Complete The Table Below With Words and Phrases From Worksheet 3

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Worksheet 4

Maria Mercedes Murillo and Mayra Alejandra Nomelin

Task 4 – Vocabulary
• Complete the table below with words and phrases from Worksheet 3.
Words and phrases which mean the
(words in bold)

o Next Afterwards
o Ready for the situation Well prepared
o Jack and trousers/ skirt Suit
o Worried Nervous
o Contact you be in touch
o Past jobs previous work experience
o Completed filled out
o A notice/ announcement advert
o Curriculum vital CV

Worksheet 5
Task 5 – Grammar
Write down the past tense of the verbs provided – you can find all the answers in
The transcript on Worksheet 2

Infinitivo Past simple

o Want Wanted
o Fill out Fillet out
o Write Worot
o Send Sent
o Recieve Received
o Wear Wore
o Ask Asked
o Have to To have
o Go Went
o Shaket hads Shook hands
Task 5a - Past simple writing practice
• Work with a partner to write a short story using all 10 verbs.
• Use the past simple tense.

One monday, juan woke up early. He had breakfast with him family, he had a quick
shower, and left home to work.
on her way to the office, a beautiful woman asked her if she knew where the
closest post office was. He asked her if she wanted him to accompany her, and
then have a cup of coffee. she said yes, Juan and the woman had coffee. After
that, they went to the cinema juan didn’t ask the woman name, the woman said he
had to go to the bathroom, but she didn’t come back. Juan fell in love with the
woman; he wanted the woman to come back. he waited for her for 2 years, but he
didn’t come back. Juan had lost all hope about love.
One day, juan was waiting in line in the bank when a woman came up to her and
asked her what time it was. His voice sounded familiar, it was the same woman;
him name was sara,They married one year later.

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