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SPE 88523

Liquid Unloading in a Big Bore Completion: A Comparison Among Gas Lift, Intermittent
Production, and Installation of Velocity String
Fitrah Arachman, Kalwant Singh, James K. Forrest, Monas O. Purba, Schlumberger

Copyright 2004, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.

as shown in Fig. 1. This field began production in 1977, with
This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and average reservoir pressure and temperature of 7115 psia and
352 oF respectively, as shown in Table 1, and produces gas
Exhibition held in Perth, Australia, 18–20 October 2004.

This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
information contained in a proposal submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
and condensate through big bore completion wells1. Currently,
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to the reservoir pressure has been depleted to as low as 700 psia1,
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at reservoir pressure depletion is expected to continue, and the
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
abandonment pressure may be on the order of 300 to 350 psia.
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is At current stage, liquid loading is a more serious issue.
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to a proposal of not more than 300
words; illustrations may not be copied. The proposal must contain conspicuous A depleted gas reservoir is a gas reservoir that is in its late
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O.
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
production period with declining pressure and gas production
rates. This period is usually indicated by low wellhead
pressure, and increases in liquid production. With low
Abstract reservoir pressure, or low bottom-hole pressure, wells that
Liquid loading is a serious problem in low-pressure gas wells. produce liquid along with the gas might have a problem of
Liquid accumulation in gas wells with inadequate energy to liquid accumulation in the wellbore. These liquids include
lift the liquid from the wellbore can cause a well to die water and hydrocarbon liquid such as condensate. The liquid
prematurely. production can cause serious problems for the well if there is
Various technologies are available to prevent liquid loading inadequate energy to lift the liquid from the well-bore. The
in gas wells. They include gas lift, intermittent production, and problem can be attributed to a low gas producing rate resulting
the installation of a velocity string. Each has applications and from low bottom-hole pressure or low gas relative
limitations for certain well and production conditions. permeability for given conditions. Liquid loading may also
Installation cost and operating cost are also important exist in gas wells with high liquid-gas ratio. In this type of gas
considerations in choosing the appropriate technology. well, a high liquid hold up in the tubing contributes to higher
This paper presents a comparison among these three pressure drop, and liquid accumulation in the bottom of the
different technologies applied to a low-pressure gas well even if the bottom hole pressure is not low.
condensate well with big bore completion. At the early stage
of production, a gas well with a big bore completion will Liquid Loading and Unloading Mechanism
allow high production rates (> 100 MMscfd). As reservoir Many papers have been published discussing the problem of
pressure declines, liquid hydrocarbons and water precipitate liquid loading in gas wells (Duggan, 1961; Turner et al., 1969;
may cause liquid loading in the wellbore. Thus, it will require Illobi et al., 1981; Lea et al., 1983 Coleman et al., 1991): how
more effort to unload the well. Installing a velocity string will it is caused, how to prevent it, and how to deal with it.
increase the gas velocity, which will prevent liquid loading. Many authors have completed research with field
The optimum length, diameter and position will be determined observations on gas well liquid loading. The liquid that
based on calculated minimum gas velocity. Gas re-injection accumulates in the well comes from an influx of liquid
will be based on injection rate, and period, as well as method, flowing along with the gas from the reservoir. The liquid may
through tubing or annular. also form by condensation from the gas phase as a result of
This study focuses on showing the best solution to obtain pressure and temperature decline as it travels up the
optimum gas recovery from both a technical and economical production string. The well will die when the reservoir energy
viewpoint. This study uses published information from the is not sufficient to produce the liquid.
Arun field as an example, but it is applicable to any low- The well can be returned to flowing conditions if the
pressure gas condensate field with a big bore completion. accumulated liquid is removed from the wellbore. The liquid
can be removed from the bottom-hole region by varied
Introduction approaches, such as blow down by lowering the wellhead
The idea of comparing application of these three technologies pressure to atmospheric pressure, swabbing, and creating
to a low-pressure gas condensate well with big bore foam. As the well returns to production without artificial
completion came from the situation in Arun field, on the means for lifting liquid, it still has a potential to repeat the
northern coast of Aceh Province in North Sumatra, Indonesia,
2 SPE 88523

loading cycle if the problem of liquid accumulation persists. Data Range and Limitation
This cycle can be repeated several times until it reaches In this paper, we use published data1,5 based upon the Arun
conditions for which the well will no longer produce without field in North Sumatra. While the analysis is based upon this
artificial lift. field, the results are applicable to all depleting gas fields that
Producing the gas well above its critical gas flow rate can use big-bore completions. Table 2 shows the complete data
prevent liquid loading. The critical gas flow rate is the flow range that was used in this analysis. The main variables are
rate below which some of the liquid cannot be lifted to tubing size and reservoir pressure.
surface; at this rate, it accumulates in the production tubing In the past, the industry has tried various methods to
string. combat liquid loading in gas wells. These methods range from
There are several methods of preventing liquid loading. low-cost methods such as dropping soap sticks into the well to
Planning for the tubing size is the common way to optimize reduce the density of the water to the use of velocity strings.
the production. Reducing the tubing ID will help increase the Another method has been to simply have a coiled-tubing unit
velocity of the gas above its critical velocity. If the regular on contract in a particular field and actively conduct jetting-in
tubing size is not small enough to maintain production above operations on any well that has loaded up with fluid. This
the critical velocity, a velocity string with a small ID could be approach may work in some areas, but certainly increases the
installed to provide a high velocity. The other method of operating costs and reduces the production efficiency. In this
producing the well above its critical flow rate is by paper, we will focus entirely on the semi-permanent
maintaining low wellhead pressure with a compressor or even installation of coiled-tubing into the well to overcome the
by regular blow down of the well, which lowers wellhead liquid loading problem.
pressure to a value close to atmospheric pressure. This low
surface pressure will allow the removal of the liquid to the Current Performance
surface. Based upon the most recent publication of Arun field, many
Other methods for preventing loading use continuous liquid wells currently produce at an average well rate of 6 MMscf/D.
removal, such as installing a device in the well such as This is much less than the average initial well productivity,
intermittent lift or gas lift injection. which was 100 MMscf/D. The primary cause of the lower
productivity is low reservoir pressure, 700 psia or less. In
Critical Velocity in Gas Well addition, the production has also declined because of liquid
Turner et al. (1969) developed this critical velocity prediction loading. On the nodal analysis (Fig. 4), the outflow curve
for gas wells by applying a force balance on a liquid droplet in looks very flat, strongly suggesting an unsteady state flow
a flowing gas stream to obtain a terminal velocity equation for condition. Since all the multiphase correlations are derived
the largest liquid droplet in upward flowing gas. The largest assuming steady state flow, the results from nodal analysis are
stable liquid droplet in the flowing gas was estimated using too optimistic. On the liquid loading test conducted in one of
the critical Weber number of 30. Then they applied the the Arun wells, Fig. 5 shows that the well start loading at
constant drag coefficient of 0.44 to represent drag at high production rates of 7 to 8 MMscf/D. To date, numerous wells
Reynolds number. in Arun have been shut-in due to liquid loading, and a solution
The resulting terminal velocity of the largest stable droplet, for restoring them to production has not been implemented
which is the critical velocity vt (ft/sec) for a gas well, can be yet. This paper looks at three promising possibilities.
written as
Gas Lift
0.25 The first possible solution is to install coiled tubing for
⎛ σ (ρ − ρ ) ⎞
vt = 1.59⎜⎜ L L 2 G ⎟⎟ …………(1) purposes of gas lift. Gas lift will help to reduce the effective
⎝ ρG ⎠
density above the injection point, which will allow the well
will to unload the liquid and remain on production. To be
effective, the injection point should be as deep as possible.
Here, σL is the surface tension in dynes/cm, and the density The major advantage of gas lift is the cost; if a high-pressure
of liquid and gas, ρL and ρG, are in lbm/ft3. The coefficient gas source is already available. In addition, gas lift requires
1.59 in the equation has been corrected from the original low maintenance, is easy in field operations, handles sand, and
equation as described in Brill and Mukerjee (2000). creates low flowing bottom-hole pressure. The limitations are
Coleman et al. (1991) applied the critical velocity equation that it needs high-pressure gas supply, which may be
of Turner et al. to a large collection of field gas well data. expensive if not already available.
Their results show that the critical velocity equation can be
applied for estimation of the gas well loading velocity limit. In our analysis, coiled tubing is assumed to be installed
Other criteria for the estimation of critical velocity are the from surface to 9,800 ft and lift gas will be injected through it,
criteria for annular flow. Annular flow exists when there is a while the production will flow up through the annulus as
stable liquid film surrounding the wall, and also when the shown in Fig. 7. In this application, the gaslift can be injected
thickness of that film is not big enough to create bridging of continuously or as needed to unload liquid from the well until
liquid. When those criteria are satisfied, annular flow exists in restored to a flowing condition. A check valve can be
the pipe, and there will be no liquid accumulation. installed in the well as a safety precaution to prevent injection
of borehole fluids back into the reservoir.
SPE 88523 3

The challenge in installing coiled tubing gas lift for this liquid. At the appropriate time, a finite volume of gas is
particular case is to find the optimum coiled tubing size for the injected below the liquid column and propels it as a slug to the
existing completions. Optimum criteria will be based on the surface. An intermitter can be used at the surface to control the
ability to reduce liquid loading rate, maintain gas production timing of each injection-production cycle or injection can be
rate, minimize installation cost and required gaslift rate, and manually controlled.
provide operational reliability. Some sensitivity studies were The proposed intermittent production design in this paper is
conducted to see the response of gas lift rate to liquid loading to inject gas to unload liquids if the well starts to load-up with
rate and the production. The results showed that optimum gas liquid. The schematic of proposed intermittent production is
lift rate is 1 MMscf/D for all tubing cases. Injecting more gas shown in Figs. 7a and 7b. The injection string is using coiled
(up to 4 MMscf/D) did not improve the situation. tubing similar to that in the gas lift scheme. Similar to the
For this study, we investigated the use of 1, 1-½, 2, 2-3/8, gaslift option, the big bore check valve is utilized as a one-
2-7/8, and 3-½-inch coiled tubing (Fig. 9). Based upon our way valve for the liquids and prevents injection of fluids into
results, the optimum size for 5-1/2 in. tubing was 2-7/8 in. In the reservoir. In both applications, the check-valve should be
this application, we assumed a CT90 grade with ID of 2.563 located as close as possible to the perforated interval to
in. Bigger sizes will decrease liquid loading rate more, but minimize the length of the liquid column above the
will also decrease the expected gas rate. In addition, larger perforations.
tubing will have a higher installation cost and will be more But the important difference is the surface valve
difficult to install. Smaller coiled tubing will reduce liquid installation. Fig. 7a shows the first schematic for this
loading rate sufficiently. particular installation. The left valve is marked with red,
Fig. 10 shows that at a reservoir pressure of 700 psia, a well representing a closed condition and no gas injection. The
with 5 ½-in. tubing should produce at a rate of 4.8 MMscf/D green indicates the valves are open. At this point, the well is
with a minimum liquid loading rate of 1.65 MMscf/D. At a able to flow naturally up the coiled-tubing and coiled-tubing
reservoir pressure of 500 psia, the well will start to load-up annulus. The well is producing with big bore tubing but with
and die. In the velocity profile shown in Fig. 11, it is clear that a modest restriction caused by the presence of the coiled
the gas velocity is less than the Turner critical velocity. tubing string.
Injecting 1 MMscf/D of gaslift will reduce the minimum In time, the liquids will accumulate in the wellbore. When
liquid loading rate to 0.89 MMscf/D. This reduction will this condition occurs, gas will be injected to unload the liquids
allow the well to stay on production longer, increasing gas as shown by Fig. 7b. The injection line, which is closed in
recovery. Fig. 7a, will be opened. The process will be the same as the
The preferred coiled tubing size of 2-7/8 in. OD for 7-in. gas lift. The gas is injected through the velocity string and
production tubing is the same as 5-1/2 in. tubing. With produced through the annulus. Note that the top right line is
reservoir pressure of 700 psia and 7-in. production, the well closed so the injected gas does not flow into the flowline. If all
should produce at a rate of 6.5 MMscf/D, and it will the liquids have been unloaded and the well can be restored to
eventually experience loading when the reservoir pressure a flowing condition, the injection will be stopped and the well
reaches 500 psia. However, in practice the well may load up will produce through the tubing and annulus again. This
sooner. By installing the coiled-tubing, the liquid loading rate solution has tremendous operational flexibility and minimizes
will be reduced from 2.6 to 1.7 MMscf/D by injecting 1 the flow restrictions of the coiled-tubing.
MMscf/D lift gas. With coiled-tubing, the predicted gas
production rate is only reduced 12 % from the case without Velocity String Application
coiled-tubing. This number is good enough since we can The installation of a velocity string represents a third possible
maintain almost the same production rate but will minimize solution to the liquid loading problem in big-bore completions.
the liquid loading problem. A velocity string will maintain high gas velocity, which will
For 9-5/8 in. tubing (Fig. 12), the optimum coiled tubing keep the well from dying prematurely. As stated above, liquid
size is 3-1/2 in. grade CT90 with 3.15-in. ID. As mentioned loading occurs late in the field life when gas flow rates
earlier, a flat outflow curve is indicative of an unsteady-state decrease, and gas velocities in the wellbore are not sufficient
flow condition. Because of this condition, we think the well to lift the liquids to the surface. Big bore completions will
would start to load at the current reservoir pressure of 700 have lower gas velocities compared to those from smaller
psia, although the calculated minimum liquid loading rate tubing strings at the same production rate because velocity is a
based upon steady-state correlations shows the well has not function of tubing diameter. Installing a smaller tubing inside
loaded. Using a gas lift rate of 1 MMscf/D will help to reduce the original tubing (i.e., velocity string) will create higher gas
the minimum liquid loading rate to 4 MMscf/D with a velocities and may prevent liquid loading. The installation
production rate of 7 MMscf/D. This addition of gaslift will can be up to the surface or just up to any point in tubing.
also keep the well alive until the reservoir pressure drops
below 600 psia. In this study, the velocity string was not installed from the
surface to a certain measured depth, because the pressure drop
Intermittent Production up the deep well would have been too high and limiting.
The installation of an intermittent production and gaslift Instead, only 2,000 ft of tubing were installed in the deepest
system is a second possible solution to liquid loading in big- part of the well, as shown in Fig. 8. The next three sections
bore completions. Intermittent production or intermittent gas review the results of a 2,000-ft velocity string in 5-½, 7, and 9-
lift has the same effect as continuous gas lift in unloading the 5/8-in. tubing.
4 SPE 88523

5-1/2—in. tubing Economic Consideration

At a reservoir pressure of 700 psia, Fig. 13 shows that the This study did not include detailed economic analysis for each
predicted production is roughly 4.8 MMscf/D with minimum method. The following factors related to the cost of each
liquid loading of 1.65 MMscf/D. The well will become shut-in method, which should be considered in conducting economic
at a reservoir pressure of 500 psia because the rate will be evaluation: In all three cases proposed in this paper, coiled
lower than the minimum-loading rate. Fig. 14 shows that the tubing is used, avoiding the cost of a large workover rig to pull
gas velocity will be lower than critical gas velocity with a the existing production tubing.
reservoir pressure of 500 psia. Installing a velocity string of
2,000 ft of 2-7/8-in. tubing will give increase the velocity so it Gas lift
will be higher than critical, preventing liquid loading. The gas lift method will generally require gas lift installation
Fig. 14 also shows the estimated erosional velocity for the in the production tubing string, as most gas wells are not
velocity string and production tubing. In this case, the gas equipped with gas lift. Using a pack-off gaslift mandrel and
velocity does not exceed the tubing erosional velocity. injecting down the existing completion in a big-bore
With the installation of the velocity string, the gas completion may not be feasible because of the large gas
production rate will decrease compared to the case with no volumes required. The use of high-pressure gas for gaslift will
velocity string, however the production will be more stable. reduce the effective gas sales rates. Therefore, it may be more
From Fig. 13, the production will decrease from 4.8 to roughly cost-effective to install coiled tubing to inject gas and produce
3.7 MMscf/D. But at reservoir pressures of 500 psia, the well through the coiled-tubing annulus.
will still be flowing because the minimum liquid loading rate
decreases to approximately 0.48 MMscf/D. Therefore, the Intermittent production
installation of the velocity string results in incremental gas Similar to the gas lift option, the intermittent production
recovery from the well. option described in this paper also requires gas lift installation.
However, the proposed design will require additional surface
7-in. tubing valves. The advantage of this option is that it will give more
Modeling indicates 7-in. tubing would show a similar result as flexibility in terms of production and gas injection. It offers a
5-1/2-in. tubing. At a reservoir pressure of 700 psia, the big higher production rate through the big bore tubing but with
bore completion will produce at a higher rate of 6.5 MMscf/D, modest restriction caused by the presence of the coiled tubing
compared to the use of a velocity string with roughly 5.2 string when there is no unloading process. In addition, overall
MMscf/D. But the well will die at a reservoir pressure of 500 volume of injection gas will be lower than with continuous gas
psia because the gas rate will be lower than minimum liquid lift.
loading rate, which is 2.65 MMscf/D. Installing 2,000 ft of 3-
/2-in. velocity string will lower the minimum liquid loading Velocity string
rate to approximately 0.72 MMscf/D, and the well will have In the proposed velocity string installation, a shorter coiled
additional time to produce and increase gas recovery. tubing will be installed, which will reduce its costs. It does
Based on the velocity profile, the well will load at a not need any gaslift gas. The option proposed in this paper
bottomhole pressure of 500 psia because the gas velocity in will be less expensive compared to previous application where
big bore completion is lower than the critical velocity. the coiled tubing was installed from the surface to top of
Installing the velocity string will aid the problem by increasing perforations. The disadvantage of this method could be too
gas velocity without exceeding tubing maximum erosional much pressure loss in the tubing and lower gas production
velocity, allowing liquid unloading. rates. Alternatively, the velocity string design could be too
short, forcing the pulling and replacement of a longer velocity
9-5/8-in. tubing string to maintain the well on production. Of the three
Fig. 15 shows the performance analysis of 9-5/8-in. big bore methods, its design is the most critical.
completion with and without a velocity string. As stated
earlier, the outflow curve for the big bore tubing is flat, which Conclusions
means the rate is in an unsteady-state flow condition. Even 1. Big bore completions have a great advantage for high gas
though the production analysis determined the well is rates at early field conditions. However, at late times, they
producing at approximately 8.3 MMscf/D (since it is higher suffer from liquid loading problems.
than the minimum liquid loading rate, 5.8 MMscf/D), the well 2. The industry has used multiple methods to address the
production declined rapidly and loading occured as shown in problem of liquid loading in depleting gas reservoirs. The
Fig. 5. choice of method is determined by economic factors and
In our analysis installing 2,000-ft of 3-1/2-in. velocity string reliability. There is a trade-off between operating and capital
gave an estimated production of 6 MMscf/D. Therefore, the cost.
velocity string allows a well that would die to remain on 3. In this paper, we propose the use of coiled tubing in all three
production. Fig.16 shows that gas velocity will exceed the methods modeled. This is due to operational and economical
estimated maximum erosional velocity in the coiled-tubing. considerations. The optimum size of coiled tubing for gas
However, since the estimated erosional velocity is often quite lift for 5-1/2-in. and 7-in. tubing completions is 2-7/8-in.
conservative, this design may still be acceptable. For 9-5/8-in. tubing, it is 3-1/2-in. These three tubing sizes
will require 1 MMscf/D of gas lift injection rate.
SPE 88523 5

4. Gas lift installation for 5-1/2-in. and 7-in. tubing will reduce Nomenclature
minimum liquid loading rate up to 46% and 34% vt = critical velocity, ft/s
respectively, while 9-5/8-in. tubing, the minimum liquid σL = surface tension, dynes/cm
loading rate will be 4 MMscf/D. ρL = liquid density, lbm/ft3
5. Intermittent production will require less lift gas since it is ρG = gas density, lbm/ft3
needed only when the well starts loading. However, the
proposed design requires additional surface valves and Acknowledgements
piping near the wellhead to control the production and gas We acknowledge and thank Schlumberger for granting us the
injection. time to put together this technical paper.
6. Installing a coiled-tubing velocity string will increase gas
velocity, which will help the liquid unloading process. References
Critical and maximum erosional velocity and also 1. Patakh, Prabodh; Fidra, Yan; Avida, Hanifatu; Kahar,
operational issues, such as logistics, transportation and Zulkarnain; Agnew, Mark; and Hidayat, Dodi: “The Arun
installation, drive the optimum diameter and length of the Gas Field in Indonesia: Resource Management of a Mature
velocity string. Field,” paper SPE 87042 presented at SPE Asia Pacific
Conference on Integrated Modeling for Asset Management
held in Kuala Lumpur, 29-30 March 2004.
2. Benesch, J.M., Nor, Nazri, and Ngatijan: “Optimization of
Recommendations Big-bore HPHT Wells to Exploit a Low Pressure Reservoir
1. Conduct economic analysis to justify the implementation of in Indonesia,” paper IADC/SPE 87171 presented at
these methods. They can be used as part of a general IADC/SPE Drilling Conference held in Dallas, Texas,
program and are not mutually exclusive. A future paper that USA, 2-4 March 2004.
highlights field results in big bore completions would 3. Turner, R.G., Hubbard, M.G., and Dukler, A.E.: “Analysis
expand the current industry knowledge. and Prediction of Minimum Flow Rate for the Continuous
2. Current nodal analysis programs do not clearly indicate Removal of Liquids from the Gas Wells,” paper SPE 2198,
November 1969.
when a well enters an unsteady state flow regime. As a 4. Martinez, John, and Martinez, Alec: “Modeling Coiled-
result, the analysis suggests that implementation of the Tubing Velocity Strings for Gas Wells,” paper SPE 30197
methods suggested here will decrease the gas production presented at the 1995 Petroleum Computer Conference held
rate. However, the correct comparison is a well with a in Houston, 11-14 June 1995.
lower gas production rate compared to a shut-in well. The 5. Mahendrajana, T., Kaczorowski, N.J., and Blasingame,
current program results can cause confusion. T.A.: “Analysis and Interpretation of Well Test
3. More work on critical lifting velocity in big bore wells is Performance at Arun Field, Indonesia,” paper SPE 56487
needed. The key will be to do detailed comparisons to presented at SPE Annual Technical Conference and
actual field results. Exhibition held in Houston, Texas, 3-6 October 1999.
6. Brown, Kermit E., The Technology of Artificial Lift
Methods, Petroleum Publishing Co., Tulsa, 1980.
6 SPE 88523

Fig. 1---Arun Field Area (© 2004 Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc. Ref. 1)

Fig. 2---Arun Structure map showing well location (© 2004 Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc. Ref. 1)
SPE 88523 7

Fig. 3---Arun borehole schematic (© 2004 Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc. Ref. 1)

Table 1---Arun initial reservoir data

No Parameters Value
1 Initial reservoir pressure at datum 7,115 psia
2 Estimated current pressure 700 psia
3 Abandonment pressure 300 – 350 psia
4 Reservoir temperature at datum 352oF
5 Datum depth 10,050 ft
6 Productive area 23,240 acres
7 Average thickness 495 ft
8 Average porosity 16.1 %
9 Average water saturation 10.7 %
10 Initial water vapor content 4.1 mole%
11 CO2 and other non hydrocarbons 14.1 mole%

Table 2---Data range

Completion Model Type Value Unit

OD 5-1/2, 7, 9-5/8 in
Length 10000 ft
Wellhead Temperature 200 F
Wellhead Pressure 200 psia
Water Cut 15 %
LGR 200 STB/mmscf
Gas SG 0.7 Fraction
Water SG 1.07 Fraction
Static Pressure 500, 600, 700 psia
Temperature 350 F
Permeability 7.63 mD
Skin 5
Thickness 700 ft
re 1200 ft
rw 0.584 ft
8 SPE 88523

Current perfomance with 9-5/8 in tubing




Pressure, psia






0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Gas Rate, MMscf/d
Inflow Pw s = 700 psia Outflow Pw h = 200 psia

Liquid Loading: Pw h = 200 psia

Fig 4---Current performance with 9-5/8-in. tubing

Fig 5---Liquid Loading Test (© 2004 Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc. Ref. 1)
SPE 88523 9

large bore
check valve

Fig 6---Proposed Coiled Tubing Gas Lift Completion Configuration

large bore large bore

check valve check valve

a) b)
Fig 7---Proposed Intermittent Production Completion Configuration
10 SPE 88523

2000 ft
Velocity String

Fig 8---Proposed Coiled Tubing Velocity String Completion Configuration

Sensitivity on Coiled Tubing Diameter - Gas Lift Application











1 1-1/2 2 2-3/8 2-7/8 3-1/2

Coiled Tubing OD, in

Production Reduction to Original Completion Minimum Liquid Loading

Fig 9---Sensitivity on Coiled Tubing Diameter – Gas Lift Application

SPE 88523 11

CT Gas Lift in Tubing 5-1/2"



Pressure, psia






0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Gas Rate, MMscf/d

Inflow : Pw s = 500 psia Inflow : Pw s = 700 psia

Outflow : CT 2-7/8" Gas Lift Outflow : Tubing 5-1/2"
Liquid Loading: CT 2-7/8" Gas Lift Liquid Loading: Tubing 5-1/2"

Fig 10---Coiled Tubing Gas lifted well in 5-1/2-in. tubing

CT Gas Lift Velocity Profile at Pws = 500 psia



Elevation, ft







0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

Gas Velocity, psia

Tubing 5-1/2" CT 2-7/8" Gas Lift Critical Velocity

Fig 11---Coiled Tubing Gas Lift Velocity Profile in 5-1/2-in. Tubing

12 SPE 88523

CT Gas Lift in Tubing 9-5/8"



Pressure, psia






0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Gas Rate, MMscf/d

Inflow : Pw s = 500 psia Inflow : Pw s = 700 psia

Outflow : CT 3-1/2" Gas Lift Outflow : Tubing 9-5/8"
Liquid Loading: CT 3-1/2" Gas Lift Liquid Loading: Tubing 9-5/8"

Fig 12---Coiled Tubing Gas Lift Velocity Profile in 5-1/2-in. Tubing

2-7/8" Velocity String in Tubing 5-1/2"



Pressure, psia






0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Gas Rate, MMscf/d

Inflow : Pw s = 500 psia Inflow : Pw s = 700 psia

Outflow : Tubing 5-1/2 in Outflow : Tubing 5-1/2 in + Vel. String 2-7/8 in
Liquid Loading: Tubing 5-1/2 in Liquid Loading: Tubing 5-1/2 in + Vel. String 2-7/8 in

Fig 13---Production Analysis of 2-7/8-in. Velocity String in 5-1/2-in. Tubing

SPE 88523 13

Velocity String Velocity Profile at Pws = 500 psia



Elevation, ft







0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 65 75 85 95 105

Gas Velocity, ft/s

Tubing 5-1/2" Tubing 5-1/2" + Vel. String 2-7/8" Critical Velocity Erosional Velocity

Fig 14---Velocity Profile for 2-7/8-in. Velocity String in 5-1/2-in. Tubing

3-1/2" Velocity String in Tubing 9-5/8"



Pressure, psia






0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Gas Rate, MMscf/d

Inflow : Pw s = 600 psia Inflow : Pw s = 700 psia

Outflow : Tubing 9-5/8 in Outflow : Tubing 9-5/8 in + Vel. String 3-1/2 in
Liquid Loading: Tubing 9-5/8 in Liquid Loading: Tubing 9-5/8 in + Vel. String 3-1/2 in

Fig 15---Production Analysis of 3-1/2-in. Velocity String in 9-5/8-in. Tubing

14 SPE 88523

Velocity String Velocity Profile at Pws = 600 psia



Elevation, ft







0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140

Gas Velocity, ft/s

Tubing 9-5/8" Tubing 9-5/8" + Vel. String 2-7/8" Critical Velocity Erosional Velocity

Fig 16---Velocity Profile for 3-1/2-in. Velocity String in 9-5/8-in. Tubing

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