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BSBMKG603 Manage the marketing

BSBMKG603 Manage the marketing process


Student Name: Thomas

Student ID: GBC 160391

Contact Number: 0424392408


Trainer / Assessor Name: Mr Hasan Alam

Qualification: BSB61315 Advanced Diploma of Marketing and Communication

Unit of Competency: BSBMKG603 Manage the marketing process

✓ Written Questions

Due Date: Date Submitted:

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Name (please print) Date 17/05/2019


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BSBMKG603 Manage the marketing process


Read the questions below and respond in writing with the most suitable answer. There are ten
questions. You must complete them all. Most questions require short answers although some
questions may require a more detailed response. You may use various sources of information
including your workbook, internet and other documents. You must cite your sources if you source
them from other than your workbook. Your assessor will advise when this is due.


What are the five (5) main kinds of trends that impact on marketing? For each, give a current or
recent example.

1. People are putting more trust in others they know and reputable content, not ads.
In fact, 30 percent of all internet users are expected to be using ad blockers by the end of
this year, meaning traditional ads now won’t even reach 30 percent of possible target
audience members.
2. Creativity, not conformity, will set successful marketers apart.
Simply put, everybody else had gone digital, and this company saw an opportunity to do
something different. Now, I’m not advocating that businesses should try to resurrect print
marketing or do something only because it’s uncommon and not because it resonates
with their audiences. But they should consider integrated campaigns and creative
distribution tactics that focus on ways to engage audience members that their industry
competitors might not be considering.
3. Winners won’t be concerned with internal barriers.

This engaging content doesn’t just help marketing, It can enable the sales team and
beneficial to rcructingruiting , investor communication, internal training, and just about
every other area of the business.

Leading companies are to built on department that work together. Creating engaging
content isn’t just marketing concern. Great content can fuel other part of the company,
resulting in better talent, lower cost, and improved relationships with investors.

4. Understanding how your customers communicate is vital.

Technology has evolved tremendously over the last several years.

The customers expect that companies will communicate with them in

the ways they like. That’s why it’s so important for marketers to be

aware of their customers’ communication preferences.

5.Helpfulness and authenticity will combat relationships lost

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BSBMKG603 Manage the marketing process

through tech and automation.

There’s no stopping marketing automation and technology. These

adventages help marketers scale more effective, make better decision,

and save money. However these advantages sometimes come at the

expense of the relationships those same marketers have typically built

with members of their audience.

Outline an economic trend and its impact on marketing activities. Include a description of the
marketing options you identify. (Approx.80 words)

The external marketing environment consists of social, demographic, economic, technological,

political and legal, and competitive variables. Marketers generally cannot control the elements of
the external environment. Instead, they must understand how the external environment is
changing and the impact of that change on the target market. Then marketing managers can
create a marketing mix to effectively meet the needs of target customers.
Within the external environment, social factors are perhaps the most difficult for marketers to
anticipate. Several major social trends are currently shaping marketing strategies. First, people
of all ages have a broader range of interests, defying traditional consumer profiles. Second,
changing gender roles are bringing more women into the workforce and increasing the number
of men who shop. Third, a greater number of dual-career families has created demand for time-
saving goods and services.
The 2007–20012 recession has drastically reduced the spending power of many people. During
a time of inflation, marketers generally attempt to maintain level pricing to avoid losing customer
brand loyalty. During times of recession, many marketers maintain or reduce prices to counter
the effects of decreased demand; they also concentrate on increasing production efficiency and
improving customer service.

Outline three (3) social trends and how these impact on marketing activities. (Approx.80 words)

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1.Overlapping Social Platforms

Marketers will still need to publish content to multiple platforms, depending on their target audience.
There’s still not one single social platform that reaches all potential buyers. Instagram may be
climbing up there with 800 million active users, but that could never compare to Facebook’s 2 billion
monthly users. Beyond that, there is still a small but loyal group of holdouts hanging on to Snapchat,
regardless of how popular Instagram has become.

2.Social listening
It’s easy to set it and forget it when it comes to scheduling your social media posts. That doesn’t
help you stay on top of what your buyers are looking for, though. Believe it or not, your
customers are talking about you on social media. If you don’t hear the chatter, it’s because
you’re not listening.Take some time to seek out the posts about your business. In some cases,
you’ll be tagged, and that makes the posts easier to find. Sometimes, however, you’ll be
mentioned without a tag. You might have to get a little more creative with your searches in order
to find these posts. Use keywords that include your industry, your products, and your company
name to dig up all of them. There are also some tools that could help you get better at hearing
the chatter about your brand.
3.Chat bots
Chat bots sound so futuristic that it’s hard to wrap our heads around the possibilities available to
us. It’s possible right now to let a chat bot handle many of the day-to-day questions you receive
from your customers. With a little customization, the bot can answer FAQs, walk customers
through billing issues, provide suggestions for products, and more. There are actually some
chatbots available to even the least tech-savvy of us, but you might have to spend some time
finding the right option for you. The easiest chatbots can be installed for Facebook messenger.
These can be so simple as to let your visitors know that a message has been received and that
you’ll respond as soon as possible. This helps to keep your message/answer rate high without
running you ragged to answer messages at all hours of the day.

Describe current marketing industry trends and how these impact on marketing activities. (100
Timing – the Web and other technologies have made customers more impatient than ever.
Personalization – customers are expecting personalized offerings and will no longer tolerate a
"one size fits all" approach.
Value definition – customers who demand the total experience have redefined the value
proposition. They leave little or no room for error and they want to be satisfied at every touch
Employee actions– customers are tired of brand promises; they want to see them carried
through in employee's actions.
Authenticity – the customer experience must be authentic.
All these trends force marketers to rethink the way they engage and interact with their

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customers. More than ever before, today's marketers need to make sure that their marketing
offer is fully backed by an organization that is ready to deliver on the promise. Current trends in
marketing communication and their application to the field of tourism. The ever growing
importance of the Internet and the development of technologies that are becoming more
accessible to consumers have given rise to new kinds and forms of marketing communication
that need to accommodate to all these trends. Social media play a significant role both on the
demand and on the supply side and are starting to shape consumers' decision-making process.
In tourism, this concerns primarily the impact of online reviews (WOM or eWOM marketing),
mobile marketing and online marketing. The fact, that social media is an important part of the
communication mix in tourism is demonstrated by successfully implemented campaigns;
campaign of Cape Town on Facebook, first Twitter hotel Sol Wave House or TrueView
advertising of Nassau Paradise Island on YouTube. The first two of these campaigns are even
low cost and Facebook campaign of Cape Town meets the elements of buzz marketing. Social
media can be generally defined as the Internet and web-based technological platforms designed
to facilitate social interaction among individuals, groups and organizations, enabling
transformation of one-way communication (monologue – one to many) into a social dialogue
(many to many) (Mills, 2012). Social media, i.e. social networks and microblogs, are at an
increasing rate replacing traditional media. The buzz around these new marketing
opportunities seems to be an unlimited space (Bruhn, Schoenmueller, & Sch, 2012). Blogs,
podcasts, e-books, press releases and other forms of online content provide organizations with
space that allows them to get closer to the customer who will appreciate this form (Scott,
2008). Among one of the most popular social media include Facebook. The most frequent
goals of Facebook advertising campaigns were increasing company's website visit rate (78%),
sales boosting (68%), improving client awareness about trademark or company (56%) or
launching a new product or a service (12%) (Vejacka, 2012). The following Tab. 1 sums up the
most common social media tools and their objectives

(a) What is marketing?

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Marketing is the study and management of exchange relationships. Marketing is the business
process of creating relationships with and satisfying customers. With its focus on the customer,
marketing is one of the premier components of business management.

(b) What is the marketing mix?

The marketing mix is one of the most famous marketing terms. The marketing mix is the tactical
or operational part of a marketing plan. The marketing mix is also called the 4Ps and the 7Ps.
The 4Ps are price, place, product and promotion. The services marketing mix is also called the
7Ps and includes the addition of process, people and physical evidence.

What are the ‘7Ps of Marketing? List them and provide a brief description of each. (100 words)
• People – All companies are reliant on the people who run them from front line Sales staff to
the Managing Director. Having the right people is essential because they are as much a part
of your business offering as the products/services you are offering.
• Processes –The delivery of your service is usually done with the customer present so how
the service is delivered is once again part of what the consumer is paying for.
• Physical Evidence – Almost all services include some physical elements even if the bulk of
what the consumer is paying for is intangible. For example a hair salon would provide their
client with a completed hairdo and an insurance company would give their customers some
form of printed material. Even if the material is not physically printed (in the case of PDFs)
they are still receiving a “physical product” by this definition.
Though in place since the 1980’s the 7 Ps are still widely taught due to their fundamental logic
being sound in the marketing environment and marketers abilities to adapt the Marketing Mix to
include changes in communications such as social media, updates in the places which you can
sell a product/service or customers expectations in a constantly changing commercial

The typical structure of a large organisation consists of board, managers, supervisors and
operators. Describe what roles and responsibilities each of these have in relation to marketing

Personnel Roles and responsibilities

Board A marketing board is a group of people who decide how to market

a product or business. The purpose of the marketing board is to
sell product. Board should make sure all the strategy running well
and reach the goal.

Managers Managers organise and plan their units to exceed the expectation
of internal and external customers. They work closely with other
managers across the organisation to promote a range of benefits,
○ Continuous process improvements

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○ Improving accuracy
○ Reducing the need to repeat work
○ Driving up efficiency year on year.

Supervisors Supervisors work with managers to ensure that operators apply

procedures and practices consistently. This involves using best
practice to create value-added services across the business.

Operators Operators are at the ‘coal face’ and are responsible for the day-to-
day operations of the organisation. This is the level at which a
graduate might enter the organisation in order to learn all aspects
of the business. The role requires accuracy, efficiency and a high
level of individual responsibility. Graduates can achieve rapid
progress to more senior levels in the business


(a) What is strategic management?

Strategic management is the process of examining both present and future environments,
formulating the organisation’s objectives, and making, implementing, and controlling decisions
focused on achieving these objectives in the present and future environments.

Strategic management is a continuous process that involves attempts to match or fit the
organisation with its changing environment in the most advantageous way possible.

(b) What is strategic analysis?

Industry analysis is one major element of a strategic analysis process. It includes an overall
assessment of the sector in which the business operates. A movie rental store would evaluate
the size of the movie rental market, current competitors, target markets and market trends.
Understanding the current industry structure allows a business to decide how best to position
itself in the market place .

(c) What is a SWOT analysis? How can it help with strategic management?

SWOT analysis (or SWOT matrix) is a strategic planning technique used to help a person or
organization identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats related
to business competition or project planning. It is intended to specify the objectives of the
business venture or project and identify the internal and external factors that are favorable and
unfavorable to achieving those objectives. Users of a SWOT analysis often ask and answer
questions to generate meaningful information for each category to make the tool useful and
identify their competitive advantage. SWOT has been described as the tried-and-true tool of
strategic analysis. Strengths and weakness are frequently internally-related, while opportunities
and threats commonly focus on the external environment. The name is an acronym for the four
parameters the technique examines:

• Strengths: characteristics of the business or project that give it an advantage over others.
• Weaknesses: characteristics of the business that place the business or project at a
disadvantage relative to others.
• Opportunities: elements in the environment that the business or project could exploit to its

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• Threats: elements in the environment that could cause trouble for the business or project.

What are the five (5) key steps in marketing management? Briefly explain each step.

1. Planning – Attempting to develop systems and plans that enable an organisation to achieve
its aims. This generally involves determining what an organisation wants to achieve and
developing a marketing plan (which at this stage is generally strategic in nature).
2. Research – Attempting to determine exactly what the customer wants. The Marketing
Concept states that the organisation should attempt to satisfy the needs of the customer. In
order to do this, the organisation needs to understand exactly what it is the customer actually
wants. Research in the form of focus groups and surveys are excellent in gaining this crucial
3. Implementation – Once you know what you want to do, you need to develop a plan that will
allow you to get there. We will be focussing on implementation in detail later in this section.
4. Control – All good plans have a focus on control - examining how we will ensure that a plan
stays focused and on track. Controlling exactly what is occurring is key to ensuring that the plan
works effectively.
5. Evaluation – Planning should always include elements of evaluation. This is a quality control
tool that ensures that the organisation learns from its experiences and that future plans have
elements built into them that reflect the need to continuously improve continually the processes
that are put in place

For each of the following statistical and data evaluation techniques you could use to measure
marketing performance, provide a brief description and an example of when you could use it.

Evaluation method Description Example

Statistical evaluation:

Sales results The results usually as a number of last month our company success
sales monthly or a year depend sold nearly 200k of new product.
what is the company rule. It could This number bigger than the
be positive or negative. previous month.

Market share Market share represents the Let's assume Company A sells
percentage of an industry, or a $50 million a year in widgets. If
market's total sales, that is earned the total amount of widgets sold
by a particular company over a from all companies within the

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Evaluation method Description Example

specified time period. Market share market totals $100 million, then
is calculated by taking the Company A has a market share
company's sales over the period equal to 50%.
and dividing it by the total sales of
the industry over the same period.
This metric is used to give a
general idea of the size of a
company in relation to its market
and its competitors.

Cost compared to Total cost we used for one product Our new product cost the
sales should cover by our sales and we company about $100k and the
can say we get profit. team sales reach $500k in a
month for only that product.

financial performance is a
Financial performance Line items such as revenue from
subjective measure of how well a
operations, operating income, or
firm can use assets from its
cash flow from operations can be
primary mode of business and
used, as well as total unit sales.
generate revenues. This term is
Furthermore, the analyst or
also used as a general measure of
investor may wish to look deeper
a firm's overall financial health over
into financial statements and seek
a given period. Analysts and
out margin growth rates or any
investors use financial performance
declining debt.
to compare similar firms across the
same industry or to compare
industries or sectors in aggregate.
Data evaluation techniques

Delphi techniques The Delphi technique is a The technique consists of several

structured approach for reaching a rounds of individual and
consensus judgment among anonymous questions to each
experts about future developments expert, followed by a group
in any area that might affect a discussion after every round. The
business. One advantage of latter allows participants to reflect
the Delphi technique is that and adjust their opinions. The
participants are not influenced by process is usually repeated until a
the dynamics of a group consensus is achieved, usually
discussion, in which people meet ending with three or four
face to face. iterations.

Model building In looking for an operational New product with new idea and
definition of what a Marketing good price to attract new
Model is, certain key words customer and new market
emerge. These are representation,
real world, events, objects,
processes and relationships.

Surveys of intention A forecasting technique in which The team sales sell the new
known purchasers of a product are product direct to the point market
asked to predict their requirements and do research and survey by
for a given future period. point target.

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A.Marketing Plan

Blue Sea Fashion was established in 2009 and specialises in male and female clothing and
footwear, with cutting edge fashion made to suit the Australian lifestyle. Clothing and
footwear aremostly Australian designed and made. although there are some imported
ranges. Accessories such as bags and jewellery are sourced from all over the world.
Company mission is to provide its customers with the opportunity to find clothing for any
occasion from everyday basics to evening clothing that is ethically made and suits the
Australian lifestyle.
The company has its head office in Melbourne and five stores in inner city Melbourne, as
well as two stores in inner city Sydney and three in Brisbane. The target group are
essentially professional, men and women aged 25 to 50. Not much is known about the
existing customers other than their age. The company is interested in knowing more about
customers but not sure where to start on this.
In the areas where the shops are based, there are a number of other similar stores and
competition is fierce within the fashion industry generally.
Products include a full range of clothing for men and women from casual to smart, formal.
Shoes sold are also casual, as well as formal.
The market for fashion clothing in Australia is estimated last year at $21 billion per annum with an
anticipated growth rate of ten percent in the coming year.
The next six-month campaign is designed to take advantage of growth in the fashion industry and
seasonal variations.
In this company believed that the extra expenditure in web marketing was justified in
preparation for theexpansion in on-line merchandise sales that will be included in the next
marketing period. You also believe that there is a need for the company to shift more of its
marketing budget into web marketing activities in line with the industry trends.
With a growing market you believe that by maintaining market share the company will get
solid and controllable growth. Pushing for increased market share in a growing market
could cause customer service and management issues

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B. Action Plan


Marketing Manager -Set up a good strategy to The new season coming and
reach the goal. new product release.
(Marie) -Manage the new promotion.
-Make sure all the team know
well about the new product
and have motivation to sell
the product into new market
and new season.

Specialist research Set up everything about the -The new season coming
and Engine website new product in the website -new product launching
Manager and make sure every regular
-special offer for new product
customer and new customer
easy to access into the
website and they all know
about the new product.
Financial / -Design new payroll system Time when due to new fiscal
Accounting -make sure the budget and Season
(Dylan) expenses are balance.

HRD Manager Hire new staff Time to need a person / or

Rudy when dept needed more staff

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C.Role play( Email to Marie and Tony)

Manager : Good morning Marie and Tony… how everything all good?

Marie : Good morning

Tony : Good morning

Manager : I heard you have some problem Marie? Could you please tell me what
happen actually?

Marie : I got problem to learn about my confidence in real job.

Manager : Ok Marie, I think better for you to have some training outside and some
course for build your confidence. And also I will arrange some regularly meeting with

Manager :Haloo Tony? How are today?

Tony : I am very well thank you

Manager : Tony I need discuss with you with some issue that I heard.

Tony : for sure

Mgr :I understand you skill and capabilities for digital marketing is the best in this
office, but one thing is very important too is you are have to communicate with other
staff and also need team so you can work together. I am pretty sure that in the end
the result will much better for our company.

Tony : alright next time I will follow your advise. Thank you

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D.Adjusted Action Plan


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Marketing Manager -Set up a good strategy to The new season coming and
reach the goal. new product release.
(Marie) -Manage the new promotion.
-Make sure all the team know
well about the new product
and have motivation to sell
the product into new market
and new season.

Specialist research Set up everything about the -The new season coming
and Engine website new product in the website -new product launching
Manager and make sure every regular
-special offer for new product
customer and new customer
easy to access into the
website and they all know
about the new product.
Financial / -Design new payroll system Time when due to new fiscal
Accounting -make sure the budget and Season
(Dylan) expenses are balance.

HRD Manager Hire new staff Time to need a person / or

Rudy when dept needed more staff

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WHO What Issue

Marketing Manager Marie is a new staff; the best way communicate with her is
Slowly talk and nicely, do more than the others and try to
understand how she is learn anything also how fast she’s
can catch up with all other staffs.

Specialist research With Tony need must show respect with the other colleague,
and Engine website be kind and share with everyone with his skills and always
Manager welcome everyone to practice and improve their skill. show
what the positive he has and what negative impact to the
company if not cooperative with another dept.

Financial / Do meeting at least every month, always make sure to keep

Accounting communicate each staff smooth each other’s.

HRD Manager Make sure update the list of employees, provide training to the
Rudy staff, make plan and always recruit good and competitive new

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BSBMKG603 Manage the marketing process


Advertising promotes the seller’s product through printed and electronic media. Advertising is an
important strategic device for maintaining a competitive advantage in the marketplace. Advertising
budgets represent a large and growing element in the cost of goods and services. So clearly,
advertising must be carefully planned

advertising is justified on the basis of the revenue it produces. Revenue in this case may refer
either to sales or profits. Marketing managers must be aware that for any advertised product, it can
be assumed a point is eventually reached at which additional advertising produces little or no
additional sales. The marketing manager must make two key decisions. The first decision deals
with determining the size of the advertising budget, and the second deals with how the advertising
budget should be allocated
This Company have to communicate first with Advertise person, it can be more important to advise
what need be adversities our product.

For example, a particular newspaper ad must compete with other ads, pictures, or stories on the
same page. In the case of radio or TV, while only one firm’s message is usually broadcast at a
time, there are other distractions (noise) that can hamper clear communications, such as driving
while listening to the radio.

To IT person,

To make sure IT person understand about

How To make custom Website

Digital Display
Add by social media also know how to put Add by social media and Online Add

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Display and sales staff.

• Some objectives of sales promotion:
• When directed at consumers
1. To obtain the trial of a product
2. To introduce a new or improved product
Element 1: Manage Marketing Performance
3. To encourage repeat or greater usage by current users 4. To bring more customers into
retail stores 5. To increase the total number of users of an established product.

• When directed at salespeople

1. To motivate the sales force
2. To educate the sales force about product improvements
3. To stabilize a fluctuating sales pattern.

When directed at resellers

1. To increase reseller inventories
2. To obtain displays and other support for products
3. To improve product distribution
4. To obtain more and better shelf space

G. Report
In this company history after six months later, Extend Marketing Consulting provides you with a
report on the fashion market in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane.

Their latest estimate is that the market for this fashion clothing niche in the Brisbane market is
$796 million per annum up from $700 million per annum last year. The predicted growth was
10% for this year. Melbourne had a similar growth pattern. Extend Marketing said that the large
increase in interstate migration was increasing the growth and consequently the clothing
sector. Extend Marketing expects this trend to continue for at least the next five years.
You print a copy of the latest store averages and note that the average weekly sale for the 3
Brisbane stores and 5 Melbourne stores has grown to an average of $56,400 per week per
store. Expectation was 8.5% Growth on $49,360 per week per store. Market share was
targeted at 12%.
You also check the latest market expenditure report to see the amount of money invested in
marketing activities to get the stores to this new level. You note the following expenditure over
the past six months.
Advertising $250,000, PR $30,000, in-store promotions $60,000, internet marketing $100,000.
You believed that the extra expenditure in web marketing was justified in preparation for
theexpansion in on-line merchandise sales that will be included in the next marketing period.
You also believe that there is a need for the company to shift more of its marketing budget into
web marketing activities in line with the industry trends.

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With a growing market you believe that by maintaining market share the company will get solid
and controllable growth. Pushing for increased market share in a growing market could cause
customer service and management issues.

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Student’s name: Thomas

Student ID: GBC160391

Assessor’s name: Mr Hasan Alam

Date of assessment:

Unit of competency: BSBMKG603 Manage the marketing process

Did the student satisfactorily overall: Yes No Comments

Part A: Managing marketing performance

Develop a marketing plan for the marketing

activities, with clear strategies and actions for the
achievement of marketing objectives one to two

Clearly identify the products and services offered

by the business?

Manage marketing effort to ensure it is directed

towards areas of greatest potential for the
organisation, including:
 three activities that show the potential for
the business, within the established
marketing objectives?

Identify and describe the range of marketing,

promotional and sales activities being offered
currently and new opportunities which can be
included and rolled out?

Identify and describe how the range of marketing,

promotional and sales activities will be integratedin
order to achieve established marketing objectives
(approx. half page)?

Manage and document how product, distribution,

pricing and marketing communication policies
will be monitored according to market movements,
marketing plan objectives and organisational

Identify the Key Performance Indicators and

metrics by which success of the marketing
activities can be measured?

Provide a plan for how distribution and pricing can

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Did the student satisfactorily overall: Yes No Comments

be monitored over time, in relation to market
changes and adjustments in organisational
requirements (as described in the business
scenario), to create monitoring reports for your

Develop a strategy for how progress can be

measured against performance targets, to ensure
that marketing requirements are being met,
including use of metrics of:
 of return-of-market-investment and
 market share?

Prepare detailed documentation using appropriate

terminology and format to convey clear messages
to team members?

Part B: Managing marketing personnel

Identify roles, responsibilities and accountabilities

of staff and contractors involved in all elements of
marketing effort and produce an action plan?

Seek agreement and feedback on allocated roles

in the action plan and adjust it as required?

Communicate strategic marketing objectives

across the organisation in ways suited to levels of
knowledge, experience and specific needs of
personnel including:
 Communication plan to identify who needs
to be contacted
 Brief tailored to each person and job role?

Develop a brief which clearly outlines the

marketing goals and message?

Take into account audience, purpose and

contextual factors when making decisions about
what to communicate with whom, why and how?

Providementoring, coaching andfeedbackto

objectives, using appropriate communication
techniques (as per Observation Checklist)?

Identify individual and team performance, and

instigate corrective action promptlywhere
required through conducting a
counsellinginterview to address the identified

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Did the student satisfactorily overall: Yes No Comments

Participate in a counselling interviewto correct

issues andachieveagreed objectives, using
appropriate communication techniques (as per
Observation Checklist)?

Part C: Evaluating and improving strategic marketing performance

Analyse the performance outcomes following

implementation of marketing activities
 Analyse the changes in marketing
outcomes, using ROMI and market
share metrics.
 (b) Describe any changes, if required, to
meet the strategic objectives?

Explain any success or performance gaps in the

business outcomes as measured against the KPIs
 explain any success or performance
gaps in the case study as measured
against the KPIs above.
 Identify the causes and effects of any
successes or gaps.
 summarise marketing outcomes and
how strategic performance could be

Analyse over performance against targets for

trends and as appropriate:
 identify trends and reasons for these
 set new targets for next 12 – 18 months?
Analyseoverall changes in market phenomena,
and identify and document their impact on strategic
marketing objectives in the report conclusion?

Produce a report of one to two pages that:

 Uses correct terminology
 is structured correctly with appropriate
 conveys a clear message to the

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BSBMKG603 Manage the marketing process

Feedback to student:
4. Review your report ensuring that it is clear, structured correctly with appropriate headings, and
submit the report to your assessor.

Student’s overall performance is: ☐ Satisfactory ☐Not Satisfactory

Is re-assessment required? ☐ Yes ☐No

Assessor’s signature: Date:


Student’s signature: Date:

Student Assessment Guidev 1January 2019 Page 23 of 25

BSBMKG603 Manage the marketing process


Student’s name: Thomas

Student ID: GBC160391

Assessor’s name: Mr Hasan Alam

Date of assessment:

Unit of competency: BSBMKG603 Manage the marketing process

Did the student satisfactorily: Yes No Comments

Role Play 1: Coaching session

Conduct a coaching session of with the employee

in order to achieve objectives including:
 Assisted her to improve knowledge about IT
and web marketing?
 Assisted her to gain confidence in her own
ability in PR and advertising and to gain
experience in this area?
Use appropriate, clear, non-technical vocabulary to
articulate information and support the employee?

Use appropriate, empathetic body language to

support the employee?

Use effective communication techniques to confirm

understanding of the employee’s goals and point of
view including:
 active listening
 questioning?

Collaborate to achieve joint outcomes and agreed


Achieve outcomes within the allocated timeframe

(8 – 10 minutes)?

Role Play 2: Counselling interview

Conduct a counselling interviewwith the employee

in order to achieve objectives including:
 Address the issue of his lack of cooperation
with the other team member
 Address the issue related to the website
link to his friend’s product

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BSBMKG603 Manage the marketing process

Did the student satisfactorily: Yes No Comments

 seek the employee’s view point
 put the company’s position and agree on
corrective actions?
Use appropriate, clear, vocabulary to articulate

Use appropriate body language for counselling to

achieve outcomes in line with company goals and

Use effective communication techniques to confirm

understanding of the employee’s point of view
 active listening
 questioning?
Collaborate to achieve joint outcomes and agreed

Achieve outcomes within the allocated timeframe

(8 – 10 minutes)?

Feedback to student:

Student’s overall performance is: ☐ Satisfactory ☐Not Satisfactory

Is re-assessment required? ☐ Yes ☐No

Assessor’s signature: Date:


Student’s signature: Date:

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