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Fluency Intervention Lesson Plan

Target Content/Lesson Topic: Fluency (Phrasing and Smoothness focus) Grade Level: 5th
State Learning Standards
Identify relevant grade level CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.5.4.B
standards and Learning Outcomes Read grade-level prose and poetry orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression on successive
from the State Content Learning readings.
Standards, Common Core Standards,
and school learning outcomes.
Learning Targets/Objectives
What should the students know or Students will be able to successfully review themselves on their exit tickets based on fluency performance
be able to do after the instruction? during their read-throughs.
Use a common format with a
measurable verb that matches the
cognitive domain standard. This
should be a small piece of the
standard stated in measurable
Describe how and why students will For the “Fluency Phone for Feedback” activity, students will be working individually to practice reading a
be divided into groups, if applicable passage quietly to themselves.
(homogeneous, heterogenous,
random / based on ability, interest, I will allow students to choose their own partners for the “Partners Can Be Fluency Teachers” activity, since
social purposes, etc.) students may be shy readers in front of peers they are not comfortable with.

If either or both lessons are whole During the “Fluency Phone for Feedback” activity, I will individually work with Ella and listen to her read the
class, how is the lesson(s) passage, providing feedback on things she did well and what she can work on. This way, she will be receiving
differentiated for the focal student? one on one help from me.

Then during the next class, she can join the rest of her peers for the “Partners Can Be Fluency Teachers”


How will students demonstrate that For the first activity, “Fluency Phone for Feedback”, I will have the students individually fill out an exit slip
the focal student is making progress answering how they think they did, and what they can improve on.
in toward their fluency goals?
For the second activity, “Partners Can Be Fluency Teachers”, I will have the students fill out a short evaluation
stating what their partner did well and what they can work on. They will also individually complete another
exit ticket explaining if they felt they have improved on anything, what went well, and what they still could
work on.

Minilesson One
1. Introduction (including setting Reading Strategy: Fluency Phone for Feedback
expectations and establishing (From The Reading Strategies Book)
procedures and instructions)
2. Activate/Connect To Prior I will begin class explaining what we are going to do, but talk very fast and run my sentences together so it’s
Knowledge hard for the class to understand what I’m saying. I will then explain the importance of fluency and what it
3. Fluency Activity (including means to be a fluent reader (talking about using expression, reading smoothly, and paying attention to
modeled, guided, and punctuation when reading).
independent practice, as needed)
I will then demonstrate how to use the PVC pipes as a phone and hand out the passages and phones for them
to individually work on.

I will be working with Ella and others who need assistance in a small group during independent worktime.
After we are done in our small group, I will have them practice another passage on their own while I walk
around and check on other students.

Minilesson Two
1. Introduction (including setting Reading Strategy: Partners Can Be Fluency Teachers
expectations and establishing (From The Reading Strategies Book)
procedures and instructions)
2. Activate/Connect To Prior
Knowledge I will begin class reviewing the aspects of fluency we talked about in the previous class, and what they worked
3. Fluency Activity (including on individually. I will also hand back their exit tickets and have them set a new goal for themselves.
modeled, guided, and
independent practice, as needed) I will then explain the activity that they will be completing with a partner and go over the evaluation
worksheet, showing them what to look for as the “Coach”. I will also go over how to give each other respectful
feedback so no one’s feelings get hurt during the activity. I will then ask if anyone has any questions before I
release them to pair up.

I will be walking around to see how the pairs are doing and help where needed.
Instructional Materials, Equipment
and Technology - Evaluation worksheets for the students
List equipment or technology that - Pens/Pencils
needs to be available. Attach a copy - PVC pipe phones
of ALL materials the teacher and - Copies of various grade-level passages
students will use during the lesson;
e.g., handouts, questions to answer,
overheads, PowerPoint slides,

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