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Learning Activity

Name: Musa,Johaney A. Date:November 30,2020

Yr.& Sec.2-BEED B Score:

1.Discuss. What does constructivism have to do in classroom?

➡.In a constructivist classroom,students control their own learning process,they lead the way
by reflecting to their own experiences.The teachers creates situations in which the students will
question their own and each other's assumptions.Constructivism relies on the collaboration of
the students.The main reason is that students learn about learning not only from
themselves,but also from their peers.In constructivist classroom,students use inquiry methods
to ask questions,investigate,and use variety of resources to find solutions or answers.

2.How does this theory of constructivism differ from traditional ideas about teaching and

➡A constructivist classroom is learner-centered, students are active learner and not just
recipient of information, the teacher facilitate and guides students to learning. In a
constructivist classroom learning is more on thinking and understanding.Students in a
constructivist classroom are curious and ask questions, they enjoy learning in having a part in
the exchange of ideas. It only not promote learning but also promote social and communication
skills.Constructivist classroom emphasis on big concepts,has other sources of materials,learning
is interactive and there is exchange between students and teacher,learner-centered,students
are active learners while Traditional classroom is more on direct instruction and teacher-
centered. Students are passive learner and its the teacher that directs and controls most of the
learning activities.Traditional classroom emphasis is more on the basic skills,textbooks are the
main resource,learning is rote memorization and repetition,they are teacher-centered ,and
students are passive learners.
3.Discuss. What are some critical perspectives of constructivism in social studies?

➡Constructivism is a philosophy of learning, by reflecting on our experiences, we construct our

own understanding of the world we live in.We can explore the world with our own
consciousness.Social constructivists regard the truth as for belief or fact that is created by the
community and socially adapted to different circumstances. Thus, it is not contained in the
mind of a person but emerges as a result of ongoing interaction and dialogues within human
societies as they search for truth.

4.Discuss the benefits of constructivism and social constructivism in the classroom.

➡In the constructivist classroom, both teacher and students think of knowledge as a dynamic,
ever-changing view of the world we live in and the ability to successfully stretch and explore
that view.In the constructivist model, the students are urged to be actively involved in their
own process of learning.Understanding or constructing a meaning is an active and continuous
process.Learning may involve some conceptual changes.Learning is an active, not a passive,
process and depends on the students taking responsibility to learn.In social constructivist
classrooms collaborative learning is a process of peer interaction that is mediated and
structured by the teacher. Discussion can be promoted by the presentation of specific concepts,
problems or scenarios, and is guided by means of effectively directed questions, the
introduction and clarification of concepts and information, and references to previously learned

5.Discuss. What does social constructivism have to do in classroom?

➡Social constructivist approaches view teaching and learning as a shared social experience in
which meanings are jointly and actively constructed and where more knowledgeable 'others'
such as teachers, teaching assistants or other children or adults help to build and develop
children's understandings.Social contructivism maintains that learning is based on real life
adoptive problem solving which takes place in a social manner through shared experience and
discussion with others such that new ideas are matched against existing knowledge and learner
adapts rules to make sense of the world.Teachers should allow their students to come up with
their own questions, make their own theories, and test them for viability.

Learning Activity

Name: Musa,Johaney A. Date:November 30,2020

Yr.& Sec.2-BEED B Score:

1.Discuss how issues and challenges affect the social studies educators today?

➡Issues and challenges affect the social studies educators today because students nowadays
are technology-based learning.We can't deny the fact that educators for this generation are
being controlled by the the social media,their mind are centered with media.Issues and
controversies they have seen or watched in the internet has a great impact on them.Especially
to those issues that are centered in teenagers.Fake news and cyberbullying arises.This major
issues will have a great impact in social studies.

2.Do you think students are willing to learn social studies as part of their curriculum? If Yes
explain why?. If No justify it.?

➡Yes because As a student social studies prepares us to grow up as active, responsible, and
reflective members of society. It also teaches us to address societal and global concerns using
literature, technology and other identifiable community resources.With the help of this we can
be able to know more about past events happen in the world where we live in.This knowledge
enables the students to understand how the world and different societies have evolved, the
important events that have occurred in the past, enduring ideas and eminent personalities that
have created an impact and affected the lives of people both locally and globally. It also helps
us to understand how different societies are structured, managed and governed.This can also
helps students to eventually develop a holistic understanding of their environment and the
interrelationship which exists between the natural and human habitats.This can also help
students to observe, learn and understand human behaviour, values and attittudes.Social
studies help us to know about the different religions and cultures which exist in the world other
than their own. This in turn helps the students to develop a wider perspective of society and
the human condition.

3. Discuss how the work of teaching and teacher education has come to focus increasingly on
helping students to meet state standards.?
➡In the future, schools will be more fluid, teachers more adaptable and flexible, and students
will be more accountable as the task of learning becomes theirs. The teachers efforts to
improve education will rise or fall on the quality of our teaching force, and higher education has
the defining role in preparing the next generation of teachers.If the teachers help their students
meet their standards the school be more productive.The students will become more
active,participative and can improve or develop their skills.Establishing high standards lets
everyone in the education system know what to aim for. They allow every student, every
parent, and every teacher to share in common expectations of what students should know and
be able to accomplish. Students will learn more when more is expected of them, in school and
at home. And standards will help create coherence in educational practices by aligning teacher
education, instructional materials, and assessment practices.

4.How will you consider the future role of technology in the social studies.

➡As we can observed students nowadays, students are technology-based on learning.They can
learn more by the help of technology.Technology opens the door to learning social studies skills
and content in ways impossible in the traditional classroom. The social studies teacher in
today’s classroom can use technology to extend learning opportunities for K-12 students.
Teacher education faculty can most effectively take full advantage of technology by introducing
students to activities in which skills and content are taught more actively and
meaningfully.Social studies teacher education faculty members who effectively integrate
technology in methods courses provide students opportunities to explore applications for the
K-12 classroom and to consider how technology is changing the way we teach and learn.

5.Enumerate and discuss some conflicts regarding new teaching and learning strategies in social

➡Role play and simulations are forms of experiential learning.Role plays and simulations
function as learning tools for teams and groups or individuals as they "play" online or face to
face. Role play and simulations are forms of experiential learning that allow students to explore
concepts, practice skills, relate to others, see multiple perspectives, and engage in various
modes of learning in the classroom. This student-centered space can enable learner-oriented
assessment, where the design of the task is created for active student learning.

Guided imagery involves all the senses, not just the visual sense.Guided imagery sometimes
called guided meditation, visualization, mental rehearsal, and guided self-hypnosis is a gentle
but powerful technique that focuses the imagination in proactive, positive ways.

Technology-based learning -Technology provides different opportunities to make learning

more fun and enjoyable in terms of teaching same things in new ways.Technology-based
learning (TBL) constitutes learning via electronic technology, including the Internet, intranets,
satellite broadcasts, audio and video conferencing, bulletin boards. TBL also encompasses
related terms, such as online learning and web-based learning that only include learning that
occurs via the Internet, and computerbased learning that is restricted to learning through the
use of computers

Learning Activity

Name:Johaney Musa Date:November 30,2020

Yr.& Sec.2 BEED B Score:___________

A.Written activity:

1.As a future educator,how will you address some of the classroom management worries such

➡a.How will you organize your classroom space?

Having an organized classroom space has great impact to a students learning.I can organized
my classroom space by the following; Have or make a bulletin board /wall space in which it has
a purpose for my room, Arrange desks and/or table to work comfortable,Have a sectioning if
your class is dedicated to small group,Keep my teaching materials in reach and lastly Keep my
shelf space organized so that I can easily access or find what I am going to find.

➡b.What does learning look like?

Learning is a concept in which a students is applying,analyzing,evaluating,and creating their

own ideas in a certain situation.Learning is challenging,active,and engaging.It is collaboration of
students vs. students and also students and teachers.It is about gaining knowledge
discovering,getting to know things about the world we live in.

➡c.How do you build relationships with students’ families?

The best reason to be a good teacher is having a positive,inspiring impact on children's

lives.Building a relationship with students families is about having a connection not onlybfor
your students but for the parents.I can build build relationship by having an approach to a
students family with respect,understand each family's views and expectations.Begin wit a
positive interaction with ghe parents.Have a sense of humor.

2.As a future educator how do consider yourself as an effective teacher?

➡As a future educator,I can consider myself as an effective teacher because I can say that I've
learned everything about teaching strategies as what my previous instructors apply with us.I
can be able to apply what they called empathy,passion in teaching,and patience towards my
3.Enumerate and discuss some qualities of an effective teacher that could contribute to the
learning of students.

1. Love Your Students➡One of the characteristics of an effective teacher is that these teachers
feel privileged and honored to be a part in their students’ lives. They relate to their students by
finding out what they’re interested in and then learning more about those interests. This way
they can be more involved with their class and design lesson plans and reading material that is
both relevant and exciting to their students.2.Listen to Students➡Listening to students goes a
long way in building relationships based off of trust and mutual respect. The teachers that do
listen receive valuable insight into the lives of their students. Students are more likely to ask for
additional support when struggling with reading or other subjects if they are in an environment
where they know they will be taken seriously.3.Make Time for Each Student➡Teachers that
make time for each student individually can see which students need to be challenged in their
reading and which ones are struggling and could use some additional support. These teachers
aren’t necessarily better at time management; however, they do know when to ask for help so
they can make time for this important best practice.4.Fill the Classroom with Positivity➡It’s
amazing how far a smile and a kind word can go toward lifting the mood of the entire classroom
—especially for students that may be struggling with reading or other subjects. Another quality
of an effective teacher is that they are consistently upbeat, which enables their students to feel
secure in their learning environment.5.Collaborate with Other Teachers➡Having a
collaboration together with your co-teachers can build an effective and productive
relationship.Being a team player allows teachers to be even more productive. Looking out for
one another and brainstorming together is not only a great way to create meaningful
friendships, but it also helps uncover creative solutions for teachers. In addition, exchanging
ideas with other educators can provide valuable insight that can then be implemented in the
classroom.6.Develop Relationships with Parents➡Getting everyone onboard in a child’s
education is an important factor that determines how motivated the child will be throughout
his or her entire scholastic career and reading development. Teachers that build open
communication with parents will achieve the results that are in the best interests of their
Learning Activity

Name:Johaney Musa Date: November 30 2020

Yr.& Sec.2 BEED B Score:___________

Instruction: Make your own personal classroom management plan. Follow the given format
below: Use short bond paper.
My Personal Classroom

Management Plan
Teaching Goals or Objectives

1.To improve students academic performance

2.To develop thinking skills of the students

3.To motivate students to learn


Classroom Environment

Draw or describe your room arrangement.

U-shaped arrangement- i prefer to use u-shaped layout to ensure that my students can
pay attention to me.With this arrangement I can be able to identify the students who is
paying attention or not.This u-shaped arrangement encourages the discussion more
effective because a teacher can easily observe his/her students.Collaboration would
become more effective.This arrangement is better when it comes to a small group of
Sketch bulletin board ideas that you have seen or develop one bulletin board for your classroom.
Make a class motto you are planning to use.

"I may forfeited but not defeated,Tomorrow is my day"

Classroom Operation

Class Rules

1.Follow instructions or directions.

2.Come to class earlier.
3.Show respect to everybody.
4.Listen when someone is speaking.
5.Love your teacher

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