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BSBMGT617 Develop and implement a business plan

BSBMGT617 Develop and implement a business plan

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BSBMGT617 Develop and implement a business plan


Student Name: Thomas

Student ID: GBC160391

Contact Number: 0424392408


Trainer / Assessor Name: Hasan

√BSB61015 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management

 BSB61315 Advanced Diploma of Marketing and
Qualification: Communication
 BSB60915 Advanced Diploma of Management (Human

Unit of Competency: BSBMGT617 Develop and implement a business plan

√ Written Questions
√ Project

Due Date: 20 july Date Submitted: 20 july

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confirmation of extension received from your assessor.

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BSBMGT617 Develop and implement a business plan
√Assessment information
√Submitting assessments
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Thomas 20 July

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BSBMGT617 Develop and implement a business plan


This assessment consists of 8 written questions. You must complete them all.
Carefully read and answer the following questions by writing a response for each question. Most are short answer questions though some require a
more detailed response. You may use dot points where appropriate. You may use reference material to assist you such as texts and the internet but
you must correctly cite your sources.

Question 1
What is a business plan? Describe briefly what it is and the purpose. (about 200 words)

A business plan is a documented set of business goals, objectives, target market information
and financial forecasts that you are aiming to achieve over a certain periode of time. It is important
to prepare a business plan when starting or growing your business and review it regularly to keep
it up to date. If we are seeking finance for our business, we will need to show banks and investors
why they should invest in our business.
Lenders and investors will only risk their time and money if they're confident that our business will
be successful and profitable.

A thorough and well-researched business plan:

 shows that we are serious about our business

 helps lenders and investors to understand our business idea
 shows our predicted profits and income streams.

A complete, thoughtful business plan is one of the most valuable tools in helping you reach your
long-term goals. It gives your business direction, defines your objectives, maps out strategies to
achieve your goals and helps you to manage possible bumps in the road.

Preparing a business plan will help you work out the goals you want to achieve, and the strategies
to achieve them. This means you can focus your resources and energy on what you need to do,

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rather than spreading yourself too thin.

The planning process also helps you to consider possible bumps in the road and put a plan in
place to better manage them if they do come up.

Once you’ve got a business plan in place, it’s a good idea to regularly review and update it to:

 remind yourself of your goals and priorities

 assess whether your strategies are working
 adapt to any new changes in your environment
 make the most of new opportunities

A business plan is not a document you create once and store in your bottom drawer. It's a living
guide that you should develop as your business grows and changes. Successful businesses
review and update their business plan when circumstances change.

Set yourself a reminder to review your business plan regularly.

If you have a team in your business, holding brainstorming sessions is a good way to benefit from
their knowledge - it ensures you're all on the same page and that you get their support

Question 2
Why should a business have a plan? Give at least two (2) reasons.

1. A business plan can help you prioritise

A complete, thoughtful business plan is one of the most valuable tools in helping you reach your
long-term goals. It gives your business direction, defines your objectives, maps out strategies to

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achieve your goals and helps you to manage possible bumps in the road.

Preparing a business plan will help you work out the goals you want to achieve, and the strategies
to achieve them. This means you can focus your resources and energy on what you need to do,
rather than spreading yourself too thin.

The planning process also helps you to consider possible bumps in the road and put a plan in
place to better manage them if they do come up.

Once you’ve got a business plan in place, it’s a good idea to regularly review and update it to:

 remind yourself of your goals and priorities

 assess whether your strategies are working
 adapt to any new changes in your environment
 make the most of new opportunities as they come your way.

2. A business plan can give you control over your business

Developing your business plan helps you to step back and look at what's working in your business
and what you can improve on.

If you have employees, the planning process can be a good opportunity to seek their feedback on
possible ideas and improvements. Your employees will value this opportunity to contribute to the

Taking the time out of your business to plan will give you a sense of control about the future of
your business and pay off in the long run!

Business planning can seem overwhelming and time-consuming, but many successful businesses
look at it as an opportunity.

The planning process helps you learn about the different forces and factors that may affect your
success. If you're already in business, it helps you to step back and look at what's working and

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what you can improve on. Instead of worrying about the future, a business plan helps to give you
a sense of control over your business and your livelihood.

Writing and researching for your business plan gives you the chance to:

 learn about your industry, market and competitors

 write down exactly where you are in the market and where you're headed
 identify challenges you may come across and work out strategies to avoid or overcome
 understand your business finances, including managing cash-flow and determining your
break-even point
 set specific goals, timeframes for achieving them and how you'll measure performance
 make sound business decisions that focus your activities, maximise your resources and
give you a competitive edge.

Question 3
What is the difference between the business plan and strategic plan?
While a strategic plan is a type of business plan, there are several important distinctions between
the two types that are worth noting.
A strategic plan is primarily used for implementing and managing the strategic direction of an
existing organization. A business plan is used to initially start a business, obtain funding, or direct
operations.  The two plans cover different timeframes as well. A strategic plan generally covers a
period of 3 to 5+ years, whereas a business plan is normally no more than one year.

A strategic plan is for established businesses, organizations and business owners that are serious
about growing their organization. Whereas a business plan could be for new businesses and
entrepreneurs who are starts up.

A strategic plan is used to provide focus, direction and action in order to move the organization
from where they are now to where they want to go.  Whereas a business plan is used to provide a

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structure for ideas in order to initially define the business.

A strategic plan is critical to prioritizing resources (time, money and people) to grow the revenue
and increase the return on investment.  Whereas a business plan is critical if the business is
seeking funding.

A strategic plan focuses on building a sustainable competitive advantage and is futuristic in

nature. Whereas a business plan is used to assess the viability of a business opportunity, and is
more tactical in nature.

A strategic plan is used to communicate the direction of the organization to the staff and
stakeholders.  However, a business plan is used to present the entrepreneur’s ideas to a

Question 4
Write a brief description of what you would expect to find in each of the following sections in the structure of a business plan.

Section Description

Executive summary
An executive summary, or management summary, is a short
document or section of a document, produced for business
purposes, that summarizes a longer report or proposal or a group
of related reports in such a way that readers can rapidly become
acquainted with a large body of material without having to read it
all. It usually contains a brief statement of the problem or proposal
covered in the major document(s), background information.
An executive summary differs from an abstract in that an abstract
will usually be shorter and is typically intended as an overview or

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orientation rather than being a condensed version of the full

document. Abstracts are extensively used in academic research
where the concept of the executive summary is not in common

Business summary
A business overview is a section of a business plan. When a
business plan is created, it must include a summary of the
necessary steps to make the plan work: vision mission,
strategies of work and goals for the business venture.

Management / operational
An operational plan can be defined as a plan prepared by a
component of an organization that clearly defines actions it will
take to support the strategic objectives and plans of upper
management. However, to fully understand operational plans, we
should first look at the overall planning process within a business.

Market planning
Market planning is the process of analysing one or more
potentially interesting marketplaces in order to determine how a
business can optimally compete in them. The market planning
process typically results in a marketing strategy that can be used
to enhance sales for the business producing it.

Future plans, vision, goals

The Milestones table is one of the most important in your
and milestones
business plan. It sets the plan into practical, concrete terms, with
real budgets, deadlines, and management responsibilities. It
helps you focus as you are writing your business plan, and then,
the Milestones table and plan-vs.-actual management analysis
helps you implement your plan as you grow your business.

Future plan is plan we create from now if something happening

and our first plan does not work and not work really well. We
create future plan and we put on the side in case if we need it. We
can also make that target of our new goal in the business.

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A company vision statement is an important part of a business

plan overview. It is one part your dream for your company and
another part the path you're laying for your business in the future.
The vision statement is generally written with a long-term
perspective in mind.

A goal is an idea of the future or desired result that a person or a

group of people envisions, plans and commits to achieve. People
endeavor to reach goals within a finite time by setting deadlines.

Financials and funding

Financial usually refers to money matters or transactions of some
size or importance: a financial wizard. Fiscal is used especially in
connection with government funds, or those of any organization:
the end of the fiscal year. Monetary relates especially to money
as such: a monetary system or standard.

Funding is the act of providing financial resources, usually in the

form of money, or other values such as effort or time, to finance a
need, program, and project, usually by an organization or
company. Generally, this word is used when a firm uses its
internal reserves to satisfy its necessity for cash, while the term
financing is used when the firm acquires capital from external.

Question 5
Give three (3) examples of performance objectives that you could have for a small business.
For each one, describe how you could measure its success.

Performance Objective How success will be measured

The Objective of Speed The objective of speed measures how fast a

company can deliver its products and
generates sales quotes. This objective will be

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concerned with such issues as the time that it
takes to manufacture and process one or more
products of the company or the time that it
takes to research a new product and develop it.

Quality of a Product Typically, quality is considered to measure how

well a product conforms to certain
specifications. However, it’s more than that,
according to Andy Neely. It’s also how
desirable the features of the product are; how
reliable the product is; how durable it is; how
easily it can be serviced; how well it performs
its intended function; and, how much the
customers believe in its value. All of these are
relevant measures of quality.

Variation in Costs
This objective looks at how much variation
there is in the unit cost of a product as
measured by changes in a variety of factors,
including the volume and the variety of the
products. Products that feature a greater variety
tend to sport lower volumes and higher unit
costs and vice versa. Ultimately, this affects the
price of the product, the costs of producing it,
and the profits to be obtained from that product.

Flexibility in Operations
Flexible operations are operations that can
configure the product lines to deal with various
requirements and to also adjust these product

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lines quickly to new requirements. The latter is

also closely related to the speed objective. A
company should be able to produce different
quality product varieties and also adapt its
operations to suit different market conditions
and delivery schedules.

Question 6
If you were developing a business plan for a small business, which stakeholders would you need to consider? List at least five (5).

Owners have a major say in the way the company functions and generally tend to extract the
maximum efficiency and make the maximum profit from their investments in the company

Manager have a power and rules that can control all staff and look after the business. Manager
have to be make sure the Business run well and take responsibility about the Business and staffs.
If any problem come up, Manager have to be there to face and find the solution also discuss with
the owner to solve the problem.


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Staffs are very important element in the business, without them business wont operate and
running well. As manager and owner, we need to make sure we hiring the good staff and qualified
to build up and develop our business.

Customers are also key stakeholders in any organization. The way they are catered to and their
level of satisfaction determines how the company runs, so the owner and managers are likely to
change their behavior based on what the customer wants.

Every business always has relation with suppliers. We get stock and all stuff to develop our
business from supplier, that’s way very important to maintain and build good relation with them to
get good deal and support for our business.

Question 7
If you were developing a business plan for a small business, from whom could you access assistance or professional advice?

Technical advisor
A technical advisor is an individual who is an expert in a particular field of knowledge, hired to
provide detailed information and advice to people working in that field. For example, a
construction company might hire a technical expert in fluid dynamics to advise them if seeking to
move a small water course or a company operating in adventure education will frequently hire
technical experts to ensure that their policies and procedures are robust enough to handle the
hazards they are going to face.
Technical expert

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Having "technical expertise" means that a person has the knowledge or skill to perform a
particular task. It does not suggest experience, social skills, attitude, etc. One may have the
technical expertise to do a job, but may be lacking in other skills required to be a good employee.

Question 8
Describe the steps you would follow if you were developing a business plan for a new business. Include at least six (6) steps.

Research and analyse your product, your market and your objective expertise, consider
spending twice as much time researching, evaluating and thinking as you spend actually writing
the business plan. To write the perfect plan, you must know your company, your product, your
competition and the market intimately. In other words, it’s your responsibility to know everything
you can about your business and the industry that you’re entering. Read everything you can
about your industry and talk to your audience.
2.Determine the purpose of your plan
A business plan, as defined by enterpreneur, is a “written document describing the nature of the
business, the sales and marketing strategy, and the financial background, and containing a
projected profit and loss statement.” However, your business plan can serve several different
3.Create a company profile
Your company profile includes the history of your organization, what products or services you
offer, your target market and audience, your resources, how you’re going to solve a problem and
what makes your business unique. Company profiles are often found on the company’s official
website and are used to attract possible customers and talent. However, your profile can be
used to describe your company in your business plan. It’s not only an essential component of
your business plan; it’s also one of the first written parts of the plan.
4.Document all aspects of your business
Investors want to make sure that your business is going to make them money. Because of this
expectation, investors want to know everything about your business. To help with this process,
document everything from your expenses, cash flow and industry projections. Also, don’t forget

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seemingly minor details like your location strategy and licensing agreements.
5.Have a strategic marketing plan in place

A great business plan will always include a strategic and aggressive marketing plan. This
typically includes achieving marketing objectives such as:

 Introducing new products

 Extending or regaining market for existing products
 Entering new territories for the company
 Boosting sales in a particular product, market or price range. Where will this business
come from? Be specific.
 Cross-selling (or bundling) one product with another
 Entering into long-term contracts with desirable clients

6.Make it adaptable based on your audience.

The potential readers of a business plan are a varied bunch, ranging from bankers and venture
capitalists to employees, state entrepreneur. Although this is a diverse group, it is a finite one.
And each type of reader does have certain typical interests. If you know these interests up-front,
you can be sure to take them into account when preparing a plan for that particular audience.

For example, bankers will be more interested in balance sheets and cash-flow statements, while
venture capitalists will be looking at the basic business concept and your management team.

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Nature valley

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By: Thomas, Manager, HRM

For: CEO

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Executive Summary

living in the village and far away from crowded life also stay away for a while with our busy and daily activity is everyone dream. Find the place to stay

away from the city with some natural activity and watch some attraction with nice wine in a hand also explore in the mountain, farm and garden is

good idea for everyone who want to have different holiday and unforgettable.

Nature valley will passionately focus on all tourism segments of this industry from different country. The company will set up everything in a beautiful
area with mountains and a stream and there is good access via a sealed road. There is a large old homestead which is for accommodation and an
old winery, some fields and a barn for animals for all tourist to stay and enjoy of our services.

Nature valley will have different kind of services and several way for tourism to enjoy they holiday. The main things is everyone can feel and have
amazing holiday that it will bring them back again and again. We will provide some nature activities as hikes in the local area, horse riding, ‘hay rides’,
and canoeing. The more interesting is everyone can harvest the grapes from some of the old vines and make wine. Our guests can participate in the
picking, production and tasting.

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We can accommodate up to 12 guests at a time and provide breakfast and an optional packed lunch each day, and a complementary ‘farm dinner’ as
part of the package. All meals will use locally-grown produce where possible. They will grow herbs and some vegetables in the garden as well.

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ASSESSMENT COVER SHEET...................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Assessment 1: Written Questions.................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Questions................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
TASK 2 A: BUSINESS PLAN......................................................................................................................................................................................... 18
Nature valley............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 18
Executive Summary................................................................................................................................................................................................. 20
Market Analysis Summary....................................................................................................................................................................................... 33
Market Segmentation........................................................................................................................................................................................... 33
Target Market Segment Strategy......................................................................................................................................................................... 36
Strategy and Implementation Summary................................................................................................................................................................. 36
Management Team............................................................................................................................................................................................... 39
Personnel Plan...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 42
SWOT Analysis...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 51
Strengths................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 51
Weaknesses........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 51
Opportunities.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 51
Threats................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 52
Competition............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 52

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Mission................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 54
Marketing Objectives.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 54
Financial Objectives................................................................................................................................................................................................ 54
Target Marketing.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 55
Positioning.............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 55
Strategy Pyramids.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 56
Marketing Mix......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 56
Marketing Research................................................................................................................................................................................................ 57
Financials, Budgets, and Forecasts........................................................................................................................................................................... 57
Break-even Analysis............................................................................................................................................................................................... 57
Sales Forecast........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 58
Expense Forecast................................................................................................................................................................................................... 58
Communication Strategy................................................................................................................................................................................................ 64
Conclusion..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 65

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The Nature Valley

Nature valley is located in 77 halls road, Pokolbin NSW 2035 with beautiful area and stream location around mountain and some big garden
surrounded. This Nature valley accommodation is so carefully curated and delightfully decadent, you’ll never want to leave.
The Nature has a 'European luxe meets Hamptons Long Island' vibe. It offers grand comfort with timeless charm in a romantic Nature Valley retreat
amongst the vines, where europe doors open onto wide verandahs and sweeping views of the estate. It combines the ambience of an indulgent
Baroque hotel, with the distinctive character of an Australian country guesthouse. The Nature is a unique style of Pokolbin accommodation and
makes a prestigious destination for any occasion. Whether it’s a romantic escape, a small group celebration or large and joyous gathering,
The Nature and it's premier restaurant and venue - Circa 1876 is the ideal location.
Nature valley will passionately focus on all tourism segments of this industry from different country. The company will set up everything in a beautiful
area with mountains and a stream and there is good access via a sealed road. There is a large old homestead which is for accommodation and an
old winery, some fields and a barn for animals for all tourist to stay and enjoy of our services.
Nature valley will have different kind of services and several way for tourism to enjoy they holiday. The main things is everyone can feel and have
amazing holiday that it will bring them back again and again. We will provide some nature activities as hikes in the local area, horse riding, ‘hay rides’,
and canoeing. The more interesting is everyone can harvest the grapes from some of the old vines and make wine. Our guests can participate in the
picking, production and tasting.

Escape to the famous Wine Country and enjoy luxury boutique hotel accommodation at The Nature Valley. Just 3.5 hours drive from Sydney CBD,
The Nature is nestled within one of Australia’s premiere wine regions - Polkobin.
Our unique location offers expansive acreage views of the glamorous boutique hotel. The Nature Valley, Pepper Tree Winery and Circa 1876. All
venues are located on the estate and  surrounded by rich, produce filled kitchen gardens, creating a  tranquil culinary treat pleasing to lovers of both
food and wine.
Whether you are planning a romantic getaway, a weekend with the girls or your mates, or a fun-filled family holiday, our intimate and boutique Nature
Valley hotel offers something for everyone. Unwind and enjoy renowned local wines at Pepper Tree Winery and share the passion for organic
produce and farm to fork dining at our hatted restaurant at Circa 1876.

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Explore the Nature Valleys with the whole family and sample the region’s many attractions. With an onsite function room, a spectacular backdrop and
a relaxing atmosphere, The Convent is the ideal venue for weddings, corporate events and celebrations.
Our friendly, knowledgeable front office team are experts on the region, and strive to ensure each guest has an unforgettable experience.
Book your stay now or purchase a gift voucher package and treat a loved one to a well-deserved Nature Valley luxury boutique escape.

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Business name: Nature Valley


Tourism licences and permits

Tour operators permits

Providing accommodation permits from local council

Providing meals permits from local council

Certificate of Competency Recognition (Commercial)Providing transport permits:

-Certificate of Survey

-Commercial Use of Jetties Permit

-Permit to Operate a Sea Installation

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-Operator Accreditation

Serving alcohol:

-Liquor Licence (Commercial other)

-Commercial Special Facility Licence

Liquor licence exemptions

Providing tours in protected natural areas

Keeping animals other than dogs or cats

Tourism legislation

Tour operators and guides

Standard business legislation

Environmental legislation

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Other state and federal laws

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Facilities and Services

The Nature valley Facilities
Keep the entire family entertained with our boutique Nature Valley hotel facilities.
Set amongst beautiful gardens and vineyards in classic Australian wine country, The Nature Valley is picture perfect. Lavish décor has been hand-
source and the dining options would rival any found around the globe. The retreat is just a short stroll from the renowned Circa 1876 Restaurant or
alternatively dine in Restaurant Nature located in the Nature Valley.
Start the day with tennis on the retreat’s private court, play boules or take a dip in the pool. Relax in a truly romantic setting and rejuvenate. If you
have an eye for detail and an appreciation for international culture, you’ll feel right at home. Nature Valley also have options for activities like hikes in
the local area, horse riding, ‘hay rides’, and canoeing. Down the track you would like to harvest the grapes from some of the old vines and make wine
which is all the guest can participate in the picking, production and tasting.

 Laundry/valet service
 Car rental and limousine service
 Room service
 Courier service
 Babysitting
 Facsimile
 Photocopying
 Typing

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 Secretarial services
 Wine and harvest Grapes
Enjoy superb wine tasting at grapes Tree Winery located on the estate. Open from 9:30am to 5:00 pm, 7 days.

 Horse riding in the Nature Valley

Hire a horse and explore the beautiful surrounding countryside and mountain at your own pace.

 Swimming Pool at resort in Nature Valley

Pool: Enjoy the sunshine and the cooling waters of the beautiful swimming pool at The Nature.

 Tennis courts available in the Nature Valley

Tennis:  Complimentary tennis equipment is available from reception. Don’t forget to reserve the court in advance!

 Grass bowls available in the Nature Valley

Boules: This popular continental sport is the perfect summer game. With a boule in one hand and a cool drink in the other, it’s a delightful way
to while away a warm afternoon.
The Nature is surrounded by boutique wineries and endless outdoor experiences like hot air ballooning, helicopter flights, golf, bushwalks, horse
riding, 4WD tours and Wine tasting at the Nature. View our recommended list of things to do in the Nature Valley.

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Market Analysis Summary

The tourism market in Australia is enormous. In 1998, according to The Bank of Australia, 19.8 million international tourists traveling to Australia and
spent over six billion dollars. 350 major hotels and thousands of smaller travel destinations serviced these tourists. Increasingly tourists are
researching and booking travel using the Internet. There are 20 travel websites already and this number is projected to increase by 100% by the end
of 2001. The company plans to target the large resorts that don't yet have a website and expand into the thousands of smaller destinations as the
business develops. The company will approach this market primarily through advertising. We are also targeting local people and tourist from another
state such as Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide and etc.

Our advertising will serve two different functions. Firstly, we will use testimonials from reference accounts to expose the benefits of our services to
tourism operators. Second, we will use advertising through trade publications and direct mail to establish a brand that the Australia tourism industry
will associate with high-quality professional services.

Market Segmentation
We broadly divide our market between resort hotels and other travel destinations. Within resort hotels we segment between 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 star
hotels. Within other travel destinations we include apartments, bed and breakfast, lunch package, suits, villas, condos, trailer parks, and bungalows.
Within the category of resort hotels, we define large resorts as being 4 or 5 star hotels.

In addition, we have excluded 1 and 2 star hotels entirely. Furthermore the company believes these estimates are conservative because they exclude
the major wine taste and picked areas such as broken wood wine, grapes tree wine, Wilkinson winery, etc.

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Potential Customers Growth CAGR

Large resorts 10% 557 613 674 741 815 9.98%

Smaller resorts 10% 1,136 1,250 1,375 1,513 1,664 10.01%

Other travel destinations 10% 678 746 821 903 993 10.01%

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Target Market Segment Strategy

The company's market strategy is to focus on resort hotels and tourist travel destinations in Australia that meet two important criteria. First, we are
targeting the segments of the market that can afford Web-based promotion and luxury holiday. Second, we are targeting those segments of the
market that can benefit from a presence on the World Wide Web. The company has gathered market data from the official Australia tourism website.
To be conservative, we gathered data that excludes the major beach resort areas. Many of the major beach resorts already have websites. Although
we intend to target those areas as well, for purposes of this analysis, we have left them out of the numerical totals. If they were included, these resorts
would approximately double the number of large resorts. Smaller resorts and other travel destinations would also be affected, but by a smaller
amount. Although there are many more 1 and 2 star hotels then any other category, the company decided to exclude them because their segment
can neither afford nor benefit from a presence on the World Wide Web and we can join with them to get more tourism who wanted to travel and save
money. We decided to include 4 star hotels in both large and small resort segments because we predict that 4 star operators will divide themselves
between large and small service offerings. It is also important to note that many of the 4 and 5 star hotels are control by resort chains, where as the
smaller hotels tend to be individually owned. Furthermore, 5 star hotels often have affiliations with other travel destinations such as golf courses. Also
note that the predicted 10% growth rate was estimated by the company, not by the tourism board.

Strategy and Implementation Summary

The company will focus on the international and Australian tourism market. By using the company's services, our clients will either establish, or
improve, their presence on the World Wide Web, also we always show Australia culture to peoples in the world and they will be able to learn and
know everything about Australia.

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Our marketing strategy is based on testimonial and reference advertising. We will use trade publications and direct advertising to establish our brand
as the high quality source for Web design and infrastructure services in the Australian and international tourism industry. Our strategy involves
creating a niche for Web services in our industry and then positioning ourselves as the leader in this new niche. Our sales strategy will begin by
supporting marketing's need for reference accounts. Subsequently sales will focus in two areas. First, the sales force will work leads generated by
advertising and word of mouth to establish new customer accounts. Second, the sales force will work with existing customers to renew and improve
their website.

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Operations: Suppliers, plant and equipment, technology, trading hours, communication channels, payment type

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Management summary

The strength of our management staff positions us for success. We have assembled a team that embraces different disciplines, accomplished
professionals with expertise in all areas of the business, including marketing and restaurant management. The owners, Thomas (Managing Partner)
and Alan (Executive Chef), have considerable experience in the restaurant, hospitality and tourism industry.

You can't build investor confidence based on what you will do, but you can inspire confidence based on what you have done. Attached is the portfolio
of past success. Nature Valley Management team has deep roots in the restaurant segment, and have the practical experience to make this venture
another great success.

Management Team

Nature Valley, with more than 15 years of experience between the key officers, understands the importance of a strong management team. The
strength of our management staff positions us for success.
Day to day operational management will be conducted by Thomas and Alan as hands on managers. They will advised and supported by their
Advisory Board.

Nature Valley Board

 Willy Hollier of Hollier Collier & Loewenthal: Corporate Attorney

 John Katz of SS&G Financial Services: CPA

 Steve Shaefer of Shafer Hospitality Services: Restaurant Consultant

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 Yanni Zimmerman of The Zimmerman Group: Media & Public Relations consultant

Ownership & Management

Together, Thomas and Alan bring over 15 years of experience in Hospitality and tourism industry to their new joint venture.

Thomas: Managing Partner

(Operations, Marketing, Financial and Business Development)

Mr. Thomas brings to Nature valley an accomplished hospitality and tourism background, exceptional business acumen, and a lifetime passion for the
hospitality experience. Thomas has over 10 years of business management in the Information Technology industry. Like IT, successful ventures in
the restaurant industry must balance capitalizing on new trends with continual quality assessment. Thomas understanding of day-to-day cash flow
planning and staff management will be critical to Nature Valley financial success. 

Mr. Thomas has a background in International Business Management and Business Start-ups, and is certified in Restaurant and Hotel Management.
As co-owner, Thomas is responsible for overall direction and operational management. Mr. Thomas is a strong business leader responsible for
strategic planning and continued growth of restaurant services and business development. In addition, Thomas will be the management lead for all
public relations, financial and investor services.

Degrees, Certifications, and Professional Affiliations:

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 MBA in International Business Management

 B.S. in Computer Science

 Certified in hospitality and tourism from Dyson University

 Certified in Restaurant & Hotel Management from Ryerson University

 PMP (Project Management Professional) certification

 Member of the Midtown Alliance

 Business partner member of the National Restaurant Association.

Alan: Managing Partner

(Executive Chef and Restaurant Operations)

Alan is an accomplished restaurant, having owned several full-service restaurants. Mr. Alan is responsible for the concept and the daily operations
management, with yearly sales targets of $7 million.

In addition, Alan is the owner of Coco Bar and Nightclub, and former owner of Dizen Restaurant, Ownie, and Green Gourmet Restaurant, all financial
and critical successes. Mr. Alan is also an international restaurant consultant for top international organizations. Mr. Alan Contracting responsibilities
for Nature Valley included logistics, Site and Lease Negotiations, Concept Definition, Start-Up and Financial forecast, Menu and Operations
Management, as well as Implementation and Launch Management. With a degree in Economics and an accomplished career, Mr. Alan contributes

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the experience of his past successes, and is charged with leading the Restaurant Operations, Staff Selection, Menu Definition and Training initiatives
for Nature Valley.

Managing Partner Responsibilities

In addition to the management of day to day operations, both managers, as principals within the company, will oversee menu development,
purchasing, portioning, pricing and inventory control, including approval of all financial obligations of the company. They will plan, develop, and
establish customer service policies and objectives, and write, explain, and enforce an employee's manual for all employee-related policies.
Responsibilities for hiring and firing employees lie solely with the two operations managers, and any decisions in these areas will be made jointly.

They will:

 Manage working capital, including receivables, inventory, cash and marketable securities.

 Perform financial forecasting, including capital budgeting, cash flow analysis, pro forma financial statements, and external financing

 Prepare financial analyses of operations for guiding management, including reports which outline the company's income, expenses, and

 Direct preparation of budgets and financial forecasts and arrange for audits of company's accounts.

Personnel Plan

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We believe the personnel plan is in good proportion to the size of the Nature valley resort. The staff will include 5 full-time employees and 20 part-time
employees, who will work a total of 754 manhours per week and generate an average monthly gross payroll of $27,308 for the first year in business.
The estimated gross annual payroll of $399,588 (including Partner Salaries) is 37% of total sales.

Wage salaries for service personnel (waitstaff, trade person, cook, gardeners, busboys, bartenders) do not include anticipated tips. With average
tipping rates our menu prices, service employees should average at least twice the minimum wage in any given shift. Skilled waitresses and
bartenders on weekends and evenings will make substantially more.

Kitchen staff:

The Executive Chef will be assisted by:

 An Assistant Chef from a national search (1).

 Dessert Chef (1)

 A Sou chef with considerable experience in different restaurants (1).

 Cooks that work directly with Alan or the sous chef (2).

 Prep cooks/dishwasher (2).

Bar staff:

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 Manager (1)
 Bartenders/ Barista (2)
 Waitstaff (6)

Hotel Staff:

 Administration (1)
 Receptionist (2)
 Housekeeper (3)
 Laundry/cleaner (2)

Support Staff:

 Plumbers (1)
 Electrician (1)
 Out bond staff (3)

Restaurant and Hotel Operations:

Thomas will manage the Financial Management, Bookkeeping, PR/Media Advertising, and Investor Services. Thomas will also manage the daily
Restaurant and Hotel Operations.  

Alan will be the Restaurant Manager. He will be the primary responsible for daily Restaurant Operations, taking care of Wait and Bar Staff. Alan will
also take lead as the Executive Chef working with the Head Chef. He will have servers that will work as ‘captains’ (these people have experience in
managing, waiting tables and bartending) and take care of service and make sure the restaurant is in excellent shape.

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Administrative Salaries (Partners):

 Thomas $ 48,000 per year

 Alan $32,160 per year



General Manager (Year 2+) $0 $0 $28,000 $28,500 $29,000

Partner/Manager $48,000 $48,000 $48,000 $48,000 $48,000

Partner/Asst. Manager/Exec. Chef $32,160 $32,160 $32,160 $32,160 $32,160

Chef $25,000 $25,500 $26,000 $26,500 $27,000

Dessert chef $24,000 $24,500 $25,000 $25,500 $26,000

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Cook 1 $13,200 $13,500 $14,000 $14,300 $14,800

Cook 2 $13,200 $13,500 $14,000 $14,300 $14,800

Waitperson 1 $5,640 $5,640 $5,640 $5,640 $5,640

Waitperson 2 $5,640 $5,640 $5,640 $5,640 $5,640

Waitperson 3 $5,640 $5,640 $5,640 $5,640 $5,640

Waitperson 4 $5,640 $5,640 $5,640 $5,640 $5,640

Waitperson 5 $5,640 $5,640 $5,640 $5,640 $5,640

Waitperson 6 $5,640 $5,640 $5,640 $5,640 $5,640

Bartender 1 $14,400 $14,400 $14,400 $14,400 $14,400

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Bartender 2 $7,200 $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 $7,600

Dishwasher 1 $9,120 $9,120 $9,120 $9,120 $9,120

Dishwasher 2 $9,120 $9,120 $9,120 $9,120 $9,120

Ass. Chef $25,000 $25,500 $26,000 $26,500 $27,000

Administration $24,000 $24,500 $25,000 $25,500 $26,000

Receptionist 1 $23,000 $23,500 $24,000 $24,500 $25,000

Receptionist 2 $23,000 $23,500 $24,000 $24,500 $25,000

Housekeeper 1 $9,120 $9,120 $9,120 $9,120 $9,120

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Housekeeper 2 $9,120 $9,120 $9,120 $9,120 $9,120

Housekeeper 3 $9,120 $9,120 $9,120 $9,120 $9,120

Laundry 1 $9,120 $9,120 $9,120 $9,120 $9,120

Laundry 2 $9,120 $9,120 $9,120 $9,120 $9,120

Out bond staff 1 $14,400 $14,400 $14,400 $14,400 $14,400

Out bond staff 2 $14,400 $14,400 $14,400 $14,400 $14,400

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Open $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

TOTAL PEOPLE 26 26 26 26 26

Total Payroll $391,080 $400,788 $429,828 $431,128 $432,728

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Proposed Organisational Chart: (this is only a template – include positions, roles - not all fields need to be filled)

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SWOT Analysis
The following SWOT analysis captures the key strengths and weaknesses within the company, and describes the opportunities and threats facing


 Unique and strategies place to attract tourist in the world.

 Excellent staff who are highly trained and very customer attentive.

 High customer loyalty among repeat customers.

 Every year the tourist increases which is our market target

 A truly unique, high end, service offering.


 A challenge to find employees who possess the necessary skills and customer-centric attitude.

 The struggle to continuously offer new and exciting trips while maintaining the level of quality that is established over time from repetitive trip


 Having a customer around the world and we need all staff who can speak multi language.


 Growing market that has yet to be adequately addressed.

 Growing number of tourist every year.

 The ability to spread fixed management overhead costs over an increasing number of offered trips.

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 A slump in the economy will affect the travel industry.

 An increase in terrorist acts will chill Americans perception of safety when traveling, whether in the United States or abroad.

Strengths and weaknesses of the competitors:

The competitors in this market are around in that area. First there is the adventure provider who specializes in a single type of hard adventure activity
such as white water rafting. They typically serve clients who purchase trips for less than $2,000 and closer to the mean purchase price of around
$900. Their strength is their expertise in a given sport. Their weakness is that they provide an undifferentiated product in a competitive market. In
addition, they do not have the resources, ability or desire to target and/or accommodate a customer demanding more accommodation and a more
luxury/adventure oriented service.

Companies that offer higher-priced, more luxurious packages generally provide a "soft" adventure. The activities are more along the lines of
sightseeing and low-risk alternatives. The advantages these companies have include established reputations, extensive knowledge of the industry,
and key personnel and management. Some have been in operation for more than twenty years. They are familiar with local service providers and
have established strategic relationships. They can therefore offer trips at a lower price.

Disadvantages to us:

 It will be difficult to price ourselves competitively when we first enter the market.

 The weather for a given year is hard to predict. Poor conditions will threaten the success of trips. Unforeseen occurrences such as inadequate

snowfall could effect the viability of activities such as skiing and white water sports.
Closely related competitors:

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Their focus is mainly on "soft" adventure packages such as safaris, river tours (e.g. Amazon), trekking, sightseeing, etc. However they do offer a
"Connoisseur" line of packages. These are generally priced starting from $4-7,000. Some of their packages include white water activities and hiking.
However, most are touring packages.

Competing or substitute products:

There are many activities and types of travel available to people contemplating a vacation. Theme parks, motor home trips, and cruises are just a few.
Substitutes could include less expensive, self-planned trips, trips geared towards soft-travel, adventure trips involving hunting or fishing as primary
activities or exclusive adventure trips such as personal submarine tours of the Titanic or a trip around the world in a Leer Jet. Many activities that take
place outside and involve some level of risk could be seen as hard adventure competition. Another alternative is to do nothing. Consumers do not
have to vacation. They may opt to spend the money they would have otherwise spent on a vacation on something else.

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The Future: Vision statement, Mission statement, goals and objectives

Nature Valley vision is to make sure all customers are happy and have wonderful and unforgettable holiday in their whole life. Nature Valley is a place
where families and everyone could spend their holiday or free time without regret and they will have a value time also different experience.
Our high quality Service and unique is the key to maintain the company always on the top in the world. Everyone could feel so many things in one
place, nice place to stay away from busy daily life, spoiled our self with wine taste, horse riding, etc.

Nature valley mission is to provide the customers with the highest quality of holiday outdoor adventure.  We exist to attract and maintain customers. 
When we adhere to this maxim, everything else will fall into place.

Marketing Objectives

1. Maintain positive, steady growth each quarter.

2. Experience a growth in new customers who are turned into long-term customers.

3. To be recognized as the premier high-end hard adventure trip provider.

Financial Objectives

1. A double digit growth rate for each future year.

2. A reduction of fixed overhead through disciplined growth.

3. Continue to decrease the variable costs associated with the production of trips.

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Target Marketing
AEU will target two different groups:

 High income, health conscious individuals: this group  of people are typically professionals, with an average income over $75,000.  This

group works hard, but when they have time off, they play hard with active vacations.  They are willing to spend more money on a vacation to get more

personalized attention.

 Young, active "trustafarians:" this group of people tend to be younger than the other target segment.  This group has a lot of disposable

income, but not because they earn it, but because they have wealthy parents.  This group tends to live in cities such as Boulder, CO, Bend, OR,

Bellingham, WA or Taos, NM.  They choose these cities because these are "active cities."  All of them have many outdoor activities within minutes of

the city.  This group makes up a much smaller population relative to the other targeted group.  This group loves to play in the outdoors, pushing

themselves physically, and have their parent's money to do so.

We are targeting these special populations for several reasons:

 This segment up until now has been underserved.

 This market segment traditionally spends a fair amount of money on adventure trips.

 This target segment seems to be willing to pay a premium for a top-shelf adventure excursion.

Nature Valley will promote/position itself as a differentiated provider of luxury hard adventure travel, and will price themselves accordingly within the
chosen service niche.

Nature Valley positioning will leverage their competitive edge:

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  The competitive edge in our services is the access we provide to popular "hard" adventure sports without the budget constraint of typical


 The majority of providers cater to these people.  Adventure Excursions Unlimited intends to use the same service providers but provide more

exclusive trips.  Accommodations will be primarily in small luxury hotels and resorts.  Meals will be exceptional, more like gourmet cuisine.

 The adventure activities will be better than average because the clients have more disposable income.  They won't get stuck with people they

don't like; they will get access to the best terrain, sections of rivers, etc. People have no problem spending $4,000 per week on heli-skiing.   Moreover,

they generally make this type of activity an annual event.

Strategy Pyramids
The single objective is to position Nature Valley as the premier, high-end, hard adventure service provider, commanding a majority of market share
within seven years.  The marketing strategy will seek to first create customer awareness regarding their services offered, develop that customer base,
and work toward building customer loyalty and referrals.

The message that Nature Valley will seek to communicate is that Nature valley offers the highest level of service for their high-end hard adventure
trips.  The message will be communicated through a variety of methods.  The first will be their website.  The second method will be magazine
advertisements, the third method is a direct mail (snail mail and email) campaign.

Marketing Mix
Nature Valley marketing mix is comprised of the following pricing, distribution, advertising and promotion, and customer service.

 Pricing: Nature Valley does not compete on price, they compete on service.  Additionally, the target market is not price sensitive.  To a large

degree price is irrelevant as long as it is reasonably proportional to the services offered.

 Distribution: Nature Valley services will be distributed throughout the Australia and the world, depending on the location of the trip.

 Advertising and Promotion: The most successful advertising will be the magazine advertisements as well as the direct mail.

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 Customer service: Obsessive customer attention is the mantra.  Nature Valley philosophy that is established throughout the organization is

whatever needs to be done to make the customer happy must occur, even at the expense of short-term profits.   In the long run, this investment will

pay off with a fiercly loyal customer base who is extremely vocal to their friends regarding referrals.

Marketing Research
During the initial phases of the marketing plan development, several focus groups were held to gain insight into the customers needs and desires for
a high-end hard adventure trip.  These focus groups provided useful insight into the decisions and the decision making process of target consumers.

An additional source of dynamic marketing research is a feedback mechanism based on a suggestion card system.  The suggestion card has several
statements customers are asked to rate in terms of a given scale.  There are also several open ended questions that allow the customer to freely offer
constructive criticism or praise.  Nature Valley will work hard to implement reasonable suggestions in order to improve their service offerings as well
as show their commitment to the customer that their suggestions are valued.

The last source of market research is competitive analysis.  Nature Valley will be constantly observing the competitors to look for any changes in
service offerings or business model changes.

Financials, Budgets, and Forecasts

This section will offer a financial overview of Nature Valley as it relates to the marketing activities.  Nature Valley will address break-even analysis,
sales forecasts, and how those link to the marketing strategy.

Break-even Analysis
The Break-even Analysis indicates that $25,200 will be needed in monthly revenue to reach the break-even point.

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Sales Forecast
The sales strategy is to create long-term relationships with customers through superior service. The intent is to initially target the primary customer
group. This group has been defined as persons who have purchased, or are likely to purchase, a "hard-adventure" vacation for over $2,500.

The trips planned are designed with the wealthy adventure traveler in mind. Later marketing efforts may include trips geared towards corporate
clients, Eco-tourism or hard adventure trips for people who want to spend less money. Target customers will be identified through standard research
methods. There are a number of publications available that contain profiles of adventure travelers.

Methods by which Nature will contact customers will depend on results of marketing/sales research. Nature will likely use trade or special interest
magazines, direct mail, Web-based communication, and personal selling. In addition printed materials will be made available to customers through
travel agencies that cater to the adventure target market. Initially, service will be introduced regionally and, possibly nationally. Sales will be extended
into the global market within a few years of operation.

Our services are seasonal. Recurring revenue will be dependent upon successful trips involving a variety of activities offered year-round. We hope to
promote out of season services through frequent customer contact and through our own publication, most likely a magazine of some sort. We will
review up and coming trips, offer highlights of past trips and try to do other creative articles, giveaways, customer profiles, etc.

Most sales will occur at the retail level. The sales that occur between customers and travel agencies will be discounted appropriately, approximately
15%. Transactions will occur as the result of customer contact in response to communication efforts. In addition, Nature Valley will engage in personal

Expense Forecast
Marketing expenses are budgeted so that there will be advertising activity each month. There will be an increase in spending for the advertisements
four times throughout the year to coincide with the times that people will be typically planning vacations. 

The expenses for the direct mail will be applied throughout out the year, but these costs will be nominal relative to the advertising costs.

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Start-up Expenses

Legal $5,000

Stationery etc. $1,000

Brochures $7,500

Consultants $20,000

Insurance $2,000

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Rent $1,500

Research and development $20,000

Expensed equipment $500

Other $5,000


Start-up Assets

Cash Required $367,500

Other Current Assets $0

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Long-term Assets $20,000


Total Requirements $450,000

Productivity and performance targets: Financial indicators, productivity and performance targets for key result areas

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List of other financial and supporting documentation: include stakeholders and methods to communicate business plan

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Monitoring and Reporting on Performance: Description of methods to monitor and report on business and staff performance

Communication Strategy
Produce a report or document which covers the following areas:

– The process you used to develop the business plan

 Studying the company’s background
 Understanding the company’s goals and objective
– Who are the key stakeholders?
 Management Team (owners)
 Managing Director
 Logistics Manager
 Finance Manager
 Sales Manager
– What information will each person (position) require?
 Management Team : Company’s goals
 Managing Director : Business Operations
 Logistic Manager : Turnover Report
 Finance Manager : Financial Report
 Sales Manager : Sales Report

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– What are the relevant timeframes?
 Business plan need to be done before the new financial year starts
– How will you communicate this information?
 By holding stakeholders meeting
– How will you ensure their understanding of their role in implementing the business plan?
 By questioning their understanding of the business plan

Nature valley is tourism and travellers in Australia for the last 5 years. Their primary business function is to provide hard adventure sport/travel
packages with upscale accommodations, gourmet food, and celebrity service providers to wealthy clients. Nature valley include Helicopter-skiing,
kayaking, white water rafting, and mountain Australia., the owners are looking to move forward by bring tourism for another countries. The
strategy going forward is to give training well to all staff and also give the client with healthy food

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Stage Three: Responding to performance data

Student’s name: Thomas

Student ID: GBC160391

Assessor’s name: Hasan

Date of assessment:

Unit of competency: BSBMGT617 Develop and implement a business plan

Did the student satisfactorily overall: Yes No Comments

Stage One: Developing the business plan

Consult with stakeholders to determine the type of

business and the products and services you will be

Conduct research into proposed business and the

general nature, size, location etc?

Discuss and analyse the business vision, mission,

values, goals and objectives of the planned
business, and express these as clear statements?

Determine and list key stakeholders?

Consult with key stakeholders eg potential

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Did the student satisfactorily overall: Yes No Comments

suppliers, local business owners, council or

regulatory bodies, and:
 uses appropriate conventions and protocols
to seek or share information
 presents information and seeks advice
using language and features appropriate to
 uses listening and questioning to elicit the
views of others and to clarify or confirm
Selects and collaborates with others to achieve
joint outcomes, playing an active role in facilitating
effective group interaction, influencing direction
and taking a leadership role?

Review the market requirements for the product or

service, including:
 the product and services
 product type
 market position
 pricing strategy
 value to customer
 growth potential?
Profile the market, including:
 customer demographics
 profile of intended customers

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Did the student satisfactorily overall: Yes No Comments

 competitors
 pricing options
 marketing approach?

Conduct a SWOT analysis to look at the strengths,

weaknesses, threats and opportunities for the

Identify the planned operations: suppliers, plant

and equipment, technology, trading hours,
communication channels, payment type?

Develop clear performance objectives and

measures, including financial targets. Include
financial indicators, productivity and performance
targets for key result areas?

Identify the staffing requirements, including:

 required staff
 recruitment options
 training programs
 proposed organisational structure
 management arrangements?

Identify the physical and financial resource

requirements for the business?

Develop a start-up budget?


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Did the student satisfactorily overall: Yes No Comments

 any permits or licences that may be

required for the business
 any legislative requirements?

Produce a business plan using the given template,

which includes information determined, and
 Executive summary
 Business details and registration
 Permit and licence requirements, legal
 Business premises, location
 Products and services
 Market research and planned marketing
 Operational planning
 Staff and key personnel
 SWOT analysis
 Future goals and objectives
 Finance, funding and resource
 Financial indicators, productivity and
performance targets for key result areas
 Strategy for monitoring and reporting on

Stage Two: Monitoring performance

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BSBMGT617 Develop and implement a business plan
Did the student satisfactorily overall: Yes No Comments

Develop and deliver a presentation of 8 – 10

minutes to key stakeholders on the business

Present information and seek advice using

language and features appropriate to the

Research the availability of the staff needed to run

the business and state how the business will
access the number of staff with the skills needed?

Develop a checklist and procedures for how the

performance and outcomes of the plan will be
monitored and reviewed, including:
 list of your performance goals and targets
 how achievement will be measured?

Stage Three: Responding to performance data

In consultation with stakeholders, evaluate

performance against the key result areas including,
as relevant to the business:
 profit and loss and triple bottom line
 community awareness or branding
 environmental impact
 governance
 product quality and sales

Student Assessment Guide v 1 January 2019 Page 81 of 84

BSBMGT617 Develop and implement a business plan
Did the student satisfactorily overall: Yes No Comments

 the workforce?
Write a progress report against each of the key
result areas and any changes required?

Write a report which:

 Describes how successful the business has
 How the business performed against each
of the performance goals and indicators
 Any changes or refinements to the plan
 How processes and work methods regularly
will be reviewed as part of continuous
 The strengths and weaknesses of the
Business Plan?
Write the report in a formal structure selecting and
using appropriate conventions and protocols and
clear language?

Student Assessment Guide v 1 January 2019 Page 82 of 84

BSBMGT617 Develop and implement a business plan
Did the student satisfactorily overall: Yes No Comments

Develop a training program to deal with the issue

of regulatory and legislative compliance for staff
 A list of topics that need to be included
 Who will participate in the training
 How the training will take place
 Who will deliver the training
 Associated costs?

Feedback to student:

Student’s overall performance is: ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory

Is re-assessment required? ☐ Yes ☐ No

Student Assessment Guide v 1 January 2019 Page 83 of 84

BSBMGT617 Develop and implement a business plan

Assessor’s signature: Date:

Student’s signature: Date:

Student Assessment Guide v 1 January 2019 Page 84 of 84

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