Aptive Script: Approach

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Aptive Script

All non-verbal and para-verbal actions are highlighted. All transitions are bolded. Memorize
the script first and then include the actions. Practice in the mirror, with a partner, and at our
meetings. If you would like to be recorded and critiqued or would like an example video of the
pitch ask Damon or I. To practice memorization on your own, write down the transitions on a
piece of paper and fill in the gaps by speaking out loud. Remember it is key to say your entire
script slowly, as you will not come off as a typical salesperson. Memorizing this script and
practicing it is the best thing you can do to ensure a super fast learning curve and massive
success this summer. Remember when you had to memorize that poem in second grade? Yes,
it’s as easy as that. The three best things you can do besides having the script TIGHT, DOWN,
and MEMORIZED, is to talk slow, smile, and head nod.

Hey, my name’s is_________, I’m with Aptive (Point down to shirt and look
back up), it’s pest control. I’m taking care of a few people here in the
neighborhood (Point to current neighbors), it’s mainly been the spiders
and ants. (Say this slowly and head nod to look for a reaction to a
certain bug). If you’re around tomorrow or Thursday, I’m doing it for

C: What’s half?

What’s the square footage of your home?

C: about 2,000 square feet.

Perfect! (Walk towards them and get to their side to show them the
price sheet). Now, usually the initial service it $199 DOLLARS (Point to
$199 initial), and then I come out every season after that for just $109
(Point to quarterly amount). But, if you can be here tomorrow or
Thursday….(Build mystery) I can literally knock $100 DOLLARS of the
first service and do it for $99 BUCKS! (Point to the $199). (If the
customer is like “wow” or really into the pricing discount, you want to
close here)

C: (As mentioned, listen for the customers response, if its positive or a

questions of any sort, close after)

And that’s for EVERTHING.

I know you’ve been seeing some spider webs and wasps nests up
here in the eaves of your home (Point to the eaves and head nod). I have
a brush poll that extends to 20 feet in length; I use that to knock
everything down around the entire perimeter of your home. The first
thing this is going to do for you is take care of the appeal of the home
for the lady (Point inside and nod your head and smile). Also, you’re not
going to have to worry about spiders in your home or wasps flying
around your food or soda when your family is trying to enjoy dinner in
the back. (Make a motion to demonstrate this and look concerned). Do
you see how what helps? (Slowly smile and head nod). (If they are
really liking these benefits then close here, if they object continue with
the service).

C: (As mentioned, listen for the customers response, if its positive or a

questions of any sort, close after)

My favorite part about my service is what I do down here at the base

of your home. (Point to the base and smile) Every time I come out I will
do a 6-foot power spray and create a massive barrier along the base and
foliage of your home. (Demonstrate the barrier) What this means for
you is its going to protect any creepy crawlers from entering your home
through the cracks and crevasses here at the bottom. (Point to any
cracks in the foundation). That way, for as long as you own the home
you will have the luxury of knowing that there won’t be many ants or
cockroaches popping up in the kitchen or the bathrooms. Do you see
how that helps? (Head nod and slowly smile). (If they are really liking
these benefits than close here, if they object then continue with the

C: (As mentioned, listen for the customers response, if its positive or a

questions of any sort, close after)

What the neighbors really love about my service is that I don’t just
take care of your home, (Smile and look excited), I take care of your
ENTIRE yard as well! (Point out at the yard). You know how the best
defense is a good offence in sports? Well that’s what I’m doing with your
home, not only industry leading defense, but I inspect and spot treat
your property from the rear fence line ALL the way to the front curb.
(Point from the pack to the front and smile). What this does is prevents
and outsiders from coming into the yard or making it to the barrier
against the house. You’re also not going to have to worry about ants or
wasps bothering you during a cookout in the back yard! Do you see
how that helps?

Now you’re going to be here tomorrow, right?

Closing and Objections

C: yeah, I should be around.

I have an 11:00am available tomorrow as well as a 3:00pm. Which

would work best for you?

C: The 3:00pm

What’s your last name? (Move to the agreement)

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