Credit Transactions Finals Reviewer

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Special Laws apply to pawnshops and

establishments engaged in making loans
Pledge – a contract by virtue of which the
secured by pledges. Provisions of the
debtor delivers to the creditor or to a third
Civil Code shall apply subsidiarily to
person a movable or document evidencing
incorporeal rights for the purpose of
securing the fulfillment of a principal In case of doubt as to whether a transaction
obligation with the understanding that when is a pledge or a dation in payment, the
the obligation is fulfilled, the thing delivered presumption is in favor of pledge, the latter
shall be returned with all its fruits and being the lesser transmission of rights and
accessions. [Art.2085 in relation to 2093] interests (Manila Banking Corp. vs.
Provisions Applicable Only to Pledge
1. Transfer of possession to the creditor or
to third person by common agreement is 1. Voluntary or conventional – created by
essential [Art. 2093] agreement of parties
a. Actual delivery is important 2. Legal – created by operation of law
b. Constructive or symbolic delivery of
Essential Requirements
the key to the warehouse is sufficient
to show that the depositary appointed Essential requisites common to pledge and
by common consent of the parties was mortgage [Art. 2085]
legally placed in possession
2. All movables within the commerce of 1. Constituted to secure the fulfillment of a
man may be pledged as long as they are principal obligation
susceptible of possession [Art. 2094] 2. Pledgor or mortgagor must be the
3. Incorporeal rights may be pledged. The absolute owner of the thing pledged or
instruments representing the pledged mortgaged
rights shall be delivered to the creditor; if 3. The persons constituting the pledge or
negotiable, they must be indorsed [Art. mortgage have the free disposal of their
2095]. property, and in the absence thereof, that
4. Pledge shall take effect against 3rd they be legally authorized for the
persons only if the following appear in a purpose.
public instrument: 4. Cannot exist without a valid obligation
a. Description of the thing pledged 5. Debtor retains the ownership of the thing
b. Date of the pledge [Art. 2096]. given as a security
5. The thing pledged may be alienated by 6. When the principal obligation becomes
the pledgor or owner only with the due, the thing pledged or mortgaged may
consent of the pledgee. Ownership of the be alienated for the payment to the
thing pledged is transmitted to the creditor. [Art. 2087]
vendee or transferee as soon as the Obligation of Pledgee
pledgee consents to the alienation, but
the latter shall continue to have 1. The pledgee cannot deposit the thing
possession [Art. 2097]. pledged with a 3rd person, unless there
6. Creditor has the right to retain the thing is a contrary stipulation [Art. 2100].
in his possession or in that of a third 2. Is responsible for the acts of his agents
person to whom it has been delivered, or employees with respect to the thing
until the debt is paid [Art. 2098]. pledged [Art. 2100]
3. Has no right to use the thing or to 4. May require that the thing be deposited
appropriate its fruits without authority with a 3rd person, if through the
from the owner [Art. 2104] negligence or willful act of the pledgee
4. May cause the public sale of the thing the thing is in danger of being lost or
pledged if, without fault on his part, there impaired [Art. 2106].
is danger of destruction, impairment or
Perfection – Arts. 2093, 2096
dimunition in value of the thing. The
proceeds of the auction shall be a Requisites for perfection
security for the principal obligation [Art.
2108]. 1. The thing pledged is placed in the
possession of the creditor or a third
Rights of Pledgor person [Art. 2093]
2. For the pledge to take effect as against
1. Takes responsibility for the flaws of the
third persons, a description of the thing
thing pledged [Art. 2101 in relation to Art.
pledged and the date of the pledge
should appear in a public instrument [Art.
2. Cannot ask for the return of the thing
against the will of the creditor, unless and
until he has paid the debt and its interest, Foreclosure – Arts. 2112, 2115
with expenses in a proper case [Art.
2105]. Requirements in Sale of the Thing Pledged
by Creditor, if Credit is not Paid on Time
Yuliongsiu vs. PNB: There is authority (Art. 2112)
supporting the proposition that the pledgee
can temporarily entrust the physical 1. Debt is due and unpaid
possession of the chattels pledged to the 2. Sale must be at a public auction
pledgor without invalidating the pledge. In 3. Notice to the pledgor and owner, stating
such a case, the pledgor is regarded as the amount due
holding the pledged property merely as 4. Sale must be made with the intervention
trustee for the pledgee. The type of delivery of a notary public
will depend upon the nature and the 5. If at the first auction the thing is not sold,
peculiar circumstances of each case. a second one with the same formalities
shall be held
PNB vs. Atendido: according to law, a 6. If at the second auction, there is no sale
pledgee cannot become the owner of, nor either, the creditor may appropriate the
appropriate to himself, the thing given in thing pledged but he shall give an
pledge. If by the contract of pledge the acquittance (release) for his entire claim.
pledgor continues to be the owner of the
thing pledged during the pendency of the Effect of the Sale of the Thing Pledged (Art.
obligation, it stands to reason that in case of 2115)
loss of the property, the loss should be 1. Extinguishes the principal obligation,
borne by the pledgor. whether the proceeds of the sale is more
3. Subject to the right of the pledgee under or less than the amount due.
article 2108, pledgor is allowed to 2. If the price of sale is more than amount
substitute the thing which is in danger of due, the debtor is not entitled to the
destruction or impairment without any excess unless the contrary is provided
fault on the part of the pledgee with 3. If the price of sale is less, the creditor is
another thing of the same kind and not entitled to recover the deficiency. A
quality [Art. 2107]. contrary stipulation is void
Pledge by Operation of Law – Art. 2121- Right to excess of proceeds of Sale
2122 Excess goes to the
Excess goes to the pledgee/creditor,
Legal Pledges/Pledge by Operation of Law debtor/mortgagor unless otherwise
[Art. 2121] stipulated
1. Necessary expenses shall be refunded to Right to recover deficiency
every possessor, but only a possessor in Creditor/
mortgagee is not
good faith may retain the thing until he mortgagee can
entitled to recover
has been reimbursed recover from the
any deficiency after
2. He who has executed work upon a debtor/mortgagor,
the property is sold,
movable has a right to retain it by way of except if covered
pledge until he is paid. This is called the by Recto Law
contrary stipulation
mechanic’s lien. [Art. 1731]
3. The agent may retain the things which
are the objects of agency until the Note: The provisions of the Civil Code on
principal effects the reimbursement and pledge, insofar as they are not in conflict
pays the indemnity. This is called the with the Chattel Mortgage Law shall be
agent’s lien. [Art. 1914] applicable to chattel mortgages [Art. 2141]
4. The laborer’s wages shall be a lien on REAL MORTGAGE
the goods manufactured or the work
done. [Art. 1707] Mortgage – a contract whereby the debtor
secures to the creditor the fulfillment of a
Note: principal obligation, specially subjecting to
1. In legal pledges, the remainder of the such security immovable property or real
price of the sale shall be delivered to the rights over immovable property which
obligor. obligation shall be satisfied with the
2. Public auction of legal pledges may only proceeds of the sale of said property or
be executed after demand of the amount rights in case the said obligation is not
for which the thing is retained. It shall complied with at the time stipulated
take place within one month after the Only the ff. property may be the object of a
demand, otherwise the pledger may contract of mortgage (Art. 2124)
demand the return of the thing pledged,
provided s/he is able to show that the 1. Immovable
creditor did not cause the public sale 2. Alienable real rights in accordance with
without justifiable grounds. [Article 2122] the laws, imposed upon immovable

Chattel Mortgage vs. Pledge Note: Nevertheless, movables may be the

object of a chattel mortgage. (Art. 2124)
Chattel Mortgage Pledge
Delivery of Personal Property Kinds of mortgage:
Delivery is required 1. Voluntary – agreed to between the
Not required for the validity of parties or constituted by the will of the
the pledge
owner of the property owner
Registration in the Chattel Mortgage
2. Legal – one required by law to be
Not necessary; executed in favor of certain persons
Necessary for 3. Equitable – one which, although lacks
public document is
validity of the CM the proper formalities, nevertheless
enough to bind 3rd
against 3rd persons reveals the intention of the parties to
burden real property as a security for an 1. Mortgagor – need not be the debtor;
existing debt & contains nothing must be the absolute owner of the thing;
impossible or contrary to law must have free disposal of the property
2. Mortgagee – one who receives the
- Accessory
Notes on Real Mortgage:
- Subsidiary
- Unilateral - A building by itself may be mortgaged
- As a general rule, the mortgagor retains apart from the land on which it is built.
possession of the property. He may - Future property cannot be the object of
deliver said property to the mortgagee mortgage.
without altering the nature of the contract o In order to bring future property within
of mortgage the coverage of the mortgage, the
- It is not an essential requisite that the mortgagor must execute a mortgage
principal of the credit bears interest, or supplement after the mortgagor
that the interest as compensation for the acquires ownership of the properties
use of the principal and the enjoyment of or after those properties come into
its fruits be in the form of a certain existence
percentage thereof - A stipulation subjecting to the mortgage
- Mortgage creates an encumbrance over lien improvements which the mortgagor
the property, but ownership of the may subsequently acquire in connection
property is not parted with. It merely with real property already mortgaged is
restricts the mortgagor’s jus disponendi valid.
over the property. The mortgagor may - A co-owner has the full ownership of his
still sell the property, and any stipulation part & he may mortgage his part except
to the contrary is void [Art. 2130] when personal rights are involved.
- Mortgage extends to the natural - The mortgagor retains possession of the
accessions, to the improvements of property mortgaged as security for the
growing fruits and the rents or income payment of the sum borrowed from the
NOT YET RECEIVED when the mortgagee-creditor.
obligation becomes DUE, including - Mortgagee in possession is not entitled
indemnity from insurance, and/or amount to reimbursement for the value thereof
received from expropriation for public use upon the redemption of the mortgage.
[Art. 2127] - A mortgage executed by an authorized
o Applies only when the accessions and agent who signed in his own name
accessories subsequently introduced without indicating that he acted for & on
belongs to the mortgagor. behalf of his principal binds only the
o To exclude them, there must be an agent & not the principal.
express stipulation, or the fruits must - In addition to the requisites, it is
be collected before the obligation indispensable that the document in which
becomes due it appears be recorded in the Reigstry of
o Third persons who introduce Property. If the instrument isn’t recorded,
improvements upon the mortgaged the mortgage is nevertheless binding
property may remove them at any time between the parties (Art. 2125, par. 1)
o Registration only operates as a notice
Parties: of the mortgage to others but neither
adds to its validity nor converts an
invalid mortgage into a valid one o Registration is necessary only to affect
between the parties. third persons.
- If the mortgage is a purely private - The creditor may claim from a third
document, the creditor may recover the person in possession of the mortgaged
loan, although the mortgage document property, the payment of the part of the
evidencing the loan was non-registrable credit secured by the property which said
being a purely private document. third person possesses, in the terms and
- A registered mortgage right over property with the formalities which the law
previously sold is inferior of the buyer’s establishes. (Art. 2129)
unregistered right. o The fact that the mortgagor has
- A registered mortgage is superior to a transferred the mortgaged property to
contract to sell, subject to any liabilities a third person doesn’t relieve him from
the owner may have incurred in favor of his obligation to pay the debt to the
the buyer by mortgaging the property mortgage creditor in the absence of
despite his commitment under the novation.
contract to sell. - A stipulation forbidding the owner from
- A prior registration of a lien creates a alienating the immovable mortgaged
preference. shall be void. (Art. 2130)
- If the mortgage is invalid, the principal o The mortgagor-owner’s sale of the
obligation remains valid and the property doesn’t affect the right of the
mortgage deed remains as evidence of a registered mortgagee to foreclose on
personal obligation the same even if its ownership had
- The mortgage directly and immediately been transferred to another person
subjects the property upon which it is who is bound by the registered
imposed to the fulfillment of the mortgage.
obligation for whose security it was - Foreclosure must be limited to the
constituted. (Art. 2126) amount mentioned in the mortgage
- The mortgage extends to the natural document.
accessions, improvements, growing fruits - Once the proceeds have been applied to
and rents not yet received when the the payment on the obligation, the debtor
obligation becomes due (Art. 2127) cannot anymore be required to pay,
- When a mortgage is made to include unless there is a deficiency between the
new or future improvements on amount of the loan and the foreclosure
registered land, said lien attaches vests sale price, because the obligation has
on the date of the recording and already been extinguished. (State
registration of the deed of mortgage. Investment House, Inc. vs CA)
- A mortgage given to secure future
advancements is a continuing security Mortgagee in possession – one who has
and is not discharged by the repayment lawfully acquired actual or construction
of the amount named in the mortgage, possession of the premises mortgaged to
until the full amount of all the loans or hin, standing upon his rights as mortgagee
advancements obtained are paid. & not claiming under another title, for the
- The mortgage credit may be alienated or purpose of enforcing his security upon such
assigned to a third person, in whole or in property or making its income help to pay
part, with the formalities required by law. his debt.
(Art. 2128) Doctrine of mortgagee in good faith
o The alienation or assignment is valid
even if it is not registered.
- Mortgagee has a right to rely in good Essential requisites common to pledge and
faith on what appears on the certificate of mortgage (Art. 2085)
title of the mortgagor to the property
1. Constituted to secure the fulfillment of a
given as security an in the absence of
principal obligation
anything to excite suspicion, he is under
2. Pledgor or mortgagor must be the
no obligation to look beyond the
absolute owner of the thing pledged or
- Doctrine doesn’t apply to a situation
3. The persons constituting the pledge or
where the title is still in the name of the
mortgage have the free disposal of their
rightful owner & the mortgagor is a
property, and in the absence thereof, that
different person pretending to be the
they be legally authorized for the purpose
- Exception: where purchaser/mortgagee Foreclosure
has knowledge of a defect or lack of title
in the vendor or the mortgagee doesn’t Foreclosure – the remedy available to the
directly deal with the registered owner mortgagee by which he subjects the
mortgaged property to the satisfaction of
Registration – the ministerial act by which a the obligation to secure which the mortgage
deed, contract, or instrument is inscribed in was given where the mortgagor is in default
the records of the Office of the Register of in the payment of said obligation.
Deeds and annotated on the back of the
TCT covering the registered land subject of - In general, an action for foreclosure of a
the deed, contract or instrument. mortgage is limited to the amount
mentioned in the mortgage, EXCEPT
Effects of mortgage: when the mortgage contract intends to
secure future loans or advancements
- If the mortgagor sells the mortgaged
- Blanket mortgage/dragnet – mortgage
property, the property remains subject to
that subsumes all debts of past or future
the fulfillment of the obligation secured
by it. All subsequent purchasers of the
- Mortgage may be used as a “continuing
property must respect the mortgage,
security” which secures future
however the mortgage must be
advancements and is not discharged by
registered or they must know its
the repayment of the amount in the
- Creates merely on encumbrance
- Alienation or assignment of mortgage
Ownership rights of mortgagor credit is valid even if it is not registered
1. Right to sell – what is divested is only his Acceleration clause – the stipulation stating
full right as owner thereof to dispose of that on the occasion of the mortgagor’s
and sell the property, not the default, the whole sum remaining unpaid
unconditional power to absolutely sell the automatically becomes due and
property demandable, is allowed.
2. Right of possession – unless the
Kinds of Foreclosure
mortgage should contain some provision
to that effect 1. Judicial
3. Right to mortgage – allowed to take a 2. Extrajudicial
second or subsequent mortgage on a
property already mortgaged Judicial Foreclosure (Rule 68, ROC):
a) May be availed of by bringing an action Extrajudicial foreclosure (Act No. 3135)
in the proper court which has jurisdiction
1. Applies to mortgages where the authority
over the area wherein the real or
to foreclose is granted to the mortgagee
personal (in case of chattel mortgage)
2. Authority is not extinguished by death of
property involved or a portion thereof is
mortgagor or mortgagee. This is an
agency coupled with interest
b) If the court finds the complaint to be well-
3. Public sale should be made after proper
founded, it shall order the mortgagor to
notice to the public, otherwise it is a
pay the amount due with interest and
jurisdictional defect which could render
other charges within a period of not less
the sale voidable
than 90 days nor more than 120 days
4. There is no need to notify the mortgagor,
from the entry of judgment. If the
where there is no contractual stipulation
mortgagor fails to pay at the time
directed, the court, upon motion, shall
order the property to be sold to the Proper notice consists of:
highest bidder at a public auction
c) Upon confirmation of the sale by the a) Posting notice in 3 public place
court, it shall operate to divest the rights and/or
of all parties to the action and to vest b) Publication in newspaper of general
their rights to the purchaser subject to circulation
such rights of redemption as may be 5. Surplus proceeds of foreclosure sale
allowed by law belong to the mortgagor
d) Before the confirmation, the court retains 6. Debtor (who must be a natural person)
control of the proceedings has the right to redeem the property sold
e) Execution of judgment subject to appeal within 1yr. from and after the date of
but not annulment sale
f) The foreclosure of the property is a. If the mortgagee is a bank and the
completed only when the sheriff’s debtor is a juridical person, then there
certificate is executed, acknowledged is no right of redemption. However, it
and recorded may redeem the property BEFORE
the registration of the TCT to the
The proceeds of the sale shall be applied to buyer, which is similar to the equity of
the payment of the: redemption. The TCT must be
registered within THREE MONTHS
a) Costs of the sale
after the foreclosure
b) Amount due to the mortgagee
b. The mortgagor can only legally
c) Claims of junior encumbrancers or
transfer the right to redeem and the
persons holding subsequent mortgages
use of the property during the period
in the order of their priority
of redemption
d) Balance, if any shall be paid to the
7. Remedy of party aggrieved by
foreclosure is a petition to set aside sale
Nature of Judicial Foreclosure Proceedings and the cancellation of writ of
possession. However, if the mortgagee is
1. Quasi in rem action; hence, jurisdiction
a bank, the mortgagor is required to post
may be acquired through publication
a bond equal to the value of the
2. Foreclosure is the only result or incident
mortgagee’s claim.
of the failure to pay the debt
3. Survives death of mortgagor
8. Republication of the notice of sale is consideration the peculiar
necessary for the validity of the circumstances
postponed extrajudicial sale 2. Property may be sold for less than its fair
9. In foreclosure of real estate mortgage market value, upon the theory that the
under Act 3135, the buyer at auction may lesser the price the easier it is for the
petition the land registration court for a owner to redeem
writ of possession pending the one-year 3. The value of the mortgaged property has
period of redemption of the foreclosed no bearing on the bid price at the public
property auction, provided that the public auction
was regularly and honestly conducted.
Nature of power of foreclosure by
extrajudicial sale A suit for the recovery of the deficiency after
the foreclosure of a mortgage is in the
1. Conferred for mortgagee’s protection
nature of a mortgage action because its
2. An ancillary stipulation
purpose is precisely to enforce the
3. A prerogative of the mortgagee
mortgage contract. [Caltex v. IAC]
Waiver of security by creditor
- Both should be distinguished from
1. Mortgagee may waive the right to
execution sale governed by Rule 39 of
foreclose his mortgage and maintain a
personal action for recovery of the
- Foreclosure retroacts to the date of
registration of the mortgage
2. Mortgagee cannot have both remedies.
- A stipulation of upset price or the
This is because he only has one cause of
minimum price at which the property
action, the non-payment of the mortgage
shall be sold to become operative in the
event of a foreclosure sale at public
auction, is null & void. Redemption
Right of mortgagee to recover deficiency 1. It is a transaction by which the mortgagor
reacquires the property which may have
1. Mortgagee is entitled to recover
passed under the mortgage or divests
the property of the lien which the
2. If the deficiency is embodied in a
mortgage may have created
judgment, it is referred to as deficiency
2. Kinds:
a. Equity of redemption: in judicial
3. Action for recovery of deficiency may be
foreclosure of real estate mortgage
filed even during redemption period
under the ROC, it is the right of the
4. Action to recover prescribes after 10yrs.
mortgagor to redeem the mortgaged
From the time the right of action accrues
property by paying the secured debt
Effect of inadequacy of price in foreclosure within the 120 day period from entry of
sale judgment or after the foreclosure sale,
but before the sale of the mortgaged
1. Where there is right to redeem, property or confirmation of sale
inadequacy of price is immaterial i. formal offer to redeem preserves
because the judgment debtor may the right of redemption, e.g., by
redeem the property filing an action to enforce the right
a. Exception: Where the price is so to redeem
inadequate as to shock the
conscience of the court, taking into
b. Right of redemption: in extrajudicial obligation and no right of innocent third
foreclosure of real estate mortgage, persons is prejudiced.
the right of the mortgagor to redeem
Effect of registration
the property within a certain period
after it was sold for the satisfaction of 1. Creates real rights
the debt 2. Adds nothing to mortgage
i. For natural persons – one year from
the registration of the TCT Registration of assignment of mortgage not
ii. For juridical persons – three required
months from the foreclosure a) A chattel mortgage may be alienated or
iii. Formal offer to redeem must be assigned to a third person
with tender of redemption price to b) The debtor is protected if he pays his
preserve right of redemption creditor without actual knowledge that
Note: There is no right of redemption in the debt has been assigned
pledge and chattel mortgage. c) Affidavit of good faith is required

CHATTEL MORTGAGE (Act No. 1508) Affidavit of good faith – an oath in a contract
of chattel mortgage wherein the parties
Chattel mortgage – a conditional sale of “severally swear that the mortgage is made
personal property as security for the for the purpose of securing the obligation
payment of a debt, or the performance of specified in the conditions thereof and for
some other obligation specified therein, the no other purposes and that the same is a
condition being that the sale shall be void just and valid obligation and one not
upon the seller paying to the purchaser a entered into for the purpose of fraud.”
sum of money or doing some other act
named. If the condition is performed Effect of absence: Mortgage is vitiated only
according to its terms, the mortgage and as against 3rd persons without notice.
sale immediately become void, and the Venue of registration
mortgagee is thereby divested of his title
[Section 3, Act 1508] - If he resides in the Philippines, in the
office of the register of deeds of the
Characteristics province in which the mortgagor resides
- Accessory at the time of the making of the chattel
- Formal mortgage
- Unilateral - If he does not reside in the Philippines,
- Excess of the proceeds of the sale goes in the province in which the property is
to the debtor/mortgagor situated
- Creditor/mortgagee can recover - If the property is situated in a province
deficiency from the debtor/mortgagor different from that in which the mortgagor
except if covered by the Recto Law resides, the mortgage shall be recorded
in both provinces. [Sec. 4, Act 1508]
Period within which registration should be
made Notes on Chattel Mortgage

- The law is substantially & sufficiently - When a corporation is a party to a chattel

complied with where the registration is mortgage, the affidavit may be made and
made by the mortgagee before the subscribed by a director, trustee, cashier,
mortgagor has complied with his principal treasurer, or manager thereof, or by a
person authorized to make or receive place of issue of such certificates of
such mortgage ownership.
- When a partnership is a party, the
Growing crops as chattel mortgage
affidavit may be made and subscribed by
one member thereof - The mortgage may contain an agreement
stipulating that the mortgagor binds
Validity of Chattel Mortgage (Sec. 4)
himself properly to tend, care for and
Chattel mortgage shall not be valid against protect the crop while growing, and that
any person except the mortgagor, his in default of the performance of such
executors or administrators unless: duties, the mortgagee may enter upon
the premises, take all the necessary
1. The possession of the property is
measures for the protection of said crop
delivered to and retained by the
and retain possession thereof and sell
mortgagee or
the same, and from the proceeds of such
2. The mortgage is recorded
sale pay all expenses incurred in caring
Formal requisites [Sec. 5] for, harvesting, and selling the crop and
the amount of the indebtedness or
a) It should substantially comply with the obligation secured by the mortgage, and
form prescribed by law the surplus, if any, shall be paid to the
b) It should be signed by the person/s mortgagor or those entitled to the same
executing the same in the presence of
two witnesses who shall sign the Property covered by CM
mortgage as witnesses to the execution
- Only the property described therein and
thereof and
not like or substituted property thereafter
c) Each mortgagor and mortgagee or, in the
acquired by the mortgagor and placed in
absence of the mortgagee, his agent or
the same depository as the property
attorney, shall make and subscribe an
originally mortgaged, anything in the
affidavit in the form prescribed by law,
mortgage to the contrary
which affidavit, signed by the parties to
notwithstanding. [Sec. 8, Act 1508]
the mortgage and the two witnesses and
the certificate of the oath signed by the Breaches
person authorized to administer an oath
Failure of mortgagee to discharge the
shall be appended to such mortgage and
recorded therewith
If the mortgagee, assign, administrator,
Description of the property – the mortgaged
executor or either of them,
property should be described such as to
enable the parties to the mortgage, or any 1. After performance of the condition before
person, after reasonably inquiry and or after the breach thereof, or
investigation, to identify the same 2. After tender of the performance of the
condition, at or after the time fixed for the
Large cattle as chattel mortgage
performance, does not within ten days
- The description shall contain the brands, after being requested thereto by any
class, sex, age, knots or radiated hair or person entitled to redeem, discharge the
remolinos or cowlicks and other marks of mortgage in the manner provided by law,
ownership as described and set forth in the person entitled to redeem may
the certificate of ownership of said recover of the person whose duty it is to
animal/s, together with the number and discharge the same, twenty pesos for his
neglect and all damages occasioned
thereby in an action in any court having 2. the residue shall be paid to persons
jurisdiction of the subject-matter thereof. holding subsequent mortgages in their
[Sec. 8] order
3. the balance, after paying the mortgages,
When the condition of the chattel mortgage shall be paid to the mortgagor or person
is broken, a mortgagor or person holding a holding under him on demand
subsequent mortgage, or a subsequent
attaching creditor may redeem the same by ANTICHRESIS
paying or delivering to the mortgagee the Antichresis – a contract whereby the
amount due on such mortgage and the creditor acquires the right to receive the
reasonable costs and expenses incurred by fruits of an immovable of the debtor, with
such breach of condition before the sale the obligation to apply then to the payment
thereof. An attaching creditor who so of the interest, if owing, and thereafter to
redeems shall be subrogated to the rights of the principal of the credit. [Art. 2132]
the mortgagee and entitled to foreclose the
mortgage in the same manner that the Characteristics
mortgagee could foreclose it. 1. accessory
2. formal – must be in a specified form to be
Foreclosure valid [Art. 2134]
- The mortgagee, his executor,
administrator or assign may cause the Special requisites:
mortgaged property or any part thereof to 1. it can cover only the fruits of an
be sold at a public auction by a public immovable property
officer 2. delivery of the immovable is necessary
1. After 30 days from the time of for the creditor to receive the fruits, not to
condition broken make the contract binding
2. At a public place in the municipality 3. amount of principal and interest must be
where the mortgagor resides, or specified in writing [Art. 2134]
where the property is situated 4. express agreement that debtor will give
3. Provided at least 10 day-notice of the possession of the property to creditor
time, place, and purpose of such sale and that the latter will apply the fruits to
has been posted at 2 or more public the interest, if any, then to the principal of
places in such municipality his credit.
4. The mortgagee, his executor, Note: The obligation to pay interest is not
administrator, or assign shall notify the essence of the contract of antichresis;
the mortgagor or person holding there being nothing in the Code to show
under him and the persons holding that antichresis is only applicable to
subsequent mortgages of the time securing the payment of interest-bearing
and place of sale at least 10 days loans. On the contrary, antichresis is
previous to the sale: susceptible of guaranteeing all kinds of
a. either by notice in writing directed obligations, pure or conditional.
to him or left at his abode, if within Obligations of Antichretic Creditor
the municipality, or 1. To pay taxes and charges on the estate,
b. sent by mail if he does not reside including necessary expenses [Art.
in such municipality 2135].
Creditor may avoid said obligation by:
Disposition of Proceeds a) compelling the debtor to reacquire
The proceeds of the sale shall be applied to enjoyment of the property
the payment: b) by stipulation to the contrary
1. first, to the costs and expenses of 2. To apply all the fruits, after receiving
mortgage them, to the payment of interest, if owing,
and thereafter to the principal
3. To render an account of the fruits to the
4. To bear the expenses necessary for its
preservation and repair
Remedies of Creditor in Case of Non-
payment of Debt
1. Action for specific performance
2. Petition for the sale of the real property
as in a foreclosure of mortgage under
Rule 68 of ROC [Art. 2137]
a. The parties, however, may agree on
an extrajudicial foreclosure in the
same manner as they are allowed in
contracts of mortgage and pledge
[Tavera v. El Hogar Filipino, Inc.]
b. A stipulation authorizing the antichretic
creditor to appropriate the property
upon the non-payment of the debt
within the agreed period is void [Art.

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