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BBC Three Online ‘Make me think’

How are YOU helping? – Short film

Josef Sparrey

Outline of Production:
The short film production is to do with climate change and the youth involved in the protests.
It will be about the youth, their opinions on the climate change and the actions they take in a
protest, to force the government and companies to work on tackling global warming before
it’s too late.

(Stop Motion: Add materials here once you know)

It will begin by showing of the earth changing over time, from a beautiful planet with animals
roaming around and their habitats. Then will start showing factories releasing carbon
emission, and the earth changing, becoming less colourful, and animals going extinct. Then
move onto clips of climate change and extinction rebellion protests, with peaceful and violent
ways of protesting. Then will show two different views from young people, and what they
are doing to fight climate change.
The video will then start to show what will happen to people’s lives and the impact the
changing weather will have on the world.

The production targets the chosen audience by: (according to research and focus
This production is aimed at the younger generation and British youth. This is because many
younger people are taking part in climate change protest, however there are some groups of
people have taken their actions too far.

NB: Add images to your brief so it looks professions – make this creative – do NOT just write
on it.

THC Vibe Productions

BBC Three Online ‘Make me think’

Add your deadlines

Items Date

Short film Thurs 18th Dec 2020

THC Vibe Productions

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