Social Media Marketing of Airlines

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Lahore School of Aviation

The University of Lahore

Assignment Topic







Marks: / 10

Instructor’s Signature

Q.1: How can airlines use social media for qualitative and quantitative
A.  The airline industry is growing rapidly and strongly because of the increased demand of
travelling through air. With time, the airline industry is becoming a saturated one with fierce and
intense competition. Thus, surviving the tough competition is necessary for all the companies in
the airline industry and they are developing strategies for attracting customers, gaining exposure
and improving the brand image. In doing so, the airline industry is said to undertake social media
marketing, as the platform is highly used around the world by all sections of people both for
personal and professional use. Social media marketing provides an opportunity to target and
communicate with vast audience regardless the location of the target audiences. Top airline
companies in the industry that uses digital marketing has millions of fans in their social media
platform. This is because majority of the population uses the social media for communicating
and looking for updates for different business organizations the social media selected for the
marketing include
Google +
Airlines use a cognitive theoretical framework of consumer behavior to analyze the impact.
Quantitative as well as qualitative research methods are utilized. The data for the quantitative is
collected through the questionnaire circulated among respondents, drawn out using cluster
sampling, based on their age group. The qualitative data is gathered through interviews with the
participants. The criteria used for social media selection included their nature, degree of
utilization in travel and tourism according to published studies, a global ranking based on a
number of users, and their dynamic development in the last two years. Airlines' social media
groups were assessed by means of various quantitative metrics – total viewer ratings, number of
contributions by airlines, number of responses by subscribers, the year when the group was
established, the interconnectedness of the social media groups to the corresponding airline
website. Management of these groups was assessed as well as the content of airline
communication in its social media groups.

Q.2: How can airlines gather actionable insights from social medial to
improve customer loyalty?
A. Actionable insights are direct, meaningful actions that can be taken from analyzing any type
of raw data. They’re often the result of data analytics that provides enough data for organizations
to make a well-informed decision. The airlines gather actionable insights from social media
about the leverage of customer insights to provide cost savings, continuous improvement,
enhanced and targeted marketing through the design of seamless, efficient and personalized
passenger experiences.

Q.3: How can airlines use social media to better understand how to enhance
customer service?
A. In today’s modern age, when everybody is connected, and information is only a click away,
customers expect companies and brands to be available to them 24/7. They expect maximum
engagement on their side, so as to become loyal customers themselves. Also, they want someone
to remove their problems and issues immediately. As an airline company, you need to invest in
your customer experience and ensure your passengers are satisfied both on the plane and in front
of their screens. Social media today offers the perfect platform for interacting with your
customers and making them happy.
Here are 6 tips which will help you improve your airline customer experience using the power of
social media.
1. Set up a Voice & a Persona
Before we start discussing the actual steps you’ll need to take, there a “step zero” you need to
cover first. By using social media, you’re making your airline company more social. In other
words, you’re personifying it and creating a person talking to your company. For your social
media efforts to leave a positive impact on your customers, you need to pay attention to the

 You have a unique voice in all your social media platforms

 You use the same style of writing
 You answer in the same manner

2. Listen & Respond

Social media gives you the opportunity to hear what your actual customers have to say first hand.
In addition, they enable you to listen and communicate with them on a personal basis. However,
in order for this type of communication to be successful, you need to, ensure someone covering
your social media profiles 24/7, Make sure you read all the comments, messages, and mentions,
Respond to both positive and negative comments and feedback.
You need to be prepared to deal with whatever comes your way. Use social media platforms to
solve actual, real-time problems of your customers and provide quick, useful responses and tips.
3. Social Media Analytics
The data you’re able to collect through social media is immensely important and can serve you to
improve your social media customer experience. Make sure you monitor different aspects of
your social media followers’ behavior and use the data you collect to make improvement.
You should monitor the following:

 Demographics

Learn about the people who are the most active members of your social media community and
collect the data about their age, gender, social status, education level, etc.

 Engagement

Pay attention to which of your posts gets the most attention and engagement from your audience.
Understand why they like what you’re posting and why not. Once you have more insight into the
behavior of your audience, you’ll be able to improve your social media customer experience.
4. Create & Publish Informative Content:
When your airline’s social media followers are looking for answers, it’s your job to provide
them. This is why you need to create and publish social media content which is highly
informative, useful, and overall ads value to their customer experience.
5. Inspire & Motivate
Sometimes, your potential customers are having second thoughts and it’ hard for them to make
the final decision.

 You need to step up and give them a push in the right direction. Therefore, you should
use our social media accounts to:
 Inspire and motivate customers to take actions
 Provide real-time support and answers to ensure they go through with their initial
 Be there when they need you, and don’t let them slip your hands just because they waited
for a response too long.
6. Be Accurate & Professional
Finally, all your social media customer experience efforts will be in vain if the content you
publish and the text you post isn’t professionally written. This means that there can be no
spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, or questionable sentence structures. If you’re not sure you
can handle it, you can look for help from the best writing help you can find online.

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