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Title: Team building and values realization and re-evaluation in the work place

I. Rationale
In this time of world crisis, which have a big Impact in our economy wherein people
were distracted by different increases to the prices of their needs, the company must
put a training and seminar to their workers so that it will back the motivation of them.
This training program will help the workers to get back the motivation and focus of
them in their work. This program will integrate in every individual the importance of
working as a team. Also, to re-evaluate and to make realize the importance of their
values in the work place as the foundation of team’s success.

II. Objectives

Main objectives
The program aims to create a strong team building to the participants and to make
them realize the importance of values in the working place.

After conducting the program, the participants will hope to:

a. Realize the needs of values in the work place.
b. Re-evaluate the values, which is exist to their work place, if it is still
accompanied the present situation.
c. Integrate the importance of working as a team.
d. Use values as a foundation of strong team’s work.

III. Methodology

The program proper will start after the registration period and then, the
facilitator/s will have an introductory talk about the training program that they
will do. After that, the participants will divide in five groups corresponding to the
color of their nametag in the first activity. Aside of different color of the
nametags, in the right corner of it, it noticeable the printed numbers, shapes, small
and capital letters and roman numerals. Numbers are stand for another grouping
in activity two. Small and capital letters are show that whoever has it in the
nametag will be the leader in each group in particular activity. Moreover, during
ice breaking session, the participants will divide in to two groups wherein the
shapes and roman numerals that indicated in their nametags are they group.

On the other hand, the program has three sessions and before the start of
each session the facilitator/s will conduct activity and before each second half of
the first two consecutive sessions, there are icebreakers. The last session will be
the final talk and message before the end of the program.
These activities will be conduct in every session accompanied with icebreakers:
Activity 1 – “Name it!”
The group will guess the five words that describing or telling in
each riddle in ten minutes. Moreover, the letters of each word are mix inside the
box with paper junks. So, the participants must find it and arrange it in cartolina
properly before the time’s out.
This activity will show the participant’s logic and intelligence as
well as the build up of team’s cooperation.

Icebreaker 1 – “Coin relay”

In this icebreaker, the member in each two groups will pass
through the coin inside the cloth of another member in the group from up to down
and back it from bottom to top. Whoever loses in this game will pass through
along the widespread legs of the winning group.
It will measure and show the values that they acquired and learned
from the first half session.

Activity 2 – “Walk as one”

In this second activity, each group will walk as one. There is a pair
of long woods with intact slippers under it. Each group will wear the slippers and
walk as fast as they can from the starting point until to the end in 10 minutes.
This activity will measure the creativity, cooperation and
coordination of each participant in the group. It may realize the importance of
cooperation, coordination and communication between leader and member in
each team to success. It will also see the leader’s leadership styles and strategies
in each group.

Icebreaker 2 – “Roll the ball with your eggplant”

In this game, member in each group will tie the other end of the
ribbon in their waist while the other side has an eggplant that has inch higher the
ground. The participant will move the ball using the eggplant from the starting
point to the other end. Whoever wins will put a line in the loser face using the
The game will show the creativity of each member to move the
ball quickly using the eggplant.

Activity 3 – “Pass the ball”

In this activity, the participant will form a circle that their center is
a bonfire or lighted candles. They will face into the fire while in every count of
the facilitator/s they pass the ball in their side, when the facilitator/s said stop,
whoever holding the ball will interrogate by the former.
This last activity is a sharing time. It will determine whether the
participants have learned in the training program and how they use and apply it in
their daily lives as well as in their job.

Schedule of Activities

8:00 – Registration
8:30 – ACTIVITY 1
9:00 – First half discussion
10:00 – SNACKS
10:30 – Icebreaker 1
11:00 – Second half discussion
12:00 – Lunch
1:00 – ACTIVITY 2
2:00 – First Half discussion
3:30 – SNACKS
4:00 – Icebreaker 2
4:30 – Second half discussion
6:00 – DINNER
7:00 – ACTIVITY 3 and Sharing
8:30 - END
IV. Resources
A. The program will need 1-2 personnel to assist the facilitator.
B. The materials needed are:
1. 30 pcs. Small ball
2. 30 pcs. Of eggplant
3. 20 pcs of big candles
4. One big ball
5. 30 pairs of slippers
6. 5 pairs of long woods
7. 20 pcs of bond paper
8. 20 pcs of cardboard paper
9. 4 scissors
10. 1 double-sided tape
11. 1 pack of assorted colored paper
12. 5 medium size pail or box
13. 1 lipstick
14. LCD projector
15. Laptop
C. The program will conduct in an open area or in a large room with proper
ventilation and space for workshop and 30 participants.

V. Budget

Program Design P10, 000.00
Facilitators P10,000.00
Assistant facilitators per head P5,000.00
TOTAL P25, 000.00

Nota Bene:
Exclusive of VAT and Materials.

VI. Evaluation
The evaluation is a daylong process. It also depends upon the acquired of the
participants. It may conduct a survey to evaluate the success of the program.
Team building and values
realization and re-evaluation in
the work place

Made by:
Raymond G. Funclara

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