Records shall be established andmaiffained to provide evidence of conformity to the requirements and effective operation’of’the HACCP system. Records shall remain legible, readily identifiable and retrievable, “%, Control of documenti?and records 63.8.1 A documented prgdedure shal be established to define the controls needed for identification, storage, ‘prBtection, retrieval, retention time and disposal of records. 1d data that relate to the HACCP system shall be reviewed and Docyrherts, approved by a personnel prior to issue and revision, A master list of documents and records identifying the current revision status of documents,and records shall be established and be readily available to preclude the use of obsolete documents and records. 19 waceucs Sy 7.2.4 _ A documented proceduréighiall Be established and maintained to define the handling and control or disposal of nop-onféimning products from presenting a hazard to food safety, Corrective action shall be takethand recorded. 7.2 Control of nonconfo: 7.2.2 The nonconforming pitaduct shall be labelled and it may be reworked, segregated or disposed in @ manner that protects against the contamination of other food thal prot 73 Traceabiltyry mS 7.3.4 The ongahigetion shall establish and apply a traceability system that enabies the identification @fpgoduet lots and thei relation to batches of raw materials, processing and delivery records. > 7.3.2.__ghe traceabilty system shall be able to identify incoming material from the immediate ‘uppliersafid the inal distribution route of the end product. nies i 7.3.3. Traceability records shall be maintained for a defined period for system assessment to"enable"the handling of potentially unsafe products and in the event of product recall, ‘Repords shall be in accordance with statutory and regulatory requirements and customer ‘egjuigements and can be based on the end product lot identification, 7.3.4 Traceability of product is important to ensure an effective and efficient recall system. 2 (© STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2019- Al ighls reserved Licensed to SIRIM STS Sdn. Bhd. use only; Date: 24/3/2019: Single user license only;copying and networking prohibited MS 1480:2019 7.4 Notification and recall ‘ 7.44 The organisation shall establish and maintain documented procedures for notficaldn to the relevant interested parties (authortiesicustomers/consumers), and produt recall in situations where products after delivery are found to present a hazard fo food safety, = 7.42 When establishing the procedures, consideration shall be given,tothe. degree of deta regarding raceaoiy in production and pos. delivery, Recall ysan shall ensue rapid identification and removal of products from the market in a timely manner... purposes other than human consumption, determined to be safe forshiiman consumption, or reprocessed in a manner to ensure their safety. fe 7.4.3 Recalled products shall be held under supervision unti they“are destroyed, used for (or imi Wich are produced under similar conditions, and which thay present a similar hazard to public health, shall be evaluated for safety and may need,to be,redalled. The need for public ? warnings may be considered, dé 7.4.4 Where a product has been recalled because of a ‘tore 2 other products. 7.4.8 The documented procedure for notification iid, rétall shall be evaluated to ensure effectiveness (e.g. mock recall. a “ee 7.8 Control of measuring equipment and methods ae £5, tw 7.8.1. The organisation shall establish gndmaintain a documented procedure (for the control of measuring equipment and methotis used in the monitoring of CCPs and in connection with validation and verification activites ? Ps 7.6.2 The measuring equipment shall be: 2) calibrated or veried at species prior to use against measurement standards receobeinematoral oration measurement andor, ) identified to enable the.galibration status to be determined, ©) protected against damade aiid deterioration; and Cope 6) sfoquaied examen tat wousiveldtthe messes nt 7.5.3 Where po'uich standards exist, the basis used for calibration shall be documented. 7.5.4 MethOds'tised in connection with monitoring, validation and verification of CCPs shall be appropfiate, and it shall ensure that reproducible and repestable results are obtained. Documentation othe reliability of analysis results shall also be available. 7.5.5,°b6 organisation shall assess the validity of the previous measurement results when the ‘equipinent process environment is found not to conform to requirements. The a ‘shall take appropriate action on the process environment and any product i. 7.5.6" If the software system is used in monitoring and measuring within the food safety management system, it shall be validated by the organisation, the software supplier, or third party prior to use. Documented information on validation activities shall be maintained by the ‘organisation and the software shall be updated in a timely manner. ‘© STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2019- All rights reserved 13 Licensed to SIRIM STS Sdn. Bhd. use only; Date: 24/3/2019 Single user license only,copying and networking prohibited MS 1480:2019 7.7 Whenever there are changes, including software configuraion/modificatiohs to commercial of the shel sofware, they shall be authorised, documented and Validated before ‘the implementation. * 7.8 Maintonance ofthe HACCP system QY ‘The organisation shall maintain effective HACCP system through gala ade verification activities. The implementation of the HACCP system involves the continual application of monitoring, record-keeping, corrective action procedures andothy activities as described in the HACCP plan. “ ? / 7.7 Improvement of the HACCP system ML The organisation shall ensure that the HACCP system romales-@lecve and continually improved. Areas of improvement may include, but ne limited. a 2) results of verification activites including aut; LA é ©) ntaa tot rd messing exemens

NO & . Q2. Are you or the customer/consumer going to Proce jh raza ‘out of the product? MS 1480:2019 apackaging matyial. a, Sh anh Not @ sensitive raw material! packaging material ow | to next raw mater o> packaging material rd ——> NO Sensitive raw material! packaging material Q3. Is there a cross-contanrination, risk to the facility or to other-——» N products which will not Be.controlled? ¥ Sensitive material Figure 2a. Raw material decision tree ‘© STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2019 Allrihts reserved fe material Go to next material v7 Licensed to SIRIM STS Sdn. Bhd. use only; Date: 24/3/2019 Single user license only;copying and networking prohibited. MS 1480:2019 ‘Answer each question in the sequence given at each process step for each signi ean hazard. at. + YES 18 Are there control measure(s) for the significant hazard? oy exer a NO Mody process ep, ( ) rocdss or product Is control at this ———» Yes f process step necessary for product safety? om | phd No ee ——+ sToP* Is the process step specifically desigt {imine or reduce the likely occurrence of the significant hazard to an acceptade | ad YES Could contamination Beale unacceptable level(s) or increase to unacceptable levels L“ > 10 + Nota cc Pa » STOP* = -eptable level? NO ——_____» __crmicaL CONTROL POINT Figure 2b. Process step decision tree (© STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2019 Al ightsreterved Licensed to SIRIM STS Sdn. Bhd. use only, Date: 24/3/2019 Single user license only;copying and networking prohibited MS 1480:2019 { Areuuins ueid doovH “€ aun B14 Key 90g ea Oo So » “eS f sapenncly Somes) Joly As, OUM Tea [ (oun s a das seein | ace CL sommes | ofthe woneayuen | ennveui0g Suvomuon wesc? | weayu6is | ¥0N a99 © 8 peueuyonporg rs el Y 19 © STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2019- Allrights reserved MS 1480:2019 e Get management commitment Set Food Safety Policy/Scope/Objective + Set up the HACCP Team t Describe product ——— Identify intended use a Construct Flow Diagram and Qfrsite verification of Flow Diagram j to plant layout z sans List all pdteptial hazards Conduct @ hazard analysis Determine contiol measures t |... Determine CCPs we [_,Eteblth Critica Lint foreach CoP [Betas a Monitoring System for each CCP lw + “Establish Corrective Action for Deviations that may occur 20 Figure 4. Logic sequence for application of HACCP ¢ Establish Verification Procedures + Establish Record Keeping and Documentation y Review HACCP Plan 63 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 (© STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2019 - Allighis reserved Licensed to SIRIM STS Sdn. Bhd, use only; Date: 24/3/2019, Single user license only;copying and networking prohibited MS 1480:2019 Bibliography ok, [1] CACIRCP 11969-2003, General principles of food hygiene, Codex Standard," [2] FDIS ISO 22000, Food safety management systems - Feautoment fr sae ization in the food chain [3] ISOMTS 22004: 2008, Food safety management systems cusence wale ication of 180 22000:2005 [4] Food Act 1983 and Food Regulations 1985 (© STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2019 Al ights reserved 2 Licensed to SIRIM STS Sdn. Bhd. use only; Date: 24/3/2019; Single user license only;copying and networking prohibited. Acknowledgements set month, Members of Technical Committee on Food Safety System av Puan Normah Omar (Chairperson) Malaysian Agicutural Researtend Development Insitute x “sy Ms ima Munirah (Secretary) SIRIM Berhad Ms Nooridah Ahmad! Deparment of Agrcuture Malaysia Ms Khairul Muna Kamarudin Mr Nazm Ishak Department of Fishery Malaysia HN a wef is Mr Pang Nyukang/ fiw We Abd Razak H Guang! oY (mma Ms Siti Hasshura Hashim Dr Mohd Razli Razak! Dr Nomajibah Kamarudin Ms Siti Mariam Abd Ghani’ Mr Mohammad Bazli Abdullah Mr Wong Choon Seng! Ms Sharidah Yusoft Ms Hasnisa Hashim! Mr Raja Arief Deli Raja Nasharuddin’ Ms Nur lida Mohamad Mr Jason Tee Wai Kit Dr Nik Ismail Nik Daud Ms Jamilah Salikin Ms Radziah Mohd Daud Prof Mohd Khan Ayob Prof Dr Jinap Selamat Devatment Velginay Sewices recoalfsira Marketing Authorty rexel Malaysian Manufacturers islan Agncultural Research and oment Institute nataysion Association of Standards Users “Malaysian Institute of Food Technology Ministry of Health Malaysia SIRIM QAS Intemational Sdn Bhd Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Universiti Putra Malaysia (© STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2019. Alrights reserved Licensed to SIRIM STS Sdn. Bhd, use only; Date: 24/3/2019; Single user license only; copying and networking prohibited \ © Copyright 2019 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilised in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the Department of Standards Malaysia. Licensed to SIRIM STS Sdn. Bhd. use only; Date: 24/3/2019; Single user license only;copying and networking prohibited.

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