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It is a great pleasure to welcome you to Paris for the 2018 Conference on Precision Electromagnetic
Measurements, organised by the LNE, in partnership with Paris Observatory and the CNRS.

About 500 participants from 50 countries are registered to attend CPEM 2018. This success reflects
the long tradition of CPEM as the principal forum for sharing knowledge on research in
electromagnetic measurements at the highest accuracy levels, and the importance of 2018 as a key
year in the history of the International System of Units (SI), with the expected adoption by the CGPM
of new definitions and “Mise en pratique” for the kilogram, the ampere, the kelvin and the mole.

The technical programme features three plenary sessions with seven keynote speakers, addressing
the revised International system of units and its foundations, quantum technologies based on optical
and solid state devices, interferometric measurements on gravitational waves and new
optoelectronic and electronic devices using semiconductor nanowires. The conference received over
530 submissions, from which the Technical Programme Committee selected 481 papers, divided into
168 oral presentations and 313 poster presentations. These figures illustrate the high level of
selection for oral presentations at this year’s conference. Among the oral sessions are six invited
special sessions, dedicated to the redefinition of the SI, electrical measurements for small mass and
force metrology (2 sessions), metrology and quantum technology, electrical measurements for
micro-nanoelectronic devices and nanomagnetism and spintronics. Satellite meetings and Lab tours
complete the programme. We thank the many members of the Technical Programme Committee for
their willing and rigorous work, and in particular the topic coordinators, who made a major
contribution to creating the programme.

We warmly acknowledge the sponsors and patrons of CPEM 2018 for their strong support, which
demonstrates the importance of the conference as well as bringing a precious flexibility to the
budget. We thank and welcome the numerous exhibitors, whose presence is a very useful and
interesting part of the conference. We thank the sponsors of the Early career and Travel support
programs, who provided grants allowing 19 scientists from 15 countries to attend CPEM 2018. We
also thank the CPEM Executive Committee and the permanent sponsors for their ongoing support.
Finally we thank our fellow members of the Organizing Committee for their enthusiasm and their
tireless work in bringing the conference to fruition.

We wish you an exciting and inspiring conference.

Philip Tuckey François Piquemal Olivier Thévenot

CPEM 2018 TPC Chair CPEM 2018 Chair CPEM 2018 Vice Chair

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