Sub-1.Landscape Components

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Sub#1: Landscape Components

Clouds, trees, hills, flow water, and other nature aspects can be found in
any landscape view. Landscape can
be natural or man-made, and each
type has its own features that are
affected by light and shadow
among other factors. The main
feature that makes landscape vivid
and adorable to watch is the bright
colors you can see in them;
however, you still can draw it in
black and white, using your paper
sheets and pencils and have good results as well.

1.1 Natural Landscape

One of the interesting advantages of drawing a natural landscape is that

you can go out in nature and enjoy painting the view just in front of you.
Unfortunately, we live in cities and not all of us have the opportunity to
go out in nature, so we will depend on still images of natural landscapes
or man-made landscapes in the following lessons.

Watch the video tutorial to better understand, make sure to

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1.2 Man-made Landscape

To draw man-made landscape we need to understand everything related

to different views, vanishing points and other architectural issues. In the
following few lessons we will have both text and video tutorial to these

Watch the video tutorial to better understand, make sure to
subscribe in the channel.

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