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Rubric: Listen and Check

Anticipate:  Match the words with the pictures.

Central Unit
CDs and floppy discs

Listen and Check:

1. Match the following sentences with their corresponding pictures. Then re-order them to get
coherent instructions for creating a Facebook account. Write numbers 1-6 in the blanks.

A. Switch on the computer. ----------------

B. Open the verification email. ------------

C. Open the Facebook homepage. ---------

4 D. Enter your information (your name,

email or phone number, password,
date of birth and gender). ---------------

E. Click the “Sign Up” button. -------------

F. Select an ISP (Internet Service
Provider) from the menu. -----------
2. Listen and check your answer to exercise 1 above. Then rewrite the instructions
using these sequencers: first, then, next, after that, and finally.
Start like this:
In order to create a Facebook account, you need to do the
3. The table below compares Facebook with Instagram. Listen to your teacher
simulating a dialogue and tick ( ) what Jessica and Jane think about Facebook
and Instagram.

Jessica Jane
Features Facebook Instagram Facebook Instagram
More popular
More private
More interesting

4. Do you agree with Jessica or Jane? Justify your opinion.

5. Write a short paragraph about your preferences using the information in the
table above. Then read it to the class.
Start like this:
 I prefer to use Facebook rather than (use) Instagram.
 I prefer using Instagram to using facebook.
 I prefer Facebook to Instagram because....................................................
The Listening Scripts
Part One:
Jessica: I don’t know how to create a Facebook account.
Can you show me how to do it, please?
Jane: Of course. First you need to press softly this button here
to switch on the computer. Then, you need to select your ISP, I
mean your Internet Service Provider from this option. Your turn
now. Do you remember what to do?
Jessica: Ok, First I have to press this button in order to switch on
the computer. Then I have to select the ISP. What next?
Jane: The next thing you have to do is to open the Facebook
homepage by going to After that,
you need to enter your information. I mean your first name,
last name, email address, password, birthday, and gender. Do
you understand what I mean?
Jessica: Sure ! I have to open the Facebook homepage. After
that I enter my personal information. Right?
Jane: That’s Right. Now all you have to do is to click the ’Sign
Up’ button and wait. If all your information is correct, you will
be sent a verification email. Finally, you have to open the
verification e-mail which may take few minutes to get
delivered. Click the link in the email to activate your account
and that’s all.
Jessica: Really! This seems quite easy. I’m so grateful my dear
but tell me, how can I share my photos and add friends and ...
Jane: come on jessica, you want to do everything at once!
Sign up first, then we see.
Jessica: Ok Jane, here we go!
Part Two :

Jane: Hello Jessica. How are you?

Jessica: Hi Jane, I’m fine. What about you? You look anxious, is
everything Ok?
Jane: Not really. Actually, our teacher asked us to do a survey
about Facebook and Instagram. Can you help me?
Jessica: Sure, how can I help you dear?
Jane: Just tell me what do you prefer, I mean Facebook or
Instagram and why?
Jessica: Well, personally I prefer Instagram to Facebook.
Jane: really? Why?
Jessica: First because I find it more interesting. In addition,
Instagram is more private and secure. I really enjoy myself
sharing my photos without worrying about who can see them.
Jane: I totally disagree with you. For me, I prefer using
Facebook rather than using Instagram. Facebook is easier and
this is the main reason why most people are using it.
Jessica: What do you mean? Do you think Facebook is more
popular than Instagram?
Jane: Obviously, it is.
Jessica: No. It’s just because Facebook came first that you
think so. I believe that Instagram is more popular.
Jane: Well, I respect your opinion my dear friend. Still I see that
Facebook is much better. It’s faster and more interesting than
Jessica: How can I help you since we don’t agree?
Jane: Oh! You’ve already helped me a lot. Thank you so much
Jessica: I hope that you will change your mind about
Facebook, see you later. Goodbye.

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