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Day 2 – Creating Body Percussion Routine

Student Teacher Name: Brian Sevison Date: 12/3/2020

Lesson Topic and Grade: Introduction to Body Percussion, 6th Grade

PA Academic Standards (Benchmarks/Indicators) or National Standards of Music addressed

MU:Cr2.1.6a Select, organize, construct, and document personal musical ideas for arrangements and compositions
within AB or ABA form that demonstrate an effective beginning, middle, and ending, and convey expressive intent.

MU:Pr5.1.5a MU: Pr4.2.6c Identify how cultural and historical context inform performances.

MU:Pr5.1.6a Identify and apply teacher-provided criteria (such as correct interpretation of notation, technical
accuracy, originality, and interest) to rehearse, refine, and determine when a piece is ready to perform.

MU:Re9.1.6a Apply teacher-provided criteria to evaluate musical works or performances.

Instructional Objectives:
E.Q.: What is Body Percussion?
I can perform a Body Percussion Rhythm!
Students will learn what body percussion is, in addition to the main types, and how to create their own
Body Percussion Routine.

Youtube – Body Avlaia Group – In the hall of the body percussion king, BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY
with BODY PERCUSSION (Santi Serratosa)

Opening/Introduction Activity
Teacher (T) opens by asking Students (S) if they remember the 4 main types of body percussion which
they started talking about yesterday. T lets S answer and if they don’t get all of them, T goes through the
ones which they missed.
T tells S he has 2 videos to watch of groups doing body percussion.
T plays the videos, In the Hall of the Body Percussion King, and Bohemian Rhapsody with Body
Percussion, on the board for all S to see.

Learning Opportunities/Procedure:
After the videos are over, T asks S if they saw all 4 of the main patterns of Clapping, Snapping, Patting,
and Stomping.
T also asks what else they say that was outside of those 4 patterns. (Rubbing hands together, hitting the
back of the hand, moving the head, crossing the legs, patting on their neighbor lap, etc.)
T writes them on the board as S share, creating a list.
T also asked about the choreography which they say in the videos and how it affected their
T then moves to the next slide and tells S they are going to write their own body percussion routine
T asks S if they know what the notes are on the screen. S share what they know, if S say “Ta, or Ti, Ti”
T tells S they are correct, but in middle school we are going to use the actual names.
T asks S if they know what the actual names of the notes are. T lets S share, if they don’t know, or get
some wrong, T goes through the notes and their values with S.
T then puts the count under the notes for S to see. T then tells S to clap the rhythm together.
T counts off and T and S clap the rhythm together. If needed T repeats clapping the rhythm.
T then moves to the next slide.
T tells S they are going to create their own Body Percussion Routine together.
T explains to S that each note needs to be assigned one body percussion pattern.
T asks S what they want to use for their routine. As the first measure is completed, T tells S they are
going to try it together.
T demonstrates it for S so they know what it will look like, then tells S they are going to try it together.
If S struggle with it, T breaks it down slower until S are able to perform it.
After they get through the first measure, T tells S they are going to write the second measures body
percussion. T lets S choose what they want to use and when it is written, T demonstrates it for S and
then has S join.
T then puts both the first and second measure together.
T then tells S, they are all going to write their own body percussion routine to this pattern.
T moves to the next slide, and tells S that for their pattern, they are going to do the same steps as we did
together by assigning each note one of the 4 types of body percussion, and they have to use at least 3.
T tells S to go onto Schoology in the Body Percussion folder and to download the Creating Body
Percussion Routine to Notability and to start working on it.
Closing Activity
After S have the page downloaded, T tells S they have independent time to work on their routine.
T walks around the room and assists S as needed, as well as touches base with the virtual S to see how
they are doing.

Specific Differentiation Strategies:

If needed, students can do the first 2 measures rather than all 4.
During the student’s creation of their body percussion routine, I touched base with the students to make
answer any questions or address any concerns which they had. For some of the students, I worked with
them directly, making sure they were staying on task, and helping them through their body percussion

T observes S as they are doing the body percussion to make sure they are actively participating.
T makes sure S are using their time productively and not messing around on their iPads.

Throughout this lesson, the biggest issue which I ran into was showing the videos. When they watched it
though the Teams meeting as I played it for the in-person students, the virtual students said the videos
were glitchy and they didn’t always see everything which occurred in the videos. Other than that, this
lesson went as planned with no other issues occurring.

Lesson Analysis
In the beginning of this lesson, I opened with a review of the 4 types of body
percussion which we learned about in the previous lesson. I then reviewed the
types of body percussion with the students. After that, I had 2 videos for the
students to watch. After they watched the videos, we had a discussion about what
they saw in the videos. I asked if they saw all 4 types of body percussion which we
learned about, as well as other body percussion they saw that were not part of the 4
main types. I also asked about the choreography which did in the videos and how
that enhanced the performance visually. I then introduced the students to the
rhythm which they will be creating their body percussion routine to. In this portion
of the lesson, I covered how we address notes in middle school by using their
actual names, rather than “ta” and “ti ti” which they used in elementary school. We
then clapped the rhythm together as a class so all the students could get familiar
with the rhythm they would be using. Once the students were becoming familiar
with the rhythm, we began creating a body percussion routine as a class. I decided
to structure the lesson in the format in order for the students could be walked
through the process of creating a body percussion routine as a class before they had
the opportunity to do it on their own. After we created our routine, I allowed the
students time to practice it on their own and then we performed it together. During
this, I informally assessed the students on their ability to perform the body
percussion routine which we created together. After our performance together, I
went over the process they will be doing to create their own body percussion
routine. I then gave the students the remainder of the class to begin creating their
own body percussion routine. During this time, I walked around and touched base
with the students in person, as well as touched base with the virtual students as
Throughout the lesson, everything went as planned, with the only
issue being the virtual student’s ability to watch the video through the Teams
meeting which they were on for class. Other than that, the lesson went smoothly
with no need to alter the original lesson plan. The biggest take away from this
lesson, is the importance of making sure the student stayed on task while working
independently. With the virtual students, I couldn’t see their work or know how
much they were accomplishing in the time provided to them. With the aspect of
virtual learning, this was a concern I had but hoped through the expectation that
they would turn it in for a grade would make it clear for the students to use their
time productively. With the next lesson, I plan to allow more time for the students
to work on and practice their body percussion routine.

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