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Chávez Soto, José Carlos


The Queen’s birthday party.

It was 11:00 o’clock in the morning and Juliet was finishing the painting of the day. She really loved to paint
landscapes, so every Sunday she got out of bed early to work with her brushes and her watercolors.

Sunday’s dressing color was violet, so she was wearing a violet t-shirt, violet sneakers, and violet pants. She loved
colors, thus, she wore colored clothes depending on the day: on Monday she wore red clothes, on Tuesday she
wore Orange clothes, on Wednesday she wore yellow clothes, on Thursday she wore green clothes, on Friday
she wore blue clothes, on Saturday she wore indigo clothes, and on Sunday she wore violet clothes. Evidently,
she was so passionate for the rainbow.

Juliet was painting the last details of the landscape when, suddenly, her parents opened the door and yelled:

-Juliet, when do you plan to organize and clean your room?! You´ve got a mess in here.

Juliet was 7 and, like every little child, she hated to organize her room; it was a mess. There were lots of brushes,
oleum, and canvas on the floor. The bed was completely covered with clothes of different colors. She loved sports,
so the closet and the carpet were covered with all kinds of sports equipment: punching bags, ballet shoes, soccer
balls, rackets, basketball sneakers, and jumping ropes. If it wasn’t enough, her desk was piled up with all kinds
of candy wrapping paper.

Juliet’s parents were planning to go on a picnic to eat delicious food and ice-cream, but, since Julia had a mess,
they decided to leave without her. Again, they yelled:

-You don’t deserve more sugar and amenities until you organize and clean your room! - We’re leaving
without you.

They shut the door and Juliet ran to try to open it, but her parents had locked it with a padlock.

Juliet sobbed and hide under the desk that was next to her bed because she was so sad and disappointed. Besides,
she decided not to clean her room ever.
A few hours passed and Julia felt hungry, so she decided to look for some candies in her room; she tried to step
out of her hiding place when, unexpectedly, she stumbled down, and a pile of trash fell above her body.
Everything turned dark and she was so desperate and frightened.

She couldn’t see anything, but she moved through the pile of objects and found something unbelievable: a
glowing painting. The landscape she hadn’t finished that morning had become a magic object.

-That’s awesome! …She thought

Regrettably, she was so decayed and devastated, so decided to use it as a pillow.

She was just going to put her head on the glowing object when suddenly, she felt inside the painting. It was a
magic entrance, somewhat a portal that had transported her to a magic place. Unfortunately, there was no one
who could explain where Juliet had arrived. The place was surrounded with trees and there was a rock path that
headed to a giant palace at the end, so she decided to follow the path.

She walked two kilometers and finally reached the end of the path. She was standing in front of the giant, colored
door at the front of the palace and knocked many times, but nobody answered. She surrounded the palace and,
finally, found a large fence, which she jumped and walked forward to the backdoor.

When she reached the backdoor entrance, she pushed it gently and found an implausible surprise: there was a
rush in the place and lots of small people were moving from here to there. She saw many dwarfs with hats of
different colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet; such as the rainbow colors.

Juliet hadn’t noticed, but, when she had the issue with the pile of objects at her room, she totally changed her
outfit and was dressed in different colors: a red hat, an orange jacket, a pair of yellow socks, a pair of green shoes,
a blue ribbon, indigo shorts, and a purple t-shirt. She looked like a rainbow. All the dwarfs approached to her
and asked hurriedly:

-Who are you?

-I’m Juliet, what are you organizing?. …she said

-We’re planning and organizing the queen’s birthday, but we’re all a mess and don’t have enough time.
- Do you need some help? This place is such a mess! …Juliet replied.

-Of course, we need someone like you, but there is a problem. We are all dressed in hats of different
colors, so everyone with the same color is part of a group that performs a specific activity. You’ll see:
red-hat dwarfs oversee the birthday cake, orange-hat dwarfs are in charge to wrap gifts, yellow-hat dwarfs
must cook delicious food, green-hat dwarfs oversee the music rehearsal, blue-hat dwarfs are part of the
decoration group, indigo-hat dwarfs are part of the magic tricks group, and violet-hat dwarfs oversee
the drinks.

- What a thing, you’re incredible!... Juliet yelled.

-The problem is that you are dressed in all the rainbow colors, so you can take part at every activity.

-Sounds great!, I can be the leader to coordinate you. …Juliet answered joyfully.

-Thank you, we’re such a mess. …All the dwarfs replied.

To overcome the chaos, Juliet decided to make a list of all the dwarfs and then, located them in specific rooms.
Every group of dwarfs wearing the same color of hat organized according to Juliet’s suggestions and it really
improved the processes and made their collaboration easier. She was full of joy and happiness because finally she
could organize, and she could get a sense of leadership. In addition, she felt so comfortable because every activity
was a success: they finished on time and the organization was gorgeous.

She met the queen, ate delicious food, danced, drank juice and, obviously, ate many slices of cake. That was a
complete success and Juliet was over the moon.

By the end of the day, she had forgotten everything. The party had finished, and, at the end of the corridor, she
spotted on the wall the same painting that transported her to the magic place with the dwarfs and the queen.

Juliet told the dwarfs that she was leaving because she had pending activities. They agreed, but they told her to
be back for the next queen’s birthday. She agreed and jumped into the painting.


After that, she decided to organize and clean her room the same way she did with the dwarfs in the palace to
organize the queen’s birthday, and, after some hours, she finished and was so relieved. Everything was organized
and, obviously, the landscape painting that took her to the magic place occupied a special place at the top of her

After a few minutes, her parents arrived and were so impressed and happy, so they invited her to eat some ice-

-Let’s go out and get some ice-cream. … Her mother suggested

-No thanks, my tummy will blow up if I eat something else. …Juliet answered

-Did you eat all the trash and your disorganized stuff? …Their parents laughed with sarcasm.

- No mommy, no daddy. I’ve just ate the best cake at the greatest birthday party ever, also I’ve just ate
my bad habits. Thank you. …The little girl replied with a laughter.

Juliet had learned the importance to organize her room with the planning and the organization of the queen’s


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