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Classification Of Machine Tools

Added:2020-04-15     Views:2142
There are many ways in which the machine tools can be classified. One such classification based
on the production capability is shown below:

1. General purpose machine tools (GPM) are those designed of perform a variety of machining
operations on a wide range of components. By the very nature of generalisation, the general purpose
production, since the setting time for any given operation is tasks, would not be suitable for large
purpose machine tools is more and the machine utilisation is poor. The machine utilisation may be
termed as the percentage of actual machining or chip generating time to the actual time available. This
is much lower for the general purpose machine tools. They may also be termed as the basi machine

Further, skilled operators would be required to run the general purpose machine tools. Hence,
their utility is in job shops, such as catering to small batch and large varity job production, where the
requirement is versatility rather than production capability. Examples are lathe, shaper, and milling

2. Production machine tools are those where a number of functions of machine tools are
automated such that the operator skill required to produce the component is reduced. Also, this would
help in reducing the idle time of the machine tool, thus improving the machine utilisation. It is also
possible that a general purpose machine tool may be converted into a production machine tool by the
utilisation of jigs and fixtures for holding the workpices. These have been developed from the basic
machine tools. Some examples are capstan lathes, turret lathes, automats, and multiple spindle drilling
machines.The setting time for a given job is more. Also, tooling design for a given job is more time
consuming and expensive. Hence the production machine tools can only be used fr large volume

3. Special purpose machine tools (SPM) are those machine tools in which the setting operation for
the job and tools is practically eliminated and complete automation is achieved. Thisgreatly reduces the
actual manufacturing time of a component and helps in the reduction of costs. These tools are used for
mass manufacturing. There machine tools are expensive compared to general purpose machines since
they are specifically designed for the given application, and are restrictive in their application
capabilities. Examples are can shaft grinding machine, connecting rod twin boring machine, and piston
turning lathe.

4. Single purpose machine tools are those, which are designed specifically for doing a single
operation on a class of jobs or on a single job. There tools have the highest amount of automation and
are used for really high rates of production. There are used specifically for one product only, and thus
have the least flexibility. However, these do not require any manual intervention and are most cost
effective. Examples are transfer lines composed of unit heads for completely machining any given

Dalian indus machinery technology co.,ltd (INDMT GROUP)

he following points highlight the classification of machine tool drives. The types are: 1. Standard Main Drives
2. Standard Feed Drives.

Type # 1. Standard Main Drives:

Main drives are constant power drives providing a range of speeds to sit the workpiece and/or tool
conditions. The physical built up of main drives is shown in Fig. 11.65. The main drive consists mainly of
power input, speed transformer and output.

The power input can either be through a foot mounted or a flange mounted electric motor, either directly
coupled to the speed transformer or driving the speed transformer though a pair of spur gears or belts as the
case may be. The output side consists of a main spindle and intermediate drive to attain suitable main
spindle speed ranges. Depending on the configuration of the machine tool the main spindle will have to be

Apart from the input and output stages, the speed transformer as such can be standardised. The speed
transformer will hitherto be referred as main drive. The two parameters, namely, the power and the speed
range of a main drive, need standardisation.

Horse power range classification of the main drive can be based on the economical design of structures and
the main spindle. It is no use designing an extra rigid structure for a low Horse Power Machine and vice
versa. HMT has classified the H.P. ranges into three groups which would satisfy most of the limiting

Group 1 6.3 — 10 H.P.

Group 2 12.5 — 20 H.P.

Group 3 25 — 40 H.P.

The speed range is derived from the type and size of milling cutters in the case of milling machine and from
the size of workpieces in the case of centre lathes. In the case of boring mills a combination of milling, drilling
and other operations has to be considered.

A speed range of 1 : 50 in 18 steps with a progression ratio of 1.25 should catre to most of needs
economically in a machine tool.

The grouping of speed ranges and H.P. can be done as under:

Each group of main drives can be designed for one speed range and with the help of change gears other
ranges can be provided. Fig. 11.66 shows a Main drive of 6.31 H.P. developed for one of the machine tools.

In this unit all the driving elements of the main drive are housed in a barrel-shaped casting. The main drive
barrel with a motor of 7.5 H.P. forms a unit and is inserted into one of HMT milling machine column for
driving the main spindle. The barrel provides 18 speeds in a progression ratio of 1.25 having a speed range
of 31.4—1500. A higher of lower speed range can be provided with the help of change gears.
Type # 2. Standard Feed Drives:

Machine tools can be divided into two categories, namely machines with feed drives which are
advantageously, kinematically linked with the main drive, and machines which do not require the feed drive
kinematically bound to the main drive.


Whatever be the kinematic relationship to the main drive. It has been found that the range of feeds, be it in
terms of mm/rev., or mm/rain, remains restricted within a certain range. As regards other parameters in the
drive, namely force, with these categories, the entire range of requirements of various types of machine tools
can be covered.

It may be pointed out that, in contrast of the main drives, feed drives are designed to transmit a constant
torque over the entire range of speeds. The feed thrust is the sum total of feed force required for machining
and the force required to move the dead weight of the feeding elements.

The feed drives in a machine tool could generally be divided into 3 components, namely power input, feed
unit, power output (Refer Fig. 11.67). As already indicated the input could either be a drive from the main
drive or by an independent motor. This part of the feed drive is not easily amenable to standardisation.

The most widely used variants on the output side are rack and pinion drives, screw and nut or worm and
worm rack drives. Since there is a basic requirement of non-return ability, suitable design elements have to
be incorporated in the rack and pinion drives.


Further attention has to be paid to the efficiency of the output components so that a common feed unit can
be used at will, with either rack and pinion or a screw and nut as output side has been standardised
kinematically as shown in Fig. 11.67.Actual design will have to be tailored to suit the individual machines in
accordance with the configuration and direction of movements required by them.
The feed drive has been foreseen in three sizes to achieve net feed thrust as follows:

Size : 18 Tons, Size—2 : 4 Tons, Size—3 : 2 Tons

The second parameter, i.e., feeds have been standardised so that a feed range of 1 : 200 in 24 steps with a
progression ratio of 1.25 can be obtained. This wide range of feeds should satisfy most of the machine tool

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