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Fare House of Representatives COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, HARRISBURG FROM: PA House of Representatives Right-to-Know Office SUBJECT: PA Right-to-Koow Law Request for House Resolution 75 of 1933 Dear Requester, ‘This memo is applicable to PA Right-to-Know Law requests for PA House Resolution 75 of 1933. Please find attached to this memo a self authenticated copy of HR 75 of 1933. Also attached, please find copies of the corresponding House Journal pages from May 4, 1953 (the. date HR'75 was passed inthe Hovse). Position on Statement of Certification ‘According to Pennsylvania Rule of Evidence 902(6): “Extrinsic evidence of authenticity as.» a condition precedent to admissibility is not required with respect tothe following: (©) “Official Publications. Books, pamphlets, or other publications : ‘purporting to he issued by public authority.” ‘This means that official publications, such as House Resolutions, issued by publi authority, such as the PA House of nfatives, are self-authenticating. Therefore; no statement of certification Is necessary for this document in order to use It in an official capacity. Qrenwnnernrnnse ‘THURSDAY, MAY 4, 1953 ‘The House of Representatives met at 11.00 olock A. ‘The Speaker (Grover C. Talbot) inthe char ‘The Chaplain, Roy. George F. Conner ofered prayer. ‘The Journal of Thuraday, May 4, 1999 wen partly real Whereupon, fr. Long moved thaithe further reading of the Journal be dispen ‘with, end fhe Journal approved, ‘Which was agreed to Mr. Hulton offered a resolution from the Committee on Rules : fhe oder of business for the day, which was twice read, as follows: The mot Mores, ‘oolved, That the order of business of the House for the Sos ive, Shire ‘Thursday, May 4, 1993, shall be as follows: Gregor, B, 1. Communications from the Governor and the Senate, reference On she of bills or petitions f0\committess; signing of bills or other papery fad clearing the table privileged at any time. E Shall 2 The esking of leave of absence. Te was ¢ 3. ‘The ressiving reports of committees. Reports from commit tua ale be eel muceditely fore or after «zen cz Ber On ‘asournment. (All bills reported from committen shall be reed fo= the fret time) il th: 4. Resolotions: twa A. House and congurrent resolations originating in the Home The Se other than these to discharge committes from consideration of smurieatio bills end fing special orders of basin read as fo B. Resolution recalling bills from the Governor aud the Sen- ‘ate, and resolutions retarring Bille to the Goversior are privlezed 5. Motions to recommit (this motion may also be made when & To the Dill ie Feached in ia regular order) we 6. Motions to reconsider privileged at any time oe 7. Bills on second readin; signed 8 : calling fr 8, Bills on Gal passage recalled from the Governor. cc 9. Bills on Gal patsige (bills on the fins) passage postponed aa slendar may be called tip under this order of business) 10, Bi on thisd reeding (bills on the third reading or fnal p> Mya] House OF khPRnGRrAr vgn o Tons, Moved shat the vote by whieh Helton No, 0 pemed ite Howe be eat at a Mr Fone wine te mon, iy Hs oan Mr Pltehl moved ‘hat thin résolution be Iaido the table. ‘The motion was agreed to. Me Whin eng 4p ston No 15. The roltin a rad as flown: Jn the House of Representatives, April 17, 1998. gape tate aamehne Nrteed ales qimeinant ee shih ‘Nauintitenee of ite artistic temperament have beeowe ceasns os Rie ‘This Society has donc much bout a th set cep le a er res Bob eae Cane Pee HN ty ‘These Mootil-Amerie the tes and mance ‘whic are ued in aceon fo whith they are seren HED Gf theee pe Ii or Bey: or ‘any other pret ne Beet ae (ei 7 10,08 OF WhiGh they may’ Reteatcr “acquire the Higey 0 Use. On the question, Will the House adopt the resolution? Te was adopted, ag fred te flowing reson woh man eve read, ‘opsldered and adopted. 1933 - LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL - HOUSE - PAGE 5759 RESOLUTION No. 75 ‘Mr. WITKIN, Mr. Speaker, | dosiro at tis imo to call up Resoktion No, 75, Printore No, 1034 ‘The Resolution was road by the Clork as follows: In the House of Representatives, April 17, 1933. Many sons and daughters of ‘that proud and handsome race which Inspired te architecture of Nornem At- ‘ea and cared Into Spain te intuence of its attic tomperaments have become ctizens of ‘his Nation, In the City of Philadelphia there exists 2 Moorish American Society made up of ‘Moors who have found here the end of thelr quost fora herne and of the chi ‘dren of tose who joumeyed hore from the plain of Morocco. ‘This Society has done much to bring about a thorough absorption by these people of those principles which are nooessary to make fem good American citizens. ‘These Moorish-Americans have since being here missed the use of the tiles and name annexations that wore s0 familar at home and wich are used in accordance withthe doctrines ofthe religious faith to which they are 2d hherents therfore ba ft, Resolved That this House commends the Mootah “American Society of Pitadebhia forthe eficent serdce It hae rendered the Nation in bringing about a speedy and thorough Americanization ofthese for- mer Moors and that in acoordance with the. fullest right of religious independ ‘ence guaranteed every ctizen we recognize also the right of these people to se the name affxes El or Alor Bey or any other prefix or sux to which they have heretofore been accustomed fo use or which they may hereafter acquire the right to use. ‘On the question, Will the House Adopt the resolution? twas Adopted May 4,1933

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