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Tahía Benítez*
Ana M. Rincón
Biocontrol mechanisms
M. Carmen Limón of Trichoderma strains
Antonio C. Codón
Department of Genetics,
University of Sevilla, Spain
Summary. The genus Trichoderma comprises a great number of fungal strains that
act as biological control agents, the antagonistic properties of which are based on the
activation of multiple mechanisms. Trichoderma strains exert biocontrol against fun-
gal phytopathogens either indirectly, by competing for nutrients and space, modify-
ing the environmental conditions, or promoting plant growth and plant defensive
mechanisms and antibiosis, or directly, by mechanisms such as mycoparasitism.
These indirect and direct mechanisms may act coordinately and their importance in
the biocontrol process depends on the Trichoderma strain, the antagonized fungus,
the crop plant, and the environmental conditions, including nutrient availability, pH,
Received 8 June 2004
Accepted 15 September 2004 temperature, and iron concentration. Activation of each mechanism implies the pro-
duction of specific compounds and metabolites, such as plant growth factors,
*Corresponding author: hydrolytic enzymes, siderophores, antibiotics, and carbon and nitrogen permeases.
T. Benítez
Departamento de Genética These metabolites can be either overproduced or combined with appropriate biocon-
Facultad de Biología trol strains in order to obtain new formulations for use in more efficient control of
Universidad de Sevilla plant diseases and postharvest applications. [Int Microbiol 2004; 7(4):249-260]
Apartado 1095
41080 Sevilla, Spain
Tel. +34-954557109. Fax +34-954557104 Key words: Trichoderma · phytopathogenic fungi · antibiosis · biofertilization ·
E-mail: hydrolytic enzymes · plant protection

effect through genetic shifts in the population, whereas fungi-

Introduction cides of broad spectrum produce undesirable consequences
on non-target organisms [52]. By contrast, the use of
Plant diseases play a direct role in the destruction of natural microorganisms that antagonize plant pathogens (biological
resources in agriculture. In particular, soil-borne pathogens control) is risk-free when it results in enhancement of resi-
cause important losses, fungi being the most aggressive. The dent antagonists. Moreover, the combination of such biolog-
distribution of several phytopathogenic fungi, such as ical control agents (BCAs) with reduced levels of fungicide
Phythium, Phytophthora, Botrytis, Rhizoctonia and Fusarium, (integrated control) promotes a degree of disease suppression
has spread during the last few years due to changes intro- similar to that achieved with full fungicide treatment [42].
duced in farming, with detrimental effects on crops of eco- Antagonists of phytopathogenic fungi have been used to
nomic importance. In addition, not only growing crops but control plant diseases, and 90% of such applications have
also stored fruits are prey to fungal infections [12]. been carried out with different strains of the fungus
Chemical compounds have been used to control plant dis- Trichoderma (Fig. 1). Most of these strains are classified as
eases (chemical control), but abuse in their employment has imperfect fungi since they have no known sexual stage [42].
favored the development of pathogens resistant to fungicides. However, some Trichoderma species are morphologically
Unfortunately, the more specific the effect of a chemical on similar to the anamorph Hypocrea, and their internal tran-
an organism, the greater the probability of decreasing the scribed spacer (ITS) sequences have revealed their taxonomic
Int. Microbiol.

Fig. 1. Trichoderma harzianum CECT 2413 as

examined by electron (top) and light (bottom)

proximity [30,42]. The most common BCAs of the

Trichoderma genus are strains of T. virens, T. viride and, Biocontrol mechanisms and biocontrol
above all, T. harzianum, which is a species aggregate that improvement
includes different strains used as BCAs of phytopathogenic
and viral vector fungi [27]. Molecular characterization and BCAs are living organisms whose activities depend mainly
phylogenetic analysis have allowed strains of T. harzianum on the different physicochemical environmental conditions to
originally identified as the same species to be assigned to dif- which they are subjected. For this reason, biocontrol exerted
ferent species clustered into distinct sections and groups. No by Trichoderma strains is sometimes unpredictable. Under-
BCA corresponds to biotypes of T. harzianum that is patho- standing both the genetic diversity of strains within Tricho-
genic to mushrooms [30]. derma species and their mechanisms of biocontrol will lead
The success of Trichoderma strains as BCAs is due to to improved application of the different strains as BCAs.
their high reproductive capacity, ability to survive under very These mechanisms are complex, and what has been defined
unfavorable conditions, efficiency in the utilization of nutri- as biocontrol is the final result of different mechanisms act-
ents, capacity to modify the rhizosphere, strong aggressive- ing synergistically to achieve disease control [32]. Biocontrol
ness against phytopathogenic fungi, and efficiency in pro- results either from competition for nutrients and space or as
moting plant growth and defense mechanisms. These proper- a result of the ability of Trichoderma BCAs to produce
ties have made Trichoderma a ubiquitous genus present in and/or resist metabolites that either impede spore germina-
any habitat and at high population densities [12]. Trichoder- tion (fungistasis), kill the cells (antibiosis) or modify the rhi-
ma BCAs control ascomycetous, deuteromycetous and basid- zosphere, e.g. by acidifying the soil, so that pathogens cannot
iomycetous fungi, which are mainly soil-borne but also air- grow. Biocontrol may also result from a direct interaction
borne pathogens [42]. Trichoderma is more efficient in acidic between the pathogen itself and the BCA, as in mycopara-
than alkaline soils. Excellent results of integrated control sitism, which involves physical contact and synthesis of hy-
have been attained with strains of T. virens and metalaxyl drolytic enzymes, toxic compounds and/or antibiotics that act
against Pythium ultimum infecting cotton [12], of T. harzia- synergistically with the enzymes. Trichoderma BCAs can
num and captan against Verticillium dahliae infecting potato even exert positive effects on plants with an increase in plant
[11], of T. virens and thiram against Rhizoctonia solani infect- growth (biofertilization) and the stimulation of plant-defense
ing tobacco, and others [12]. mechanisms.

This article is a general overview of the different reported

Int. Microbiol.
mechanisms of biocontrol. In addition, some specific mecha-
nisms and/or strategies used—or of potential use—to improve
biocontrol are discussed. Additional and extensive information
can be obtained from recent reviews listed in the References,
such as those of Howell [31,32] and Harman et al. [29].

Biocontrol by competition

Fungistasis. Good antagonists are usually able to overcome

the fungistatic effect of soil that results from the presence of
metabolites produced by other species, including plants, and
to survive under very extreme competitive conditions. Tri-
choderma strains grow rapidly when inoculated in the soil,
because they are naturally resistant to many toxic compounds,
including herbicides, fungicides and pesticides such as DDT,
Fig. 2. Double-reciprocal plots used to obtain the Km and Vmax values for
and phenolic compounds [12], and because the strains recov- Gtt1, a high-affinity D-glucose transport of Trichoderma harzianum CECT
er very rapidly after the addition of sublethal doses of some of 2413. Inset, amplification of the 1/S values from 0 to 0.02 µM. V, velocity;
these compounds. Resistance to toxic compounds may be black circles, CECT 2413; white squares, T1. Error bars indicate standard
deviations. Modified from [18].
associated with the presence in Trichoderma strains of ABC
transport systems [29], as will be further discussed. For this
reason, preparations of Trichoderma strains are very efficient agent during the pre- and post-harvest in many countries
in controlling several phytopathogens, such as R. solani, P. [36]. The extraordinary genetic variability of this fungus
ultimum or Sclerotium rolfsii, when alternated with methyl makes it possible for new strains to become resistant to
bromide, benomyl, captan or other chemicals [57]. essentially any novel chemical fungicide it is exposed to [36].
The advantage of using Trichoderma to control B. cinerea is
Competition for nutrients. Starvation is the most common the coordination of several mechanisms at the same time,
cause of death for microorganisms, so that competition for thus making it practically impossible for resistant strains to
limiting nutrients results in biological control of fungal phy- appear. Among these mechanisms, the most important is
topathogens [12]. For instance, in most filamentous fungi, nutrient competition, since B. cinerea is particularly sensitive
iron uptake is essential for viability [22], and under iron star- to the lack of nutrients.
vation, most fungi excrete low-molecular-weight ferric-iron- Trichoderma has a superior capacity to mobilize and take
specific chelators, termed siderophores, to mobilize environ- up soil nutrients compared to other organisms. The efficient
mental iron [22]. Subsequently, iron from the ferrisidero- use of available nutrients is based on the ability of Tricho-
phore complexes is recovered via specific uptake mecha- derma to obtain ATP from the metabolism of different sugars,
nisms. In Aspergillus fumigatus and Aspergillus nidulans, such as those derived from polymers wide-spread in fungal
siderophore biosynthesis is negatively regulated by carbon environments: cellulose, glucan and chitin among others, all
source [22]. In Ustilago maydis, gene products related to iron of them rendering glucose [12]. The key components of glu-
uptake affect the development of plant disease [41]. Some cose metabolism include assimilation enzymes and permeas-
Trichoderma BCAs produce highly efficient siderophores es, together with proteins involved in membrane and cell-
that chelate iron and stop the growth of other fungi [11]. For wall modifications. While the role of the glucose transport
this reason, soil composition influences the biocontrol effec- system remains to be discovered, its efficiency may be cru-
tiveness of Pythium by Trichoderma according to iron avail- cial in competition [18], as supported by the isolation of a
ability. In addition, T. harzianum T35 controls Fusarium high-affinity glucose transporter, Gtt1, in Trichoderma
oxysporum by competing for both rhizosphere colonization harzianum CECT 2413 (referred to here as strain 2413). This
and nutrients, with biocontrol becoming more effective as the strain is present in environments very poor in nutrients, and
nutrient concentration decreases [52]. Competition has it relies on extracellular hydrolases for survival. Gtt1 is only
proved to be particularly important for the biocontrol of phy- expressed at very low glucose concentrations, i.e. when sugar
topathogens such as Botrytis cinerea, the main pathogenic transport is expected to be limiting in nutrient competition

[18]. In fact, glucose uptake is increased three- to four-fold in ulated [25]. Hydrophobins and repellents are small, function-
a transformant derivative that carried an additional copy of ally similar hydrophobic proteins, that play fundamental
the transporter gene (Fig. 2). Only two other genes encoding roles in fungal morphogenesis, including infection structures,
glucose transporters have been described in filamentous hyphal aggregation, cell to cell communication, and attach-
fungi [25,56], one of them in Uromyces fabae. This basid- ment of hyphae to hydrophobic surfaces and adhesion [33].
iomycete has an ATPase and a proton-coupled glucose trans- Strain 2413 stimulates growth of at least tobacco, tomato and
port system that is expressed during infection of Vicia faba. cotton plants, and also protects them against several fungal
This suggests an additional, antagonistic role for Gtt1, allow- plant pathogens (Fig. 3). Preliminary results have indicated
ing the fungus to obtain energy from hydrolyzed polymers the specific up-regulation of hydrophobins during coloniza-
and to transport sugar rapidly into the cells. As a conse- tion of Trichoderma strains and tomato plant roots (M.R.
quence, transformants able to transport glucose more rapidly Chacón, Department of Genetics, University of Sevilla, per-
than the wild-type [18] should be more efficient BCAs. This sonal communication).
would serve as a very useful mechanism of nutrient competi- Some Trichoderma strains establish long-lasting colo-
tion during mycoparasitism interactions. nization of plant roots and penetrate into the epidermis.
Promoter analysis of genes related to antagonism in There, they produce or release compounds that induce local-
Trichoderma strains revealed the presence of consensus ized or systemic plant resistance responses [29]. Plants react
sequences for transcription factors responsible for carbon against fungal invasion by synthesizing and accumulating
(CreaA), nitrogen (AreA), Stress (Msn2/Msn4), pH (PacC) phytoalexins, flavonoids and terpenoids, phenolic deriva-
and mycoparasitism (MYC) regulation, among others [40]. tives, aglycones and other antimicrobial compounds.
Thus, appropriate manipulation of these regulators would Trichoderma strains are generally more resistant to these
provide an alternative to the isolation of more competitive compounds than most fungi; nonetheless, their ability to col-
BCAs. Extensive information on these regulators may be onize plant roots strongly depends on the capacity of each
found in Mach and Zeilinger [40]. strain to tolerate them [29]. This resistance, considered an
essential requirement for plant colonization, has been associ-
ated with the presence of ABC transport systems in
Biofertilization and stimulation Trichoderma strains [29]. Furthermore, spontaneous mutants
of plant defense mechanisms of Aspergillus oryzae that had high resistance to azoles over-
expressed ABC transporter genes that were barely detectable
Trichoderma strains are always associated with plant roots in the wild-type [41]. Colonization of plant roots would thus
and root ecosystems. Some authors have defined Trichoderma be favored by the isolation of strains that, along with
strains as plant symbiont opportunistic avirulent organisms, hydrophobins and repellents, also overexpress ABC trans-
able to colonize plant roots by mechanisms similar to those of porters. Alternatively, the isolation of strains highly resistant
mycorrhizal fungi and to produce compounds that stimulate to toxic compounds, such as fungicides and/or herbicides
growth and plant defense mechanisms [29]. would also increase colonization, since such strains frequent-
ly display cross-resistance to antimicrobial compounds syn-
Plant root colonization. Trichoderma strains must colonize thesized by plants.
plant roots prior to stimulation of plant growth and protection
against infections. Colonization implies the ability to adhere Biofertilization. Root colonization by Trichoderma strains
and recognize plant roots, penetrate the plant, and withstand frequently enhances root growth and development, crop pro-
toxic metabolites produced by the plants in response to inva- ductivity, resistance to abiotic stresses and the uptake and use
sion by a foreign organism, whether pathogen or not. There of nutrients [3]. Crop productivity in fields can increase up to
are no data in the literature concerning Trichoderma genes 300% after the addition of Trichoderma hamatum or
specifically expressed during the interaction between fungus Trichoderma koningii. In experiments carried out in green-
and plant roots, but there are several reports on altered gene houses, there was also a considerable yield increase when
expression during mycorrhizal development [25]. Mycor- plant seeds were previously treated with spores from
rhizal fungi interaction is modulated by plant flavonoids and Trichoderma [12]. The same increase was observed when
fungal auxins, followed by morphogenetic events that seeds were separated from Trichoderma by a cellophane
include appressorium development [25]. In addition, genes membrane, which indicates that Trichoderma produces
that encode hydrophobins and other cell-wall structural pro- growth factors that increased the rate of seed germination [7].
teins are specifically expressed, or their expression is up-reg- However, there are very few reports on strains that produce

Int. Microbiol.
Fig. 3. Rhizoctonia solani protection and stimulation of
tobacco root growth by Trichoderma harzianum CECT 2413.

growth factors which have been detected and identified in the these root-fungus associations also stimulate plant defensive
laboratory (auxins, citokinins and ethylene) [3], despite the mechanisms. Strains of Trichoderma added to the rhizos-
identification of many filamentous fungi that produce phyto- phere protect plants against numerous classes of pathogens,
hormones, such as indol acetic acid (IAA) and ethylene, e.g. those that produce aerial infections, including viral, bac-
whose metabolic pathways have been identified [3,44]. terial and fungal pathogens, which points to the induction of
Trichoderma strains that produce cytokinin-like molecules, resistance mechanisms similar to the hypersensitive response
e.g. zeatyn and gibberellin GA3 or GA3-related, have been (HR), systemic acquired resistance (SAR), and induced sys-
recently detected. The controlled production of these com- temic resistance (ISR) in plants [29]. At a molecular level,
pounds could improve biofertilization [44]. Together with the resistance results in an increase in the concentration of meta-
synthesis or stimulation of phytohormone production, most bolites and enzymes related to defensive mechanisms, such as
Trichoderma strains acidify their surrounding environment the enzymes phenyl-alanine ammonio-lyase (PAL) and chal-
by secreting organic acids, such as gluconic, citric or fumaric cone synthase (CHS), involved in the biosynthesis of phy-
acid [26]. These organic acids result from the metabolism of toalexins (HR response), chitinases and glucanases. These
other carbon sources, mainly glucose, and, in turn, are able to comprise pathogenesis-related proteins (PR) (SAR response)
solubilize phosphates, micronutrients and mineral cations and enzymes involved in the response to oxidative stress [49].
including iron, manganese and magnesium [29]. Therefore, Plant genes respond to pathogens and elicitors. For this
the addition of Trichoderma to soils where these cations are reason, plant defense mechanisms do not necessarily require
scarce results in biofertilization by metal solubilization and stimulation by the living organism. The addition of Tricho-
an increase in crop productivity; the poorer the soil, the more derma metabolites that may act as elicitors of plant resist-
significant the subsequent yield increase is. ance, or the expression in transgenic plants of genes whose
products act as elicitors, also results in the synthesis of phy-
Stimulation of plant resistance and plant defense mecha- toalexins, PR proteins and other compounds, and in an
nisms. The ability of Trichoderma strains to protect plants increase in resistance against several plant pathogens, includ-
against root pathogens has long been attributed to an antago- ing fungi and bacteria [14,24], as well as resistance to hostile
nistic effect against the invasive pathogen [12]. However, abiotic conditions [29]. Barley expressing Trichoderma atro-

viride endochitinase Ech42 showed increased resistance tors affecting the activity of both Trichoderma and patho-
towards Fusarium infection [41]. Expression of the chitinase genicity factors secreted by different microorganisms. Some
Chit42 from T. harzianum in tobacco and potato plants result- antibiotics are degraded at high pH; air drying and low pH
ed in transgenic lines highly tolerant or completely resistant may induce enzyme degradation by acidic proteases [16,17];
to the foliar pathogens Alternaria alternata, Alternaria and the growth of many fungi is inhibited by weak acids,
solani and Botrytis cinerea and to the soil-borne pathogen such as sorbic acid, due to a rapid decline in cytosolic and
Rhizoctonia solani [32]. Similar results have been obtained vacuolar pH [4]. Therefore, the ability to thrive over a wide
with the heterologous expression of Chit42 in strawberry range of external pH conditions is an important component of
infected with Colletotrichum and with Chit42 and a β-1,6- the complex set of characteristics that Trichoderma, best
glucanase in melon and tomato plants. In other cases, heterol- adapted to acidic soil, encounters during its interaction with
ogous expression of pectinases and glucanases in plants other organisms. One of the mechanisms of Trichoderma
resulted in a reinforcement of the enzymatic pool against strains for achieving colonization and pathogen control in a
pathogens but not in specific stimulation of plant resistance dynamic pH environment is an appropriate response to each
mechanisms [A.M. Rincón, PhD Thesis, Univ. of Sevilla, given pH condition. Some strains of T. harzianum control
2004]. Thus, plant protection seems to result exclusively external pH strictly, ensuring optimal values for their own
from an increase in enzymatic activities. secreted enzymes [41]. Different extracellular proteins are
Activation of defense responses using elicitors could be a synthesized at different pHs. In addition, at the transcriptional
valuable strategy⎯as an alternative to the use of transgenic level, several proteases, glucanases, cell-wall proteins and a
plants⎯to protect plants against pathogens. Addition of lam- glucose transporter are pH-controlled, which suggests a pH-
inarin, a β-1,3-glucan, to grapevines induced several defense dependent transcriptionally controlled response of different
genes and reduced infection by B. cinerea and Plasmopara enzymes. External pH is also important to pathogens because
viticola [5]. Phytophthora parasitica produces a cell-wall their pathogenicity factors are produced only within a very
glycoprotein (CBEL) that has a cellulose-binding domain narrow range of pHs [46] (Fig. 4A), so that pH modification
(CBD) and elicits defense responses in the host plant. determines the pathogen’s ability to successfully colonize
Infiltration of CBEL into non-host plants also induced and invade the targeted host. Trichoderma strains able to
defense reactions [41]. Expression in plants of fungal chiti- modify external pH and to adapt their own metabolism to the
nases with CBDs, such as Chit42CBD, which already has surrounding growth conditions would consequently reduce
increased antifungal activity [38], may result in greater the virulence of phytopathogens because most pathogenicity
resistance against phytopathogens. It would be of interest to factors could not be synthesized.
test the effect on plants of the addition of chitinases or glu- A pH-sensing response system that most likely evolved in
canases produced by Trichoderma strains with respect to order to enable fungi to tailor their arsenal to best fit their
long-term increases in defense mechanisms, that is, a SAR- environment is modulated by PacC, a transcriptional activa-
like response. Some authors have described that, when such tor of alkaline-responsive genes and a repressor of acidic
plants have been in the presence of Trichoderma, their resist- ones under alkaline conditions [4]. Regulation by PacC has
ance persisted for long periods, at least several months [29]. been found in many fungi, including T. harzianum [41]. Loss
A similar effect could take place after the addition of of function mutations in pacC (pacC–) cause expression of a
Trichoderma elicitors, which is particularly important in pro- phenotype that mimics the response to acidic conditions and
tecting fruits against post-harvest infections. results in the increased expression of acid-responsive genes
and the reduced expression of alkaline ones [22]. Gain of
function mutations in pacC (pacCc) mimicking the response
Rhizosphere modification to alkaline conditions result in the opposite phenotype. PacC
controls virulence in Fusarium oxysporum, so that PacC–
The soil environment influences spore germination, chlamy- mutants were more virulent than the wild-type in tomato root
dospore formation and the production of secondary metabo- infections whereas pacCc were significantly reduced in viru-
lites, such as siderophores [22], antibiotics [12] and enzymes lence [9,41] (Fig. 4B). Trichoderma’s ability to change envi-
[4]. There are abundant data in the literature describing rhi- ronmental pH may be affected by the surrounding conditions
zosphere modifications by BCAs that impede colonization by such that a given strain may exert a different kind of control
pathogens; for instance, antibiotics and toxic metabolites in response to different environmental pHs. PacC– and PacCc
produced by enthomopathogenic, mycoparasitic or mycoher- Trichoderma mutants of strain 2413 have been isolated, and
bicide fungi [53]. Environmental pH is one of the major fac- the mutants display phenotypes similar to those of F. oxyspo-

volatile toxic metabolites that impede colonization by antag-

onized microorganisms; among these metabolites, the pro-
duction of harzianic acid, alamethicins, tricholin, peptaibols,
antibiotics, 6-penthyl-α-pyrone, massoilactone, viridin, glio-
virin, glisoprenins, heptelidic acid and others have been
described [53]. In some cases, antibiotic production corre-
lates with biocontrol ability, and purified antibiotics mimic
the effect of the whole agent. However, there are also exam-
ples of antibiotic-overproducing strains, such as gliovirin-
overproducing mutants of T. virens, which provide control
similar to that of the wild-type, and of gliovirin-deficient
mutants which failed to protect cotton seedlings from
Phytium ultimum, whereas the parental strain did [12]. In
general, strains of T. virens with the best efficiency as biocon-
trol agents are able to produce gliovirin [31]. Also, the most
effective isolates of T. harzianum against Gaeumannomyces
graminis var. tritici produce pyrone antibiotics, and the suc-
cess of the strains was clearly related to the pyrones they pro-
The combination of hydrolytic enzymes and antibiotics
results in a higher level of antagonism than that obtained by
either mechanism alone [31, 42]. Synergetic effects between
an endochitinase from T. harzianum and gliotoxin, and be-
Int. Microbiol.

tween hydrolytic enzymes and peptaibols on conidial germi-

nation of B. cinerea is well known [32]. A mutant from strain
2413 that had higher levels of extracellular enzymes and of
Fig. 4. Virulence is affected by pH. (A) Transcriptional activation of the α-pyrone performed better than the wild-type in in-vitro con-
pectinase genes pelB and pl and pectinase secretion in buffered and non-
buffered secondary media. The growth medium for the phytopathogenic fun-
frontation experiments against R. solani and in assays of
gus Colletotrichum gloeosporioides was either not buffered or buffered to grape protection against B. cinerea, both under repression
pH 6.0. Pectate lyase (PL) from the culture medium was analyzed by (only pyrones were produced) and derepression conditions
Western blotting. (Modified from [20]). (B) PacC negatively regulates viru-
(enzymes and pyrones were produced) [47] (Table 1).
lence in Fusarium oxysporum. Incidence of Fusarium wilt caused by differ-
ent F. oxysporum strains on tomato plants (cultivar Vemar). Severity of dis- Similarly, in transformants of strain 2413 that overexpressed
ease symptoms was recorded at different times after inoculation, using an Chit42 chitinase, biocontrol activity correlated with chitinase
index ranging from 1 (healthy plant) to 5 (dead plant). Symbols refer to production, except for one transformant which was unable to
plants inoculated with the wild-type strain 4287 (filled circles), loss-of-func-
tion mutant pacC +/ 12 (open inverted triangles), complemented strain pacC completely overgrow R. solani and did not produce α-
+/ 12 +pacC (filled triangles), dominant activating mutant pacCc9 (filled pyrone, so that synergism did not occur [38] (Fig. 5).
squares) and the uninoculated control (open diamonds). Error bars indicate Sequential roles of antibiosis and hydrolytic enzymes
the standard deviations from 20 plants for each treatment. Modified from [9].
during fungal interactions have also been described [32].
When combinations of antibiotics and several kinds of hy-
rum with regard to their behavior at different pHs [41]; these drolytic enzymes were applied to propagules of B. cinerea
could be introduced into environments characterized by pHs and F. oxysporum, synergism occurred, but it was lower
that are non-permissive for the wild-type. when the enzymes were added after the antibiotics, indicat-
ing that cell-wall degradation was needed to establish the
interaction [32].
Antibiosis Peptaibols—a class of linear peptides that generally have
strong antimicrobial activity against gram-positive bacteria
Antibiosis occurs during interactions involving low-molecu- and fungi—act synergistically with cell-wall-degrading
lar-weight diffusible compounds or antibiotics produced by enzymes (CWDEs) to inhibit the growth of fungal pathogens
Trichoderma strains that inhibit the growth of other microor- and elicit plant resistance to pathogens [58]. In tobacco
ganisms. Most Trichoderma strains produce volatile and non- plants, exogenous applications of peptaibols trigger a defense

Table 1. Viability of Rhizoctonia solani after incubation under repression Morphological changes. Mycoparasitism involves morpho-
and derepression conditions with Trichoderma harzianum CECT 2413
logical changes, such as coiling and formation of appressori-
Time (h) Viability (%) of R. solani cocultivated with T. harzianum um-like structures, which serve to penetrate the host and con-
WT (RC) WT (DC) PF1 (RC) PF1 (DC) tain high concentrations of osmotic solutes such as glycerol
0 100 100 100 100 [41]. Trichoderma attaches to the pathogen with cell-wall
10 80 83 84 65
carbohydrates that bind to pathogen lectins. Once Tricho-
20 89 15 65 0
36 80 0 23 0 derma is attached, it coils around the pathogen and forms the
60 75 0 8 0 appresoria. The following step consists of the production of
90 58 0 0 0 CWDEs and peptaibols [32], which facilitate both the entry
WT, Wild-type; PF1, PFI mutant; DC, derepression conditions; RC, repression condi- of Trichoderma hypha into the lumen of the parasitized fun-
tions. Viability was calculated as the ratio between growth of the dual-culture samples
and that of the control without T. harzianum. Modified from [47]. gus and the assimilation of the cell-wall content. The signif-
icance of lytic enzymes, reviewed by Viterbo et al. [55], has
response and reduce susceptibility to tobacco mosaic virus been demonstrated by overexpression and deletion of the
[58]. A peptaibol synthetase from T. virens has recently been respective genes. Investigation on the responsible signal
purified, and the corresponding gene, which has been cloned, transduction pathways of T. atroviride during mycopara-
will facilitate studies of this compound and its contribution to sitism have led to the isolation of key components of the
biocontrol. An extensive review on antibiosis and production cAMP and MAP kinase signaling pathways, such as α-sub-
of Trichoderma secondary metabolites is provided in Howell units of G proteins (G-α), which control extracellular
[31,32]. enzyme, antibiotic production and coiling around host hypha
[41]. In Trichoderma, there is biochemical evidence for the
participation of G-α in coiling, since an increase in coiling
Mycoparasitism around nylon fibers was detected after the addition of activa-
tors of G-protein (mastoparan and fluoroaluminate) [43]. G-α
Mycoparasitism, the direct attack of one fungus on another, gene (tga1) has been expressed either under the control of its
is a very complex process that involves sequential events, own promoter or under the control of the promoter of the
including recognition, attack and subsequent penetration and basic proteinase prb1 in T. atroviride [48]. Both types of
killing of the host. Trichoderma spp. may exert direct biocon- transformants showed an increase in coiling. Moreover, the
trol by parasitizing a range of fungi, detecting other fungi and capacity of T. viride overexpressing tga1 to overgrow
growing towards them. The remote sensing is partially due to Rhizoctonia was also enhanced.
the sequential expression of CWDEs, mostly chitinases, glu-
canases and proteases [29]. The pattern of induction differs Cell-wall-degrading enzymes: chitinases. The chitinolytic
from one Trichoderma strain to another. It is believed that system of Trichoderma comprises many enzymes and the list
fungi secrete exochitinases constitutively at low levels. of its components is rapidly being updated as new enzymes
When chitinases degrade fungal cell walls, they release and genes are reported. Chitinases are divided into 1,4-β-
oligomers that induce exochitinases, and attack begins. acetylglucosaminidases (GlcNAcases), endochitinases and
Int. Microbiol.

Fig. 5. Overgrowth and growth inhibition of

Rhizoctonia solani by Chit42 transformants
and the AmdS control. Mycelial discs of
Trichoderma harzianum transformants and R.
solani were place at the opposite sides of pota-
to-glucose-agar (PPG) Petri dishes. Plates
were incubated and photographs taken after 7
(top) and 12 (bottom) days incubation. Each
Petri dish has T. harzianum at the top and R.
solani at the bottom. Modified from [38].

exochitinases. Many GlcNAcases and their genes—exc1 pletely [54]. The antagonism of Chit33 and Chit42 transfor-
(=nag1), exc2, tvnag1, and tvnag2 from T. harzianum T25-1, mants has been improved by the addition of a cellulose-bind-
T. atroviride P1 and T. virens Tv29-8 —have been described ing domain to the chitinase genes. As a result, the strains pro-
[29,34]. The 73-kDa Nag1 represents the main GlcNAcase in ducing the chimeric enzymes increased their specific chiti-
T. atroviride. Nag1-disruption strain lacks chitinase activity, nase activity [38].
and the endochitinase chit42 mRNA is absent [29]. This indi-
cates that nag1 is essential for triggering chitinase gene Cell-wall-degrading enzymes: glucanases. It has been
expression. The pathogen cell wall and chitin induce nag1, shown that β-1,3-glucanases inhibit spore germination or the
but it is only triggered when there is contact with the growth of pathogens in synergistic cooperation with chitinas-
pathogen [10,29,32,39]. GlcNAcases CHIT73 and CHIT102 es [7,23] and antibiotics [29,32]. Many β-1,3-glucanases
were detected in T. harzianum TM and Trichoderma asperel- have been isolated, but only a few genes have been cloned,
lum [28]. CHIT102 triggers the expression of other chiti- e.g. bgn13.1 [7] and lam1.3 [13] from T. harzianum, glu78
nolytic enzymes [28]. In addition, strain 2413 produces three [19] from T. atroviride, and Tv-bgn1 and Tv-bgn2 [34] from
extracellular endochitinases whose genes, chit33, chit37 and T. virens. However, only strains overexpressing bgn13.1
chit42, have been cloned from this strain. Other genes coding from T. harzianum have been constructed [A.M. Rincón,
for Chit42 chitinase—ech42, cht42 and ThEn4—have also PhD Thesis].
been cloned from T. atroviride IMI206040 [10], Gv2908 [32] Transformants overexpressing BGN13.1 have been re-
and T. atroviride P1 [32], respectively. Chit37 shows 89% ported to inhibit the growth of B. cinerea, R. solani and
similarity to Chit36 from T. harzianum TM at the amino-acid Phytophthora citrophthora. Transformant T28, which had the
level [29]. Chit36 inhibits B. cinerea spore germination and highest BGN13.1 glucanase activity under both repressing
the growth of both Sclerotium rolfsii and Fusarium oxyspo- and inducing conditions, showed the highest inhibition of
rum [54]. Other genes homologous to chit36 have been pathogens. Antagonism was higher against P. citrophthora—
cloned from T. harzianum TM, T. atroviride P1 and T. aspere- oomycete with cellulose and glucans as the main cell wall
llum T–203. Endochitinases are regulated by a variety of components [7]—than against Botrytis or Rhizoctonia [A.M.
mechanisms but induction by stress has been reported for Rincón, PhD Thesis], which have chitin and glucan as their
chit33, chit36 and chit42. However, the induction under main cell-wall components [7]. In addition, three β-1,6-glu-
mycoparasitic conditions is not clear. ech42 is induced prior canases have been purified from strain 2413 [7,15,24].
to any physical contact with R. solani [35]. chit33 is expres- BGN16.2 exhibited antifungal properties alone or in combi-
sed only during the contact phase and not before overgrow- nation with chitinases [7] and reduced the growth of B.
ing R. solani [14]; and chit36Y does not need the direct con- cinerea and Gibberella fujikuroi [15]. Transformants produc-
tact of the pathogen to be expressed. chit33, chit42 and ing BGN16.2 controlled R. solani and B. cinerea growth [7].
chit36 have been overexpressed in Trichoderma spp. in order Cellulases (β-1,4-glucanases), comprising cellobiohydro-
to test the role of these chitinases in mycoparasitism, and the lases, endoglucanases (egl1, egl2) and β-glucosidases, have
42-kDa chitinase is believed to be a key enzyme [32]. T. not been widely studied for biocontrol purposes, although
virens transformants overexpressing Chit42 showed signifi- cellulose is abundant in oomycetes [6]. Migheli et al. [32]
cantly enhanced biocontrol activity compared with the wild- obtained transformants with greater biocontrol activity than
type when assayed against R. solani in cotton seedlings expe- the wild-type against P. ultimun on cucumber seedling. T.
riments [32]. Other Trichoderma ssp. transformants overex- harzianum T3 produces a variety of cellulases, which make
pressing chit42 resulted in better antagonism than obtained this isolate very effective in the control of P. ultimun. Other
with the wild-type (see Fig. 5) [10,38]. In greenhouse bio- hydrolases, such as α-1,3-glucanases, have been purified
control tests, however, the activity of chit42 disruptants did from strain 2413, and their genes isolated and overexpressed,
not differ from that of the wild-type [10,29]. T. harzianum which resulted in increased biocontrol activity of the trans-
transformants overexpressing Chit33 chitinase constitutively formant strains [1].
inhibited the growth of R. solani under both repressing and
derepressing conditions; the antagonist tests demonstrated Cell-wall-degrading enzymes: proteases. Biocontrol of B.
that this chitinase also has an important role in mycopara- cinerea by T. harzianum has been attributed in part to the
sitism [37]. T. harzianum Rifai TM transformants overex- action of proteases produced by the BCA that inactivate
pressing Chit36 chitinase inhibited F. oxysporum and S. rolf- hydrolytic enzymes produced by this pathogen on bean
sii more strongly than the wild-type. Moreover, culture fil- leaves [32]. Proteases involved in the degradation of heterol-
trates inhibited the germination of B. cinerea almost com- ogously produced proteins have been characterized [16]. For

example, alkaline protease Prb1 from T. harzianum IMI

206040 has been demonstrated to play an important role in Concluding remarks
biological control [7], and prb1 transformants showed an
increase of up to five-fold in the biocontrol efficiency of Research on the mechanisms responsible for the biocontrol
Trichoderma strains against R. solani. Protease Pra1 from T. exerted by Trichoderma spp. on phytopathogenic fungi have
harzianum has affinity for fungal cell walls [24]. The gene led to a better understanding of such mechanisms, as well as
for an extracellular serine protease (tvsp1) has been cloned to the isolation of several genes encoding either enzymes and
from T. virens [45] and its overexpression significantly structural or regulatory proteins, or components of signaling
increased protection of cotton seedlings against R. solani. pathways that are involved in processes such as the specific
This gene shows great potential in improving biocontrol abil- recognition of hosts by Trichoderma strains. These tools will
ity, as serine proteases are effective against oomycetes [21] allow the isolation of improved strains and thus of more effi-
and nematodes [8,32]. A serine protease of 28-kDa with cient formulations to control fungal pathogens in pre- and
trypsin activity isolated from strain 2413 also reduced the post-harvest periods.
number of hatched eggs of root-knot nematodes and showed
synergistic effects with other proteins produced during antag-
onistic activity of the strain [50]. Antal et al. [2] screened Acknowledgements. This work was supported by the Ministry of
Science and Technology (Projects AGL2000-0524 and BIO2003-03679) and
cold-tolerant strains and found that most of them antagonized the Junta de Andalucía (PAI CVI-107).
phytopathogens and produced chitinases, β-glucosidases and
trypsin-like, and chymotrypsin-like proteases, active at low
temperatures. The role of proteases in mycoparasitism has
been reinforced with the isolation of new protease-overpro- References
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Mecanismos de biocontrol de cepas de Trichoderma Mecanismos de biocontrole de cepas de Trichoderma

Resumen. El género Trichoderma está integrado por un gran número de Resumo. O gênero Trichoderma é formado por um grande número de
cepas fúngicas que actúan como agentes de control biológico y cuyas cepas fúngicas que atuam como agentes de controle biológico (BCAs) e
propiedades antagónicas se basan en la activación de mecanismos muy diver- cujas propriedades antagônicas se baseiam na ativação de mecanismos muito
sos. Las cepas de Trichoderma pueden ejercer el biocontrol de hongos diversos. As cepas de Trichoderma podem exercer o biocontrole de fungos
fitopatógenos indirectamente, compitiendo por el espacio y los nutrientes, fitopatógenos indiretamente, competindo por espaço e nutrientes, modifi-
modificando las condiciones ambientales, estimulando el crecimiento de las cando as condições ambientais, estimulando o crescimento das plantas e
plantas y sus mecanismos de defensa o produciendo antibióticos. También seus mecanismos de defesa ou produzindo antibióticos, ou diretamente
pueden realizar ese biocontrol directamente, mediante micoparasitismo. Estos mediante o micoparasitismo. Estes mecanismos podem, além do mais, atuar
mecanismos pueden actuar de forma coordinada y su importancia en los pro- de forma coordenada e sua importância nos processos de biocontrole
cesos de biocontrol depende de la cepa de Trichoderma, del hongo al que depende da cepa de Trichoderma, do fungo a que antagoniza, do tipo de cul-
antagoniza, del tipo de cultivo y de condiciones ambientales tales como la tivo e das condições ambientais tais como disponibilidade de nutrientes, pH,
disponibilidad de nutrientes, el pH, la temperatura o la concentración de hie- temperatura ou concentração de ferro. A ativação de cada um dos mecanis-
rro. La activación de cada uno de los mecanismos implica la producción de mos implica na produção de metabólitos e compostos específicos tais como
metabolitos y compuestos específicos tales como factores de crecimiento de fatores de crescimentos de plantas, enzimas hidrolíticas, sideróforos, anti-
plantas, enzimas hidrolíticas, sideróforos, antibióticos y permeasas de carbono bióticos e permeases de carbono e de nitrogênio. Estes metabólitos podem
y nitrógeno. Estos metabolitos pueden sobreexpresarse o combinarse con sobreexpressar-se ou combinar-se com cepas de biocontrole apropriadas, a
cepas de biocontrol apropiadas, a fin de obtener nuevas formulaciones que fim de se obter novas formulações que possam ser mais eficientes no con-
puedan ser más eficaces en el control de enfermedades de plantas y en la pro- trole das enfermidades de plantas e na proteção de frutos pós-colheita. [Int
tección de frutos post-cosecha. [Int Microbiol 2004; 7(4):249-260] Microbiol 2004; 7(4):249-260]

Palabras clave: Trichoderma · hongos fitopatógenos · antibiosis · biofer- Palavras chave: Trichoderma · fungos fitopatógenos · antibiose · bioferti-
tilización · enzimas hidrolíticas · protección de plantas lização · enzimas hidrolíticas · proteção de plantas

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