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Nikac's Class News

September 2020
Message from the Teacher their own pumpkin by Sept. 29th.
If I could have volunteers who
Your students received a letter packet
could assist with carving and
today that will be brought
bringing snacks and drinks
back and forth from
that would be great! If you
school to home. The
would like to help out in any
packet will go home on
way please email me if you'd
Monday and be brought
volunteer or bring a snack or
back on Friday to use for
drink, my email is
ian in class activtity. Also,
we will be having a pumpkin carving
party on October 1st with snacks and Just a reminder, snacks need to
drinks. I need each student to bring in be nut free, thanks!

Reminders What's Planned... where students need to

find items in the class
Friday 9/5 This week we will begin
that begin with the
Bring letter with our first letter which
letter A. On Friday's we
packet to class will be A. We will go over
will create a sentence
Sept. 29th words that begin with A
wall using the sentences
Bring in as well as create
that the studnet's came
pumpkins sentences with those
up with from their letter
Oct 1st words. We will also be
Pumpkin learning how to write the
carving party letter a both in uppercase
and lowercase. After we
discuss the letter we will
have a scavenger hunt

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