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“Give The Gift Of A Second Chance”

Molly Adkins, Melissa Leigh A. Gatbonton, Jordan

Kelton, Minh Thu Nguyen, Rayven Wright
Every 60 seconds, one animal suffers abuse.
Nonideal circumtances caused by neglect or mistreatment can cause an animal to display “problem
behaviors” that are seen in perpetual cycles. These can be shown through fear, aggression and “bizarre,
strange or repetitive behaviors.” Dogs are often the most visible and acknowledged victims. As a result
other animals like cats, birds, horses, cattle and various performance animals are often overlooked.

Rescued animals typically need behavior modification in order to become suitable for adoption. In
overcrowded shelters this type of specialized attention is rare due to lack of space, resources and
behavioral specialists. Without such rehabilitation, traumatized animals are difficult to rehome and many
are eventually euthanized as a result. Providing access to behavior modification treatments customized
to individual animals, greatly increases the chance of overcoming the rehoming and trauma hurdles.

44% of people donate to organizations because they believe their gift can
make a difference.
Families in the southeast give an average of 4% of their annual household income to charities. A
study conducted by American Institute of Certified Public Accountants shows that the second
biggest reason for giving is the belief that their gift can make a difference.
25.4 percent of people haven’t heard of the ASPCA based on our local
Conducted by our team, we found that 25.4 percent of people haven’t heard of the ASPCA and 28.8
percent of people aren’t aware of its purpose.

Our findings also revealed that people often associate the ASPCA with SPCA (an alternative animal non-
profit organization). In conjunction, there is belief that the organization only assists common household
pets. The rehabiliation process and services are also unknown or are vague in knowledge.

There are 3,500 shelters in the U.S. and they rely on social media
campaigns and public events to raise awareness and money.
There are about 3,500 shelters and 10,000 rescue groups in the United States that receive 6.5 million
pets each year. Of these millions 700,000 are euthanized. Local shelters run primarily on volunteers and
donations and only some receive government aid. Taking advantage of events to increase awareness
and funding has been a key strategy in maintaining shelter operations.

Utilizing social media to promote open events to the general public is common practice for animal
shelters and animal activist groups particularly in the Southeast.
The objective is to increase awareness of the ASPCA and its efforts to allocate resources for the
rehabilitation of abused animals by 10% among 40-49 year-old women in the Southeast region between
January and December of 2021.

Ads will target women who are passionate about animal safety and inform them of ASPCA’s range of
animal beneficiaries. A heartwarming depiction of the organization will convince them.

The Big Idea

The Big Idea lies in the concept that the ASPCA guarantees a saved life. The tagline chosen to
encompass this imagery is “Give the Gift of a Second Chance.”
Target Audience
Shirley Aldridge is a 49 year-old school teacher who has taught in the same district for 20 years. She
lives in an upper-middle class suburban neighborhood with her husband, Sal Aldridge Esq., her three
children and her two rescued pitbulls named Nanny and Bruiser. This woman is very conscientious of her
dollar. She works hard to make sure her money is benefiting her family, her community and the causes
she is passionate about. Mrs. Aldridge donates to St. Jude’s, the National Breast Cancer Foundation
and the American Pit Bull Foundation. She purchased a specialty license plate that reads “Kids Deserve
Justice,” to contribute to a fund that supports legal aid programs for low income children. This license
plate is affixed on the back of her Subaru Outback along bumper stickers that read “Who rescued who?,”
and “Proud Parent of an Honor Roll Student.” She has been elected Vice President of the PTA five years
in a row and is currently campaigning for her first re-election as city treasurer.
Creative and
Our main goal is to raise awareness about the ASPCA by 10% within our target audience. With this in
mind the utilization of television, print, billboard and social media - specifically Facebook, would best
convey our message.

Creative and
Facebook (Cont.) Sponsored Post
Creative and
Client: ASPCA TV Commercial: 30 Second Spot “Gift A Second Chance”
Video Audio
[cut to] Wide shot of gift box sitting on a sunny, VO: Our pets are gifts.
grassy hill.

[Cue] The sky turns gray and cloudy. A bright SFX: Thunderclap, followed by the sound of rain
white lightning strikes across the clouds and rain pelting the gift box
falls, damaging the gift box. VO: This makes it hard to believe that every 60
seconds, an animal suffers from neglect…
[Cue] The rain stops. A boot kicks the gift box SFX: The sound of rain stops. You hear the
down the hill. squelching sound of a boot in muddy grass.
VO: …and cruelty.
[Cut to] The clouds part has the box tumbles SFX: a light thud as the boot kicks the box.
down the hill. SFX: the sound of the box tumbling down a mud-
dy hill
[Cut to] Wide shot of damaged gift box sitting at
the bottom of the hill. An ASPCA National Field VO: But when you give to the ASPCA, you are
Response volunteer comes into frame and picks giving the gift of a 2nd chance to the animals who
up the box. are waiting for a chance at life.

[Cut to] Wide establishing shot of an ASPCA

facility. There are livestock trailers toward the SFX: Cow mooing and a horse whinnying in the
back of the shot being opened to reveal huge background
gift boxes. The NFR volunteer comes across the
screen to enter the ASPCA facility.

[Cut to] Close up shot as the damaged gift box is VO: The ASPCA’s Field Response team rescues
handed over to an ASPCA volunteer who starts animals impacted by cruelty, natural disasters,
to clean up the box in a stainless steel basin. and unfair living conditions.

[Cut to] Wide shot of an ASPCA veterinarian VO: Then our veterinarians and top-class medical
holding a stethoscope to the gift box which is facilities ensure that impacted animals receive the
now clean and looking good as new. best possible treatment.
Creative and
Television (Cont.)
Client: ASPCA TV Commercial: 30 Second Spot “Gift A Second Chance”
Video Audio
[Cut to] Wide establishing shot of a family SFX: Pig oinking in the background
waiting in the lobby of the ASPCA Rehabilitation
Center. An ASPCA employee enters the lobby
and hands the gift box to the family.

[Cut to] Close up of gift box reveals a puppy VO: Our volunteers and donors help the ASPCA
popping its head out of the gift box to lobby for legislative change and fund grants for
life saving programs, like rehabilitation for animals
in need of behavior modification.

[Fade to] white screen VO: Give the gift of a 2nd chance with the ASPCA
[Fade in] ASPCA logo and tagline.
Creative and
Messaging Television (Cont.) Storyboard

Wide shot of gift box sitting on a The sky turns gray and cloudy. Wide shot of damaged gift box
sunny, grassy hill. A bright white lightning strikes sitting at the bottom of the hill.
across the clouds and rain falls,
damaging the gift box.

An ASPCA National Field Wide establishing shot of an Close up shot as the damaged gift
Response volunteer comes into ASPCA facility. There are livestock box is handed over to an ASPCA
frame and picks up the box. trailers toward the back of the shot volunteer who starts to clean up
being opened to reveal huge gift the box in a stainless steel basin.
boxes. The NFR volunteer comes
across the screen to enter the
ASPCA facility.
Creative and
Television (Cont.) Storyboard

Wide shot of an ASPCA An ASPCA employee enters the Wide establishing shot of a family
veterinarian holding a stethoscope lobby and hands the gift box to waiting in the lobby of the ASPCA
to the gift box which is now clean the family. Rehabilitation Center.
and looking good as new.

Close up of gift box. Reveals a puppy popping its head ASPCA logo and tagline.
out of the gift box
Creative and
Creative and
Media Plan

A television commercial that depicts warmth and hopefulness will associate inspirational positivity
into our audience’s mind. Depicting a joyous and welcoming tone will help alleviate the preexisting
association between the ASPCA and “sad and upsetting” commercials. Furthermore it will help
audiences visualize the message we are trying to convey. This will be aired on stations such as NBC, Fox
and ABC.

Print (Magazine)
Print is an excellent medium for image longevity regardless of reading speed. Visuals created for
print may also be reused in conjunction with other marketing efforts. Magazine print was chosen in
consideration of our audience’s lifestyle and hobbies. Based on the created profile, we can infer that
they are likely to display information-seeking behavior. Seeing an ad geared toward their interests may
influence them to pursue action.

Social Media (Facebook)

Engaging the over 1 million followers on the ASPCA Facebook page will be useful in spreading
awareness as the current audience could help expand our reach by sharing our posts to others. Posts
celebrating ASPCA rehabilitation successes mingled with seasonally appropriate ads will catch
their attention. Furthermore, posting on social media allows for two-way interaction between and the
analytics available will allow us to track our efforts.

We will place a billboard in the most highly populated cities in the southeast United States. This will allow
us to reach a large amount of our target audience with a single ad.

With billboard advertising we are able to reach a large audience in a single way by placing the billboard in
a busy area. Since billboards are placed in areas with high visibility they tend to have the highest number
of impressions and views compared to other types of media. Billboards are great for broadcasting a
message to an audience.
Media Calendar
Public Relations
We will put out a press release, blog posts, a semi-annual newsletter and send out email blasts every
other month. These will allow us to raise awareness and inform the audience about the ASPCA and its
efforts. Each public relations element allows for the spread of news, updates and success stories while
easily communicating with our audience.

Elements and Rationale

Press Release

Press releases are great for creating brand awareness and for spreading news of an event. Which is why
putting one out will be great for a campaign like ours. They allow for easy, widespread news coverage.
Press releases are also super cost effective.

A press release will be created to announce the ASPCA’s Valentine’s Day adoption event. The press
release will also address all there is to know about the events taking place across the southeast United
States that day.

Blog Posts
Blog posts are a great way to connect with an audience and to reach them easily and frequently. It also
allows for a lot of informaiton to be put out in a way that isn’t overwhelming and is organized.

Blog posts will be created to share ASPCA success stories of saving animal’s lives. The blog posts will
feature animals of all varieties such as cats, dogs, and livestock. Each post will share a story of how the
ASPCA helped to save the life of the animal and give an update on how they are doing now. This will
showcase our big idea of how the ASPCA guarantees a life saved.
Public Relations
Elements and Rationale (Cont.)

Newsletters are a great way to communicate periodic updates and put out any news that needs to be
communicated to the audience. The newsletter will allow us to raise awareness while also spreading any
information. They are also a great way to keep connections with the audience.

A semi-annual newsletter will be put out to keep the audience up to date with what has been going on
with the ASPCA and what is coming in the upcoming months within the organization. Any updates with
the campaign will be put in the newsletter. They will be sent out in an electronic form.

Email Blast
Email blasts are helpful in communicating with a large audience in an easy way. It will allow us to reach
everyone in our audience simultaneously. They are also helpful in gaining traction to links that are
included in the email and spreading awareness. Email blasts also allow organizations to learn more about
their audience and the things they click on through the email.

We will do email blasts to communicate news and updates to our audience bi-monthly. The email blasts
will continuously keep us engaging with our audience and keeping us in their mind. The email blast will
also contain links to social media and to our website in hopes of gaining more traction. Two of the emails
blasts will contain the semi-annual newsletter.

ASPCA to Hold “2nd Chance at Love” Events Across the Southeast

ORLANDO, Fla. (Feb. 1, 2021) – The ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals)
is proud to announce their Valentine’s Day “2nd Chance at Love” adoption event. The event will be held
on February 14, 2021 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at various animal shelters throughout the southeast United
States. This ASPCA sponsored event will waive all adoption fees for participating shelters to encourage
more people to open up their homes and hearts for homeless animals in need.

The ASPCA pledged a $150,000 grant to 14 participating shelters in an effort to find homes for homeless
animals throughout the Southeast. Those interested in attending are encouraged to contact their local
shelters or visit for a list of participating shelters.

The event will be open to all members of the public and is acting in collaboration with the ASPCA’s
“Give the Gift of a 2nd Chance” campaign. The organization works to rescue, rehabilitate and rehome
mistreated animals everyday. The ASPCA believes that all animals are entitled to respectful treatment,
kindness and just protection under the law. This new campaign seeks to celebrate how community
collaborations and faithful donors help the ASPCA to ensure a second chance at life for animals who
experience abuse.

“To overcome animal cruelty, the ASPCA must collaborate with local community organizations. Events
like this are designed to raise awareness and motivate people to get involved,” said Matt Bershadker,
president and CEO of the ASPCA. “Valentine’s Day is a day to celebrate love; it’s the perfect day to adopt
a rescue and give them your love.”

Founded in 1866, the ASPCA® (The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals®) is the
first animal welfare organization in North America and serves as the nation’s leading voice for animals.
More than two million supporters strong, the ASPCA’s mission is to provide effective means for the
prevention of cruelty to animals throughout the United States. As a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation,
the ASPCA is a national leader in the areas of anti-cruelty, community outreach and animal health
services. For more information, please visit, and be sure to follow the ASPCA on
Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.


Close to 500 Animals Saved from Farms in Alabama

September 30, 2021

By ASPCA President & CEO Matt Bershadker

This past month the ASPCA was able to successfully save close to 500 animals in raids at various farms
in Alabama. The ASPCA’s National Field Response agents rescued the neglected livestock, including
cows, horses, pigs, sheep, and chickens. The ASPCA Field Investigations and Response team found that
the animals were extremely malnourished and living in conditions where they had no access to food and
water. All the animals have undergone the necessary medical tests and are currently being cared for by
the ASPCA. Some of the animals have been placed in ASPCA care to get them back to a healthy status
while others have been placed in temporary rescue homes while new, stable homes are found for them.

The animals that were placed in ASPCA care are all making great strides in the recovery processes and
are being monitored closely by our team. We are so happy to see them excelling and gaining their health

The ASPCA will continue to monitor all the animals until they are safe in their new homes. We will also
continue to monitor the situation with farms in Alabama. The ASPCA is so thankful for everyone involved
and for the work that was put in to save these animals and give them a second chance at life.

and Evaluations
This campaign should increase our target audiences’ awareness of the ASPCA and their efforts by
10%. Before the campaign began a survey was conducted in the Southeast region to see the level of
awareness people had on the ASPCA. This survey will be conducted again after the campaign. We will
compare both sets of data to determine the impact of the campaign.

In conjunction with the survey, we will look at our TV advertisement data to measure how many
people were tuned in when the commercials were aired. Facebook analytics will be used to measure
the performance of our posts. We will also be using open and click-through rates to track how well
our emails, newsletters and blog posts are doing. We are aware there are many implications in every
campaign. We can’t guarantee that our blogs or emails will attract and retain the attention of our target
audiences. However, we have designed advertising and public relations materials for a variety of media
which ensures the campaign will have a wide reach.

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