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St Saviour’s Church
6 December 2020 - Advent 2 (PREPARATION)

What John does ought to astound us. Would any

modern leader with numerous enthusiastic followers
This week:
— disciples, even — see another leader emerge and Sun 6 - Advent II
think it was time to make way for someone greater? Pray for:
That is not mere modesty on John’s part; it is sheer, Pyle & Kenfig, Duncan
beautiful honesty. He has the integrity to know that Walker (V); Reformed
he is the Forerunner (as some Christian traditions call Episcopal Church of Spain
him); his function is to show people the way to the St Saviour’s:
truth who is life, and then to recede: “Well done, 9:30 Sung Mass;
good and faithful servant” (Matthew 25.23). St German’s:
(Cally Hammond, Church Times 8229) 11:00 am Mass
18:00pm Benediction w
Music for Advent
Parish Notes: Mon 7:
18:00 Mass (St G)
Next Sunday - Reserve your seat at St Saviour’s mass via Liz on 07718018846. Please St Ambrose
adhere to posters and advice from sides people about keeping safe and adhering to social Tues 8:
distance, face masks (compulsory) as well as hand hygiene. 09:30 (St S)
Weekday Services - Usual times this week except for Tues in St Saviour’s which will be at 13:00 Funeral (St G)
09:30 this week only. Funeral of Rita Smith in St German’s this Tues at 1pm. Immaculate Conception of
Advent Prayer - The Church in Wales will pray a simple prayer each evening of Advent at the BVM
Wed 9:
6pm. If you’d like to join in, the prayer text is on our website.
10:00 (St G)
Christmas Card Display - We hope to have our display of cards (as last year). Instead of
Thur 10:
sending individual cards why not consider our display which is kinder to the environment 17:45 (St S)
and supports our church. Donations please to St Saviour’s. Fri 11:
Christmas Flowers - We’re considering having Christmas flowers as in previous years. Please No Mass
speak to Gwyneth for more details. Sat 12:
Llandaff Matters - In place of Croeso the diocese has moved to a weekly online update on No Mass (St S.)
life and ministry in the diocese. It is called Llandaff Matters and we are encouraging Sun 13 - Advent III
everyone to sign up to the weekly email list. Details on our website and on a poster at the Pray for:
back of the church. Pyle & Kenfig, Duncan
Benediction - this evening at 6pm in St St German's. Next Sunday Dec 13th we will have a Walker (V); Reformed
shortened nine lessons and carols service in St Saviour's at 6pm. Carols will be sung by a Episcopal Church of Spain.
small group of up to six singers which complies with current government guidance. St Saviour’s:
9:30 Sung Mass;
Foodbank - Is now back to normal and the normal opening times. There is a box for food
18:00 Nine Lesson & Carols
donations at the back for all those who’d like to support this crucial ministry.
St German’s:
Advent and Christmas - Please take a copy of the Advent and Christmas services flyer from 11:00 am Mass
the back of the church. It will be crucial to book a place in advance for Christmas Eve and
Christmas Day and so there will be a services sign up page at the back of the church for
current congregation members. If you are inviting family please also fill in their names. Parish Priest:
Priority will go to current church members yet we want to also keep some space for those Fr Phelim O’Hare,
who only visit once a year or so. 02922 411229,
Recently Departed - Rita Smith RIP
Bill Eastwood
07800 946949
Isa 40:1-5, 9-11 Isa 61:1-2a, 10-11 ‘Let us see, O Lord,
Ps 85:9ab+10, 11-12, Luke 1:46-48, 49-50, your mercy, and give www.saintgermanwithsaints
13-14 53-54
2 Pet 3:8-14 1 Thess 5:16-24 us your saving help.

Mark 1:1-8 John 1:6-8, 19-28 (3vs)


TODAYS HYMNS: arms, holding them against his righteousness will be at home. So
breast and leading to their rest the then, my friends, while you are
Here in this place mother ewes. waiting, do your best to live lives
Hills of the North Rejoice Isaiah 40 without spot or stain so that he will
On Jordan's Banks find you at peace.
God is working his purpose out 2 Peter 3:8-4
COLLECT: Let us see, O Lord, your mercy, GOSPEL ACCLAMATION:
and give us your saving help
Father in heaven, who sent your Alleluia, alleluia!
Son to redeem the world and will I will hear what Prepare a way for the Lord, make his
send him again to be our judge: the Lord God has to say, paths straight, and peoples shall see
a voice that speaks of peace, the salvation of God.
give us grace so to imitate him in peace for his people. Alleluia!
the humility and purity of his His help is near
first coming that, when he comes for those who fear him
and his glory will dwell in our land. R/
again, we may be ready to greet
him with joyful love and firm
Mercy and faithfulness have met;
faith; through Jesus Christ our justice and peace have embraced. A reading from the Holy Gospel
Lord, who is alive and reigns Faithfulness shall spring from the earth according to St Mark.
and justice look down from heaven. R/
with you and the Holy Spirit, one
The beginning of the good news of
God, now and for ever. Amen. The Lord will make us prosper Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
and our earth shall yield its fruit. As it is written in the prophet Isaiah,
Justice shall march before him ‘See, I am sending my messenger
FIRST READING: and peace shall follow his steps. R/
Psalm 85
ahead of you, who will prepare your
way; the voice of one crying out in
A reading from the prophet Isaiah the wilderness: “Prepare the way of
the Lord, make his paths straight” ’,
‘Console my people, console them’ SECOND READING: John the baptiser appeared in the
says your God. ‘Speak to the heart wilderness, proclaiming a baptism of
of Jerusalem and call to her that her A reading from St Paul’s first letter
repentance for the forgiveness of
time of service is ended, that her sin to the Corinthians.
sins. And people from the whole
is atoned for, that she has received Judean countryside and all the
from the hand of the Lord double There is one thing, my friends, that
people of Jerusalem were going out
punishment for all her crimes.’ you must never forget: that with the
to him, and were baptized by him in
A voice cries, ‘Prepare in the Lord, ‘a day’ can mean a thousand
the river Jordan, confessing their
wilderness a way for the Lord. Make years, and a thousand years is like a
sins. Now John was clothed with
a straight highway for our God day. The Lord is not being slow to
camel’s hair, with a leather belt
across the desert. Let every valley carry out his promises, as anybody
around his waist, and he ate locusts
be filled in, every mountain and hill else might be called slow; but he is
and wild honey. He proclaimed, ‘The
be laid low. Let every cliff become a being patient with you all, wanting
one who is more powerful than I is
plain, and the ridges a valley; nobody to be lost and everybody to
coming after me; I am not worthy to
then the glory of the Lord shall be be brought to change his ways. The
stoop down and untie the thong of
revealed and all mankind shall see Day of the Lord will come like a
his sandals. I have baptized you with
it; for the mouth of the Lord has thief, and then with a roar the sky
water; but he will baptise you with
spoken.’ will vanish, the elements will catch
the Holy Spirit.’
Go up on a high mountain, joyful fire and fall apart, the earth and all
messenger to Zion. Shout with a that it contains will be burnt up.
This is the Gospel of the Lord.
loud voice, joyful messenger to   Since everything is coming to an
Jerusalem. Shout without fear, say end like this, you should be living
Mark 13:33-37
to the towns of Judah, ‘Here is your holy and saintly lives while you wait
God.’ Here is the Lord coming with and long for the Day of God to
power, his arm subduing all things come, when the sky will dissolve in
to him. The prize of his victory is flames and the elements melt in the
with him, his trophies all go before heat. What we are waiting for is
him. He is like a shepherd feeding what he promised: the new heavens
his flock, gathering lambs in his and new earth, the place where

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