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Reaching The Stars

An Exhibit of our curiosity with space

Daniel Arroyo
Art 1100-015
December 5, 2019

People have always looked up at the sky and have wondered what is out there.

For millennia people have watched the night sky and have taken a look at the cosmos

with curiosity and amazement. The thing about space and its exploitation is that it is

pretty recent but the curiosity has always been there. Our fascination with the unknown

has always been present and in this exhibit will go through the progression of how we

have looked up at the stars and wondered.

Today it is projected that we only know and are able to see only 4 percent of the

known universe. In that 4 percent, we have been able to discover so much and have

unlocked some of the secrets of our galaxy holds. What has fascinated me about space

is how different and vast the visuals of the sky look. The different arrangement of

shapes and lights. The universe is so colorful and full of abstract shapes that look

seemingly random. Through the course of the exhibit, you will see some examples of

how we have imitated life into art and made pieces that represent different things in our

sky above.
Eva- Astronaut Edward H. White II - Musc- Outerspace

Astronaut Edwards H. White II was one of the pilots on the Gemini-Titan and was

in one of the first successful missions to leave the earth gravitational pull. While on his

4-day mission to do 63 rotations around the earth, he ascended on zero gravity walk on

the outside of his ship. This is the first piece to be shown in the “Reaching The Stars”

exhibit because of how it shows the progress we have made and the lengths some will

take into uncertainty to fill their curiosity. While he was not the first person in space, he

was, however, the first American to make to do a spacewalk.

Man on the Moon

This picture was taken in 1969, titled Man on Moon, It is a picture

taken of astronaut Edwin E. Aldrin who was the second man of the moon. This picture

has a lot of significates because it shows the advancement we have made in order to

reach space and our closest neighbor the moon. The picture shows just how far we

have come wanting to reach the “heavens” above.

Architecture Of The Sky

Ross Bleckner
Oil on canvas
106 x 92 inches

This painting titled Architecture of the sky was created in 1990 and was

made by artist Ross Bleckner. This painting was meant to show the Blenckner’s

depiction of the minimalistic simplicity of the sky. I think that the significates of the sky is

that it can take on any shape and when looking at it and trying to come up with what we

see when we look up it can always be different. The minimalistic aspect of the painting

brings out a large range of what we can say the sky looks like

Northen-east view from the northern top of Mount Kosciusko

Eugene Van Guerard
Oil on canvas
106 x 92 inches

The northern-east view from the northern top of mount Kosicuko was painted by

Eugene Van Guerard. Guerard had sketched first then painted this while on a trip that

he joined with german scientists who were doing research on terrestrial magnetism.

While on his trip he noted that he would star up and look at the high view. I think that

this really speaks to the basis of why I wanted to make this Exhibit, we have always

been fascinated with looking up in amazement and this person was so intrigued that he

decided to paint his view.

Starry Night
Vincent Van Gogh
w920 x h720 mm
Oil on Canvas
Starry night was created out of the obsession that Vincent Van Gogh had had in

Arles on the night lights he would see. He had said that he needed to make something

that would haunt him and also said that the night lights were “ Often it seems to me night

is even more richly colored than day". The obsession with the night lights that had captured

the eyes of Van Gogh have also captured many other people’s attention alike.

Chamber of GIants
Giulio Romano
Part of a palace
Giulio Romano had painted this piece titled Chamber of Giants and it was his

depictions of what he believed the heaves and mount Olympus to be like. I think that is

is important to remember that people did not only look to the sky to wonder but to pry

and in the belief that a higher power was looking down upon them. Not only in the

search of god but for salvation.

Space, The Last Frontier

Claudia Lucia Arana Novoa
Knitted dress
The art fashion line made by Claudia Novoa titled Space, the Last Frontier was

inspired by our own exploration of space and how far we have been able to make it. She

goes on by saying that we are all made up of “star stuff” and she wanted to show that

we can also wear what we are. Reaching the stars and also realizing you are made of

the same thing makes it feel like the universe isn’t so big after all.

Emilina Martinelli
w7 x h85 x d80 cm

Kosmos was meant to represent the “harmony of the cosmos by its gravitational

force” and the Lamp itself is held together by magnates and rotates without the

interference of the other rings. In a sense, we are tethered to earth as well by its

gravitational pull and it keeps us in harmony with the rest of the planet and universe by

giving us a sense of togetherness. That we all fit in somewhere and there is a place for

everyone. We all fit in the space we live in.

Space shuttle project- Liquid Hydrogen Tank

This picture was taken in 1977 and it shows the tank for the liquid Hydrogen that

is strapped onto a rocket before it leaves earth. This is the only thing that allows us the

amount of thrust needed to leave earth and without this tank, we would not make it out

of the earth’s gravitation pull. I think that looking at the innovations we have created in

pursuit to leave earth had greatly had an effect on how our ability to create new more

advanced equipment and has actually made us a society advance quicker.

Night star rise sequence view taken by the Expedition 43 crew

Terry Virts
This picture was taken by Expedition 43 crew member Terry Virts and it shows a

double rainbow Aurora over the horizon of the earth. The picture was taken in the

international space station. A space station where multiple countries have come

together despite any disputes on earth in pursuit of doing research of space and our

solar system. The station is neutral to any conflicts because, in space, no one is allowed

or has ownership of space. Bringing all of us together in pursuit of science and curiosity.

Blue Marble
Nasa earth-observing satellite
This last picture is significate, it is one of the first pictures we have as a whole of

what our planet looks like. We have always wondered what it would be like to be able to

look down and this picture embodies all of us. Thus this is what we have been looking

for, ourselves.

Gallery outline

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