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Jordan Marzka

Praxis Core Exam Analysis

Exam Requirements

To be able to continue into my bachelor’s degree at UNLV for education, I have

to pass the Praxis Core exams. the passing score for reading is 156, the passing score for

writing is 162, and the passing or for math is 150. More notably this is unescapable

anywhere in the state. The three main universities in Nevada will require the passage of

the praxis exams to take any further educational courses.

Exam Preparation

I did not prepare efficiently for the test period I had taken a different practice test

about a year ago and I did pretty well on it. I only missed the math by two points, but I

was able to pass the reading and the writing. So, my confidence going into this was high

and I did not feel like I needed to study a lot because I felt like it would be

straightforward. I did not factor in watching two kids this time around though. So

definitely I did not take my time as usual because of my surroundings. Although this is

not an excuse this is probably one of the reasons why I did poorly.

Exam Results

In reading, I scored in the 57% range which means I need improvement. That

means I'm not likely right now to pass the writing portion of the test. For the Writing

portion, I scored in the 60 percentile which is a need for improvement as well. And

finally, for the math, I scored in the 76% range. Which means borderline. That would

translate to me maybe passing the math exam if I took it right now.

Future Exam Preparation

For the actual exam, I plan to take a week for each individual exam. I have

siblings that have done this, and I also have parents that went through this so I will use

what they taught me. I know I can take the exam either as one long go or take each exam

individually. so, I will do each exam individually and take a week prior before each exam

and study just that specific subject area. So, for reading, I will take a week and buy a

study guide for just reading and work on that. This is what worked for my other brothers

and I plan for this to work for me as well. I think more than anything for the official exam

I just need to take some time out from everything and unplug. I will just stay in my room

or find a good study place and take my time to actually grasp the material and what I

need to know so I can guarantee a passing grade.

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