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1. Complete the sentences with the right verb to be. Possitive or negative. 5 points

- My name ___ Alice Reed.

- You ___ from my home town.
- I ___ from Mexico. I’m from Brazil.
- Shannon and Kyle ___ here. They’re at the mall
- Daniel ___ my brother. He’s my cousin.
- I ___ 19 years old.
- ___ he an English student?
- ___ they from Germany?

2. Match 1-5 with a-e to complete the sentences. 2.5 points

1. Sam, you a. aren’t from the U.S., but from Canada.

2. Hello. I b. is 221 South Avenue.
3. My address c. are funny!
4. John d. isn’t in your class today
5. Pierre and I e am in your class at college.

3. Mark the correct option. 2.5 points

1. What is your name / your name is?

2. Where / When are you from?
3. How old they are / are they?
4. When / How is your birthday?
5. Who / What is Peter?
6. What is your phone number? / your number is?

4. Write questions using question words. 2.5 points

- (your address) “___?” It’s 44 Westminster Street.

- (Richard and Mark) “___?” They’re 20 years old.
- (your birthday) “___?” It’s 12th February.
- (your brother) “___?” Steven, the man with the brown hair.
- (our class) “___?” It’s in Room 6A.

5. Write the dates. Recuerden que en británico el día va primero; en americano, el mes va
primero. 2.5 points

- 25th August
- 22th July
- April 19th
- Marth 3rd
- 11th November.
6. Complete the blank spaces with the right to be verb. 5 points

Peter Barker ___ from Manchester, but Paul and John ___ from London. Manchester
and London ___ cities in England. Hamburg ____ a city in Germany. Sandra ___ at
school today. Jack and Peter ___ her friends. They ___ in the same class. Mr Baker ___
on a trip to the USA to visit his cousin. She ___ a nice girl. Peter says: “My
grandmother ___ in hospital. I ___ at home with my grandmother”. What time ___ it?
It ___ 8 o’ clock. ___ you tired? No, I ___ not.

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