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Problem Solving

The problem we have

first faced is not being
able to have the rest of
the team round mine to
film due to lockdown

As the filming location is We could move the filming

my house, my sister is location to somewhere like
the only actor, and I am the filming studio so all
the camera operator I team members can attend
could just film the advert
on my own.
All our group would be
We can stick to our original there to help and express
idea of where the advert will their ideas. Would be a
be set, and my sister would much easier way of
feel more comfortable doing it communicating rather than
at home rather than in an having them just message
environment she does not me feedback.

The problems we may face from

I wouldn’t have my other team
filming our advert in the studio is firstly
members around to have more
the availability of the studio. We would
of a say about the filming such
have to make sure we were able to use
as the angles of the shots also
it on filming week. However, my sister
would be a lot more tricky
may feel more nervous and
communicating with them as
uncomfortable doing it in an
we would have to just message
environment she doesn’t know with
people she doesn’t know.

Our final decision was to just let me film it at my house as I am camera operator, so the
others are not needed as much. I could just have them on a group call to me so they can
direct me and give ideas. This would also all be keeping us safe from COVID.

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