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Contoh Kalimat Offers

 Can I help you?

 May I give you a hand?
 Shall I bring you a pillow?
 Would you like a cup of tea?
 How about another piece of cake?
 Can I do the dishes for you?
 Shall I help you with your project?
 I will watering the plants, if you like.
 Would you care for another cup of tea?
 Shall we take you there?
 Could I offer you something?
 Can I take you home?
 How about I help you with this?
Accepting Offers
 Thank you.
 Yes, please.
 I'd like it very much.
 I'm pleased to do that.
 With Pleasure thank you.
 Yes please. I really appreciate it.
 Thank you, it's very kind of you
 Yes, please, that would be lovely
 Thank you, I really appreciate your help
Declining Offers
 No thanks.
 Not for me, thanks.
 I can't, thanks anyway
 No, I really won't, thank you
 Thank you, but I'm on a diet.
 It's okay, I can do it myself.
 No thank you.
 No thanks, I don't need any help
 Don't worry, I will do it myself.
 That's alright, I will manage it on my own.

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